Winter Grazing Track system

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
  • A simple track system known as “paddock paradise” can be created on small acreage pastures to allow horses space for exercise while protecting your pasture grasses. Wild horses travel great distances along familiar tracks each day, and a paddock paradise or track system mimics and encourages this type of natural movement. Paddock Paradise is a concept based on Jamie Jackson’s research and book, Paddock Paradise, A Guide to Natural Horse Boarding. The design can be as simple as running temporary fence along the perimeter fence of a pasture to create a narrow alleyway for animals to move within. The more narrow the alleyway, the more the horses will want to keep walking through the track system. The wider the track the less pressure there is to move, or move fast. When setting up a track system for horses - you can use this narrowing/widening of the track to allow horses areas to move slowly and areas where they are encouraged to move quicker.
    If you have a herd that is not very settled - I recommend using a wider track at first, this will allow for the horses at the lower end of the pecking order to still move slowly through the system without pressure from the other horses.
    Once your herd is well established and settled - you can narrow some areas to get them all moving a bit more!
    A horse will eat as much food as it needs for the day in 4 hours. So, we normally open up a grazing area for 3-4 hours a day. If our horses are looking a bit heavy, we might reduce that.
    I have found our track systems to be particularly good for horses that over eat. Mini's, etc - as the continuous movement helps prevent laminitis. We love it for all our horses though as in a standard paddock - a horse would normally only move about 2-3 kms per day whilst grazing and standing. On a track system our horses travel anywhere between 10-20kms per day. Their fitness improves, their hooves wear more naturally and require less farrier visits, they become familiar with different obstacles we put on the track - anything from flags to stream or pond crossings, mud, etc. We love tracks that have natural obstacles included like streams and hills.
    A track doesn't need to be a huge undertaking. If you can keep your horse behind a hot wire - you can create a track system in the smallest of paddocks. Another benefit - the number of horses/stock you can keep on a acreage with a track system is greater than if you simply paddocked your horses.
    s anyone who has kept ponies, cobs or "good doers" will know, they only have to look at a blade of grass to put on weight, and managing their turn out is a constant battle. If you’ve tried strip grazing, muzzles, and restricted grazing, and have ended up with an animal who has learnt to gorge itself stupid at any given chance or who is downright miserable, the Track System could be the solution you’re looking for..
    What is the Track System?
    A track system or 'Paddock Paradise' is an exciting new way of keeping horses that was created by Jaime Jackson. Instead of turning out horses in regular square or oblong fields where they just stand in one spot and eat and eat and eat, an additional "inside" fence is added to create a "track".
    How did it evolve?
    Jackson, a former farrier, undertook studies between 1982 and 1986 of feral horses interacting in their natural environment and studying how they live in the wild. He observed how wild horses travel great distances along familiar tracks each day and the Track System he created simply tries to mimic this.
    How does it work?
    The track encourages the horse to forage as they would naturally. It’s this foraging and increased movement that also stimulates the horses and prevents boredom, which they may experience in a traditional paddock or whilst stabled.
    The track width can vary. The narrower the track, the more the horse will be inclined to keep moving. However, don't make it too narrow if you have more than one horse in the field.
    When should a Track System be used?
    A track system is perfect for horses and ponies of all ages, breeds and heights, and especially those that are prone to weight gain, laminitis/Cushing’s, arthritis, boredom, and other diseases and illnesses caused by the high sugar and starch levels found in grass.
    How much does it cost to do?
    The design can be as simple as running temporary fence along the perimeter fence of a field to create a narrow alleyway. This can be put in quite cheaply and quickly using plastic fence poles and tape. It’s well worth the effort when you see how much happier and healthier your horse is.
    In a nut shell…
    A Track System:
    Increases movement whilst restricting grass intake
    Mimics the horse's natural environment
    Allows horses to express their natural behaviour
    Discourages vices and unwanted behaviour
    Creates a stimulating environment for your horse
    Has many health benefits.