Saya salah satu penonton setia channelnya pak Gita dari Papua. Dari Sesi awal sampai saat ini selalu saya mengikutinya dengan saksama dan terus dapat menimbah ilmu disetiap topik pembahasan. Salut sekali untuk topik kali ini pak Gita, tetapi saya merasa harus ada sesi tersendiri dengan Prof Yuval. Kami menantikan gebrakkan selanjutnya di channel pak Gita ini. Salam sukses pak dari kami di tanah Papua.
Terimakasih Banyak Pak Gita. Walaupun bapak sibuk tetapi bisa memberikan perhatian kepada kami penikmat dan pembelajar setiap Podcast Endgame. Salut Pak. Doa kami Tuhan selalu menjaga Pak Gita. Teruslah mencerdaskan bangsa ini dengan karya-karya brilian seperti ini pak.
Papen Andre (Pa Pendeta Andre) panggilan saya pada sahabat pena saya ini adalah juga salah satu inspirator yang terus berjuang untuk anak cucu yang lebih baik. Berkah untuk semua 🙏🙏🙏
gila, ini channel youtube indonesia terkeren, mestinya channel youtube kayak gini jadi contoh, bintang tamunya kelas dunia, topiknya sangat berbobot, salut untuk Pak Gita
@@joddyfelix8995 privilege mah sesuatu yg sulit (atau mustahil) d ubah seperti etnis atau lahir d keluarga kaya. Kalo masalah content UA-cam mah biaa d ubah bang :) D kita masih lebih laku content seru seruan, becanda, horror, sm teori konspirasi, makanya jarang ada content high quality ky gini. Saya sepakat sm mas devito, kita tuh butuh gebrakan dan pak gita sdh mencontohkan gebrakan tsb, tinggal content creator kita mau mencontoh beliau atau tidak.
@@joddyfelix8995 tidak juga, di era proliferasi informasi ini belajar dan menguasai bahasa asing dan bisa dpt scholarship di kampus top dunia bukan sesuatu yg mustahil (tp tidak mudah tentunya)
Salah satu yang spesial di episode yang juga spesial ini buat saya adalah Episode Notes-nya. Benar-benar membantu saya yang masih kesulitan untuk mencerna isi obrolan ini. Jadi setelah menyimak obrolan, saya punya sedikit gambaran soal apa aja yang baru aja diobrolin (terutama di topik-topik yang memang saya tertarik), tapi gambaran-gambaran itu masih dalam kondisi yang "scrambled" dan belum terlalu jelas juga. Nah, episode notes ini membantu untuk merunutkan gambaran-gambaran yang acak tadi; jadinya lebih memperjelas gitu. Melalui episode notes ini saya jadi mereka ulang apa yang baru aja diobrolin, dan karena bahasa dari episode notes ini lebih sederhana (tanpa mengurangi esensinya) dan terdiri dari point-point pentingnya saja, saya yang kapasitas otaknya masih terbelakang ini jadi lebih bisa mengerti apa-apa aja yang pembicara sampaikan. Terima kasih tim endgame buat episode notes-nya, auto saya duplicate ke notion saya sendiri. Satu lagi, mungkin ke depannya episode notes ini bisa dihadirkan lagi? Or maybe I'm asking too much here?!? :')
An intelligent discussion, I am personally interested in Yuval Noah Harari's explanation about Democracy, that Democracy is not just an election: Democracy is a conversation, discussion, interaction between people for higher common goals. And this conversation must continue to be cared for, maintained and even continuously the quality of the conversation is raised in status. Not trivial conversations that usually point at each other, curse each other because of different schools of thought. We certainly reject the system of authoritarianism for the simple reason that there is no free speech for conversation between citizens. This discussion is of course one of the discussions that we hope will continue to be pursued in the future. Thank you, Mr. Gita and the Endgame team, because you have provided a new and broad perspective for us who are thirsty for knowledge that is both educational and intellectual. Greetings from learner sapiens. Dedy Nur in Bali.
My dear father who passed away before UA-cam, would love this conversation, and would not believe that I am able to access if for free. Thank you for uploading this important discussion.
Yang kayak pak Gita gini nih yg dibutuhkan oleh Indonesia untuk jadi pemimpin karena terus menebar inspirasi positif bagi anak bangsa, bukan menebar narasi perpecahan di tengah masyarakat,, yang memberikan bukti nyata bukan yg cuma jago ngegimmick, ngejoget, sama ngegorong..
Orang 2 harus paham bahwa yang punya kapasitas untuk berdiskursus dengan tokoh tokoh seperti ini di indonesia juga belum terlalu banyak , makanya mungkin masih jarang konten seperti ini , semoga dengan berkembangnya indonesia akan semakin banyak koten bagus seperti ini ! Kudos to Pak Gita who make this conversation possible
Gita Wirjawan, when observing your initiatives and the topics you address, I am deeply impressed! Thank you so much! I told my 13 year old grandson: the future of mankind lies in mental development. Meditation is one approach: everything positive we need is there. It‘s just covered by layers of undigested and unaware emotions.
Terima kasih untuk sajian diskusi kelas dunia nan bernutrisi dan mencerahkannya Pak Gita! Mari kembali menggali kebijaksanaan luhur nenek moyang kita, mengkaji mengenal diri, kembali kepada rumah sejati, diri sejati. Sangkan Paraning Dumadi! 🙏🏼✨💖
never imagined before Endgame would invite these two phenomenal and brilliant keynote. what a breakthrough content and it's free access, Terima Kasih Pak Gita!! Sudah tidak kaget kalau setelah ini bapak bisa undang Steven Pinker atau Nassim Nicholas Taleb.
Brilliant and heart-connected. It is amazing and also frustrating that there is an absence of women, but how thrilling to witness these men speak with heart as well as mind. . A return to wisdom through the consciousness of Yuval in words could not be better expressed, possible for almost anyone to understand. I love how he reminds us over and over of our animal nature. Mark Solms has the grace to acknowledge the vital statements of Yuval. This is rare and extremely appreciated by this listener, as peers and forgone masters are too often ignored. There is not a person present who has not gleaned his knowledge from books, written by others, including the ancient others who were far superior in consciousness and language.
akhirnya ada anak bangsa yang mengangkat ide Conciousness ini. Terima kasih pak Gita Wirjawan, ini sebenarnya topik/ilmu yg terbilang baru atau setidak-tidaknya baru muncul dipermukaan, saya sudah lebih 1 tahun menggeluti dan mengaplikasikannya di kehidupan sehari-hari, juga coba terus belajar dan mendalami. Ini menjadi episode terfavorit saya di Endgame 🙏🏼
As long as we as humans fail to come up with stories that we can agree upon, we will continue to destroy each other. The tragedy of humankind is that we somehow find ways to advance and improve our external circumstances, yet, after thousands of years, fail to improve within.
Pak Gita sukses membawa banyak pikiran pemuda Indonesia ke level yang lebih tinggi🔥.but not enough, still need a lot of public figures content like this.
Amazing talk! will try the other endgame talks. Amazing how the information is now available so easily to all who wants to listen. Kudos to the three of you.
First, congrats for the 100 episodes Pak Gita🎉 Thank you so much for having those incredible person Prof. Yuval Noah Harari and Mr. Mark Solms to the show. Thank you for created this inspirational platform and all the educational content 🙏 God bless you Pak Gita 😇, need more people like you in this country. You’re so inspiring 🔥🔥🔥
-- dari menit 30-an ke akhir sangat menarik buat saya. perbincangan ihwal kembali ke "mengenali diri" untuk tetap dalam trek kemanusian yang alamiah dan positif. mereka bicara ihwal meditasi, saya mengenalnya dengan ritual "shalat" dan atau "hisab diri". seger nian ini percekapan. thanks, pak gita wirjawan.
Menit 40an. Kegunaan meditasi menurut Harari: mempertajam kepekaan atas reaksi tubuh dan kesadaran, membuat yang tadinya bawah sadar jadi disadari. Misalnya ketika marah, kita jadi sadar ada perubahan di apa yang dirasakan tubuh kita. Jadi kita tahu itu reaksi diri kita. Dengan memahami hal-hal yang tadinya tidak disadari, itu menambah wawasan dan welas asih kita di dunia.
Excellent discussion: Taking Responsibility of oneself through knowing thyself is the highest form of Compassion. In turn we can reciprocate Compassion and live up to high Moral ideals, enhancing Morality and improving the world. Going within ourselves in meditation brings us to Nirvana which brings us to a balance i.e homeostasis. We can learn from History and STOP the cycle from reinventing itself, with tools like democracy e.g discussing different view points with others and being able to listen to each other. Awesome conversation 👏👏👏👏👏 thank you all very much.
SMA kelas 2 tahun 2011 adalah momen pertama liat Pak Gita di tv dan sejak saat itu mimpi saya satu, menjadi akademisi seperti Pak Gita, terima kasih sudah menjadi inspirasi saya belajar.
Waowwww.... Now I realise that, this is a world class chanel. Thank you Gita for providing us this incredible interview to these two greate minds in this century..
These are truly priceless conversations and very much appreciated. As Einstein said, we cannot solve problems at the level of awareness in which they were created. Harari & Solms are providing the higher level of understanding we need to actually, sustainably resolve serious challenges in these incredible times.
kereen bahkan pencapain tertinggi manusia "Nirvana" bukan mendapatkan banyak kesenangan tetapi saat manusia tersebut mendapatkan keseimbangan, dan berada di keadaan tenang, saat manusia mengatakan "enough.",-mark kalau dalam islam "bersyukur", keren pak gita, semoga bapak sehat2 selalu memberikan asupan pikiran yg sehat, kepada masyarakat Indonesia
Thank you on this important and meaningful discussion on our human nature such as pertaining to our brain, mind, emotions, consciousness, as well as the role of social media and its influence on our minds and the way we think. I learned a good deal here on Prof. Harari's discussion on the capacity of the human imagination/mind to create subjective value such as money and its simplified objective counterpart as the banana and the ongoing influence it has in our lives, and from Prof. Solms on the working of our brain at the biological level such as being influenced by drug and its effect to our mind and influencing the way we feel or think in the process. On the matter of democracy which was also discussed here, I agree with Prof. Harari that it's not only about election (or exercising the right to vote to give power to a trusted or believed leader) but also about listening and conversation as avenue to correct mistakes. My understanding on democracy, as many nations practice it, is that it has many forms and different flavors as well as distinct characteristics that these lend according to the culture and collective historical experiences of those states or countries that practice it. On the discussion about compassion, I believe this is the area of human experience where each of us must focus on because, I believe, this is what saves all of us and, I believe, will surely preserve human beings! Again, thank you.
MAsyaALLAH, terimakasih [lagi] untuk pencerahannya pak gita.. sepertinya sa harus selalu mmbuat rangkuman tiap episode biar ilmunya lebih nancap. thanks for having them. sehat selalu utk pak gita, keluarga dan tim. semoga umurnya berkah y pak
Thanks Pak Gita, love how Yuval describe what is democracy, also how Mark and Yuval complementing each other’s views. There’s hope for humanity and we need to look inside (more)…🤞🏼
The only podcast that matter for and from our country, we proud of you Mr. Gita, please interview a lot of other great writers, so we can learn from them.
Wow terobosan wawancara yg amat briliant Pak Gita, sangat eksklusif. Bahkan tdk terbyangkan oleh sy sebelumnya bahwa kita bisa menggali langsung pemikiran mereka.. Jadi Kalau bisa sekali lagi khusus dengan Yuval utk membahas lebih tajam masa depan umat manusia..dan Kalau bisa please banget wawancara juga Richard Dawkins, Jared Diamond, Roger Penrose, Steven Pinker dan Sam Harris 🙏.. Mumpung mereka masih hidup mengingat sudah usia tinggi🙏
A content I never knew I needed and I'm hoping for more. Congratulations and thank you for this 100th episode of Endgame, Pak Gita. You are such an inspiration.
Seseorang yang terbiasa diundang di forum internasional. mengerti bagaimana seharusnya alur interview berlangsung. sangat mengesankan, dilihat gratis untuk mereka yang mau belajar sesuatu yang sangat luar biasa. terima kasih banyak pak Gita.
Tell it. He and Jiddu Krishnamurti, on the challenge of change are up there. I can listen to these two men any time of the day just to remind me of how good times will be when I become this person they speak of. Noah believes in his message but Mark with all due respect has studied a lot and intellectually looks at life. He needs to believe in his message to preach it. Maybe I misjudged.
Yeah....the guy who literally said "humans having free will and a soul....that's over!" Is who you want as a leader? 🤦🏻 You have A LOT to learn about this literal demon.
Entertaining discussion. Both speakers avoided the elephant in the room…. The solution to the growth of compassion within our species has been around for a few thousand years..
Keren banget pak gitaaa. Terimakasih banyak beliau adalah penulis favorit saya 😭 Kalai boleh saran pak, nanti reupload lg dan disertakan subtitle bhs inggris saya masih noob hehe
Awal tahun ini, saya mau lihat semua podcast Pak Gita, sama lebih banyak baca buku. Sangat menginspirasi sekali. Bintang tamunya sangat berkelas semuanya, dari tanah air sampai mancanegara.
Mas Gita mengundang dua tokoh ini mrmang sangat menarik dan ada yg penting bisa dikembangkan, namun pasti ada yg perlu dikritisi. Setuju sekali konsep Yuval Noah Harari tentang #demokrasi bukan semata pada #election, terus berhenti. Tapi #conversation merupakan proses berdemokrasi yg paling #absolut #logis #cerdas sehingga mampu mengeliminasi #kesalahanaku_kau. Tapi yg perlu dikritisi, jika ada semacam "keyakinan" atau analisis pribadi Yufal bhw suatu #keputusan yg timbul berasal dr kegiatan internal kerja otak yg bisa menghasilkan suatu #ancaman atau #solusisepihak. Tentu saja dgn rumusan sederhana proses internal kerja otak itu tentu dipicu oleh fakta lapangan yg telah berproses panjang dalam sejarah atau dalam suatu kurun waktu tertentu. Yg pasti dua tamu Mas Gita tsb plus Mas Gita sangat keren dan bisa memacu cara kita anak bangsa utk belajar mengambil posisi sesuai kapasitas pribadi kita di negeri tercinta Indonesia. Bravo #endgameGitaWirjawan
Terimakasih buat Channel nya yang Mencerahkan seperti Pak Gita punya.. Terimakasih telah buat bukan hanya mata, tapi lebih dr itu pikiran kita jadi terbelalak..
terima kasih pak Gita telah memberikan content yang bgitu berarti bagi masyarakat Indonesia dan juga bagi dunia....semoga wadah ini selalu ada dan didukung....terima kasih untuk kerja keras bapak, demi kemajuan Indonesia terutama kami yg masih muda...
Thank you for being the inspiration for the Indonesians, Pak Gita. Please keep doing this podcast as a means of promulgating eunoia and activating our imagination.
I'm very much interested in the meditation (vipassana meditation) and psychoanalytic parts of this convo, in which the 2 speakers talked about looking inward, recognizing our own insecurities, desires and so on, being instrospective and contemplative. I do agree with both of them that these doorways can lead us into better humans with more compassion. And when we have compassion, naturally we want to reduce suffering. I know meditation and psychoanalityc may not be for everyone, because sometimes it is painful to recognize we have "a bad, humilitating or a demon side", but once we get passed this painful facts, we will understand ourselves better, and can be more in control of ourselves and our lives, and our emphaty will grow and automatically we will want to reduce others' suffering. Imagine if the world is filled with more compassionate people...
Mantappp! Sedianya para pemimpin kita punya pikiran yang seperti ini meski ide2 mereka tak ada yang baru sama sekali. Mereka2 masih mengulang2 apa yang mereka tulis 5-10 tahun lalu. Tapi tetap mantapppp tentu sajjah. Terima Kasih Pak Gita, dan Salam dari Sumenep!
Thank you pak Gita, Yuval and Mark for sharing your great ideas and insights on this great podcast. Congratulations pak Gita for this 100 podcast 👌👍👏👏👏👏👏
Terima kasih Pak Gita , Pak Yuval dan Mr Mark ...semuanya keren banget , Alhamdullillah di jaman ini masih banyak orang yang memberi pencerhan yang baik , manfaat ilmu yang lebih dari cukup ... Alhamdullillah
Sepanjang nonton ini, jadi mikir sebagai ibu dari seorang balita, harus bagaimana agar my son di masa mendatang punya kesadaran2 tentang apa yg terjadi di dunia, apa yg dunia ini benar2 butuhkan dan pastinya bagaimana dia bisa mengerti tentang dirinya secara utuh. The great conversation just watched
A big wow for you, Sir! The very fundamental thing to talk about and Omni-impact. The "Family's Role". I think that's also a fundamental thing or let's say The "Gate" of each civilization in the world. Everybody has a deep experience of it. Would you mind considering my suggestion to arrange the next session "To emerge the role of family education", of course, like every your previous vids, "scientifically"? Thank you.
Pak Yuval khas banget dengan argumennya "Collective Imagination" yang mana menjadi faktor suksesnya evolusi homo sapiens, sekaligus apa yg membedakan homo sapiens dengan spesies lain. Juga, cukup bagus ketika beliau berargumen mengenai moral, bahwa manusia tidak membutuhkan hukum dari negara atau agama untuk menjadi bermoral, karena esensi bermoral itu adalah menghindari rasa sakit bagi sesama, bukan karena patuh dan tunduk pada suatu aturan.
I've been craving the discussion with Yuval. Thank you Pak Gita for this wonderful content. Hope next time will be Noam Chomsky and his theory of linguistic😁
Menit 47: Perbedaan ideologi sekarang tidak setajam dulu. Tapi konflik politik makin sengit karena didorong dunia maya di mana semua pihak berebut perhatian. Dan cara paling gampang merebut perhatian adalah menyentuh tombol kebencian, ketakutan, kemarahan. Perhatian yang terebut juga membuat kita tidak mampu memperhatikan hal-hal lain, sehingga tidak kenal lagi diri sendiri. Padahal agar bahagia, kita perlu memahami diri sendiri. Bukan dengan mengatur-atur dunia.
This conversation enabling future of humanity of civilization based on constructive and collective efforts of discourses. Managing the complexity of society require sophisticated answer. Appreciate.
Waoo...what a great series. Those mister speaker are talking about the first principle thinking in terms of the mind. For completely beginners, it is hard to understand about the abstracts thinking. Terima kasih pak Gita. I am looking forward upcoming series.
Saya salah satu penonton setia channelnya pak Gita dari Papua. Dari Sesi awal sampai saat ini selalu saya mengikutinya dengan saksama dan terus dapat menimbah ilmu disetiap topik pembahasan.
Salut sekali untuk topik kali ini pak Gita, tetapi saya merasa harus ada sesi tersendiri dengan Prof Yuval.
Kami menantikan gebrakkan selanjutnya di channel pak Gita ini. Salam sukses pak dari kami di tanah Papua.
Terimakasih Banyak Pak Gita. Walaupun bapak sibuk tetapi bisa memberikan perhatian kepada kami penikmat dan pembelajar setiap Podcast Endgame. Salut Pak. Doa kami Tuhan selalu menjaga Pak Gita. Teruslah mencerdaskan bangsa ini dengan karya-karya brilian seperti ini pak.
Papen Andre (Pa Pendeta Andre) panggilan saya pada sahabat pena saya ini adalah juga salah satu inspirator yang terus berjuang untuk anak cucu yang lebih baik. Berkah untuk semua 🙏🙏🙏
Exceptionally informative thank you
Dan dapat 184000 views setelah 3 bulan tayang. Bandingkan dengan podcastnya smart people 😁😁😁😁 yang bisa mencapai 1 juta viewer.
gila, ini channel youtube indonesia terkeren, mestinya channel youtube kayak gini jadi contoh, bintang tamunya kelas dunia, topiknya sangat berbobot, salut untuk Pak Gita
tergantung privilege lah boss.. hrs menjadi sesuatu dulu baru bs mencapai ky pak Gita
@@joddyfelix8995 privilege mah sesuatu yg sulit (atau mustahil) d ubah seperti etnis atau lahir d keluarga kaya. Kalo masalah content UA-cam mah biaa d ubah bang :)
D kita masih lebih laku content seru seruan, becanda, horror, sm teori konspirasi, makanya jarang ada content high quality ky gini.
Saya sepakat sm mas devito, kita tuh butuh gebrakan dan pak gita sdh mencontohkan gebrakan tsb, tinggal content creator kita mau mencontoh beliau atau tidak.
@@joddyfelix8995 tidak juga, di era proliferasi informasi ini belajar dan menguasai bahasa asing dan bisa dpt scholarship di kampus top dunia bukan sesuatu yg mustahil (tp tidak mudah tentunya)
Salah satu yang spesial di episode yang juga spesial ini buat saya adalah Episode Notes-nya.
Benar-benar membantu saya yang masih kesulitan untuk mencerna isi obrolan ini.
Jadi setelah menyimak obrolan, saya punya sedikit gambaran soal apa aja yang baru aja diobrolin (terutama di topik-topik yang memang saya tertarik), tapi gambaran-gambaran itu masih dalam kondisi yang "scrambled" dan belum terlalu jelas juga. Nah, episode notes ini membantu untuk merunutkan gambaran-gambaran yang acak tadi; jadinya lebih memperjelas gitu.
Melalui episode notes ini saya jadi mereka ulang apa yang baru aja diobrolin, dan karena bahasa dari episode notes ini lebih sederhana (tanpa mengurangi esensinya) dan terdiri dari point-point pentingnya saja, saya yang kapasitas otaknya masih terbelakang ini jadi lebih bisa mengerti apa-apa aja yang pembicara sampaikan.
Terima kasih tim endgame buat episode notes-nya, auto saya duplicate ke notion saya sendiri.
Satu lagi, mungkin ke depannya episode notes ini bisa dihadirkan lagi?
Or maybe I'm asking too much here?!? :')
Where can I find the episode notes? I'm new here🙏
@Dinka Basoeki Thank you 🙇 🙏
Now this is a world class content that Indonesians desperately need more of! thank you pak Gita 🙏🙏
An intelligent discussion, I am personally interested in Yuval Noah Harari's explanation about Democracy, that Democracy is not just an election: Democracy is a conversation, discussion, interaction between people for higher common goals. And this conversation must continue to be cared for, maintained and even continuously the quality of the conversation is raised in status. Not trivial conversations that usually point at each other, curse each other because of different schools of thought.
We certainly reject the system of authoritarianism for the simple reason that there is no free speech for conversation between citizens. This discussion is of course one of the discussions that we hope will continue to be pursued in the future. Thank you, Mr. Gita and the Endgame team, because you have provided a new and broad perspective for us who are thirsty for knowledge that is both educational and intellectual.
Greetings from learner sapiens.
Dedy Nur in Bali.
@@Wordsofwisdomreal iam from denpasar
@@igfaza_alv7659 hi, how are you?
@@Wordsofwisdomreal not bad
Monang maning
This awesome interview and discussion shall be spreading across the world ! 🌍
I'll try to do my small part in spreading it by posting it on FB,..
My dear father who passed away before UA-cam, would love this conversation, and would not believe that I am able to access if for free.
Thank you for uploading this important discussion.
So interesting. Beautiful that I can just watch this from my chair at home on a random Sunday afternoon.
Yang kayak pak Gita gini nih yg dibutuhkan oleh Indonesia untuk jadi pemimpin karena terus menebar inspirasi positif bagi anak bangsa, bukan menebar narasi perpecahan di tengah masyarakat,, yang memberikan bukti nyata bukan yg cuma jago ngegimmick, ngejoget, sama ngegorong..
Orang 2 harus paham bahwa yang punya kapasitas untuk berdiskursus dengan tokoh tokoh seperti ini di indonesia juga belum terlalu banyak , makanya mungkin masih jarang konten seperti ini , semoga dengan berkembangnya indonesia akan semakin banyak koten bagus seperti ini ! Kudos to Pak Gita who make this conversation possible
Gita Wirjawan, when observing your initiatives and the topics you address, I am deeply impressed! Thank you so much!
I told my 13 year old grandson: the future of mankind lies in mental development.
Meditation is one approach: everything positive we need is there. It‘s just covered by layers of undigested and unaware emotions.
Wahh congrats gita for the 100 episodes of endgame, you are our inspiration, thank you so much🥳
Terima kasih untuk sajian diskusi kelas dunia nan bernutrisi dan mencerahkannya Pak Gita! Mari kembali menggali kebijaksanaan luhur nenek moyang kita, mengkaji mengenal diri, kembali kepada rumah sejati, diri sejati. Sangkan Paraning Dumadi! 🙏🏼✨💖
Whoaaaa, pak Gita! Thank you for having Yuval Noah Harari to the show. It is great time to watching 😍🔥😍🔥
It was a pleasure to listen to these two human beings, with questions very well asked by the moderator. A big thank you.
never imagined before Endgame would invite these two phenomenal and brilliant keynote. what a breakthrough content and it's free access, Terima Kasih Pak Gita!! Sudah tidak kaget kalau setelah ini bapak bisa undang Steven Pinker atau Nassim Nicholas Taleb.
it is a great idea! assikkk banget :). this is a really great talk. cheers!
Phenomenal? Harari is a misanthrope for the world economic forum.
I’m thrilled to see these two brilliant men together: thank-you so much for making this happen! Congratulations.
Brilliant and heart-connected. It is amazing and also frustrating that there is an absence of women, but how thrilling to witness these men speak with heart as well as mind. . A return to wisdom through the consciousness of Yuval in words could not be better expressed, possible for almost anyone to understand. I love how he reminds us over and over of our animal nature.
Mark Solms has the grace to acknowledge the vital statements of Yuval. This is rare and extremely appreciated by this listener, as peers and forgone masters are too often ignored. There is not a person present who has not gleaned his knowledge from books, written by others, including the ancient others who were far superior in consciousness and language.
akhirnya ada anak bangsa yang mengangkat ide Conciousness ini. Terima kasih pak Gita Wirjawan, ini sebenarnya topik/ilmu yg terbilang baru atau setidak-tidaknya baru muncul dipermukaan, saya sudah lebih 1 tahun menggeluti dan mengaplikasikannya di kehidupan sehari-hari, juga coba terus belajar dan mendalami. Ini menjadi episode terfavorit saya di Endgame 🙏🏼
As long as we as humans fail to come up with stories that we can agree upon, we will continue to destroy each other. The tragedy of humankind is that we somehow find ways to advance and improve our external circumstances, yet, after thousands of years, fail to improve within.
Pak Gita sukses membawa banyak pikiran pemuda Indonesia ke level yang lebih tinggi🔥.but not enough, still need a lot of public figures content like this.
This is how youtube created fascinating class to public!
Thanks Pak Gita for bringing complete lecture of consciousness with amazing speakers.
Amazing talk! will try the other endgame talks. Amazing how the information is now available so easily to all who wants to listen. Kudos to the three of you.
First, congrats for the 100 episodes Pak Gita🎉 Thank you so much for having those incredible person Prof. Yuval Noah Harari and Mr. Mark Solms to the show. Thank you for created this inspirational platform and all the educational content 🙏 God bless you Pak Gita 😇, need more people like you in this country.
You’re so inspiring 🔥🔥🔥
What a privilege to listen to these world class minds.
Thank you so much sir Gita Wirjawan for having Prof. Yuval Noah Harari and Mr. Mark Solms. Aand for the incredible educational content 👋
-- dari menit 30-an ke akhir sangat menarik buat saya. perbincangan ihwal kembali ke "mengenali diri" untuk tetap dalam trek kemanusian yang alamiah dan positif. mereka bicara ihwal meditasi, saya mengenalnya dengan ritual "shalat" dan atau "hisab diri". seger nian ini percekapan. thanks, pak gita wirjawan.
Menit 40an. Kegunaan meditasi menurut Harari: mempertajam kepekaan atas reaksi tubuh dan kesadaran, membuat yang tadinya bawah sadar jadi disadari. Misalnya ketika marah, kita jadi sadar ada perubahan di apa yang dirasakan tubuh kita. Jadi kita tahu itu reaksi diri kita. Dengan memahami hal-hal yang tadinya tidak disadari, itu menambah wawasan dan welas asih kita di dunia.
I absolutely enjoy every single second I spent listening to this conversation. Thank you so much, Pak Gita!
Excellent discussion: Taking Responsibility of oneself through knowing thyself is the highest form of Compassion. In turn we can reciprocate Compassion and live up to high Moral ideals, enhancing Morality and improving the world. Going within ourselves in meditation brings us to Nirvana which brings us to a balance i.e homeostasis. We can learn from History and STOP the cycle from reinventing itself, with tools like democracy e.g discussing different view points with others and being able to listen to each other. Awesome conversation 👏👏👏👏👏 thank you all very much.
SMA kelas 2 tahun 2011 adalah momen pertama liat Pak Gita di tv dan sejak saat itu mimpi saya satu, menjadi akademisi seperti Pak Gita, terima kasih sudah menjadi inspirasi saya belajar.
Now I realise that, this is a world class chanel. Thank you Gita for providing us this incredible interview to these two greate minds in this century..
These are truly priceless conversations and very much appreciated. As Einstein said, we cannot solve problems at the level of awareness in which they were created. Harari & Solms are providing the higher level of understanding we need to actually, sustainably resolve serious challenges in these incredible times.
kereen bahkan pencapain tertinggi manusia "Nirvana" bukan mendapatkan banyak kesenangan tetapi saat manusia tersebut mendapatkan keseimbangan, dan berada di keadaan tenang, saat manusia mengatakan "enough.",-mark
kalau dalam islam "bersyukur", keren pak gita, semoga bapak sehat2 selalu memberikan asupan pikiran yg sehat, kepada masyarakat Indonesia
Thank you on this important and meaningful discussion on our human nature such as pertaining to our brain, mind, emotions, consciousness, as well as the role of social media and its influence on our minds and the way we think. I learned a good deal here on Prof. Harari's discussion on the capacity of the human imagination/mind to create subjective value such as money and its simplified objective counterpart as the banana and the ongoing influence it has in our lives, and from Prof. Solms on the working of our brain at the biological level such as being influenced by drug and its effect to our mind and influencing the way we feel or think in the process. On the matter of democracy which was also discussed here, I agree with Prof. Harari that it's not only about election (or exercising the right to vote to give power to a trusted or believed leader) but also about listening and conversation as avenue to correct mistakes. My understanding on democracy, as many nations practice it, is that it has many forms and different flavors as well as distinct characteristics that these lend according to the culture and collective historical experiences of those states or countries that practice it. On the discussion about compassion, I believe this is the area of human experience where each of us must focus on because, I believe, this is what saves all of us and, I believe, will surely preserve human beings! Again, thank you.
MAsyaALLAH, terimakasih [lagi] untuk pencerahannya pak gita.. sepertinya sa harus selalu mmbuat rangkuman tiap episode biar ilmunya lebih nancap. thanks for having them. sehat selalu utk pak gita, keluarga dan tim. semoga umurnya berkah y pak
-Brilliant discussion between two eminent speakers. `I will need to watch this again, packed full of wisdom. Thank you.
Professor Mark Solms is so humble .. great interview Gita.
Thanks Pak Gita, love how Yuval describe what is democracy, also how Mark and Yuval complementing each other’s views. There’s hope for humanity and we need to look inside (more)…🤞🏼
the way they complementing each other’s views is like a manivestation of yuval’s definition of democracy🎉
The only podcast that matter for and from our country, we proud of you Mr. Gita, please interview a lot of other great writers, so we can learn from them.
Wow terobosan wawancara yg amat briliant Pak Gita, sangat eksklusif. Bahkan tdk terbyangkan oleh sy sebelumnya bahwa kita bisa menggali langsung pemikiran mereka.. Jadi Kalau bisa sekali lagi khusus dengan Yuval utk membahas lebih tajam masa depan umat manusia..dan Kalau bisa please banget wawancara juga Richard Dawkins, Jared Diamond, Roger Penrose, Steven Pinker dan Sam Harris 🙏.. Mumpung mereka masih hidup mengingat sudah usia tinggi🙏
A content I never knew I needed and I'm hoping for more. Congratulations and thank you for this 100th episode of Endgame, Pak Gita. You are such an inspiration.
Bahkan, topik yang saya anggap berat ini tersedia subtitle-nya yang dapat mudah dipahami. Luar biasa!
Seseorang yang terbiasa diundang di forum internasional. mengerti bagaimana seharusnya alur interview berlangsung.
sangat mengesankan, dilihat gratis untuk mereka yang mau belajar sesuatu yang sangat luar biasa. terima kasih banyak pak Gita.
Your podcast is amazing Pak Gita! Thank you for bringing in these amazing writers, we learned a lot from your podcast!! 👍🙏🙏
Great interview. Yuval is a wise extraordinary speaker. The power of his words can take us to a new world if we really listen to him.
He see you as a hackable animal , because you have no soul , and he think that he is more than God 🤔
Are you a hackable animal ?
Tell it. He and Jiddu Krishnamurti, on the challenge of change are up there. I can listen to these two men any time of the day just to remind me of how good times will be when I become this person they speak of. Noah believes in his message but Mark with all due respect has studied a lot and intellectually looks at life. He needs to believe in his message to preach it. Maybe I misjudged.
Yeah....the guy who literally said "humans having free will and a soul....that's over!" Is who you want as a leader? 🤦🏻 You have A LOT to learn about this literal demon.
sayangnya konten seperti ini tidak dilihat jutaan orang , semoga platform pak gita bjsa sebesar close the door 🥲
Entertaining discussion. Both speakers avoided the elephant in the room…. The solution to the growth of compassion within our species has been around for a few thousand years..
Keren banget pak gitaaa. Terimakasih banyak beliau adalah penulis favorit saya 😭
Kalai boleh saran pak, nanti reupload lg dan disertakan subtitle bhs inggris saya masih noob hehe
kan udh ada captionnya...
Wow, this is a really good conversation, from both perspectives of Harari and Solms.
Thanks Pak Gita, Mr. Harari, and Mr. Solms. We still have a good hope in humanity
This was a wonderful conversation. Thank you for allowing me to listen. Thank you Mark.
Awal tahun ini, saya mau lihat semua podcast Pak Gita, sama lebih banyak baca buku. Sangat menginspirasi sekali. Bintang tamunya sangat berkelas semuanya, dari tanah air sampai mancanegara.
What an awesome conversation of two very well spoken geniuses. Thanks for the great facilitation as well! Perfectly executed session from all parties!
Mas Gita mengundang dua tokoh ini mrmang sangat menarik dan ada yg penting bisa dikembangkan, namun pasti ada yg perlu dikritisi.
Setuju sekali konsep Yuval Noah Harari tentang #demokrasi bukan semata pada #election, terus berhenti. Tapi #conversation merupakan proses berdemokrasi yg paling #absolut #logis #cerdas sehingga mampu mengeliminasi #kesalahanaku_kau.
Tapi yg perlu dikritisi, jika ada semacam "keyakinan" atau analisis pribadi Yufal bhw suatu #keputusan yg timbul berasal dr kegiatan internal kerja otak yg bisa menghasilkan suatu #ancaman atau #solusisepihak.
Tentu saja dgn rumusan sederhana proses internal kerja otak itu tentu dipicu oleh fakta lapangan yg telah berproses panjang dalam sejarah atau dalam suatu kurun waktu tertentu.
Yg pasti dua tamu Mas Gita tsb plus Mas Gita sangat keren dan bisa memacu cara kita anak bangsa utk belajar mengambil posisi sesuai kapasitas pribadi kita di negeri tercinta Indonesia. Bravo #endgameGitaWirjawan
unless a talk makes you question reality and takes on a rollercoster ride of perspectives it aint worth the time, simply Awesome.
harusnya podcast kaya gini, yang banyak ditonton para pemuda di Indonesia,sukses selalu pak Gita
Gosh glad i came across Pak Gita's channel. Udah ngikutin Prof Yuval N Harari banget and truly intrigue with his mind!
Terimakasih buat Channel nya yang Mencerahkan seperti Pak Gita punya.. Terimakasih telah buat bukan hanya mata, tapi lebih dr itu pikiran kita jadi terbelalak..
History and neuroscience is my favorite topics, thanks for doing this conversation
terima kasih pak Gita telah memberikan content yang bgitu berarti bagi masyarakat Indonesia dan juga bagi dunia....semoga wadah ini selalu ada dan didukung....terima kasih untuk kerja keras bapak, demi kemajuan Indonesia terutama kami yg masih muda...
Thank you for being the inspiration for the Indonesians, Pak Gita. Please keep doing this podcast as a means of promulgating eunoia and activating our imagination.
Of all anything that you do, thank you for starting this podcast Pak Gita 🙏
Thanks for bringing Africa to the big question conversation Dr Mark Solm.
Superb..., pak Gita thank you for 2 guest stars, I listen the most...! 💗💗💗
I'm very much interested in the meditation (vipassana meditation) and psychoanalytic parts of this convo, in which the 2 speakers talked about looking inward, recognizing our own insecurities, desires and so on, being instrospective and contemplative. I do agree with both of them that these doorways can lead us into better humans with more compassion. And when we have compassion, naturally we want to reduce suffering.
I know meditation and psychoanalityc may not be for everyone, because sometimes it is painful to recognize we have "a bad, humilitating or a demon side", but once we get passed this painful facts, we will understand ourselves better, and can be more in control of ourselves and our lives, and our emphaty will grow and automatically we will want to reduce others' suffering. Imagine if the world is filled with more compassionate people...
It's wonderful to see one of my favorite writer presented in your channel pak Gita. We need more of this 👌
But..the questions is so elementary..we shoul let the two thinkers to express out of questions....
Mantappp! Sedianya para pemimpin kita punya pikiran yang seperti ini meski ide2 mereka tak ada yang baru sama sekali. Mereka2 masih mengulang2 apa yang mereka tulis 5-10 tahun lalu. Tapi tetap mantapppp tentu sajjah. Terima Kasih Pak Gita, dan Salam dari Sumenep!
Thank you pak Gita, Yuval and Mark for sharing your great ideas and insights on this great podcast. Congratulations pak Gita for this 100 podcast 👌👍👏👏👏👏👏
pak Gita, bahasan yg sangat mencerahkan dan banyak ilmunya, terimakasih banyak utk Endgame dan segenap crew yg bertugas 🙏
Terima kasih Pak Gita , Pak Yuval dan Mr Mark ...semuanya keren banget , Alhamdullillah di jaman ini masih banyak orang yang memberi pencerhan yang baik , manfaat ilmu yang lebih dari cukup ... Alhamdullillah
I'm very proud of you Pak Gita, thank you so much!🙏
pak gita, im so proud of you seharusnya ini menjadi chanel ternicee dan menjadi inspirasi orang indonesia
Wowww.. thank you Pak Gita for bringing them to our screen!!! Super enlightening! Super cool! 👍👍
Sepanjang nonton ini, jadi mikir sebagai ibu dari seorang balita, harus bagaimana agar my son di masa mendatang punya kesadaran2 tentang apa yg terjadi di dunia, apa yg dunia ini benar2 butuhkan dan pastinya bagaimana dia bisa mengerti tentang dirinya secara utuh. The great conversation just watched
A brilliant conversation with fantastically insightful descriptions of the human condition, today, and throughout history.
I'm Alex from Brazil and I'm Hararis' fan. This interview is one of the best I have seen. Congratulations, Gita!
A big wow for you, Sir! The very fundamental thing to talk about and Omni-impact. The "Family's Role". I think that's also a fundamental thing or let's say The "Gate" of each civilization in the world. Everybody has a deep experience of it. Would you mind considering my suggestion to arrange the next session "To emerge the role of family education", of course, like every your previous vids, "scientifically"? Thank you.
46:30 Democracy is conversation.
Wow. Thank you Dr. Harari. 👏👏
What a pleasure to listen to such rigorous and well expressed ideas from complimentary minds.
Pak Yuval khas banget dengan argumennya "Collective Imagination" yang mana menjadi faktor suksesnya evolusi homo sapiens, sekaligus apa yg membedakan homo sapiens dengan spesies lain. Juga, cukup bagus ketika beliau berargumen mengenai moral, bahwa manusia tidak membutuhkan hukum dari negara atau agama untuk menjadi bermoral, karena esensi bermoral itu adalah menghindari rasa sakit bagi sesama, bukan karena patuh dan tunduk pada suatu aturan.
Thank you for your support!
Terima kasih pak Gita. Saya guru SMP belajar banyak dan mendapat inspirasi dari chanel banyak.
Very beautiful and engaging discussion. Thank you very much for this sharing.
What an insightful definition of democracy by Yuval ! Self corrections.. Thanks 🙏
I've been craving the discussion with Yuval. Thank you Pak Gita for this wonderful content. Hope next time will be Noam Chomsky and his theory of linguistic😁
Like Mark and Yuval said more and more going inside of ourselves and listening to others and recorrecting the false can make the world better 👍👍
Menit 47: Perbedaan ideologi sekarang tidak setajam dulu. Tapi konflik politik makin sengit karena didorong dunia maya di mana semua pihak berebut perhatian. Dan cara paling gampang merebut perhatian adalah menyentuh tombol kebencian, ketakutan, kemarahan. Perhatian yang terebut juga membuat kita tidak mampu memperhatikan hal-hal lain, sehingga tidak kenal lagi diri sendiri. Padahal agar bahagia, kita perlu memahami diri sendiri. Bukan dengan mengatur-atur dunia.
I am absolutely excited. This content is such level of intelegence improvement for the whole nation. Thank you, pak Gita.
Listening to this conversation was healing.
Terima Kasih pak Gita '
Sudah menghadirkan Yuval Noah Harari penulis favorit saya. 🙏
Terima kasih banyakPak Gita Wirjawan untuk konten yg bermutu ini 🙏🙏
I'm here from Brazil. And I'm so happy to hear this conversation from mister Harari. For me he is a genial brain to 21 century....
Just bought The Hidden Spring - Mark Solms online! Already have all of Yuval's books.
A great conversation, very enlightening to me. Thanks to the three intellectuals.
Thanks for inviting Yuval!
I'm so glad that we're so many.... love you all.
Pak Gita, udah speechless lah saya. Terima kasih banyak. Thank you so very very much for this content, Pak! You're the best ever 🙏
This conversation enabling future of humanity of civilization based on constructive and collective efforts of discourses. Managing the complexity of society require sophisticated answer. Appreciate.
Waoo...what a great series. Those mister speaker are talking about the first principle thinking in terms of the mind. For completely beginners, it is hard to understand about the abstracts thinking. Terima kasih pak Gita. I am looking forward upcoming series.
Alhamdulillah. Sangat bermanfaat n menarik..thanks