Towers New Air Fryer halogen oven, vs Ninja Air Fryer.

  • Опубліковано 26 січ 2024


  • @gazmeau3192
    @gazmeau3192 4 місяці тому +5

    The Halogen fryer shown is available under several brand names with prices from £29.95 compared to Ninjas £200+, plus you can see the food cooking without open a drawer, and no Teflon so they win hands down for me.

    • @its-review-time
      @its-review-time  4 місяці тому


    • @ToniInSussex
      @ToniInSussex 3 місяці тому

      I liked the halogen oven I used at a friend's home once. I loved it and SO easy to clean! As for any safety issues, I'm a child of the 60s. Don't care. I'm wondering if the air fryer is the next fondu pot. I think it's important to add that one could put a food item in the bottom of that halogen oven too. There's room for more options. One could make a stew in it, or a soup - most anything, and bake. Right? Nice video 🎉

  • @RemnantDiscipleLazzaro-Rev1217
    @RemnantDiscipleLazzaro-Rev1217 5 місяців тому +2

    I might be wrong but i do not think using Halogen lights in this situation to play a part in cooking food is a good idea from what i know about them. Halogen lights put UV radiation which i'm thinking would have a similar effect as microwaving food, meaning that when you microwave food, you basically are nuking it with radiation and thus destroying any nutritional value in the food. Regarding Halogen lights, Australian and British scientists have found that tungsten-halogen lamps emit higher amounts of ultraviolet radiation than conventional lightbulbs and, in certain circumstances, increases the risk of skin cancer, sunburn and cataracts. So using light, and such light like halogen generated light to cook food does not seem like a good idea at all when such light increases the risk of skin cancer sunburn etc. if Halogen light in such cases is able to do that, what is it doing to the food? I would think it's neutralising the nutritional benefit of the food, even making it cancerous by destroying the chemical bonds in the food thus de-nutritionalises the food like it was nuked with a microwave. I know Halogen light is used to disinfect certain things in the medical industry and water treatment industry and related, it's called Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation. The process utilises short wavelength UV light to eliminate the microorganisms. The UV destroys their DNA and disfigures the germs’ nucleic acids. In this way, the UV light disables pathogens, therefore, cannot perform cellular functions. Food is not immune to the DNA degradation. Well.. to me.. it's not a good idea to use Halogen lights to cook food, and this product is a first year model, and so it's not necessarily wise to buy a product that is in its first year of production until the kinks are worked out and until there is more information if the product is truly safe/truly passed correctly done safety tests thus receiving a safety sheet clearance by a reputable organisation that tests such things in such an application of this type.
    Updated after watching video: The UV light that close to the food, well the closer a UV light is to our skin, the higher the chance of skin cancer etc. What is good though, is the container where the food cooks, is glass it seems, if so, then that is one of the best materials to cook with since it's non-toxic like the TEFLON in so many Air Cookers _[sorry they do not fry, another marketing lie]_ but it's negated by Halogen light/radiation cooking. I will stick to Air Cooking but have yet to find a Air Cooker that does not use TEFLON inside the cooking area container _[well one could use parchment paper or that special type of non-toxic lining sheet one is able to buy that is used to prevent food from touching TEFLON metal surface in a baking dish or casserole dish etc but TEFLON still gives off toxic fumes at higher temperatures from what i've read, just better to not use it at all]_ and so it would be great to see a stainless steel or glass or ceramic lined inside area inside the cooking container in an Air Cooker, then you would have true non-toxic cooking etc.

    • @its-review-time
      @its-review-time  5 місяців тому +1

      Yes you may be right in some of your points, but halogen ovens are not new and we're quite popular up till about 4 years ago when air fryers took over, and you are right about ptfe, but unfortunately we all have to eat, and it's quite difficult to get away from non stick products, I am sure in time we will find out what these things are actually doing to our bodies.

    • @tarlieeeeeee
      @tarlieeeeeee 2 місяці тому

      Agree with EVERYTHING you say!

    • @JP96-ze4sk
      @JP96-ze4sk Місяць тому

      what about the ceramic coated ones? most of the ninja air fryers baskets and trays are aluminum with nonstick ceramic coating.

    • @John7No
      @John7No 7 днів тому

      @@its-review-timeI am surprised the halogen ones were popular. It is not that I personal never heard of them, but most people I know never knew about them. Maybe it depends on the country though