The Incredibly Bizarre Story Of Cicadas & Fungi

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 2,4 тис.

  • @EvilSandwich
    @EvilSandwich 5 років тому +1244

    Its always nice when the UA-cam algorithm actually recommends a video worth watching. This was really cool and a pleasant surprise.

    • @LearnYourLand
      @LearnYourLand  5 років тому +35

      Thanks for watching!

    • @bejare2
      @bejare2 5 років тому +9

      Instead of the tending crap lol

    • @fishfire_2999
      @fishfire_2999 5 років тому +7

      You may have looked at psychedelic mushrooms 🍄 recently .

    • @EvilSandwich
      @EvilSandwich 5 років тому +6

      @@fishfire_2999 No, but i did look at a couple bug videos lately.

    • @1nvd
      @1nvd 5 років тому +6

      This shit was lit. I subbed lol

  • @rawbmar1166
    @rawbmar1166 5 років тому +443

    I'm not sure who this guy is but I could listen to him all day. Passionate and enthusiastic, reminds me of one of those very few teachers in life who gave a shit about you.

    • @v3le
      @v3le 3 роки тому +4

      He also looks like James Grime from numberphile

    • @MrDrProfessorSir962
      @MrDrProfessorSir962 3 роки тому +3

      Yo I came to say how much I think he’s hot but above all else how his enthusiasm is what has me so in love with him. And you felt it a year before me. Whoa

    • @heavensplayer
      @heavensplayer 3 роки тому +1

      @@MrDrProfessorSir962 thx just came

    • @Myron90
      @Myron90 3 роки тому +1

      I wanted to click away half way through but couldn't. This guys good.

    • @itsmegotdamn1779
      @itsmegotdamn1779 3 роки тому

      Well said my boy well said

  • @AB-wf8ek
    @AB-wf8ek 5 років тому +1479

    "Finding a fungal infected cicada is rewarding for me because..." pops cicada into mouth, trips balls on camera

    • @chuksk8592
      @chuksk8592 5 років тому +141

      Loses his *balls* like the male cicadas

    • @tommyyt9179
      @tommyyt9179 5 років тому +11


    • @caseydeshazo679
      @caseydeshazo679 5 років тому +41

      I laughed so hard when I read this!

    • @dudeman7738
      @dudeman7738 5 років тому +55

      That man was hanging on to it pretty tight he definitely took it home.

    • @Pro_Vs_Con
      @Pro_Vs_Con 5 років тому +15

      LM fuckn ao.. Shit have me rolling.. 😂

  • @edwardraines6430
    @edwardraines6430 3 роки тому +334

    Wow, a fungus that turns cicadas into meth zombies. Nature is insane.

  • @jnklee
    @jnklee 3 роки тому +62

    This video is actually relevant to me as a resident of a "Brood X" region in 2021.

    • @xxtinabobina
      @xxtinabobina 3 роки тому


    • @libidinistlyn
      @libidinistlyn 3 роки тому

      ayyy me too

    • @emilynevils733
      @emilynevils733 3 роки тому +1

      Same. In middle TN & they aren’t here yet. Didn’t find a single morel either. Crazy kinda year.

    • @zitkalasa7
      @zitkalasa7 3 роки тому

      Me too

    • @harmonyroselane421
      @harmonyroselane421 3 роки тому +3

      We’re in Northern Maryland, in the countryside, and the sound is ear-splitting. The squirrels and birds follow them as they fly and land on trees. Lunch! The tiny tree frogs eat the dead ones that land in the pond. Ants devour the dead ones to a powder within several hours.

  • @klm20079
    @klm20079 5 років тому +271

    this brings me back too old UA-cam, real education video's... the time where yt was for funny and learning stuff. keep de good work going!

    • @Fede_uyz
      @Fede_uyz 5 років тому +1

      Spanish speaker?

    • @S0M3THING
      @S0M3THING 3 роки тому +7

      UA-cam is still like that...

    • @IScreamedWolf
      @IScreamedWolf 3 роки тому +7

      Lol old youtube was the wild Wild West. Didn’t have anything with this level of production quality

    • @boozecruiser
      @boozecruiser 3 роки тому +1

      Old youtube was shitty home movies, unedited lets plays, tutorials, videos of animals and unfunny vlogs. What do you consider "old" lol

    • @francis_n
      @francis_n 7 місяців тому

      YT started its life as a dating website where people could upload their video profiles.

  • @michaelfoye1135
    @michaelfoye1135 5 років тому +470

    The behavioral alterations caused by fungus in a variety of insect species makes me wonder if some human behaviors are not the result of similar exposures in humans?

    • @voluntaryismistheanswer
      @voluntaryismistheanswer 5 років тому +148

      The mass sugar addiction makes me assume candida took over most people's minds long ago. That's been my theory awhile. The good mushrooms made me start thinking. ;) Perhaps all of this world's fuckery is a war of fungi.

    • @kentneumann5209
      @kentneumann5209 5 років тому +14

      VoluntaryismIsTheAnswer - Very interesting theory.

    • @michaelfoye1135
      @michaelfoye1135 5 років тому +37

      @@kentneumann5209 Technically its an hypothesis.

    • @modestxmichelle
      @modestxmichelle 5 років тому +20

      @@voluntaryismistheanswer look up the stoned ape theory

    • @laserflexr6321
      @laserflexr6321 5 років тому +13

      @@voluntaryismistheanswer Theres fungus among us! Quick get the diatomaceous earth to desiccate the zombies!

  • @dougvogt8058
    @dougvogt8058 5 років тому +155

    I come here for the mushrooms, but I love the enthusiasm and knowledge that you impart on all of your videos. Thanks.

    • @NPC3.14
      @NPC3.14 5 років тому +2

      he is featuring a fungi! :P

    • @mattlourer9692
      @mattlourer9692 3 роки тому +1

      He has a video on the red headed woodpecker. You should check it out

  • @lordmoldybutt6361
    @lordmoldybutt6361 3 роки тому +58

    I just started landscaping a couple months ago. And it's amazing to be so close to nature like I was when I was a kid. Just the other day I saved a tree frog that was on a magnolia tree we were trimming. Nature is freaking awesome.

    • @jocelynkreiser
      @jocelynkreiser 3 роки тому +2

      Glad you saved the frog 😊 my bf is a landscaper and is always outside! We’re both big nature and animal lovers.

    • @randymctavish3728
      @randymctavish3728 3 роки тому

      Life sucks. I seen a deer give birth and lizard bit it's face off

  • @doughnutheart9509
    @doughnutheart9509 5 років тому +214

    Watching him being a nerd with that big smile is very infectious and i found myself smiling with him as he explained

    • @Jarelonli
      @Jarelonli 5 років тому +2

      Your both killers😱

    • @Paskasauruss
      @Paskasauruss 4 роки тому +1

      @Piscotty Carribou what are you talking about

    • @bradleyrussell1973
      @bradleyrussell1973 3 роки тому +3

      He’s the guy you want to hang with, post-nuclear war.

    • @MrHankeee
      @MrHankeee 3 роки тому +3

      Thats that psycho smile 😃 he'll smile the same way as he's stabbing you nonstop

    • @Ash-ii4hg
      @Ash-ii4hg 3 роки тому

      @@MrHankeee what...

  • @animalogic
    @animalogic 5 років тому +460

    I love this!

  • @meehow72
    @meehow72 3 роки тому +21

    Material like this should have millions of subscribers. Adam, you know your stuff and you talk about it so passionately. It's truly inspiring. ❤

    • @bdubb5390
      @bdubb5390 8 місяців тому

      He's lying though. No fungus. Glue and Styrofoam. Stop hurting these bugs.

  • @thomasgeschke9553
    @thomasgeschke9553 5 років тому +44

    I had no idea that there was a parasitic fungus that effects cicadas to this extent. Also, love your enthusiasm. Thanks for the knowledge!

    • @charly_r7003
      @charly_r7003 3 роки тому +2

      I think there is a parasitic fungus for every single species of insects, and it usually servers to control the population of that species.

    • @RaptorJesusHimself
      @RaptorJesusHimself 3 роки тому +1

      Look up cordyceps fungus

  • @jl2000doramail
    @jl2000doramail 3 роки тому +6

    When I was a kid in Hong Kong, you could easily hear the sound of cicadas outside of the classroom or parks during summer time. I love the sound which gives me a piece of Zen. Right now I am living in San Francisco, I wish we could have cicadas here.

  • @sv4653
    @sv4653 3 роки тому +19

    Crazy I get this recommended 2 years later since the cicada invasion. Western PA was absolutely buzzing with these critters, and boy was it cool to experience!

    • @jocelynkreiser
      @jocelynkreiser 3 роки тому +1

      I’m an Eastern PA-er and we just had our cicada invasion this summer! It was *so* cool 😎

  • @1fanger888
    @1fanger888 5 років тому +11

    I only witnessed a cicada event one time. That was back in the late 70`s. It reminded me of the sound of the Jupiter II in the tv show Lost in Space. An awesome sound, indeed. That, and the smell of honeysuckle, to me, was something that happens in summer that I will never forget.

  • @Wendy_Blank
    @Wendy_Blank 5 років тому +132

    My Cicadas emerged on Wednesday at 10:31 a.m.. I will be honest, they freak me out with their red eyes. I went to prune my Raspberry bushes and Bingo! there he was staring at me - I was able to get my very first picture of a healthy Cicada in full regalia. I often wonder if the legend of fairies was due to Cicadas.(?) Their wings are gorgeous and look like glittering gold when the sunlight hits them just right. In small groups their song is very Harp or Dulcimer like.-- It is something to wonder about on a late Spring evening. :-) Oh, thank you for the primer on Cicada fungus. I really had no idea about this fungus infection specific to Cicadas.

    • @michaelfoye1135
      @michaelfoye1135 5 років тому +9

      Cicadas and glow flys certainly go a long way to explaining fey mythology.

    • @demonlordotrt754
      @demonlordotrt754 5 років тому +2

      Where im from thire jokingly called salt shakers lom

    • @HercadosP
      @HercadosP 5 років тому +2

      never heard a story of a fairy that can't shut up. :)

    • @jaimedelgado7529
      @jaimedelgado7529 5 років тому

      where do u live? i dont think we have these where i live but they are easy to miss if they are only about every 17 years

    • @Wendy_Blank
      @Wendy_Blank 5 років тому +1

      @@jaimedelgado7529 Pennsylvania.

  • @silver-phoenix
    @silver-phoenix 5 років тому +16

    Hearing those Cicadas reminds me of my childhood growing up in Southern Indiana.
    Thanks for this video.
    Informative as always.

    • @seanaldrich5024
      @seanaldrich5024 5 років тому +1

      I hear ya! I live in Jeffersonville so I know what you mean.

  • @jdeluca6181
    @jdeluca6181 5 років тому +205

    My body: It's 7am, you need sleep.
    UA-cam: *Cicadas and fungi (:*
    Me: alright

  • @Nono-hk3is
    @Nono-hk3is 3 роки тому +26

    "...Won't *necessarily* be eating the fungus-infected cicada..."
    But probably will.

  • @thatoneguy6725
    @thatoneguy6725 5 років тому +45

    These little guys story has always interested me. The fungi part of it is new to me. This is a very interesting and well done video, great job!

  • @r1ch1o24
    @r1ch1o24 5 років тому +321

    "And although I won't necessarily be eating these Infected cicadas"
    What do you mean 'necessarily'
    Sounds like your going to eat them.

    • @DJCole34
      @DJCole34 5 років тому +12

      Most likely he will be using it as a drug, or harvesting them for this purpose.

    • @lapidations
      @lapidations 5 років тому +36

      Not *these* infected cicadas. But he'll eat the other 50 he found off camera

    • @RatTaxi
      @RatTaxi 4 роки тому +10

      👀 Mashed Fungus-infected Cicadas on Toast with Fly Larvae on the side. It's what's for dinner.

    • @TheDistrict644
      @TheDistrict644 3 роки тому +3

      @@DJCole34 lol....I'm thinking the same. Probable for sure, He just didn't want to be the one going full blast with the info.

    • @tojesake4564
      @tojesake4564 3 роки тому +9

      Cicadas are actually an ok source of protein and according to my classmates they taste like shrimp. (I'm in the middle of brood x cicadas rn)

  • @hashtag415
    @hashtag415 5 років тому +252

    Your enthusiasm rivals that of Steve Irwin.

    • @alexanderkboyce
      @alexanderkboyce 5 років тому +2

      Especially at 1.25x

    • @liliakai
      @liliakai 4 роки тому +4

      I was just thinking, Adam is the Steve Irwin of fungi.

    • @gianamaenzavarandas4254
      @gianamaenzavarandas4254 4 роки тому +3

      yessss thats what ive been thinking!!!

    • @cheremichael367
      @cheremichael367 3 роки тому +1

      Crikey!!! 😂😂😂

    • @pillardelaney4726
      @pillardelaney4726 3 роки тому

      @@liliakai 👇👇👇👇👇🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺From Queensland, AUSSIE.....

  • @BrookeMerkin
    @BrookeMerkin 3 роки тому +1

    You are absolutely the most authentic knowledable friendly fun and helpful sweet youtube content creator

  • @TheBooze13
    @TheBooze13 4 роки тому +6

    This is seriously one of the most fascinating relationships in the world

  • @wolfmangosan539
    @wolfmangosan539 5 років тому +68

    like always your videos are of the very highest quality. no one I've seen is in your class of teaching.two 👍 up.

    • @DANKYdans
      @DANKYdans 5 років тому +3

      Nah 3 thumbs up.

  • @wiidlbeetle3857
    @wiidlbeetle3857 5 років тому +10

    I've been collecting insects in Louisiana for years and its actually rare to find a cicada that does NOT have massospora cicadina. Great video, love your channel!

    • @jimjimsauce
      @jimjimsauce 5 років тому +2

      wiidl beetle euthanize them hoes and send em to me, I’d enjoy a tasty trippy treat

    • @tissuepaper9962
      @tissuepaper9962 3 роки тому

      @@jimjimsauce just grow khat instead, same active ingredient. slightly less legal, much less work.

  • @dawnmorning
    @dawnmorning 5 років тому +6

    You have a special way of making disturbing things pleasant. Thanks. Indiana here and no cicadas here.

  • @binky613
    @binky613 Рік тому +1

    I lived in brood 10 zone in 2021. I only found 3 with the fungus. The one was literally a head with wings and 6 legs attached. The rest of the body was gone. It was still walking around. I was so obsessed with them. I loved them. I had uploaded the pic on that cicada app. The tree in my yard 2 years later has had huge growth from the pruning. You can still see the scaring.

  • @colinvega7618
    @colinvega7618 3 роки тому +14

    Great vid! I live in Maryland right now and I thought that they lost their lower half after breeding because they link together when they do, very interesting!

    • @EllieUchiha17
      @EllieUchiha17 3 роки тому +1

      I’m traumatized from them from when I was in preschool 17 years ago! I work at a school and the elementary schoolers are OBSESSED with them. I just wish. I wasn’t scared but I scream and run away every time I see a shadow 😂

  • @rippspeck
    @rippspeck 5 років тому +4

    I'm sure you've heard it a lot of times but you are an awesome teacher. It's very noticeable that you enjoy talking about nature.

  • @Fallingxleaves
    @Fallingxleaves 5 років тому +39

    Cicadas are so fascinating... and cute! I find their sounds quite meditative to listen to on a summer night.

    • @panscentralexpresspresents4733
      @panscentralexpresspresents4733 5 років тому +1

      There is actually an old greek myth about some people who were filled with some spirit and they begun dancing and singing.
      Well they dance and sung so hard, they forgot to eat or sleep...
      but when they died.. The spirits let them be cicadas so they can dance and sing with out eating for eternity

    • @dtrubow
      @dtrubow 5 років тому

      Ashley nothing like a fresh snack after the music .. crunchy too.

    • @rich1051414
      @rich1051414 5 років тому

      @Ann Campbell You sound like a chat bot that is pretending to understand context.

    • @rich1051414
      @rich1051414 5 років тому

      @Ann Campbell That escalated quickly... who hurt you o.O... don't take it out on me...

  • @ToneyCrimson
    @ToneyCrimson 5 років тому +110

    He was probably screaming "KILL ME!!" damn nature you scary...
    Reminds me of the Flood.

    • @thebabscast5154
      @thebabscast5154 5 років тому +2

      He was methed out

    • @lm2193
      @lm2193 5 років тому

      he actually still enjoying sex with other male by luring these male to him.

    • @bewaretheclaw
      @bewaretheclaw 5 років тому +2

      Look at that rat lookin thing! Damn nature, you scary!

  • @johnkennedy8682
    @johnkennedy8682 5 років тому +18

    I always have a challenge when it comes to intervening in nature, especially when a parasitic or invasive are involved. I have a large butterfly garden and there is an invasive species, the "European Hornet", a big aggressive wasp. Generally I live and let live, but when I saw this hornet attack and take down a black tiger swallowtail, I went and did some research, and discovered they were invasive and ate many of the critters my garden was planted to cater to. I hate the idea that all my work to build a garden is there to serve as an invasive species smorgasbord. The one weakness the European Hornet has is they are slow, so I can intercept them before they take down a bee or butterfly. Watching your video, I'm not sure I could have released the infected Cicada. Believe me, I have a real moral dilemma with killing anything, even invasive wasps, but I feel humans had a direct effect on bringing them here, humans should be helping limit their negative effects. Thank you for the informative video.

    • @sharoncombs58
      @sharoncombs58 2 роки тому

      John, you sound like I feel about killing even insects, who are simply living their lives as instructed by nature. However, if there is no alternative, I will indeed try to eliminate them. I wish you well, and I understand the moral issues involved.

    • @B_4035mn
      @B_4035mn Рік тому

      Realistically speaking, humanity has been a driving force in the spread of many species to unwanted locations, most of the time said species cause mass losses on nearly every end due to the fact that most environments cannot adapt at the required speeds, so most of the time utter eradication of most invasive species (Some invasive species have been shown to be beneficial mind you that.) is nearly 100% required, most of the time without the possibility of morals on life even being a choice, as even the smallest amount of morals (As in letting said invasive subject live.) would be a massive mistake causing the butterfly effect to immediately take place, take rabbits, lion fish, bunnies, rats, mice, snails, slugs, frogs, toads, and even plants into memory when it comes to recent events, all of those past events have been very traumatic to all parties involved the invasive creatures on the other hand, I'd say not, they were given the rather opposite, an environment so easy for them to live in that they slowly gnaw away at all of its resources, and remove the fundamental building blocks and very image of, often coalescing into a completely different type of environment unidentical to the previous, other than some discernible features, may not anything over produce otherwise all remaining knowledge of each environment will become practically useless, think of your local park per instance and all the basic predator and prey dynamics in it, without the predators the prey will overproduce and make the environment completely arid, and without the prey the predators will starve to death and the loss of resource flow will make the environment also completely arid.
      But yeah, that is the side-effects of a knowledge based staple species.
      NOTE : I forgot the word I was going to say when I said "staple" I wanted a word that would basically mean, a species that spreads from the spread of a basic environment type, yet also spreads an environment that is made for itself.

  • @SpaceCadet4Jesus
    @SpaceCadet4Jesus 3 роки тому +2

    @10:07 "Although I won't be necessarily eating these infected cicadas....." but I will instead be putting them in a bong.

  • @christinederby8305
    @christinederby8305 5 років тому +12

    I love watching your videos. Adam you are a walking, talking encyclopedia! Thanks

  • @TheFarmacySeedsNetwork
    @TheFarmacySeedsNetwork 5 років тому +63

    Your videos are always so informative and excellent! Thank you for sharing!

    • @LearnYourLand
      @LearnYourLand  5 років тому +1

      Thanks for watching!

    • @brandonphillips5169
      @brandonphillips5169 5 років тому

      It is alcohol is soubutial to those reacts ... so you could extract it that way and don't have to eat the bug...

  • @madmikey1980
    @madmikey1980 5 років тому +81

    Fascinating !! Now wash your hands !! lol

  • @HawthorneHillNaturePreserve
    @HawthorneHillNaturePreserve 3 роки тому +3

    You never cease to amaze me with you knowledge and passion!

  • @LavenderLori406
    @LavenderLori406 3 роки тому +1

    I LOVE your enthusiasm

  • @funny-video-YouTube-channel
    @funny-video-YouTube-channel 5 років тому +143

    Did he make the extract from this mushroom later on or not ?
    *For science :-)*

    • @TheOriginalDeckBoy
      @TheOriginalDeckBoy 5 років тому +21

      Judging the amount of Neck Muscles, Veins and strange use of shoulders, I'd say he was high as fuc on filming lol... that said, sensational work guy...

    • @asamusicdude
      @asamusicdude 5 років тому +2

      With a Very very sterile environment and some Petri dishes

    • @illustriouschin
      @illustriouschin 3 роки тому +4

      The technology is you eat it.

    • @omnio2043
      @omnio2043 3 роки тому +1

      @Krazy0ManMan Thank you

    • @tissuepaper9962
      @tissuepaper9962 3 роки тому +4

      It's only a very mild stimulant, not worth extracting from infected cicadas, especially considering there's a shrub that produces the same compound.

  • @kenjohnson5498
    @kenjohnson5498 5 років тому +7

    Still haven't made it out in Illinois this year, I am surprised to see them out that far north. I have always wondered what the ones with powder on them was from. I honestly thought it was tree pollen. You learn something new everyday thank you Adam.

    • @ChicagoTRS
      @ChicagoTRS 5 років тому +1

      The next big hatch of periodical cicadas in Illinois will be 2024. We get the 17-year variety. (of course, we will get the typical annual cicadas this summer)

    • @kenjohnson5498
      @kenjohnson5498 5 років тому +1

      @@ChicagoTRS I have never seen one this far gone but have seen a powdery mildew on the abdominal area. I am going to be on the hunt for a new fungi in 2024 lol

  • @MagicPlants
    @MagicPlants 5 років тому +42

    Cathinone, Psilocin, and Psilocybin all from cicada fungus?? WOW!!

    • @emguttergames
      @emguttergames 5 років тому +10

      Lemme get a spore print off dat ass!

    • @OphiuchiChannel
      @OphiuchiChannel 5 років тому +6

      And a week later your genitals falls off...

    • @MistakenMystery
      @MistakenMystery 5 років тому +1

      @mark p seriously, you can trip off it?

    • @rickwaldripsr.5113
      @rickwaldripsr.5113 5 років тому +11

      I can’t keep mine lit.

    • @MagicPlants
      @MagicPlants 5 років тому

      @@rickwaldripsr.5113 What the hell are you talking about

  • @garywait3231
    @garywait3231 5 років тому +2

    Fascinating!! Love all your videos, but especially this one. Ever since seeing my first cicada emerge from it's shell over 50 years ago I've been interested in these remarkable insects; but was unaware of this fungal infection. At nearly 80 I don't get into the woods very often any more, but enjoy making discoveries vicariously through your posts. Many thanks !!!!

  • @NerdyShawn
    @NerdyShawn 3 роки тому +8

    I just saw one this morning with the fungus and then UA-cam shows me this?! Get outta my head! Good stuff

    • @Weiner-Worm
      @Weiner-Worm 3 роки тому

      That's pretty crazy, what a coincidence

    • @NerdyShawn
      @NerdyShawn 3 роки тому

      @@Weiner-Worm yeah was wild. Cynthia and I keep seeing a lot of the fungi cicadas, starting to think my house near the woods and Valley maybe has high fungus going on about this area.

  • @markmedlinjr
    @markmedlinjr 5 років тому +23

    Someone was just telling me about how fungi is what connects everything in the woods.

    • @RS-nc7rh
      @RS-nc7rh 5 років тому +2

      Radiolab podcast did a great show about that.

    • @Jupiter-mx1mw
      @Jupiter-mx1mw 5 років тому +1

      @@RS-nc7rh Excuse me, where do you listen to them? SoundCloud, ivoox?

    • @B.McMillan93
      @B.McMillan93 5 років тому +2


    • @daveh16
      @daveh16 5 років тому +1

      @@B.McMillan93 I just read that the trees communicate through the mycelial network

    • @goodguy...badrep.
      @goodguy...badrep. 5 років тому +3

      Magic School Bus lol

  • @Randyo223
    @Randyo223 5 років тому +5

    Outstanding job Adam. Very educational and the music was spot on for this subject.

  • @_MintArcade
    @_MintArcade 5 років тому +154

    The man's is also spreading spores by shaking the cicada violently… 🤣

    • @motto25
      @motto25 5 років тому +16

      no more so than it would be when its flying around tho. Im sure its ultimately inconsequential on the larger scale of the spores dispersion.

    • @Alex-uy7pc
      @Alex-uy7pc 5 років тому +6

      If it was a salt shaker itd be empty by the end of the vid. Lol

    • @brettherold87
      @brettherold87 5 років тому +11

      but how do we even know this is a bad thing? for the cicadas yes, but perhaps this fungus is just as important to the eco-system?

    • @_MintArcade
      @_MintArcade 5 років тому +14

      @@brettherold87 everything is important to the ecosystem until it affects human lives 😉

    • @eldiantre7346
      @eldiantre7346 5 років тому +5

      Trying to increase the next "crop".

  • @FirstLast-vy6rn
    @FirstLast-vy6rn 3 роки тому +3

    The algorithm wins again. This guy is super intense and I watched every second of this video.

  • @richcast66
    @richcast66 3 роки тому +2

    Now we're gonna have junkies searching for infected cicadas

  • @j.pocket
    @j.pocket 5 років тому +15

    Tremendous presentation. Your passion for this topic is absolutely inspired and infectious. Thanks for sharing! Cheers!

  • @ANewHopeIsHere
    @ANewHopeIsHere 5 років тому +63

    I was waiting for him to take tweezers and pull out the fungi. Man I wonder what I looks like coming out and what the inside looks like after. That must be so satisfying to watch.

    • @tillkamp3815
      @tillkamp3815 5 років тому +24

      Pretty disgusting , but thought the same 😂

    • @justsmallstuff4994
      @justsmallstuff4994 5 років тому +2


    • @docholliday6
      @docholliday6 3 роки тому +11

      I've done it, it's like a clumpy moist powder. The Cicada remained oblivious.

    • @MrSlanderer
      @MrSlanderer 3 роки тому +1

      @Steezeus lol

    • @docholliday6
      @docholliday6 3 роки тому

      @Steezeus Didn't have my bowl with me :(

  • @halabujioutdoors
    @halabujioutdoors 5 років тому +7

    Indeed, it's really fascinating. Never heard of this fungus.
    Thanks, Adam!

  • @anyascelticcreations
    @anyascelticcreations 3 роки тому +1

    They really are beautiful little creatures. I didn't get out much this year. So I miss their sound.

  • @audreyp8958
    @audreyp8958 Рік тому +1

    When I was waiting for you to reveal the type of fungus I kept thinking cordyceps, cordyceps, cordyceps.... but it wasn't! For those of you who aren't familiar, cordyceps is another fungus that infects insects, from what I have seen mostly ants and caterpillars. Fascinating fungus to look up if you aren't familiar with it! Love this video and all of the wealth of knowledge you share with us Adam.

  • @theforagingbutcher4178
    @theforagingbutcher4178 5 років тому +4

    I found two infected cicadas within 5 minutes of looking at Hillman State Park. It was wild out there but only in a very small section of the park. Great video as usual brother

    • @AppleVsGravity
      @AppleVsGravity 5 років тому +1

      Did you eat emm?

    • @theforagingbutcher4178
      @theforagingbutcher4178 5 років тому +1

      @@AppleVsGravity Nah, I did collect them and send them off to a couple people that wanted to study and try to grow them.
      I ate a bunch of nymphs during the last brood. These were all adults, a bit to crunchy my taste 😉

    • @AppleVsGravity
      @AppleVsGravity 5 років тому +1

      @@theforagingbutcher4178 I heard it's the MOST potent hallucinogenic fungus around.

    • @theforagingbutcher4178
      @theforagingbutcher4178 5 років тому

      @@AppleVsGravity that's almost certainly incorrect. From what I've read, the psilocybin content is actually relatively low.

    • @AppleVsGravity
      @AppleVsGravity 5 років тому +1

      @@theforagingbutcher4178 Looks like someone will have to do the 'Cicada Ass Challenge' to find out.

  • @yetimountaintrading5859
    @yetimountaintrading5859 5 років тому +43

    That is so interesting I never new this awesome info friend great work

  • @Klesh
    @Klesh 5 років тому +85

    That's cool I never knew that about the Cicadas. Cool video thanks man!

  • @isma8450
    @isma8450 5 років тому +21

    Am I the only one that wished he had removed the fungi
    Like a scab.. take it off!!!

    • @diegomo1413
      @diegomo1413 3 роки тому +1

      That’s not fair to the fungus tho. It caught that cicada fair and square

  • @brendanhod
    @brendanhod 3 роки тому +3

    Just saw my first fungi-infection periodical cicada yesterday! How did the UA-cam algorithm know to recommend this?

    • @naturalnashuan
      @naturalnashuan 3 роки тому

      It's June and the video was produced for June 2019? Perhaps UA-cam/Google scans audio content for times of year or day. They probably do.

  • @riverbender9898
    @riverbender9898 5 років тому +5

    Fascinating...on several levels. Thank You!

  • @dskgc
    @dskgc 5 років тому +13

    I WISH I could go on a plant and bug walk with you!!! In the meantime, I'm so glad I found your channel! Keep up your excellent work!

  • @whateman12408
    @whateman12408 5 років тому +9

    You should have your own cable show.

  • @Kiz552
    @Kiz552 3 роки тому +2

    Cicada, wow! I was amazed the first time I heard them, we don't have them in England. I was riding through Illinois in 2014 and heard what I thought were grasshoppers, my friend from Wisconsin told me they were cicada. Happy Entomology From England.

  • @ajfelling
    @ajfelling 5 років тому +1

    I have a terrible phobia of beetles and other such large bugs, so I’ll admit this video was kinda hard to watch, but your enthusiasm and calming presence really helped me. Thanks!

  • @adamowen5982
    @adamowen5982 5 років тому +56

    I love your energy dude. Your amazing to watch and your knowledge is unreal. Really enjoy watching you =]

    • @MeteCanKarahasan
      @MeteCanKarahasan 5 років тому +4

      Where do you think his energy comes from? ;)

    • @bobsinger7127
      @bobsinger7127 5 років тому +1

      if you love him so much why dont you marry him?

    • @LearnYourLand
      @LearnYourLand  5 років тому +1

      Thanks for watching!

    • @Spark-Hole
      @Spark-Hole 5 років тому +1

      @@MeteCanKarahasan He loves what he doing.

  • @mamabrantingtherapist
    @mamabrantingtherapist 5 років тому +5

    As always, I love this! The music for this video is awesome!!! Thank you for your knowledge and for sharing!

  • @TheLawnCareNut
    @TheLawnCareNut 5 років тому +31

    "Our pets abdomen and genitals are fallin off!"

    • @donaldtarr2332
      @donaldtarr2332 5 років тому +7

      Oh, no! You licked a cicada, didn't you? Check your groin! The pets are fine.

    • @dumkunt6869
      @dumkunt6869 3 роки тому +1

      *Pink Guy's fried noodles starts to play*

  • @ronkhoo
    @ronkhoo 3 роки тому +1

    Great video, love your enthusiasm for sharing discoveries!

  • @christineklein3246
    @christineklein3246 3 роки тому +1

    Thank you 😊. Learning about the land I live on is easier when I watch and listen to your videos. Your enthusiasm is contagious 🍄. your smile is too.

  • @shamarwright1133
    @shamarwright1133 5 років тому +7

    Spread Ginger, Garlic, and Tea tree oil around the area. This will kill fungus!
    That leads me to another issue.. Tea Tree oil, the natural repellent for fungus is now diminishing- our trees are dying as a result the cicadas are catching this mess! Arrrggggg

    • @jinxthewolf1983
      @jinxthewolf1983 3 роки тому

      No thanks, lot of work just to keep a few bugs alive.
      Plus you can harvest the fungi, I know someone who spreads the infection on purpose on ones he catches just to harvest the fungi.

    • @JamesChessman
      @JamesChessman 3 роки тому

      @@jinxthewolf1983 wow that’s disgusting, apparently the same drug is contained in a certain plant, instead of that disgusting idea

    • @jinxthewolf1983
      @jinxthewolf1983 3 роки тому

      @@JamesChessman but are those legal like collecting bugs?
      Think man think, you think he'd do it if he had other options?

    • @JamesChessman
      @JamesChessman 3 роки тому

      @@jinxthewolf1983 Bro the other comments are mentioning the plant that contains the same drug, idk if it's legal but it's def. vegan, which is what matters to me, except I'm not interested in this drug either way lol.

    • @jinxthewolf1983
      @jinxthewolf1983 3 роки тому +1

      @@JamesChessman you've obviously never heard of toad licking if you think it's that weird, he probably doesn't do it anymore cause he's older and can get better stuff, I certainly wouldn't be doing it cause I know how to identify mushrooms lol.

  • @GrumpyGrunt
    @GrumpyGrunt 5 років тому +25

    The Cicada version of jock itch. Interesting.

    • @Stuckinpueblo
      @Stuckinpueblo 5 років тому +4

      This is way worse lol

    • @maxinemcclurd1288
      @maxinemcclurd1288 5 років тому +3

      @@Stuckinpueblo So true,at least with "jock itch" the genitals don't fall off...yikes,lol.

    • @monabale8263
      @monabale8263 5 років тому

      more like leprosy...

  • @xcpryt
    @xcpryt 5 років тому +50

    UA-cam: Hey you bored again?
    Me: Yeah kinda, whatcha got
    UA-cam: Peep this fam

  • @CoffeeD_1
    @CoffeeD_1 5 років тому +31

    so..... ahem.... is there a way to ...uhh.... extract those particular chemicals? Asking for a friend

  • @laurabarber6697
    @laurabarber6697 3 роки тому

    Really wonderful! They should be showing your shows two kids in school! Cicadas are very magical! Thank you

  • @lmuledeer388
    @lmuledeer388 5 років тому +7

    I am continually amazed at the depth of your knowledge and excitement over nature. I am so happy to have found your videos and enjoy learning new things from you. Thanks and keep up the great work 🦗🍄🙂

  • @meepcity48
    @meepcity48 5 років тому +7

    The beautiful sound of cicadas is lulling me to sleep

    • @immagreenunit8301
      @immagreenunit8301 5 років тому +3

      I'm from the south and I love these little guys. I used to catch them and scare my siblings and cousins with them. Always let them go, simpler times in my life.

    • @thersten
      @thersten 3 роки тому

      You must not have hoards of the like I do. They're soooo loud here.

  • @ThatTharBlaziken
    @ThatTharBlaziken 5 років тому +12

    Don't think I've ever seen somebody flex their neck so much in my life lmao

  • @Jack0ps
    @Jack0ps 3 роки тому +2

    Funny how the algorithm works. Listening to a podcast talk about this recently and finding it in my recommendations the next day. Impressive.
    Video is awesome too!

    • @urmom7284
      @urmom7284 3 роки тому +2

      Lol same here, these cicadas have the bungus fungus

    • @naturalnashuan
      @naturalnashuan 3 роки тому

      UA-cam is owned by Google, they share your search data and info like that about you with each other.

  • @charliepearce8767
    @charliepearce8767 3 роки тому +1

    I noticed about 40 years ago a yellow fungus growing on house flys backs in my area for about 4 years and then as quickly as it came went away again...
    It didn't seem to affect the flys in any way.

    • @naturalnashuan
      @naturalnashuan 3 роки тому

      If you have Cellar Spiders in your cellar (Family Pholcidae) they are possibly infected with a white parasitic zombie fungus. They'll look white and powdery and have white bulges at the leg joints. There isn't hard exoskeleton on the leg joints, so the internal growth of the fungus burst out of the joints. The fungus drives their bodies to climb high so spores can catch air currents and drop onto other spiders. At the end the fungus bursts through the spider's feet and adheres to the surface the spider's body is on. So, once the spider no longer can be moved by nervous system control it's dead body will continue to spread spores in the air.

  • @stevenm3141
    @stevenm3141 5 років тому +6

    Absolutely amazing and I had no idea this happened to these creatures. Thanks for the info.

    • @hellosweetheart3350
      @hellosweetheart3350 5 років тому

      Same. And I have a tree full of them every year in a trailer park of all places. Love these guys.

  • @robertglenn936
    @robertglenn936 5 років тому +8

    Amazing! But, I think I still get more excited when I find Morels...

  • @buttersstotch6752
    @buttersstotch6752 3 роки тому +21

    Is it just me or does he need to be a voice actor for a very enthusiastic hyena?

  • @HeadCase55
    @HeadCase55 3 роки тому +1

    The amount of times this has been suggested to me is astonishing

  • @kodie4777
    @kodie4777 5 років тому

    The passion deserves a comment and a sub, this is my 5th ever UA-cam comment. Watching you talk about something you find astonishing with such passion breeds hope inside me. I wish more individuals weren’t shameful or scared to share what that have a passion for.

  • @theelephantintheroom7925
    @theelephantintheroom7925 3 роки тому +3

    I can’t help but stare at his mouth and how he legit is smiling while he says every word.
    I’m also half deaf so I’m learning so much with the lip reading 😂😂😂

  • @Bellab1x1y1z
    @Bellab1x1y1z 3 роки тому +12

    So intelligently evil! The fungi keeps the bug high and delusional so that it will die slowly whilst it is eaten alive 🤯

    • @naturalnashuan
      @naturalnashuan 3 роки тому +2

      Even worse, arthropods with fungal infections like this are essentially zombies. Check out the book "Parasite Rex." The animals are a vehicle, fuel, and material source. They're basically dead but the corpse nervous system is being controlled to expose others of the species or to get the bug eaten and let the predator spread the fungus.

    • @garynew9637
      @garynew9637 3 роки тому +4

      Modern society

  • @johanjimenez1249
    @johanjimenez1249 5 років тому +6

    Here in Houston ours are bigger than those and look a bit different.

  • @codmpink
    @codmpink 3 роки тому +1

    This was by far the most thorough and informative cicada video.

  • @pambennett8967
    @pambennett8967 4 роки тому +1

    I wake up to this sound all day every day since moving to the south

  • @Faireverwillows
    @Faireverwillows 5 років тому +4

    Good morning....happy to see you😍

  • @Marlene5018
    @Marlene5018 5 років тому +4

    I used to enjoy the “chicharra song” every year in Veracruz when I was a girl. My port was full of nature, and chicharras use to sing over the plum trees, I loved to grab them and let them go, but after urbanization on my teenage age, everything changed. No more trees, or green wild areas killed the song, the nature and the “chicharras” as well...🥺🥺🥺

  • @wontonnoodle2169
    @wontonnoodle2169 3 роки тому +5

    I remembered when I waz a little boy back in the early 70'z in my home town China at one point my older cousin caught alot of these bugz with wingz, butt I now know what it call,Cicadas bugz and my cousin would put in a wok and started roasting it until nice and crispy. Just to let you know back then we are all very poor Chinese people not like today's CHINA. I tell you thiziz because it really bring back my childhood memories of thiz bugz called Cicadas. I know in Vietnam and some other South East Asia countries still eat these bugz as delicacies just like my cousin does it roasted with a wok or deep fried in hot oil!!! When your poor have nothing to eat even bugz would have to taste great as a child living in poverty. Things had changed after immigrated to Canada at the age of 9 years old. I'm no longer that poor boy living in a poor rural village of China!! When I saw thiz video it really hitz me how far that I come from and where I came from. I'm just fortunate where I am and what I accomplished in life with a wife and two grown boyz life iz average in the middle.

    • @mjgII
      @mjgII 3 роки тому +1

      is your z key stuck or something?

  • @reecec626
    @reecec626 3 роки тому

    Adam, your infectious enthusiasm just earned your channel another subscriber x

  • @axiomapostate6704
    @axiomapostate6704 3 роки тому

    Very informative!
    writing from 2021. in the middle of the 18 year cicada outburst in Northern VA!

  • @pennygretch
    @pennygretch 5 років тому +41

    Hey...did you just instruct everyone on how to get high on the possible consumption of cicadas?

    • @patrickmcleod111
      @patrickmcleod111 5 років тому +8

      **I hear you can snort the fungus. The kids call it a "spore-blast", or "sniffing bug butt".** Lol

    • @pennygretch
      @pennygretch 5 років тому +3


    • @godsbutterflys
      @godsbutterflys 5 років тому +1

      @@patrickmcleod111 😂😂😂😂😂😂👏👏💙👏💙👏💙👏

  • @Saiyan_Goku
    @Saiyan_Goku 5 років тому +3

    It's not hot outside till the cicadas sing

  • @robosing225
    @robosing225 5 років тому +4

    What if you ingest this foreign fungus?
    And no, I'm not curious for hallucinogenic effects. I understand it's not psilocybin.
    I ask just incase someone is handling one, if more spores are released into the air and either inhaled or ingested. Is there any danger?

    • @EvilSandwich
      @EvilSandwich 5 років тому +1

      No danger to humans, since the fungus that infects most insect species get completely curb stomped by the human immune system.

    • @EvilSandwich
      @EvilSandwich 5 років тому +2

      @Mathilda At our size, it would likely be no worse than athletes foot or dandruff if it mutated to infect us.

  • @whitey211
    @whitey211 3 роки тому

    Thanks for the info! Sooo many that were at my house were infected. It was honestly easier to find infected ones than non-infected ones.

  • @donrussell1881
    @donrussell1881 3 роки тому +1

    We call them the "seven year locust" here in Missouri. Nice to have you back kid, since I lost my old phone.