Hi Cat , from a very wet day in Lincoln. Beautiful model and should be arriving with me in the next hour or two. You need to get yourself into kne of the machines and print figures of yourself. Then, you can add them to your customs . When do you think companies could start using real carbon fibre parts on models, or is it just too expensive ?
Happy Chinese New Year! 🎉
Hello Andrew 😄happy lunar new year and wish good health!
另預祝你新年快樂 身體健康
Hello Joe 新年快樂, 你都要身體健康呀~!
呢架雨宮成600蚊 真係唔捨得
Hello joe 好彩當時我係原價購買,不過就係想等大家唔好開出嚟,我可以幫大家開箱,咁就你哋可以一路拎住一路睇😬
Hello Jun 新年快樂身體健康,最緊要今年大家都搵多啲買多啲車仔!
Hi Cat , from a very wet day in Lincoln.
Beautiful model and should be arriving with me in the next hour or two.
You need to get yourself into kne of the machines and print figures of yourself.
Then, you can add them to your customs .
When do you think companies could start using real carbon fibre parts on models, or is it just too expensive ?
Hello Zyan 新年快樂,祝你蛇年如意,心想事成!
Hello 張孝先,很久沒有看到你的留言,多謝你,我也祝你新年快樂身體健康!
Hello Calvin 儲起佢!因為真係好貴呀
Hello Wawa,係呀,因為其實當時佢喺車鈴方面會有少少嘅唔同,但係第一個版本就係我哋架車嘅款式,張相係其後拍攝嘅
有D人好黑心 等老闆瓜左 架野就會升值
Hello 係㗎,有啲人會諗啲咁嘅嘢
Hello Wilcas 之後會有白色嘅普通版本,就可以輕鬆入手😁