JIMIN | Starboy ♥ [Dance Tribute]

  • Опубліковано 1 сер 2017
  • Guys halp, I have fallen deep into the BTS hole of damnation and now I can't get out. I feel like a freaking 15 year old all over again and it's quite disturbing tbh. Nonetheless, here is the first video of my boy Jimin :D. I just like him, ok x).
    Clips belong to their respectful owners, namely:
    miningful moment, Little Blossom JM, jamjam park, ggo gii, poco a poco. a Jimin, BANGTANTV, Hiyama Koto, Today PJM, mix match, nukutzaa, @thelasttjm, Mnet K-POP, KBSKpop, ibighit


  • @bobshighnote7845
    @bobshighnote7845 6 років тому +312

    I fangirl over your edits like they're a new BTS music video😂😂

    • @BogusBozo
      @BogusBozo 6 років тому +1

      😂😂😂 same. well put :)

  • @yoongigucci3981
    @yoongigucci3981 6 років тому +415

    Your work needs more appreciation❤

    • @yinam.1823
      @yinam.1823 6 років тому

      Rice Is Life It really does

  • @plutoniumuppercrust
    @plutoniumuppercrust 6 років тому +235

    The ending saved 2017. Also, I should be studying for my anatomy tests but I creeped on your channel after the House of Cards trailer edit to find more gold about BTS and I am so glad you joined the fandom :) Enjoy your stay because there's no getting out :)))

  • @TinaComeGalletas13
    @TinaComeGalletas13 6 років тому +39

    once you jimin, you can't jimout. Your work is AMAZING, REALLY INCREDIBLE AND NEEDS MORE APPRECIATION!!

  • @uwu_mara2003
    @uwu_mara2003 6 років тому +12

    Damn most sexy edits aren't that good (like just showing moments and putting music behind it) but this actually made you feel it. It had power and actual emotions.

  • @rain-jw4xz
    @rain-jw4xz 6 років тому +12

    "This video is not available" I want to cry.

    • @ashen7843
      @ashen7843 6 років тому +2

      I feel sorry for you

    • @kemywhite6762
      @kemywhite6762 4 роки тому

      OMG that's so sad is it because of the county you live in.

  • @noxfior
    @noxfior 7 років тому +79

    Can I just... cry? You getting into BTS is the best thing ever bc you're amazing and they're amazing, so yeah, I'm gonna cry. I became an Army at the end of May and I'm totally obsessed.
    This video is stunning! These boys need all the appreciation they can get. I'm vidding myself, after 1 year dry spell, bc of them. I'm making a Suga appreciation one tho bc he's my Bias, although Hobi in my Ultimate Bias Wrecker bc he's Mr. Sunshine and when that boy moves, he MOVES, and all the others are Bias Wreckers on the regular bc... well, Exhibit A above. HOW can you not love them all? How? You showcased Jimin's skills perfectly. He's just... **sniff**sob**slowclap** Bless. You, ♥♥♥
    I love you and I cannot wait for your future BTS videos! I'll even watch the Mafia AU one even though I loathe how people romanticize it in various fandoms when the Mafia is wrecking Italy and killng people still, instead of just calling it Crime AU, but whatever, I need to stop with the rambling bc this is not the place to have ths in depth discussion tbh

    • @Sapphiamur
      @Sapphiamur  7 років тому +8

      Heyyy! Fellow BTS army member, I had no idea! ;)) Thanks so much for the lovely comment, I’ll be definitely watching out for your vids as well :). Seriously though, I have never fallen for a band (or anything really) so fast and so intensely as I did with BTS. Just 2 weeks ago I watched Pewds react to Kpop feat. BTS. So of course I had to check them out. The first video I saw was War of Hormone and all it took was for Jimin to appear and lick his lips in the first scene and I was like „well, I’ve just sold my soul to the devil“. Since then I’ve probably watched every single video of them on the net, read a few fics and got infired so hard I couldn’t focus on anything else. Honestly, what the hell. But yeah, I think after Jimin Suga is probably my favourite :)). But let’s be real here they are all bias wreckers no matter what we tell ourselves x). And so extremely talented I just want to cry.
      About the mafia, you made a very good point and I completely understand why you wouldn’t want to read or watch something that tackles this subject and romanticises it. It’s definitely not something that should be taken lightly. But just to be more clear, the fanfiction I’m making a video for (House of Cards) is actually quite brutal and above all showcases the psychological aspect of people who are engaged in mafia and what led them to do the horrible things that they do. I thought the fic was clever in that it never forced you to see the fucked up things as romantic, but rather as what they actually were - pretty fucked up. I’m certain that the story is not everyone’s cup of tea, though. It features heavy violence, drug abuse, very explicit sexual content… As it is, the thing I struggle with more (for obvious reasons) is the fact that the story borrows actual people, not fictional characters like I’m used to. But I really think it’s worth it, the story is amazing, very intense and easily has one of the most satisfying endings I’ve ever read in any fiction period ;). I even pulled out my After Effects kit to hopefully make the story justice, which is to say something, cuz that shit takes time x).

    • @noxfior
      @noxfior 7 років тому +2

      Sapphiamur OMG THATNK YOU FOR THE AMAZING REPLY! I feel honored, honestly, bc I've respected you as a vidder for years and years, now. I've shifted through fandoms and then there you were as well and it always made me so happy!
      Also, yes, the saying that goes "once you Jimin, you can't Jimout" proves to be hella true more and more lol Jimin was the first I noticed as well (BS&T? Gosh, that look he gives there at the beginning kills me even after having seen that video hundreds of times).
      You can clearly see tho the shift in Bias in my gallery lol It's like, three pics/gifs with Jimin and then Suga hits hard. I think I have around 100 gifs and pics of him, if not more. It's ridiculous lol It's the first time I fell into the fandom of a music group. Like, I love, LOVE Linkin Park, but never fell into their fandom, never made videos with them, never read fics and so on, even though their songs were with me since I was a kid (more than 11 years have passed for sure).
      Falling in love with BTS was a totally different experience, and the fact that there's so much good footage with them (footage that got me through the stress and anxiety of exams), from funny, to deep, to inspiring, to awe inducing, to sexy stuff, does not help with getting over the obsession (bless. I don't want to get over it lol).
      I have in mind of doing a Mr. and Mr(s). Smith AU video with Yoonseok/Sope, my favorite ship, once I find the time and finish this video first (dealing with shipping real ppl after I've told myself I'd never do that again after J2, years and years ago, was another process I had to undergo, but... so much chemistry! They don't help with that either! I mean, Suga invented their ship name, Sope, and he said that they are Soul Partners and Hobi always manages to bring his more energetic and happy side out and I just- sigh. I'm not the type of person that tries to push this stuff onto the ppl involved, tho, so l'm harmless).
      As for the Mafia AU thing, what you told me about this one is miles better than what I encountered so far, and believe me, I've encountered a lot.
      My problem is that unfortunately people act like Mafia does not really exist anymore, or that it's mellowed out, or that it has a moral code that is somehow honorable etc, when the truth is that in Italy, where the Mafia comes from, it is still thriving, it kills anybody who stands in their way in any way (even if you are a mere inconvenience), it uses people and takes their belongings, it kills kids by immersing them into acid in order to send a message etc, and in order to make a Mafia AU that is loyal to the actual behavior the Mafia has, in order to not spit on the bodies of the victims of the Mafia, one has to completly twist good characters/people's personalities bc one can't be good and still be part of the Mafia. You simply can't. Those who are even remotely good, some of them try to get away from it and get killed in the process, they don't try to enforce it's power while hiding behind a moral caode that simply does not exist. So yeah, that's why as soon as I hear/see Mafia AU, I have a negative reaction, bc people have proven to me many times that they don't know what the Mafia is and what it does an that it is very active today as well and those same people have a negative, insulting reaction in front of the people who try to educate them on the matter (like some Americans telling actual Italians that live in Italy how the Mafia actually is -,-). I always ask myself, would people defend Transatlantic Slave Trade AUs or Ferguson AUs as much as they are defending the Mafia AUs I've seen so far? So yeah, to say it's a pet peeve of mine is and understatement.
      That being said, thank you for listening to my explanation and not taking my rant he wrong way bc it was not meant as an attack towards you or the author, bu as criticism of a harmful behavior in fandom (or fandoms, bc Mafia AUs are everywhere)! From the sounds of it, this AU does twist the characters to fit the behavior the Mafia has, so I guess I can't say anything against that. I will watch your video bc I love youd vidding, tho, and I'll just think of it as Crime AU lol
      Thank you again!

    • @Sapphiamur
      @Sapphiamur  7 років тому +2

      I think there has never been a more true statement than „once you Jimin, you can’t Jimout“ x). Lol so far I haven’t started collecting pictures, but I did download like 200+ videos and I seriously feel like a freaking stalker making my own personal stalker shrine.
      I was so surprised when you said Linkin Park, because music-wise they are my absolute favourite band ever! Seriously I’ve been a fan of them since I was like 9 and they got me through some really hard times too. I listen to their old albums pretty much all the time. Just 2 months ago I visited one of their concerts. I still can’t quite process what happened to Chester and that we will never hear his beautiful voice live again . But yeah, also never really engaged in the fandom. I think it’s mainly because Linkin Park for me had such a personal connotation that I never really cared to share it with others, if you know what I mean. It’s just something that I’ll always treasure for myself.
      Yes, BTS is very much a different experience. Great music, even though not really up my alley, but I grew to like it a lot, especially as a performance package coupled with the incredible dancing. But what really speaks to me on a personal level is Yoongi and the songs he wrote, which I can very much relate to. He’s so talented, honestly. But apart from the music I just really enjoy watching them (not to sound creepy), but you know. There is something special and inspirational about people who are talented, motivated, hard-working, smart, funny, not to mention incredibly good-looking, who are fulfilling their dreams and enjoying life. Just the way it’s supposed to be ;). I think we all like the sentiment. I really don’t mind that to a certain degree what we see is a little bit fabricated, but the happy feelings I get are very much real ;).
      Oh my god, that Mr. & Mrs. Smith video sounds like so much fun! :DD If only we had more material to work with, right? All the majestic AUs we could create @_@... Haha, my ship is a threesome V/Jungkook/Jimin. I’m not even ashamed at this point x). And Hobi, our sunshine and flowers. And from what I read apparently 10x more attractive in real life than on camera (god help us all). I mean, honestly. Plus I totally get the Sope pairing . BUT I think we all must agree that the only real pairing here is actually the mom and the dad of BTS, no? X)) (believe me, I cringe at myself internally all the time, but still can’t really help it xD).
      As for the mafia - you certainly gave me some food for thought. It’s absolutely sobering hearing about the stories and being reminded again that this kind of horrific and inhumane practices are still very much in place. I think for me, what it really comes down to is the purpose of fiction. Sometimes fiction serves to describe realistic real life situation and sometimes it’s there for us to just escape from reality, both of which I find quite important. When it comes to the "romanticized fic versions" of gang/mafia etc., I just take it for what it is, which is definitely not a realistic portrayal of the very real situations, but a reality escape fantasy. Although, I'd still argue if anything, the HoC fic is the opposite case. That being said, I absolutely 100% understand where you‘re coming from and would never dream of telling you how you should feel about certain things

    • @noxfior
      @noxfior 7 років тому +2

      OMG OMG OMG SAME ABOUT LINKIN PARK. Like, all of that. I feel you on every level. Good lord I cried so hard when I heard about Chester. Like, I heard as soon as it got out and I was in denial until Mike confirmed it and I just broke down, then.
      As for BTS, some of the songs were an instant hit with me (BS&T, Fire, Not Today, Dope, just to name a few), some grew on me. I don't think there are songs that I outright dislike, tho.
      As for Yoongi, omg yes! His lyrics are one of the reasons why I fell for him (but every day I discover that so far, there's not one thing I dislike of him, which is hella strange lmao Must be the fact that we got the same result in the personality test and he's also hella beautiful lol).
      His mixtape speaks to me on every level, especially The Last and So Far Away (I prefer the version with Jin and Jungkook. It's like Yoongi is putting the pain in the song, and those two bring the healing balm, with Yoongi saying "dream" in that way which honestly makes me want to dream). The Last always hits the hardest. Also, his solo in the Wings Album ♥. All of those made me tear up. His lyrics are always on point #bless.
      I also love his aggressive side in his raps, even though it might not be everybody's cup of tea. Like yessss, tell 'em like it is, baby. It's like, Rapmon is the on point metaphores/chill guy, Hobi is the fun rapper, that disses you in fun ways with an underlying message of "do yourself a favor and stop loosing your time hating on me" (btw we're waiting for your hixtape, Hobi!), while Suga is the one that spits fire and tells you how it is to your face with clever wording. (btw, have you seen that compilation of Hobi moaning diring Cypher 3 lives when Suga says his " As you know, my voice will turn you on. Whether it’s a guy or girl, my tongue will make you come" part? Bc O. M. G. THOSE happened.)
      I just have so many feels for these guys!
      Also yes! I low-key ship those ships as well even tho they are not my OTP. Once I set my eyes on Sope, I was lost. Namjin is pure and everybody loves it, myself included. We can all agree on that lol. While Vjikook are like, perfect together. The maknae line's chemistry is on point. Like give me a fic where you have Sope, Namjin and Vjikook, and I'm happy lmao. I low-key also ship Jimin with Rapmon bc Jimin is his little, cute mochi and that one Billboard interview didn't help. Oh, and of course, something that has never happened to me before: OT7. That was surprising lol
      As for the videos thing, bless! There's so much footage! I thrive on that (although, it's such a pain to look for the best quality videos you can find of a certain thing and find ways where to download them tbh)
      The fancams are a blessing in itself. I think I almost cried when I found out about their existence by accident. Seeing as it is not easy to see Suga during performances bc the camera rarely focuses on him and he's in he bakc pretty often, I can enjoy him dancing without problems. While with Hobi, seeing fancams of him is what made me realize how good of a dancer he is bc he's not as often in the center. Big Hit is kinda sleeping on him in regards to showcasing his dancing (although Boy Meets Evil is a good step ahead ♥♥♥). I mean, no wonder he's the choreo leader!
      As for Jimin, I look for Lie performances regularly lol So. Good. I showed my mom and she loved it as well.
      (btw, i forgot to thank you also for using this song bc I love it al lot and I've wanted to use it for Magnus Bane for a while, but never found the time to finish the video and I don't know if I will, but seeing it used by you... *wipes tear*)
      As for he Mafia thing, yeah, it's horrifying. I mean, the problem is exactly that it is kinda ignored outside of Italy and romanticized via movies/media, so people have a certain set of ideas about it, but when you have marches and days dedicated to remembering the victims (I've been living in Italy for half my life, since I was about 11 yo) , what Mafia means hits close to home. I am glad that you can see my pov. Unfortunately, not many people do that, which is very sad, seeing as the topic is not trivial at all.

    • @Sapphiamur
      @Sapphiamur  7 років тому +2

      Heyy, I’m so sorry for not answering earlier, for some reason (which turned out to be virus) my browser kept freezing and I couldn’t manage to save the long reply I was writing. (After that I sort of lost the energy to formulate the essay again and than completely forgot I was even supposed to reply - yeah, bless my excellent memory xD).
      But anyway, YES, you described all the boys perfectly, that’s exactly how I feel too

  • @heidib9981
    @heidib9981 6 років тому +51

    I don’t know why people say Jimin looks like a girl, because I’m over here thinking he’s so dayum hot. That’s why whenever someone brings up how girly he looks, I say, “he’s a sexy woman”, just to tell them that I’m still attracted. But yes, I love BTS and I’ve been a fan for about a month or two. I love BTS to death!

  • @bloodyparkdrog678
    @bloodyparkdrog678 6 років тому +11

    Too perfect to be real...
    I loved the song and the video, like shit, omg

  • @gymiegreysongleek
    @gymiegreysongleek 6 років тому +37


  • @azizaismailova5760
    @azizaismailova5760 Рік тому

    The greatest of all time

  • @scarletdasrepmar523
    @scarletdasrepmar523 6 років тому +16

    You and I in the same problem, I feel like a teenager again...lol. Welcome to hell!!! AND YOU CAN FUCKING EDIT TO SAVE THE WORLD!! YOU ARE HEAVEN!!! SOOOO FUCKING GOOD

  • @mementosnorri
    @mementosnorri 6 років тому +18

    I'm so here for your fanvids! It's the first time I've seen a Jimin fanvid like this. I think you will bring good things to this fandom. It's interesting because the different editing styles convey different perspectives on who BTS are. Yours is refreshing and unusual!

    • @Sapphiamur
      @Sapphiamur  6 років тому +3

      You have no idea how glad I'm to hear this

    • @essencehoskins4369
      @essencehoskins4369 2 роки тому +1

      @@Sapphiamur I really love your work and I love the trailers you do! Keep it up! 😊👋👍👍👍

  • @tamilamelison2854
    @tamilamelison2854 5 років тому +1

    Прошел год, а я все ещё залипаю на этот шедевр :3

  • @user-ir3pu2do5g
    @user-ir3pu2do5g 4 роки тому +1

    Merece más visualizaciones y más me gusta lpm. Estoy encantada con esos efectos

  • @sofiasrensen8723
    @sofiasrensen8723 4 роки тому +1

    Love this

  • @igotnolifeu3852
    @igotnolifeu3852 6 років тому +3


  • @zerotwo5884
    @zerotwo5884 6 років тому +4

    *There are no dislikes!!!!first video iv'e ever seen without dislikes😍 so OMG JIMINIE*

  • @MSuri0813
    @MSuri0813 5 років тому +1


  • @lonelywhale9510
    @lonelywhale9510 6 років тому


  • @charlenepayot8075
    @charlenepayot8075 4 роки тому

    oh damn life this guy he's too wonderfully handsome he's at the peak of perfection. And respect to whoever made this video bravo it is too beautiful

  • @Celii_17
    @Celii_17 4 роки тому +2

    Wooow, te quedo INCREIBLEEE!😍😍

  • @dianamacias3768
    @dianamacias3768 5 років тому +3

    Sin palabras ,lo mejor que he visto en toda la semana y talvez tambien la siguiente 😄 (me llegó la inspiración :'v)

  • @Foxi95
    @Foxi95 6 років тому +1

    This is so underrated!!

  • @user-yv7fn6xr2m
    @user-yv7fn6xr2m 6 років тому +2

    Love your work! So glad that you're an ARMY now! Welcome!

  • @dagamimon
    @dagamimon 7 років тому +5

    ARMYS ARE BLESSED WITH YOUR EDITS HOLY POOP, and welcome to the fandom, fam :'D

  • @ece9983
    @ece9983 3 роки тому


  • @MochiLoveMoni
    @MochiLoveMoni 3 роки тому

    That was amazing.💜

  • @camillesch7297
    @camillesch7297 6 років тому

    The more I watch you work, the more I love it.

  • @HexeduArctica
    @HexeduArctica 6 років тому +19

    OMG! I just watched your video trailer of House Of Cards and then this, I love your work!!!
    Welcome to the fandom! It's great to have people so talented :3
    I'm just curious... Where are you from?

    • @Sapphiamur
      @Sapphiamur  6 років тому +8

      Hey, thank you

    • @HexeduArctica
      @HexeduArctica 6 років тому +3

      Sapphiamur Wow! I have never met an ARMY from there! Greetings and love and support for your work and for you to Czech Republic :)

  • @obesechickenstripper8836
    @obesechickenstripper8836 6 років тому +3

    Lowkey i fell in love with your videos today like i just found them and 4 of them made me more emotional then I've ever been in my entire life please keep up the amazing work❤👍 oh yeah and i love you like i might cry again😭❤

  • @manabluerose
    @manabluerose 4 роки тому

    Great fanvid! And haha, oh man, the void and long and deep. I've been falling for a while now. If Jimin isn't your bias, he's definitely a bias wrecker.

  • @brontemcwillims8574
    @brontemcwillims8574 4 роки тому +1

    I got a pregnancy test ad before this.

  • @tatiana5614
    @tatiana5614 5 років тому +1

    Me encanta
    Me Tienes acabo suscribirme
    Jimin forever 😍😍

  • @ivanacutiepiez5720
    @ivanacutiepiez5720 5 років тому

    Your edits are INSANEE!! Keep it up,absolutely amazing!!

  • @agnesstremel8394
    @agnesstremel8394 4 роки тому

    Я гляжу кто то влюбился в bts 😏раз раньше были только фанфики с фильмами, то теперь bts и это навсегда!) ❤️

  • @meloedits
    @meloedits 3 роки тому

    This is so good!!

  • @ginnundso
    @ginnundso 6 років тому

    This is literally the best (edit) I have ever seen

  • @user-lz1yf3yv4b
    @user-lz1yf3yv4b 7 місяців тому

    Это классно!!!

  • @feifeienchanted920
    @feifeienchanted920 6 років тому

    this is art love it❤️

  • @natalieb2766
    @natalieb2766 6 років тому

    Okay but seriously, the one song Come Get Her by Rae Sremmurd is the perfect song for Jimin like every time I listen to it, I think of Jimmie. ❤ but this video....😍😍

  • @Celii_17
    @Celii_17 5 років тому


  • @criistalix185
    @criistalix185 5 років тому +1

    This is so goodddd!

  • @Ganyuvu
    @Ganyuvu 6 років тому

    WOW I JUST CHOCKED ON AIR, this is a blessing omg YOU DESERVE more appreciation

  • @TokkiTaeminnie
    @TokkiTaeminnie 6 років тому

    Wow what an edit man. I don't even know where to start. I like how everything flows together so smoothly as if it was made like that. All the sound effects are great and I feel like you summed up the starboy park jimin in one video. I love it

  • @charitymonzon2068
    @charitymonzon2068 6 років тому


  • @nefttiss
    @nefttiss 6 років тому

    This is art.

  • @Bearyhappyjongho
    @Bearyhappyjongho 6 років тому

    When the beat dropped at 0:57 I felt that in my SOUL. 😥

  • @Dev-xs6td
    @Dev-xs6td 5 років тому


  • @suspabopark1473
    @suspabopark1473 6 років тому

    O MY GOD !!! this is soooo amazing !!! Like I have seen many FMVs but u ....👌 and I also never commented on any FMVs but here U GOT ME !!!

  • @AlexaLexie
    @AlexaLexie 6 років тому


  • @cheriruthenberg5719
    @cheriruthenberg5719 5 років тому

    So awesome!!!!! 😍😍😍😍😍

  • @reeduscat6717
    @reeduscat6717 6 років тому


  • @hannahrosario6984
    @hannahrosario6984 6 років тому +30

    .... I'm pregnant.

  • @jay-k-hey6633
    @jay-k-hey6633 6 років тому

    This video gives me so many types of feels man....😭🤤😩😍

  • @jelly4364
    @jelly4364 5 років тому

    Oh god.... I gotta share this😱❤

  • @harukaryuuku8439
    @harukaryuuku8439 5 років тому

    Just BRAVO...no commente...

  • @malfoyesque
    @malfoyesque 6 років тому

    Now this is some old-school quality content, kudos girl! I remember your vids from the Harry Potter era, so glad to see your talent applied to BTS in general (and Jimin in particular, that boy is really something else :D)

  • @nafshy
    @nafshy 6 років тому

    You've done by a few videos for BTS but they are the best on UA-cam in my opinion, wish you would do more

  • @yeehaw1091
    @yeehaw1091 5 років тому +1

    my eyes? blessed.
    my grades? higher.
    my acne? cleared.
    my spine? finessed.
    hotel? trivago.

  • @silvereesshh2974
    @silvereesshh2974 3 роки тому +1

    I need someone to say JIMIN HAS SEEN THIS MASTERPIECE bcz well... damnnn!! this is perfect and def can be his solo MV. Is there some fiction on this??
    Also the vibes WOAHH... why am i getting deep into these vids of yours?? What's special is in here?? I'll have to look more ig

  • @hmtasnem1323
    @hmtasnem1323 Рік тому

    Old Jimin is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @kiyomi6568
    @kiyomi6568 5 років тому

    it has been almost two years and I still haven't gotten over that video❤️

  • @Taetae-sh3ll
    @Taetae-sh3ll 6 років тому

    You're amazing! I love youuu❤❤❤❤

  • @rinseik0
    @rinseik0 6 років тому


  • @zxcz191
    @zxcz191 7 років тому

    It's very cool! Thanks.
    I'll wait more videos about BTS!

  • @kikisdayy
    @kikisdayy 6 років тому

    Oh wow ❤

  • @Callisto000
    @Callisto000 6 років тому


  • @mrsbaetaeass6165
    @mrsbaetaeass6165 5 років тому

    You are my fav youtuber❤ from today

  • @maplerini6613
    @maplerini6613 6 років тому

    I’ve relayed this so many times omg

  • @damlatarakci3410
    @damlatarakci3410 6 років тому

    *Jimin Stans Death and i‘m wrecked by him*🤯🔥🔥❤️ love it 👏🙊

  • @kikki2649
    @kikki2649 6 років тому

    I really hope that he will see that💖💖💖

  • @katt1206
    @katt1206 4 роки тому

    Your editing is no joke, holy shit!

  • @MarceloSantos-jn5nc
    @MarceloSantos-jn5nc Рік тому

    e muito bom eu amei ele

  • @sweettemptationwarning8226
    @sweettemptationwarning8226 6 років тому

    Damn I worried my heart could not handle the influx of an overabundance of feelings!!!!!!

  • @terezac5064
    @terezac5064 2 роки тому


  • @ann5977
    @ann5977 6 років тому

    Omg, wow....

  • @vg6228
    @vg6228 6 років тому


  • @chauvetlison6705
    @chauvetlison6705 6 років тому

    That's so well done ! I'm begging you to do others BTS FMV pleeaaase ! :)

  • @FWR-rn9fr
    @FWR-rn9fr 4 роки тому


  • @gfllwr
    @gfllwr 5 років тому

    i.... love with my whole hshshshshshs heart

  • @violetstarlight5561
    @violetstarlight5561 6 років тому

    Bled my shook

  • @aeljadolen7163
    @aeljadolen7163 5 років тому

    Hooooooolllllllyyyyyt ffuuuuuuuuuccccck

  • @millevictoria2482
    @millevictoria2482 6 років тому +5

    Why I can't watch this? 😩😩😩

  • @gemmaurbanski4993
    @gemmaurbanski4993 6 років тому

    yes yes yes yes yes yes

  • @natalieb2766
    @natalieb2766 6 років тому

    Yeap and I just lost my shit...this is fucking amazing

  • @parkjimin8875
    @parkjimin8875 4 роки тому +3

    Если я не хорошо кайфанула , то я не знаю что тогда сделала

  • @ingg2090
    @ingg2090 3 роки тому

    lol im watching all ur bts edits after being absolutely rudely attacked by your "yoongi's confession" vid
    this is late but i hope u have enjoyed ur stay haha! ig u could say im more of a newer fan too but ive fallen in deep for quite a while now too

  • @alisa.vladimirova
    @alisa.vladimirova 3 роки тому


  • @hannedeconinck5905
    @hannedeconinck5905 5 років тому

    Oh... so this is where it started....

  • @Gidelette
    @Gidelette 5 років тому

    He IS a motherfucking StarBoy! Awesome edit!

  • @rabaijilayusuadi368
    @rabaijilayusuadi368 2 роки тому

    armizah jimin👙👙👙👙👙👙👙👙👙👙👙👙👙👙👙👙👙👙👙👙👙👙👙👙👙👙👙👙👙👙👙👙👙👙👙👙👙👙👙👙👙

  • @moontaerian_9311
    @moontaerian_9311 5 років тому +1

    hey !! i really love your work, honestly i've been streaming it for a couple of days sksksk
    i wanted to know which music you did use for this ? i was looking for this remix of starboy but couldn't find it ksslksm

  • @alondra6268
    @alondra6268 6 років тому


  • @janinesmith8339
    @janinesmith8339 5 років тому


  • @ypplie
    @ypplie 6 років тому

    Did you remix the song!? Cause damn! And the editing is on point!

  • @kimanh03
    @kimanh03 6 років тому

    Zero dislikes just like there should be

  • @dazxci1302
    @dazxci1302 6 років тому


  • @acciojinmyoppa4850
    @acciojinmyoppa4850 6 років тому

    Me now:... holy shit WOW

  • @beautifullife1259
    @beautifullife1259 6 років тому +5

    I got here because of BTS, at first I was like, wth, this lerson doesn't even have kpop content and all of a sudden making kpop vids

    • @Sapphiamur
      @Sapphiamur  6 років тому +5

      What can I say, Jimin happened and suddenly I got infired xD.