@@tatendashumba2317 They test All the three, Amai , mwana naBaba, so Kana Machine yakafa it means mwana Kuna Amai must also Be Zero percenta kaaa ? And also Nhumbu Yakaita 11months how ?she is failing to answer? Munoti kudii napo?
Amai musaita noise please.. you're not even a good lier, it's not cute at all. Muri kutinyadzisa. And stop manipulating people by saying ndonofa kana kuuraya mwana. Humble yourself mubatsirike. Drama ramuri kuita iri muchabuda paComic awards kuti mambara of the month 😂
I was thinking the same kuti, counseling during collection of examples, they should educate and show them samples of results, the matching marks that are common (that determines thr relativeness)
Ain't it funny that some women have selective memory¿ She does not remember why she got him arrested, but she remembers that she was only intimate with him. You'll find that there are people who support her
Humba, Makombe, hama yangu. I'm so sorry. Apa chokwadi ndechekuti ava zvavabuda vasirivo baba vemwana, saka vamwe baba varipo Usanyare kuudza vaMugabe chokwadi, even it means kurambwa kwawakaroorwa. Shinga , uchengete vana vako. Usauraye vana vako ne kuda kwenyadzi. Hazvina kutanga newe, kunyange zvisina kunaka. Shinga, vhara nzeve dzako kune zvinotaurwa nevanhu. Manje manje , vanenge vatokanganwa. Find courage to stand, and work hard for your 2 kids and yourself. Life goes on. Sorry Kuna baba ava vane moyo wakanaka irrespective of the disappointment upon disappointment, you have a good heart and are a real man.
Mainini makapotsa maendesa this innocent ne fake charges e rape. Apa muri kumbochemei apa. Zvese zvese manga muchibvunzwa manga muchingoti you don't remember??? Tibvirei apa mubatsirwe kutsvaga baba vemwana. Munobhowa imi.. haiwawo
Its high time as parents, especially we boy child, to take control once mwana atizirwa zvichinzi ndine, i mean 1 bvumai mhosva for peace's sake, 2 Do a pregnant test ma representive ema families aripo, 3 nyakutizira ngaende kwatete vamurume and stay there for 3 months with not contact yemukomana, 4 After three 3 months there will be a clue kuti so so called nhumbu iri kuendarana here ne days claimed here. These steps will eliminate ma traps anoitwa nevamwe vakadzi becoz munhu akati ndine nhumbu or even iropo uchorova nyoro, whether ndeyako or not it makes things not clear in long run becoz unenge uchinzi hanti mairara mese. Munhu angaende ku waiting period for clarity, you will see kuti some will fail, kwete kungotambira zvese zvese
@@tafirenyikashylet4707 my suggestion is based on kuti munhu atoti ndine nhumbu and zveshuwa akarara ane the accused, manje yako sounds like vakomana chete ndivo vari kuita bonde vega
She deserves an OSCAR this lady. It’s easy to trace this back. If they go to the police station where the guy was arrested, they can get the date and count back to confirm the guy’s story. It’s sad kuti he knew kuti pane 10/11 months since bota, but because he couldn’t afford dna money, he ended up accepting to maintain a child he knew wasn’t his for 7 years.
You are right, she is avoiding taking responsibility by shedding crocodile tears. She is also worried the husband will tell her that he doesn't want the child in his house, worse the husband and relatives will see this and the marriage may be doomed. She is just thinking of herself not about the child. Zero accountability, zero self awareness, zero empathy for the child and she can't even apologise to the alleged father.
It's heartbreaking to see the woman struggling to accept the negative DNA result. Mistakes are a part of life, and while they can be difficult to face, the key is to take full responsibility and learn from them. Perhaps her past, shaped by her upbringing, has led her to make choices she now feels ashamed of. This may explain her refusal to accept the truth, as she fears tarnishing her image in front of her current husband and facing his possible judgment. However, clinging to denial only prolongs the emotional burden. It's important to remember that we all make mistakes, and what truly matters is how we respond to them. By accepting the situation, she can begin to heal, rebuild her life, and find peace within herself. My sister, gather your strength, pick up the pieces, and move forward-there is no shame in admitting imperfections, and embracing them allows you to grow and move on with grace.
Kutsenga mukanwa, hanganwa nemisodzi nhando… the perfect combo for a lying mother. Kwanzi is a miracle, mamiracle agara ariko 😂😂😂 ita serious iwe. But semunhu anehanganwa maybe wakanganwa munhu wawakarara naye wabva kwabros ava?
Aiwa young lady. That’s why zvichinzi endai kuchikoro mudzidze zvinoenda mberi. If you are learned you’re most likely to understand that scientific proof doesn’t lie. You can cry all you want but the results will remain the same. You can cry but it’s not about kunzwirana ngoni but to be honest and tell the truth kuti who else you got down with. I hope some young girls are learning a lesson. Don’t get involved with the dudes when you’re supposed to concentrate nechikoro. In most cases, girls you’ll suffer the most when you’re all alone fending for the kid. In this dudes game, girls, you will lose. So stop messing and stay focused kusvika mabva zera and when you know better.
You can say that again. Vana ava dai vadzidza from all this DNA programs. They dont understand kuti kana ukapomerera waunoda it doesnt work like that. Nhumbu yakunzi 11 months.
@@TheChekasndiwe usina kunzwisisa...murume ati dzaive 10...11 months, obviously based on the days dzavaiverenga. Aug to 31 May yakauya mwana, that's 10 months give or take. Saka 11 months hakusi kunyepa. Akadyiwa bota after asiya murume uyo.
Ndofunga Mai awa wanorwara pfungwa chete,what miracle apa iye achiziwa munhu akazhambura bota SE bota ....zvichida murume iyeye we 2 arikuchengeteswa mwana asiri wake futi ,wa Tinashe mozoyita zwe ma DNA test kune umwe murume .....zvema bota bota ma1 nhy.....Jesu chete aaaaah mandipedza...Tinashe Mugabe Basa iri moriziwa chose ,zwekuchema hamuna Basa nazvo
Mai iyo is feeling sorry for herself cause she cannot take care of the child and fears being dumped by the current husband. She is a selfish, manipulative and calculating woman. The sooner she drops her selective amnesia and start naming the man that knocked her up the better. Crying doesn't cut it........DNA is factual and final.
Mr Tinashe Mugabe and your team thank you so much for the work you are providing to our families. Keep up the good work. You also helped my family. We are forever grateful.
The alleged father umm i salute you. You are a gentleman and your wife akabva kuvanhu . Imagine supporting the child makore ose ayo result youta zero imi moramba zvenyu makadzikama. I salute you 🙏
it's funny how the lady conveniently didn't remember zvekusungwa kwemuface but anga avakuziva kuti akabva kumba kwemuface riini plus zvekurwara kwake after abva kumuface....iko kutozochema
Here is my 2 cents ,To the viewers who are insisting the 0% results saying machine inogona yakafa or mistakes gonna happen during the process ,please note that DNA testing is done both the mother and the father ,also the child in qstn ,so if machine yakafa no result inobuda ipapo if profile yamai nemwana zvangomatcher chete then there is a result either 0% or 99.99 this is partenity test saka imimi mukati zvogona kuita mistake then my qstn is why mistake chete paprofile yababa .if the result is negative to the alleged father which means the father of the child is there somewhere somehow saka kana machine yakafa ngaife both sides ,vakadzi arikuhura Ladies you cant fake genetics Ingotaurai chete kt munenge masarudza henyu kuuya kuzobvumira kwaTinashe mugabe cz azvitaurike kt mwana ahasi wako mega mega muri 2 unotemwa temwa
Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me! I am not falling for these crocodile tears anymore!! If you have not slept with anybody else why did you say you would accept negative results??
You keep on saying ndaiva mwana mudiki so why play grown ups game? IMHO think of all the young men you were friends with and bring them for DNA. Maybe makatamba chikudo zvisizvo. You need to stop crying and think deep. Zvimwe you are embarrassed kuziikanwa kuti you were running around while that young. Yadeuka yadeuka hapasisina zvekuchanyara.
Do u rememba episode ya Tindo shorty she ws sooo sure kuti boyfriend ws the father zvekuti she forgot kuti pane mumwe akadya ka 1 neighbour uya,so sometimes it's pos kuti munhu atokangwane especially if it ws casual sex n once off myb,thou vamwe they quickly recall umwe kutoshaya kuti kune umwe bhangu akazodya,kune vanhu vasingatozive how many exes they hv had.Most women think anodya kahobho ndiye potential yet we hit n run ndiye anotomitisa
Sad ! I feel for the child , munhu waanga achiti ndi dady vake wozonzi haasi wake💔 Vabereki yedzai kuita DNA vana vachiri vacheche to avoid such kind of damage Mr TM thank so much nebasa ramuri kuita ,i know its stresses you too kuwona pazvazo svika apa
We should take a moment everyday na6am tichimuka na8pm takunorara tombotya vakadzi😊😊😊 Ndabvuma hangu, iko kuzochema show yese kuda kunzwirwa tsitsi as if aishungurudzwa iye aifamba achipakurira nyika yese bota
😂😂😂 kuchema nhema chaiko uku inyadzi dzose idzi shuwa, how come to be a miracle. Munhu akutadza kunzwira mwana wake tsitsi apa akusimbirira mkoma ava bcz vanogona kuchengeta.
Not vese vakadzi, kune futi varume vanoita zvaitwa nemukadzi uyu. Andibhowa senge panga achichema Haa ,anogona kunge akarara kana ne 3 or 4 vanhu saka haachazivi wekunanga that's why akuti hee ndakufa or kuuraya mwana. Amakisa last
Explain to these people clearly what it means when the father is excluded. Kungoti hapana chavo they don’t understand kuti pai or what. Maybe go a bit deeper how the tests are done. I could see questions all over her face and many other people. They must know it’s not a question it’s accurate and it’s blood or samples from the mouth etc that are tested against each other to see if they have any matches etc - people are so lost thank you for this great show
Fiona fiona fiona ndokurova ukada kunyepedzera kudzungaira ok mhere iyo unoda kudiii nhywe kwafiwa here wakatadza kuvhara makumbo ndiwe dai wakambomira zve marriage yauri wakamboshandira mwana wako unoda kudii uri dofo re fake iwe apa hona kunaka kwawakaita 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
I agree hangu but let’s not put the blame entirely on the girls, navo varume ngavarege kungodonhedza pese. Izvozvi baba vemwana is busy impregnating vamwe vana elsewhere. Both men and women ngatikoshese bonde kuti iriva ratichamuka makuseni ratobata mwana 😢
@@Tsitsi414as long usina kuvhura hapana bonde rinotombo dyiwa. Women need to understand and value the sacredness of their bodies. Koshesai miviri yenyu. Gumbo rinovhurirweiko pese pese.
@Tsitsi414 ndopanzwa tsitsi but pa chokwadi chaipo munhukadzi ngaakoshese body yake asikana ummm zviriko here zvekut mnhu anorara nevarume 2 or three nguva imwe unenge Uchitel zvozoguma nepi ukaona boys rouya kwauri zvakanyanya ziva kut vatoku discusser kare vakatoona kut uri cheap
@@mbizi4573 taura zvako veduwe vakadzi vazhinji kunze uko varikuvhura makumbo zvinonzwisa tsitsi iwe like my friend ari Capetown umm ndinonzwa kumunyarira anogona kurara ne varume 3 per week apa ikozvino ane nhumbu asi anongovhura makumbo zvakadaro muridz we nhumbu akatiza ukamutsiura haanzwe 😡😡😡😡
I was wondering Mr Tinashe what are the laws of Zimbabwe concerning people threatening to kill the baby or themselves. Zvinoperera papi. I am so confused kuti wanhu are so free to talk about murder zvakadaro
KuZim the government haina basa nazvo but kutori nema ministries but they never bother with such. If it was in UK aitorerwa vana straight iye ombonoitwa therapy ,she's very dangerous apa ndiye ane mhosva
Plz vaMugabe fambai neshamhu kuitira vanochema nhema Ava.. nxaa iye namai vake vanotoziva muridzi wenhumbu
Nhaim varikuda kunzwirwa tsitsi naaMugabe here..vanoda kurohwa nxaaa vanopisa hasha
Serious zvimwe zvinoda shamhu chaiyo nxaaaa
Kurikita munhu chaiko chiiko chakadaro ichocho 😂😂😂
Vanoda kudhindwa chaiko 😅
Difference between man and woman is Woman cry to hide their bad secret to man but man smile to hide their pain inside 😢😢
@@MatthewUniteMukungunugwa pain yei, ko paaita nyoro asina plan yekuroora aiva nepain here kana huswinya
@@TheChekas warwadziwa ka tsotsi iwe? varume varikusunungurwa naTinashe imi anatsotsi muchiwedzera kusapora
7yrs kuchengeta mwana asiri wako, zvakangooma. When this lady started crying during the interview , i knew kuti kuchema kwekuziya kuti ndave kufumurwa
😂😂😂😂😂 hmmmmmm vakadzi timireiwo pliiiiz
Ummm vaMugabe please itai muchidzoka nema party2 coz maZero percent mwedzi uno akawandisa
Handisi kutonzwisisawo mazuva ano
Muchini wavo pamwe wakafA
@@tatendashumba2317 They test All the three, Amai , mwana naBaba, so Kana Machine yakafa it means mwana Kuna Amai must also Be Zero percenta kaaa ? And also Nhumbu Yakaita 11months how ?she is failing to answer? Munoti kudii napo?
Amai musaita noise please.. you're not even a good lier, it's not cute at all. Muri kutinyadzisa. And stop manipulating people by saying ndonofa kana kuuraya mwana. Humble yourself mubatsirike. Drama ramuri kuita iri muchabuda paComic awards kuti mambara of the month 😂
Mkkkkkkkkk shuwa
Taura hako
hahaha kuchema uku akufunga kuti vaMugabe vachanzwa tsitsi vochinja maResults to 99.9%😂😂😂
😂😂😂😂😂😂 mumoyo achiziva zvake kuti akapa mumwe murume bota 😂😂😂.ka bhishu 😂😂😂😂
Anopenga mufunge anoda kurohwa dai ndirini mainini vake ndaimbomuisa pakona chaipo😅😅😅
These women need to be educated 1st about this DNA profiling. Kunzwisa tsitsi kana kuchema hakuchinje maresults
@@derickkanodzirasa4091 taura hako Chero ukanzwisisa tsitsi ndokuti result richinje here
I was thinking the same kuti, counseling during collection of examples, they should educate and show them samples of results, the matching marks that are common (that determines thr relativeness)
@@derickkanodzirasa4091 chinoda kudzidziswa vanhu kuzvibata chete kana result akabuda zvakanaka munhu haachemi wani
Havana kana form 4 saka kunzwisisa kuti how the test works it's an uphill battle.
Ain't it funny that some women have selective memory¿ She does not remember why she got him arrested, but she remembers that she was only intimate with him. You'll find that there are people who support her
Good point
😂😂😂😂😂😂mahure acho haana brain zvavanotaura hazvi make sense
Thank u anokanganwa se sawara chairo plus kusanyatsonzwa futi kana achibvunzwa zvine musoro😢😢
Tinashe:Mama baba ava havasirivo muridsi wemwana
Tinashe :yea
Mama:hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Dai Mwari akaibvisa iri nhumbu hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Dai matester futi hi iiiii ndakafamba mitunhu kani hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ndakabva ndiine nhumbu😂😂😂😂 ndakarwara nenhumbu madzinza aikwapaidzana mainini😅😅😅😅😅
Ma virgin mahure 😂😂😂😂😂😂@@KundaiMagadzire
😂😂😂😂😂😂Jesu chete ndiye anga asina baba that statement 😮😅😢
Statement of the whole show 😊😅😊
Humba, Makombe, hama yangu. I'm so sorry. Apa chokwadi ndechekuti ava zvavabuda vasirivo baba vemwana, saka vamwe baba varipo Usanyare kuudza vaMugabe chokwadi, even it means kurambwa kwawakaroorwa. Shinga , uchengete vana vako. Usauraye vana vako ne kuda kwenyadzi. Hazvina kutanga newe, kunyange zvisina kunaka. Shinga, vhara nzeve dzako kune zvinotaurwa nevanhu. Manje manje , vanenge vatokanganwa. Find courage to stand, and work hard for your 2 kids and yourself. Life goes on. Sorry Kuna baba ava vane moyo wakanaka irrespective of the disappointment upon disappointment, you have a good heart and are a real man.
Vanhu vanonyepa vanogona kuchema asikana and havabatsiriki chokwadi, wasting time uchinyepa zvako chiiiii, inyadzi here?
Imagine even that previous one
Husichupeti. Imagine iri hama yako mukadzi wawperekedza. I will storm out nenyadzi.
Zvinosvota Shem apa nharo
Ipapa mudzoro rake akutoziva baba vemwana ,oda kunyepa zvipachena ,nhumbu 11 mnths akazviona kupi nxaaaa
Pamwe haatozivi cz avenge akarara nevakawanda😂😂😂
kkkkkkk lets hope ahuzosanganiwo nazvo.
Kkkkkkkkk akuchenama achiziva zvake baba vacho plus akaroorwa nemumwe murume kunotaura kt aonekwa asiri muridzi zvekare
Zvinoshoresa kwakaroorwa ft 😂😂😂
Well done Mr Mugabe basa ramuri kubata rakakurisa chose👏👏👏
kkk imiwee ngatitongosapota gender yedu nekuti haa vanhu vanonyepa veduwee
Since baba vachiera Nzou, nhumbu inogona hayo kuita 11 months or even gore 😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Crazy thinking hahahahah😂😂😂😂😂
Kkkkk hoo nekuti inzou
VaMugabe muri mutumwa,akatumwa kuzogadzirisa nyika...ndapedza Thank you!
Mface uyu akadzikama zvinonwisa cold beer! 🍺
Kkkkkkk 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Taura hako. A gentleman
This is a gentleman. Well composed.
Anga akazviwanira ufunge vakadzi Soo aruza good men
Mainini makapotsa maendesa this innocent ne fake charges e rape. Apa muri kumbochemei apa. Zvese zvese manga muchibvunzwa manga muchingoti you don't remember??? Tibvirei apa mubatsirwe kutsvaga baba vemwana. Munobhowa imi.. haiwawo
Itsotsi mukadzi uyu
DN test yanetsa xua vanhu havadi A matb anonetsa yoo
@@vivianmugowa3918 chairo!!!
Ndaona kunge chikoro chishoma ini kuna mainini
Kuchema uku kutya kurambwa kumba kuti munozviwanza amai vakutotya kut baba vechi2 vachatofungawo kuuyawo nekadiki aka ma1 mamwe obva atotanga😂😂😂
🤣🤣🤣 mukadzi uyu ane drama
Anotyisa kunyepa kwacho so
Drama queen
Kusarohwa uku 😢😢
Anoziva baba vemwana uyu.ini ndave gogo asi ndoziva mwedzi yemimba dzangu dzose
My gender ohhhh my gender I surrender vanochema ava I no longer trust them
Iko kuzotoridza mhere😂😂🙌🙌🙌
Kana ndiwewo kuridza mhere nhema kkkkk@@gracekhoza5289
Same here, ndakutoziva kuti kuzhamba ndiyo signature 😅
Me too 😀😀😂
Ini ndandichitoziva kut its 0%>>>mazuvano mweya wema0 wakasimuka...naMwari ooh
😂😂😂😂😂 its "handiti Jesu chete ndiye akazvarwa asina baba"for me haa VaMugabe musadaro😂😂
Right! Vakadzi time time munofunga kuti makagwara hanti, bamweri bema DNA✊🏼
Bamudiki is very gentle 😍
Hunokuvadzisa huGentle ihwohwo
Shuwa akakomborerwa mkadzi wake
He is sweet
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 uyu ndamuona kuti ano nyepa kubva kare bcz anga achingoti handizive, kakare. Chengeta mwana uko
Zvese haazive.nemwedzi wakabata mimba haazive
Its high time as parents, especially we boy child, to take control once mwana atizirwa zvichinzi ndine, i mean 1 bvumai mhosva for peace's sake, 2 Do a pregnant test ma representive ema families aripo, 3 nyakutizira ngaende kwatete vamurume and stay there for 3 months with not contact yemukomana, 4 After three 3 months there will be a clue kuti so so called nhumbu iri kuendarana here ne days claimed here. These steps will eliminate ma traps anoitwa nevamwe vakadzi becoz munhu akati ndine nhumbu or even iropo uchorova nyoro, whether ndeyako or not it makes things not clear in long run becoz unenge uchinzi hanti mairara mese. Munhu angaende ku waiting period for clarity, you will see kuti some will fail, kwete kungotambira zvese zvese
It’s okay but on the other hand vakomana dai vambomira bota
Zvinogona kubatsira
Ngavabvunzire first vefuweee
@@tafirenyikashylet4707 my suggestion is based on kuti munhu atoti ndine nhumbu and zveshuwa akarara ane the accused, manje yako sounds like vakomana chete ndivo vari kuita bonde vega
DNA family ndikutsvagaw basa ndinenge ndichingoda kuzongobvunza kut saka apa mukuchemei 😂
Kikķkkk iweso
Mai ava kunyepedzera kudzungair havo how can you forget such things nhaimi😮
Imagine ndanga ndavaona kuzungaira
This month madzimai chiiko nhai mwedzi wese mazeroo 0% oga oga chinjai maitiroo enyu
@@LinosMunyai-cx5cw mahora
Maybe machine yakafa inonyepa une corruption 😂
@@JaneShonhiwa hakuna zvakadaroo
Taura hako dear ko iko kuchema chii chakadaro
😂😂😂hanty Jesu chete ndiye ange asina baba Tinashe 🤣🤣🤣
😂😂😂😂😂😂ncehhh kwa dead mina ayi futhi nikisi
😂😂😂😂😂😂 𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒔𝒉𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒂𝒚𝒂 𝒃𝒉𝒂𝒔𝒊𝒌𝒐𝒓𝒐 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒊𝒌𝒐
Sister hapana chamunoziva ,form 4 munhu mukuru unenge wakuziva kuverengamwedzi yenhumbu ,mainin muritsotsi
wellsaid - Big tsotsi
@@thegoodneighboursome times zviriko izvi ini handigone kuverenga menstrual cycle pandiri ipapa kungomirira ma signs 😂😂😂
@@listermpangeriasi unogona spelling ye menstrual cycle 😂😂😂😂
@@miltongore2813 ndakaidzidza ku biology but handina kunzwisisa zvinhu zvacho
Vakutya murume wavo ari kumba kuti achatadza kuvatruster
25:34 VaMugabe ndipinzeiwo basa rekurova vese avo vanotanga vachema maresults oita 0 percent
She deserves an OSCAR this lady. It’s easy to trace this back. If they go to the police station where the guy was arrested, they can get the date and count back to confirm the guy’s story. It’s sad kuti he knew kuti pane 10/11 months since bota, but because he couldn’t afford dna money, he ended up accepting to maintain a child he knew wasn’t his for 7 years.
imagine. this world is evil. how cld SHE. SHE DOSENT DESERVE TO BE A MUM. CROCODILE TEARS NXAAAAAA.
Zvinhu zvikunzi nemusikana handichatonderi hazvikanganwike. ungakanganwa kut makaenda kumapurisa kodii nemunhu akasara akarara mumacells sure sure?
Ndopandangotanfa kudoubter sincerity yemusikana ipapo!!
Ibwa dzevanhu idzi ndokuudza..usafa wakanzwira tsitsi vanhu vakadai coz vanoisa life yako musango
kkkk anojairira vnhu uyu zvese zvese i dnt remember
@@politemuto317 imagine!!!
😂😂😂 imagine mwedzi haazive futi iiii😅
Vakadzi vanonyepa guys, I've surrendered! 😢
Hatina zera navo. Vakadzi hativagone.
Uyu mukadzi uyu haapengi uyu kwakunyara nekutya kuti murume waarikugara naye akaziva kuti ndiho hunhu hwake achati kudii , kana nyadzi kwaakaroorwa kwacho kuti achanokugara sei , zvavaiita namai vake vaitozivana mukadzi uyu , ambuya pamubhedha wemukwasha , koo kuzosungisa munhu asina mhosva , varoyi vanhu ava
You are right, she is avoiding taking responsibility by shedding crocodile tears. She is also worried the husband will tell her that he doesn't want the child in his house, worse the husband and relatives will see this and the marriage may be doomed. She is just thinking of herself not about the child. Zero accountability, zero self awareness, zero empathy for the child and she can't even apologise to the alleged father.
You are right 100%
Apa ini kana uri mudzimai vangu ukangoenda vogarisana ne x yako seizvi ndokuramba
@@limbermist2904kkkk shanje
Kkkk wakasanganisa
It's heartbreaking to see the woman struggling to accept the negative DNA result. Mistakes are a part of life, and while they can be difficult to face, the key is to take full responsibility and learn from them. Perhaps her past, shaped by her upbringing, has led her to make choices she now feels ashamed of. This may explain her refusal to accept the truth, as she fears tarnishing her image in front of her current husband and facing his possible judgment. However, clinging to denial only prolongs the emotional burden. It's important to remember that we all make mistakes, and what truly matters is how we respond to them. By accepting the situation, she can begin to heal, rebuild her life, and find peace within herself. My sister, gather your strength, pick up the pieces, and move forward-there is no shame in admitting imperfections, and embracing them allows you to grow and move on with grace.
mwana wangu is from heaven haana baba, its a miracle 😂😂😂😂, i didnt want to laugh asika
Amai vemkadzi uyu vaiziva chokwadi
Mkomana uyu ainyeperwa
Kutsenga mukanwa, hanganwa nemisodzi nhando… the perfect combo for a lying mother. Kwanzi is a miracle, mamiracle agara ariko 😂😂😂 ita serious iwe. But semunhu anehanganwa maybe wakanganwa munhu wawakarara naye wabva kwabros ava?
Aiwa young lady. That’s why zvichinzi endai kuchikoro mudzidze zvinoenda mberi. If you are learned you’re most likely to understand that scientific proof doesn’t lie. You can cry all you want but the results will remain the same. You can cry but it’s not about kunzwirana ngoni but to be honest and tell the truth kuti who else you got down with. I hope some young girls are learning a lesson. Don’t get involved with the dudes when you’re supposed to concentrate nechikoro. In most cases, girls you’ll suffer the most when you’re all alone fending for the kid. In this dudes game, girls, you will lose. So stop messing and stay focused kusvika mabva zera and when you know better.
You can say that again. Vana ava dai vadzidza from all this DNA programs. They dont understand kuti kana ukapomerera waunoda it doesnt work like that. Nhumbu yakunzi 11 months.
Havanzwi ava kungotaura zvenyu
Well said!
@@Amarie077Munhu who can't remember anything from past but she only remembers kuy akaita sex nemunhu one kanonyepa aka
@@Treikasnation Exacly kkkkk
😂😂😂 unoziva munhu akadya bota iwe kunyebera kuzungaira tsaq thanks mr Bota
When the man is right anowana the opposite side
Mhaai matinyadzisa,as well as kwamakawanikwa nyadzi dzinokunda roof...
After all I blame Mai wenyu😢😢
Haaa unobva watofunga kut pamwe akanwisa drug or beer here akarepwa asina chaarikuziva.... coz hey marambiro nemachemero achoka....unotofunga kut akavatiwa nechaasina kuona😢
I second your opinion
Vanenge vakakorewa kubhawa , vasingaone kana kuziva.
My thinking😭😭😭
I second you cuz
I think so too
Baba na mai vane Kaku fanana
Apa inenge 0% 😂coz vanhu vanongo tanga nemizodzi ???
Ehe Ungati Vana vemunhu mumwe
Team rekuchema iri zvakaoma. 😂😂😂. How can someone lie with a straight face like that?
She can🙌😂😂😂
To my bros musavhundutswa nemisodzi yegarwe, mai vemkadzi navo chokwadi vanochiziva that's y vaiuya pamba pemukwasha kuvhara ma1. Thank you vaMugabe nekuchenesa na streets mkoma wangu angadai akayenda kujeri nemhosva yaasina vakawanda varimukati variku pika mhosva dzavasina ndoti justice kwavari vana mkoma vakapomerwa dzavasina
Bamnini thank you for fathering mwana all thi while.Also magna kuita calm while mainini tried to swear her way out.Mozongoregawo kurova vakadzi
Ummmm 😂😂 ah ah ah ah tibvirei kumwando ko mhere ndeyei saka munochemei nhy mainini itongochengetai mwana semazuva ese zvekut monorasa mwana ratove drama 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
Ihure iro ngaanyarare
Nhai zvenyu imi. Mainini vane kahutsotsi havo
Nhai zvko
wazvionawo sei
@@talentnyandoro7607 hutsotsi huzere Pana mainn
The sound of the cry be like hiiiiiiiiiii ndangandichida imimi kuti muite baba vemwana hiiiiiiiiii😢😢😢😢😢
11 months pregnant???? What a lier? After kusungisa an innocent person plus all the money this guy paid
11 months wadziwana sei? August - May hadzisviki here 40 weeks dzemimba. Global DNA needs to be investigated
@@TheChekasndiwe usina kunzwisisa...murume ati dzaive 10...11 months, obviously based on the days dzavaiverenga. Aug to 31 May yakauya mwana, that's 10 months give or take. Saka 11 months hakusi kunyepa. Akadyiwa bota after asiya murume uyo.
@@mbizi4573 10 months pachibhoyi, but 40 weeks dzekuscience hadzirambi. Obvious murume anopushira narrative yekuramba nhumbu
Hanty anga akatakura muera Nzou 😂😂😂
@@TheChekas kumhata kwako, Tinashe Mugabe anowanei pakunyepa maresults?
Ndofunga Mai awa wanorwara pfungwa chete,what miracle apa iye achiziwa munhu akazhambura bota SE bota ....zvichida murume iyeye we 2 arikuchengeteswa mwana asiri wake futi ,wa Tinashe mozoyita zwe ma DNA test kune umwe murume .....zvema bota bota ma1 nhy.....Jesu chete aaaaah mandipedza...Tinashe Mugabe Basa iri moriziwa chose ,zwekuchema hamuna Basa nazvo
Mai iyo is feeling sorry for herself cause she cannot take care of the child and fears being dumped by the current husband. She is a selfish, manipulative and calculating woman. The sooner she drops her selective amnesia and start naming the man that knocked her up the better. Crying doesn't cut it........DNA is factual and final.
Pandaona kut akunyepa when she says she can't remember anything from the past but she remembers kut akaita sex nemfesi uyu chete
Very true Werraz... chinzenza icho!
@@Treikasnationimagine!, everything handichazivi 🤔🤔🧐
Another one...September tarohwa 5-1 nemadzimai kunge Man U
VaMugabe vanenge vachitoziya havo result vanenge vachitoti mai inopenga here iyi kkkkkkk vakadzi soo denga hatirinhuwe hedu tirikuzvinyanya 😂😂😂
Huya nemwana wako ndikuchengete usacheme
Aiwa vanenge vasingazive imi😂..vanovhurira ipapo
Vanenge vasingazivewo cz bepa rinenge riri sealed iro
Ndiudzereiwo sisi avo vandipe havo mwana ndipedzise kuchengete,the bota family ndati itai ndipiwe mwana plz.
Vatsvage uite proper adorption
Taura naTinashe
@@jeanruvarashemvuri4484I will try
aaaah Siyana nesu Chivhu kudii shaa. 2 nyaya idzodzi. tochengeta vazukuru shaa.😜.
@@rutendobako7675 Nhai tete ndambotaurawo zvenzwimbo here? Ingotii tinochengeta vazukuru chete.
Mr Tinashe Mugabe and your team thank you so much for the work you are providing to our families.
Keep up the good work.
You also helped my family.
We are forever grateful.
"Its a miracle, Mwari akazviita"😂😂😂 ndikutevera toti toti ndichiona andakasiirira
Misodzi nhando iwe uchiziva ukundinyepera😢😢😢 kundiita bhambi
Haaa vakadzi I drama chairo kunyebera kuzungaira chaiko
Iiiii amai vane drama ava .... from August to May 31😅😅
@@ChoiceGumbo 😂🤣🤣
kkkkkk vanopenga mai ava
Crocodile tears ..ndagara ndazviona hangu..ukaona munhu anongotanga nokuchema????
Mother vane Drama ava. Better kungo nyarara kkk. Tinashe, test her current husband 🙈
Drama drama 100%
Iko kungotanga show nemisodzi pamatama wobva washaya kuti chii munhu ane murume
Taura chokwadi Mwana sikana usaita drama
The alleged father umm i salute you. You are a gentleman and your wife akabva kuvanhu . Imagine supporting the child makore ose ayo result youta zero imi moramba zvenyu makadzikama. I salute you 🙏
Apo he knew
Wazonzwa pataura kut ndaizviziva cause nhumbu yakaita 11 months
it's funny how the lady conveniently didn't remember zvekusungwa kwemuface but anga avakuziva kuti akabva kumba kwemuface riini plus zvekurwara kwake after abva kumuface....iko kutozochema
Arikunyara kuzvibuditsa pachena zvese zvakaitika maybe haasikuda kuti current hubby azvizive
Cameramen nehuro dzevanhu😂, hana yanga ichibika. pangonzi i dn remember dates taziva zvaendwa
Cameraman +huro...anenge achitoziva 😂 😂Wotoziva kuti negative..
I Saw that as well. lol .
Haa pakaipa , ndarwadzirwa a girl child,,,, kupomera munhu asiri muridzi,,, izozvi baba wemwana vri kutoona Show Wariko kumaterrace, shame, my homegirl ,Rusape
Here is my 2 cents ,To the viewers who are insisting the 0% results saying machine inogona yakafa or mistakes gonna happen during the process ,please note that DNA testing is done both the mother and the father ,also the child in qstn ,so if machine yakafa no result inobuda ipapo if profile yamai nemwana zvangomatcher chete then there is a result either 0% or 99.99 this is partenity test saka imimi mukati zvogona kuita mistake then my qstn is why mistake chete paprofile yababa .if the result is negative to the alleged father which means the father of the child is there somewhere somehow saka kana machine yakafa ngaife both sides ,vakadzi arikuhura
Ladies you cant fake genetics
Ingotaurai chete kt munenge masarudza henyu kuuya kuzobvumira kwaTinashe mugabe cz azvitaurike kt mwana ahasi wako mega mega muri 2 unotemwa temwa
Unochowa chowa 😂😂hazvibvumike uri wega
Aiwa mai mwana, taurai muridzi wemwana. Nhumbu haingaite 10 months plus. Dzikama mwanangu, zvinowanikwa. Chengeta mwana wako.
I would want to ask nhaimi zvinhu izvi hazvikanganisike here musikana uyu seems genuine mhaniii
My thinking ...havagone kuenda kumwe here
Imi mukunzwa wani kuti pakatomboitika nhau dze 11 months hamuzibe nyadz imi n hw cn u fake genetics nhai
Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me! I am not falling for these crocodile tears anymore!! If you have not slept with anybody else why did you say you would accept negative results??
Kanzenza kemukadzi nhai zvako
You keep on saying ndaiva mwana mudiki so why play grown ups game? IMHO think of all the young men you were friends with and bring them for DNA. Maybe makatamba chikudo zvisizvo. You need to stop crying and think deep. Zvimwe you are embarrassed kuziikanwa kuti you were running around while that young. Yadeuka yadeuka hapasisina zvekuchanyara.
@@Seamusmtepa😂😂 musadaro maan
@@SheStoicForLife77Taura hako
Do u rememba episode ya Tindo shorty she ws sooo sure kuti boyfriend ws the father zvekuti she forgot kuti pane mumwe akadya ka 1 neighbour uya,so sometimes it's pos kuti munhu atokangwane especially if it ws casual sex n once off myb,thou vamwe they quickly recall umwe kutoshaya kuti kune umwe bhangu akazodya,kune vanhu vasingatozive how many exes they hv had.Most women think anodya kahobho ndiye potential yet we hit n run ndiye anotomitisa
Sad !
I feel for the child , munhu waanga achiti ndi dady vake wozonzi haasi wake💔
Vabereki yedzai kuita DNA vana vachiri vacheche to avoid such kind of damage
Mr TM thank so much nebasa ramuri kuita ,i know its stresses you too kuwona pazvazo svika apa
Maone aya
Nzou ngavadzokere kudare kwakanzi mentanence ikoko vadzoserwe Mari dzavo hanty ambuya vaimiramira now it's pay back time
@@EvelynMabandla-h2kbaba vemwana ndivo Vanofanira kudzosera back zvose
True ndarwadziwa
Kuchema kwekuvhara zvipande uku. Ma zero percent awanda vakadzi varikumbozvifambisa sei mu Zimbabwe.
Ndoda bako rekuvanda,, ndanyara yuwiii 😢😅😂drama queen
We should take a moment everyday na6am tichimuka na8pm takunorara tombotya vakadzi😊😊😊
Ndabvuma hangu, iko kuzochema show yese kuda kunzwirwa tsitsi as if aishungurudzwa iye aifamba achipakurira nyika yese bota
Ndabvuma zvangu nyaya dzepoto hadzina witness sure kkkkuramba chihure chiripachena
If you didn't know Defination of narcissistic here is one and it's a woman's
Kuma DNA results hakusi kwakudiwa shamhu here uku
Vanhu verudzi rwangu mapindwa nei zvokwadi, makuda shamhu chaiyo aaah zvanyanya izvi 😡
Hausi wega wataura izvi vanhu vava kutoda kusungiswa😅
Shamhu ine munyu chaiyo.
Kurumidza zvako kunyarara ndisati ndatora mupini...... Kurangarira kuti wakarara naye chete wokanganwa kuti wakamusungisa......... Zidzoro 😮
😢😢 imwe mhere inomboridzwa kwa Tinashe kaa inongoda parufu chete ...... kunyepera kudzungaira zvaro
Rusape neChivhu ngavasatikwidza BP mani😂😂😂😂😂
Kkkk sisi vafirwaaaa suree
Mwari arikuzvita zvaakaitira Mary panaJesu
Akomanaka heyiiiii 😮😮😅😅 operation iyi ma1 uum 🙄 apa kunew merriage unenge uchinzi endesa mwana kwababa vake boom zero nhy jeso merriage ichatosheka 😢😢kunzi aah so pamwe vana awa Havasi vangu pano futi 🙄 izero hayo asi eyii ndanzwa tsitsi
Haa ndoanonzi ma 1 aya😮
Kumarriage atove maone😢
Ari kuchemera new marriage because yatowa pama1
𝑨𝑷𝑨 𝒂𝒎𝒂𝒊 𝒂𝒗𝒂 𝒌𝒘𝒂𝒗𝒂𝒌𝒂𝒓𝒐𝒐𝒓𝒘𝒂 𝒗𝒂𝒕𝒐𝒏𝒛𝒘𝒊 𝒎𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒂 𝒏𝒈𝒂𝒂𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒆 𝒌𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒂 𝒌𝒘𝒂𝒗𝒐 𝒏𝒅𝒐𝒔𝒂𝒌𝒂 𝒗𝒂𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒂 𝒌𝒖𝒅𝒂𝒊
Ndopane worry Yake ipapo
Murume ane mukadzi uyu ngaarambe hure iri. Apa chikoro idofo. Crocodile tears makes me sick. She has lots of ignorance hey hey.
Mainini vanoda kurohwa kuchema zvisina basa. Nonsense
He might actually be the father to this child, they must test him next.
@@Player1ZW😂😂😂😂😂 mune point imi
Hanzi mwana wacho ndewani pwaaaaaks. Kunyepera ivo vachiziva kuti pane akamunakira mumachira. Kune vakakavira mabhora mberi apo. Ndovavakuda kuvanziwa.
Rusape yangu mhai 😅😢ko ndanyara nhasi unogochemeiko iwe uchinyepa😂kuda kutityisa
kuchema kudaro tsek go find muridzi
Innocent face but very guilt. Pfira dandy iwe mukadzi😅😅😅😅
😂😂😂😂aiwa Haana innocent face uyo kokungochema show ichangotanga
Yah ndanga ndatomupa 100% ndisati ndaona ma results but she lies too much nekunyepera kukanganwa zvinhu zviri important
MaDrama Queens ari kuwandisa
😂😂😂 kuchema nhema chaiko uku inyadzi dzose idzi shuwa, how come to be a miracle. Munhu akutadza kunzwira mwana wake tsitsi apa akusimbirira mkoma ava bcz vanogona kuchengeta.
Tinashe acharoyewa chete🤣🤣, well done Tinashe you are cleansing the nation🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶🎶
Haaa vakadzi denga tichaita rekugoogler
Not vese vakadzi, kune futi varume vanoita zvaitwa nemukadzi uyu.
Andibhowa senge panga achichema Haa ,anogona kunge akarara kana ne 3 or 4 vanhu saka haachazivi wekunanga that's why akuti hee ndakufa or kuuraya mwana.
Amakisa last
Kkkkkkkk usacheme nhando iwe urikuziva muridzi wemwana
Tinashe Mugabe mazuva anotevera huya neshamhu kugadzirisa type dzevakadzi vakadai. Vanonyangadza kuchema nhema
My sister you choose to forget the father of that child 😂😂😂😂😂, murive hanganwa kaimi😂😂
Explain to these people clearly what it means when the father is excluded. Kungoti hapana chavo they don’t understand kuti pai or what. Maybe go a bit deeper how the tests are done. I could see questions all over her face and many other people. They must know it’s not a question it’s accurate and it’s blood or samples from the mouth etc that are tested against each other to see if they have any matches etc - people are so lost thank you for this great show
This gender haa kana kuzovharidzira nekuchema varume tiri panguva yakaoma shuwa munhu unoendeswa mujeri usina mhosva nevanhu ava nxaaa
Kazhinji vanochema ava izero
Fiona fiona fiona ndokurova ukada kunyepedzera kudzungaira ok mhere iyo unoda kudiii nhywe kwafiwa here wakatadza kuvhara makumbo ndiwe dai wakambomira zve marriage yauri wakamboshandira mwana wako unoda kudii uri dofo re fake iwe apa hona kunaka kwawakaita 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
I agree hangu but let’s not put the blame entirely on the girls, navo varume ngavarege kungodonhedza pese. Izvozvi baba vemwana is busy impregnating vamwe vana elsewhere. Both men and women ngatikoshese bonde kuti iriva ratichamuka makuseni ratobata mwana 😢
@@Tsitsi414as long usina kuvhura hapana bonde rinotombo dyiwa. Women need to understand and value the sacredness of their bodies. Koshesai miviri yenyu. Gumbo rinovhurirweiko pese pese.
@Tsitsi414 ndopanzwa tsitsi but pa chokwadi chaipo munhukadzi ngaakoshese body yake asikana ummm zviriko here zvekut mnhu anorara nevarume 2 or three nguva imwe unenge Uchitel zvozoguma nepi ukaona boys rouya kwauri zvakanyanya ziva kut vatoku discusser kare vakatoona kut uri cheap
@@mbizi4573 taura zvako veduwe vakadzi vazhinji kunze uko varikuvhura makumbo zvinonzwisa tsitsi iwe like my friend ari Capetown umm ndinonzwa kumunyarira anogona kurara ne varume 3 per week apa ikozvino ane nhumbu asi anongovhura makumbo zvakadaro muridz we nhumbu akatiza ukamutsiura haanzwe 😡😡😡😡
She probably was cheating and knew the other guy wasn’t serious but still opened the legs for that guy nxaaaa
Tinashe please hire me ndipote ndichirova ava vanonyepera kuzungwaira ivo vachiziva havo!!!
Imagine the real father watching this episode vachinzwa kuti hapana hapana ,ndiyeyu ega
🤣🤣🤣🤣 haaa week rino kurikuchemwa nema 0%
😂😂😂😂 𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒆 𝒏𝒆𝒚𝒆 𝑺𝒂𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒅𝒂𝒚 𝒊𝒓𝒊 𝒌𝒖𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆𝒘𝒂 𝒇𝒕𝒊 𝒅𝒛𝒊𝒓𝒊 𝒌𝒖𝒖𝒚𝒂 𝒌𝒐 𝒛𝒗𝒆𝒌𝒖𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒂 𝒗𝒂𝒌𝒂𝒛𝒗𝒊𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒆𝒑𝒊 𝒏𝒉𝒂𝒚𝒊 𝒗𝒂𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒌𝒐𝒏𝒂.𝒌𝒖𝒕𝒐𝒕𝒂𝒖𝒓𝒂 𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒌𝒘𝒂𝒅𝒊 𝒗𝒂𝒃𝒂𝒕𝒔𝒊𝒓𝒘𝒂
Mavirgin futi arikuvhura hombe. Unenge uchiti sezvo ndakavhura ndini muridzi wemwana ezvo uchivhura munhu achinopihwa mwana nemumwe.
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 mukadzi unopenga uyoooo
I was wondering Mr Tinashe what are the laws of Zimbabwe concerning people threatening to kill the baby or themselves.
Zvinoperera papi. I am so confused kuti wanhu are so free to talk about murder zvakadaro
KuZim the government haina basa nazvo but kutori nema ministries but they never bother with such.
If it was in UK aitorerwa vana straight iye ombonoitwa therapy ,she's very dangerous apa ndiye ane mhosva
The government yacho from president and vice they threaten kuuraya vanhu or kuponda saka hapana anosimudza musoro 😢😢
Kuchema uku misodzi mukuiwana kupi askana ummmm I don't trust vanochema ava
😂😂😂😂😂 kuda kudzwirwa tsitsi anhuwe 😂😂😂😂
Thank you Tinanshe Mugabe ,,,most man vaitakuriswa mitoro isiri yavo
It's a miracle😅😅😅ndaona kutiktok tanakidzwa hedu