UA-cam has clearly NO respect for classical music. You'd never see an ad in the middle of a Beyonce song, but they will interrupt Mozart just anywhere. This kind of culture deffamation should be regulated!
L' esecuzione di questo inarrivabile requiem da parte di Bernstein è ultimativa ed insuperabile. Nessuno come lui riesce ad esaltare il lirismo della partitura. Tale lirismo raggiunge la sua vetta nel "Agnus dei", ma anche nel "Recordare" e nel "Lacrimosa". Nessuna altra esecuzione può essere paragonata a questa. Sublime e immortale Mozart, grande ed immenso Bernstein.
Ne sono consapevole della grandezza del maestro, ma per molto tempo ho ascoltato la messa di requiem diretta da Karl Bhom, energica, avvolgente magnificamente interpretata.
@@tesfawuncadamuro Ho accolto il tuo consiglio ed ho ascoltato l' esecuzione di Bohm. E' veramente eccellente, ma, perdonami, io preferisco l' esecuzione di Bernstein. Lenny (mi perdonerà il Maestro questa confidenza), con i suoi tempi dilatati rende meglio il meraviglioso lirismo di alcuni numeri. L' esecuzione di Bohm però è grandemente superiore nel "Tuba mirum" dove, avendo a disposizione 4 cantanti autentici fluoriclasse, il memorabile incipit di Berry prosegue in maniera eccellente con gli altri cantanti e si conclude con la voce angelica della Janovitz. Io sono un grande ammiratore di Bernstein e, forse, sono condizionato da questo, infatti lo giudico il miglio direttore di tutti i tempi. Ricordo solo la sua esecuzione dell' integrale delle sinfonie di Mahler, credo insuperabile.
Brilliant Leonard Bernstein. Fluent in five languages. His intellect and talents are iconic and monumental. Thank you for this video. Concerned the film Maestro grossly disrespects his life and legacy. I hope viewers are led to videos such as this to grasp the magnitude of the man.
La sensibilità di quest' uomo è talmente grande, profonda e di conoscenza e sensibilità che mai nessuno potrà eguagliarlo. Caro Lenny grazie per tutto quello che ci hai lasciato.
Still loving this recording 36 years later. So happy it is on-line and I don't have to bring my record player to work! :) Forever one of the greatest sources of the sublime and joy all in one performance!
I was able to attend his 70th birthday party at Tanglewood in the Berkshire Mountains in 1988. Quite an event. Went on for hours. Paid $100 per seat and we weren't close enough to be underneath a roof. Watched it from video screens provided. The love and admiration was everywhere.
As I sit here listening to this magnificent work, it is the first time I gave heard it in this new, slower rendition. It is magnificent! I am across the street from Brooklyn's Greenwood cemetery, where Lenny himself is buried. I wonder if Lenny is listening along with me. I miss my husband. He died just over a month ago. We used to listen to great works of music, snuggling together, oohing and aging at the sounds as well as the sensation of being close. As Lenny dedicated this performance to the memory of his late wife, I remember my husband. Maybe it was preordained that I would discover this great performance only after your death, so that you could enjoy it with me from heaven
I'm so sorry for your deep loss, Patti. P.S. That sounds like a wonderful way to listen and share. I wish my ex- and I had done that. But we did get to perform it, under a beloved conductor, with many dear friends, which was unforgettable.
This is Leonard Bernstein. He was able to read with correct accent- German. We miss him. A great artist like Maestro Bernstein always leaves us too soon.
Why oh why It happens in everything that is good and brilliant taken too soon mindyou in this case dozens of cigarettes a day did not help on top of his lung conditions Asthma and Emphysema .To live to 72yrs was quite extroadinary R.I.P Maestro Bernstein and thank you for all your musicality.
I miss him too. My late parents knew him well when he came to Atlanta. I was about 7 or 8 years old on my first encounter with him. He told my mom and dad I was a cute little girl. I even said a few words to him of what I knew in German. I also had fond memories of seeing him perform on TV doing Verdi's 'Requiem' during the Easter holidays
Requiem, è la più’ bella, la più originale, la più emozionante,,la più completa e perfetta opera che un essere umano abbia potuto creare a livello musicale!
BEST VERSION if this masterpiece EVER!!!!! Bernstein and orchestra and singers and choir are incredible here. I played the timpany part at a performance in our Doomchurch with the music conservatory orchestra. An amazing thing that will always be a treasure in my heart. It sounds simple, but it is one of the most difficult pieces to play following a conductor, reasoning the slow tempos and beats and expression to it.
Bernstein Mozart Requiem Fantastic performance! All PERFECT! Perfect chorus, perfect soloists and orchestra in a glorious setting. I was fortunate to sing this with the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra and Chorus (as a chorus member) to a sold out performance in the mid '80's at Carnegie Hall.
I camped almost next to this church on a European bicycle tour in 1986. If I had known that this was to have taken place two years later I would have waited there for it! Sublime.
@@augustaverbian Hello, agustaverbian ! The concert took place in the summer of 1988 in the baroque former monastery, now parish church of Dießen in Bavaria/Germany at the lake Ammer. For all those viewers, who don't understand Italian or German, I have provided an English translation of Leonard Bernstein's German introduction to the concert. Bernstein says in perfect German : "By the grace of Mozart's music I dedicate this requiem to the memory of my beloved wife, Felicia, who had died ten years ago. Particularly in this beautiful church the occasion connects with the two most basic concerns of us human beings: life and death, but also with our ability as matured human beings to face mortality. I don't know of a more refreshing and spontaneous statement about this topic than the words of Mozart himself from a letter of 1787 to his father, just four years before the death of the great Amadeus himself. I'd like to read to you a short excerpt from this letter : ========================== " Mon très cher père ! ( My dearest father !) At this moment I'm getting the message, which really depresses me, that thou are seriously ill. How much I'm longing for a consolating letter of yours I arguably don't need to tell thou. And I hope for it indeed, although it became a habit of mine only to expect the most bad in all things. Because death, strictly speaking, is the true goal of our lives, I for several years have made myself so familiar with this true friend of mankind, that his image not only has nothing terrifying to me anymore, but rather much soothing and comforting instead. And I thank my God, that he granted me the bliss to get the opportunity - thou'll understand me - to know him as the key to our true beatitude. I never go to bed without reflecting, as young as I might be, that the next day I could cease to exist. And even so no one of all those, who know me, could really say I might be a grumpy or sad one to be with. And for this bliss I thank all day my creator and wish it wholeheartedly to all my fellow human beings." ========================= (Little addition of mine : this was Mozart's last letter to his father Leopold, who would die only a few weeks later. Also sadly Wolfgang never got a response to his moving letter.) Kind regards from Germany !
@@augustaverbian The concert took place in the summer of 1988 in the baroque former monastery, now parish church of Dießen in Bavaria/Germany at the lake Ammer.
I sing this piece every year with my church choir. We dedicate it to all the deceased on our parish. I sometimes cannot keep from sobbing during the Kyrie.
Magnificent, spooky in final analysis, this performance reveals the greatness and timelessness of Mozart's Requiem Mass. Leonard Bernstein delivers, then departs sans applause, acknowledging only the principal players with affectionate whispers and kisses, shunning all with the insistence that this music is beyond applause.
This work gives me goosebumps. Incredibly powerful and divine. I wish we got to see more of this serious side of Mozart, because he could do it like nobody else. A monumental work of pure brilliance. And this performance is incredible. This performance of Lacrimosa is the most beautiful thing I've ever heard.
Genius met genius ... Best , in my opinion, inerpretation of Mozart's best music... in L. Bernstain;s hands we get monumental beauty, real music preyer. Perfectness
Simply the best interpretation of the Mozart Requiem ever! Including many attempts by the so called "authentic" interpretation on period instruments. Bernstein was so close to Mozart because he was both a conducting and composing genius as well.
God. This is the best I heard. I understand Bernstein dedicated this performance to the memory of his wife. A bit of advice re the commercials: get ad-blocker on chrome, it stops them all. You can just hear Mozart and Bernstein, uninterrupted. Nothing beats this.
Statisticians checked the **ACTUAL NUMBERS** with church officials, and guess what? In America, right now, only 18% of people attend church. In England, it's down to 1% (no lie)...
L’ascolto del Requiem di Mozart è un’esperienza sconvolgente che tocca intimamente e spiritualmente il nostro animo. In particolare, i tempi più dilatati della splendida esecuzione di Leonard Bernstein, evocano immagini, ricordi e sensazioni del dolore quello vero, profondo inconsolabile della perdita di una persona cara. L’apice viene raggiunto durante il “lacrimosa”, il cui ascolto lascia senza fiato con gli occhi tristi e lucidi. L’assenza di appulsi voluta da Leonard Bernstein è il giusto corollario a questa silenziosa esplosione di emozioni.
Caro Francesco, ha proprio ragione: questo Requiem è particolarmente intenso. Io non mi stanco mai di ascoltarlo, anche le singole parti separatamente. La direzione di Leonard Bernstein, secondo me, è molto sensibile, così come la bravura dei solisti. In particolare mi piace Jerry Hadley, peccato che ho letto proprio ieri che si è suicidato... RIP accompagnato da questa musica meravigliosa. Un caro saluto da Brescia Italia 💕🙏✨
A message to everyone who is commenting that the tempos are slow. This is a record of a LIVE performance NOT a commercial recording. The performance is given in a large cathedral which will create reverberation problems for conductor and musicians. If the tempo is taken at those expected in the acoustic of a concert hall you would just get a garbled mess of notes clashing into each other. Bernsteins recordings on DG and Sony are both slightly quicker but no less moving. Treat this for what it is. A live performance in a Cathedral try thinking before writing
If you look at the novello 1850 organ accompaniment of this edited by Vincent Novello (1781-1861) available on IMSLP he has tempo metronome markings which are even slower than this! Check your facts. Novello overlapped Mozart by 10 years and wrote a long comprehensive introduction to the piece where he moans about people performing it too quickly in 1850 and not in keeping with mozarts style!!
It is a mass of the dead, expresses pain and loss of a loved one, begs God for the eternal rest and salvation of his soul and the forgiveness of his sins, is a moment of deep reflection, and the music magnificently expresses in its depth and its slow time, honoring the feelings and the supplication to the highest, is not music of the Moulin Rouge for the love of God. !!!
@@RobinBeaumont I'm usually of the opinion that Mozart's works are performed far too slow, but the Requiem is definitely one of those works that should be taken at about the tempo that Bernstein is conducting it at. It's of a very different character to most of Mozart's other works.
Features subtleties of harmony, and carves out strong phrases better than other conductors. The performance "speaks" the depths of the Requiem texts most effectively. More than just the notes.
Peut-être la version la plus grandiose, la plus sensible, la plus magnifique, du REQUIEM de Mozart, que j'avais découverte en 1994, sur un CD qui appartenait à mon amie. Merci pour ce cadeau et ce souvenir, beau... jusqu'à l'infini !
........I - Introitus / Introit / Introito: 06:27 - Requiem / Rest / Descanso 07:34 - Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine, 08:30 - et lux perpetua luceat eis. 09:03 09:20 - Te decet hymnus Deus, in Sion, 09:43 - et tibi reddetur votum in Jerusalem. 09:59 - Exaudi orationem meam; 10:21 - ad te omnis caro veniet. 10:45 10:59 - Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine 12:05 - et lux perpetua luceat eis. 13:02 - II - Kyrie / Lord, Have Mercy / Señor ten piedad 13:02 - Kyrie eleison Christe eleison Kyrie eleison III - Sequentia / Sequenz / Secuencia: 15:47 - Dies irae / Day of Wrath / El día de la ira 15:47 - Dies iræ, dies illa Solvet sæclum in favilla Teste David cum Sibylla 15:59 - Quantus tremor est futurus Quando iudex est venturus Cuncta stricte discussurus 16:18 - Dies iræ, dies illa Solvet sæclum in favilla Teste David cum Sibylla 16:30 - Quantus tremor est futurus Quando iudex est venturus Cuncta stricte discussurus 16:45 - Quantus tremor est futurus Dies iræ, dies illa Quantus tremor est futurus Dies iræ, dies illa 16:57 - Quantus tremor est futurus Quantus tremor est futurus Quando iudex est venturus Cuncta stricte discussurus 17:09 - Cuncta stricte Cuncta stricte stricte discussurus 17:16 - Cuncta stricte Cuncta stricte stricte discussurus 17:30 - Tuba mirum / Trumpet / La trompeta, esparciendo un asombroso sonido Tuba, mirum spargens sonum Per sepulchra regionum, Coget omnes ante thronum. Mors stupebit, et natura, Cum resurget creatura, Judicanti responsura. Liber scriptus proferetur, In quo totum continetur, Unde mundus judicetur. Judex ergo cum sedebit, Quidquid latet, apparebit: Nil inultum remanebit. Quid sum miser tunc dicturus? Quem patronum rogaturus, Cum vix justus sit securus? 21:52 - Rex tremendae / King of tremendous majesty/ Rey de tremenda majestad Rex tremendæ majestatis, Qui salvandos salvas gratis, Salva me, fons pietatis. 24:40 - Recordare / Remember / Recuerda Jesús piadoso Recordare, Jesu pie, Quod sum causa tuæ viæ: Ne me perdas illa die. Quærens me, sedisti lassus: Redemisti Crucem passus: Tantus labor non sit cassus. Juste judex ultionis, Donum fac remissionis Ante diem rationis. Ingemisco, tamquam reus: Culpa rubet vultus meus: Supplicanti parce, Deus. Qui Mariam absolvisti, Et latronem exaudisti, Mihi quoque spem dedisti. Preces meæ non sunt dignæ: Sed tu bonus fac benigne, Ne perenni cremer igne. Inter oves locum præsta, Et ab hædis me sequestra, Statuens in parte dextra. 30:18 - Confutatis / Confounded / Confundidos Confutatis maledictis, Flammis acribus addictis: Voca me cum benedictis. Oro supplex et acclinis, Cor contritum quasi cinis: Gere curam mei finis. 32:39 - Lacrimosa / Tearful / Lloroso Lacrimosa dies illa, Qua resurget ex favilla. Judicandus homo reus: Huic ergo parce, Deus. Pie Jesu Domine, Dona eis requiem. Amen. IV - Ofertorium / Offertory / Ofertorio: 39:14 - Domine Jesu Christe / Lord Jesus Christ / Señor Jesucristo Domine Jesu Christe, Rex gloriae gloriae, libera animas omnium fidelium defunctorum de poenis inferni et de profundo lacu: libera eas de ore leonis, ne absorbeat eas tartarus, ne cadant in obscurum. Sed signifer sanctus Michael repraesentet eas in lucem sanctam: 41:05 - ... Quam olim Abrahæ promisisti / How did you promise Abraham / Como prometiste a Abraham Quam olium Abrahae promisiti et semini ejus. 42:43 - Hostias / Sacrifice / Sacrificio Hostias et preces tibi, Domine, laudis offerimus: tu suscipe pro animabus illus, quarum hodie memoriam facimus: fac eas, Domine, de morte transire ad vitam, 44:54 - ... Quam olim Abrahæ promisisti / How did you promise Abraham / Como prometiste a Abraham quam olim Abrahae promisti et semini ejus. V - Sanctus / Holy / Santo: 46:39 - Sanctus / Holy / Santo Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus, Dominus Deus Sabaoth. Pleni sunt coeli et terra gloria tua 47:55 - ... Hosanna in excelsis / Hosanna in the highest / Hosanna en las alturas Hosanna in excelsis. 48:36 - Benedictus / Blessed / Bendito Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini. 53:36 - ... Hosanna in excelsis / Hosanna in the highest / Hosanna en las alturas Hosanna in excelsis. VI - Agnus Dei / Lamb of God / Cordero de Dios: 54:19 - Agnus Dei / Lamb of God / Cordero de Dios Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, dona eis requiem. Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, dona eis requiem Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, dona eis requiem sempiternam. VII - Comunio / Communion / Comunión: 59:15 - Lux Aeterna / Eternal Light / Luz eterna Lux aeterna luceat eis, Domine: Cum Sanctus tuis in aeternum: quia pius es. 1:00:49 - Requiem / Rest / Descanso Requiem aeternam dona eis. Domine: et lux perpetua luceat eis. 1:03:00 - ... Qum Sanctis / With the Saints / Con los Santos Cum Sanctis tuits in aeternum: quia pius es.
"Introitus" means not "Introduction", but "Introit". It's the text that begins the Mass. Also, "Awesome King" is the incorrect translation, because the full first line of that stanza is "Rex tremendae majestatis", which means not "Awesome King" but "King of tremendous majesty". "Lacrimosa" is not "Tears" but "Tearful", as the full phrase is "Lacrimosa dies illa", "Tearful is that day". Everything else is correct.
Magnificent! What a treat to see/hear Lenny conduct the Requiem. Even near the end of his life and not in good health he was still charismatic and handsome. And what an incredibly beautiful Baroque church this was performed in.
Какое чудо,что есть запись такого великолепного исполнения шедевра гениального Моцарта ! И какое невероятное кощунство - врываться в эту божественную музыку с кусками рекламы!
Danke fürs Hochladen, dieses Stück Musikgeschichte begleitet mich seit vielen Jahren. In guten und schlechten Zeiten schafft es Freude und Trost durch seine Schönheit. Danke Maestro Bernstein mit allen wunderbaren Akteuren. 🙏
I literally wish 😭 I knew how to loop this recording of the first 65 seconds. It’s so beautiful...the maestro’s interpretation. It probably makes heir Mozart himself cry 😢
This is Bernstein. But it's also, more, the composer Mozart. How wonderful a grand old conductor near the end of his life could give such reverence and respect to one who died at less than half his age, along with the whole orchestra and the whole auditorium, and more, to the very source of the human spirit and of human life.
Mi capita di ascoltare questa Messa almeno due tre volte a settimana ,è sempre una grande emozione ,mi entra bel corpo e nella mente .Grandissimo ed eterno Mozart ,grandissimo Bernstein, la mia interpretazione preferita ,bravissimi orchestra e coro .GRAZIE
Just an incredibly beautiful and moving piece of art. Musical perfection. At sixty years of age the introduction still moves me to tears. I weep openly for this absolutely vile contemporary world in which we reside. The world could freely partake in enjoying this music but instead wishes to perpetuate contempt and wickedness upon this beautiful planet in which we all reside.
my beloved mum, Tania Dobreva Rhodes, sang the mezzo soprano part in Mozart's Requiem, I always think of her when hearing it, always brings tears. May she RIP now. Magnificent performance all choristers, soloists, orchestra, Leonard Bernstein was tremendous
This is absolutely brilliant!! I've heard several performances of this work, and have several different recordings ... but this ... is something wonderful. Lennie gives all the musicians in this performance brilliant direction. ... the bells at the end, the lack of applause, gives it such ... gravitas - I hope that's an appropriate word here.
Probably Wolfgang did not even know what a commercial was. However, he would be proud to know that this Requiem is one of the finest works of composition that there ever was! I sang it years ago and so did a lot others. One hundred years from now, this piece will still be being performed all over the world.
Simplemente agradezco esa gran música, llevada tan magistralmente. Llega en nuestro corazón y solo puedo y quiero aplaudir a ese grandísimo maestro. Muchas gracias, ojalá nunca mueran esos gratis recuerdos de aquellos tiempos. Maestro, gracias otra vez.
His Lacrimosa is the best interpretation. You can really digest the despair and desperation at his tempo. Also I love how no one clapped after the requiem ended. They just took it all in and left.
Dovrebbero vietare per legge di mettere le pubblicità nel bel mezzo di questi capolavori 😤... Interpretazione meravigliosa del maestro e grande esecuzione solenne.
Que dire ? C’est tout simplement magnifique, ici tout le savoir faire d’un immense chef d’orchestre qui rend hommage à Mozart d’une façon magnifique ❤❤❤
Una esecuzione altamente poetica e travolgente. E pure qui, come sempre, si manifesta la straordinaria empatia del Maestro, il suo affetto, il suo trasporto verso i musicisti, la sua capacità di coinvolgimento. E il silenzio che avvolge la chiesa dopo la fine del Requiem è più commovente e intenso di un lungo e fragoroso applauso.
WOW! Just a couple of years after that breathless spectacular performance, Maestro Bernstein departed from this world. Appropriately, that performance should also be named, Bernstein Requiem!
bernstein is a genious , his requiem of mozart is amazing , a poetic , fantastic music , a marvelous dream , the voices are unforgetables thanks maistro bernstein
I think the soloists are Marie Mc Laughlin (sop), Maria Ewing (mezzo), Jerry Hedley (tenor), Cornelius Hauptmann (bass). One of many fine interpretations of a challenging and rewarding work.
Coming back again and again. Being an Architect (NDArchitect, Colborne, Canada), this supports my personality (I almost was a musician and as a last minute change I switched to becoming an Architect remaining in love with any good music), and my working habits and discipline
Might be too much to ask, but is anyone here in the comment section feeling the urge to translate the pre-concert lecture into English for some of us? My German is not sufficient to understand the Maestro, but I believe his words are of great importance. I and many other non-German speaking viewers thank you in advance!
Hello, for all those viewers, who don't understand Italian or German, I have provided an English translation of Leonard Bernstein's German introduction to the concert. The concert took place in the summer of 1988 in the baroque former monastery, now parish church of Dießen in Bavaria/Germany at the lake Ammer. Bernstein says in perfect German : "By the grace of Mozart's music I dedicate this requiem to the memory of my beloved wife, Felicia, who had died ten years ago. Particularly in this beautiful church the occasion connects with the two most basic concerns of us human beings: life and death, but also with our ability as matured human beings to face mortality. I don't know of a more refreshing and spontaneous statement about this topic than the words of Mozart himself from a letter of 1787 to his father, just four years before the death of the great Amadeus himself. I'd like to read to you a short excerpt from this letter : ========================== " Mon très cher père ! ( My dearest father !) At this moment I'm getting the message, which really depresses me, that thou are seriously ill. How much I'm longing for a consolating letter of yours I arguably don't need to tell thou. And I hope for it indeed, although it became a habit of mine only to expect the most bad in all things. Because death, strictly speaking, is the true goal of our lives, I for several years have made myself so familiar with this true friend of mankind, that his image not only has nothing terrifying to me anymore, but rather much soothing and comforting instead. And I thank my God, that he granted me the bliss to get the opportunity - thou'll understand me - to know him as the key to our true beatitude. I never go to bed without reflecting, as young as I might be, that the next day I could cease to exist. And even so no one of all those, who know me, could really say I might be a grumpy or sad one to be with. And for this bliss I thank all day my creator and wish it wholeheartedly to all my fellow human beings." ========================= (Little addition of mine : this was Mozart's last letter to his father Leopold, who would die only a few weeks later. Also sadly Wolfgang never got a response to his moving letter.)
Selon moi, c,est une tres bonne interprétation du Requiem en Re mineur de Mozart....le choeur est tres bon,,,l,orchestre tres tres bon Bernstein est magnanime,,,tres émotif,,tres expressif et en même temps : direction ferme et tres précise Je crois que Mozart serait content
Bernstein's is the Requiem I grew up on. I had an early recording and played it constantly as a youngster. His is still the deepest and most comfortingl
The tempi vary widely from others who've recorded this masterwork; there is something personal and visceral about each movement in this performance. Some have looked at the much longer running time, but geez: the Dies irae flies, as it should, and the deeply felt slow movements are just gut punches.
I agree. I've think I've heard just about all of the performances of this magnificent piece, and Leonard Bernstein nails it like no other. He brings the very soul of wrath to life.
Für mich die beste, von Spannung, Dynamik und Ausdruck Aufführung dieses Werkes. Atemberaubend und Schauer über den Rücken jagend. Das Lacrimosa kenne ich nicht ausdrucksstärker. Das Finale ganz stark mit dem Übergang ins Piano (auch wenn es nicht in der Partitur steht) und die Glocken unterstützen die würdevolle Atmosphäre. Ich habe es selber schon öfters mitgesungen und diese Aufnahme höre ich immer wieder gerne.
UA-cam has clearly NO respect for classical music. You'd never see an ad in the middle of a Beyonce song, but they will interrupt Mozart just anywhere. This kind of culture deffamation should be regulated!
I am absolutely livid at this intrusion of adds into such a masterpiece. Livid
Get adblock
I totally agree.
その通り バーンスタインだぞ
Eduardo Genovart For Gods sake get ADBLOCK stop moaning,your own fault no need to let adverts ruin classical music.
L' esecuzione di questo inarrivabile requiem da parte di Bernstein è ultimativa ed insuperabile. Nessuno come lui riesce ad esaltare il lirismo della partitura. Tale lirismo raggiunge la sua vetta nel "Agnus dei", ma anche nel "Recordare" e nel "Lacrimosa". Nessuna altra esecuzione può essere paragonata a questa. Sublime e immortale Mozart, grande ed immenso Bernstein.
Ne sono consapevole della grandezza del maestro, ma per molto tempo ho ascoltato la messa di requiem diretta da Karl Bhom, energica, avvolgente magnificamente interpretata.
Bellissimo...specialmente quando lo interrompe la pubblicità. Complimenti agli AskeNazi merdiques 🖕
@@tesfawuncadamuro Ho accolto il tuo consiglio ed ho ascoltato l' esecuzione di Bohm. E' veramente eccellente, ma, perdonami, io preferisco l' esecuzione di Bernstein. Lenny (mi perdonerà il Maestro questa confidenza), con i suoi tempi dilatati rende meglio il meraviglioso lirismo di alcuni numeri. L' esecuzione di Bohm però è grandemente superiore nel "Tuba mirum" dove, avendo a disposizione 4 cantanti autentici fluoriclasse, il memorabile incipit di Berry prosegue in maniera eccellente con gli altri cantanti e si conclude con la voce angelica della Janovitz. Io sono un grande ammiratore di Bernstein e, forse, sono condizionato da questo, infatti lo giudico il miglio direttore di tutti i tempi. Ricordo solo la sua esecuzione dell' integrale delle sinfonie di Mahler, credo insuperabile.
The recording by von Karajan is far, far superior
Now maybe Teodor Kurentzis!
Brilliant Leonard Bernstein. Fluent in five languages. His intellect and talents are iconic and monumental. Thank you for this video. Concerned the film Maestro grossly disrespects his life and legacy. I hope viewers are led to videos such as this to grasp the magnitude of the man.
This is my favorite recording of this. I especially love the way the performance ends, with silence and a feeling of reverence.
La sensibilità di quest' uomo è talmente grande, profonda e di conoscenza e sensibilità che mai nessuno potrà eguagliarlo. Caro Lenny grazie per tutto quello che ci hai lasciato.
Still loving this recording 36 years later. So happy it is on-line and I don't have to bring my record player to work! :) Forever one of the greatest sources of the sublime and joy all in one performance!
I was able to attend his 70th birthday party at Tanglewood in the Berkshire Mountains in 1988. Quite an event. Went on for hours. Paid $100 per seat and we weren't close enough to be underneath a roof. Watched it from video screens provided. The love and admiration was everywhere.
Requiem 6:24
Kyrie 13:02
Dies Irae 15:46
Tuba Mirum 17:30
Rex Tremendae 21:52
Recordare 24:40
Confutatis 30:16
Lacrimosa 32:35
Domine Jesu 39:14
Hostias 42:42
Sanctus 46:35
Benedictus 48:34
Agnus Dei 54:16
I use your comment almost daily to get me to the starting point. Thanks :)
Thank you for doing this
Grazie !
As I sit here listening to this magnificent work, it is the first time I gave heard it in this new, slower rendition. It is magnificent! I am across the street from Brooklyn's Greenwood cemetery, where Lenny himself is buried. I wonder if Lenny is listening along with me.
I miss my husband. He died just over a month ago. We used to listen to great works of music, snuggling together, oohing and aging at the sounds as well as the sensation of being close. As Lenny dedicated this performance to the memory of his late wife, I remember my husband. Maybe it was preordained that I would discover this great performance only after your death, so that you could enjoy it with me from heaven
I'm so sorry for your deep loss, Patti.
P.S. That sounds like a wonderful way to listen and share. I wish my ex- and I had done that. But we did get to perform it, under a beloved conductor, with many dear friends, which was unforgettable.
you and your husband will live forever and contribute forever with your creativity@@a.w.thompson4001
This is Leonard Bernstein. He was able to read with correct accent- German. We miss him. A great artist like Maestro Bernstein always leaves us too soon.
We all need to prepare for death !
Why oh why It happens in everything that is good and brilliant taken too soon mindyou in this case dozens of cigarettes a day did not help on top of his lung conditions Asthma and Emphysema .To live to 72yrs was quite extroadinary R.I.P Maestro Bernstein and thank you for all your musicality.
He was fluent in German, one of the various languages he spoke very well.
I miss him too. My late parents knew him well when he came to Atlanta. I was about 7 or 8 years old on my first encounter with him. He told my mom and dad I was a cute little girl. I even said a few words to him of what I knew in German. I also had fond memories of seeing him perform on TV doing Verdi's 'Requiem' during the Easter holidays
@@alessandralombardini-parks1604 No jo, geht so, die Chinesen können besser Deutsch..👽👽👽
Als Mozart liefhebber vind ik dit het absolute summum van schoonheid in de muziek geschiedenis BRAVO Leonard Burnstein
Requiem, è la più’ bella, la più originale, la più emozionante,,la più completa e perfetta opera che un essere umano abbia potuto creare a livello musicale!
Originale non tanto, Mozart si ispirò tantissimo al requiem dell’Amico Michel Haydn, e glielo disse pure.
Absolute perfection. Bernstein is brilliant. Exactly what my heart needs when listening to the requiem.
BEST VERSION if this masterpiece EVER!!!!! Bernstein and orchestra and singers and choir are incredible here. I played the timpany part at a performance in our Doomchurch with the music conservatory orchestra. An amazing thing that will always be a treasure in my heart. It sounds simple, but it is one of the most difficult pieces to play following a conductor, reasoning the slow tempos and beats and expression to it.
Yes my friend, Sophia Strauss The BEST composer All of Times and master of violins and BEST world ♥️🎻
And the organ too.
Each to their own..I prefer the others (Karajan and Abbado) personally.
Sehr schön Lenny in deutsch zu hören. Niemand konnte uns die klassische Musik so darbieten wie er.
The tempo of Lacrimosa is simply astonishing. Truly incredible
So slow even the rests have vibrato.
Absolutely agreed.
Amazing tempi…Lacrimosa is unbelievable. Wow. Shivers every time on the “Amen”.
This is a great interpretation. One of my favorites. It's slower and more solemn that most others, which I really appreciate.
Agree. Solemn.
This Lacrimosa was an eye opener. I think this is exactly what Mozart had in mind. Breathtakingly beautiful.
Yes, it's slower .. but that's exactly what's absolutely amazing.
Karl Bohm did a great job too....!!!
The best recording of Mozart's Requiem ever ... tempo is everything!
Lacrimosa sounded wonderful in this slow tempo
Exactly right. Bernstein, Karajan, Barenboim = perfect tempos.
I agree. Most are too fast.
Bernstein Mozart Requiem
Fantastic performance!
All PERFECT! Perfect chorus, perfect soloists and orchestra in a glorious setting.
I was fortunate to sing this with the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra and Chorus (as a chorus member) to a sold out performance in the mid '80's at Carnegie Hall.
I camped almost next to this church on a European bicycle tour in 1986. If I had known that this was to have taken place two years later I would have waited there for it! Sublime.
What church is this?
Hello, agustaverbian !
The concert took place in the summer of 1988 in the baroque former monastery, now parish church of Dießen in Bavaria/Germany at the lake Ammer.
For all those viewers, who don't understand Italian or German, I have provided an English translation of Leonard Bernstein's German introduction to the concert.
Bernstein says in perfect German :
"By the grace of Mozart's music I dedicate this requiem to the memory of my beloved wife, Felicia, who had died ten years ago.
Particularly in this beautiful church the occasion connects with the two most basic concerns of us human beings: life and death, but also with our ability as matured human beings to face mortality.
I don't know of a more refreshing and spontaneous statement about this topic than the words of Mozart himself from a letter of 1787 to his father, just four years before the death of the great Amadeus himself.
I'd like to read to you a short excerpt from this letter :
" Mon très cher père !
( My dearest father !)
At this moment I'm getting the message, which really depresses me, that thou are seriously ill.
How much I'm longing for a consolating letter of yours I arguably don't need to tell thou.
And I hope for it indeed,
although it became a habit of mine only to expect the most bad in all things.
Because death, strictly speaking, is the true goal of our lives, I for several years have made myself so familiar with this true friend of mankind, that his image not only has nothing terrifying to me anymore, but rather much soothing and comforting instead.
And I thank my God, that he granted me the bliss to get the opportunity
- thou'll understand me -
to know him as the key to our true beatitude.
I never go to bed without reflecting, as young as I might be, that the next day I could cease to exist.
And even so no one of all those, who know me, could really say I might be a grumpy or sad one to be with.
And for this bliss I thank all day my creator and wish it wholeheartedly to all my fellow human beings."
(Little addition of mine :
this was Mozart's last letter to his father Leopold, who would die only a few weeks later. Also sadly Wolfgang never got a response to his moving letter.)
Kind regards from Germany !
The concert took place in the summer of 1988 in the baroque former monastery, now parish church of Dießen in Bavaria/Germany at the lake Ammer.
I never grow tired of hearing this. This is the best performance of this piece, IMO. Such a reverent tempo.
I sing this piece every year with my church choir. We dedicate it to all the deceased on our parish. I sometimes cannot keep from sobbing during the Kyrie.
Magnificent, spooky in final analysis, this performance reveals the greatness and timelessness of Mozart's Requiem Mass. Leonard Bernstein delivers, then departs sans applause, acknowledging only the principal players with affectionate whispers and kisses, shunning all with the insistence that this music is beyond applause.
This work gives me goosebumps. Incredibly powerful and divine. I wish we got to see more of this serious side of Mozart, because he could do it like nobody else. A monumental work of pure brilliance. And this performance is incredible. This performance of Lacrimosa is the most beautiful thing I've ever heard.
What a wonderful overture played by the bassoon!!! Wowww!!! 60 seconds of pure magic
Wow...the performance, the ending!....truly epic
Léonard Bernstein que dire ? Un chef d’orchestre exceptionnel qui entre dans le panthéon des grands , des très grands. Respect Maestro ❤❤
Il momento dal finale... wow! Bellisima interpretazione dal tutti punti di vedere
Genius met genius ... Best , in my opinion, inerpretation of Mozart's best music... in L. Bernstain;s hands we get monumental beauty, real music preyer. Perfectness
Simply the best interpretation of the Mozart Requiem ever! Including many attempts by the so called "authentic" interpretation on period instruments. Bernstein was so close to Mozart because he was both a conducting and composing genius as well.
God. This is the best I heard. I understand Bernstein dedicated this performance to the memory of his wife.
A bit of advice re the commercials: get ad-blocker on chrome, it stops them all. You can just hear Mozart and Bernstein, uninterrupted. Nothing beats this.
Is there addblock for phone?
@@rsingh1252 yes
Orchestral performance flawless. Oh and the choir... Stunning
Church bells... reminding us all that this is a sacred piece... above all.
Statisticians checked the **ACTUAL NUMBERS** with church officials, and guess what? In America, right now, only 18% of people attend church. In England, it's down to 1% (no lie)...
L’ascolto del Requiem di Mozart è un’esperienza sconvolgente che tocca intimamente e spiritualmente il nostro animo. In particolare, i tempi più dilatati della splendida esecuzione di Leonard Bernstein, evocano immagini, ricordi e sensazioni del dolore quello vero, profondo inconsolabile della perdita di una persona cara. L’apice viene raggiunto durante il “lacrimosa”, il cui ascolto lascia senza fiato con gli occhi tristi e lucidi. L’assenza di appulsi voluta da Leonard Bernstein è il giusto corollario a questa silenziosa esplosione di emozioni.
Caro Francesco, ha proprio ragione: questo Requiem è particolarmente intenso.
Io non mi stanco mai di ascoltarlo, anche le singole parti separatamente.
La direzione di Leonard Bernstein, secondo me, è molto sensibile, così come
la bravura dei solisti.
In particolare mi piace Jerry Hadley, peccato che ho letto proprio ieri che si è suicidato...
RIP accompagnato da questa musica meravigliosa.
Un caro saluto da Brescia Italia 💕🙏✨
A message to everyone who is commenting that the tempos are slow. This is a record of a LIVE performance NOT a commercial recording. The performance is given in a large cathedral which will create reverberation problems for conductor and musicians. If the tempo is taken at those expected in the acoustic of a concert hall you would just get a garbled mess of notes clashing into each other. Bernsteins recordings on DG and Sony are both slightly quicker but no less moving.
Treat this for what it is. A live performance in a Cathedral try thinking before writing
If you look at the novello 1850 organ accompaniment of this edited by Vincent Novello (1781-1861) available on IMSLP he has tempo metronome markings which are even slower than this! Check your facts. Novello overlapped Mozart by 10 years and wrote a long comprehensive introduction to the piece where he moans about people performing it too quickly in 1850 and not in keeping with mozarts style!!
Exactly why concerts of large orchestras and chorus should not be given on cathedrals. The setting is beautiful but the acoustics are dreadful.
It is a mass of the dead, expresses pain and loss of a loved one, begs God for the eternal rest and salvation of his soul and the forgiveness of his sins, is a moment of deep reflection, and the music magnificently expresses in its depth and its slow time, honoring the feelings and the supplication to the highest, is not music of the Moulin Rouge for the love of God. !!!
@@RobinBeaumont I'm usually of the opinion that Mozart's works are performed far too slow, but the Requiem is definitely one of those works that should be taken at about the tempo that Bernstein is conducting it at. It's of a very different character to most of Mozart's other works.
Oh man if only Mozart had have lived long enough to see the final realization of his final masterpiece!
And have it interrupted by an ad.
He would be very old...
@@jmitterii2 AdBlock. On computers, at least.
Features subtleties of harmony, and carves out strong phrases better than other conductors. The performance "speaks" the depths of the Requiem texts most effectively. More than just the notes.
That ending was the most stunning thing I've seen in a live performance
Peut-être la version la plus grandiose, la plus sensible, la plus magnifique, du REQUIEM de Mozart, que j'avais découverte en 1994, sur un CD qui appartenait à mon amie. Merci pour ce cadeau et ce souvenir, beau... jusqu'à l'infini !
I've seen/heard many renditions of Mozart's requiem, but this one, I find supreme.
a hundred percent agree ! celestial master piece well conducted and interpreted !
What about Karl Bohm?
Bohm's rendition is majestic! But, a bit slow. Sorry.
I like Karajan's version better (
@@maxbuskirk5302it’s good but a bit slow
........I - Introitus / Introit / Introito:
06:27 - Requiem / Rest / Descanso
07:34 - Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine,
08:30 - et lux perpetua luceat eis.
09:20 - Te decet hymnus Deus, in Sion,
09:43 - et tibi reddetur votum in Jerusalem.
09:59 - Exaudi orationem meam;
10:21 - ad te omnis caro veniet.
10:59 - Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine
12:05 - et lux perpetua luceat eis.
13:02 - II - Kyrie / Lord, Have Mercy
/ Señor ten piedad
13:02 - Kyrie eleison
Christe eleison
Kyrie eleison
III - Sequentia / Sequenz / Secuencia:
15:47 - Dies irae / Day of Wrath
/ El día de la ira
15:47 - Dies iræ, dies illa
Solvet sæclum in favilla
Teste David cum Sibylla
15:59 - Quantus tremor est futurus
Quando iudex est venturus
Cuncta stricte discussurus
16:18 - Dies iræ, dies illa
Solvet sæclum in favilla
Teste David cum Sibylla
16:30 - Quantus tremor est futurus
Quando iudex est venturus
Cuncta stricte discussurus
16:45 - Quantus tremor est futurus
Dies iræ, dies illa
Quantus tremor est futurus
Dies iræ, dies illa
16:57 - Quantus tremor est futurus
Quantus tremor est futurus
Quando iudex est venturus
Cuncta stricte discussurus
17:09 - Cuncta stricte
Cuncta stricte
stricte discussurus
17:16 - Cuncta stricte
Cuncta stricte
stricte discussurus
17:30 - Tuba mirum / Trumpet
/ La trompeta, esparciendo un asombroso sonido
Tuba, mirum spargens sonum
Per sepulchra regionum,
Coget omnes ante thronum.
Mors stupebit, et natura,
Cum resurget creatura,
Judicanti responsura.
Liber scriptus proferetur,
In quo totum continetur,
Unde mundus judicetur.
Judex ergo cum sedebit,
Quidquid latet, apparebit:
Nil inultum remanebit.
Quid sum miser tunc dicturus?
Quem patronum rogaturus,
Cum vix justus sit securus?
21:52 - Rex tremendae / King of tremendous majesty/ Rey de tremenda majestad
Rex tremendæ majestatis,
Qui salvandos salvas gratis,
Salva me, fons pietatis.
24:40 - Recordare / Remember
/ Recuerda Jesús piadoso
Recordare, Jesu pie,
Quod sum causa tuæ viæ:
Ne me perdas illa die.
Quærens me, sedisti lassus:
Redemisti Crucem passus:
Tantus labor non sit cassus.
Juste judex ultionis,
Donum fac remissionis
Ante diem rationis.
Ingemisco, tamquam reus:
Culpa rubet vultus meus:
Supplicanti parce, Deus.
Qui Mariam absolvisti,
Et latronem exaudisti,
Mihi quoque spem dedisti.
Preces meæ non sunt dignæ:
Sed tu bonus fac benigne,
Ne perenni cremer igne.
Inter oves locum præsta,
Et ab hædis me sequestra,
Statuens in parte dextra.
30:18 - Confutatis / Confounded
/ Confundidos
Confutatis maledictis,
Flammis acribus addictis:
Voca me cum benedictis.
Oro supplex et acclinis,
Cor contritum quasi cinis:
Gere curam mei finis.
32:39 - Lacrimosa / Tearful / Lloroso
Lacrimosa dies illa,
Qua resurget ex favilla.
Judicandus homo reus:
Huic ergo parce, Deus.
Pie Jesu Domine,
Dona eis requiem. Amen.
IV - Ofertorium / Offertory / Ofertorio:
39:14 - Domine Jesu Christe / Lord Jesus Christ
/ Señor Jesucristo
Domine Jesu Christe, Rex gloriae gloriae, libera
animas omnium fidelium defunctorum de poenis inferni
et de profundo lacu: libera eas de ore
leonis, ne absorbeat eas tartarus, ne cadant in obscurum.
Sed signifer sanctus Michael repraesentet eas in lucem sanctam:
41:05 - ... Quam olim Abrahæ promisisti / How did you promise Abraham / Como prometiste a Abraham
Quam olium Abrahae promisiti et semini ejus.
42:43 - Hostias / Sacrifice
/ Sacrificio
Hostias et preces tibi, Domine, laudis offerimus:
tu suscipe pro animabus illus, quarum hodie
memoriam facimus: fac eas, Domine, de morte
transire ad vitam,
44:54 - ... Quam olim Abrahæ promisisti / How did you promise Abraham / Como prometiste a Abraham
quam olim Abrahae promisti et semini ejus.
V - Sanctus / Holy
/ Santo:
46:39 - Sanctus / Holy
/ Santo
Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus,
Dominus Deus Sabaoth.
Pleni sunt coeli et terra gloria tua
47:55 - ... Hosanna in excelsis / Hosanna in the highest / Hosanna en las alturas
Hosanna in excelsis.
48:36 - Benedictus / Blessed
/ Bendito
Benedictus qui venit
in nomine Domini.
53:36 - ... Hosanna in excelsis / Hosanna in the highest / Hosanna en las alturas
Hosanna in excelsis.
VI - Agnus Dei / Lamb of God
/ Cordero de Dios:
54:19 - Agnus Dei / Lamb of God
/ Cordero de Dios
Agnus Dei,
qui tollis peccata mundi,
dona eis requiem.
Agnus Dei,
qui tollis peccata mundi,
dona eis requiem
Agnus Dei,
qui tollis peccata mundi,
dona eis requiem sempiternam.
VII - Comunio / Communion / Comunión:
59:15 - Lux Aeterna / Eternal Light / Luz eterna
Lux aeterna luceat eis, Domine:
Cum Sanctus tuis in aeternum: quia pius es.
1:00:49 - Requiem / Rest / Descanso
Requiem aeternam dona eis. Domine: et lux
perpetua luceat eis.
1:03:00 - ... Qum Sanctis /
With the Saints / Con los Santos
Cum Sanctis tuits in
aeternum: quia pius es.
"Introitus" means not "Introduction", but "Introit". It's the text that begins the Mass.
Also, "Awesome King" is the incorrect translation, because the full first line of that stanza is "Rex tremendae majestatis", which means not "Awesome King" but "King of tremendous majesty".
"Lacrimosa" is not "Tears" but "Tearful", as the full phrase is "Lacrimosa dies illa", "Tearful is that day".
Everything else is correct.
@@eliasmazhukin2009 ¡ Muchas Gracias, ya lo corregí !
Magnífica aportación el señalar cada parte 💀🖤
@@Karlaestefaniar Ya que me alentaste aumenté una parte, jaja
Thank you
The soloists are so in sync and balance. And they sound great. No wayward, hotdog vibratos jumping out or anything!
Magnificent! What a treat to see/hear Lenny conduct the Requiem. Even near the end of his life and not in good health he was still charismatic and handsome. And what an incredibly beautiful Baroque church this was performed in.
Какое чудо,что есть запись такого великолепного исполнения шедевра гениального Моцарта ! И какое невероятное кощунство - врываться в эту божественную музыку с кусками рекламы!
Das ist wohl sehr berührend, Bersntein spricht Deutsch und über seine Frau.Dieses Dokument muß erhalten bleiben. Danke
You cannot surpass this level of sublime.
Danke fürs Hochladen, dieses Stück Musikgeschichte begleitet mich seit vielen Jahren. In guten und schlechten Zeiten schafft es Freude und Trost durch seine Schönheit.
Danke Maestro Bernstein mit allen wunderbaren Akteuren. 🙏
This masterpiece is marked as KV 626 and first part starts at 6:26.
626 is the number-value of the Greek word 'ourane' meaning 'O Heaven' (Rev 18.20). Seems appropriate.
The slowness at the beginning is necessary. This is the right rythm for this requiem.
I literally wish 😭 I knew how to loop this recording of the first 65 seconds. It’s so beautiful...the maestro’s interpretation.
It probably makes heir Mozart himself cry 😢
Too slow.
I 10000% agree
I really like the reqquuuuiiiiieeeemmm fugal entry in the beginning.
This is Bernstein. But it's also, more, the composer Mozart. How wonderful a grand old conductor near the end of his life could give such reverence and respect to one who died at less than half his age, along with the whole orchestra and the whole auditorium, and more, to the very source of the human spirit and of human life.
Mi capita di ascoltare questa Messa almeno due tre volte a settimana ,è sempre una grande emozione ,mi entra bel corpo e nella mente .Grandissimo ed eterno Mozart ,grandissimo Bernstein, la mia interpretazione preferita ,bravissimi orchestra e coro .GRAZIE
I have listened to many different versions of Requiem recording and concerts but still, nothing quite more appeals to me than this Bernstein version.
Just an incredibly beautiful and moving piece of art. Musical perfection. At sixty years of age the introduction still moves me to tears. I weep openly for this absolutely vile contemporary world in which we reside. The world could freely partake in enjoying this music but instead wishes to perpetuate contempt and wickedness upon this beautiful planet in which we all reside.
We like it slow. We Need it slow to understand the genius of Mozart
my beloved mum, Tania Dobreva Rhodes, sang the mezzo soprano part in Mozart's Requiem, I always think of her when hearing it, always brings tears. May she RIP now. Magnificent performance all choristers, soloists, orchestra, Leonard Bernstein was tremendous
Splendid! Solemn, slow and violent, beautifully articulated and pure latin choir... Rare and precious, a gem
This is absolutely brilliant!! I've heard several performances of this work, and have several different recordings ... but this ... is something wonderful. Lennie gives all the musicians in this performance brilliant direction. ... the bells at the end, the lack of applause, gives it such ... gravitas - I hope that's an appropriate word here.
Bernstein, Mozart...pure genius... the people at that church, they don't know how lucky they were
I think they probably knew it was a once in a lifetime experience.
Probably Wolfgang did not even know what a commercial was. However, he would be proud to know that this Requiem is one of the finest works of composition that there ever was! I sang it years ago and so did a lot others. One hundred years from now, this piece will still be being performed all over the world.
Simplemente agradezco esa gran música, llevada tan magistralmente.
Llega en nuestro corazón y solo puedo y quiero aplaudir a ese grandísimo maestro.
Muchas gracias, ojalá nunca mueran esos gratis recuerdos de aquellos tiempos.
Maestro, gracias otra vez.
This is the most powerful rendition I’ve listened to in years
His Lacrimosa is the best interpretation. You can really digest the despair and desperation at his tempo. Also I love how no one clapped after the requiem ended. They just took it all in and left.
It's a requiem. You're not supposed to clap at a funeral.
Dovrebbero vietare per legge di mettere le pubblicità nel bel mezzo di questi capolavori 😤...
Interpretazione meravigliosa del maestro e grande esecuzione solenne.
Que dire ? C’est tout simplement magnifique, ici tout le savoir faire d’un immense chef d’orchestre qui rend hommage à Mozart d’une façon magnifique ❤❤❤
PERFECT TEMPO!!! Bravo maestro Bernstein!!
Undoubtfully. This is the tempo!
Una esecuzione altamente poetica e travolgente. E pure qui, come sempre, si manifesta la straordinaria empatia del Maestro, il suo affetto, il suo trasporto verso i musicisti, la sua capacità di coinvolgimento. E il silenzio che avvolge la chiesa dopo la fine del Requiem è più commovente e intenso di un lungo e fragoroso applauso.
Very good!! The camera work is also impeccable!
True. Excellent to the point. 💗
WOW! Just a couple of years after that breathless spectacular performance, Maestro Bernstein departed from this world. Appropriately, that performance should also be named, Bernstein Requiem!
After 11 years listening to this recording today I noticed how bad are the audio, but Bernstein's conducting makes the video worth of lasting forever.
The Voca me portion of Confutatis
always tears me up. For this is how I envision Angels singing when I lay my head down to eternal rest!
Das ist sowas von gewaltig, dieses Tempo des Introitus, das klingt nach Requiem.
Megható és felemelő!! Zseniális művész!!!
bernstein is a genious , his requiem of mozart is amazing , a poetic , fantastic music , a marvelous dream , the voices are unforgetables thanks maistro bernstein
I think the soloists are Marie Mc Laughlin (sop), Maria Ewing (mezzo), Jerry Hedley (tenor), Cornelius Hauptmann (bass). One of many fine interpretations of a challenging and rewarding work.
Bernstein's Lacrimosa is sublime.
Best ever.
Best I ever heard in the perfect tempo only an absolute master can find.
Yes it is good, But i don't like this version. I like the Baerenrieter version more.. there are important differences in instrumental and tenor line.
Missing the last "Dona eis" from tenors
Unique and best execution! Meant for a slower tempo only conducted appropriately by Bernstein!!! Beautiful!
The best catholic mass setting in history. Glory to God, the Son and the Holy Spirit! ✝️✝️✝️
Music starts about 6:20. You'll get a little of Bernstein getting ready, but you'll save 6 minutes. Cheers.
Truly what a performance and interpretation. Unbelievable!
This is artistically SO strong , to the point and emotionally taxing! Bernstein could reach the core of everything!
mette holm Best comment I have read for ages .....Yes Bernstein was all seeing in many respects.
My favorite piece, this is the best rendition of this piece on UA-cam, slow and absolutely fantastic.
Out of all the recording of Mozart's Requiem, this is definitely my favorite.
The "Benedictus" brought tears to my eyes...just lovely.
this is the most beautiful version of the Requiem I have listened to ..... epic
Best interpretation of the requiem I've ever heard. Holy shit.
Coming back again and again. Being an Architect (NDArchitect, Colborne, Canada), this supports my personality (I almost was a musician and as a last minute change I switched to becoming an Architect remaining in love with any good music), and my working habits and discipline
Might be too much to ask, but is anyone here in the comment section feeling the urge to translate the pre-concert lecture into English for some of us? My German is not sufficient to understand the Maestro, but I believe his words are of great importance. I and many other non-German speaking viewers thank you in advance!
Hello, for all those viewers, who don't understand Italian or German, I have provided an English translation of Leonard Bernstein's German introduction to the concert.
The concert took place in the summer of 1988 in the baroque former monastery, now parish church of Dießen in Bavaria/Germany at the lake Ammer.
Bernstein says in perfect German :
"By the grace of Mozart's music I dedicate this requiem to the memory of my beloved wife, Felicia, who had died ten years ago.
Particularly in this beautiful church the occasion connects with the two most basic concerns of us human beings: life and death, but also with our ability as matured human beings to face mortality.
I don't know of a more refreshing and spontaneous statement about this topic than the words of Mozart himself from a letter of 1787 to his father, just four years before the death of the great Amadeus himself.
I'd like to read to you a short excerpt from this letter :
" Mon très cher père !
( My dearest father !)
At this moment I'm getting the message, which really depresses me, that thou are seriously ill.
How much I'm longing for a consolating letter of yours I arguably don't need to tell thou.
And I hope for it indeed,
although it became a habit of mine only to expect the most bad in all things.
Because death, strictly speaking, is the true goal of our lives, I for several years have made myself so familiar with this true friend of mankind, that his image not only has nothing terrifying to me anymore, but rather much soothing and comforting instead.
And I thank my God, that he granted me the bliss to get the opportunity
- thou'll understand me -
to know him as the key to our true beatitude.
I never go to bed without reflecting, as young as I might be, that the next day I could cease to exist.
And even so no one of all those, who know me, could really say I might be a grumpy or sad one to be with.
And for this bliss I thank all day my creator and wish it wholeheartedly to all my fellow human beings."
(Little addition of mine :
this was Mozart's last letter to his father Leopold, who would die only a few weeks later. Also sadly Wolfgang never got a response to his moving letter.)
Selon moi, c,est une tres bonne interprétation du Requiem en Re mineur de Mozart....le choeur est tres bon,,,l,orchestre tres tres bon Bernstein est magnanime,,,tres émotif,,tres expressif et en même temps : direction ferme et tres précise Je crois que Mozart serait content
alain raymond Completement d'accord.
The best Requiem performance.
... I thinking if it's not the best perfomance of Requiem I've heard. Great phrases and emotional singing especially soloists. Thank you, maestro!
Standing silente ovation as you wanted, heaven was your limit.
Bravo Maestro.
Bernstein's is the Requiem I grew up on. I had an early recording and played it constantly as a youngster. His is still the deepest and most comfortingl
How dare UA-cam interrupt Maestro Bernstein and the music of Mozart!! UA-cam should be ashamed! Shame on you!
Più frequento le sue esecuzioni più mi convinco che Bernstein sia il più grande di tutti: una Luminosa Intelligenza al servizio della Musica.
@Edmond Up OP
The tempi vary widely from others who've recorded this masterwork; there is something personal and visceral about each movement in this performance. Some have looked at the much longer running time, but geez: the Dies irae flies, as it should, and the deeply felt slow movements are just gut punches.
Opera Eccelsa di un uomo geniale!
Meravigliosa interpretazione! Grazie mille!
his dies irae is the best in my opinion from other Maestros like Karajan, Davis, Gardiner
I agree. I've think I've heard just about all of the performances of this magnificent piece, and Leonard Bernstein nails it like no other. He brings the very soul of wrath to life.
It's too fast
Für mich die beste, von Spannung, Dynamik und Ausdruck Aufführung dieses Werkes. Atemberaubend und Schauer über den Rücken jagend. Das Lacrimosa kenne ich nicht ausdrucksstärker. Das Finale ganz stark mit dem Übergang ins Piano (auch wenn es nicht in der Partitur steht) und die Glocken unterstützen die würdevolle Atmosphäre. Ich habe es selber schon öfters mitgesungen und diese Aufnahme höre ich immer wieder gerne.
This is the best rendition of this incredible piece, imo. It's Leonard Bernstein, that's why. The soloists are also amazing.