El Shaddai, God Almighty/ Isaac is Born
- Опубліковано 17 січ 2025
- So today we continue our series about the names of God. Did you know God has many different names? Well, he does! We’ll learn about just a few of them in our series. You know biblical names are often given to highlight a special trait or quality of someone. So, knowing someone’s name gives you insight into who they are. Therefore, by studying the names of God, we can come to know God better. We can begin to truly understand who he is!
Today we’ll be learning a name you may have heard before, and that name is El Shaddai. This name means God Almighty! Got the all-sufficient one! God introduces himself to Abraham as El Shaddai just as he is about to fulfill his long awaited promise! Join us today as we lean more about our mighty God!
Bible verses: Genesis 17:1-15, Genesis 18:1-15, Genesis 21:1-19, Genesis 35:11, Matthew 19:26, Exodus 6:2-3, Romans 4:19, Hebrews 11:11-12
Photos from freebibleimages.org credit www.LumoProject.com
Cover photo from freebibleimages.org John Paul Stanley
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#jehovahjireh #ourprovider #adamandeve #gardenofeden #origionalsin #holyspirit #john1 #sonofgod #sonofman #godsrescueplan #salvation #heaven #gospel #gospelmessage #prayer #animatedbiblestories #john316 #biblestory #caring #elracham #elreckhem #hebrewnames #mercifulgod #godourprovider #provider #godprovides #genesis22 #abrahamandsarah #fatherabraham #abraham #godscovenant #abrahamandisaac #godsonlyson #faithfulness #faithful #godisfaithful #jesuschrist #jesus #deuteronomy7 #exodus6 #psalm145 #2timothy2 #elhane’eman #godspromises #lambofgod #john1 #hebrews11 #phiippians4 #moses #israelites #redsea #pharoah #countongod #trustgod #faithfulgod #hope #godkeepshispromises #messiah #faithfulandtrue #redeemer #greatisyourfaithfulness #greatisthyfaithfulness #heisthefaithfulgod #nehemiah9 #exodus34 #deuteronomy4 #psalm86 #isaiah49 #psalm145 #greenscreen #graciousandcompassionate #compassionategod