Lethal Company: All Monsters (Logs, Descriptions and Tips)

  • Опубліковано 23 вер 2024


  • @ToothpickSamurai
    @ToothpickSamurai 10 місяців тому +4706

    A creepy thing about Coil Heads, if they kill you they rip your arms off and replace your head with a spring so your corpse appears much like they do.

    • @_raboot_
      @_raboot_ 10 місяців тому +321

      I wonder how they even do that considering their absense of limbs and extra coils

    • @chaosinc.382
      @chaosinc.382 10 місяців тому +274

      ​​@@_raboot_Through malice and evile, and also probably the same telekinesis they use to waste ya in the first place... And maybe they just have a stash of coils somewhere on their personage

    • @man5262
      @man5262 10 місяців тому +162

      ​@@chaosinc.382i now have the image of coilheads carrying a comical amount of springs in a backpack

    • @Tk.Wander
      @Tk.Wander 10 місяців тому +34

      I think its hilarious when you port someone that has been killed by one and they show up on the ship as such😂

    • @vidmasterK1
      @vidmasterK1 10 місяців тому +10

      Of course this game would have yet another ripoff of the slenderman, Doctor Who weeping angel, spc containment breach monster mechanic.

  • @MysticalCyan
    @MysticalCyan 10 місяців тому +5607

    You can outrun the girl. If you keep running away from her as she skips at you, she’ll break off her pursuit, but she’ll still haunt you

    • @noahdude628
      @noahdude628 10 місяців тому +346

      She'll re-engage later on, so it's better to just leave.

    • @NekoinaBox2000
      @NekoinaBox2000 10 місяців тому +122

      @@noahdude628he did say exactly that but good try I guess

    • @banuner_
      @banuner_ 10 місяців тому +14


    • @BailableBody
      @BailableBody 10 місяців тому +83

      As long as you don’t actually look at her when you hear her she won’t damage or kill you amd will disappear after about 5 seconds

    • @Atsuneko_
      @Atsuneko_ 10 місяців тому +39

      Bro really just described my day to day life interacting with women (minus the girl chasing after me)

  • @dharmeshmistry342
    @dharmeshmistry342 10 місяців тому +997

    The Ghost is my actual nightmare that I have yet to experience and the sheer fact that others can’t see it makes it that much more terrifying when she decapitates you.

    • @prototypex8217
      @prototypex8217 10 місяців тому +17

      We call it the schizophrenia monster in my group.
      As far as i can tell just dont look toward her and its fine i think? (I only watched the parts of the video for entities i struggled/have witnessed countless times)

    • @rat4150
      @rat4150 10 місяців тому +5

      Literally the first monster I encountered was her, it was on experimentation but thankfully I survived

    • @rhinowithInternetaccess
      @rhinowithInternetaccess 10 місяців тому +3

      Btw you can use a shower to stop the girl from haunting you

    • @verbatim_lol
      @verbatim_lol 10 місяців тому

      @@prototypex8217from what one of our buddies said, she works off a hidden fear meter. Constantly looking around and behind you makes her more likely to kill you. When she appears, stare her down, until she goes away. Eventually she will very likely kill you due to the nature of how she works

    • @jonathanfreeman5398
      @jonathanfreeman5398 10 місяців тому +6

      my group has done titan several times now and i can say that every single mission has had the girl haunt me. its is genuinely fucking terrifying. today, i was playing with just one other person and we were both in the ship at the end of the mission and turn around and this mf was skipping into the ship and i had no where to go so i could nothing except scream. i wish my friend was recording because that must have been hilarious from his perspective

  • @TowelGamingHammer
    @TowelGamingHammer 10 місяців тому +2517

    Ordering a cheap item and using the sound of the delivery ship to distract the Eyeless Dogs is genius! Great video!

    • @fezguuy
      @fezguuy  10 місяців тому +162

      Thank you!

    • @LeHarmacist
      @LeHarmacist 10 місяців тому +131

      I found this out the hard way. Literally waited right below the dropship and then suddenly got charged by one of them. 10/10 would recommend

    • @shagrat6686
      @shagrat6686 9 місяців тому +4

      I found it out druning first eclipse xd

    • @Guhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
      @Guhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 9 місяців тому

      To do this, go to the terminal and type the following:

  • @the_enderwolf1313
    @the_enderwolf1313 10 місяців тому +1150

    Thing to note with the eyeless dogs, if you have the ship horn upgrade do not use it. They will enter a constant state of aggression at the ship trying to attack the front of it where the horn is and become seemingly hyper sensitive to any noise

    • @HandsomeWaver
      @HandsomeWaver 10 місяців тому +134

      This method of distraction could still be used to the employee’s advantage. It is definitely risky, but if eyeless dogs are active around the ship’s door, having your crew mates be aware ahead of time and near the ship (quietly, of course) could save them. Timing accordingly will allow the chompers to swarm the front of the ship while your crew mates board. This would guarantee a onetime safeguard for crew mates blocked outside the ship. Be careful though, crew mates that weigh too much will potentially suffer a cruel demise.

    • @qrzone8167
      @qrzone8167 10 місяців тому +40

      Update to this comment: Horn is now very good for distracting since you can stack the teleporter on the filing cabinet and crouch climb onto the red shelf thus making yourself immortal to anything that tries to go into the ship.
      Old comment: Only time i've ever used it was when the shop pod would have taken too long to save my friend so I used the ship horn and hid against the wall. Hiding against the wall sometimes can save you, but it's more like 50/50 on whether or not you live or die.

  • @skmkr5222
    @skmkr5222 10 місяців тому +939

    Tip for securing bee hives: If you put the bee hive on the outside railing area of your ship and then start, the ship will fly up but the bees will stay on the ground. You can then quickly walk outside and place the abandoned hive inside of your ship.

    • @dustynova_
      @dustynova_ 10 місяців тому +37

      This. A lot of people are terrified about grabbing hives but they are super worth it if you learn how to do it

  • @abyssalcrow8568
    @abyssalcrow8568 10 місяців тому +478

    Tips for killing :
    Hoarding Bug - Simply spinning around them is fine, they have horrible turning and can even be dodged in tight areas if you're good enough.
    Bunker Spider - backup at a diagonal angle and turn in a circle as you shovel them. Doing it right means you can get every shovel hit without getting hit back even once, this method requires a more open area however, hallways will be too tight especially with pipes to reliably do this. Try to locate open rooms or the main entrance room. And remember these guys can roughly two-shot you. If you feel the area isn't good or you aren't ready to attempt this, then just run.
    Thumpers - Their lethality is based off how straight they're allowed to run, abuse rooms with railings or things you can climb on or jump around. The more you keep them turning to face you, the more shovel hits you can get in before they can even attempt to hit you. Catwalk areas, while dangerous, are recommended as they allow you to jump on the railings and side step the creature even if he's in full sprint and have more movement freedom over the creature. It is possible to side step these guys when they're at high speed without taking damage as they'll fly right by you, just make sure you get them to aim towards one side of the hallway just incase.
    Snare Fleas - Either have a buddy to help you shovel it OR bring it to an exit door before it latches onto you. If you're alone and can't get to an exit door reliably then it's better to just avoid it, the thing is deceptively fast and all it takes is 1 hit to potentially end you if no one's there to save you.
    Tips for avoidance :
    Coil heads - will actually not attack if you're directly staring at them even if you touch them, just look center mass. The example shown in the video the game was registering him as not seen as the POV player was seeing through a railing and a prop and the detection was likely not registering them properly cause of it, direct LOS with NOTHING in the way, including railings is always advised as railings technically block LOS for them. Doors are extremely useful for these guys as they have a rough time getting past a closed door and it will give you some breathing room.
    Bracken - only ever needs to be glanced at for a second to get him to screw off, do NOT stare too long especially if you find it's "nest" that it retreats to. if you ever suspect or are told a bracken is nearby then simply find a corner and wait for it to approach, if you have ship comms they can tell you what direction he's coming from ideally but overall the bracken works off being ignored or the player being distracted.
    Forest Keepers - are probably the worst to avoid, they're faster than your normal walk and you will not survive an extended run with one in pursuit. If there are keepers around the ship then a viable means of distraction is having someone rush to the roof of the ship and getting their attention. The roof distracter should stand around the oval/circle area towards the front of the ship and avoid getting too close or too low on the ship as the giants can reach you, the oval area is safe around it's center and if the keepers are properly aggro'd then they will stand around the front of the ship, letting people approach from the back where the entrance is. It is urged that anyone approaching be crouched so they don't accidently take aggro off the roof guy.
    Eyeless Dogs - are explained in the video, just avoid noise and crouch. You can actually get pretty close to them while crouching without them being aggro'd but always try to keep a bit of distance incase they decide to randomly wander towards you. What isnt explained in the video is you can side step them, they will always try to do a lunge at the position they believe you're at and that locks their turning, if you're actively sprinting and turn to their side they will often miss you which lets you have a moment to get away while they recover.

    • @fezguuy
      @fezguuy  10 місяців тому +53

      All of this is great to know! Thank you for sharing.

    • @the_dogeboi243
      @the_dogeboi243 10 місяців тому +17

      For spiders I would recommend hitting their webs with a shovel near a railing then jump on the railing it will rush right to you but cannot hit you, thanks to the railing. Killing them this way is extremely easy and has about 0 risk involved. You can jump on a railing to kill a thumper as well but since they are entirely deaf there is no way to draw them without guaranteeing safety so have a dude with a zap gun just in case you are about to get clapped.

    • @the_dogeboi243
      @the_dogeboi243 10 місяців тому +22

      Also, another thing brackens can be killed fairly easily with a team of zapgun dude and shovel dude. Literally, just zap and hit it 3 times it will die
      Forest keepers: Stun grenades now cause them to drop you in any phase of the animation I usually buy a bunch while they are on sale for 12 bucks and keep them on the ship so our camera guy can chuck one in case someone gets grabbed also the forest keeper will be eating something that doesn't exist so you have plenty of time to run.
      Coil heads: Fairly easy to lock in rooms code door blocks are rare but do exist and can be used to delete their threat. I will be testing the effectiveness of stun grenades on them later because I noticed once that they don't really start moving until someone has gotten within the vicinity of them. I have a hypothesis that they have a docile state upon spawning that they come out of when you walk within that activation area. The second part of the hypothesis is to test whether or not stunning them pacifies them until reactivated it's either that or stun grenades do nothing but I'm going to test it next time I find one.
      Slimes: they love boomboxes you can force a slime to move faster by playing music near it you will know it's going to rush when it vibrates. I have to test it a bit more to figure out if they will stay near it because the one time I did it I was standing on a palet and due to the vibration thing it's hitbox clipped through a pallet and I died instantly. Even if you cannot use the boombox to keep them from aggroing you can still bring one to put it in a room where it won't bother you or to just get it to move around a corner faster to save time.

    • @XIKaMuIX
      @XIKaMuIX 10 місяців тому +2

      Can Coil heads open locked doors?

    • @the_dogeboi243
      @the_dogeboi243 10 місяців тому +8

      @@XIKaMuIX I don't think anything is this game can open locked doors. Same with code doors. It takes them a little while to open closed doors as well but they can.

  • @tomskeleton
    @tomskeleton 10 місяців тому +3330

    You can be teleported out of the giant's hand, I think the timing is just very tight. It's happened to me before, albeit only once

    • @UserXIII7
      @UserXIII7 10 місяців тому +105

      I literally just saw a video of someone pulling that off like an hour ago

    • @UserXIII7
      @UserXIII7 10 місяців тому +89

      The video is by Nicknamed Salvi. Video title is "Lethal Company is TOO Scary (Well too scary for me)"
      Go to minute 2:00 of that video of them pulling it off to see it in action.

    • @handyboy4178
      @handyboy4178 10 місяців тому +9

      I do it constantly to get the giants to do the whole animation while baiting them outside the ship with the comm guy

    • @handyboy4178
      @handyboy4178 10 місяців тому +35

      @@UserXIII7 It ONLY works if you're already being teleported and I often just get caught by them on purpose when the teleporter almost got me because yeah they spend a long time still

    • @ncuw8546
      @ncuw8546 10 місяців тому

      It wasn't the case before.

  • @thewickedcoolguy1
    @thewickedcoolguy1 10 місяців тому +2783

    I'm not sure if it was pure bad luck or an actual AI decision, but I definitely experienced an Earth Leviathan jumping out of the ground on top of a player (killing them, obviously,) flying across the map and landing on another player (also immediately killing them.) Either this was incredibly bad luck or the AI for them can triangulate multiple players when angling a jump.

    • @mranderson9553
      @mranderson9553 10 місяців тому +272

      i think that's bad luck, they don't seem to fly in players directions so it would have to lock onto players only in its landin distance which just seems like too much effort for such a small thing

    • @bartudundar3193
      @bartudundar3193 10 місяців тому +52

      I second the other reply. While it is technically possible to kill two players with a single jump, it would still require at least one of the players to stay in alignment with one another when Earth Leviathan sets up its jump.

    • @mmugi02
      @mmugi02 10 місяців тому +19

      definitely bad luck.

    • @Xerxsion
      @Xerxsion 10 місяців тому +36

      That is HILARIOUS

    • @Babagaboosh735
      @Babagaboosh735 10 місяців тому +32

      If the AI is so advanced it can fucking triangulate player locations… I don’t even know what to say 😂

  • @jackhumphries1087
    @jackhumphries1087 9 місяців тому +15

    I love how sigurd’s scientific name for the jester is INSANEUS THINGUS

  • @jameswhitehouse2713
    @jameswhitehouse2713 10 місяців тому +1105

    You do the company proud with this guide! Another thing I would add is that despite being in the lethal enemies section, "land sharks"/"thumpers" are remarkably easy to kill by standing on railings in short corridors or by hanging around corners, only requiring a few shovel hits to kill. This method with multiple players similarly works on basement spiders, requring five shovel hits instead. Other than that, excellent review!

    • @fezguuy
      @fezguuy  10 місяців тому +173

      Thank you! Those points about the Thumper and Spider are amazing to know! I'll definitely have to try them out soon.

    • @noahdude628
      @noahdude628 10 місяців тому +6

      This ^^

    • @fluff_corp6272
      @fluff_corp6272 10 місяців тому +10

      I can attest to killing thumpers by simply jumping circles around them, they're surprisingly slow when forced to turn.

    • @the_dogeboi243
      @the_dogeboi243 10 місяців тому +16

      @@fluff_corp6272 That and that bonking them stuns them for a second reseting their speed so you are basically forcing them to reset their already lacking turn speed.

    • @snwoop7921
      @snwoop7921 9 місяців тому

      bad news guys

  • @noahdude628
    @noahdude628 10 місяців тому +1285

    All monsters can be found on all moons (even jesters and the little girl can be found as early as Experimentation) from what I know, but they are EXTREMELY rare on earlier moons. Progressing to harder moons just makes these enemies more common.
    The girl, when haunting a player, is not too dangerous, but once she activates, she is nearly impossible to avoid and that person has to commit to running from her. Once that person dies, she begins haunting a new player. As such, its usually best to make the victim commit to occupying her, while the rest of your team evacuates the loot and escapes. She will always know the victim's location, so do not test your luck.
    Edit: Forest Keepers are the one exception, spawning on every moon but Experimentation.
    Edit 2: I've been told and realize, Exp is the only map where not every enemy can spawn. The non spawning enemies are the before mentioned Forest Keepers, Jester, and Coil-Heads.

    • @NordSmiles
      @NordSmiles 10 місяців тому +90

      had her on my first run alone, it was crazy

    • @Sapient-Meatball
      @Sapient-Meatball 10 місяців тому +55

      the little girl scared me and my friend on our 3rd day on our first misson it was horrifying

    • @itsyemurk5243
      @itsyemurk5243 10 місяців тому +3


    • @Nomin665
      @Nomin665 10 місяців тому +45

      I saw it and none of my friends believed me. Later on a separate run everyone but me died to the girl, I barely made it out alive, and it was HALARIOUS!

    • @Radocruz
      @Radocruz 10 місяців тому +57

      @@NordSmiles Same here lmao, was with a friend group and one was saying things like "do you see that girl?" we thought he was fucking with us and then his head popped in the ship.

  • @bubbablue4930
    @bubbablue4930 10 місяців тому +173

    I can confirm that you can be teleported off a landmine safely, as far as I know its the only way to """safely""" detonate a landmine

    • @fezguuy
      @fezguuy  10 місяців тому +22

      Thank you for confirming this!

    • @PuffoPufferfish
      @PuffoPufferfish 10 місяців тому +35

      can detonate it with bodies of your fallen crewmates, and i think someone did it with an apparatus once

    • @TheDoomsock
      @TheDoomsock 10 місяців тому +2

      I want to test it but I think an extension ladder can safely detonate mines if you deploy it in the right distance and let it land on the mine.

    • @M1XB0X
      @M1XB0X 10 місяців тому

      you can detonate it with flash

    • @flemlius3507
      @flemlius3507 10 місяців тому +1

      Does this detonate the items the player held?

  • @vd9k
    @vd9k 10 місяців тому +683

    Great video but here are some bonus info:
    - Spore lizards can not be killed (from many tests and shovel swings lizard survived and was not bothered)
    - Flower men CAN be killed, but I wish you lots of luck with that (upon death Bracken just falls to dust like the bestiary says)
    - Hitting Coil-heads head with a Shovel/Sigh will make it kill you instantly regardless of how many people are watching
    - Forest Keepers can spawn on ASS but as a VERY rare spawn, so be on your guard
    - The Girl does not have a bestiary entry at the moment and apperantly not planned to have one
    Also very usefull tip (especially against Coil-heads) - close doors! Some enemies open doors after a delay, which will save your skin a lot of times (Be advised, that fully charged Thumper will simply pass thru the door completely ignoring it).
    Have fun collecting scrap, fellow crewmates!

    • @fezguuy
      @fezguuy  10 місяців тому +50

      Thank you! These are all great bits of info to know.

    • @GhostlyKuro
      @GhostlyKuro 10 місяців тому +69

      The giant can lose the grip of your friends through the stun gun. Weirdly enough you can even save yourself solo. I have stunned a giant right before it picked me up and it actually dropped me with all my loot in my inventory. Definitely needs more testing

    • @vbleach
      @vbleach 10 місяців тому +48

      the coil head one might be wrong. me and my friends tried to see if we could kill it and had one friend looking at it while 2 of us kept wailing on it. I don’t think it can be killed but it also doesn’t kill you when hit

    • @vd9k
      @vd9k 10 місяців тому +40

      ​@@vbleachPerhaps you guys were hitting the body, I whacked the head while 3 of my buddies were watching in a big room with me, I got executed after the whack

    • @hyjjjkyikk3158
      @hyjjjkyikk3158 10 місяців тому +15

      @@vd9k dang so this whole time the coil heads were playing with us ?

  • @flexchagalaga4477
    @flexchagalaga4477 10 місяців тому +264

    Quick tip from one company employee to the others:
    When it comes to killing monsters in standard levels (Experimentation, Assurance, Vow, Offense, March) RAILINGS ARE YOUR BEST FRIENDS! If you find yourself getting chased by Thumpers, Bunker Spiders, or need a quick second to collect your thoughts on your next course of action, hop onto a railing. Thumpers cannot reach you and they take 3-4 solid hits from a shovel to kill, and Bunker Spiders cannot reach you if you aren't close to a wall and take 3-4 hits as well. Railings help with Hygroderes as well, as they cannot reach you, but they can grow around you as you sit on the railing, making escape near impossible if you wait too long.
    However, railings are not without their drawbacks.
    If mistimed, a jump onto a railing could mean a sweet kiss with the death box 20ft below you, and if you are playing with multiple people, you can (and probably will at least once) push someone off the railing. Another thing is that you are close enough to another person as you swing at a monster, you could very well hit your fellow employee. You want to keep an eye out for anything on the ceiling as well when it comes to hopping onto railings, because a steel beam can block your jump, which could result in your death.
    Brackerns, Thumpers at the right angle, coil-heads, and snare fleas can still get you on railings. Brackerns and Coil-heads are the most common as they are tall enough to still reach you. Thumpers can fly off of a stairway nearby and lunge at you, or if you are hitting them and they recoil up at just the right angle, they can bite you. Snare Fleas are the trickiest when it comes to if they'll get you or not tbh, because they are too low to the ground to get you naturally, but they can fall onto your head while on the railing.
    Good luck and happy scrapping employees.

    • @fezguuy
      @fezguuy  10 місяців тому +17

      Thank you for sharing! Definitely going to have to try using the railings more when avoiding enemies.

    • @smolbrendan5978
      @smolbrendan5978 10 місяців тому

      I learned today (the hard way) that railings can save you from aggressive jesters as well, and had my ship guy teleport me back.

    • @jessicadragonare7993
      @jessicadragonare7993 9 місяців тому

      not anymore unfortunately.

  • @fakecakeghost
    @fakecakeghost 10 місяців тому +1035

    You can kill snare fleas by teleporting a player with the snare flea on there head. You can also use a stun grenade to remove a snare flea, and stun it for a few seconds, but not kill it.
    You can use stun grenades to set off landmines safely if you're carful, or even the spent casing by throwing it over a mine, or through it.
    Forest keepers have no object permanence, they will head to your last known location if they lose sight of you. 👍

    • @fezguuy
      @fezguuy  10 місяців тому +160

      The points on the stun grenade are great! I’ve been looking for more reasons to consider bringing them. The giants are definitely less intimidating after knowing that.

    • @thebestdoggo9512
      @thebestdoggo9512 10 місяців тому +14

      idk if the video went and said it but you can also kill them if you go through any sort of door
      like the ones in the fire escape or main entrance

    • @colenewend
      @colenewend 10 місяців тому +94

      If you carry a shovel with you, you can do a little trick. The snare flea will drop all of your items on the ground when it blinds you. All you need to do is back up a bit, right click to see where your items are generally and try to grab at the pile until you get your shovel. Once it is in your inventory, you can swing wildly and it will bash the flea off of you.

    • @hyjjjkyikk3158
      @hyjjjkyikk3158 10 місяців тому +42

      @@fezguuy the coil heads turn you into one of them once they kill you because when you recovered a corpse of a coil head victim,they will have a spring for a head and I saw this from dead squirrel video.

    • @fakecakeghost
      @fakecakeghost 10 місяців тому +4

      @colenewend That's really cool! I'll have to try that myself sometime. Thanks for the tip

  • @Radocruz
    @Radocruz 10 місяців тому +25

    Fun fact, regardless of whether or not the girl is haunting you, you can still see it on the cameras onboard the ship.

  • @drmilkweed
    @drmilkweed 10 місяців тому +4

    "You'll know an enemy is coming out of a vent when this sound plays"
    *Amen break plays*

  • @RougeMephilesClone
    @RougeMephilesClone 10 місяців тому +158

    Thank you for manually subtitling the entire video. That level of dedication is evidenced by the type of video this is, but, even in similar ones half this length, you rarely see it because of how tedious it is. Again, thank you.

    • @fezguuy
      @fezguuy  10 місяців тому +19

      Thank you! It means a lot for someone to notice this!

    • @KaldrantheDrago
      @KaldrantheDrago 10 місяців тому +4

      Definitely! I'm half deaf and have quite a bit of trouble, so it's amazing to see dedicated subtitles.

    • @RepentInReprise
      @RepentInReprise 9 місяців тому +1

      I would like to add to the wholesome vibes here and also show appreciation for the horror music insert before each new segment in the video! Really helps with the immersion and feeling of the game (; @fezguuy

  • @Orsabell
    @Orsabell 10 місяців тому +262

    All the outdoor creatures can spawn on every map. Some more then others.
    90% of the time on titan if your going through the fire exit expect a bracken. This happened on 8 different occasions with only once having the Jester spawn.

    • @fezguuy
      @fezguuy  10 місяців тому +47

      Is it just rare for certain enemies to spawn outside on some moons or am I just lucky/unlucky for not seeing them ever? Good to know about the fire exit, never used it much on Titan, but I have run into the Braken issue before, even on experimentation.

    • @Thiccologist
      @Thiccologist 10 місяців тому +6

      I've ran titan 6 times or so and I haven't run into a bracken yet. Mainly bugs, coil heads, and sharks for me

    • @RocketPillow
      @RocketPillow 10 місяців тому +40

      Every copy of Lethal Company is personalized

    • @jmangaming3813
      @jmangaming3813 10 місяців тому +1

      @@RocketPillow so every player gets different odds of each monster?

    • @Orsabell
      @Orsabell 10 місяців тому +13

      @@RocketPillow This would explain why my friend is still a intern. Maybe every character has a built in code based on there answers on the computer.
      My favorite animal was doggy and I put scavenger for my role and I see bracken and eyeless dogs a bunch.
      he keyboard smashed for his answers so maybe the game don't take him seriously

  • @RenTheFen
    @RenTheFen 10 місяців тому +98

    the boombox does exactly as you said to the hygroderes. you'll know it worked when it does a little vibration. note that it can and will still kill you in this state

    • @fezguuy
      @fezguuy  10 місяців тому +16

      Thank you for confirming this!

  • @madlaugher3300
    @madlaugher3300 10 місяців тому +48

    Coil heads from what I’ve seen are capable of carrying a players dead body and can potentially turn it into another coil head, this was seen on Cartoonz’s channel where he was watching squirrel on the terminal zoom around the map with an enemy close to him, using the teleportation device to retrieve his body it was discovered his head missing and in its place a large spring

    • @anthonyortiz350
      @anthonyortiz350 10 місяців тому +1

      Timestamp when that happens please?

  • @shnerd7174
    @shnerd7174 10 місяців тому +55

    Worth note that thumpers can dash across the large gaps in some areas (ones players would usually jump across). Also, I've only ever seen the Earth Leviathan spawn on Offense, unsure if it spawns on march also.
    They also updated it so forest giants can be stunned (stun grenade and zap gun), so now it's possible to save players before they've been eaten.

    • @fezguuy
      @fezguuy  10 місяців тому +8

      That’s a good point about the Thumpers and stunning Forest keepers, thanks for sharing! I have found Earth leviathans on every moon, but they are definitely more common on some rather than others.

    • @pug4574
      @pug4574 10 місяців тому

      @@fezguuy I've seen earth leviathans mostly on maps where the entrance is further away. So, not Titan, Experimentation- more like March, Offense, Vow, Assurance, Rend and Dine.
      Soo pretty much anything can spawn anywhere, except forest guardians (they only spawn in forests)

    • @CodesterRedux
      @CodesterRedux 10 місяців тому +1

      @@pug4574 My first encounter with one was on Experimentation, watched my friend get swallowed while he was talking hahaha

  • @Yamsalought
    @Yamsalought 10 місяців тому +40

    The girl has been seen on both Vow and Assurance by my group. she's only been seen once at either location, but she has been seen there.

    • @poser_bob9781
      @poser_bob9781 10 місяців тому +4

      I still have yet to see her and the jester

    • @nolongeraround-m6z
      @nolongeraround-m6z 10 місяців тому

      @@poser_bob9781 if you've never seen them before, chances are it's a 0% chance you'll encounter them
      you need to go on harder moons where they have a chance of spawning, then encounter them, after which they will start having a chance of spawning even on easy moons
      this is from my experience, i'm not sure if it's an actual mechanic

    • @orangebjort5222
      @orangebjort5222 10 місяців тому +2

      I heard her at Experimentation

  • @quantumf0x892
    @quantumf0x892 10 місяців тому +58

    Unfortunately on Nov 11 2023, they added a new outdoor creature called the "Baboon Hawk" . It's name is quite literal as it's a primate with beak-like structures made of keratin around it's mouth andwings that don't really support it's body size. In game tho, it looks sorta like a big kiwi bird with triple beaks on its face. I believe they spawn at around the same time as dogs around 5 ish but I have had a few times where someone encountered them around like 12: 30 - 2: 30 ish so idunno (Tl;dr below)
    The log says that they are social and tend to be in packs, but they usually have lone scouts to search for pretty/flashy things to mark their territory. Lone scouts are usually timid and dont attack unless provoked, but when in packs they can try and attack things much larger than them in desperation. This means that they often try to catch hands with eyeless dogs in game.
    The log advises to try in stay in groups and try to appear dangerous to prevent attacks. Now personally I haven't encountered one close enough or long enough to see how you go about that but my assumption is to carry a melee and maybe swing it around? I've also noticed that a pack tends to be about 3 hawks on average. Honestly I kinda like em, I've had one run where we actually clutched the final item ferry bc the hawks attacked a dog right about to enter the ship, giving us a window to get out with loot.
    Tl;dr Spawn usually around 5 same as dogs but had a few times spawn at 12: 30 - 2: 30 apparently (????) Lone Hawk = leave alone and run away with group. Hawk pack = run away. Can be danger, but also help bc they can have chihuahua syndrome with eyeless dogs (maybe even other creatures??) OH and they stole Sigurd's pickles :]

    • @fezguuy
      @fezguuy  10 місяців тому +9

      Thank you for writing this! I’m working on a video that should go over what was added in the update and another larger topic, but it will probably be a few days at least until I am done that.

    • @badamph2026
      @badamph2026 10 місяців тому

      In my practice so far, jumping while facing them seems to work

    • @onelooongboi5838
      @onelooongboi5838 10 місяців тому

      I’ve met them before I believe. I was scared cuz I thought we were gonna get killed carrying a ton of loot. But no. He’d get close and run away lol. We came back to find him and chased him around lol. A single one of those are very scared of groups of just 2 players

    • @Valkyries733
      @Valkyries733 10 місяців тому +1

      I encountered them, I think the way to look intimidating/dangerous is to constantly look at it, and actually yell at it with a microphone. The loud yells paired with staring at it will make it fuck off

  • @Anonymous-73
    @Anonymous-73 10 місяців тому +6

    This feels a lot like an employee training tape that The Company would show to newly hired Collectors

  • @huuminbloodborn7570
    @huuminbloodborn7570 10 місяців тому +20

    Remember in the case of your crewmate having a anomaly attached to them, Ask them these questions. Is the Anomoly aggressive? Are you injured? Do you require assistance? If they say yes to any of these questions, Ensue with self defense.

    • @Orciwan548
      @Orciwan548 10 місяців тому

      What anomaly are you talking about? I haven’t seen that.

    • @Deguzavr
      @Deguzavr 10 місяців тому +4

      ​@@Orciwan548buy a tv...

    • @Subnautulas
      @Subnautulas 9 місяців тому

      Instructions unclear, crew-mate is dead and I don’t know what to do with the anomaly…

  • @TyyThatGuyy
    @TyyThatGuyy 10 місяців тому +5

    I’m going to write a couple facts I think are cool to add and I’ve seen in my experience
    Fun fact for the spore lizard not mentioned here. They actually respond to voice chat if you are being loud. If you are in a face off with them, you can genuinely just yell at it loudly and it’ll slowly back away. (This also works for the baboon hawk outside) however other monsters use voice chat to find and catch you. So be careful!
    Another interesting thing I’ve heard (not completely sure but definitely heard a lot) is that the blue blob actually gets bigger over time and gets bigger every time you hit it, so don’t do that!
    Bunker spiders, the Thumper, and the blue blob (maybe more but that’s what I remember) cannot hurt you on a railing. So if you are being chased just hop up on there!
    Coils heads I’m pretty sure can only kill you if you aren’t looking at them, so if you are looking at them don’t be worried about going near and getting killed.
    The little girl can’t be scanned I’m pretty sure, so never try to
    I’ve heard that you can hit the wooden giants and make them drop a player if they have one in their grasp, not 100% about this though. But it’s a very small window to save them, so you have to be super quick.
    The giant earth worms are a very difficult enemy, but they actually make a really quiet kind of dirt moving noise when they are locked in. So you can kind of hear them and know when they’ll attack. Also they shake the ground for about 2 seconds before jumping out. If you are within the radius of their attack, run back, it usually tracks which direction you are walking and big a little ahead of you, so running forward is usually not good. Usually attempt to run back unless a crewmate says you’ll make it.
    Also wonderful video! I definitely learned some stuff about the Bracken, it’s such a weird but interesting enemy to me. Honestly a really cool addition to

    • @fezguuy
      @fezguuy  10 місяців тому +1

      Thank you for sharing these!

    • @IDyn4m1CI
      @IDyn4m1CI 9 місяців тому

      The blob gets angrier and faster the first time you hit it but that's about it. It doesn't get any bigger. And from my experience the Earth Leviathan warning time before he actually jumps is random. I had worms wait for almost 5 seconds before jumping, making my escape trivial, but I also had worms jump 0.5s seconds after the ground started trembling, so completely impossible to escape.

  • @fishremastered
    @fishremastered 10 місяців тому +3

    Amazing music choice I love Deep Blue

  • @originalname4857
    @originalname4857 9 місяців тому +2

    As a person who got a ghost girl on Assurance, I don’t think she’s limited to the hardest moons anymore

  • @sirrealism7300
    @sirrealism7300 10 місяців тому +164

    I think theres a secret log at the bottom of the place where you drop off all the items your salvaging talking about the tentacle monster that eats you when you ring the bell too much.

    • @flemlius3507
      @flemlius3507 10 місяців тому +21

      There's a handful log entries around, wouldn't be surprised if it's one on every moon.

    • @Forbiddina
      @Forbiddina 10 місяців тому +35

      Me and my crew were dropping off like 12 items and that monster reached out and tried to grab us even without us touching the bell at all.
      Thankfully it still made the sound cue first so it didn’t get us. But I highly disagree with the company’s assessment of “safe” on their moon now.

    • @azalakhir918
      @azalakhir918 10 місяців тому +44

      ​@@ForbiddinaThe manual tells you not to loiter around the counter and to be quiet. The collector tentacle is aggravated by both of these things

    • @k1llerbeam362
      @k1llerbeam362 9 місяців тому +1

      ⁠@@Forbiddina Hate it when I put like eight objects down and it’s like “alright, that’s enough” and takes it while I’m still adding to the pile, not only does it scare me but it slows me down as well. I thought an item might have somehow hit the bell or something but I guess it acts on its own or gets angry without even having hit the bell at all

  • @fropepsi
    @fropepsi 10 місяців тому +18

    if only the company gave as much attention for our safety like this guy. This helps a lot thanks.

  • @spicylizards4714
    @spicylizards4714 10 місяців тому +53

    For the bunker spiders, you can kill them quite easily if you stun them with a stun grenade, then have 2 crew mates go to town on them with shovels. In my opinion, bunker spiders are some of the worst things you can encounter...

    • @rancidraw
      @rancidraw 10 місяців тому +3

      ive recently found them not too bad, they are quite literally only blocking 1 small area as long as you avoid the web

    • @LeHarmacist
      @LeHarmacist 10 місяців тому +2

      or just find a railing or any object/furniture you can jump on and have your shovel ready to whack em. I literally killed atleast 3 spiders in Rend and Dine just by standing on the sofa and start whacking them with a shovel or a stop sign. works with Thumpers too. I've even seen a yt video about a guy stalling a phase 3 Jester just by standing on a railing.

    • @zenin7219
      @zenin7219 10 місяців тому

      bunker spiders are easy to kill, if i could pick one monster to encounter from all the monsters, i would probably pick the bunker spider. (dont actually need a stun grenade just a shovel/sign and a straight hallway to hold S in)

  • @arcangel737
    @arcangel737 10 місяців тому +16

    idk how many know this yet but the beehive you can mostly safely retrieve ( maybe one casualty) by putting the hive on the outside walkway of the ship (side or back) and picking it up when your ship is taking off as it will leave the bees behind.

  • @wolfmirebacta8710
    @wolfmirebacta8710 10 місяців тому +31

    Hope this game continues to see content and new enemies

  • @nicklausdavis
    @nicklausdavis 10 місяців тому +209

    Wish turrets could be used against enemies. Or enemy on enemy interactions. I’m not a pro but currently the game seems a bit too brutal to me (though that’s probably the intended goal)

    • @fezguuy
      @fezguuy  10 місяців тому +70

      Could lead to some funny and interesting scenarios. The problem I see with that is that it may result in some enemies dying before you could even see them, leading to some days feeling bland. A good understanding of the game makes it significantly easier, and that just comes with time.

    • @aereonexapprentice7205
      @aereonexapprentice7205 10 місяців тому +86

      @@fezguuy I think having the malfunctioned turret that shoots 360 degree after being shoveled, affects enemies too would be a good compromise. Or maybe that's already in the game?

    • @fezguuy
      @fezguuy  10 місяців тому +26

      @@aereonexapprentice7205 That would definitely help balance things out, I like the idea!

    • @emithesheep
      @emithesheep 10 місяців тому +23

      @@aereonexapprentice7205 maybe if they just made it that if someone in the ship disables the turret on the ship it would only shoot at enemies for a short period of time?

    • @nicklausdavis
      @nicklausdavis 10 місяців тому +29

      @@emithesheep ooooo, person on the ship could turn of the turrets 'safety' for a bit and it would target any nearby creature wether it be player or otherwise

  • @thomascroyle575
    @thomascroyle575 10 місяців тому +18

    Also backstepping for the leviathan does work because i think it spawns slightly infront of you when it shakes the ground

    • @noahdude628
      @noahdude628 10 місяців тому +4

      This is also true. You can backstep crouch a leviathan with HIGH WEIGHT and still be safe. Just keep your cool and you'll be fine.

  • @ClickyCrisp
    @ClickyCrisp 10 місяців тому +3

    Great video! I knew every monster on this list except the little girl and now I'm terrified!!!

  • @alexnusbaum2182
    @alexnusbaum2182 10 місяців тому +91

    This is a little obscure although obvious in theory, but the earth leviathan can actually swallow enemies like eyeless dogs as well (and I'm assuming giants but haven't seen it). It's not exactly practical to do this because you put yourself in a lot of danger but if you really feel the need to remove enemies from the outside then it is an option

    • @thatd00doverthere19
      @thatd00doverthere19 10 місяців тому +20

      So I was playing with a few friends, we had gotten to ship on Vow and a giant had come to us and I got eaten. Just when my friend who was carrying items with me while we were undocking was about to get grabbed and the giant getting closer, they managed to dodge the EARTH LEVIATHAN AND EAT THE GIANT, I do have footage on medal, and it might be a little hard to see if the giant dies, but the giant MYSTERIOUSLY DISAPPEARS after the worm comes out of where my friend was standing and where the giant was heading

    • @k1llerbeam362
      @k1llerbeam362 9 місяців тому

      Had a moment where the worm was attacking and I aggroed a dog and it followed me into the worm’s path killing it while I escaped, was very cool.

  • @LordXaedin_AltAccount
    @LordXaedin_AltAccount 10 місяців тому +2

    I feel like I underestimate on how easy it is to die in the game.
    the game always like to remind me when I do play it again though (:

  • @grond9005
    @grond9005 10 місяців тому +17

    about thumpers, it should be important to mention that they can open doors and leap across gaps to chase players

  • @Annoyingdolphin
    @Annoyingdolphin 10 місяців тому +10

    Thank you for making this video I’ve been loving this game and didn’t know the behaviors of 60% of the monsters!

  • @_Emerald_Eye_
    @_Emerald_Eye_ 10 місяців тому +9

    Finally someone did all the logs. Thank you so much dude.

  • @portal7910
    @portal7910 10 місяців тому +19

    A great counter to snare fleas is the teleporter, since all items are dropped

  • @the_real_NYEH
    @the_real_NYEH 10 місяців тому +8

    Amazing video and comment section, all these little tips from you and others are exactly what I needed to fill the gaps in my knowledge. Bravo!

  • @Nutgun360
    @Nutgun360 10 місяців тому +3

    id like to confirm ive been teleported from a giants hands, even heard him crunching on nothing out side and was paranoid i was dead at the end of the soundbite... but i was fine

  • @svlvmn
    @svlvmn 10 місяців тому +12

    ballin guide shlawg, I can now actually play the game knowing what I'm running into and how to deal with it 😅

  • @Oneiros0629
    @Oneiros0629 10 місяців тому +3

    Hearing Deep Blue had be double guessing if I was hearing it right, you have a good taste in music my friend

  • @usernamedkjahstill5003
    @usernamedkjahstill5003 10 місяців тому +16

    Honestly I don't think this video was a spoiler. On the contrary, I think it serves as a perfect employee training video! Well done video thank you

    • @birddaddydetta
      @birddaddydetta 10 місяців тому +4

      It is in the way that it prepares you for the monsters to come, and the best part of a horror game is the interaction of the monsters without even knowing what the hell you're up against hahahaha. It's not as scary when the monsters are demystified and defied

  • @madzoroark5396
    @madzoroark5396 10 місяців тому +2

    The guy dancing with the Jester is the funniest thing I've seen all day.

  • @pk251
    @pk251 10 місяців тому +8

    very helpful, needed help understanding spore lizards, also i love that you have deep blue on this, ultrakill is so good

  • @LtSprinkulz
    @LtSprinkulz 10 місяців тому +2

    I heard that 5-1 music from ULTRAKILL. You can't distract me from that with these helpful and useful tips!

  • @heyaitsceleste
    @heyaitsceleste 10 місяців тому +18

    I dont know if this was included here, but before you go through an entrance, just hover your mouse over the door. If it says [nearby activity detected] or so, then don't go in. This is especially true if a Hygrodere (Snail/slime) is infront of the main/exit door, since it'll camp it and instantly kill you once you go through.
    This can soft lock you if the side entrance has a locked path or is a dead end

  • @joshuahendershot196
    @joshuahendershot196 9 місяців тому +1

    As I've watched a few streams now it is definitely true that a player can stand on a landmine so long as they don't step off of it, or jump, in fact this is how landmines in general work, they are similar to pressure plates where stepping onto it primes it and stepping off triggers it to detonate, though I've yet to see if one could use the teleporter to save a player from a mine

  • @odieguanhock813
    @odieguanhock813 10 місяців тому +4

    Finally. Tips and tricks for lethal company

  • @hankmeupinside
    @hankmeupinside 10 місяців тому +10

    From my experience, Brackens don't have a high health pool and can be killed when they are about to grab or are grabbing a teammate with 1,2 or 3 shovel hits, also they act like a homing missile and will ignore players that they are not aggroed on (again from my experience)

  • @antikythera7318
    @antikythera7318 10 місяців тому +48

    I was searching for a creature guide earlier this day and was disappointed to find nothing, now we hath a blessing, good job, I do have one question and that is what is the legitimacy/ safety of standing on top of a turret, they look like they swing only side to side but I only have limited experience

    • @fezguuy
      @fezguuy  10 місяців тому +8

      I’m pretty sure I’ve seen a video of someone standing on a turret safely. I personally have not tested this, but it sounds like it should work. I have seen a turret on stairs in a mansion complex, and so long as I was below them, they would not target me.

    • @guwahavel874
      @guwahavel874 10 місяців тому +2

      I have died to a turret while above it in a stairwell before so I believe they can aim vertically to some extent

  • @quiteindeed6809
    @quiteindeed6809 10 місяців тому +1

    Lethal company is like scp mixed with the area 51 raid, they can't stop all of you.

  • @Myzzzy
    @Myzzzy 10 місяців тому +11

    The girl can most definitely spawn on moons lower than hard. I believe I was on a tier 1 moon and had her spawn since we wanted to test the flooded weather's effects on an easier moon first.

  • @armandkovacs6488
    @armandkovacs6488 10 місяців тому +1

    The best video i could find about lethal company so far

  • @gilgameshthebattlecat5123
    @gilgameshthebattlecat5123 10 місяців тому +3

    The slime actually gets aggravated by the Boombox (from my experience in game)

  • @Ikki_Katlin
    @Ikki_Katlin 10 місяців тому +1

    I was introduced to this game via a clip video from an underrated cool dude I've subscribed to!

  • @asdfghjkl-qo8bp
    @asdfghjkl-qo8bp 10 місяців тому +4

    Great video this will help me and my friends a lot! Also thank you for including subtitles

  • @Leg3ndarily
    @Leg3ndarily 10 місяців тому +1

    I have been waiting for a video like this. thanks!

  • @Zerccies09
    @Zerccies09 10 місяців тому +7

    Doors are very effective at getting away from coilheads you get a grace period to run away before they open the door, most other enemies kinda bust right through doors

  • @Iron_Space
    @Iron_Space 10 місяців тому +1

    Was gonna watch this, but yeah you right with the spoilers thing. Thanks for keeping it real.

  • @ThomasYuxi
    @ThomasYuxi 10 місяців тому +3


  • @anticitizenjuan
    @anticitizenjuan 10 місяців тому +1

    I hope your channel blows up, this is exactly the kind of rational logical content a rational logical game like Lethal Company needs

  • @S.P.Shaman
    @S.P.Shaman 10 місяців тому +9

    Great video. I haven't seen the Jester yet, but I can confirm that I've seen the ghost on a starting moon. However, it took a while and was after the apparatus was pulled pretty early in the run. I guess the radiation increase doesn't just spawn in more monsters, but rarer ones as well

    • @fezguuy
      @fezguuy  10 місяців тому +2

      Thank you! The girl being on early moons is something I’ll have to address in a future video. The mechanics behind the apparatus are something I still don’t understand well, mainly what you just pointed out is not something that is made clear. What I mean with this is how the apparatus being pulled actually changes the game if at all in terms of enemy spawn rates and chances is largely unknown. It definitely could be that pulling the apparatus ramps things up, but it could also just be that as time passes there are more opportunities for more creatures and harder ones to spawn in.

    • @bumblegoot1139
      @bumblegoot1139 10 місяців тому +2

      @@fezguuy I believe apparatus does actually increase difficulty, it’s supposed to be a sort of “last thing to grab” that bumps up the difficulty to max with the lights out.
      I’ve seen a Thumper and Bracken spawn on Experiment instantly once the apparatus is pulled. It certainly has an effect.

  • @admiralfurret
    @admiralfurret 8 місяців тому +2

    One time i was approached by eyeless dogs, so i ran onto the roof and realized its one of the safest places in the game
    I then spent 8 minutes sitting on roof, telling dogs a tale about my friends saving cockroach family, and they were running into a wall out of boredom and constant noise. Eventually their mouth got stuck there.
    People thought i tamed the beast, but i enslaved it

  • @thomascroyle575
    @thomascroyle575 10 місяців тому +10

    I do believe the forest giants do spawn on assurance as I have encountered them before there but only once

  • @unlucky-777
    @unlucky-777 10 місяців тому +1

    This game needs a monster that can be mimic other people's mic inputs such as Help, Im lost, Here, and try to lure players to himself

  • @_paco7458
    @_paco7458 10 місяців тому +3

    The worm can kill all outside creatures including the giant . A giant was chasing me today and the worm jump at me and took the giant and saved me.

  • @renegadebones
    @renegadebones 10 місяців тому +2

    Thats why Fezguuy is the GOAT

  • @thesadspanish6709
    @thesadspanish6709 10 місяців тому +5

    From my time playing the game (not much) me and my friends found that using the stun gun and 2 shovels, you can kill the bracken in 3-5 hits. Scary as all hell to kill them but its do able

  • @markofmanymonikers679
    @markofmanymonikers679 9 місяців тому +1

    Hello I just wanted to say thank you for using Deep Blue by Heaven Pierce her in your video-
    I just recently got into Ultrakill and more recently Lethal Company and it made me very very happy to hear my favorite Ultrakill song while learning about my favorite goobers
    Thank you very much

    • @fezguuy
      @fezguuy  9 місяців тому +1

      Glad to hear it, you’re welcome!

  • @lostonegrey1555
    @lostonegrey1555 10 місяців тому +4

    i literally looked for a video like this yesterday because i was interested to see what creatures are in the game

  • @SomeoneYouDontKnowOfficial
    @SomeoneYouDontKnowOfficial 10 місяців тому +2

    Btw with land mines: if you have someone on your ship to disable them, the mines make a subtle click noise at the second they are disabled. Besides the player telling you they disabled it that's the only way I know to tell if a landmine is disabled, and the click will have less delay in telling you that they're disabled than someone then saying it

  • @kurotakahashi3833
    @kurotakahashi3833 10 місяців тому +3

    thank you for the tips, i'm new to the game and this gives me a brief explanation on how to deal with them, as i almost never scan for new creatures, and i never read the logs

  • @metro6180
    @metro6180 10 місяців тому +1

    One thing to note about the little girl is that it isn't a "pick 1-4" factor, she chooses which player to haunt based off of a "fear factor" system.
    1) This is calculated by player sanity (decreases via seeing monsters/corpses, being in the dark, and being alone.)
    2) How many times the player turns looking left and right or "player turn count."
    3) And some other factors such as HP and price of item being held, typically above 100 creds.
    Still this doesn't stop her from low rolling the player with the least amount of fear. And sanity and player turn count also calculates paranoia just so you all know. That's why you are the most paranoid

  • @zagurazexoe4357
    @zagurazexoe4357 10 місяців тому +4

    Played first time last night.
    Love it a lot.
    It's like box of chocolates.

  • @admiralfurret
    @admiralfurret 8 місяців тому +1

    Also worth to mention: spore lizards tend to run off to areas that are generally safe, even fire exits if you're lucky

  • @BuckBlaziken
    @BuckBlaziken 10 місяців тому +3

    Never heard or seen this game until now but it looks fun, especially since it’s multiplayer

    • @poser_bob9781
      @poser_bob9781 10 місяців тому +1

      It’s so much fun this could be game of the year

    • @grandmagunsales2125
      @grandmagunsales2125 10 місяців тому +3

      Deep Rock Galactic with even worse employee health benefits? Sign me up!

  • @Nuwa_Eri
    @Nuwa_Eri 9 місяців тому +1

    This is a really helpful guide. Thank you for making this. Good job!

    • @fezguuy
      @fezguuy  9 місяців тому +1

      Again you’re welcome and I’m glad you liked it!

  • @zeelyweely1590
    @zeelyweely1590 10 місяців тому +5

    Two notes!
    - Landmines CAN be disabled if a player is stepping on them by simply having them stand still while the operator temporarily disables the mine.
    - The Ghost Girl will either not attack players inside the ship, or not attack players together with each other. I didn't get to fully test this, but when a friend got haunted by the ghost girl he sat next to me (the operator) and was not attacked, even when his screen got completely fucked up. I DID start seeing her in the monitor though, and everyone else died, so I'm not sure if she would've started hunting other players.

    • @fezguuy
      @fezguuy  10 місяців тому +4

      That landmine tip is something I missed for sure, thanks! The girl will haunt players in the ship, and players that are together. She haunts irregularly so a haunted individual can go a long period of time without seeing her. She can also actively haunt someone and not chase them, sometimes she will just stare at them for some time, so if they don’t see her the haunting may not even be noticed.

    • @JetstreamS4M
      @JetstreamS4M 10 місяців тому +1

      She attacks inside of the ship

  • @spacesatan5840
    @spacesatan5840 10 місяців тому +2

    Even with the infos i will still probably die

  • @AC-uw4il
    @AC-uw4il 10 місяців тому +7

    finally a Guide all these creatures sound and look amazing I want to learn more gives me a SCP vibe

  • @reeceulf
    @reeceulf 10 місяців тому +2

    If you had someone do your captions, you better not have paid them
    If you used speech to text, shame on you, but give me a Patreon to donate to so I can help you pay for a transcriptionist lol
    Having both timestamps/chapters and captions in any form at all is a blessing so I thank you greatly for them. Excellent video.

    • @fezguuy
      @fezguuy  10 місяців тому +2

      Thank you, I’ll try my best to improve the subtitles for the next thing I’m working on. For this video I used clip champ’s auto subtitles to get the timing done, then went through them and changed the many errors I found, but still missed some obviously. It’s cool to hear that someone would be willing to support me through Patreon, but I don’t feel comfortable at the moment asking for money.

  • @wr1ght939
    @wr1ght939 10 місяців тому +3

    You did well with this format! Keep up the good work!

  • @Nahan_Boker94
    @Nahan_Boker94 10 місяців тому +2

    I do wish the game have more gadgets to defend ourselves like:
    1. Flares, to keep the birds stay away at night and make the giant tree distracted to the location. Helping in foggy area also for markings.
    2. Decoy grenade, to make all enemies that not seeing you distracted to approach the grenade, also trigger the turret to kept it sight to the decoy. But trade off many enemies will go to the decoy grenade place area so if you using it too often they all approach the area fully so its an absolute last resort too especially outdoors.
    3. Flamethrower to burn the webs, kill and fend off enemies like hoarding flies and spiders to come near you. But only works with critters not the spring/girl/jack in the box. Make the ammo also need to be bought and eating inventory so its not too OP. Also worst to use in narrow area since the friendly fire is really bad but not as instant as explosives.
    4. Oxygen tank & ability to swim even go scuba, so we have flooded/water planet scenario where the place is in underwater and ofc new underwater enemies. Also swim get slower if carry heavy things. And if we ever get the low gravity planets the oxygen can be used as boost in cost of our survival chance in outdoor just like in borderlands.
    5. Also give us harpoon or stun rod that do little damage but fend off the sea creatures if underwater scenario happens.

    • @fezguuy
      @fezguuy  10 місяців тому +1

      All of these are cool ideas! The dev is planning to update the game fairly regularly with significant content such as new tools/items. Just with what is in the game so far, I feel like they are avoiding outright weapons, as these type of things might make the game less horror based and more of an action-y, but who knows, anything is possible.

  • @reid7639
    @reid7639 10 місяців тому +10

    Just hearsay and I haven't tested it myself yet but apparently eyeless dogs can be killed by using a ladder as a vantage point and smacking it. Could be wrong
    Edit: I've also seen the girl on the early maps as well (assurance) and I've also seen her outside on offense without even going inside.
    Edit 2: You can get the girl at the company building. Found out the hard way
    Edit 3: You can now kill the dogs as of Version 40

    • @noahdude628
      @noahdude628 10 місяців тому +1

      This is because she targets a player even if the player never sees her. That's why you should evacuate when she's seen at all, because she is very dangerous.

    • @maxinaba
      @maxinaba 10 місяців тому

      Is there a way for you to record yourself killing the dogs using this method?

    • @reid7639
      @reid7639 10 місяців тому

      @@maxinaba I tested this on a older version so what I saw the eyeless dogs get stuck in their lung state, not them dead. The strategy doesn't work as the shovel doesn't reach the dog without hitting the ladder with how the shovel hitbox works in the game, or without you being in danger of dog. It's better to use either the zap gun or stun grenade to stun them and deal damage with the shovel to kill them.
      And yes I've tested my claim on Version 40. Doesn't work from the minimum testing I've done. If you want to see for your self, go to eclipsed moons then try and get eyeless dogs. Assurance works best but Dine or Offense could be good options as well

  • @robertmitchell7837
    @robertmitchell7837 10 місяців тому +2

    Tip for girl get the person being chased on top of the ship she can't catch you up there but will still deal with her effects

  • @ciaranplaysgames9507
    @ciaranplaysgames9507 10 місяців тому +4

    Great tips, thank you! :D

  • @Welderborea
    @Welderborea 10 місяців тому +2

    I went to titan for the first time and saw the ghost girl also for the first time and I don’t think I’ve recovered since

  • @dejaval143
    @dejaval143 10 місяців тому +11

    Awesome guide! Have you heard a voice saying "hey" that kind of sounds like a kid? I've heard it twice and never found out what it was

    • @fezguuy
      @fezguuy  10 місяців тому +7

      Thanks! I’m pretty sure that “hey” was one of many random ambient sounds that can play when you’re in a complex. I assume they’re around to freak you out as it needs to be quiet to hear them, kind of like cave sounds in Minecraft.

    • @reid7639
      @reid7639 10 місяців тому +2

      @@fezguuy I've not thoroughly tested but the hey might be a indicator that the girl is haunting/cursed that player. Simply because usually one person in the lobby will get that ambiance from what I've seen from over 30 hours of gametime.
      There were 2 times that the sound was heard by the player and by no one else and the girl was haunting them.

    • @fezguuy
      @fezguuy  10 місяців тому +1

      I definitely see how your experience could lead you to believe this, but I think what you’re describing is a coincidence and your mind putting things together, which I would have too probably if I had noticed things in this order. All random ambient sounds in the game will only play for one player (all players can experience them, but they won’t usually be the same one, let alone at the same time). The “hey” stands out because it is the most distinct and understandable, being spoken English. The fact that it as a ambient sound that will only be heard by one player, and the girl will only haunt one player, can lead to the coincidence you are describing. It also forms the reasonable conclusion that you came to as it is plausible that a creepy girl would whisper hey to you in a horror game. I’m going in circles now, I hope this made some sense.
      TLDR: Girl and “hey” not connected. They are both only perceived by one player, this leads to coincidences like the one you described when one player happens to experience both at the same time.

    • @reid7639
      @reid7639 10 місяців тому +2

      @fezguuy Yes, I found out about the ambiance of the hey and the little girl being separate yesterday after some testing. You can have the girl without the ambiance and vice versa. Sorry I didn't update the comment, as I've been pretty busy recently. Also, that's for the comment! I've loved chatting girl back and forth, and it's nice being able to myth bust this sort of stuff. That may be some good videos to make. Lethal company Mythbusters.
      TL:DR I know now the hey doesn't mean that player is haunted by the girl but forgot to update my comment on this insight
      On a different note, I've found out that you can kill the eyeless dogs and an effective method as well.
      Get on top of the ship with the dog nearby. Use the ladder at the very edge to extend yourself out more and call out to the dog. The dog won't be able to kill you since you're too high and you can walk at with the shovel. It may take several uses of this method as it's pretty precise with the ladder placement to hit the dog. But you can tell when it's dead when it's lying, like when it lunges and its mouth is pointed up.
      Note: I had to do my testing during eclipses to spawn dogs consistently. And needs much further testing and probably way better strategy to kill them quickly.
      Edit: This comment is now true as zeekerss has updated the game so you can kill eyeless dogs, so I guess the times I did test the dog just broke.

    • @fezguuy
      @fezguuy  10 місяців тому +1

      @@reid7639 Thanks for letting me know that it is debunked for sure. A Mythbusters type of thing is something I have considered tackling after the next video I'm working on putting out, but nothing is set in stone. That is a really creative way to deal with the dogs, and its funny you pseudo-killed one of them.

  • @FarleyRace
    @FarleyRace 10 місяців тому +1

    .) If landmine is stepped on, if player can jump high enough onto a pipe or ledge, they MAY survive the explosion.
    .) Quicksand is the discolored land and can be somewhat seen during the day..but foggy/rainy/night conditions are.. iffy.

  • @grayshuck5769
    @grayshuck5769 10 місяців тому +14

    Are you 100% on the "players cant be teleported after being grabbed by a giant/forest keeper"? i swear in one of my games i was able to teleport my teammate as he got grabbed. Unfortunately, i didnt clip it, but by the way he was reacting, and where the red dot and him were on the map, i really thought it had grabbed him.

    • @fezguuy
      @fezguuy  10 місяців тому +12

      Someone else said that they were able to teleport someone that was grabbed by a giant. This is likely what is intended to happen, but people I’ve played with and myself have had the giant bug out and continue carrying us after an attempted teleport. I probably just got unlucky and experienced a bug and assumed incorrectly that you can’t be teleported in this case. If you’re interested the bug I’m talking about, it is in my Lethal Company: Lethalized video around the 2:20 mark.

    • @TarsonTalon
      @TarsonTalon 10 місяців тому +5

      It probably is a timing thing. If you can start a teleport before they are grabbed, then you save them just before they are eaten. Otherwise, the teleport doesn't happen fast enough to save them.

    • @xtxownage
      @xtxownage 10 місяців тому +3

      The girl can also say “hey” to a player, which can definitely take people off guard. Especially when you’re alone.

  • @lobs7070
    @lobs7070 10 місяців тому +2

    Ultrakill background music sighted, video liked

  • @lulacatt873
    @lulacatt873 10 місяців тому +1

    I'll never forget running into the ghost girl on my second ever moon. I thought experimentation was supposed to be the safest.

  • @daradacro23
    @daradacro23 10 місяців тому +4

    Watching a group in a video having to deal with 3 coil heads is terrifying