I haven’t heard anyone speak to the quality of life during the chemo treatment phases. Intimacy , touch and sexuality - as a retired medical professional, I ve yet to hear the profound affects of touch, snuggling and sexual activity that will , possibly add the curative hormone changes, like oxytocin , that will likely influence efficacy of treatment protocols. I know there is not a patient or member of a treatment team that does not grasp the value of touch, hugs and more. Tell us all how that can be an adjunct to all of the pharmacological treatments available to each patient. Warmly, Chris
I haven’t heard anyone speak to the quality of life during the chemo treatment phases. Intimacy , touch and sexuality - as a retired medical professional, I ve yet to hear the profound affects of touch, snuggling and sexual activity that will , possibly add the curative hormone changes, like oxytocin , that will likely influence efficacy of treatment protocols. I know there is not a patient or member of a treatment team that does not grasp the value of touch, hugs and more. Tell us all how that can be an adjunct to all of the pharmacological treatments available to each patient.
I had a stem cell transplant, MM caused by agent orange. I'm on REVLIMID still. Stem cell was done June 2020. I'm not in remission.
What can I expect
What are some labs that would be a red flag fot this
I got MGUS diagnosed, IgA, after Glandular Fever, Epstein Barr was diagnosed at the age of 36. I am certain this caused it. xx