El Roi, The God Who Sees Me/ Genesis 16

  • Опубліковано 30 січ 2025
  • So today we continue our series about the names of God. Did you know God has many different names? Well, he does! We’ll learn about just a few of them in our series. You know biblical names are often given to highlight a special trait or quality of someone. So, knowing someone’s name gives you insight into who they are. Therefore, by studying the names of God, we can come to know God better. We can begin to truly understand who he is!
    So have you ever felt invisible? Like no one really sees you or understands what you’re going through? Maybe you’re going through a tough time and no one seems to care. You struggle and you struggle feeling all alone and forgotten. Well take great comfort because when others ignore you, God sees you! And he cares. Join us today as we hear about the life of a woman, named Hagar, and the new name she gives to God, El Roi, the God who sees me!
    Bible verses: Genesis 16, Genesis 17:20, Psalm 33:18, Matthew 10:30,
    Photos from freebibleimages.org credit lumo
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