Since I forgot to say a couple things in the video (sorry, am dumb), here's what I forgot to voiceover: SCP-4975 could have 1600 HP, with HS that started at 200, and built up to 400. This would aim to let him be weak due to his ability to be visible to only one player while hunting. While hunting, SCP-4975 could have a speed of 6m/s, and while vulnerable (visible to all players and not hunting), he would have a speed of 5.1m.s. SCP-4975's "Hunter's sense" would function as a mini map in the bottom right, that looks like SCP-106s 'hunter's atlas" but shows a small proximity around the player you are hunting, a red dot that symbolizes the player, as well as text describing what room. When in the same zone as the player, there could probably also be old SCP-939's vision, where you see an outline of the player through walls. SCP-745 could have 2000HP, and HS that started at 350, building up to 700. His base speed could be 4.9m/s.
@@Ammiad It was awesome, definitely better than mine. Sorry, I was going to respond to it on my computer after I saw it on my phone, but I couldn't find the comment when I searched, and I just forgot about it. It like the idea of the late spawn though, most definitely! I'm responding to it right now
@@Ammiad I don't think I should go over the same topic again, but I will pin it in the comments as I like the extra content and prefer the things you changed over mine. Hopefully many people will see it. Nice ideas
@@extra_bite5 Ty, should I learn animating in blender and make my own video with proper models, UI, and animations, mimicking what it would look like in-game? (It probably will take a long time, but it's not like I have much better things to do)
imagine your whole wave has spawned in with 096 waiting over near chaos spawn and the entire wave looks at him. then you just see the brightest light you are forced to look at while 096 tears through the entire wave. that would be hilarious
Honestly 4975’s door ability should have been more like a teleport but also not like instead of tearing down doors he becomes completely immobile and a apparition of him appears near your target it would make your real body extremely vulnerable and make it visible to everyone while using that ability during hunting so it can teleport to one dude and be able to murder him easily but if your real body is found you can just be shot down
I've been watching your series for a bit and I do gotta say I love how it's going so far. It's even inspired me to make a concept that I think would spice up the gameplay quite a significant bunch. Apologies for the long post, by the way. {SCP-029} "A woman born from the darkest depths of shadows, whose control over others is as threatening as her own presence." (General Statistics) -Health: 2500 -Minimum Hume Shield: 0 -Maximum Hume Shield: 1000 -Hume Regeneration: 1.5% every second after 4 seconds -Movement Speed: 4.7m/s -Alternative Movement Speed: 10.8m/s (Violent Rush) (Passive Ability: Obedient Playthings) SCP-029 spawns in the map with five other humans that awaken near her containment cell under the "Controlled" status effect. When a human player is under this effect, they become subservient to SCP-029 and her allies, able to carry out tasks and attack other humans for her. Humans controlled by SCP-029 will gain an additional 400 health and grant SCP-029 an additional 200 Hume Shield when alive. Humans controlled by SCP-029 will not count as targets to the SCP team so long as SCP-029 remains alive. Humans controlled by SCP-029 cannot pick up weapons, but can pick up any other item. (Human Ability: Strangle) Humans controlled by SCP-029 gain the "Strangle" ability, which allows them to capture and strangle a single target. When a target is killed by the strangle ability, SCP-029 gains a 20% increase to attack speed and movement speed for the next 10 seconds. When using the Strangle ability, pressing the button will perform a quick grab that has a low attack cooldown. However, holding the attack button down will cause the character to lunge forward at high speed in the attempt to grab the target. If unsuccessful, the lunge will have higher attack cooldown and recovery time. Targets being strangled can be freed through either mashing or by having the controlled person be attacked. -If this attack is successful, it receives a 30 second cooldown. -If this attack is failed, it receives a 20 second cooldown and the user becomes stunned for 3.5 seconds. (Human Ability: Push Kick) Humans controlled by SCP-029 also gain the "Push Kick" ability, which allows them to kick and launch targets in the direction of the attack. This deals 50 damage to the target and winds them, slowing their movement speed by -35% for the next 2 seconds. This attack has a cooldown of 15 seconds. (Left Mouse Button: Blunt Weapon Attack) SCP-029 is armed with a particularly powerful lead pipe in her hand, capable of using it to wind her targets and make them easier to capture or eliminate. -This attack takes 1.5 seconds to come out and has a range of 1.2 meters with a radius of 75 degrees in front of SCP-029. -This attack has a cooldown of 5 seconds upon hitting a target. When a target is struck, they receive 65 damage and their stamina gauge depletes at a 20% faster rate for 5 seconds, making them easier targets to catch. (Right Mouse Button: Violent Rush) Press the right mouse button to charge up an attack, with SCP-029 raising her hand up and chuckling as she does so. Then, after the ability is charged, press the left mouse button to cause SCP-029 to charge forward at breakneck speeds in the attempt to grab her next target. -This attack has a charge time of 1.5 seconds and can be held afterward. While charging and holding the attack, SCP-029 becomes 30% slower. -This attack has a travel range of 12 meters and during the travel, the first closed door that SCP-029 comes into contact with will be destroyed. -This attack has a cooldown of 15 seconds. When SCP-029 comes into contact with a human target that isn't her own, she will immediately grab that target by the neck and slam them into the ground, crushing their windpipe and instantly eliminating them. Any target that is hit as collateral will be dealt 45 damage as a result. If SCP-029 doesn't hit a target and instead collides with a wall, she will instead be stunned for 2.5 seconds. (Special Ability: Stranglehold) SCP-029 winds up a grabbing attack over the course of 3 seconds, slowing down momentarily before attempting to grab a target's neck by bursting forward at high speed. -This ability has a cooldown of 60 seconds if successful and 30 seconds if SCP-029 loses her grip with the target. Once a target is grabbed, SCP-029 will raise them into the air and can perform one of two different attacks based on the input afterward: -If the left mouse button is pressed, SCP-029 will strangle her target over the course of 5 seconds, dealing 20% of her target's health over that period of time and ignoring any shield. -If the right mouse button is pressed and SCP-029 has less than 5 controlled targets, she will attempt to control her target over 5 seconds. If successful, the target becomes "controlled" by her. While SCP-029 is holding targets in this ability, dealing enough damage to her will result in her losing her grip with the target. (Special Ability: Calling) SCP-029 is rewarding to those that heed her calls. Upon activation, any human target under the direct control of SCP-029 will receive the following benefits for 20 seconds: -An increased 20% movement speed across the board, with 50% reduced stamina depletion -An increased 30% damage resistance -An increased 30% damage dealt to targets (Lightburn) A special effect that occurs when SCP-029 is exposed to lights from the Flashlight, Lantern or Flash Grenade, and afflicts her with certain penalties. -If SCP-029 is currently not doing an action, hitting her with a Flashlight or Lantern's light will reduce movement speed by 10% for 10 seconds, and attack and charge speed by 20% for that duration. -If SCP-029 is performing Stranglehold to a target, hitting her with a Flashlight's beam in her eyes for 2 seconds or a Flash Grenade will result in her dropping the target and being stunned. -If SCP-029 is struck by a Flash Grenade's light, she will receive 50 to 100 damage based on her proximity to the blast epicenter, ignoring Hume Shield. -If SCP-029 is struck by a Flash Grenade's light, she will also receive a 3 second stun and become completely immobilized. After any of these conditions are met, SCP-029 becomes immune to the effects of Lightburn for the next 60 seconds. Alone, SCP-029 excels in picking off individual targets with her abilities, but against coordinated groups of people, it becomes a little more difficult for her to take her targets out. This is where her teamwork element comes into play, causing her to use her human subjects or SCP allies to help her eliminate large groups of people, especially those that can exploit her weakness to light.
gonna go with an obvious one here, use in your next video if you want SCP 457: The Burning Man Passive: Slowly lose fuel, unable to take damage unless at 0 fuel. You have 3000 fuel, each bullet doing 1-2 fuel per hit. Primary Attack: Punch, doing 40 damage on hit and inflicting burn (25% incoming damage and 1 damage a tick for 5 ticks) Secondary Attack: Extinguish, slowly lose fuel but spew out a ton of flames, could be used for ambushing, clearing out a room, or a trap. E hotkey: Douse a body in gasoline and consume it, giving 100 fuel each body. after 30 seconds, bodies cannot be consumed. 5 second animation, bodies will look charred after consumption, and will have a 5 second cooldown. side note: micro hid and grenades will work but do fewer damage, once he is out of fuel, this effect reverses. he loses 1 fuel every 10 seconds, and has 1500 hp with permanent burn effect (25% incoming damage) after losing all of his fuel he has above human walk speed but below running speed keep in mind that this is a concept and not perfect
I like the abilities you've given the SCP, but I don't know If I will ever go over SCP-457 in a video. There have already been so many suggestions about SCP-457, I don't think I want to cover it. Your idea is great though, and I think it stands well as a comment, or as just the informatory menu.
Whilst 4975 feels a bit campy and could annoyingly extend rounds, 745 sounds like a genuinely good idea that could be implemented as the alternative to peanut (like how 096 can’t coexist with PC)
I feel like a nerf on surface for 4975 would be required. Mainly because 1 target at a time would be far too lengthy and nearly impossible to get rid of during a hunt cycle. Maybe have the hunt ability only be capable of activating hunt when out of sight of all human players or on surface it would be very much noisy, like a 939 running. Either one would work, but Im worried that it'd be far too broken on surface.
the problem with 4975 is it'd suffer from elevator camping, the target could just sit in an elevator with a grenade or two and it'd be such a big threat that now there'd be a stalemate between a player trapped in an elevator and a 4975 that can't be attacked by anyone but that player. If 4975 was the only scp, it'd end up being forced to wait until the target time is over to pick another enemy. A fix to this could be to make 4975 able to re-pick their target at any time with a short cooldown. Another fix would be to make 4975 heavily resistant to or immune to grenade damage, that way it could help its team by shutting down camping in areas such as nuke entirely
I love the concept of SCP-4975 so much! It would be horrifying to just be chilling around the facility and then hear ticking getting closer. I know some people wouldn't like it, but I love the idea of SCPs that, while serving a minor role in the team, result in very funny/horrifying situations (depending on the perspective). I can already picture so many clips of people just screaming at nothing while frantically running around. SCP-745 would be an amazing teammate to the SCP team. Imagine a whole squad of MTF finding 173; and then, out of nowhere, everyone is forced to stare at 745. Even worse, everyone is forced to stare in the direction of 096.
not too fond of 745, as the whole drawing attention to itself gimmick is pretty much 173’s job. I could easily see how unfair it would be to play against 745 along with 173 and 096, the game really doesn’t need that since the two are already a deadly combo on their own. times up scp was a cool idea though, kinda like 966 but more creepy. Imagine if the way it killed humans was by lifting them up in the air and smashing on the ground or some shit (kinda like that unused 096 attack animation), it’d be horrifying for someone else seeing their buddy being lifted up by an invisible force instead of just a standard claw attack, shit would be gnarly af
Maybe when it finds it hunting target it can do an attack that is technically an instakill that takes a while to complete. So it stabs someone through the abdomen with its claw dealing 75hp and after 0.5 seconds it slices upwards, finishing them off and leaving their body split open down the middle. This way when you're being hunted you can still do *anything* to fight back. Also it is pretty horrifying watching your buddy just up and split open in front of you
For 745 maybe we can have it so either only 173 or 745 can spawn, as the two serve similar purpose but are very different in how they operate, just like how 079 and 096 help manage waves?
"Humans Refuted" Could be a rare-chance type of event where only 2 SCP's spawn, which is SCP-3199. could be a nice new event if ever possible. SCP-035 would also be really fun to use, a human having the ability to join the SCP's team, or SCP-035 being a proper SCP itself, able to latch onto other targets and such.
Here's a SCP-1048 moveset I made back in late 2023: A mainly support SCP, capable of helping other SCP's in major ways. 1048-A: A version of 1048 made entirely of ears, SCP-1048 can place 1048-A anywhere in the facility. Any player who stands within a 10-meter radius for over 2 seconds will be alerted to the other SCPs. SCP-1048 can only place a maximum of 3 instances of 1048-A. They can be reused after 60 seconds. Dance: SCP-1048 can dance to regenerate HS (Hume Shield), slower in normal rooms, but in specific rooms (Checkpoints, Three-way walkway, both in heavy containment) is way faster Drawing: SCP-1048 can make a drawing (from a preset, chosen by player) that represents a certain class in peril, if they give it to that class they will slowly lose health (Fixable using healing items such as SCP-500.) Drawing ability regenerates after a few seconds, meaning drawing is the main attack of 1048 Bread Crumbs: Passive ability, players will leave a trail that only SCP-1048 can see. This can help SCP-1048 find classes, these footprints don't last for long and will disappear after 5-10 seconds, and won't be created if the player is slow-walking.
I like the cuckoo clock idea but i reccomend it is chosen by the nearest player and your constantly visible to everyone exept when you use an ability to conceal yourself. Also make it to where it can hold onto walls and ceilings and it touches these walls whenever it gets close to them. I think thats called reverse kinematics
035 concept Appearance: 035 spawns in as a scientist model with the 035 mask on his face every time you transfer hosts the model changes to represent the new host 600 hp Same speed as a human player Passive 1: 035 can pick up and use all items excluding scp items Passive 2: 035 has a separate meter above his health called corrosion this meter will gain percentage over time when the meter is full 035 will start to take damage over time and gain the burned effect but will be able to see the closest player through walls (035 can’t die to this but he will be put at 1 hp) LMB: a punch dealing 20 damage with an 0.5 sec cooldown Ability (host transfer) : pressing E on a player will grab them and lock them in a 10 sec animation of 035 transferring himself onto the target after the animation is done 035 will heal 300 health, take the appearance of the victim, and reset his corrosion meter. 035 can also use this ability on a corpse although doing this will only heal 50 hp and reduce his corrosion meter by 25% (doing this will delete the victims rag doll and leave an unidentifiable corpse of the previous model you appeared as) Bonus: this is probably not a good idea to implement but when 035 dies he drops his mask and if a player picks that mask up they will become a weaker variant of 035 this variant only has 100 health, his ability will only heal 25 hp no matter what, 035 can only use 2 item slots, and his corrosion meter is 50% smaller plus he is able to die to the corrosion effect (the mask will drop after this variant dies but the max hp of the next person to pick up the scp will be 25% less and will continue to decrease by 25% for each time someone picks up the mask)
Imagine if they add scp-2521. It would detect when smb says its name, grab and prevent them to move. It's like an NPC that triggers and instakills everyone that says its name. Just imagine getting cornered and using scp-2521 to kys or to make a newbie accidentally say its name.
Another thing that should be added to scp 4975 is selecting up to three targets and/or being forced to pick two targets. And each death of the target would leave scp 4975 vulnerable for 10-25 seconds. I think this would be more fun because target victims would go around and ask people if they can hear a ticking and hoping they can find their teammate. And I also think scp-4975 is slow on the killing and promotes running away for your ability back, and no one likes stalling.
the scps will win every round now lmao they can just find everyone hiding, I think it shouldn't pry all doors off it's hinges, I think it should allow only itself to go through any door like 096 for gates but for any door, so that even if it does get in like hcz armory the player can use a grenade or flash and only deal with 1 scp and not multiple if they just follow 4975 to their victim, for 745 I think the entrancing light should be able to be struggled against so that it's just barely enough to open a door behind you if you stand to the left or right of it, and the increased brightness should be like a flashbang to anyone too close to it
I feel like scp 745 should be kind of a replacement for the old scp 939, as stated in its document its usually hunts in pairs to mimic the look of headlights so imagine if instead of only one they would spawn in pairs and you would be able to use the other document stated stuff (being incredibly fast and ravenous) to be almost like raptors chasing down people in the halls and flanking while being always able to see your pair
4975 would be the worst staller of all time, and depending on the cd between hunting people, it could either be insanely good or insanely bad late game.
Ideas are good but i think devs should increase facility size first, halls are too slim and there are like 3 or 4 unique rooms in each zone (except entrance zone)
You should do more humans. I mean there's only 5 human factions 3 are mtf and 2 are chaos it would be nice to see more of them not to mention more spawn Waves would make people happy.
Scp-4975 should have a doctor ping to hunt players that are closer to them but goes on cooldown after killing a hunted player. Scp-745's attracting light ability should instead pull and push the player's cursor, so it's not aimbot and makes it harder to aim instead. The blinding light should blur the player's vision
Awsome vid are you makeing another one also have you thought of geting them in game if so would it be fully made out or just using left over models with soem animations but having the core gameplay elements just so its in practice to see if it needs tweaking also have you thought of other stuff you could add like guns grenades and attachments i think that could be cool
So far I've wanted to do this series of new SCPs, as I've really wanted some, the game has been feeling a little lackluster with no new content for a while, and I think new SCPs will immensely help and spice up the gameplay. I plan on doing this for as long as I can. Also, yes, in the future, I might do other stuff as well, as possible SCP items and whatnot. For now, stuff to add more content to the game is my priority.
Scp sl is a game with so much potential but all we keep getting is reworks. If Northwood makes an actual update and not rework it could get attention. Who cares if it isn’t perfectly balanced, it gives new experiences and may bring in new players and bring back old ones. Right now Northwood is kinda selling
Scp 745 with its f ability could be a very good pairing with 096 forcing people with micro to look at it and let 096 get away or have 096 stand in front of him do f ability and in rage him
yooo i loved your previous scp idea video and i wanted to suggest you some scps for your next video. SCP - 323 SCP - 860, and 860-2 and finally. SCP - 2521 (consider reading this and id like a reply and talk about this and/or discuss this much more
do scp 420-j that you can get by holding e on the plants in the greenhouse. when you use the scp you slowly gain ap over time and the room you are in gets hotboxed which makes it harder to see.
A possible use for745's entrance is forcing players to look at 096. not sure how balanced that would be. or if it would be possible to make it so it would not trigger 0 96
Rocky updated the server on an earlier save, where he forgot to put his credentials, so The Plague House is delisted until Northwood responds to his email and put the server back up.
Scp-4975 should have a 3rd passive called “Wittness to the end” What this does is when you kill someone- anyone who say the kill, can’t see you, but you can see them- Allowing you to follow up and potentially tear through a team one by one- anyone on the receiving end of it, only seeing their teammates slowly getting shredded apart
So far, I've wanted to do this series of new SCPs, as I've really wanted some, the game has been feeling a little lackluster with no new content for a while, and I think new SCPs will immensely help and spice up the gameplay. In the future, however, I plan do other stuff as well, such as possible SCP items and whatnot.
@@extra_bite5 I’ll refresh myself and leave a reply here later with all the suggestions and maybe tiny ideas for them. Like 127 fires teeth so maybe it can do more damage but the “bullets” cannot be found and you have to wait for it to regrow. A gun with infinite ammo but you can only use 1 clip until you have to wait. IIRC NorthWood did add lore reasons for some gameplay reasons with the SCPs mutating. Like 096 in SL is very different from 096 in lore.
@extra_bite5 I have a ton so I categorized them, playable, items, and environmental hazards *Playable* SCP-4666 / The Yule Man Idea - A sneaky SCP that can kill players and turn them into "toys" to be used as traps or help his team out SCP-610 / The Flesh that Hates Idea - Similar to 049 but, 049 and 049-2 should stick together this is more like a plague and they can be fine on their own. Since 610 can mutate in various ways it leads to a lot of possibilities for abilities and designs SCP-2521 / ●●|●●●●●|●●|● Idea - Since the lore restricts him he can "mutate" in lore for gameplay reasons. An SCP that can teleport (better than 106) but is limited in attacking players with its sticky arms. This might be a bad idea but, if you can think of a way for 2521 to be playable, go for it. SCP-772 / Giant Parasitoid Wasps Idea - An SCP that can fly around and thus makes it very useful in specific rooms and Surface Zone. It can lay eggs on a dead body which can take 1-3 spectators (more or less for balancing, your choice) to join the fight as more 772 instances. If a lot can spawn from a dead body 772 can have low Hp and AHp. If only 1 can spawn from a body it can have more Hp and AHp SCP-3199 / Humans, Refuted Idea - Can sprint after pray and feast on their bodies for Hp (or AHp) and upon death it lays an egg. If the humans take too long to recontain the egg 3199 will respawn (same player if on the server still and they won't be in the pool for respawn waves until the egg is recontained) and cause more destruction. An SCP teammate that lasts long and has a unique way to be defeated. To prevent stalling maybe...after 4 deaths it's 5th life will be its last. But, if it got killed that many times it's 5th life will be the most powerful with better stats as a "final chance" to gain victory. SCP-1013 / Cockatrice Idea - Can use its tail to trip players, eye contact makes them freeze in place unless broken, and it's bite will slowly make players calcify. Imagine a player slowly losing their speed until they are frozen. Imagine leaving your hiding place and seeing many statues around SCP-4885 / Find Him Idea - Since this SCP is an infohazard it will need tweaking for gameplay. If a player sees 4885 it will be able to see that player through walls for a short time to try and kill them. Like your 4975 idea it will target a player at a time. Unlike it, the list it has will only be for those who saw it. If 4885 kills a player it can hide inside their dead body and pop out to surprise players (this will need a unique corpse distinction). If 4885 picks a player on its list it will teleport to their location. The player can "fight back" with healing items as it it exits their mouth. If they are low enough it can have a unique animation of it just destroying their jaw and flinging it across the room as it exits. Imagine being with your friends and suddenly one of them just fucking dies and 4885 pops out of their mouth. The abilities will need some cooldown for balancing. *Items* SCP-1499 / The Gas Mask Idea - Similar to how it works in Containment Breach but, like 268 it has a long cooldown. Also it will be an SCP item on a pedestal in its own chamber. SCP-5000 / Why? Idea - A suit that requires Keter access to unlock. Wearing it lets the user have infinitely regenerating Hp (Rate of regen can be determined for balance) and has a 2 minute cooldown ability where it can make the user "Vanish" Unlike 268 it lasts through nearly all actions. Only damaging someone ends it (or anything else VERY noteworthy like pressing the 106 button to recontain) however, because of this it can only be used every 5 minutes. SCP-294 / The Coffee Machine Idea - Similar to Containment Breach. However, players get a list of options instead of being able to type it out. This also gives use to coins. MAYBE make it so more powerful drinks require more coins? SCP-983 / The Birthday Monkey Idea - 1-3 players a round will be randomly chosen (NOT SCP players) to be able to activate 983. After the full song is done they get candy from it. Given the article, you could think of weird ways to get benefits from the candy. Like new status effects for example. SCP-5031 / Yet Another Murder Monster Idea - Kind of an Item and kind of an environmental SCP. 5031 will prepare meals in a sealed off kitchen. Opening it can have lots of food to use for healing items or that and extra ammo nearby. It doesn't even need a model because of its anomalous properties. *Environmental SCPs* SCP-162 / Ball of Sharp Idea - Something should be added so 162 can roll around or something so it isn't just "don't go in that room and if you do, stay away from the ball" If a player is caught in it they start to bleed out and either A) Cannot be avoided and they die or B) They can try and escape it by healing or having teammates shoot whatever latches onto their skin SCP-303 / The Doorman Idea - Imagine a chance for 303 to spawn in a round and it will randomly teleport behind doors making players unable to use them. If they get close they can hear it breathing. If a player comes behind it they can see 303 for 1 second before it vanishes. If 303 isn't seen it will change to another room after a 2-3 minutes If 303 is seen it won't be on the map for 8 minutes, then it will randomly pick a room to start fresh again
about 4975, how much health would he have. my concern is him being the last scp, and dragging out the round because only one guy can see you at once. and if you are not targeting anybody, will you be compleatly invisible or will you be visible to all, making you vonurable. and how would you know where your target is? will it be 96's red buble or will it be text saying his wereabouts?
4:51. I was thinking 1600, with 200 hume that built up to 400, to keep him vulnerable, so he does not draw out the round like you say. He will be visible to everyone when not hunting. I was thinking a mini map that would show the players exact location (I should have mentioned this in the video, I'm stupid) with text that says the exact room and zone. Similar to SCP-106s map, with a red dot showing the play, similar to SCP-079's tier 3
@@extra_bite5 i think that would be very fun to play as, depending on his speed, he could be just another 939 or he could be what you described. I normally play far form everybody else and meeting him would be more or less the same from 939, but watching somebody yell at the air before dying would (is) very funny.
Okay so major problem with 4975 if you can't see it unless you're being hunted, how are you going to deal damage to it? I understand that it's vulnerable when not hunting but there's no reason to NOT be hunting and if you give a long cooldown to hunt another person all it does is encourage the player to hide in a corner to not be killed so it just makes for boring gameplay also being hunted there's nothing you can really do cause you know your going to die the player hunting you can ALWAYS reach your location and no matter what you do all you can do it run want to go to 914? Can't because you are being actively hunted. Want to loot up on anything? can't because you're being actively hunted. Want to play the game? Can't because you're being actively hunted. There's nothing you can really do to escape it's just a guaranteed death sentence unless you just run around juking forever until you either die or survive... until the SCP just hunts you again and you just die yet again and it just makes for a really unfun cycle
You can only milk this so many times dude. That's three teets of 4, this game is an ungulate, and definitely not a G.O.A.T Anyway, not like you really need it anymore, but-
So, another comment discussing the video which I will edit in future for the second SCP. 4975 can be easily improved - besides making it a 1 in 5 games NPC, the playstyle is awful. Spawn it outside of the map, and let the 4975 choose any player (FROM THE SERVER LIST) to hunt. The player will then hear a ticking sound, and which walking towards an elevator, checkpoint or the player itself (in case of different zones) the 4975 will increase speed exponentially to infinity - starting at 6, increasing at 2 meters per minute. This partially prevents cola nerding. As well as that, the universal hunt allows you to just reopen the closed gate - so an 096 temp open would be best. A quick door hinge removal as well. The HP and the like is. . . Meh. I think 1500 HP, 100 hume transferring into 300. If people can also shoot the 4975 while not seeing it or hitmarkers (hunting), then 1750 HP 250 hume transferring into 500. It is an objectively powerful SCP, but not the funnest to play as and against without the ability to change targets and shoot while unseeing. Overall, best to be a rare (1 in 10 games?) SCP that can be contained/killed, like with the old larry femur breaker vertical coffin. Will edit for what I hope is flame man So, 745. I'm just gonna say it, outside of canon, 745 could be what dog larry mask and skelly want to be. Mimic - Jump onto a ceiling or wall light, bending your bulb until you camouflage perfectly. Jump a short, but powerful distance off the wall, dealing 150 damage scaling down with distance. Falsify - Bend light to appear like a faction member of your choice, with an appropriate gun and flashlight that cannot be turned off. Speak for up to 5 seconds at a time before automuting - you're neck is thin and underdeveloped. Slash (left click) - deal a 25 damage melee attack at high speeds. Heavy slash (right click) - deal 50 melee damage with a small wind-up and cooldown time. This allows for peak gaming, a little thing called a combo - left left right. Brainblast - when under 250 HP, begin to passively swell your head and eventually cause a widespread acidic explosion which remains on the floor for 30 seconds, and deals 40 damage + uncureable but slow poison, which lasts for 30 seconds. If killed before this timer finishes, stop brainblast. 2000 HP, 250 hume transferring into 750. 15% resistance to bullets, immune to flashbangs.
@@FelidaeEnjoyer Flame man might be 4th, idk, I wasn't thinking of releasing my version because there is already so many ideas. I do like the buildup of speed to give an even more idea of "There is no escape". This also definitely tackles some problems with the SCP I am also most definitely milking it. My friends are asking me too, the viewers are asking me too, the statistics to these videos are amazing. I hold no shame in milking this till it's dry, lmao 😭. It's also fun to think of these ideas.
@@extra_bite5 Thank you! Edited it for 745. By the way, do you have an account on the wiki? I have an idea for an SCP but I don't wanna go through a solid 2 days of work just to get rejected. It's a good idea too, would fit perfectly within the first 200 - unfortunately, that prime real estate is long taken.
@@FelidaeEnjoyer I don't, lol. I have a couple SCP ideas that I probably would have submitted by now if I did The thing I like the most to your idea is the camouflage, and the immunity to flashbangs. All the ideas are very good, and definitely makes for a fun SCP, but I feel like it's a different idea to mine. I think the ability to hang on walls to blend in, and dash forward to deal damage when somebody walks by, as well as the immunity to flashbacks could work well with my idea. Overall, I do like yours.
Since I forgot to say a couple things in the video (sorry, am dumb), here's what I forgot to voiceover:
SCP-4975 could have 1600 HP, with HS that started at 200, and built up to 400. This would aim to let him be weak due to his ability to be visible to only one player while hunting. While hunting, SCP-4975 could have a speed of 6m/s, and while vulnerable (visible to all players and not hunting), he would have a speed of 5.1m.s.
SCP-4975's "Hunter's sense" would function as a mini map in the bottom right, that looks like SCP-106s 'hunter's atlas" but shows a small proximity around the player you are hunting, a red dot that symbolizes the player, as well as text describing what room. When in the same zone as the player, there could probably also be old SCP-939's vision, where you see an outline of the player through walls.
SCP-745 could have 2000HP, and HS that started at 350, building up to 700. His base speed could be 4.9m/s.
What do you think of my 076-2 improvements suggestion in your previous video?
@@Ammiad It was awesome, definitely better than mine. Sorry, I was going to respond to it on my computer after I saw it on my phone, but I couldn't find the comment when I searched, and I just forgot about it. It like the idea of the late spawn though, most definitely! I'm responding to it right now
@@extra_bite5 thanks! If you want, you can mention it in your next video, no pressure tho
@@Ammiad I don't think I should go over the same topic again, but I will pin it in the comments as I like the extra content and prefer the things you changed over mine. Hopefully many people will see it. Nice ideas
@@extra_bite5 Ty, should I learn animating in blender and make my own video with proper models, UI, and animations, mimicking what it would look like in-game? (It probably will take a long time, but it's not like I have much better things to do)
Imagine a facility blackout happening, you're completely alone, and you just hear a distant *tick, tock, tick, tock* that is slowly getting closer
I’d just leave the game but then I continue to hear the tick tock even though I left the game
@@haydenmcdaniel2739 Pray it doesn't stop...or it does and you accept your faith.
Tick tock heavy brings like truck 😎
imagine your whole wave has spawned in with 096 waiting over near chaos spawn and the entire wave looks at him. then you just see the brightest light you are forced to look at while 096 tears through the entire wave. that would be hilarious
SCP-4975 sounds hilarious, considering it's basically just weaponized schizophrenia
Damm you are pumping these ideas out like a factory.
Honestly 4975’s door ability should have been more like a teleport but also not like instead of tearing down doors he becomes completely immobile and a apparition of him appears near your target it would make your real body extremely vulnerable and make it visible to everyone while using that ability during hunting so it can teleport to one dude and be able to murder him easily but if your real body is found you can just be shot down
I've been watching your series for a bit and I do gotta say I love how it's going so far. It's even inspired me to make a concept that I think would spice up the gameplay quite a significant bunch. Apologies for the long post, by the way.
"A woman born from the darkest depths of shadows, whose control over others is as threatening as her own presence."
(General Statistics)
-Health: 2500
-Minimum Hume Shield: 0
-Maximum Hume Shield: 1000
-Hume Regeneration: 1.5% every second after 4 seconds
-Movement Speed: 4.7m/s
-Alternative Movement Speed: 10.8m/s (Violent Rush)
(Passive Ability: Obedient Playthings)
SCP-029 spawns in the map with five other humans that awaken near her containment cell under the "Controlled" status effect. When a human player is under this effect, they become subservient to SCP-029 and her allies, able to carry out tasks and attack other humans for her.
Humans controlled by SCP-029 will gain an additional 400 health and grant SCP-029 an additional 200 Hume Shield when alive.
Humans controlled by SCP-029 will not count as targets to the SCP team so long as SCP-029 remains alive.
Humans controlled by SCP-029 cannot pick up weapons, but can pick up any other item.
(Human Ability: Strangle)
Humans controlled by SCP-029 gain the "Strangle" ability, which allows them to capture and strangle a single target. When a target is killed by the strangle ability, SCP-029 gains a 20% increase to attack speed and movement speed for the next 10 seconds.
When using the Strangle ability, pressing the button will perform a quick grab that has a low attack cooldown. However, holding the attack button down will cause the character to lunge forward at high speed in the attempt to grab the target. If unsuccessful, the lunge will have higher attack cooldown and recovery time.
Targets being strangled can be freed through either mashing or by having the controlled person be attacked.
-If this attack is successful, it receives a 30 second cooldown.
-If this attack is failed, it receives a 20 second cooldown and the user becomes stunned for 3.5 seconds.
(Human Ability: Push Kick)
Humans controlled by SCP-029 also gain the "Push Kick" ability, which allows them to kick and launch targets in the direction of the attack. This deals 50 damage to the target and winds them, slowing their movement speed by -35% for the next 2 seconds.
This attack has a cooldown of 15 seconds.
(Left Mouse Button: Blunt Weapon Attack)
SCP-029 is armed with a particularly powerful lead pipe in her hand, capable of using it to wind her targets and make them easier to capture or eliminate.
-This attack takes 1.5 seconds to come out and has a range of 1.2 meters with a radius of 75 degrees in front of SCP-029.
-This attack has a cooldown of 5 seconds upon hitting a target.
When a target is struck, they receive 65 damage and their stamina gauge depletes at a 20% faster rate for 5 seconds, making them easier targets to catch.
(Right Mouse Button: Violent Rush)
Press the right mouse button to charge up an attack, with SCP-029 raising her hand up and chuckling as she does so. Then, after the ability is charged, press the left mouse button to cause SCP-029 to charge forward at breakneck speeds in the attempt to grab her next target.
-This attack has a charge time of 1.5 seconds and can be held afterward. While charging and holding the attack, SCP-029 becomes 30% slower.
-This attack has a travel range of 12 meters and during the travel, the first closed door that SCP-029 comes into contact with will be destroyed.
-This attack has a cooldown of 15 seconds.
When SCP-029 comes into contact with a human target that isn't her own, she will immediately grab that target by the neck and slam them into the ground, crushing their windpipe and instantly eliminating them. Any target that is hit as collateral will be dealt 45 damage as a result. If SCP-029 doesn't hit a target and instead collides with a wall, she will instead be stunned for 2.5 seconds.
(Special Ability: Stranglehold)
SCP-029 winds up a grabbing attack over the course of 3 seconds, slowing down momentarily before attempting to grab a target's neck by bursting forward at high speed.
-This ability has a cooldown of 60 seconds if successful and 30 seconds if SCP-029 loses her grip with the target.
Once a target is grabbed, SCP-029 will raise them into the air and can perform one of two different attacks based on the input afterward:
-If the left mouse button is pressed, SCP-029 will strangle her target over the course of 5 seconds, dealing 20% of her target's health over that period of time and ignoring any shield.
-If the right mouse button is pressed and SCP-029 has less than 5 controlled targets, she will attempt to control her target over 5 seconds. If successful, the target becomes "controlled" by her.
While SCP-029 is holding targets in this ability, dealing enough damage to her will result in her losing her grip with the target.
(Special Ability: Calling)
SCP-029 is rewarding to those that heed her calls. Upon activation, any human target under the direct control of SCP-029 will receive the following benefits for 20 seconds:
-An increased 20% movement speed across the board, with 50% reduced stamina depletion
-An increased 30% damage resistance
-An increased 30% damage dealt to targets
A special effect that occurs when SCP-029 is exposed to lights from the Flashlight, Lantern or Flash Grenade, and afflicts her with certain penalties.
-If SCP-029 is currently not doing an action, hitting her with a Flashlight or Lantern's light will reduce movement speed by 10% for 10 seconds, and attack and charge speed by 20% for that duration.
-If SCP-029 is performing Stranglehold to a target, hitting her with a Flashlight's beam in her eyes for 2 seconds or a Flash Grenade will result in her dropping the target and being stunned.
-If SCP-029 is struck by a Flash Grenade's light, she will receive 50 to 100 damage based on her proximity to the blast epicenter, ignoring Hume Shield.
-If SCP-029 is struck by a Flash Grenade's light, she will also receive a 3 second stun and become completely immobilized.
After any of these conditions are met, SCP-029 becomes immune to the effects of Lightburn for the next 60 seconds.
Alone, SCP-029 excels in picking off individual targets with her abilities, but against coordinated groups of people, it becomes a little more difficult for her to take her targets out. This is where her teamwork element comes into play, causing her to use her human subjects or SCP allies to help her eliminate large groups of people, especially those that can exploit her weakness to light.
gonna go with an obvious one here, use in your next video if you want
SCP 457: The Burning Man
Passive: Slowly lose fuel, unable to take damage unless at 0 fuel. You have 3000 fuel, each bullet doing 1-2 fuel per hit.
Primary Attack: Punch, doing 40 damage on hit and inflicting burn (25% incoming damage and 1 damage a tick for 5 ticks)
Secondary Attack: Extinguish, slowly lose fuel but spew out a ton of flames, could be used for ambushing, clearing out a room, or a trap.
E hotkey: Douse a body in gasoline and consume it, giving 100 fuel each body. after 30 seconds, bodies cannot be consumed. 5 second animation, bodies will look charred after consumption, and will have a 5 second cooldown.
side note: micro hid and grenades will work but do fewer damage, once he is out of fuel, this effect reverses. he loses 1 fuel every 10 seconds, and has 1500 hp with permanent burn effect (25% incoming damage) after losing all of his fuel
he has above human walk speed but below running speed
keep in mind that this is a concept and not perfect
I like the abilities you've given the SCP, but I don't know If I will ever go over SCP-457 in a video. There have already been so many suggestions about SCP-457, I don't think I want to cover it. Your idea is great though, and I think it stands well as a comment, or as just the informatory menu.
@@extra_bite5 aight, gotcha
Gotta keep these going! They're so interesting, keep up the good work.
Whilst 4975 feels a bit campy and could annoyingly extend rounds, 745 sounds like a genuinely good idea that could be implemented as the alternative to peanut (like how 096 can’t coexist with PC)
another great scp sl video, amazing job again.
I feel like a nerf on surface for 4975 would be required. Mainly because 1 target at a time would be far too lengthy and nearly impossible to get rid of during a hunt cycle. Maybe have the hunt ability only be capable of activating hunt when out of sight of all human players or on surface it would be very much noisy, like a 939 running. Either one would work, but Im worried that it'd be far too broken on surface.
I could see 4975 get sneakily added to SL during this years halloween update. This is fun.
the problem with 4975 is it'd suffer from elevator camping, the target could just sit in an elevator with a grenade or two and it'd be such a big threat that now there'd be a stalemate between a player trapped in an elevator and a 4975 that can't be attacked by anyone but that player. If 4975 was the only scp, it'd end up being forced to wait until the target time is over to pick another enemy. A fix to this could be to make 4975 able to re-pick their target at any time with a short cooldown. Another fix would be to make 4975 heavily resistant to or immune to grenade damage, that way it could help its team by shutting down camping in areas such as nuke entirely
It'd have to be when It'd either not near the current or new target, though, because otherwise it's basically just a death god
W concepts bro , they are so good 🔥
I love the concept of SCP-4975 so much! It would be horrifying to just be chilling around the facility and then hear ticking getting closer. I know some people wouldn't like it, but I love the idea of SCPs that, while serving a minor role in the team, result in very funny/horrifying situations (depending on the perspective). I can already picture so many clips of people just screaming at nothing while frantically running around.
SCP-745 would be an amazing teammate to the SCP team. Imagine a whole squad of MTF finding 173; and then, out of nowhere, everyone is forced to stare at 745. Even worse, everyone is forced to stare in the direction of 096.
Fuck now i want this in the game
not too fond of 745, as the whole drawing attention to itself gimmick is pretty much 173’s job. I could easily see how unfair it would be to play against 745 along with 173 and 096, the game really doesn’t need that since the two are already a deadly combo on their own.
times up scp was a cool idea though, kinda like 966 but more creepy. Imagine if the way it killed humans was by lifting them up in the air and smashing on the ground or some shit (kinda like that unused 096 attack animation), it’d be horrifying for someone else seeing their buddy being lifted up by an invisible force instead of just a standard claw attack, shit would be gnarly af
Maybe when it finds it hunting target it can do an attack that is technically an instakill that takes a while to complete. So it stabs someone through the abdomen with its claw dealing 75hp and after 0.5 seconds it slices upwards, finishing them off and leaving their body split open down the middle. This way when you're being hunted you can still do *anything* to fight back. Also it is pretty horrifying watching your buddy just up and split open in front of you
@@Bossatron9000that would be awesome lmao, maybe a bit too gorey for northwood though haha
For 745 maybe we can have it so either only 173 or 745 can spawn, as the two serve similar purpose but are very different in how they operate, just like how 079 and 096 help manage waves?
@ReusableRocket that would feel basically like a glory kill if you got to don't but yeah, probably too violent for them
"Humans Refuted" Could be a rare-chance type of event where only 2 SCP's spawn, which is SCP-3199. could be a nice new event if ever possible.
SCP-035 would also be really fun to use, a human having the ability to join the SCP's team, or SCP-035 being a proper SCP itself, able to latch onto other targets and such.
Here's a SCP-1048 moveset I made back in late 2023:
A mainly support SCP, capable of helping other SCP's in major ways.
1048-A: A version of 1048 made entirely of ears, SCP-1048 can place 1048-A anywhere in the facility. Any player who stands within a 10-meter radius for over 2 seconds will be alerted to the other SCPs. SCP-1048 can only place a maximum of 3 instances of 1048-A. They can be reused after 60 seconds.
Dance: SCP-1048 can dance to regenerate HS (Hume Shield), slower in normal rooms, but in specific rooms (Checkpoints, Three-way walkway, both in heavy containment) is way faster
Drawing: SCP-1048 can make a drawing (from a preset, chosen by player) that represents a certain class in peril, if they give it to that class they will slowly lose health (Fixable using healing items such as SCP-500.) Drawing ability regenerates after a few seconds, meaning drawing is the main attack of 1048
Bread Crumbs: Passive ability, players will leave a trail that only SCP-1048 can see. This can help SCP-1048 find classes, these footprints don't last for long and will disappear after 5-10 seconds, and won't be created if the player is slow-walking.
Very good ideas!
Another video from the 🐐 himself. You inspire my yt grind king!
I like the cuckoo clock idea but i reccomend it is chosen by the nearest player and your constantly visible to everyone exept when you use an ability to conceal yourself. Also make it to where it can hold onto walls and ceilings and it touches these walls whenever it gets close to them. I think thats called reverse kinematics
035 concept
Appearance: 035 spawns in as a scientist model with the 035 mask on his face every time you transfer hosts the model changes to represent the new host
600 hp
Same speed as a human player
Passive 1: 035 can pick up and use all items excluding scp items
Passive 2: 035 has a separate meter above his health called corrosion this meter will gain percentage over time when the meter is full 035 will start to take damage over time and gain the burned effect but will be able to see the closest player through walls (035 can’t die to this but he will be put at 1 hp)
LMB: a punch dealing 20 damage with an 0.5 sec cooldown
Ability (host transfer) : pressing E on a player will grab them and lock them in a 10 sec animation of 035 transferring himself onto the target after the animation is done 035 will heal 300 health, take the appearance of the victim, and reset his corrosion meter. 035 can also use this ability on a corpse although doing this will only heal 50 hp and reduce his corrosion meter by 25% (doing this will delete the victims rag doll and leave an unidentifiable corpse of the previous model you appeared as)
Bonus: this is probably not a good idea to implement but when 035 dies he drops his mask and if a player picks that mask up they will become a weaker variant of 035 this variant only has 100 health, his ability will only heal 25 hp no matter what, 035 can only use 2 item slots, and his corrosion meter is 50% smaller plus he is able to die to the corrosion effect (the mask will drop after this variant dies but the max hp of the next person to pick up the scp will be 25% less and will continue to decrease by 25% for each time someone picks up the mask)
Imagine if they add scp-2521. It would detect when smb says its name, grab and prevent them to move. It's like an NPC that triggers and instakills everyone that says its name. Just imagine getting cornered and using scp-2521 to kys or to make a newbie accidentally say its name.
Imagine being forced to look at 745 while being attacked by 4975
058 would be epic! So basically it’s like this cow heart with spider legs and a scorpion tail that could hide in lockers and climb on walls
Bro cooked with this one
pretty good ideas
Another thing that should be added to scp 4975 is selecting up to three targets and/or being forced to pick two targets. And each death of the target would leave scp 4975 vulnerable for 10-25 seconds. I think this would be more fun because target victims would go around and ask people if they can hear a ticking and hoping they can find their teammate.
And I also think scp-4975 is slow on the killing and promotes running away for your ability back, and no one likes stalling.
to be honest i would see scp-4975 as a bot that would spawn and kill you if you stay too long in one room
Sanitization for AFK players.
Another W vid Extra wish nothin but the best man
I really like this
the scps will win every round now lmao they can just find everyone hiding, I think it shouldn't pry all doors off it's hinges, I think it should allow only itself to go through any door like 096 for gates but for any door, so that even if it does get in like hcz armory the player can use a grenade or flash and only deal with 1 scp and not multiple if they just follow 4975 to their victim,
for 745 I think the entrancing light should be able to be struggled against so that it's just barely enough to open a door behind you if you stand to the left or right of it, and the increased brightness should be like a flashbang to anyone too close to it
The Scp 745 is a Scp I’ve always wanted in a Scp game
absolutely horrifying
This man should design scp sl updates
Imagine finding yourself with 745 and 096 practically dead
This video makes me want to merge without looking
745 would definitely be a unique SCP to see in SL
We got the 3 sequels. Now we just need the prequels.
I feel like scp 745 should be kind of a replacement for the old scp 939, as stated in its document its usually hunts in pairs to mimic the look of headlights so imagine if instead of only one they would spawn in pairs and you would be able to use the other document stated stuff (being incredibly fast and ravenous) to be almost like raptors chasing down people in the halls and flanking while being always able to see your pair
SCP 001 The Prototype could be cool. Seeing as it’s a 001 it could take up two scp slots so that it feels stronger or something
but he can spawn out of the hole
so he can easly esceape mtf or chaos,so he needs a balance
@@mirjanamitic1489 people will finally use flashlights now
Another good scp could be 280
4975 would be the worst staller of all time, and depending on the cd between hunting people, it could either be insanely good or insanely bad late game.
I enjoy these conceptual scps
Ideas are good but i think devs should increase facility size first, halls are too slim and there are like 3 or 4 unique rooms in each zone (except entrance zone)
You should do more humans. I mean there's only 5 human factions 3 are mtf and 2 are chaos it would be nice to see more of them not to mention more spawn Waves would make people happy.
0 dislikes. man is the most loved human alive
Scp-4975 should have a doctor ping to hunt players that are closer to them but goes on cooldown after killing a hunted player.
Scp-745's attracting light ability should instead pull and push the player's cursor, so it's not aimbot and makes it harder to aim instead. The blinding light should blur the player's vision
Awsome vid are you makeing another one also have you thought of geting them in game if so would it be fully made out or just using left over models with soem animations but having the core gameplay elements just so its in practice to see if it needs tweaking also have you thought of other stuff you could add like guns grenades and attachments i think that could be cool
So far I've wanted to do this series of new SCPs, as I've really wanted some, the game has been feeling a little lackluster with no new content for a while, and I think new SCPs will immensely help and spice up the gameplay.
I plan on doing this for as long as I can. Also, yes, in the future, I might do other stuff as well, as possible SCP items and whatnot. For now, stuff to add more content to the game is my priority.
You should do some scp items too
Scp sl is a game with so much potential but all we keep getting is reworks. If Northwood makes an actual update and not rework it could get attention. Who cares if it isn’t perfectly balanced, it gives new experiences and may bring in new players and bring back old ones. Right now Northwood is kinda selling
I think 4975 is much better as a bot event because it's just awkward to SL, unless it'll work like 079.
Scp 745 with its f ability could be a very good pairing with 096 forcing people with micro to look at it and let 096 get away or have 096 stand in front of him do f ability and in rage him
You would probably have to make it so 173 and 745 can’t be in the same game or else It would be broken
@@justinjustin8483096 and 745 is survivable, but 173 and 745 is impossible to escape so yeah
yooo i loved your previous scp idea video and i wanted to suggest you some scps for your next video.
SCP - 323
SCP - 860, and 860-2
and finally.
SCP - 2521
(consider reading this and id like a reply and talk about this and/or discuss this much more
I've heard SCP-323 and SCP-2521. I'm very curious how you would suppose adding SCP-860 to the game, as that sounds fun!
I love these videos can you do one for 610 for fun if you can
do scp 420-j that you can get by holding e on the plants in the greenhouse. when you use the scp you slowly gain ap over time and the room you are in gets hotboxed which makes it harder to see.
A possible use for745's entrance is forcing players to look at 096. not sure how balanced that would be. or if it would be possible to make it so it would not trigger 0
this is a cool guy in game also i think The Plague House is down rn
Rocky updated the server on an earlier save, where he forgot to put his credentials, so The Plague House is delisted until Northwood responds to his email and put the server back up.
@@extra_bite5 dame love the vids tho also 4975 will make so many ppl shit themselfs
Scp-4975 should have a 3rd passive called “Wittness to the end”
What this does is when you kill someone- anyone who say the kill, can’t see you, but you can see them-
Allowing you to follow up and potentially tear through a team one by one- anyone on the receiving end of it, only seeing their teammates slowly getting shredded apart
so were gonna make an unstopable scp
That doesn’t make sense I don’t think that was in the lore and also is unbalanced as fuck
@@protege6383 thats what i thought
this will make stream snipping so eas-
Do you have video ideas for environmental hazard SCPs or even item SCPs ?
So far, I've wanted to do this series of new SCPs, as I've really wanted some, the game has been feeling a little lackluster with no new content for a while, and I think new SCPs will immensely help and spice up the gameplay.
In the future, however, I plan do other stuff as well, such as possible SCP items and whatnot.
@@extra_bite5 cuz I have some recommendations. Even if some of them are highly requested like 127 or The Living Gun
@@theghosttm8245 I mean, I'm all ears. I never knew about that SCP, and that was something I needed to see, so thank you. What an interesting SCP!
@@extra_bite5 I’ll refresh myself and leave a reply here later with all the suggestions and maybe tiny ideas for them.
Like 127 fires teeth so maybe it can do more damage but the “bullets” cannot be found and you have to wait for it to regrow. A gun with infinite ammo but you can only use 1 clip until you have to wait.
IIRC NorthWood did add lore reasons for some gameplay reasons with the SCPs mutating. Like 096 in SL is very different from 096 in lore.
I have a ton so I categorized them, playable, items, and environmental hazards
SCP-4666 / The Yule Man
Idea - A sneaky SCP that can kill players and turn them into "toys" to be used as traps or help his team out
SCP-610 / The Flesh that Hates
Idea - Similar to 049 but, 049 and 049-2 should stick together this is more like a plague and they can be fine on their own. Since 610 can mutate in various ways it leads to a lot of possibilities for abilities and designs
SCP-2521 / ●●|●●●●●|●●|●
Idea - Since the lore restricts him he can "mutate" in lore for gameplay reasons. An SCP that can teleport (better than 106) but is limited in attacking players with its sticky arms. This might be a bad idea but, if you can think of a way for 2521 to be playable, go for it.
SCP-772 / Giant Parasitoid Wasps
Idea - An SCP that can fly around and thus makes it very useful in specific rooms and Surface Zone. It can lay eggs on a dead body which can take 1-3 spectators (more or less for balancing, your choice) to join the fight as more 772 instances.
If a lot can spawn from a dead body 772 can have low Hp and AHp. If only 1 can spawn from a body it can have more Hp and AHp
SCP-3199 / Humans, Refuted
Idea - Can sprint after pray and feast on their bodies for Hp (or AHp) and upon death it lays an egg. If the humans take too long to recontain the egg 3199 will respawn (same player if on the server still and they won't be in the pool for respawn waves until the egg is recontained) and cause more destruction. An SCP teammate that lasts long and has a unique way to be defeated. To prevent stalling maybe...after 4 deaths it's 5th life will be its last. But, if it got killed that many times it's 5th life will be the most powerful with better stats as a "final chance" to gain victory.
SCP-1013 / Cockatrice
Idea - Can use its tail to trip players, eye contact makes them freeze in place unless broken, and it's bite will slowly make players calcify. Imagine a player slowly losing their speed until they are frozen. Imagine leaving your hiding place and seeing many statues around
SCP-4885 / Find Him
Idea - Since this SCP is an infohazard it will need tweaking for gameplay. If a player sees 4885 it will be able to see that player through walls for a short time to try and kill them. Like your 4975 idea it will target a player at a time. Unlike it, the list it has will only be for those who saw it. If 4885 kills a player it can hide inside their dead body and pop out to surprise players (this will need a unique corpse distinction). If 4885 picks a player on its list it will teleport to their location. The player can "fight back" with healing items as it it exits their mouth. If they are low enough it can have a unique animation of it just destroying their jaw and flinging it across the room as it exits. Imagine being with your friends and suddenly one of them just fucking dies and 4885 pops out of their mouth.
The abilities will need some cooldown for balancing.
SCP-1499 / The Gas Mask
Idea - Similar to how it works in Containment Breach but, like 268 it has a long cooldown. Also it will be an SCP item on a pedestal in its own chamber.
SCP-5000 / Why?
Idea - A suit that requires Keter access to unlock. Wearing it lets the user have infinitely regenerating Hp (Rate of regen can be determined for balance) and has a 2 minute cooldown ability where it can make the user "Vanish" Unlike 268 it lasts through nearly all actions. Only damaging someone ends it (or anything else VERY noteworthy like pressing the 106 button to recontain) however, because of this it can only be used every 5 minutes.
SCP-294 / The Coffee Machine
Idea - Similar to Containment Breach. However, players get a list of options instead of being able to type it out. This also gives use to coins. MAYBE make it so more powerful drinks require more coins?
SCP-983 / The Birthday Monkey
Idea - 1-3 players a round will be randomly chosen (NOT SCP players) to be able to activate 983. After the full song is done they get candy from it. Given the article, you could think of weird ways to get benefits from the candy. Like new status effects for example.
SCP-5031 / Yet Another Murder Monster
Idea - Kind of an Item and kind of an environmental SCP. 5031 will prepare meals in a sealed off kitchen. Opening it can have lots of food to use for healing items or that and extra ammo nearby. It doesn't even need a model because of its anomalous properties.
*Environmental SCPs*
SCP-162 / Ball of Sharp
Idea - Something should be added so 162 can roll around or something so it isn't just "don't go in that room and if you do, stay away from the ball" If a player is caught in it they start to bleed out and either
A) Cannot be avoided and they die
B) They can try and escape it by healing or having teammates shoot whatever latches onto their skin
SCP-303 / The Doorman
Idea - Imagine a chance for 303 to spawn in a round and it will randomly teleport behind doors making players unable to use them. If they get close they can hear it breathing. If a player comes behind it they can see 303 for 1 second before it vanishes.
If 303 isn't seen it will change to another room after a 2-3 minutes
If 303 is seen it won't be on the map for 8 minutes, then it will randomly pick a room to start fresh again
they should maybe add SCP-1026-RU or SCP-080
Scp 035 would go hard
Could act similar to scp 3114
What about SCP-3199? I think that could add to the game really well
Why can’t weballl love each other damn it
how would SCP-4975 become vulnerable to all players? It could happen when after a hunt finishes or fails, but it could also work in other ways.
about 4975, how much health would he have. my concern is him being the last scp, and dragging out the round because only one guy can see you at once. and if you are not targeting anybody, will you be compleatly invisible or will you be visible to all, making you vonurable. and how would you know where your target is? will it be 96's red buble or will it be text saying his wereabouts?
4:51. I was thinking 1600, with 200 hume that built up to 400, to keep him vulnerable, so he does not draw out the round like you say.
He will be visible to everyone when not hunting.
I was thinking a mini map that would show the players exact location (I should have mentioned this in the video, I'm stupid) with text that says the exact room and zone. Similar to SCP-106s map, with a red dot showing the play, similar to SCP-079's tier 3
@@extra_bite5 i think that would be very fun to play as, depending on his speed, he could be just another 939 or he could be what you described. I normally play far form everybody else and meeting him would be more or less the same from 939, but watching somebody yell at the air before dying would (is) very funny.
they should add 076 with 2 respawns
Okay so major problem with 4975 if you can't see it unless you're being hunted, how are you going to deal damage to it? I understand that it's vulnerable when not hunting but there's no reason to NOT be hunting and if you give a long cooldown to hunt another person all it does is encourage the player to hide in a corner to not be killed so it just makes for boring gameplay also being hunted there's nothing you can really do cause you know your going to die the player hunting you can ALWAYS reach your location and no matter what you do all you can do it run want to go to 914? Can't because you are being actively hunted. Want to loot up on anything? can't because you're being actively hunted. Want to play the game? Can't because you're being actively hunted. There's nothing you can really do to escape it's just a guaranteed death sentence unless you just run around juking forever until you either die or survive... until the SCP just hunts you again and you just die yet again and it just makes for a really unfun cycle
i what them to add scp 990.
wait so will this scps will come in scp sl or is this just ideas?
i genuinely think all of this SCPs should be added to the game
and it would also be scarier since now you dont know what SCPs you are facing
This feels AI generated
Why does your narration sound like a highschool paper lol.
You can only milk this so many times dude. That's three teets of 4, this game is an ungulate, and definitely not a G.O.A.T
Anyway, not like you really need it anymore, but-
Comment for algorithm
So, another comment discussing the video which I will edit in future for the second SCP.
4975 can be easily improved - besides making it a 1 in 5 games NPC, the playstyle is awful. Spawn it outside of the map, and let the 4975 choose any player (FROM THE SERVER LIST) to hunt. The player will then hear a ticking sound, and which walking towards an elevator, checkpoint or the player itself (in case of different zones) the 4975 will increase speed exponentially to infinity - starting at 6, increasing at 2 meters per minute.
This partially prevents cola nerding. As well as that, the universal hunt allows you to just reopen the closed gate - so an 096 temp open would be best. A quick door hinge removal as well. The HP and the like is. . . Meh. I think 1500 HP, 100 hume transferring into 300. If people can also shoot the 4975 while not seeing it or hitmarkers (hunting), then 1750 HP 250 hume transferring into 500. It is an objectively powerful SCP, but not the funnest to play as and against without the ability to change targets and shoot while unseeing.
Overall, best to be a rare (1 in 10 games?) SCP that can be contained/killed, like with the old larry femur breaker vertical coffin.
Will edit for what I hope is flame man
So, 745. I'm just gonna say it, outside of canon, 745 could be what dog larry mask and skelly want to be.
Mimic - Jump onto a ceiling or wall light, bending your bulb until you camouflage perfectly. Jump a short, but powerful distance off the wall, dealing 150 damage scaling down with distance.
Falsify - Bend light to appear like a faction member of your choice, with an appropriate gun and flashlight that cannot be turned off. Speak for up to 5 seconds at a time before automuting - you're neck is thin and underdeveloped.
Slash (left click) - deal a 25 damage melee attack at high speeds.
Heavy slash (right click) - deal 50 melee damage with a small wind-up and cooldown time. This allows for peak gaming, a little thing called a combo - left left right.
Brainblast - when under 250 HP, begin to passively swell your head and eventually cause a widespread acidic explosion which remains on the floor for 30 seconds, and deals 40 damage + uncureable but slow poison, which lasts for 30 seconds. If killed before this timer finishes, stop brainblast.
2000 HP, 250 hume transferring into 750. 15% resistance to bullets, immune to flashbangs.
@@FelidaeEnjoyer Flame man might be 4th, idk, I wasn't thinking of releasing my version because there is already so many ideas.
I do like the buildup of speed to give an even more idea of "There is no escape". This also definitely tackles some problems with the SCP
I am also most definitely milking it. My friends are asking me too, the viewers are asking me too, the statistics to these videos are amazing. I hold no shame in milking this till it's dry, lmao 😭. It's also fun to think of these ideas.
@@extra_bite5 Thank you! Edited it for 745. By the way, do you have an account on the wiki? I have an idea for an SCP but I don't wanna go through a solid 2 days of work just to get rejected. It's a good idea too, would fit perfectly within the first 200 - unfortunately, that prime real estate is long taken.
@@FelidaeEnjoyer I don't, lol. I have a couple SCP ideas that I probably would have submitted by now if I did
The thing I like the most to your idea is the camouflage, and the immunity to flashbangs. All the ideas are very good, and definitely makes for a fun SCP, but I feel like it's a different idea to mine. I think the ability to hang on walls to blend in, and dash forward to deal damage when somebody walks by, as well as the immunity to flashbacks could work well with my idea.
Overall, I do like yours.
i think 4975 would have to be a random player because it could otherwise allow for repeated harassment of a targeted individual