Either they do something similar to the Olympic/Titanic switch conspiracy (complete BS btw) and have another ship come in posing as the one that went down, or "slit all the witnesses necks, and make sure it's done with a smile!" :) (if you got that quote was an EnchantedMob reference, good job)
Sugestion for the next ship : Put some Gunpowder or little firecrackers in some place like the fuel of the ship, them with the fire, the "fuel" will blow up and it's gonna be very cinematic to see Another : put Hydrophilic spray on cardboard, put more glue at the gaps Pls like it for him use my ideia
I was in my cabin at the time of this, i smelt smoke, and then my right hand man, Jameson Cardbordington ran into my cabin, told me of the situation, and safely got me to a lifeboat, i watched as this magnificent ship fell into the icy waters of the Cardbordian Sea.
@@borkly2491 ok but it’s not 1912 that is when the titanic sank and probably the titanic had a smoking deck smoking rooms were for like airships like the Hindenburg
Cool, it's sundaymorning and I am watching one papershipsinking after another :-) Well done, I like this tiny details like the ship-painting at the wall or water flowing down the steps. - And the sounds. Thanks for showing this.
"I remember when the fires started. People were running and screaming, wading through the water, and yelling about how hot it was. We were up on the third floor, so it wasn't until the water started boiling did realize what was happening. The fire had been isolated. It had been sealed off from the rest of the ship, but was cooking everything around it, heating the floor and the walls. Didn't matter that the fire had died off an hour ago, the heat was still there. The whole place was turning into an oven and there wasn't a damn thing we could do. I...I saw people fall into it. I saw them just vanish into bubbles and steam, and they just...stopped. They sank like rocks, like fucking rocks. By the time we finally got to the boats, there was one left, I thank God everyday that we had just the right amount of people to fill the boat. I can still remember the steam rising out of the ship when it split. Like when you crack open a crab-leg, and you see the mist." ~ Hendriks Graut, aboard the S.S. Anne Frank when it was struck by an iceberg.
Wrote A Little story for this one. The Empress sailed through a sea with ice all around, The empress strikes a part, damaging the hull, Whats Going on in the boiler rooms is not good, As one of the boilers explode, causing a chain reaction, Exploding them all, causing the lower bow of the ship to be blown out, flooding the boilers, The sea was able to put out most of the fire but, it had already spread to some of the upper decks, People Were Loading onto lifeboats left and right, People were screaming, trying to rip floor boards out of the deck and find hammers to make makeshift boats, but before they knew it, the ship sunk.
@@resetplayz53 That's depending on how quickly they evacuated. For most of the sinking, the front half of the ship was on fire make those lifeboats unusable.
Wouldn't really be much point though would there, the thing would be mainly destroyed by weather and/or animals if it was beached. Edit: I might have misread your comment.
I think it would be cool, Over on my channel i made a paper pickup truck with lots of detail and put it on some sand in our garden and its been a few months and it still looks pretty good!
People across the lake: Oh look, it's that girl again sinking her cardboard ship. "Her? Isn't that what she's doing for the past decade?" "Yes but look! This one has fire!"
Holy hell I remember watching the first so many years ago and I had no idea you were still making these. Back in 2011 I actually made a Cardboard of my own and sunk it, just binged the rest and they're great. Nice to see you again lol
0:00 Story 0:53 gas pipe caught fire 1:12 fire catches bridge 1:23 first death 1:45 Sinking begins 1:54 6 dead 2:05 balcony flooding 2:10. Bridge burns down 14 dead 2:14 Bridge collapses 2:20 Gas Pipe explodes 28 dead 2:24 Balcony explodes 2:30 Bow sinks 2:37 36 Dead 2:42 balcony is sinking 2:59 58 Dead 3:09 Bow collapses 88 dead 3:17 11 people die from smoke 99 dead 3:33 bridge in ashes 128 dead 3:54 ship tilts over 209 fall off and drown 337 dead 3:59 400 die 737 dead 4:09 all remaining die more than 100 and drowning in water 4:17 2892 dead in total
7:00 - Explosão na proa começa no interior do deck G. A explosão Danicifou os tanques, Quemou as salas da caldeiras e imundou o deck G. Inclinou um Grau do navio após a explosão. 7:01 - 1: A fumaça da sala de comando fez a queimar, espalhando pessoas e Imundando o fogo na sala das caldeiras. 2: O vento da explosão com máquinas desligadas, Controlou e andou o navio. Fez o preenchimento dos botes se agitar, derrubando pessoas e em vertical. 4: Escadas do deck G imundando, O navio vai começar a imundar a grande escadaria. 3: A parte de proa do Deck G foi imundado, Caldeiras imundando, Botes lançados e Mortes em queima. 5: Grande escadaria começa a imundar, Capitão dá ordens pra sair da grande escadaria. 6: Parte do navio queimado, Adernado pra Bombordo e Botes no mar. Sala das caldeiras 1, 2 e 3 começa a imundar. Nas caldeiras 4, 5 e 6, O fogo leva os carvões e saia com uma Grande pressão. Está Barulhento lá fora. 7:02 - 1: Parte da água entra na grande escadaria e ninguém saiu de lá, não estão conseguindo. O fogo leva 45C pra sentir pressão na Grande escadaria. 2: Deck F, E, D, C, B e A foi imundado. Tá adernado pra bombordo e a proa vai começar a imundar. 3: Grande Fogo já apareceu no convés de Estibordo. Só botes de bombordo está sendo lançado. 3 botes de estibordo foi lançado 1 minuto antes do grande fogo. 4: Fumaça apareceu da grande escadaria e a maioria das pessoas morreram pela pressão de 55C. Um pouco de agua foi entrado lá e a proa imundando. 5: Preenchimento de 1500 toneladas de água parou o navio de afundar em segundos
7:02 (Parte 2): 5: Um preenchimento de 1500 toneladas de água parou o navio de afundar. em segundos depois vai continuar. 6: O Navio colidiu com o gelo e Continua afundando. Continuaram os gritos também. 7:03 - Momentos Finais: 1: a proa continuou de afundar e mais rápido o capitão Abodonou os oficiais da sala. Capitão avisou Lee Floco, o preenchidor dos botes se Continuar o baixamento do botes. Floco disse que a proa Imundou e o navio está afundando rápido. Ele não aceitou mas ele sim. O capitão só tive uma missão: Baixar o bote 18, o último bote do navio. 2: a grande escadaria estava imundando rápido e o capitão abaixou o bote. As hélices estão Fora d agua e inclinado de 15 graus. Estão as corpas se rompeu e o bote caiu e baixou. O capitão baixou o bote e chegou no Floco. Quando chegou, Floco parabenizou o capitão e foi pra popa. 3: O angulo começou a aumentar rapidamente e Floco foi rapidamente com o capitão. 4: A Grande escadaria afundou há 2 minutos e imundou. Mais o navio inclina e floco segura o capitão. Mais difícil anda. Mas consegam. 5: Capitão e Floco viram o ângulo quase no vertical e a inclinação no convés. O floco disse: Não tem mais tempo. Eles pularam do navio. Faltavam 2 km pra chegar. A inclinação do convés era de 9 graus. As pessoas não escorregava e um fogo na 2 chaminé. 6: a grande escadaria estava imundado e as pessoas afogaram. 7: A popa inclina, A proa se quebra, A inclinação de 26 graus, A popa vira pra Bombordo. Segundos depois, O navio se partiu ao meio, Fazendo a popa inclinar pra 50C e a fumaça saia do fundo da popa. Tanques e Compartimentos estanques imundam. Na posição, Ninguém estava no navio. 7:04 - Última posição: 1: O chaminé colidiu com o gelo e fez parar de inclinar. 2: O navio girou e depois afundou. 3: Cardbordia 7 afundou às 7:04 com 1500 mortos, 345 feridos, 34 queimados e 2343 sobreviventes Náufragos na água - 7:04: A água era congelada, deixando 1500 mortos. Os primeiros mortos foram queimados durante o Naufrágio. Eles voltaram durante o bate do fudo. Início: O navio afundou com 3399 pessoas ao redor do círculo. Os botes navegaram pra as pessoas nem volta. O navio se bateu no fundo do mar e Os primeiros mortos à voltar são os queimados. Depois que Floco com o capitão conseguiu um pedaço. Capitão foi sentado deixando Floco na água. Oficiais ficaram no bote 18 e começou a voltar quando morrer. O passageiro luciana pegou a madeira e se segurou 1 km longe do capitão. 7:05 - Cardboardia 7 se Apontou pra horizontal e pessoas ouviram o barulho antes de morrer. Floco disse a última palavra pro capitão: "Tenho orgulho da vida, O Guerreiro Vencedor do navio asiático". Ele começou a morrer com os 1499. 7:15 (10 minutos depois) - O bote 18, 17, 12 e 5 foi Voltando os mortos enquanto pegou Luciana na Madeira e Daniel levantado do pedaço com Luciana. O capitão deixou afundar Flocos nos 20 metros de profundidade. 5 passageiros foi voltados no bote 18. Quantou voltou. O bote virou e inclinou o peso. 8:00 (45 minutos depois) - depois dos sobreviventes sobreviveram 1 hora e seis minutos na água. Foram resgatadas pelo Cardboardia 8 Rescue. O cardbordia 8 estava sendo construído e levou os ao porto Cardboard que Chegou às 8:30. 9:00 - Governo Artico afirma que o cardbordia 7 afundou 5 km da terra firme e 56 km do oceano ártico. Ele afundou na costa do Cardboardia perto dos outros cardboardias. No dia seguinte - Uma camera explorou o cardbordia 7 e que afundou com segurança meio? O cardbordia 7 afundou há 2 semanas e inquéritos e resgates aconteceram. Em 2020, O cardboardia 8 vai ser lançado.
Oh my God: Chloe you have done it again. Even though Cardboardia 3 was my personal favorite, this might've actually been your most dynamic sinking yet: not even kidding. Great job!! :D *also me: notices ship painting in main lobby:* heh, nice picture, but you know it's funny 'cause none of your ships had that kind of life
" Oh, the humanity. This is one of the worst catastrophes in the world. The smoke and the flames...!!!" (Herb Morrison. Radio announcer at Lakehurst N.J. 1937.)
Glorious Comrade I watched like idk Cardboardia 3? I just remember that number.... it was years ago though. Like about 5 years (I’m guessing) ago.... I have to go do some searching on the channel first Edit: It was the carboardia one I watched... Lol I haven’t even seen the 3rd one. Idk why that number was in my head.
Fire and flooding on a ship! The worst possible outcome. I should hope that CCL re-evaluates their designs and safety procedures to prevent this tragedy from happening again.
I was on the ship, sleeping in my cabin until i heard screaming. I went out of my cabin but the water came in my cabin. I ran a fast as i can but i saw fire and smoke, i looked for stairs that were not in the fire and smoke. I saw one and went to the stern. All lifeboats were deployed and i was one of the people still on the ship, so. I jumped into the water. The water was warm, and then someone helped me. Then i survived the sinking Later morning we got saved by the ship "the cardboard of the seas" and later was given the name "hero of 100 lives" Only 100 survived the sinking.
Unfortunately, everybody on board died as no lifeboats could be lowered, since the falls were frozen jammed. This is very rare footage taken from a pedestrian nearby. Thanks to the pedestrian who recorded the video, we know how the Empress of Carbordia sank. The next day, Carbord Cruise Lines pledged to make their ships 5x safer than before. Of course, Carboard Cruise Lines failed to live up to this promise, and after the sinking of the Costa Carboardia, they were sued out of business and declared bankruptcy exactly one year after the sinking of the Empress of Cardboardia.
2:59: My great Grandmothers Cousins Friend was on this ship (Cardboardia 7) . She survived but her Brothers Sister in-laws Niece didn't make it. Apparently she was stuck on the bow section and couldn't get up to the boat deck cos if the fire. Cardboardia line has a bed reputation. very very reckless company to sail with. look it up. Apparently no one has ever seen a picture of the Company Director cowgirlchloe. very suss if you ask me. Still she keeps building them and sailing them. no one asks questions when these ships sink. Absalut
*Somebody across the lake*
"She's at it again"
ok so i know this is a joke but her lake is a private property i think
Yah! AND "She's sinking as usual"
ThatGuyOnUA-cam Mk2 ha so true
@Owen Moise I was trying to avoid bringing that up 😂
The funniest comment on this video by far. :oD
How has Cardboard Cruise Lines not been sued and put out of business at this point?
Either they do something similar to the Olympic/Titanic switch conspiracy (complete BS btw) and have another ship come in posing as the one that went down, or "slit all the witnesses necks, and make sure it's done with a smile!" :)
(if you got that quote was an EnchantedMob reference, good job)
Their excellent pyrotechnics displays keeps the company afloat.
*Today on: "Why is this in my recommended?"*
This was actually pretty amusing though.
Comment explorer
same here
And I sat here and watched it. Whats wrong with me?
Chandler Burns yeah *even tho lots of fictional people died*
the fact that someone is this dedicated to sinking cardboard ships cant get much more then respect
The attention to detail here is incredible. I love the picture of a ship inside the ship.
@JD Belohorec Cardboard
@JD Belohorec
4:01 heroic toilet paper smokestack snags the iceberg and tries to stop the sinking
But then ultimately fails
Toilet paper died for the nation
It did seem to slow down the sinking, by like 5 seconds, but still
Sugestion for the next ship :
Put some Gunpowder or little firecrackers in some place like the fuel of the ship, them with the fire, the "fuel" will blow up and it's gonna be very cinematic to see
Another : put Hydrophilic spray on cardboard, put more glue at the gaps
Pls like it for him use my ideia
Novaes Lucas I like your idea
@@totallynotsleepy5875 yeah
@Wh Claus yes
Seria bom também se ele fizesse mimi passageiros dentro do iate
@@CINNDY_ sim
"Apart from the ship catching fire and sinking, it was a fine vacation. Highly recommend."
It had a but of a problem wih the thermostat. It also tilted a little. But they made the pool bigger. 4/5 stars
Yea it was 5/5 just they got to fix the thermostat
Ccjhcmhg yfyd
Shoutout to the ant to risk their life’s to film this
Nah like always the camerama- uhh "ant"
always survives
K E E P T H E L I K E S T O 6 9
*A N T*
I don’t think an ant would be able to hold that camera, must’ve been something a bit bigger like a mouse or shrew
I was in my cabin at the time of this, i smelt smoke, and then my right hand man, Jameson Cardbordington ran into my cabin, told me of the situation, and safely got me to a lifeboat, i watched as this magnificent ship fell into the icy waters of the Cardbordian Sea.
What Happend To The Man?
It looks like it may have started in the Smoking Room.
There is not smoking rooms on ship but there is a smoking deck
@@borkly2491 huh
@@borkly2491 oh well when I go on ships there are smoking decks
@@borkly2491 ok but it’s not 1912 that is when the titanic sank and probably the titanic had a smoking deck smoking rooms were for like airships like the Hindenburg
2019 : Cardbordia 7
2020 : Plasticboardia 7
2021: Woodboardia 7
@@a1exr0ll44 1912: realboardia
AguiSal not very eco friendly
@@bigk8535 not like he/she cares
2020 : Plasticboardia 7
2021 : woolboardia 7
" It's bursting into flames and sinking. This is such a terrible catastrophe.......
The smoke and the flames...
Oh, the stationery "
@@jocelynwilsmore4415 yea they dude
uh oh this boat is sink omg what the OMGGGGGG oh man is sinking
I love the scenes you do inside the ship❤️
Cool, it's sundaymorning and I am watching one papershipsinking after another :-) Well done, I like this tiny details like the ship-painting at the wall or water flowing down the steps. - And the sounds. Thanks for showing this.
Imagine how much soggy cardboard is at the bottom of that lake
@@Carrier117 new oatmeal
He or she probably take it out
The creator eventually takes out many of the wrecks
She takes them out after a year or so and they makes a vid on how they look now
How does the shipping company still exist, soon their whole fleet is at the bottom of the lake.
they build the ships in a few months.
Didn’t you die on the titanic about 100 years ago
*laughs in white star line*
How white star line was put out of business from just three ships she has sunk like ten
"I remember when the fires started.
People were running and screaming, wading through the water, and yelling about how hot it was. We were up on the third floor, so it wasn't until the water started boiling did realize what was happening.
The fire had been isolated. It had been sealed off from the rest of the ship, but was cooking everything around it, heating the floor and the walls. Didn't matter that the fire had died off an hour ago, the heat was still there. The whole place was turning into an oven and there wasn't a damn thing we could do.
I...I saw people fall into it. I saw them just vanish into bubbles and steam, and they just...stopped. They sank like rocks, like fucking rocks.
By the time we finally got to the boats, there was one left, I thank God everyday that we had just the right amount of people to fill the boat.
I can still remember the steam rising out of the ship when it split. Like when you crack open a crab-leg, and you see the mist."
~ Hendriks Graut, aboard the S.S. Anne Frank when it was struck by an iceberg.
it sounds so fricking real and it’s terrifying
How do u make cardboard ships
Same, I was on during that. My 2nd trip
I saved you
People falling onto fire, "Hendricks Graut", and S.S. Anne Frank
WHY was this so amusing to watch and why did I imagine little elf people dying on that ship
I uhhhh I therapy
I love how smoke pours out of the funnel towers. It adds extra effect. :)
Tats the point of the smoke stacks
The steam coming out of those funnels : O
Ik right it's so satisfying
Dusty 2193 ikr so nice
Aw come on. If there was ever a time to play that awful recorder version of My Heart Will Go On, this was it.
that,s cool
That final plunge though
Heh since when did this comment got 1.3k likes lmao
That plunge makes feel scared about how deep the lake is...
Reminds me of the Britannic
@SimpleStudios Productions How is that thing so big?
@@ericsmith2644 the plunge not the ship...
Wrote A Little story for this one.
The Empress sailed through a sea with ice all around, The empress strikes a part, damaging the hull, Whats Going on in the boiler rooms is not good, As one of the boilers explode, causing a chain reaction, Exploding them all, causing the lower bow of the ship to be blown out, flooding the boilers, The sea was able to put out most of the fire but, it had already spread to some of the upper decks, People Were Loading onto lifeboats left and right, People were screaming, trying to rip floor boards out of the deck and find hammers to make makeshift boats, but before they knew it, the ship sunk.
I do really like your story but I think there would’ve been enough lifeboats on deck for everyone
@@resetplayz53 That's depending on how quickly they evacuated. For most of the sinking, the front half of the ship was on fire make those lifeboats unusable.
@@fitparsley592 maybe
r.i.p. your fingers idk - 2020 died due to typing too much
It's accurate, that did happen. I know, I was on the ship at the time
hell YES! Am grateful i found this youtube channel, these are cute and entertaining videos
Imagine how much time he took to make that ship just to burn it down...
Whatever floats your boat I guess ;)
@Connor Aguirre (its) a she GRAMMAR 2000
I Think he Bought it
Please do that I would love to see the wrecks on land see how they have Cept up
Wouldn't really be much point though would there, the thing would be mainly destroyed by weather and/or animals if it was beached.
Edit: I might have misread your comment.
Me to
C e p t
I am about to post a video of this wreck!
I think it would be cool, Over on my channel i made a paper pickup truck with lots of detail and put it on some sand in our garden and its been a few months and it still looks pretty good!
I like how the stern randomly pulls a 360
Respect the drip Karen.... the captain popped a sick 3 and you call it random?
People across the lake: Oh look, it's that girl again sinking her cardboard ship.
"Her? Isn't that what she's doing for the past decade?"
"Yes but look! This one has fire!"
@A Motorcycle no need to be rude to someone :
Another master piece again chloe
That was epic! 😁 love your video's!
Haha I saw you jump back when the flames really started to engulf the ship.
Also, I like how you filmed it hit the bottom.
Seeing this makes me feel old
uhm how? it was uploaded yesterday...
Because I watched the first one when I was younger and now that I am seeing this again it makes me feel old
Hats off to the cameraman that stayed in the ship just to record it sink!
it wasnt real lol
@@14xpm14 Proof?
did they survive tho
@@comradelade5524 its cardboard
Is no one thinking about what they are planning on doing to prevent the interior camera from sinking with the boat, and catching fire?
They just hold it from a different place in the ship, but I don’t know
That smoke, that steep and slow fall. The last plunge was epic, like the robot at the end of Terminator 2.
Not a robot. Cybernetic Organism. Living tissue over a metal endoskeleton.
This is soooooooooo good!!!! I was laughing so hard, the little ship portrait 😂
"Oh the cardmanity"
I love it so much!!! Keep up the good work
I used to watch videos like this when I was very young
How Do you Get The Cameras Back?
BlueSpaceMan I believe she said one she pulled up the wrecks with the cameras inside.
The maritime laws of Cardboardia need a serious re-evaluation.
they wrote the laws.....
Holy hell I remember watching the first so many years ago and I had no idea you were still making these. Back in 2011 I actually made a Cardboard of my own and sunk it, just binged the rest and they're great. Nice to see you again lol
How old are you now?
I did that too, except I did it in 2016
I watched the first when I was 6.I wanted to do it but it’s littering so I never did.
@@deaconweekley3893I did it in the bath lol
0:00 Story
0:53 gas pipe caught fire
1:12 fire catches bridge
1:23 first death
1:45 Sinking begins
1:54 6 dead
2:05 balcony flooding
2:10. Bridge burns down 14 dead
2:14 Bridge collapses
2:20 Gas Pipe explodes 28 dead
2:24 Balcony explodes
2:30 Bow sinks
2:37 36 Dead
2:42 balcony is sinking
2:59 58 Dead
3:09 Bow collapses 88 dead
3:17 11 people die from smoke 99 dead
3:33 bridge in ashes 128 dead
3:54 ship tilts over 209 fall off and drown 337 dead
3:59 400 die 737 dead
4:09 all remaining die more than 100 and drowning in water
4:17 2892 dead in total
@@jacobjameswilker4370 what
I love this cardboard ships sinking cause you put so much effort into it
What’s this guy’s relationship with the local fisherman like?
0 sorzen 0 It's a girl.
"Hey chole what you doin now?"
"Oh nothing just sinking another cardboard ship"
@@huhjbas lol
"Chole" .......
Idk but imagine one of them fishing up a cardbordia
Wow, that was kind of like the 1953 Titanic movie, my favourite Titanic movie! Well done!
And. The moral of the story is never ride on one of the carbordia ships
at 199 for a 7 day cruise-- i'm on it!!
2:15 to the end is just spectacular, beautifully made. i love the smoke coming through the doors
🤣🤣🤣👍👍so cooo man. Cardboard cruises you never get to to your destination but your final destination is a guarantee 👍😃😃
Fire: Im about to end this whole
boat career.
You have lots of talent making such fabulous ships!
7:00 - Explosão na proa começa no interior do deck G. A explosão Danicifou os tanques, Quemou as salas da caldeiras e imundou o deck G. Inclinou um Grau do navio após a explosão.
7:01 - 1: A fumaça da sala de comando fez a queimar, espalhando pessoas e Imundando o fogo na sala das caldeiras.
2: O vento da explosão com máquinas desligadas, Controlou e andou o navio. Fez o preenchimento dos botes se agitar, derrubando pessoas e em vertical.
4: Escadas do deck G imundando, O navio vai começar a imundar a grande escadaria.
3: A parte de proa do Deck G foi imundado, Caldeiras imundando, Botes lançados e Mortes em queima.
5: Grande escadaria começa a imundar, Capitão dá ordens pra sair da grande escadaria.
6: Parte do navio queimado, Adernado pra Bombordo e Botes no mar.
Sala das caldeiras 1, 2 e 3 começa a imundar. Nas caldeiras 4, 5 e 6, O fogo leva os carvões e saia com uma Grande pressão. Está Barulhento lá fora.
7:02 - 1: Parte da água entra na grande escadaria e ninguém saiu de lá, não estão conseguindo. O fogo leva 45C pra sentir pressão na Grande escadaria.
2: Deck F, E, D, C, B e A foi imundado. Tá adernado pra bombordo e a proa vai começar a imundar.
3: Grande Fogo já apareceu no convés de Estibordo. Só botes de bombordo está sendo lançado. 3 botes de estibordo foi lançado 1 minuto antes do grande fogo.
4: Fumaça apareceu da grande escadaria e a maioria das pessoas morreram pela pressão de 55C. Um pouco de agua foi entrado lá e a proa imundando.
5: Preenchimento de 1500 toneladas de água parou o navio de afundar em segundos
7:02 (Parte 2):
5: Um preenchimento de 1500 toneladas de água parou o navio de afundar. em segundos depois vai continuar.
6: O Navio colidiu com o gelo e Continua afundando. Continuaram os gritos também.
7:03 - Momentos Finais:
1: a proa continuou de afundar e mais rápido o capitão Abodonou os oficiais da sala. Capitão avisou Lee Floco, o preenchidor dos botes se Continuar o baixamento do botes. Floco disse que a proa Imundou e o navio está afundando rápido. Ele não aceitou mas ele sim. O capitão só tive uma missão: Baixar o bote 18, o último bote do navio.
2: a grande escadaria estava imundando rápido e o capitão abaixou o bote. As hélices estão Fora d agua e inclinado de 15 graus. Estão as corpas se rompeu e o bote caiu e baixou. O capitão baixou o bote e chegou no Floco.
Quando chegou, Floco parabenizou o capitão e foi pra popa.
3: O angulo começou a aumentar rapidamente e Floco foi rapidamente com o capitão.
4: A Grande escadaria afundou há 2 minutos e imundou. Mais o navio inclina e floco segura o capitão. Mais difícil anda. Mas consegam.
5: Capitão e Floco viram o ângulo quase no vertical e a inclinação no convés. O floco disse: Não tem mais tempo. Eles pularam do navio. Faltavam 2 km pra chegar. A inclinação do convés era de 9 graus. As pessoas não escorregava e um fogo na 2 chaminé.
6: a grande escadaria estava imundado e as pessoas afogaram.
7: A popa inclina, A proa se quebra, A inclinação de 26 graus, A popa vira pra Bombordo. Segundos depois, O navio se partiu ao meio, Fazendo a popa inclinar pra 50C e a fumaça saia do fundo da popa. Tanques e Compartimentos estanques imundam. Na posição, Ninguém estava no navio.
7:04 - Última posição:
1: O chaminé colidiu com o gelo e fez parar de inclinar.
2: O navio girou e depois afundou.
3: Cardbordia 7 afundou às 7:04 com 1500 mortos, 345 feridos, 34 queimados e 2343 sobreviventes
Náufragos na água - 7:04:
A água era congelada, deixando 1500 mortos. Os primeiros mortos foram queimados durante o Naufrágio. Eles voltaram durante o bate do fudo.
Início: O navio afundou com 3399 pessoas ao redor do círculo. Os botes navegaram pra as pessoas nem volta. O navio se bateu no fundo do mar e Os primeiros mortos à voltar são os queimados. Depois que Floco com o capitão conseguiu um pedaço. Capitão foi sentado deixando Floco na água. Oficiais ficaram no bote 18 e começou a voltar quando morrer. O passageiro luciana pegou a madeira e se segurou 1 km longe do capitão.
7:05 - Cardboardia 7 se Apontou pra horizontal e pessoas ouviram o barulho antes de morrer. Floco disse a última palavra pro capitão: "Tenho orgulho da vida, O Guerreiro Vencedor do navio asiático". Ele começou a morrer com os 1499.
7:15 (10 minutos depois) - O bote 18, 17, 12 e 5 foi Voltando os mortos enquanto pegou Luciana na Madeira e Daniel levantado do pedaço com Luciana. O capitão deixou afundar Flocos nos 20 metros de profundidade. 5 passageiros foi voltados no bote 18. Quantou voltou. O bote virou e inclinou o peso.
8:00 (45 minutos depois) - depois dos sobreviventes sobreviveram 1 hora e seis minutos na água. Foram resgatadas pelo Cardboardia 8 Rescue. O cardbordia 8 estava sendo construído e levou os ao porto Cardboard que Chegou às 8:30.
9:00 - Governo Artico afirma que o cardbordia 7 afundou 5 km da terra firme e 56 km do oceano ártico. Ele afundou na costa do Cardboardia perto dos outros cardboardias.
No dia seguinte - Uma camera explorou o cardbordia 7 e que afundou com segurança meio?
O cardbordia 7 afundou há 2 semanas e inquéritos e resgates aconteceram. Em 2020, O cardboardia 8 vai ser lançado.
This channel is underrated 1 mil subs needed
Its amazing how far you've come, to I've been watching since 2015
Oh my God: Chloe you have done it again. Even though Cardboardia 3 was my personal favorite, this might've actually been your most dynamic sinking yet: not even kidding. Great job!! :D
*also me: notices ship painting in main lobby:* heh, nice picture, but you know it's funny 'cause none of your ships had that kind of life
Costa Concordia: That’s my brother!!!
Cardbordia: wow wow who are you???
I love how well the explosion sounds went along with the smoke. Well done
Those indoor shots looks so cool!
Me: looks out of my cabin window in the morning with my coffee Also me:hey Hun she's at it again fro the twelfth time this week!
@lemonandtickman8409 Bro i made this comment 3 years ago, and wdym 7th?
You are no more
Let’s take a moment and think about the amount of cardbordia ships have taken the L.
And think about all the ships in the lake lmao
Pie yield _ the sheer amount of cardboard sitting on the bottom lmao
Well, at least it can rot.... Not like plastic.
ijn fuso. We know..... it was a joke
Cardbordiana trench
"Captain the bow is sinking!"
Is what the audio from the ship would sound like
that's dark
I went back to find these videos because I used to live them and nothings changed still 10/10 I love the indoors shots
" Oh, the humanity. This is one of the worst catastrophes in the world. The smoke and the flames...!!!" (Herb Morrison. Radio announcer at Lakehurst N.J. 1937.)
notice the ships moving backwards while burning
captain prob put it in reverse before his death
Chloe, Your cardboard dramas get so much more intriguing all the time. Yes, you need the big music soundtrack for disastrous sinkings like this one!
How did you make the smoke go out of the towers at 1:47 ? I really like it!
Es extraordinario lo que usted hizo! Mis felicitaciones desde Buenos Aires.
This is genuinely one of the coolest channels I’ve ever stumbled across.
i watched the original one, god knows how long ago, and now this is recommended.
Glorious Comrade I watched like idk Cardboardia 3? I just remember that number.... it was years ago though. Like about 5 years (I’m guessing) ago.... I have to go do some searching on the channel first
Edit: It was the carboardia one I watched... Lol I haven’t even seen the 3rd one. Idk why that number was in my head.
Also chloe how did you make the funnels have smoke?
I think they are releasing the smoke caused by the flames due to the smoke produced looking for a way to escape which happens to be these funnels.
“What’s worse; Being on fire, or drowning?”
Cardboard is 7: “Yes.”
Fire and flooding on a ship! The worst possible outcome. I should hope that CCL re-evaluates their designs and safety procedures to prevent this tragedy from happening again.
The sinking of the Empress of Cardboardia, one the worst disasters of 2019
Also you should rise all of the wrecks of the cardboard ships you have sunk over the years and do a review on all of them
I suspect at least some of them are just gone at this point, given the rate of decay we've seen with Queen Chloe
Cardboardia: Exists
cowgirlchloe: So you have chosen death I see.
Here (Second oldest comment ever
why is the video of a cardboard boat sinking the most interesting video ive watched today?
oh my God Just like Goosebumps very scary
The back ground music is Just like very scray.
I appreciate it keep it up bro
I was on the ship, sleeping in my cabin until i heard screaming. I went out of my cabin but the water came in my cabin.
I ran a fast as i can but i saw fire and smoke, i looked for stairs that were not in the fire and smoke. I saw one and went to the stern.
All lifeboats were deployed and i was one of the people still on the ship, so. I jumped into the water. The water was warm, and then someone helped me. Then i survived the sinking
Later morning we got saved by the ship "the cardboard of the seas" and later was given the name "hero of 100 lives"
Only 100 survived the sinking.
Funny , I remember when I was on the ship, the water was freezing, there was ice everywhere
Thank god your alive!
@@sherrifields6283 was there anyone on the ship aboard that you know? How much people were there?
Hendriks Graut and me was aboard that ship
3:56 well... lease the fires out.
I-kay-I yes and the smoke
Is that actually how much smoke was coming from the smokestacks?!
Wow I will react to this on my channel
This is more epic than titanic.
So this is just popping up in everybodys recomended
Carbordia 20: The Nuclear Tsunami Iceberg
2:32 my favourite part
The interior BALLROOM shots are amazing. I'm serious.
This is hands down the best video in youtube 😂
Chloe's neighbors going to the lake:
"Ooh, whatchu got this time??"
someone from 2024?
Whazzzzz up
“Ma in famous!” Ahh comment
Like nobody cares
Meh girl
Unfortunately, everybody on board died as no lifeboats could be lowered, since the falls were frozen jammed. This is very rare footage taken from a pedestrian nearby. Thanks to the pedestrian who recorded the video, we know how the Empress of Carbordia sank. The next day, Carbord Cruise Lines pledged to make their ships 5x safer than before. Of course, Carboard Cruise Lines failed to live up to this promise, and after the sinking of the Costa Carboardia, they were sued out of business and declared bankruptcy exactly one year after the sinking of the Empress of Cardboardia.
The most realistic sinking ive ever seen
The way ship going down, into abyss, and every second it's harder to see him got me
Somehow, this series just never end. Doesn't it?
f i n a l l y 🥰
edit: i thought this was the ship with the cute reception room oof
Интересно было бы если поднять этот кораблик со дна))
I agree
We are seeing an expertly crafted cardboard object sink.
Why is this so bloody hilarious?!??
2:59: My great Grandmothers Cousins Friend was on this ship (Cardboardia 7) . She survived but her Brothers Sister in-laws Niece didn't make it. Apparently she was stuck on the bow section and couldn't get up to the boat deck cos if the fire. Cardboardia line has a bed reputation. very very reckless company to sail with. look it up. Apparently no one has ever seen a picture of the Company Director cowgirlchloe. very suss if you ask me. Still she keeps building them and sailing them. no one asks questions when these ships sink. Absalut
Is this a joke
Bc i know your lying