Ths commentator is so obviously an Aldershot supporter it’s hard to listen to. The BBC, and Surrey Radio especially, has gone downhill in recent years. Where once they were an impartial channel fr local football, they are now partisan. I turned off the commentary very early on. He sounded so deflated when Woking scored and then deafened listeners when Aldershot scored. John Moore was hardly given any airtime, it was such a based commentary! Ugh!
Szép volt Woking FC,szép volt fiúk.Csak ezt nem tudom.hogy ha így is tudtok játszani,miért nem a feljutásért vagytok harcban? Nem baj baj sok meccs van még a bajnokságból hátra,akármi is lehet,hajrá'!👍👍
Yeah it shouldn’t be that obvious the Woking commentator don’t go wild when Woking score
Ths commentator is so obviously an Aldershot supporter it’s hard to listen to. The BBC, and Surrey Radio especially, has gone downhill in recent years. Where once they were an impartial channel fr local football, they are now partisan. I turned off the commentary very early on. He sounded so deflated when Woking scored and then deafened listeners when Aldershot scored. John Moore was hardly given any airtime, it was such a based commentary! Ugh!
He does Aldershot home and away what do we expect?
Complete sour grapes from Wok ing fans,admit it you were lucky to get a point.
@@DerekGerrardthe point still stands?
Szép volt Woking FC,szép volt fiúk.Csak ezt nem tudom.hogy ha így is tudtok játszani,miért nem a feljutásért vagytok harcban? Nem baj baj sok meccs van még a bajnokságból hátra,akármi is lehet,hajrá'!👍👍