+Docktor Jim Unlikely that anything would go wrong.....but still takes some balls! Similar to other trades....looks dangerous but in all reality, risks are mitigated to a minimum.
***** Right. With all the rebar in that concrete, you're going to get all excited if a piece of concrete larger than a cheeseburger breaks loose. Still, seeing the water disappear into a misty void must have been a trip the first day or two.
Wow, that was a crazy technique. I wonder what made them so confident that the massive water flow wouldn't cut through the cement where it's keeping the raft from going over.
Spillways are cement as well and handle the water just fine for decades and probably centuries. This technique is basically creating new spillways that are a little less pretty but have the same effect. Cement reinforced with rebar is incredibly strong.
I imagine the base of that structure is massive, much much wider than what we can see at the top, it would be not only a massive undertaking but also highly dangerous to work at the bottom, the only safe option working that way would be explosives but even they have their own risks and obviously you would still be contaminating the water...
Killing off salmon, sediment building up behind dam which disrupts the natural flow Rivers need that sediment going through them to maintain their natural state.
Zach Coldwell It's no longer needed. One wind turbine can produce 7 megawatts. Enough to power 1500 homes. The two dams on the Elwha that were removed produced a combined total of 19 megawatts per year. The two dams can easily be replaced with 3 wind turbines.
+Docktor Jim Do you have any idea of what kind of sustained wind it would take to create 7 megawatts of power? Your comment isnt close to reality. There needs to be a combination of coal, hydro nuke etc and the market should decide the preponderance of each and not the EPA.
It is earth friendly when done right with a fish ladder. This dam was not done right. What’s more funny is when you people say you want clean energy, you say “wind turbines kill birds” and “dams kill fish” and “nuclear kills people” and “solar kills money”.
+Russ Trevitt Bridges spoil the views, and their abutments intrude on the natural environment. Next campaign is to destroy all the bridges in the country.
+Robert Coates This is my problem with eviron-wako liberals. You want to do this stuff in your state? I have no problem with and am all for it because that's what you and the citizens of your state want to do. It's the right thing for you and the people that live there. That fantastic but stay the fuck out of my state because I have no fish swimming upstream and I like cheap electricity and a place to fish and swim.
+Mark ferntube123 Go to Eastern Washington where the windmills are located, on the same power grid, that replaced the power production of the Glines Canyon Dam. As for drinking water, the Olympic Peninsula is a rain forest. There's no shortage of drinking water.
+Mark ferntube123 Not a water supply dam and the power had been superseded by other better sources. plus efficiency improvements, plus dead industries not needing the power, etc etc.
+Mark ferntube123 Mark, it's pretty clear you don't have the *slightest* intelligence about this dam and that you are expressing a visceral reaction unimpeded by any thought processes. Are you voting for Cruz or Carson next year?
I hate how none of these videos last long enough to show you the completed removal.
Hey, you made this comment a year ago.
@@duckytv375 ццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццц2ццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццц
@@duckytv375 цццццц
The barge operator is ridiculously brave. Counting on those bits of remaining concrete to keep from getting washed over and killed. Wow!
+Clearanceman2 It was chained back to anchors, but still, stuff could go suddenly wrong.
+Docktor Jim Unlikely that anything would go wrong.....but still takes some balls! Similar to other trades....looks dangerous but in all reality, risks are mitigated to a minimum.
***** Right. With all the rebar in that concrete, you're going to get all excited if a piece of concrete larger than a cheeseburger breaks loose. Still, seeing the water disappear into a misty void must have been a trip the first day or two.
That concrete hold the water for many years as lon as he does not make the gaps to wide and to deep there wil be no danger.
Clearanceman2 u
Where did all those chunks of concrete go? Did they get cleaned up after the dam was taken down? Seems like you would have to.
Dude, where's the rest???
I love how the spillway in the foreground dries out as the dam is broken.
Hey, you made this comment 7 years ago.
The fish will love you for this🐟
Wow, that was a crazy technique. I wonder what made them so confident that the massive water flow wouldn't cut through the cement where it's keeping the raft from going over.
Spillways are cement as well and handle the water just fine for decades and probably centuries. This technique is basically creating new spillways that are a little less pretty but have the same effect. Cement reinforced with rebar is incredibly strong.
***** they should have let them stand tall, would have been an amazing sight in a couple of years when they are overgrown.
joeskis I would imagine that the raft had a pretty strong anchor. I could be wrong, though.
Looked more like concrete to me. Cement is dry powdery stuff.
It is reinforced concrete.
If you pause video at 48 sec it looks like there is a crack on camera screen.
It's just sammy the spider making a web.
Hey, you made this comment 4 years ago.
Very brave, water is a formidible force. Great planning must have gone into this.
Hey, you made this comment 6 years ago.
@@duckytv375 цццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццццц
@@duckytv375 ццццццццццццццццццццц
I imagine the base of that structure is massive, much much wider than what we can see at the top, it would be not only a massive undertaking but also highly dangerous to work at the bottom, the only safe option working that way would be explosives but even they have their own risks and obviously you would still be contaminating the water...
Hey, you made this comment 7 years ago.
Excellent video ! 👍
What are some reasons people would want to remove a damn?
Usually they do it so salmon can run up the river again.
To be in a more heavenly place is one reason.
Is it just me, or does that job look dicey AF?
Amazing . What man can build . What man can do !
So if you drain the water out of lake like this, do you get a massive pile of fish in the middle of it once it's empty?
It really depends on how much sediment there is behind the dam and if there are high amounts of toxins in that sediment.
Hey, you made this comment 7 years ago.
@@duckytv375 Hey, you made this comment 2 years ago.
Wondering how they do this. I'll be damned.
Guys on the barge have big balls!
How does it float while carrying such huge balls? A marvel of engineering
why did they get rid of the dam?
Killing off salmon, sediment building up behind dam which disrupts the natural flow Rivers need that sediment going through them to maintain their natural state.
Because dams suck. And the majority of dams in the United States are obsolete and serve no purpose any more.
A True Wisconsinite What about the electricity that comes from the dams?
Zach Coldwell It's no longer needed. One wind turbine can produce 7 megawatts. Enough to power 1500 homes. The two dams on the Elwha that were removed produced a combined total of 19 megawatts per year. The two dams can easily be replaced with 3 wind turbines.
+Docktor Jim Do you have any idea of what kind of sustained wind it would take to create 7 megawatts of power? Your comment isnt close to reality. There needs to be a combination of coal, hydro nuke etc and the market should decide the preponderance of each and not the EPA.
It’s funny how originally we thought it was such a earth friendly thing to used dams for power
You guys are stupid
It is earth friendly when done right with a fish ladder. This dam was not done right. What’s more funny is when you people say you want clean energy, you say “wind turbines kill birds” and “dams kill fish” and “nuclear kills people” and “solar kills money”.
Relative to coal and gas it is very good
It's like the opposite of pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps. Fascinating.
how do you even build a dam in the first place.
Hey, you made this comment 8 years ago.
Wow! Makes me want to tear down my own house! Simply remarkable.
Dam(n)... is still going on as we are waiting for the damn thing to be completed. Dam(n) it!...
+Russ Trevitt Bridges spoil the views, and their abutments intrude on the natural environment. Next campaign is to destroy all the bridges in the country.
+Robert Coates This is my problem with eviron-wako liberals. You want to do this stuff in your state? I have no problem with and am all for it because that's what you and the citizens of your state want to do. It's the right thing for you and the people that live there. That fantastic but stay the fuck out of my state because I have no fish swimming upstream and I like cheap electricity and a place to fish and swim.
Hey, you made this comment 6 years ago.
Wouldn't it have been better to punch a hole in the bottom to wash out sediments?
yes your right first a dam made out of dirt is built and then the work starts on the real dam after the water dries
Play this backwards, you'll show them building one.
Very true!
Hey, you made this comment 7 years ago.
Must have been crazy for the fish
Hey, you made this comment 7 years ago. Yea, they could've drowned.
well thanks for explaining.
Oke semangat sukses mantap mampir
i thought u xplod the dam but nvm
Hey, you made this comment 5 years ago.
@zaktatack There is a river that was dammed, so the fish will just go downstream and make a some fisherman's day. B-)
Hey, you made this comment 7 years ago.
It's more about letting fish get Upstream.
Wow video
Brave man to do that, I pass :-)
Awesome sight.
Hey, you made this comment 9 years ago.
i want that job
Hey, you made this comment 5 years ago. Still want the job?
@@duckytv375 of course :D
it s not straight forward.
they invented tnt for a reason you know
Clever. Very clever.
Hey, you made this comment 6 years ago.
no problem
Hey, you made this comment 8 years ago.
Free the rivers!
Amen. And don't build in flood plains.
@Pete R. Puller ???? wackadoodle nonsensical reply, come on! this is about clean water and species safety.
@Pete R. Puller the dam is gone. Yay!!
That is one brave son of a bitch!
They could've just rigged the dam with explosives and made it more fun. 🧨💥
You're at the wrong dam!!!!
Shit :-) lol
+tryithere Oh well, since I've got all my tools out we might as well get started.
Hey, you made this comment 5 years ago.
@@duckytv375 At least.
Is this one of those dams taken down because of the environmentalists?
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh
Masya Allah 😱😰😰😱👍👍🙏🙏 scary 🙏
divert the water and pour concrete
Hey, you made this comment 8 years ago.
One of those rolling WW2 bombs woulda done the trick, methinks.
Your on about the skipping bomb aka the dam buster?
The Dam Buster Bomb ... WW2 ....Gone in a flash and a bang ... at least the fish can get UPSTREAM now
give that man a cookie
Hey, you made this comment 6 years ago.
Hey, you made this comment 8 years ago.
Mother earths reactions was like "omg my veins flow again, those stupid humans"
Were* like, not was.
Hey, you made this comment 5 years ago.
🆒 vid
Hey, you made this comment 3 years ago.
soto build a dam to first hae to build another dam so you can build your dam. cool i guess
Hey, you made this comment 8 years ago.
e mai piu'
Hey, you made this comment 9 years ago.
все ждал пока эксковатор ебанется вниз)
Hey, you made this comment 9 years ago. Vodka
Hope nobody needs a drink
+Crvman Lostinmatrix Loads of water up here... :P
This job called for dynamite.
No more drinking water. No more clean energy!
Mark ferntube123 No more threat of sudden failure due to age and disrepair. Much more salmon.
+Mark ferntube123 Go to Eastern Washington where the windmills are located, on the same power grid, that replaced the power production of the Glines Canyon Dam. As for drinking water, the Olympic Peninsula is a rain forest. There's no shortage of drinking water.
+Mark ferntube123 Not a water supply dam and the power had been superseded by other better sources. plus efficiency improvements, plus dead industries not needing the power, etc etc.
+Mark ferntube123 Mark, it's pretty clear you don't have the *slightest* intelligence about this dam and that you are expressing a visceral reaction unimpeded by any thought processes.
Are you voting for Cruz or Carson next year?
Decommissioning a dam restores entire ecosystems in watersheds. Ultimately produces cleaner waters, naturally.
Couple of sticks of dynamite in the right place, and job done in seconds