Greater Swiss Mountain Dog Review



  • @myideas8548
    @myideas8548 5 років тому +43

    I had a Greater Swiss and while challenging as they can be stubborn, I think this actually adds to their appeal. They feel more like a equal presence with their own wants and desires.. Once socialized, I have never seen such a loving dog as the one I had. Even though he was larger than average (150 lbs) he was so obviously non-threatening that parents would allow their children to run right up to him on our walks.. In his entire life, he never showed any aggression. I called him my "Zen-dog". He was like the best blood pressure medication (stress reliever) one could have... He never met a person he didn't absolutely love.. He was the very best dog I have EVER seen around children (and we didn't have any). He intuitively knew that small children were the analog of puppies and he took incredible care around them and also took incredible abuse from them without retaliating in ANY way. One interesting point is that they are one of the few breeds where you can see the whites of their eyes and it makes looking at them like looking into the eyes of a human (absolutely wonderful - not creepy at all).. they also love to stare into your eyes (was not dominant behavior.. just breed specific). I think this was one of the reasons why Swissies and their owners bond so deeply.. They always want to be in the same room as you and are an incredibly social and loving breed. I have known other Swissies and while they have their obvious personality differences, they are all quite wonderfully similar. I lost my big guy at 8 years due to cancer - which is rare in the breed. If I get another dog, there is absolutely no question that I would get another Swissy. Their positive qualities (too numerous to list) outweigh their few negative qualities.. The fact that they are so beautiful with their markings, disarms EVERYONE and I have never met so many people in my life as I did while walking my dog.. Another wonderful dog like a Rottweiler, Doberman or Shepherd would not have had the same response from people.. It allowed me to interact with everyone I met in a very relaxed way as no-one seemed scared of him even though he was the same size as a male Mountain Lion! Early socialization is key, but very easy but they are a pain in the ass to potty train. They are alarm barkers (you ALWAYS know when the UPS guy shows up). But they don't go crazy.. Incredibly observant.. My guy would bark sometimes and I wouldn't know why.. Only to find that the front door was ajar ("not correct" as he saw it). While I can't imagine that he would ever attack someone breaking into the house. He would bark and alert everyone immediately and constantly... and frankly, you would have to be 100% crazy to break into a house with a dog of that size, with a bark as deep and loud as his.. My wife and I never felt so safe and at peace as when he was around. Our best companion and guardian angel. Keep in mind, they think they are lap dogs (they are). Be prepared for that! Also be prepared that the bond you will build with one of these dogs will make losing them as hard as losing an intimately close human loved-one (that is not an exaggeration). I can say that "owning" my big Swisssy (his name was "Zug") was one of the absolutely best things ever to happen to me in my life. I miss him dearly.. He was a true gentle giant and one of the true loves of my life..

    • @EJxosunshine
      @EJxosunshine 4 роки тому +5

      MyIdeas Your comment brought tears to my eyes. We lost our Swissy 2 years ago and there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t ache to have him back-he was my best friend, the gentlest soul I’ve ever known in a dog. Could not agree more with your description of this breed!! Reading this reminded me so much of my time with my Swissy. They are truly special

    • @Rebecca-dl7uv
      @Rebecca-dl7uv 3 роки тому +3

      I recently got a Swissy puppy and it was the best decision ever! Her name is Heaven and she is sweeter than I ever could have expected!! Eye contact since day one is the cutest thing! She’s 5 months and I’m now taking her to the barn to meet horses and walk with the donkeys… so amazing how relaxed she is and immediately socialized! 💕💕

    • @hansmolders1066
      @hansmolders1066 2 роки тому +1

      Ours is a Swissy/Malemute mix same deal, with toddlers, he goes out of their way bc they tend to stick their fingers into his eyes! He never snaps, he just goes out of their way!

    • @gmann4460
      @gmann4460 2 роки тому

      This makes me sad :(

    • @user-cr2ln7zq6s
      @user-cr2ln7zq6s Рік тому

      Oh man, he sounds a lovely dog. We really, really want one of these big fellas when we get our house. Zug is a super name - like the Swiss town - they pronounce it Tsoog? I lived there for a little while. I might steal that name if we get one.

  • @robstolzer
    @robstolzer 4 роки тому +9

    We have a 13 month old Swissy named Mocha and he has changed my life. Such a sweet disposition. While he is people shy with folks he's just met, the local dog park is his favorite place on earth. He loves to play with fellow wrestling dogs like huskies and English retrievers. Basically, if you play like a hockey player, Mocha is your pal. And yes, he is a bit stubborn, but nothing too bad When it comes to leaving the dog park, I go and start my car and after a bit he'll come strolling on up.
    These guys are really food motivated, which makes training much easier. Even tiny bits of treats make life easier. I've got Mocha trained up to stop at corners and cross-walks before going across the street. When we go across, he usually carries the leash for. Hands-down, Mocha is the best pet we've ever had. I would get another Swiss in a heartbeat.
    Thanks for the video.

  • @Deperdussin1910
    @Deperdussin1910 6 років тому +75

    Having owned 5 GSMDs, this is a good light-hearted review. Like any giant breed dog, puppies MUST be trained/handled like the huge dogs they become. Cute puppy antics like chewing on wrists or sitting on you are not cute in a 145 pound dog. They've been bred to pull heavy loads. Without proper training, they can easily pull YOU on a dog walk. Exercise/work this working breed dog daily...walking, hiking, pulling, carting, and sledding. Slow to house train. Not a good dog for a first time dog owner.

    • @ryanstephens9109
      @ryanstephens9109 6 років тому +5

      Lol, other than the slow to house train... sounds very similar to my Malamute.

    • @robstolzer
      @robstolzer 4 роки тому +4

      Oh boy, house training our Swissy was a long, long process. Lots of sleep-deprived nights. But worth it!

    • @edyvrg8393
      @edyvrg8393 4 роки тому

      Do they get along with older dogs? Female leonberger, 9 years old with arthritis. We are debating whether we should get another Leonberger, a GSMD or a Briard.

    • @Deperdussin1910
      @Deperdussin1910 4 роки тому +1

      @@edyvrg8393 They can. But a young Swissy may be too active for a 9 y.o. dog with arthritis. Maybe you could adopt a mature Swissy from Greater Swiss Mountain Dog Rescue Families go through life changes and need to re-home healthy trained mature Swissys. 4 of my 5 GSMDs were rescues.

    • @edyvrg8393
      @edyvrg8393 4 роки тому +1

      @@Deperdussin1910 we will definitely keep this option in mind. The problem is that my father isn't sure he wants to commit to a dog as big as a male leonberger( 73-80 kg ), so we are also looking at dogs that are 10-20 kg smaller, we want a male dog this time. My father's favourite favourite breed since he was a child is the GSMD so he would like one( me personally I am obsessed with leonbergers ).

  • @ProThespian
    @ProThespian 5 років тому +28

    “Lick fit isn’t funny guys, it can hurt them”
    *Dog begins licking hand furiously*

  • @angorahm4640
    @angorahm4640 5 років тому +26

    *reads title*
    Easy, best dog breed, heavily underrated.
    We've had them as long as I can remember and they're the best dogs we've had hands down. Unfortunately, everyone thinks they're Berners and they're so underknown and rated.
    We have a berner as well :)

  • @CG-dd6bc
    @CG-dd6bc 5 років тому +3

    I had one. Sweetest, couch potato ever. He had seizure issues. Due to size they don't live as long as smaller dogs. They are stubborn, but the sweetest creatures ever. Was never protective, cried if he ever thought a creature didn't like him.

  • @equineohmy
    @equineohmy 5 років тому +4

    We've loved and been loved in return by 4 GSMDs over the years. Great family companions and sweeties. We miss them so much!

  • @marionette223
    @marionette223 5 років тому +42

    Loved this review! you have a great sense of humour I've watched eight of your vids so far in the last hour /

    • @mariab807
      @mariab807 4 місяці тому

      But absolutely nothing to see with GMSD

  • @chitraiyer9850
    @chitraiyer9850 4 роки тому +4

    I miss my baby Luc every day! He was the best - slightly taller than the average GSMD, most handsome, loving, goofy, crazy as ever! He passed away at age 13, in May, earlier this year. I love your review - it is totally accurate! Luc was a complete lunatic! So obedient - even though he was really spoilt. Thank you for this lovely review of this wonderful breed!

    • @jamesbaxter8324
      @jamesbaxter8324 3 роки тому +1

      So sorry for your loss. I hope you can pass on your great love for a dog to a new buddy.

  • @jenbo2547
    @jenbo2547 6 років тому +19

    Massachusetts? Me too :) Awwwwww, he is sooooooo cute. I had a Swissy, and absolutely adored him, greatest dog ever. I will be in the market for another soon. In my experience, never aggressive, but definitely protective, especially of children. He was wonderful with my young kids and grew with them. Indeed a lap dog, literally. 110 pounds of love. He was a runt. Super food motivated, so beware of overfeeding! My neighbor loved him and used to feed him, so he would sneak over and hoooooowl until he got a treat. I love Pat!!!

  • @mattprezioso4170
    @mattprezioso4170 6 років тому +14

    Re: the lick fits- my Swissie started having these at 5 months and gets one every 2 months or so. They usually wake him up in the middle of the night and it seems to cause him a lot of anxiety. I actually think that the thing that’s happening is a partial complex seizure in the muscles of his esophagus and his licking, gulping air and obsessive eating is him trying to stop what’s happening. A dose of trazodone and patting his throat either stops them directly or the drug/attention mix relaxes him. Many vets have had many opinions but no one seems to know for sure what’s up. Any breed can get lick fits but it affects up to 20% of swissies. And it seems like every dog responds differently to them- from not caring to tearing up wall to wall carpeting. And even more oddly, as soon as it’s over and mine has gotten rid of all the gas he’s swallowed, he is completely back to normal.

  • @acepaul407
    @acepaul407 4 роки тому +1

    What a great dog. I brought my very young daughter to the pound and got really lucky. For some reason she HAD to have this dog. The dog was taller than she was. Those two became the best of friends, he was super gentle and patient with her. I wouldn't hesitate to get another one.

  • @briansivley2001
    @briansivley2001 4 роки тому +8

    I remember being a student at this school for kids with developmental disabilities and the speech therapist babysat her friend's Bernies Mountain Dog and Greater Swiss Mountain Dog who was particularly attached to me and pretty much bonded with me. Even my speech therapist who said that they acted distant to students but the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog especially just took a shine to me said that this was unusual for them to act this way around students. Both dogs however were certified service dogs so The Greater Swiss Mountain Dog who name was Ria probably sensed that I was disabled and keep watch over me and bonded with me. I have spina bifida and a fatty filum so Ria probably sensed it in me and protected me. It didn't help that I'm a huge dog lover so she probably sensed that too lol.

    • @hansmolders1066
      @hansmolders1066 2 роки тому

      They are extremely smart and need social contact, they do protect their fam.! Mine, I taught him not to protect me, because I'm the Dude, but he does protect wife and kitties!

  • @rndm4642
    @rndm4642 4 роки тому +3

    Thanks for the review. My GSMD girl is 11. She’s a great family pet. Excellent with the kids.
    She’s very stubborn, and not easily trained. Also, a very good watch dog, but not a guard dog. They are bite inhibited. It’s in the breed standard. Still, a large barking dog is usually all it takes to deter someone.
    And licky fits are REAL. We’ve been through several area rugs over the years. If you catch it early, saltines help shorten the duration.

    • @erikamyers1730
      @erikamyers1730 3 роки тому

      Mine would bite. And chase and bite again. Hardest thing I have ever had to deal with

  • @damoufle7398
    @damoufle7398 6 років тому +3

    Excellent review of this dog. I have a 17 months one at home, very good dog indeed. He eats a lot lot of strange things like socks, penties, sponges, but that's always come out in a way or another, so we just have to watch out not to let things hang too much, but the dog handle that well so ...
    It's my first dog, and yes I found too he is tough to train. He is a slow learner, but I thlink like all the big dog, they grow more slowly than other dog. But I mainly believe he is an obstinate dog.
    He is also a very good watch dog, I do not recognize him when he witch to defense mode, very impresive ! A bit hard too handle in those moments

  • @janice5218
    @janice5218 3 роки тому +1

    Please add more. I consider myself pretty informed with breeds. I enjoy your positive reviews. We have two Airedales. Quirky breed.
    I’d like a review on a welsh terrier.
    So keep going. We miss you.

  • @alisonlandry3026
    @alisonlandry3026 3 роки тому +3

    Swissies are the best dogs ever

  • @andreslozano7684
    @andreslozano7684 Рік тому +3

    I would love to see a video on the Entlebacher or the Appenzeller! I love the Swiss mountain dogs

  • @VashtiPerry
    @VashtiPerry 5 років тому +5

    Lol you are hilarious 😂 I have searching for months a good dog breed for me. I think this is it. This is my first time hearing of this dog and everything I’ve read so far confirms this is a good dog for me

  • @michaelmcauliffe6955
    @michaelmcauliffe6955 3 роки тому +2

    Mines a city dog in Worcester Massachusetts, I get him out regularly. So important

  • @Bigbilly-ms9bn
    @Bigbilly-ms9bn 2 роки тому +1

    I think this may be my next dog. Beautiful and I love big dogs.

  • @tombrandle6904
    @tombrandle6904 5 років тому +3

    i live in switzerland and of course i needed to get one of These, his Name is Zeus. These dogs dont play as much as other dogs so if you wanna get one of These and you like to play a lot it wouldnt be a good fit and also they get really hot in the sun so if you live somewhere were it is hot al the time he might not be your dog but they are verry adorable and cuddly.

  • @sadiehowes3902
    @sadiehowes3902 2 роки тому +2

    As I said with the Berner review (former Berner owner, current Swissy owner) these reviews are pretty great overviews & have been spot on to our experience.
    So glad Liam covered the Swissy because if you own one, be prepared for everyone to ask you what kind of Berner mix it is. 😅 and NO these are definitely NOT just short haired berners.
    They are much less aloof & definitely can definitely have a stubborn streak. We love to call Whiskey a clown because you can see her eagerness to please battle it out in her brain with her food & other drives. We likened her to the Disney character stitch a lot when she was young.
    Housebreaking definitely a challenge and at 5 she’s just starting to sort of, maybe mellow out from puppy behaviors.
    So far she is definitely healthier than our Berner (see notes on that video) & although a bit of a goofball super loving and sweet.
    Managing ok in an apartment but the Berner was easier 😅 That’s my bad for not doing better research! Wouldn’t recommend to first time owners (go with a well bred Golden Retriever for that). But no issues with children or other animals.
    Hope that helps!

    • @madheretic4423
      @madheretic4423 Рік тому

      How do you feel about the Bernese Mountain Dog as a first dog? I want to get a BMD and then a GSMD. I like goldens but I don’t really want a golden, I heard BMDs can be good first dogs and I think they match my personality and lifestyle better than a Golden Retriever.

  • @NNS2822
    @NNS2822 2 роки тому +1

    Great review and even better laughs! Subscribed! I am anxiously awaiting my brand new GSMD, Winston in six weeks!

    • @madheretic4423
      @madheretic4423 Рік тому

      Wishing you luck and Winston a long, healthy life.

  • @borzica
    @borzica 2 роки тому +1

    Please do more videos! You’re great!

  • @bryanmason2123
    @bryanmason2123 6 років тому +4

    Great review although I wouldn't call them a "guard" dog, more of an "alert" dog. Mine always "alerts" me before someone even makes it the doorbell, or just when something is amiss. The breed is just too even tempered to be that aggressive in my opinion. I wouldn't trade my buddy for anything else. Nice video and pretty spot on about the breed.

    • @angorahm4640
      @angorahm4640 5 років тому +1

      Ours was a great guard dog! At one point we had a home invasion and he planted himself infront of the hallways (all bedrooms are back there) and snarled and lashed out at the guy.

  • @allisonblair6254
    @allisonblair6254 4 роки тому +2

    our dog Barney is a bad monkey sometimes, walking him is like taking out a baby rhino ..he is our best friend and a great companion, very funny character but if he sets his mind on not liking someone it's impossible to convince him otherwise..time to go for a walk :)

  • @lizalicious09
    @lizalicious09 2 роки тому +1

    Re: the lick fits.. while it’s a funny name it can cause the Swissies some serious discomfort. My best guess from experience is that it’s caused by some sort of indigestion/gas, something in their stomach is upset. They gulp at the air and frantically lick/swallow to try to relieve that discomfort. Believe me, there’s no mistaking normal licking for a lick fit

  • @KimC-vk5qp
    @KimC-vk5qp 5 років тому +1

    LOL! Love your videos! We started out wanting a Newfie, saw your video on the health, switched to the Bernese. Again, health. So then we found your video on the Swissies. Have our name on a list with a breeder now. Thank you for helping us find our future baby! LOVE your videos and the humor! Binging on your videos now for breeds we're not even interested in. LOL

    • @LiamMurphydogs
      @LiamMurphydogs  5 років тому +1

      Thank you Kim! That’s awesome!!!

    • @julesminer6228
      @julesminer6228 4 роки тому +1

      They are wonderful, truly under rated dogs. I have a boy named Moose and he is absolutely the most devoted and loyal dog ever. Since I also own a farm, I will always have one of these guys!

    • @KimC-vk5qp
      @KimC-vk5qp 4 роки тому

      @@julesminer6228 I don't blame you! They're adorable! We wanted one so bad! But after waiting on 2 breeders, one had all males and the other went up $1,000 on her price. So we rescued. Got a great dog! But still love Swissies! Probably a good thing though. We live in the Los Angeles area. I think they would be more comfortable with a lot of land to run around.

  • @noamaxim
    @noamaxim 4 роки тому +2

    We have a 4 month old puppy and will get his stomach set later to prefend stomach tilt. Its a small procedure to prefend this awful and often deadly situation large breeds can get into. You can get it done when you get your dog castrated. Its therefor important to indeed give more small amounts of food throughout the day that are easy to digest. Thats why we also decided to not give meat as its takes much longer to digest.

  • @erikamyers1730
    @erikamyers1730 3 роки тому +3

    Love love watching this. I sadly just had to put my GSMD down, just 2 weeks prior to his 6th birthday. I guess I had the one Swissy who would bite. Not anyone he knew and loved. But he would bite EVERY stranger if he had the chance. He also would attack our pit bull mix, over food or other resources. 6 years of changing our lives around to make things work. I wish I could have had another 6 years with him. He loved us sooooo much and was so good with our small children. Hardest thing I have ever had to go through. I want another one, but so scared.

  • @colawombat6460
    @colawombat6460 6 років тому +7

    i really loved this review! also like you humor haha Beautiful dog

  • @Gladimo
    @Gladimo 6 років тому +2

    Informative video! Thanks for sharing! Such a good looking dog.

  • @Krichaun
    @Krichaun 4 роки тому +5

    You missed the stomach torsion as 1 of the health issues ;) I got one, great dog ;)

  • @thehotsorcerer8617
    @thehotsorcerer8617 2 роки тому +1

    I love my swissie. Best best dogs ever. You HAVE to train them though at a young age. But wow are they great

  • @leefisher.styrenemarine5566

    I sure miss my swissy he was awesome

  • @laskieg
    @laskieg 5 років тому +16

    Bummer, I always wanted a swissy mcdoggo but if that means having my mother in law move in I might just settle for a cat.

  • @nadiasven4771
    @nadiasven4771 3 роки тому

    Could not have described this breed better!!

  • @starc387
    @starc387 5 років тому +2

    My greater swiss as a puppy had a sock addiction. We found alot of socks in the backyard he must have ate atleast 35.

  • @dtrahn1218
    @dtrahn1218 3 роки тому +2

    They even eat rocks, ROCKS! And leather products? Never leave them near a Swissie. I don't think we've ever gone more than two weeks without our male throwing up something he shouldn't have eaten.

  • @ConstanceConnie
    @ConstanceConnie 6 років тому +10

    where are you getting all of these dogs from?? Do you own them?? Also I'm glad I found your channel. I was doing research and came across your other video about Bernese Mountain Dog. I'm totally getting one!!

    • @LiamMurphydogs
      @LiamMurphydogs  5 років тому +17

      Thank you C! I own a Doggy Day Care/Training /Boarding company here in Boston where I’ve been fortunate enough to work with a bunch of different breeds for the past 17 years. I figured why not showcase these awesome dogs and help people choose the best for them. THANK YOU so much for your support and WOW. You’re killing it on your channel!!! Love it!

  • @fischek
    @fischek 5 років тому

    Paused the vid halfway through just to say thanks for all these wonderful, informative and fun reviews. I love it that you're cuddling with dogs in every one of them - clearly a dog lover. Keep up the great work, I hope your channel keeps growing, you really deserve it.
    Previous Rottweiler owner here, love the breed, currently in the market for a dog for my kids (they're asking a 100 times a day :D).

    • @LiamMurphydogs
      @LiamMurphydogs  5 років тому

      Thank you!! That means a lot 🙏 grateful

  • @user-cr2ln7zq6s
    @user-cr2ln7zq6s Рік тому

    that's a beautiful dog

  • @steveross8326
    @steveross8326 5 років тому

    An informative, humorous review.....

  • @johnhenrymcmahon6878
    @johnhenrymcmahon6878 4 роки тому

    That dog is so adorable! What a face!! :)

  • @declangould5519
    @declangould5519 6 років тому +1

    I have one of those they are amazing

  • @diasnovitawuri1939
    @diasnovitawuri1939 Рік тому

    We’re picking up a Swissy puppy in a month!

  • @jordanryburn128
    @jordanryburn128 6 років тому

    Love the intro, keen for more reviews

  • @pattihanson7921
    @pattihanson7921 5 років тому +7

    We had to teach our Cavalier “no lick” because if he wasn’t allowed to lick us he would lick the couch

    @OMENAPIIRAKKA-ee6rf 3 роки тому


  • @toypianos469
    @toypianos469 3 роки тому

    Great review

  • @daniellecowell-maxwell580
    @daniellecowell-maxwell580 4 роки тому +1

    I immediately thought of the dog off the game “farming simulator 19” 🐶

  • @Avenus112
    @Avenus112 5 років тому

    What a sweetheart.

  • @Fatschwab
    @Fatschwab 5 років тому +1

    We love our Swissie but before you buy one please do your research. GSMD are sweet, loyal, and need lots of attention. As puppies (2 years) their bladders develop slowly, therefore they leak, and leak and leak. There are meds that help. I never met a swissie that wasn’t on Proin or similar pee control drug. A truly special dog for the right family. If you like to play fetch with your dog, a swissie is not for you. Even if they run after a ball, they may lose interest by the time they get to it. Fun video, great dog, but you need to factor in $5k for new floors when evaluating your purchase.

    @VADELMAHILLO-xw5qk 3 роки тому


  • @rosseasson9441
    @rosseasson9441 4 роки тому

    Great video mate. Funny as well lol

  • @yousefhafez7537
    @yousefhafez7537 6 років тому +1

    Could you please review Siberian huskies? Been thinking of getting one... really good review though I laughed a lot throughout the whole video!!! 👍

  • @josephoutram
    @josephoutram 5 років тому

    Love this dog

  • @cezcal20
    @cezcal20 5 років тому +1

    We lost ours to cancer a day before her 10th birthday. Great family dogs. The boys can be a bit head strong, so would be a strong owner.

  • @SONIC75546
    @SONIC75546 5 років тому

    Love your reviews, if you get the chance I would appreciate a review of the Akita breed!

  • @breathtimebreath4934
    @breathtimebreath4934 4 роки тому

    Thank you so much!!!!!

    @PAARYNAKAKKU-or1lg 3 роки тому

    my dream

  • @slainesaxon3809
    @slainesaxon3809 3 роки тому

    Great and funny low down, skol!

  • @stephenjones363
    @stephenjones363 4 роки тому +7

    "my Wifi Password" :-) :-)

  • @kwintinpiette-walton6697
    @kwintinpiette-walton6697 Рік тому

    I’ve never owned a dog, and I’m considering a swissy. I’ve read on multiple sites on the internet that they are bad first dogs to get because of their confidence and stubbornness which makes them hard to train. Do you agree that the swissy is a bad first dog to get?

  • @briellek.55
    @briellek.55 6 років тому +2

    I am literally getting this type of puppy in a week. I can’t believe it XD

    • @lauraqualey3504
      @lauraqualey3504 5 років тому

      Hey Brielle, how's your puppy? Any tips or observations for someone interested in getting a puppy of this breed? Debating between a swissie or a lab

    • @damoufle7398
      @damoufle7398 5 років тому +2

      @@lauraqualey3504 Swissy is much bigger, stubborn and suited for home protection. Prepare yourself because they are really hard to walk in leash, extremly powerfull.

  • @chbaumgaertner
    @chbaumgaertner 4 роки тому

    Great video, great dogs! Love my 120lbs cuddly idiot

    @OMENAPIIRAKKA-ee6rf 3 роки тому


    @MARMELADIOFTPY 3 роки тому


  • @rodb9464
    @rodb9464 5 років тому +2

    Loved the review. Do you know the breeder of Patten? He was perfect.

  • @michaelmcauliffe6955
    @michaelmcauliffe6955 3 роки тому

    Have a Greater Swiss mountain dog pup. Yes they lick,kind of gross. But great dogs and big loves

  • @jamesseaver6326
    @jamesseaver6326 4 роки тому

    Funny review

  • @kristineberegsari
    @kristineberegsari 3 роки тому

    Very nice coat :) u also do have a nice coat :p

  • @violahaz1158
    @violahaz1158 5 років тому

    I’m getting one soon, hopefully he will be fine with my 190 lb Mastiff. 😊

    • @angorahm4640
      @angorahm4640 5 років тому +1

      Probably just fine! Ours gets along fine with the Newfoundland

    • @violahaz1158
      @violahaz1158 5 років тому

      Wow, thx for the reassurance, our dog is very docile, so I’m optimistic 😊

    • @angorahm4640
      @angorahm4640 5 років тому

      @@violahaz1158 should definitely be fine then! All the swissys I've met are lovebugs. We've had three throughout my life and I've never had a problem

    • @violahaz1158
      @violahaz1158 5 років тому

      Great, thx for the advice😊

  • @cupstudios3788
    @cupstudios3788 5 років тому +5

    Ah, so they are the tiger shark of the dog world... a bunch of trash eaters 😆😇 thank you for the review!

  • @TheChancho21
    @TheChancho21 2 роки тому

    How does this breed handle hot weather? Two to three months out of the year where I live we get triple digits. Some times weeks at a time were it is 105 to 108.

  • @samanthakuzman9251
    @samanthakuzman9251 5 років тому +1

    What do you know about Great Pyrenees?

  • @terryellis7692
    @terryellis7692 5 років тому +1

    This one is having a lick fit at the moment

  • @giavanimations7189
    @giavanimations7189 5 років тому


    • @LiamMurphydogs
      @LiamMurphydogs  5 років тому

      G you’re AMAZINGLY TALENTED just Subd to your channel it’s so good

    • @giavanimations7189
      @giavanimations7189 5 років тому

      Liam Murphy omg thank u so much for subscribing! I’ll sub back!

    • @LiamMurphydogs
      @LiamMurphydogs  5 років тому

      G thank you but seriously your channel is amazing you’re AWESOME

  • @DONALD1951
    @DONALD1951 5 років тому

    I would like to get a medium sized dog...say like the Brittney size... 20-30 pounds - one that is on with snow... friendly...any suggestions? Thanks

  • @OMENAKAKKU-pw1tj
    @OMENAKAKKU-pw1tj 3 роки тому

    I wishd id had two of tjis

  • @420car
    @420car 5 років тому +1

    i have one named Koda.

  • @kayceegreer4418
    @kayceegreer4418 Рік тому

    What...have you never seen rust ?

  • @beverlylee6357
    @beverlylee6357 4 роки тому

    What is your favorite dog breed?

    @PAARYNAHILLO 3 роки тому


  • @kenzie6760
    @kenzie6760 4 роки тому

    I had a greater Swiss mountain dog for 4 years he recently passed away 🥺

  • @sanssheriff3829
    @sanssheriff3829 3 роки тому

    On the activity side, would 2-3 walks of 15 to 30 minutes be enough as a base for every day? Next to attention when at home of course. She would be 9 hours alone each day because of my work. (I'm guessing 15 minutes walks are not enough though)

    • @zita8568
      @zita8568 3 роки тому

      No, I'm sorry, in my experience this would not be enough (3 walks of 30 minutes would probably be ok).
      At least 1,5 hours of walk per day when the are grown, they can walk for hours (they have a lot of energy until about 7-8 years).
      When they are young:
      10 weeks - several 10minutes walks because of their joints
      11 weeks - several 11minutes walks
      and so on.
      9 hours alone is cruel for a dog who loves to be with you. Maybe a daycare?

    • @sanssheriff3829
      @sanssheriff3829 3 роки тому +1

      @@zita8568 3 walks of 30 minutes is no problem as a base (longer in weekends or when I have time ofcourse), but I can't afford daycare in my country unfortunately. My previous dog was a rescue situation, as in: I was the best option for her. There are so many single people with a dog though, I can't believe they all have daycare for their dog. Ofcourse you would have to let her get used to it, don't go to so many hours alone immediately.

  • @doc4636
    @doc4636 5 років тому

    Where do you get all of these dogs that you review?

  • @wondermuffin597
    @wondermuffin597 4 роки тому

    Can you review the sausage dog?

  • @tanyahanna6523
    @tanyahanna6523 4 роки тому

    He is enrolled in Swiss mountain school program Switzerland! 🦊 ssddd!

  • @nkoala9227
    @nkoala9227 5 років тому

    Is it a good idea to take a greater swiss moutain when you are a first time dog owner ?
    Sorry for the eventuals mistakes, Im french

    • @RakingTalon
      @RakingTalon 5 років тому +1

      They really don't make good first-time dogs. They are big and opinionated (they take rules more as guidelines), and can be difficult to get through to. Expect potty-training to take upwards of a year, as their bladders are slow to mature. They need lots of training and patience, and definitely need jobs. They are very much a working breed, and tend to be more businesslike and a little more serious than their Bernese cousins. Also, big dogs mean big expenses; anyone considering getting one should definitely plan on having pet insurance to help cover the inevitable accidents and illnesses.

    • @nkoala9227
      @nkoala9227 5 років тому

      Thank you for your answer ! I like GSD and Amstaff too (I really love amstaff), which one makes a better option (for the first time dog owner that I am) ? If none of both, which breed could be a good idea (I work 8 hours a day, and I would like to walk or run with my dog, I would like him to be able to protect me and to be affectionate). Thank you for taking the time to answer me , I'm pretty much lost actually (with all of these differences between breeds)

  • @inakiwebtube
    @inakiwebtube 4 роки тому

    he is so funny

  • @thecomebackkid6
    @thecomebackkid6 4 роки тому

    What's the intro song?...

  • @lauraqualey3504
    @lauraqualey3504 5 років тому

    Would you liken them to a Labrador Retriever?

  • @planetmikusha5898
    @planetmikusha5898 4 роки тому +1

    They lick carpets? Must be a popular dog with a certain demographic!

  • @TheMatizyahu
    @TheMatizyahu 4 роки тому

    Who else is from europe and when start to watch youtube opens measure unit converter to actually understand what guy from other continent actually says?

  • @lisbetaarum480
    @lisbetaarum480 Рік тому

    A lot of faults here! F.ex rage syndrome??? Never heard of any swissy with that kinds of problems during my 4 decades with the breed.

  • @loriboulais2924
    @loriboulais2924 4 роки тому +1

    I don't know where this man gets his info from, but i found like 4 things he has wrong about this breed. Swissy do not yodel and they are not where yodeling came from. Swissy do bark. They just don't do it unless it is necessary. Basenjis yodel. That's why THEY are called the barkless dog. His weight and life expectancies are off too. He needs to research breeds before he tries to do a review on them. At least read wikepia.

    • @chitraiyer9850
      @chitraiyer9850 4 роки тому

      Lori Boulais actually they do.. it s like a sing-song bark..

    • @noamaxim
      @noamaxim 4 роки тому

      Mine does also and heś just 4 months old, its sounds so funny. The rage thing is also typical. Sven has it in the morning and evening. Runs through the house, jumps onthe furniture full speed.

  • @zipzap570
    @zipzap570 5 років тому +3

    looks very much like Rotweiller

  • @raycope2086
    @raycope2086 4 роки тому

    Sounds like a nut to me Liam.