the most insane thing to me about the "Hana kicks the shit out of the yakuza" scene isn't the ease with which she does it or how unfazed she is afterwards. It's that in the final camera pan out, you can see that not a thing in the office is even out of place, no sign a fight ever happened there. She took down those guys without their fight ever touching any of the furniture or anything.
the most insane thing to me about the "Hana kicks the shit out of the yakuza" scene isn't the ease with which she does it or how unfazed she is afterwards. It's that in the final camera pan out, you can see that not a thing in the office is even out of place, no sign a fight ever happened there. She took down those guys without their fight ever touching any of the furniture or anything.
Hannah must be the only person I've ever seen prefer Saejimer over Akiyamer
certified Saejimaniac