Looks pretty good! I got a cheap small shed off Amazon. Designed apparently and made in China. The number of tiny screws needed is simply ridiculous, actually ludicrous. Not even marks where the screws go, never mind being pre-tapped! Instructions (all pictures) have to be carefully reviewed and understood prior to each step. Very small shed (not a walk-in) and the manufacturer is recommending two people over a full day to put it together. Never again!! LOL!
@@michaelc6817 i actually got this one from Harbor Freight about 20 years ago. Pretty easy to setup and use. Plus there are many mods you can do to it.
Looks pretty good! I got a cheap small shed off Amazon. Designed apparently and made in China. The number of tiny screws needed is simply ridiculous, actually ludicrous. Not even marks where the screws go, never mind being pre-tapped! Instructions (all pictures) have to be carefully reviewed and understood prior to each step. Very small shed (not a walk-in) and the manufacturer is recommending two people over a full day to put it together. Never again!! LOL!
@@michaelc6817 i actually got this one from Harbor Freight about 20 years ago. Pretty easy to setup and use. Plus there are many mods you can do to it.