Is this a disparaging negative dig at Josh Taylor is it. For his first footage that surfaced of this? Well, given the circumstances they face and if this is what I think it is, I personally would have more tact and respect.
@@willward952 In addition, Taylors Aboard are actually caught up in it and living through it. Josh Taylor has been filming every single day since it first happened. He has more up to date information about this because he’s actually involved.
As I live on a narrowboat, watching this is horrific... The ground under both sides of the steel revetment seems to have collapsed during the 'breach', which would indicate to me that erosion on this stretch of the embankment has been taking place for some time. The cost of repairing this will run into tens of millions of pounds. I'm not sure it will ever be done as the return on that size of investment will be virtually zero unless Peel introduces some sort of toll system. I hope the people who are stranded on their boats are given assistance and can get out of there asap... Congratulations on the drone footage - probably the best that I have seen.
Yes we spoke to a couple at the end of the breach at the start of the video and they lived on there boat and said nobody has contacted them as of yet,,I will be out this week with more videos to se if anything has started 👍👍👍
It's busy with walkers all the time....I've walked it 5 times since October and Xmas day, and not noticed anything wrong. I recorded 3" of rain in 24hrs 4 miles away so the bank will have got saturated, but one expert pointed out this was built so early in the 18th century, that not much was known about bank stability
@@naradaian You are correct - 50 years ago there was a serious breach in the same spot. The whole canal network is hundreds of years old now so these problems will occur more often. There was a serious cutting collapse near me at Brinklow recently... pretty scary stuff!
Totally agree...Absolutely no return on the investment required to reinstate this canel. Furthermore, regarding the current state of the canal network, this won't be the last time something like this happens. Therefore, they will be looking to set a precedent here.
I understand that it is owned by a private company. Are they under any obligation to repair it? I am not suggesting that they won't, but will they do it when it suits them, rather than the users?
Is this another one of those fat juicy (Its hopeless and beyond repair) negative comments? Funny how a majority thinks of it in £ signs and not the environmental factors and the effects on the lives of the people it concerns, not to mention the damage to wildlife, farms and peoples homes.
I used to fish the Bridgewater when i was a lad! 50yrs ago!! It has to be reconnected as its a main part of british waterways and also its heritage, is part of our history! Yet our history is being destroyed daily… a campaign should be started to save the canal
@@Sheet-Stores-Erewash Can't use Public money for everything, otherwise you end up with a 100% tax rate and STILL cannot pay for everything. In the real world money does not grow on trees' so has to be prioritised. What do you think should be sacrificed to pay for the repair? Local school funding perhaps? Or the local ambulance service? Or the local Police service? Perhaps highways maintenance? I would rather see MY tax money go to those than to a purely recreational canal repair. The Canals have not been used for the purpose they were built for in over seventy years, the movement of large amounts of freight.... As a result they are low priority as far as I am concerned.... Oh, and don't bring up the heritage rubbish, the Government pays for virtually none of our Heritage sites, never has, never will, and that INCLUDES Labour.... The maintenance and upkeep of Heritage sites is up to the owners of those sites, not the Government with a VERY few exceptions. If you do not like that, then decide where you want the cuts to be made in Government spending to fund the Waterways....
@@alganhar1Peel owns it and presumably makes a charge for its use; Peel must pay for repairs and keep more up to date with maintenance and updating, like adding more stop locks and bringing embankments up to date.
@@alganhar1 Oh dear. While some things are best left to private industry, not all are. The 100% tax rate canard is laughable and no-one is suggesting the government pay for everything. But we can't have something government owned if that is denying someone the right to run if for pure profit, do be discarded as soon as simplistic financial imperatives dictate it. Money talks. Am I right? Canals do not make a lot financial sense in a very narrow view: How much they cost to maintain vs. income from boat licences, rent, etc. But the money they do bring in with tourism, the various boat yards and marinas and the various cafes and pubs that take a lot of trade by boaters and walkers, the health benefits of getting people out and walking, more than makes up for that investment. Trouble is its near impossible to make such a holistic financial case. British Waterways cost the government very little. However since its dissolution and the Canal & River Trust taking over, that charitable trust has had to make some huge savings because of anticipate cuts to the government grant (yes, the canals still rely on government money) which has meant cutting back on staff, selling off property and more outsourcing. Its almost like the canals were run better under British Waterways. And I speak as an ex-CRT employee. And the government did used to look after many of the UK's most famous heritage sites as well. Counter to your claim. English Heritage was a government body up until ten years ago. Now its another charitable trust created by the same cultural iconoclasts that killed off BW, and now is left begging for money while it struggles to look after the important sites in its care.
Anyone notice the fools standing/walking just feet from the collapsed walls right down by the breach? Guess they don't consider the risk of further collapsing and taking them down with it. Reckless!
the environment agency are a very rare breed, in 30 years of fishing i have seen them once on my local river and never yet seen them actually do any form of work to the river or any restocking and they certainly refuse to bother with the severe invasive crayfish problem on the river tees and the river skerne causing massive loss of fish each year
I think the fact that the sewage works right next to it have been flooded would be more concerning than this. Canals are constructed so as long as they can be filled with water they should be able to be repaired.
What a mess. Only thing people can do is wait for the adjacent water level to drop, then seal off the breach at both ends. This would probably allow for the intact canal ends to be filled with water to an extent that the stranded boats can be pulled behind the nearest lock. Of course this had to happen during the cold season... a catastrophe for the liveaboards.
It'd be cheaper to buy all the stranded boats at top dollar for a new one and close down this section of canal. Hard to imagine the private co that runs this being able to remain solvent esp if negligence can be proven, and well, why else? It was either structurally deficient or there were inadequate storm overflows, or inadequatly maintained. Given just two guys are dropping sand bags, open sand bags mind you so the ones that tip the sand runs out and is carried away, that 'security' fences are so easily gotten around the area is swarmed with on lookers waiting to fall in, it's hard to imagine a response that will get this fixed. It's not just that only two guys drop a bag of sand every 10 or 15 mins calling that adequate response. It's not using 40 lb closed sand bags, either dumped in one by one or stacked in they bigger open bags. Supposedly a licensed engineer told them to try to seal the leaks with a system doomed to failure. How are these incompetents going to erect safe temp dams to allow refloating and removal of all the boats trapped in anything less than a year or two or three. To reasonably fix this, you need to widen the dike tops to take full size construction equip and their weight, and build access roads and ramps. Drive 75 deep interlocking steel sheet piles. Dredge as needed to drain as far back as damage plus 100 to 300 feet. Drain and dry until equipment can get in and haul out all unsuitable fill and refill with compacted engineered inspected fill, and a water proof membrane would be prudent be it sheeting or concrete. Build an overflow in area to ensure water cannot ever reach a depth it might cause a flood, this is likely to be dozens of feet wide and wider than canal as a provision for straining out debreis is needed, one that won't itself become a dam chocked with debris. Then a reinforced channel from there to local river, and a holding pond to trickle that overlow flood from canal to local stream a good idea sot the local stream doesnot then overflow. Then there is the remediation of many square KM of land, looks like farmland, and compensation until it can be used again. Private co do this? Why when they can declare bankruptcy and walk.
peel is a billion pound company, they can certainy afford it but they will refuse to pay and fix it, plus peel have very good lawyers and can wiggle out of tight situations
Watching the Taylors Aboard video they said they were offered hotel accomodation but declined as they had 4 cats to look after. I can understand their not wanting to leave their boats full time from a security pov but at least the offer was made.
G'day, Earlier that that. This Canal was opened in 1761...; so it's 200 years older than I am, being a 1961-vintage. This Canal helped kickstart the Coal-fired Industrial Revolution, carrying Coal, Iron, Manufactured Goods & and then a hundred years later being rendered obsolete - by the Railways which the Cheap carriage of Coal & Steel which the Canals had enabled. And, now...the increasingly intense, increasingly frequent, record-breaking Extreme-Weather Events which the Global Warming that has itself been caused by the British Fossil-burning Industrial Revolution..., Has delivered enough Rain in a bolus-dose that the resulting Flooding has soaked into the Clay Embankment from the bottom - destabilising the structure so that the Embankment could no longer support the weight of the Water in the Canal, running along the top of the Embankment. This Canal was a badly stupid and hubristic arrogant avaricious MONEYGRUBBING Scheme, from the very start - as planned..., and finally and at long last ; the Canal has now experienced the chaotic downstream consequences of all the Changes which it's shortsighted Designers, Financiers, Builders, and Operators NEVER ever bothered their greedy little heads with thinking about. Will the Private Company which owns the Land under the Canal ever raise the funding required to rebuild a catastrophically-failed section of 300 year-old, obsolete, bit of Infrastructure in an entire System which is crumbling away from lack of Maintenance, due to there having been zero Industrial use of the System for the past 150 years - and the Recreational Boaters who play there, and the Social Fringe-Dwellers who live on their Narrowboats can barely afford their own Registration & Maintenance costs. If this failed Canal is vital to linking other large sections of the Canal Network...(?) ; then as the Fossil-fuelled EcoGnomie continues to unravel, under the impact of the Extreme Weather..., then the likelihood of anyone being in a position to fix this ONE little bit of the entire tired old tumbledown unmaintained Network - strikes me as being so very unlikely that I would expect to see the rest of the Network successively failing around it, and being plugged and sealed to isolate every Breach from the remaining Ponds - until the whole System becomes an un-navigable relic. At which point, it will be allowed to collapse and become Overgrown. A Society which can't fix the Potholes in the Roads it drives along - is not likely to waste money rebuilding an Ornamental Canal System which Enabled the very Fossil-burning Habits which have wrecked the Homeostasis of the Atmosphere and wrecked every Ecology within the Biosphere. Wave "Bye-Bye...!" To the Legacy Canal Network. There is no EcoGnomic "Case" for Ever Repairing this long thin Mosquito-breeding Scummy-looking Waterhole... Them's the FACTS. Such is life, Have a good one..... Stay safe. ;-p Ciao !
Yes thanks for watching hope you enjoyed,,if you subscribe and hit the bell I will be uploading every week with updates until it starts getting repaired and so on 👍
It’s all concrete where we are standing,,look at the ledge where the water runs off,,peel holdings was there putting lines on the floor,,can see them in the video 👍
The impact of this is significant for anyone boating into Liverpool from the Midlands and boating businesses.Sure, there’s an alternate route through Manchester but getting up the Macclesfield in summer is so unpredictable. To reconstruct the embankment won’t be quick as I suspect they’ll need to install some form of reinforced concrete trough. Time for some leadership otherwise it’ll just become a finger pointing shambles
I think cheapest option would be cast concrete U shaped sections as opposed to all that piling to replace, or a lock at each end and a tank on a railway wagon ( think foxton incline plane but on the level)
Awsum drone footage... So has anybody said how it could of happened, what caused the breach ?? I'm assuming the flooding off to the right of the breach was the river flooding, yes??
theres a vid of a canal expert giving a few possibilities top 2 were a small leak that has just got worse over time with the heavy rains not helping or his favourite is a collapsed culvert under the canal. He shows a map with location of the culvert.
Thanks buddy,,I think everything dropped under the canal first where the concrete repair ended,,look where the water runs off,,that’s the end off the concrete floor 👍
So the side of the embankment breached and then the force of the water rushing through broke the slides of the canal causing even the ground underneath to slid down like a sink hole/landslide? Shouldn't there have been more trees planted at the base of the embankments to stop soil slippage? I feel as if this should have been preventable. I hope it can be repaired quickly. I understand that both boaters and home owners in the area have been impacted.
Wow that's hell of a lot of damage never seen anything like this looks like a exocett misile shot through it and just shows you why it was not dreadged at of silt build up good vidieo
My only hope is back in about 2012 (I think), the Grand Western Canal, a small landlocked 10mile canal in Devon breached in a similar way and I remember seeing it on our local news and I thought they'd never repair it as it doesn't even go anywhere so, pretty as it is, is of no real commercial value. However within two years the local council had rebuilt it. Surely this canal which is a main connecting route has to be repaired??
Unfortunately even though it maybe a connecting route its only used by tourists/pleasure cruisers. No great commercial value . Now if they allowed planning permission for a new marine in that area a company might finance the repair. New locks at each end and lower the level might work .
interesting the way in which the steels have fallen and the path eroded away . can only think the bottom of the steels been undermined and collapsed under its own weight. If its a vunerable area having previously breached maybe a welded bolted box construction like the ponty aqauduct. Will be an interesting engineering project if it gets repaired..
That Quango is going bankrupt, much like most others when faced with the cost of actually doing the job they were setup to do, instead of acting as a cash cow fleecing the public for political backhanders.
That's no breach... The ground has gone from under the canal!! If not, why the Venus fly-trap effect from the canal pilings? They won't, don't just fold inwards like they have, unless there is nothing behind them to support them.. I installed similar heavy duty steel pilings for 6 years with Interserve, they don't just fold inwards like they have here.. I believe the bottom of the canal dropped out...
Have you noticed how the old style block built canal is still structurally sound? It's only the modern (probably as cheaply as possibly built) section has failed... They don't make things how they used to!!!!!
don't hold your breath for a solution. Even if they wanted to re-build, access is limited to say the least. If you look and see how much it costs to build a mile of road with good supply access then mulitply by the difficulty factor you get a very big number so sadly it seems like a very obvious "sorry folks".
but this is surely damaging the entire canal network it connects to, with the all of the water escaping? they need to plug both ends of the damage asap
It's amazing how busy a random place gets just because something is posted online. What a shame so many of them can't turn their brains on in the real world and pay attention to warning signs/barriers. Should just stay at home where they don't have to think and stay safe.
China....road gets a pothole...fixed in 1 hour with 7 crews....england...canal bridge breach and a serious hazard to wildlife and contamination...1 week on and not 1 hi vis or barrier 😂😂😂
The poor farmers land will never be right now , prob be forced to sell it all and it will be peel holdings that make the money from it by building on it . Goverment and councils seem to be doing a lot of land grabbing now , most local green land ( moss land near here already earmarked for development such as carrington moss - hale /timperley areas ..
@@jonathanpringle8238 i think the fields are owned by blackburn farm , will is on here i think , he was out and about trying to clear up some of the debris the other day .
the drone footage one guy got shows a guy standing about 3ft away when a big chunk of tarmac footpath collapsed into a big hole next to the steel sidings.
That embankment is still unstable - bits of it are still shifting - of course it's dangerous. But if people want to kill themselves to get on UA-cam it's not my job to stop them.
@robshaw3655 aye, I saw that, but that's upto them, I've got a bit of grief myself and I stopped before I got to the subsiding bit. It just makes me laugh when people point out the obvious 🤣 I've done far more dangerous jobs than making my videos lol. Take care, stay free 👍🏻
@@Buffalo31 to be honest, the only people complaining about no barriers would be the same people complaining about people ignoring them lol. I suppose we can't all have a sense of adventure, hey ho, it is what it is. Stay free brother ✊🏻
People in West London have had their lives turned upside down for years because Hammersmith bridge is closed to traffic as the bridge needs repair and no-one wants to take responsibility for it that's in the capital and no-one has the ability to sort it. I wish you well as there is no shame in letting historic infrastructure go whilst spending billions on vanity projects nobody wants.
@@benkeen I didn't even hear any zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, also you are 100% wrong with your comment regarding drone footage audio. I watch many videos on the net where people use drones and there is audio as in humans narating what is happening. Next:
such a shame weather is as weather does...but surley some kind of survey swas done prior to this?? Given that current state of the country ill answer that with a no then.
Tis but a scratch lol. Seriously it is hard to imagine the force of the water needed to do this ? I would like to think that canal trusts not affected around the country would provide resources and cash perhaps with some government money to put this right asap. There but for the grace of god as they say. Our waterways are a precious resouce and national treasure.
3:42 You can see that the earth is different on both sides, probably the root cause of the problem ... construction issues. The side nearer the sewage farm collapsed, it looks like a 'freshly built bank' at the time of construction ... an accident waiting to happen through piss poor engineering.
If they repair it then they may have to start charging money to use it or park up your boat,such a national treasure that is maintained by volunteers should never be levied
i fwwl for al the stranded boaters who live along this reach its gogin to atak millions to fix this and [eel doesn't fix anyof their stuff just screw as much money out of failing infrastructure they will sit and wait nd blame the rivers trust for this and not ficing it.
The footage is spectacular, and very much appreciated. But it also clearly shows where you are standing, and the drone going around several corners with trees clearly blocking line of sight. This is against CAA regulations and there is a trend going around of people finding drone footage online that's even slightly questionable and reporting the flyer in order to get them into trouble. To be clear, I'm not suggesting I would do that (I will not, I think it's wrong). I also dont think that what you did is remotely unsafe, you could clearly see around the drone from the perspective of the drone as you flew it. What I am saying however is that per the rules it was illegal, and it might be in your interest to remove this video or clip out the sections which show the breach of the law in this instance.
@@explorewithant yeah even with video it's hard to gauge distance or size of things. Plus where there is growth it's not possible to see just how much visibility you have through or around it. Apologies for being wrong in this case, I'm sure you have enough to deal with right now with everything going on without mis-informed people like myself blabbering on like I have.
@@ElliottParkinson yes no probs,,I’ve been flying drones for probably around 8 ish years so I’m definitely no beginner,,yes distance is definitely smaller than it looks 👍
Well I have a solution Peel holding repair section then charge £2 to pass as per Warburton bridge after repairs £1.00 a drive over!😂 And all about lack of proper assessment and maintenance/ and planting trees to reinforce ground structure
I will be keeping an eye on this for a couple of weeks with weekly video updates 👍
Excellent clear footage! And. Thank you for NOT adding stupid music. Subscribed.
Is this a disparaging negative dig at Josh Taylor is it. For his first footage that surfaced of this? Well, given the circumstances they face and if this is what I think it is, I personally would have more tact and respect.
I agree with you !
In addition, Taylors Aboard are actually caught up in it and living through it. Josh Taylor has been filming every single day since it first happened. He has more up to date information about this because he’s actually involved.
As I live on a narrowboat, watching this is horrific... The ground under both sides of the steel revetment seems to have collapsed during the 'breach', which would indicate to me that erosion on this stretch of the embankment has been taking place for some time. The cost of repairing this will run into tens of millions of pounds. I'm not sure it will ever be done as the return on that size of investment will be virtually zero unless Peel introduces some sort of toll system. I hope the people who are stranded on their boats are given assistance and can get out of there asap... Congratulations on the drone footage - probably the best that I have seen.
Yes we spoke to a couple at the end of the breach at the start of the video and they lived on there boat and said nobody has contacted them as of yet,,I will be out this week with more videos to se if anything has started 👍👍👍
It's busy with walkers all the time....I've walked it 5 times since October and Xmas day, and not noticed anything wrong. I recorded 3" of rain in 24hrs 4 miles away so the bank will have got saturated, but one expert pointed out this was built so early in the 18th century, that not much was known about bank stability
I thought it was rebuilt after the last breach....was that inthe 60's?
@@naradaian You are correct - 50 years ago there was a serious breach in the same spot. The whole canal network is hundreds of years old now so these problems will occur more often. There was a serious cutting collapse near me at Brinklow recently... pretty scary stuff!
Breach... more like a bombs gone off! really sad to see, a huge effort needed to put right again. Great drone footage, many thanks!
The Dambusters would have been proud of that
I think that was the Emms Canal but somebody out there will know!
@@glynluff2595 Dortmund-Ems.
Given the sort of company Peel are I can't see it ever being repaired.
Best of luck with Peel. They are a money in only company. Money out is not part of their psyche. Very sad.
Totally agree...Absolutely no return on the investment required to reinstate this canel.
Furthermore, regarding the current state of the canal network, this won't be the last time something like this happens. Therefore, they will be looking to set a precedent here.
@@malcolmhodgson7540 true they shut down doncaster DSA airport
Is that the same Peel who owned Sheffield and teesside airports ?
@ibana8449 yep
Excellent close up drone footage, some of the best I've seen so far, the more you look, the more damage there is.
Glad you enjoyed it
Thanks for posting, some really good low shots of the damages to the Canal...we hope for repairs to start as soon as possible...👍👍👍..
I understand that it is owned by a private company. Are they under any obligation to repair it? I am not suggesting that they won't, but will they do it when it suits them, rather than the users?
@@glynnwright1699 The bridgewater trust is it's owner, I understand. whether or not they can find a way to fix it, or the money, I don't know.
Thanks buddy glad you enjoyed it,,subscribe and hit the bell if you would like weekly updates until it’s repaired and thanks for watching 👍
It's not going to be rebuilt
@@naradaian That's not what Peele and Co said today...
Tens of millions to put this right.
Is this another one of those fat juicy (Its hopeless and beyond repair) negative comments? Funny how a majority thinks of it in £ signs and not the environmental factors and the effects on the lives of the people it concerns, not to mention the damage to wildlife, farms and peoples homes.
Right. What is Peel Holdings in fact worth?
@@1258-Eckharta lot of money. The chairman was worth £1.95 billion in 2019. You don't get that kind of money by spending it.
@@1258-Eckhart billions
Would it be cheaper or more feasible to install locks at either end of the collapsed embankment and dig out a new section at ground level or closer.
@@jeffBates-k8j That's what I've said too, almost looks like it would be quicker to re-route that section, then just level the old part later.
Well it takes some lateral thinking like that
Needs a road bridge over new low section. Main problem is the bollin stream still has to cross the canal
@@simonw3872 ahh right, inverted syphon for the stream but expense coming in.
Navi’s would have that fixed in a week, it’ll take us years and billions.
I think you mean _Navvies._ Singular _navvy._
Navi's are fictional giant blue aliens from a James Cameron film.
@samfromportadown I do yes, thank you.
@@samfromportadownAlthough, to be fair, the Na'vi would have it fixed faster than Peel Holdings will 🤣🤣
It’s done, won’t be repaired
I used to fish the Bridgewater when i was a lad! 50yrs ago!! It has to be reconnected as its a main part of british waterways and also its heritage, is part of our history! Yet our history is being destroyed daily… a campaign should be started to save the canal
Well the Conservatives sold the canals off and dissolved British waterways which were a product of a labour government... well done voters 😂😂
@@Sheet-Stores-Erewash Can't use Public money for everything, otherwise you end up with a 100% tax rate and STILL cannot pay for everything. In the real world money does not grow on trees' so has to be prioritised.
What do you think should be sacrificed to pay for the repair? Local school funding perhaps? Or the local ambulance service? Or the local Police service? Perhaps highways maintenance?
I would rather see MY tax money go to those than to a purely recreational canal repair. The Canals have not been used for the purpose they were built for in over seventy years, the movement of large amounts of freight....
As a result they are low priority as far as I am concerned....
Oh, and don't bring up the heritage rubbish, the Government pays for virtually none of our Heritage sites, never has, never will, and that INCLUDES Labour.... The maintenance and upkeep of Heritage sites is up to the owners of those sites, not the Government with a VERY few exceptions.
If you do not like that, then decide where you want the cuts to be made in Government spending to fund the Waterways....
@@alganhar1 good points, money has to come from somewhere
@@alganhar1Peel owns it and presumably makes a charge for its use; Peel must pay for repairs and keep more up to date with maintenance and updating, like adding more stop locks and bringing embankments up to date.
@@alganhar1 Oh dear. While some things are best left to private industry, not all are. The 100% tax rate canard is laughable and no-one is suggesting the government pay for everything. But we can't have something government owned if that is denying someone the right to run if for pure profit, do be discarded as soon as simplistic financial imperatives dictate it. Money talks. Am I right?
Canals do not make a lot financial sense in a very narrow view: How much they cost to maintain vs. income from boat licences, rent, etc. But the money they do bring in with tourism, the various boat yards and marinas and the various cafes and pubs that take a lot of trade by boaters and walkers, the health benefits of getting people out and walking, more than makes up for that investment. Trouble is its near impossible to make such a holistic financial case.
British Waterways cost the government very little. However since its dissolution and the Canal & River Trust taking over, that charitable trust has had to make some huge savings because of anticipate cuts to the government grant (yes, the canals still rely on government money) which has meant cutting back on staff, selling off property and more outsourcing.
Its almost like the canals were run better under British Waterways. And I speak as an ex-CRT employee.
And the government did used to look after many of the UK's most famous heritage sites as well. Counter to your claim. English Heritage was a government body up until ten years ago. Now its another charitable trust created by the same cultural iconoclasts that killed off BW, and now is left begging for money while it struggles to look after the important sites in its care.
Peel holdings only breathe in. No chance of the bastards repairing that.
You’re so right ……. They’ve never given a toss about that canal.
Blimey, this won't be fixed any time soon. If ever.
NO WAY, cost millions, shareholders will go crazy.
Anyone notice the fools standing/walking just feet from the collapsed walls right down by the breach? Guess they don't consider the risk of further collapsing and taking them down with it. Reckless!
Sorry but let them worry about that not you 😢😢😢
Thank you for sharing !
My pleasure!
The fish loss must be enormous. Where are the Environment Agency in all this?
the environment agency are a very rare breed, in 30 years of fishing i have seen them once on my local river and never yet seen them actually do any form of work to the river or any restocking and they certainly refuse to bother with the severe invasive crayfish problem on the river tees and the river skerne causing massive loss of fish each year
Environment agency are a waste of space. No pollution incident so they won’t give a shite.
This is not covered by the EA they don’t have enough money to look after the rivers they do care for. Look to CRT first.
@@jamesroberts5667 not owned by crt and they are cash strapped this year due to government cuts,, keep getting ads to donate
Still on Christmas holiday, working from home .
Those people walking along the canal do not realise how much danger they could possibly be in, stupid is as stupid does.
What was the danger? Getting stuck in the mud?
It's becoming a bit of an unwanted tourist attraction now!
That was both spectacular and horrific.
So sorry you had to observe a familiar canal in such a state, if not its death throes. Thank you.
I think the fact that the sewage works right next to it have been flooded would be more concerning than this. Canals are constructed so as long as they can be filled with water they should be able to be repaired.
This should be declared an environmental emergency.
What a mess. Only thing people can do is wait for the adjacent water level to drop, then seal off the breach at both ends.
This would probably allow for the intact canal ends to be filled with water to an extent that the stranded boats can be pulled behind the nearest lock.
Of course this had to happen during the cold season... a catastrophe for the liveaboards.
No locks on the Bridgewater canal
@@barr474 Bummer
It'd be cheaper to buy all the stranded boats at top dollar for a new one and close down this section of canal. Hard to imagine the private co that runs this being able to remain solvent esp if negligence can be proven, and well, why else? It was either structurally deficient or there were inadequate storm overflows, or inadequatly maintained. Given just two guys are dropping sand bags, open sand bags mind you so the ones that tip the sand runs out and is carried away, that 'security' fences are so easily gotten around the area is swarmed with on lookers waiting to fall in, it's hard to imagine a response that will get this fixed. It's not just that only two guys drop a bag of sand every 10 or 15 mins calling that adequate response. It's not using 40 lb closed sand bags, either dumped in one by one or stacked in they bigger open bags. Supposedly a licensed engineer told them to try to seal the leaks with a system doomed to failure. How are these incompetents going to erect safe temp dams to allow refloating and removal of all the boats trapped in anything less than a year or two or three.
To reasonably fix this, you need to widen the dike tops to take full size construction equip and their weight, and build access roads and ramps. Drive 75 deep interlocking steel sheet piles. Dredge as needed to drain as far back as damage plus 100 to 300 feet. Drain and dry until equipment can get in and haul out all unsuitable fill and refill with compacted engineered inspected fill, and a water proof membrane would be prudent be it sheeting or concrete. Build an overflow in area to ensure water cannot ever reach a depth it might cause a flood, this is likely to be dozens of feet wide and wider than canal as a provision for straining out debreis is needed, one that won't itself become a dam chocked with debris. Then a reinforced channel from there to local river, and a holding pond to trickle that overlow flood from canal to local stream a good idea sot the local stream doesnot then overflow.
Then there is the remediation of many square KM of land, looks like farmland, and compensation until it can be used again.
Private co do this? Why when they can declare bankruptcy and walk.
peel is a billion pound company, they can certainy afford it but they will refuse to pay and fix it, plus peel have very good lawyers and can wiggle out of tight situations
Those poor, stranded liveaboards! What now?
I’ve got another video to upload from the other end where the boats are,,it’s bad for they
Watching the Taylors Aboard video they said they were offered hotel accomodation but declined as they had 4 cats to look after. I can understand their not wanting to leave their boats full time from a security pov but at least the offer was made.
Peel should be cash rich....they've just sold their 50% ownership of the Salford Rugby League Stadium to Salford City Council......
Whatta mare. Its interesting to see how much skill and hard work was originally put into it (1776?) Great footage and a history captured, thank you.
Earlier that that.
This Canal was opened in 1761...; so it's 200 years older than I am, being a 1961-vintage.
This Canal helped kickstart the Coal-fired Industrial Revolution, carrying Coal, Iron, Manufactured Goods & and then a hundred years later being rendered obsolete - by the Railways which the Cheap carriage of Coal & Steel which the Canals had enabled.
And, now...the increasingly intense, increasingly frequent, record-breaking Extreme-Weather Events which the Global Warming that has itself been caused by the British Fossil-burning Industrial Revolution..., Has delivered enough Rain in a bolus-dose that the resulting Flooding has soaked into the Clay Embankment from the bottom - destabilising the structure so that the Embankment could no longer support the weight of the Water in the Canal, running along the top of the Embankment.
This Canal was a badly stupid and hubristic arrogant avaricious MONEYGRUBBING Scheme, from the very start - as planned..., and finally and at long last ; the Canal has now experienced the chaotic downstream consequences of all the Changes which it's shortsighted Designers, Financiers, Builders, and Operators NEVER ever bothered their greedy little heads with thinking about.
Will the Private Company which owns the Land under the Canal ever raise the funding required to rebuild a catastrophically-failed section of 300 year-old, obsolete, bit of Infrastructure in an entire System which is crumbling away from lack of Maintenance, due to there having been zero Industrial use of the System for the past 150 years - and the Recreational Boaters who play there, and the Social Fringe-Dwellers who live on their Narrowboats can barely afford their own Registration & Maintenance costs.
If this failed Canal is vital to linking other large sections of the Canal Network...(?) ; then as the Fossil-fuelled EcoGnomie continues to unravel, under the impact of the Extreme Weather..., then the likelihood of anyone being in a position to fix this ONE little bit of the entire tired old tumbledown unmaintained Network - strikes me as being so very unlikely that I would expect to see the rest of the Network successively failing around it, and being plugged and sealed to isolate every Breach from the remaining Ponds - until the whole System becomes an un-navigable relic.
At which point, it will be allowed to collapse and become Overgrown.
A Society which can't fix the Potholes in the Roads it drives along - is not likely to waste money rebuilding an
Canal System which
Enabled the very Fossil-burning Habits which have wrecked the Homeostasis of the Atmosphere and wrecked every Ecology within the Biosphere.
To the Legacy Canal Network.
There is no
EcoGnomic "Case" for
Repairing this long thin
Them's the FACTS.
Such is life,
Have a good one.....
Stay safe.
Ciao !
Yes thanks for watching hope you enjoyed,,if you subscribe and hit the bell I will be uploading every week with updates until it starts getting repaired and so on 👍
How silly are all the people walking so close to the breach .
Let them worry about their own safety 😢
Very good footage thank you for the video.
Thank you for watching,,I’m uploading another today from both ends 👍
0:05 They are standing inches away from the next collapse. StuXidity in full swing
Let people worry re their own safety 😢
It’s all concrete where we are standing,,look at the ledge where the water runs off,,peel holdings was there putting lines on the floor,,can see them in the video 👍
Great work, Ant.
The impact of this is significant for anyone boating into Liverpool from the Midlands and boating businesses.Sure, there’s an alternate route through Manchester but getting up the Macclesfield in summer is so unpredictable. To reconstruct the embankment won’t be quick as I suspect they’ll need to install some form of reinforced concrete trough. Time for some leadership otherwise it’ll just become a finger pointing shambles
Water erosion writ large. That will cost a bob or two to repair.
What's the betting that Peel will close it and charge boaters to use the MSC as a bypass?
Wouldn’t be surprised
I think cheapest option would be cast concrete U shaped sections as opposed to all that piling to replace, or a lock at each end and a tank on a railway wagon ( think foxton incline plane but on the level)
agree, create that at ground level then at each end build a mini falkirk wheel or several locks
Wow, that will never sadly get fixed
Awsum drone footage... So has anybody said how it could of happened, what caused the breach ??
I'm assuming the flooding off to the right of the breach was the river flooding, yes??
theres a vid of a canal expert giving a few possibilities top 2 were a small leak that has just got worse over time with the heavy rains not helping or his favourite is a collapsed culvert under the canal. He shows a map with location of the culvert.
Thanks buddy,,I think everything dropped under the canal first where the concrete repair ended,,look where the water runs off,,that’s the end off the concrete floor 👍
So the side of the embankment breached and then the force of the water rushing through broke the slides of the canal causing even the ground underneath to slid down like a sink hole/landslide? Shouldn't there have been more trees planted at the base of the embankments to stop soil slippage? I feel as if this should have been preventable. I hope it can be repaired quickly. I understand that both boaters and home owners in the area have been impacted.
Are those the wall cribbing of the canal - the thing that looked like the rediscovered hull of a barge or ship of the line at the start of the video.
Yes buddy that the old walls of the canal slid down and bent
What a sad site can't see Peel repairing that.😮
I wouldn't be at all surprised if Peel Holdings did this, they'll never pay for its repair, instead it'll be turned over for development
It would not suprise me if that happened , these 2.5 million homes have to go somewhere , someone is sure going to make a lot of money from this .
Wow that's hell of a lot of damage never seen anything like this looks like a exocett misile shot through it and just shows you why it was not dreadged at of silt build up good vidieo
Yes it’s a crazy sight 👍
My only hope is back in about 2012 (I think), the Grand Western Canal, a small landlocked 10mile canal in Devon breached in a similar way and I remember seeing it on our local news and I thought they'd never repair it as it doesn't even go anywhere so, pretty as it is, is of no real commercial value. However within two years the local council had rebuilt it. Surely this canal which is a main connecting route has to be repaired??
Hopefully 🤞 they fix it
Unfortunately even though it maybe a connecting route its only used by tourists/pleasure cruisers. No great commercial value . Now if they allowed planning permission for a new marine in that area a company might finance the repair. New locks at each end and lower the level might work .
interesting the way in which the steels have fallen and the path eroded away . can only think the bottom of the steels been undermined and collapsed under its own weight. If its a vunerable area having previously breached maybe a welded bolted box construction like the ponty aqauduct. Will be an interesting engineering project if it gets repaired..
Yes probably,,I went over that ponty aqauduct in the summer,,that’s some job that,,I did a video of it on my channel 👍
I’m sorry but this stretch of canal is done. No private company is going to repair because they will never recover the investment.
At what section was this?...
Near Dunham Massey
At least it now has an exit ramp.
It’s a shame for all the people living and stuck on the boats
That Quango is going bankrupt, much like most others when faced with the cost of actually doing the job they were setup to do, instead of acting as a cash cow fleecing the public for political backhanders.
What quango?
How was this allowed to happen??
Unknown and probably no maintenance
Excellent footage that makes disaster clear to me with no spatial awareness. This has to be restored by private owner who benefited from state build
great footage, thank you
Thanks for watching,,I’ve been down yesterday and did a full video of all of it where it’s been caped at both ends so hopefully upload today 👍
Salvage recoveries have started
That's no breach... The ground has gone from under the canal!! If not, why the Venus fly-trap effect from the canal pilings? They won't, don't just fold inwards like they have, unless there is nothing behind them to support them.. I installed similar heavy duty steel pilings for 6 years with Interserve, they don't just fold inwards like they have here.. I believe the bottom of the canal dropped out...
Have you noticed how the old style block built canal is still structurally sound? It's only the modern (probably as cheaply as possibly built) section has failed... They don't make things how they used to!!!!!
Yes that’s what I thought,everything dropped first
Park some old Army Amtracks full of dirt in the breach. That should work.
When did this happen
New Year’s Eve slash New Year’s Day morning early hours
@explorewithant why was it not on the news .
Who pays for its repair.
I work at the falkirk wheel
Why isn't the army engineers already there trying to fix it???? is the government actually doing ANYTHING about this???
I’ve been there today and there’s nobody there and I mean nobody in sight
@@explorewithant - shock horror! who'd have thought it!
because peel own it and they are private, nothing to do with council or government
don't hold your breath for a solution. Even if they wanted to re-build, access is limited to say the least. If you look and see how much it costs to build a mile of road with good supply access then mulitply by the difficulty factor you get a very big number so sadly it seems like a very obvious "sorry folks".
Please forgive my ignorance, but i thought this would be a CRT issue, who are Peel holdings and what's their involvement please?
They basically own everything like all the land and waterways,,they even own Trafford Centre
peel is a very underhand company, only interested in value of land and do not care about people, wildlife or maintaining infrastructure
but this is surely damaging the entire canal network it connects to, with the all of the water escaping? they need to plug both ends of the damage asap
They have capped both ends as seen in my video,,apparently there’s work starting soon also
It is 300 years old got to break sometime.
Was it my imagination or did I see 3 tents on the side of the canal
Yes you definitely did 👍
it will be interesting to see how it is resolved and how long
People spent a lot of time and money building this.
A real shame
Peel aint fixing that.....
It's amazing how busy a random place gets just because something is posted online. What a shame so many of them can't turn their brains on in the real world and pay attention to warning signs/barriers. Should just stay at home where they don't have to think and stay safe.
What devastation that’s really bad
all along canal network they need to keep or plant japanese knotweed. it would soon strengthen the soil with its roots.
Perfect time to clean the canal before it gets blocked at the end.
Looks like a good place to look for gold to me ❤️💛💚
Did anyone save the fish in the fields?
I think most of them hopefully went in the river where most of the water went
Hope they had good insurance...
Not a chance.
Thinks it will never reopen .
Like the Bolton and Bury canal, it wont get fixed
China....road gets a pothole...fixed in 1 hour with 7 crews....england...canal bridge breach and a serious hazard to wildlife and contamination...1 week on and not 1 hi vis or barrier 😂😂😂
1:51 and now backwards
I heard peel holdings are just going to close it permanently as there is no funds to repair it
peel are worth billions, but ask them to pay for it and they will refuse
The poor farmers land will never be right now , prob be forced to sell it all and it will be peel holdings that make the money from it by building on it . Goverment and councils seem to be doing a lot of land grabbing now , most local green land ( moss land near here already earmarked for development such as carrington moss - hale /timperley areas ..
@@pixiewolf01able peel own the fields with silt on it and also the sewage farm.
@@jonathanpringle8238 i think the fields are owned by blackburn farm , will is on here i think , he was out and about trying to clear up some of the debris the other day .
cant see them paying to repair that
They have just started to try rescue the stuck boats first then see what happens 👍👍
That's going to be dammed expensive to fix😮
It was expensive to build.
but peel can afford to fix it but they will not
I'm surprised it lasted 50 years. The thing is mostly made of sand and clay.
Cue the keyboard health and safety executive officers telling people it's dangerous 🤣 nice footage Ant 👍🏻
the drone footage one guy got shows a guy standing about 3ft away when a big chunk of tarmac footpath collapsed into a big hole next to the steel sidings.
That embankment is still unstable - bits of it are still shifting - of course it's dangerous. But if people want to kill themselves to get on UA-cam it's not my job to stop them.
@robshaw3655 aye, I saw that, but that's upto them, I've got a bit of grief myself and I stopped before I got to the subsiding bit. It just makes me laugh when people point out the obvious 🤣 I've done far more dangerous jobs than making my videos lol. Take care, stay free 👍🏻
If there was no barriers put in place than some people who ignored them would complain about it.
@@Buffalo31 to be honest, the only people complaining about no barriers would be the same people complaining about people ignoring them lol. I suppose we can't all have a sense of adventure, hey ho, it is what it is. Stay free brother ✊🏻
they will save a fortune not having to dredge it for a few years
People in West London have had their lives turned upside down for years because Hammersmith bridge is closed to traffic as the bridge needs repair and no-one wants to take responsibility for it that's in the capital and no-one has the ability to sort it. I wish you well as there is no shame in letting historic infrastructure go whilst spending billions on vanity projects nobody wants.
Thats going be expensive , isn;t this canal privately owned not put of the crt
What a mess and all the fish gone it's going to take years to get back and lits of restocking but glad everyone is ok.
I think most fish went in to the river bollin
gona cost a lot to rebuild...if they...
What happened to the audio.
The only audio with drone footage is zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
@@benkeen x4
@@benkeen I didn't even hear any zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, also you are 100% wrong with your comment regarding drone footage audio.
I watch many videos on the net where people use drones and there is audio as in humans narating what is happening.
There was a breach with the audio
such a shame weather is as weather does...but surley some kind of survey swas done prior to this?? Given that current state of the country ill answer that with a no then.
Tis but a scratch lol. Seriously it is hard to imagine the force of the water needed to do this ? I would like to think that canal trusts not affected around the country would provide resources and cash perhaps with some government money to put this right asap. There but for the grace of god as they say. Our waterways are a precious resouce and national treasure.
3:42 You can see that the earth is different on both sides, probably the root cause of the problem ... construction issues. The side nearer the sewage farm collapsed, it looks like a 'freshly built bank' at the time of construction ... an accident waiting to happen through piss poor engineering.
Its only lasted a few hundred years.and this is what caused it ,,,,,,,,,,
If they repair it then they may have to start charging money to use it or park up your boat,such a national treasure that is maintained by volunteers should never be levied
You already have to pay to use it
1:09 and back again
We asked peel to paint barton bridge and they refused.
I’ve been down there today speaking to some of the people stuck on the boats and I can believe it
Imagine the cost
I wonder if Peel has shareholders?
Peel Group part of Intu Trafford Centre Group owned by John Whittaker, billionaire.
Lives on the Isle of Man so he doesn't have to pay much tax.
i fwwl for al the stranded boaters who live along this reach its gogin to atak millions to fix this and [eel doesn't fix anyof their stuff just screw as much money out of failing infrastructure they will sit and wait nd blame the rivers trust for this and not ficing it.
The footage is spectacular, and very much appreciated. But it also clearly shows where you are standing, and the drone going around several corners with trees clearly blocking line of sight. This is against CAA regulations and there is a trend going around of people finding drone footage online that's even slightly questionable and reporting the flyer in order to get them into trouble.
To be clear, I'm not suggesting I would do that (I will not, I think it's wrong). I also dont think that what you did is remotely unsafe, you could clearly see around the drone from the perspective of the drone as you flew it. What I am saying however is that per the rules it was illegal, and it might be in your interest to remove this video or clip out the sections which show the breach of the law in this instance.
I could clearly see it at all times 👍
@@explorewithant Glad to hear it!
@@ElliottParkinson I think it looks a lot bigger than it is on video
@@explorewithant yeah even with video it's hard to gauge distance or size of things. Plus where there is growth it's not possible to see just how much visibility you have through or around it.
Apologies for being wrong in this case, I'm sure you have enough to deal with right now with everything going on without mis-informed people like myself blabbering on like I have.
@@ElliottParkinson yes no probs,,I’ve been flying drones for probably around 8 ish years so I’m definitely no beginner,,yes distance is definitely smaller than it looks 👍
Well I have a solution
Peel holding repair section then charge £2 to pass as per Warburton bridge after repairs £1.00 a drive over!😂
And all about lack of proper assessment and maintenance/ and planting trees to reinforce ground structure
Your solution is great 😢 this is a billion pound company and you are suggesting that the ordinary people have to pay .well done ✔️ 😢
Oh it looks far worse than i thought it would its a disaster. I could take years to fix this. 😮