A secure relationship? That is such a good question! I've been thinking about that too! In attempting to describe it I would say it would be a relationship where we feel free to be our authentic self. In a way it's about being secure in our own uniqueness, in our connection to ourself, our unique path, then connecting to others can spring from a curiosity and a joy of connecting further. Presence is such a foundational element to feeling secure.
😊 Yes, you hit the core of the chiron wound surfacing for us all now. Most of us carry trauma from this exact split you speak of: having to sacrifice authenticity for connection. And yes it does have a lot to do with secure relating for sure!! Do you know why it does? Hehe
@@soulscompasshealing So, I've heard something that made sense to me about why presence is important and it's to look at the situation from the point of view of the child. An infant and young child needs a present adult to survive so it makes sense that responsive gesturing, affirming bodylanguage and calm compassionate interaction would help us feel safe. These are some ways I see presence can be presented. Being present for ourself is much about setting the boundaries in real life that help us feel safe just being. Just being a human being with any of what is needing to be felt, sensed and processed at the present moment. Anything you would like to add? 🍓🍓
Yes, I would use the word attunement: that mother is following baby's cues and meets their needs while interacting with delight. This signals to the nervous system of baby that it is safe to remain in their authenticity (at that age is expressing discomfort for survival) AND have connection/relationship. Depending on how consistent and predictable this co-regulation was is directly how the blueprint for what we refer to as attachment is formed.
❤Indeed the awareness of our own actual foundations in relating is the only place where we can start to grow and evolve the patterns! It has helped to get to know and let the helpful mothering energies to be part of my inner and outer life. The emotional nurturance and acceptance of emotions, the encouragement, the safety to feel. Still learning. True Capricorn is very grounded and mature, practically skilled and like you said, consistent. I'm really starting to see how the 'opposing' signs really only can reach their full expression in us, when both are present to support eachother. 🙏Really a beautiful tapestry all woven together the full zodiac wheel is! I know it's been fragmented in many ways in our individual and collective stories, but I believe we can make repair and make change and connect with more of who we are.
Happy Solstice Amiga. Healing trails were blazed on limestone under the big moon. Hope you are healthy and well. Grow on. 🎑
A secure relationship? That is such a good question! I've been thinking about that too!
In attempting to describe it I would say it would be a relationship where we feel free to be our authentic self. In a way it's about being secure in our own uniqueness, in our connection to ourself, our unique path, then connecting to others can spring from a curiosity and a joy of connecting further. Presence is such a foundational element to feeling secure.
😊 Yes, you hit the core of the chiron wound surfacing for us all now. Most of us carry trauma from this exact split you speak of: having to sacrifice authenticity for connection. And yes it does have a lot to do with secure relating for sure!! Do you know why it does? Hehe
@@soulscompasshealing So, I've heard something that made sense to me about why presence is important and it's to look at the situation from the point of view of the child. An infant and young child needs a present adult to survive so it makes sense that responsive gesturing, affirming bodylanguage and calm compassionate interaction would help us feel safe. These are some ways I see presence can be presented. Being present for ourself is much about setting the boundaries in real life that help us feel safe just being. Just being a human being with any of what is needing to be felt, sensed and processed at the present moment. Anything you would like to add? 🍓🍓
Yes, I would use the word attunement: that mother is following baby's cues and meets their needs while interacting with delight. This signals to the nervous system of baby that it is safe to remain in their authenticity (at that age is expressing discomfort for survival) AND have connection/relationship. Depending on how consistent and predictable this co-regulation was is directly how the blueprint for what we refer to as attachment is formed.
There are other factors, such as biological that play into this. But yeah that's the simple explanation.
❤Indeed the awareness of our own actual foundations in relating is the only place where we can start to grow and evolve the patterns!
It has helped to get to know and let the helpful mothering energies to be part of my inner and outer life. The emotional nurturance and acceptance of emotions, the encouragement, the safety to feel. Still learning. True Capricorn is very grounded and mature, practically skilled and like you said, consistent. I'm really starting to see how the 'opposing' signs really only can reach their full expression in us, when both are present to support eachother. 🙏Really a beautiful tapestry all woven together the full zodiac wheel is! I know it's been fragmented in many ways in our individual and collective stories, but I believe we can make repair and make change and connect with more of who we are.
Exactly, the fractal of life according to natural law is all right there in the zodiac, applying it to our life by way of evolving is the hard part!