I tried Celebrity Owned Restaurants!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 2 тис.

  • @PurpleBox89
    @PurpleBox89 Місяць тому +1100

    Pitbull's restaurant reminds me of something I'd see in GTA Vice City...and for that reason alone I'd go there. And the gyro platter!!

    • @BobotPlayzBobotRebel
      @BobotPlayzBobotRebel Місяць тому +11

      maybe it'll be in gta 6

    • @greywitchwanderer9608
      @greywitchwanderer9608 Місяць тому

      I thought this as well

    • @arenbane
      @arenbane Місяць тому +12

      It's OG, It's been a chain since the 80's throughout Florida... it used to be called Miami Subs. Pitbull revitalized it and threw capital into it. Original founder was greek.

    • @Michael-hi7xk
      @Michael-hi7xk Місяць тому +2


    • @Flizbap
      @Flizbap Місяць тому +2

      Their Gyro is legitimately really good.

  • @AthenaPendragon
    @AthenaPendragon Місяць тому +1490

    I would pay money to see you and Gordon Ramsey in the same room cooking together. :P

    • @basemtalha
      @basemtalha Місяць тому +25

      I second that.

    • @WBC32
      @WBC32 Місяць тому +25

      How do you even think these 2 compare to each other.

    • @PixelatedMagikarp
      @PixelatedMagikarp Місяць тому +9

      not possible guga really doesnt like ramsey

    • @basemtalha
      @basemtalha Місяць тому +19

      @@WBC32 Why not? You know how fun it would be seeing Gordon Ramsay collabing or meeting with Nick DiGiovanni, Guga, Nigel Ng and even Vincenzo altogether. It would be an absolute riot and I'd be all for it.

    • @charlesrovira5707
      @charlesrovira5707 Місяць тому +14

      @@basemtalha But for a switch, I'd have them cook each others' signature dishes.

  • @kheldaur2107
    @kheldaur2107 18 днів тому +20

    Guga is just so nice. I´ve been on a Guga binge for the past couple of days, he´s just so fun to watch.

  • @todo9633
    @todo9633 28 днів тому +142

    The free cookies for a reviewer is the sort of thing I would absolutely expect from a place owned by Pitbull.

    • @IceTTom
      @IceTTom 24 дні тому

      Really tho? Why is that, exactly? You know the guy personally, huh? Y'all go way back? You ABSOLUTELY expect it?

    • @Samuri5hit84
      @Samuri5hit84 23 дні тому +6

      I would have expected a 5 minute lap dance from the club across the street. 🤣

    • @andrewenricotanrrt1875
      @andrewenricotanrrt1875 22 дні тому

      @@IceTTomwtf is wrong with you man?

    • @Dmv5
      @Dmv5 14 днів тому


    • @swoldier8516
      @swoldier8516 14 днів тому

      What would you have preferred?

  • @LilWhittie72
    @LilWhittie72 Місяць тому +36

    Guga so humble, even in throwing shade the man is respectful 😂
    "My turn to try and roast you" 😂

  • @galaxes
    @galaxes Місяць тому +313

    That miami grill manager was for sure loves his job. Great to see people like this. Thumbs up to him!

    • @videostash413
      @videostash413 Місяць тому +1

      hey, everyone expresses happiness differently, and that's okay

    • @bboysfanatic
      @bboysfanatic Місяць тому +8

      Especially when someone comes in with a camera to do a review 🤣

    • @IceTTom
      @IceTTom 24 дні тому +1

      He FOR SURE loves his job.. because he gave out a cookie?? 🥴 Amazing..

  • @mikadotakimura
    @mikadotakimura Місяць тому +179

    The “dale” cracks me up lmao

    • @HN_DE
      @HN_DE Місяць тому

      😂😂😂 is it „deadly“? Sorry, not a native speaker

    • @Samizouza
      @Samizouza Місяць тому +4

      ​@@HN_DEIt means "come on" in Spanish even though Guga is Brazilian and speaks Portuguese

    • @jake862944
      @jake862944 29 днів тому +4

      It's like a jump scare lmao

    • @childofcascadia
      @childofcascadia 9 днів тому

      Native speaker of what?
      "Dale" isnt English. Its Spanish. If you said it to a random monolingual white American who knows no Latinos, they will be confused.

    • @mr.makeemfeelaway3241
      @mr.makeemfeelaway3241 8 днів тому

      every time😭😭

  • @rafaelortiz2099
    @rafaelortiz2099 Місяць тому +26

    Always love your enthusiasm Guga! Keep up the variety videos!

  • @Jsizzle181
    @Jsizzle181 28 днів тому +4

    Looking good Guga! Your journey over the last year is so impressive dude, keep at it

  • @ravinazn
    @ravinazn 20 днів тому +1

    That Dayummmm on the burger was so genuine. I'm loving this side channel and series.

  • @lsferreira42
    @lsferreira42 Місяць тому +219

    Guga took chef Ramsay's comments personally.

    • @Bluefalcon888
      @Bluefalcon888 Місяць тому +18

      Good, guga has A LOT to learn from star earners.

    • @MiguelCastillo-jl3ly
      @MiguelCastillo-jl3ly Місяць тому


    • @scorpiohurley6786
      @scorpiohurley6786 26 днів тому +8

      ya think??? this guy far from a chef or a restaurant owner... hes just a internet foodie holding grudges on people who know how to actually COOK

    • @MarcIverson
      @MarcIverson 20 днів тому +1

      @@scorpiohurley6786 Wow that's a lotta Guga hate there! Of course he's not a chef, but that doesn't mean he can't make a dish as well as anyone.

    • @horusluprecal1144
      @horusluprecal1144 20 днів тому +1

      @@MarcIverson "he's not a chef" Perhaps not in the traditional sense or maybe more accurately, he has a different business model. He will come to your location and cater your event and cook a dead cow for you but it's NOT going to be cheap. He's probably making more cash making his videos than he would being a chef at a place even if he's the owner. (I think he does own a place that's in Brazil) & I'm sure he enjoys cooking for his own family a lot more than a few hunderd strangers daily.
      Can he outcoook Gordon Ramsey if they went head to head on a show like 'Iron Chef'...... Highly unlikely even if steak was what they chose as the nights ingredient. (well, he'd be competative with that one but not much beyond it)
      Does that mean anything? Nope.
      If you hire either one of them to make a meal for you, You're going to leave with a smile on your face and a full belly.

  • @Sugondees
    @Sugondees Місяць тому +551

    That Beef Wellington was ready to walk off the plate.

    • @basemtalha
      @basemtalha Місяць тому +26

      Dude the visual you got in my head with that was hysterical.

    • @Meinster-q7w
      @Meinster-q7w Місяць тому +8

      That's what I was thinking lol.

    • @hisazul
      @hisazul Місяць тому +15

      That welly could probably still run away if it wasn't wrapped in pastry.

    • @AndresLicari
      @AndresLicari Місяць тому +44

      A good vet could still save that cow

    • @Just_Pele
      @Just_Pele Місяць тому +40

      Yeah, that was Blue, not Rare. A couple more minutes and the pastry would have had the right amount of crispiness too.

  • @Just_Pele
    @Just_Pele Місяць тому +212

    That Wellington was soggy because it was still a little undercooked. That filet looked Blue, not Rare. Hey, some people love that, to each their own, but at Rare or even Medium-Rare, the pastry would have had the right amount of crispiness.

    • @johndcoffee632
      @johndcoffee632 Місяць тому +18

      Don't agree, that was rare, was very pink. Blue steak has a purpleish hue. Would rather it was more well done for the crust tho as you said.

    • @videostash413
      @videostash413 Місяць тому +7

      get well done meat or don't even bother

    • @Just_Pele
      @Just_Pele Місяць тому +6

      @@videostash413 Did you even watch this video and see what happens with well-done meat? No.

    • @elvergia3714
      @elvergia3714 Місяць тому +6

      I'm not a freaking lion. I like my meat cooked. Not freaking all raw . In that case I'll just take a bite out of a live cow ​@@Just_Pele

    • @Just_Pele
      @Just_Pele Місяць тому +12

      @@elvergia3714 Medium-Rare is cooked meat.

  • @HornHighAceDeuce
    @HornHighAceDeuce День тому +1

    I've had the beef wellington twice at Hell's Kitchen and once in Ramsey Steak and I've never had a problem with it

  • @justin1321
    @justin1321 Місяць тому +157

    Guga - I would walk by 900,000 Gordon Ramsay and Salt Bae restaurants to eat your steaks. And even though you often buy high end meats, you’ve proven regular folks can make a Walmart steak brilliant. With the right skill. Not money. Skill. Not uppity. Viva Guga.

    • @guga
      @guga  Місяць тому +41

      Wow thank you so much

    • @mr.h1389
      @mr.h1389 Місяць тому +2

      😂😂😂😂 you a beast if you can make a Walmart steak taste brilliant

    • @robapple78
      @robapple78 Місяць тому +5

      @@mr.h1389occasionally I see decent steaks at Walmart. You have to be there at the right time and look carefully. Surprisingly though, after watching one of Guga’s reviews I tried a Target ribeye and was very happy with it.

    • @jenniferklesz7071
      @jenniferklesz7071 Місяць тому +1


  • @neznaughty8019
    @neznaughty8019 Місяць тому +35

    I like your practical tastes and your practical reviews. You don't like something just because you're supposed to. I like how you didn't try to force a comparison just because they were both fries if you liked them for different reasons. I will definitely be watching some more videos.

  • @DavidFosdick
    @DavidFosdick Місяць тому +22

    Love you Guga. You are not convincing me that Wellington wasn’t quite literally cold.

    • @reedhoule3045
      @reedhoule3045 Місяць тому

      First thing I thought as well, Guga is being kind.

    • @Sabbathfaax
      @Sabbathfaax 26 днів тому

      Could have been a delayed recording and technical issues. Food doesnt stay warm

    • @DavidFosdick
      @DavidFosdick 26 днів тому

      @@Sabbathfaax I was referring to the color being bright red and looking to be uncooked. Can’t tell if it’s hot or cold through a camera without steam lol

  • @basel278
    @basel278 Місяць тому +370

    Guga ™® 2024

    • @Tesoro1996
      @Tesoro1996 Місяць тому +17

      It's just the brazilian accent. xD I knew a brazilian girl who said it the same way.

    • @19LALI87
      @19LALI87 Місяць тому +23

      its super annoying, right?

    • @Omegadude541
      @Omegadude541 Місяць тому

      @@Tesoro1996 I was wondering why it sounded like that That makes a lot more sense now

    • @RYTF5
      @RYTF5 Місяць тому +11

      ​@@19LALI87lol it's not annoying.. it's endearing. You okay bud?

    • @BlazeMiskulin
      @BlazeMiskulin Місяць тому +1

      @@georgekappos3222 Flatlander! (says the cheesehead). 😄

  • @thomashutchinson4564
    @thomashutchinson4564 19 днів тому

    I love how you play with Gordan, too. I have been watching you for years. Great work!!!!

  • @zeusparagas8233
    @zeusparagas8233 Місяць тому +8

    This is how you review food.. No Bullsh*t , keep up the good job guga

  • @zakuma22
    @zakuma22 Місяць тому +35

    1:43 "Dale!" 🤣🤣🤣

  • @WhyNot-sb9kk
    @WhyNot-sb9kk Місяць тому +253

    That wellington is rare to raw. not the best looking wellington

    • @damienandrieu9072
      @damienandrieu9072 Місяць тому +2

      thank you

    • @raksaKhan1337
      @raksaKhan1337 Місяць тому +5

      it lighting problem

    • @Baileybailey3845
      @Baileybailey3845 Місяць тому +10

      I agree. Medium rare has some light pink around the edge of the steak, moving more towards red in the middle and this was entirely ruby red.

    • @gustavopiconi4856
      @gustavopiconi4856 Місяць тому +7

      Here in south america we eat a lot of meat per person... its cultural... everyone here would agree that wellington beef was raw. Rare is something, raw isnt rare. Sorry bro, thats a no no

    • @생맥주포도주
      @생맥주포도주 Місяць тому

      ​@Baileybailey3845 Actually lesser layer you can see is a better steak.

  • @maxerea4380
    @maxerea4380 Місяць тому +10

    He is a nice manager, lol,
    'Manager sees camera, manager giving free stuff that costs them penny's'
    Oh you're so generous!

    • @MrWizardjr9
      @MrWizardjr9 25 днів тому

      yeah idk about the free stuff but guga said he was talking to everyone which i can believe he does that naturally also

  • @robertflint4115
    @robertflint4115 28 днів тому +5

    Great review and great review format.
    Would like to see you review the Wahlburgers restaurant. Curious if they are dedicated to something special or just being another Applebee’s. 🤘😎

  • @Random_Myth
    @Random_Myth Місяць тому +14

    The best ITS RAWW moment 13:31

    • @HA-rl4fz
      @HA-rl4fz 25 днів тому +3

      Seriously dude, it looks like the meat I buy from the market

    • @Random_Myth
      @Random_Myth 25 днів тому


    • @Elcompalui712
      @Elcompalui712 24 дні тому +2

      In what world is that medium rare 😂

    • @Trigger200284
      @Trigger200284 23 дні тому +1

      @@Elcompalui712that wasn’t even cooked man. It was in the oven long enough to bake the crust. No wonder it was soggy

    • @Will-sg1qq
      @Will-sg1qq 2 дні тому +1

      It deff has to be more on the blue side rather than medium rare cause there is now way thats down to the camera and saturation intensity

  • @garcel1251
    @garcel1251 Місяць тому +42

    Being from Detroit, that Pitt Bull spot is essentially what we call a Coney Island. The majority of what you showed specifically the wings and the fries come in from a vendor breaded that way it’s just deep fried. Coneys also offer gyros and Greek salads etc

    • @mr.h1389
      @mr.h1389 Місяць тому

      How you know

    • @teamiro5491
      @teamiro5491 28 днів тому +1

      @@mr.h1389 he knows and is correct

    • @mr.h1389
      @mr.h1389 28 днів тому

      @teamiro5491 . How you know

    • @computerexperts903
      @computerexperts903 14 днів тому

      @@mr.h1389 cuz he from detroit

  • @hasaniennis442
    @hasaniennis442 Місяць тому +6

    I love how he says Sand Wishes

  • @FromZeroToHeroKitchen
    @FromZeroToHeroKitchen Місяць тому +90

    Glad he didnt feature nusret on there 😂😂

    • @Clumpkin25
      @Clumpkin25 Місяць тому +10

      He's doing celeb restaurants 😂 😜

    • @tanikokishimoto1604
      @tanikokishimoto1604 Місяць тому +6

      ​@@Clumpkin25 Never heard of the first dude. Or of his restaurant chain. Some celebs are very low tier!

    • @Alex-zi1nb
      @Alex-zi1nb Місяць тому +7

      Lol imagine never hearing of Pitt bull

    • @Aupexx
      @Aupexx Місяць тому +2

      @@tanikokishimoto1604 how have you never heard of Pitbull?!

    • @slappy4braps20
      @slappy4braps20 Місяць тому +1

      ​@@tanikokishimoto1604 you definitely live under a rock

  • @prayforthe_1644
    @prayforthe_1644 25 днів тому +1

    5:40 just go to Aldi. They have the Gyro kit ready to go in the frozen section. It is very good.

  • @puggychu
    @puggychu 20 днів тому

    Thanks for critiquing these restaurants! Now I will go there to try these food out :)

  • @peacebethejourney1
    @peacebethejourney1 Місяць тому +12

    All about the flats. Love your work sir Guga

    • @elvergia3714
      @elvergia3714 Місяць тому

      Are you talking about the Compton Varrio Tortilla Flats gang in Los Angeles California? That's what they say " it's all about the flats".

    • @peacebethejourney1
      @peacebethejourney1 Місяць тому +1

      @elvergia3714 wings man. I'm talking about wings!!!

  • @anonim9999
    @anonim9999 Місяць тому +56

    10:43 No Guga, its's you who chose the salad. 7:35 The menu says that the sandwiches are served with fries or caesar salad. I can't imagine the staff not asking you what side you want with your sandwich.

    • @pokemans9753
      @pokemans9753 Місяць тому +22

      I think he chose the salad because he already ate the fries with the burger. Why order more fries and not try the salad?

    • @Alceste_
      @Alceste_ Місяць тому

      Maybe after ordering three other main dishes, two of which coming with fries, the waiter.ess would have made an assumption idk. :')
      Probably not tho.

  • @aloysiusoh197
    @aloysiusoh197 Місяць тому +133

    Day 18 asking dry age steak in hoisin sauce

    • @CottonHill91
      @CottonHill91 Місяць тому +2


    • @gmoney4980
      @gmoney4980 Місяць тому

      Wub ya for asking everytime!

    • @migara1
      @migara1 Місяць тому


    • @ianwebb8066
      @ianwebb8066 Місяць тому

      What is it?

    • @alexramos7708
      @alexramos7708 Місяць тому +3

      We've been asking him to dry age Angel for YEARS at this point, wait your damn turn.
      Also he already has done that

  • @NW_Blessed
    @NW_Blessed 27 днів тому +2

    Loving these videos man you’re killing it

  • @c-LAW
    @c-LAW Місяць тому

    I visit Miami every year and find local fast food restaurants are hard to find. I love Guga's honest reviews.

  • @antomustaine
    @antomustaine Місяць тому +17

    2:33 "That is amazinggg 💅🏼"

    • @ziad4307
      @ziad4307 Місяць тому

      Why bully him it's his voice

    • @antomustaine
      @antomustaine Місяць тому

      @ziad4307 its a joke bro...

    • @ziad4307
      @ziad4307 Місяць тому

      @@antomustaine ok bro , but he maybe upset

    • @antomustaine
      @antomustaine Місяць тому

      @ziad4307 bro guga is a funny guy, if he reads the comment i made, he will know its a joke.

    • @ziad4307
      @ziad4307 Місяць тому

      @antomustaine it's not funny to simile a man to a woman or a woman to a man bro .
      anyways it's over . 😂

  • @williamemerson1799
    @williamemerson1799 Місяць тому +33

    That Beef Wellington looks like it may still have a pulse! 😝

    • @jameng1315
      @jameng1315 Місяць тому

      It's was average. To me, it's not worth the price

  • @lukegracie4630
    @lukegracie4630 Місяць тому +29

    Love Guga's authenticity, he's such an honest, genuine and awesome UA-camr

    • @jenniferklesz7071
      @jenniferklesz7071 Місяць тому +2

      Fake 2

    • @starc.
      @starc. 29 днів тому +2

      the whole pitbull segment was a sponsored ad and entirely inauthentic

  • @scottheagle8130
    @scottheagle8130 Місяць тому

    Love the Honesty !!!!

  • @thehod152
    @thehod152 Місяць тому +1

    As a South Florida native, Miami Grill (Miami subs to those who grew up in the 90s) always has top tier fries and Cheesesteak

  • @natashafrance717
    @natashafrance717 Місяць тому +69

    From what I’ve witnessed, celeb restaurants are, for the most part, a major anticlimax 😔

    • @gregoryl.levitre9759
      @gregoryl.levitre9759 Місяць тому +1

      None of them are Chefs.

    • @natashafrance717
      @natashafrance717 Місяць тому +7

      @ Ramsay is 🤦🏼‍♀️

    • @MrVovansim
      @MrVovansim Місяць тому +2

      For the most part. Two standouts for me were Michael Symon's restaurant in Cleveland, and Matty Matheson's restaurant in Toronto. Both shuttered by now, sadly.

    • @BillyP13
      @BillyP13 Місяць тому +3

      More hype and less substance.
      In other words. Being suckered in by hype , rather than reason!

    • @farhanlabib-kc7ud
      @farhanlabib-kc7ud Місяць тому


  • @bashlindsay7618
    @bashlindsay7618 Місяць тому +9

    I love both Drums and Flats

    • @Just_Pele
      @Just_Pele Місяць тому +1

      Yeah, me too. I want an equal amount of each on a platter.

    • @RC-tm8jo
      @RC-tm8jo Місяць тому

      The drums have a lot more chicken on them than the flats, so I prefer the drums because of that.

  • @soulslayer59
    @soulslayer59 Місяць тому +3

    Though i have turned vegetarian but i can say one thing....i love the way u respected the good food ..be it your enemy! ...the food got me craving enough to turn non veg again 😂😂

  • @Captaine_Crunche
    @Captaine_Crunche 29 днів тому

    id love if you made a video on cookware essentials, grill essentials, etc

  • @malandro-labs
    @malandro-labs 28 днів тому +1

    Never thought Guga would break out the kneepads and chapstick for the worse hypeman and bad wings

  • @ZoonCrypticon
    @ZoonCrypticon Місяць тому +34

    @6:15 I HATE this type of gyros ! Made out of some sort of meat paste and different spices, that after cutting look like the old dead skin of a regular deceased mammal. Formerly they produced the gyros with real slices of seasoned meat heaped up to a pyramid on a skewer with layers of ground meat in between.

    • @JoeSusini
      @JoeSusini Місяць тому +1

      yeah, NGL, it didn't look good. But, that doesn't mean it didn't taste good.

    • @----john----
      @----john---- Місяць тому +1

      I agree. I used to eat that cardboard type of gyro, but won't anymore. Real gyro looks & tastes much better.

    • @manolismavrelis5854
      @manolismavrelis5854 29 днів тому +1

      that was not gyro , it was donner ! Greek gyro is made from pork slices of meat and fat ( marinated previoussly in some special sause with herbs , onions and stuff ) and consumed the same day you roast it . if they don't sell out , bad restaurants keep it for the next day and resume cooking . you don't wanna go back to this place !! Donner on the other hand is an eastern kind of food made from minced meat heavy on herbs and spices .in bad restaurants the recipy ofcourse change to very low quality meat conservatives chemicals teeth shoes or what ever you have handy at the moment , and they work with it for days , in and out of the fridge ! diarhea is often , after eating in those places . in Greece only a few places make donner , and they must sell the batch every night . we don't like it much ! Turkey and arabic countries are the founders of donner ! in the west either find a very good restaurnt or avoid it all together !! cheers !

  • @joshualamp2438
    @joshualamp2438 Місяць тому +25

    The chicken wing price was crazy

    • @RyTrapp0
      @RyTrapp0 Місяць тому +1

      Good bit of labor in them. Still a hell of a price tag.

    • @cooltron
      @cooltron Місяць тому

      It's not a traditional restaurant like Cheesecake Factory. It's a michelan restaraunt ofc its expensive. The fucc did you think?

    • @Alex-zi1nb
      @Alex-zi1nb Місяць тому

      Wing prices are crazy all over

    • @joshualamp2438
      @joshualamp2438 Місяць тому +4

      @ 17 dollars for ten wings in a fast food place?! Nah

    • @heliodororamos4418
      @heliodororamos4418 Місяць тому

      100% horrible price they didn't even sound crispy

  • @juggawest
    @juggawest Місяць тому +4

    Nathan's with Ketchup Mustard and relish if caramelized onions, chili!

  • @nmm913
    @nmm913 7 днів тому

    The constant "dale" from pitbull had me dying 😂😂😂

  • @Xisjwjsbxb
    @Xisjwjsbxb Місяць тому

    Looking good brotha! Wooooo!!! 💪💪

  • @flpn2275
    @flpn2275 Місяць тому +7

    I would charge money to watch Guga and Ramsey cook together in the same kitchen 👏🏽

    • @punkem733
      @punkem733 26 днів тому

      Ramsey sucks. The ONLY celeb chef people know now is ramsey? Pretty sad lol

  • @dennisboulais7905
    @dennisboulais7905 Місяць тому +17

    Holy crap, $ 300 biucks! No way.

    • @elvergia3714
      @elvergia3714 Місяць тому +1

      And that's why I'll rather take that $300 and trade it in the stock market even if I lose it. At least it went to a great cause and I'll get it back later when I beat the market the next day. Learn from your mistakes and you'll get rich in the market instead of $300 for this . Your just making them rich for low grade food. I can make better

  • @omgitsmatt3mdm117
    @omgitsmatt3mdm117 Місяць тому +12

    3:19 that manager would always hook it up when I was a kid

  • @ludenfox4327
    @ludenfox4327 Місяць тому

    Just a specification, the Gyro is not actually Gyro but Doner, its not like sliced meat but more like grounded meat, it’s a more anatolian edition of Gyros but we also have it in Greece and Turkey.

  • @Bubba_Fett_
    @Bubba_Fett_ Місяць тому +1

    I have to say you’re a much better reviewer than gordan any day!! Fair and honest!! ❤

  • @georgybest5135
    @georgybest5135 Місяць тому +8

    0:15 its funny right, Gordon!!! RETRIBUTION BABY!!!

  • @YXL36
    @YXL36 Місяць тому +4

    Guga, that Welly is RAWWWW. Bet you can hear it MOO-ing in that platter

  • @GoldenCrow320
    @GoldenCrow320 Місяць тому +11

    11:12, i don't see the difference

  • @kevincrinklaw7422
    @kevincrinklaw7422 Місяць тому

    GUGAAAAA You are looking GOOOD Buddy!!!

  • @loosecard
    @loosecard Місяць тому

    Cut it in half the longer way before breading, and serve as sticks! Great idea!

  • @CodeDusq1
    @CodeDusq1 Місяць тому +7

    Seems like Pitbull’s wings are hotter than his music career.

  • @pixelpastiche
    @pixelpastiche Місяць тому +9

    4:46 Maaaaan that is NOT a cheesesteak lol.

  • @Hortonscakes
    @Hortonscakes Місяць тому +8

    The GR restaurant in Oklahoma City is really good. Went for lunch, so the wellington wasn't available (dinner menu). The scotch egg was delicious, French onion soup was delicious, Parker rolls delicious. That said, local places are awesome. We have quite a few Gyro (yeero) Mediterranean places and I can't complain.

  • @thinicer
    @thinicer 24 дні тому

    The Wellington looks “RAW!”, Guga.

  • @Shaheed-e4y
    @Shaheed-e4y Місяць тому

    You should do more videos like this I'm liking this🎉

  • @surfstarcc1
    @surfstarcc1 Місяць тому +7

    Mr 305 is beating Gordon Ramsay in my opinion.

    • @Kbax3614
      @Kbax3614 Місяць тому +1

      Ye no way. Ramsey was much superior

  • @eduardoarancibia169
    @eduardoarancibia169 Місяць тому +22

    13:30 ITS RAW!!!!

    • @LayersandCake
      @LayersandCake Місяць тому

      Medium rare.

    • @nomadluiz
      @nomadluiz Місяць тому +1

      u missed the joke friend ​@@LayersandCake

    • @Mike-o7o4c
      @Mike-o7o4c Місяць тому

      Ibwould never eat meat like that.

    • @phollie801
      @phollie801 Місяць тому

      @@Mike-o7o4cyou should try it - food regulations and science exist, and have proven appropriate temperatures for safe eating and best doneness for best flavor and texture.

    • @SketcherDoodles
      @SketcherDoodles Місяць тому +1

      @@LayersandCake the white fat line is clearly visible, its not even close to medium rare, BARELY rare.
      Needs a solid 5-10 minutes.

  • @ArianvanPutten
    @ArianvanPutten 27 днів тому +4

    6:19 That "gyro" meat looks terrible man. Please come get some real Iskender Döner Kebab here in Berlin. Your mind will be blown.

    • @RhysWilliams-u3o
      @RhysWilliams-u3o 24 дні тому

      Even a shitty kebab shop in the UKs doner looks better.

  • @burningisis
    @burningisis Місяць тому

    Well now I need to go to Miami just to have the Pit Bull restaurant food. You had me craving fries from both places!

  • @MM-mo2yc
    @MM-mo2yc 24 дні тому

    Was dying to hear “It’s RAWWW!!!” 😊

  • @josepablodeleon6073
    @josepablodeleon6073 Місяць тому +8

    10:12 That scene is not from Hell's Kitchen, it's from a skit for the James Corden show

    • @SeiryuuX
      @SeiryuuX Місяць тому +2

      I was about to say that

  • @miker7920
    @miker7920 Місяць тому +27

    6:58 you can't call that stuff gyros man. That's rather Turkish döner kebab.

    • @klauskleber1188
      @klauskleber1188 Місяць тому +10

      Not just it is Döner Kebab, its cheap Döner Kebab meat. Its not even close to Gyros.

    • @chocolatefaerie
      @chocolatefaerie Місяць тому +5

      We want real meat in a gyro. That stuff is not ok

      @DONTHASSLETHEHOFF Місяць тому +6

      @@chocolatefaerie That has nothing to do with the discussion. Gyros is from Greece and is pork. Döner kebab is from Turkey and can be beef or lamb. But you're right, it was low quality meat he had.

    • @AmUnRA256
      @AmUnRA256 Місяць тому +3

      for me it looked exactly like german Döner Kebap served in Berlin and around. And not comparable with Gyros you get from any greek restaurant

    • @sarpkaya1786
      @sarpkaya1786 Місяць тому +1

      ​@@DONTHASSLETHEHOFFhere's the thing. This isn't pork though. it's a beef and lamb mix gyro. Most gyro places in the US (or at least Florida) don't actually serve pork.

  • @unlimitedcosmicspeed
    @unlimitedcosmicspeed Місяць тому +4

    We live around the corner and have been to HK. Its good. The food and service was good. No complaints at all.

  • @majesticchicken672
    @majesticchicken672 20 днів тому

    Lookin' Good Guga

  • @zandena
    @zandena Місяць тому

    Going in Gordon's restaurant with shorts that's so Guga 😂😂❤

  • @Mortal-God
    @Mortal-God Місяць тому +17

    Gyros is a Greek dish.
    You should definitely visit Greece at some point and taste the real thing.

    • @EmoEmu
      @EmoEmu Місяць тому +2

      Yeah, this looked more like a Turkish version.

    • @Mortal-God
      @Mortal-God Місяць тому +1

      @EmoEmu kebab or doner...

    • @chocolatefaerie
      @chocolatefaerie Місяць тому

      He might be shocked at the price. 2 or 3 euro of excellence

    • @sarpkaya1786
      @sarpkaya1786 Місяць тому

      ​@@EmoEmuno it doesn't look like Turkish. No real Turkish doner will look like this. It's too dry and it's made out of some paste instead of meat slices.

  • @youngkingyoungking1481
    @youngkingyoungking1481 Місяць тому +13

    Day 24 of asking guga yo dry wge steaks in rendang paste

  • @davidkellner7372
    @davidkellner7372 Місяць тому +3

    0:58 as a Greek I feel its my duty to inform...Gyro is pronounced year-oh at 1:28 the word that was said would translate to "old" as a side note I really hope they made the tzatziki sauce with Greek yogurt and not sour cream.

    • @chocolatefaerie
      @chocolatefaerie Місяць тому

      You know what the problem is. Google translate has a lot of greek word pronunciation wrong

    • @davidkellner7372
      @davidkellner7372 Місяць тому

      @chocolatefaerie ain't that the truth

  • @lunar33icious
    @lunar33icious 22 дні тому

    Pouring Da Bomb on the steak was hilarious... 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @orenfivel6247
    @orenfivel6247 29 днів тому

    7:44 petite beef wellington, is it make of petite tenderloin from the shoulder?

  • @508outdoorcooking
    @508outdoorcooking Місяць тому +4


  • @deemo8578
    @deemo8578 Місяць тому +16

    that jiro/kebab meat looks way to dry, looks like it was cut and left standing around for a while in some heat or cooked way to much on the spit. it should be much juicier than that when you squeeze it. it did look nice tho still, same way lol.

  • @johndefalque5061
    @johndefalque5061 Місяць тому +9

    So Ramsay fuct up the torta Cubana-that is my favourite Mexican breakfast sandwich!

    • @beecat4183
      @beecat4183 Місяць тому +2

      A Cubana here in Mexico is very different. I prefer the Florida version than ours with the hotdog bullshit.

    • @johndefalque5061
      @johndefalque5061 Місяць тому

      @@beecat4183 Not been to Florida but that smoky chipotle makes it taste so good.

  • @LasagnaQueen
    @LasagnaQueen 20 днів тому +1

    You're the only UA-camr I can watch eating and that doesn't eat like a freaking animal

  • @LoBaSmoke
    @LoBaSmoke Місяць тому

    That burger looks insane!

  • @luada
    @luada Місяць тому +5

    2:07 what was that sound ? 😮

    • @eyecflames
      @eyecflames Місяць тому +2

      It sounded like pitbull saying Dalè

  • @meat_loves_wasabi
    @meat_loves_wasabi Місяць тому +7

    Damn….Gordon charging USD$50 for a single slice of that beef Wellington in Asia

    • @misteryakamoto
      @misteryakamoto Місяць тому

      Sounds about right. It's a filet mignon. Usually those are priced very high. Calculate labor into that as well and $50 sounds justified.

    • @meat_loves_wasabi
      @meat_loves_wasabi Місяць тому

      Guga got 4 slices for $44… and US is not a cheap country

    • @chocolatefaerie
      @chocolatefaerie Місяць тому

      Wasn't that expensive at Vegas hells kitchen, was set menu 3 corse for 70 dollars. The slice is so huge, we struggled to finish

  • @ikeakitchenmike1691
    @ikeakitchenmike1691 26 днів тому +3

    ❤️ I’m no chef but when I cook Wellington I pre cook some bacon to the point it is a bit more than halfway cooked. I then mix the finely diced mushrooms with panko bread crumbs (not to much) and a teaspoon of minced garlic. Cover the filet with the mixture and wrap with the halfway pre cooked bacon. Then cover with pastry.
    I order wellington every time it's on the menu and by far mine is better.m than any I’ve had.
    I've never been to Hell's Kitchen but
    I'd bet Ramsey would be quite impressed.
    It's absolutely delicious.

  • @XjsAreTheWay
    @XjsAreTheWay Місяць тому

    I used to LOVE Miami Grill when I was a kid, then it closed and I never saw one again. I thought they went totally kaput. I had no idea they were related to the Nathans hotdog people. They're the reason I love gyros now. Each restaurant had a super cool hand painted tropical mural on the walls inside.

  • @thingsofinterest603
    @thingsofinterest603 Місяць тому

    The Pitbull sounds edits had me rolling 😂

  • @vevitier
    @vevitier Місяць тому +11


    • @beecat4183
      @beecat4183 Місяць тому

      Yeah mayo on a steak is nonsense. For a food influencer, Guga is pretty clueless at restaurants. I honestly can barely watch these.

    • @udasai
      @udasai Місяць тому

      Hot dogs don't have ketchup on them, either. Mustard (any style), and then optional elements like relish, onions, sport peppers, sauerkraut, frijoles, anything but ketchup or mayo.

    • @RyTrapp0
      @RyTrapp0 Місяць тому +4

      Outta here with the food gatekeeping

    • @pauld9561
      @pauld9561 28 днів тому

      No Bell Peppers.

  • @stirling84
    @stirling84 Місяць тому +4

    Wouldn't even have entered my mind to put ketchup with mayonnaise on a hot dog. Doesn't sound good at all. Mustard yes!

    • @ElderDragonBrasil
      @ElderDragonBrasil Місяць тому +1

      Man, mayo + ketchup is the best combination! And if you mix both, you do a famous recipe called "rosé".

    • @stirling84
      @stirling84 Місяць тому

      @ElderDragonBrasil I know of marie rose sauce but I'd only ever have it with prawns

    • @EgGDoGG_Lover
      @EgGDoGG_Lover Місяць тому

      Cus your used to America.

    • @stirling84
      @stirling84 Місяць тому

      I'm british

  • @hotdog5927
    @hotdog5927 Місяць тому +5

    13:33 that is not medium rare

  • @denargakocken
    @denargakocken Місяць тому

    Great video! You should try the food at restaurant AG in Stockholm Sweden. Not only are they among the 10 best meat restaurants in the world but they also have a dry aged burger that is out of this world and their tallow fried fries and tallow bearnaise sauce is just crazy! 💪

  • @aamerelhouli7125
    @aamerelhouli7125 Місяць тому

    The brother ehhh got me😂

  • @Mariyan-j2j
    @Mariyan-j2j Місяць тому +5

    That beef is still live and kicking tbh, don't defend them.

  • @curtmill21
    @curtmill21 Місяць тому +5

    ketchup on a hotdog is criminal.

    • @edmawhinney3564
      @edmawhinney3564 26 днів тому +1

      It's absolutely delicious

    • @BillyReb
      @BillyReb 24 дні тому

      Nah ketchup goes on hotdogs. It’s trash meat so everything is permitted.

  • @Dumb-fw1ey
    @Dumb-fw1ey 10 днів тому

    You should do more of these

  • @billytringuyen1
    @billytringuyen1 Місяць тому

    even Jamie Olive can't escape the roasted from GUga

  • @mrearlygold
    @mrearlygold Місяць тому

    We had a "Miami Subs" in wellington and after having a gyro platter there it became a weekly thing for me sometimes more than once a week. Soooo good and so sad when they closed. Now in Port Charlotte/Punta Gorda we have a place called Toula's which is the best gyro and falafel place south of NYC.