Cyclone Belal : Quand Port-Louis ressemble à un cimetière pour voitures

  • Опубліковано 14 січ 2024
  • Cyclone Belal : Quand Port-Louis ressemble à un cimetière pour voitures


  • @stivecoulon1278
    @stivecoulon1278 6 місяців тому +9

    C'est l'état qui est responsable parceque le directeur de la météo peut pas dire son dernier mot

    • @dominictaijah9265
      @dominictaijah9265 6 місяців тому

      @stivecoulon1278,How wrong can you be.You are blaming the state and meteorological services but then this how those in Port Louis will spin it on this occasion.There were never any houses built at the foot of Montagne Signaux from Reine de la Paix to Champ de Mars.The amount of illegal buildings along the mountain have turned the area in a concrete park and when water from the mountain used to drain in its soil but there is no soil now and water over the concrete pours down the mountain onto the main roads and turn every road nearby into a canal and with the gradient it’s a river bursting its Bank and rushing at speed
      Now instead of the the Municipality pulling all these illegal houses on state land ,together with previous Ministers of lands and housing have looked at their vote banks and normalised and legalised those builds.Now look who are mostly mayor of Port Louis,who have been minister of housing and lands and which community of people live there.Do you think if they were Creoles or Hindus that would be allowed ? This is appeasement of communal vote bank
      If you don’t water down central Port Louis all these houses need to be pulled down and revert to nature.Whatever any govt do or meteorological services get right ,in the event of heavy rainfall Port Louis will suffer the same fate.Now why don’t you go and ask the govt to take the right decision to pull down all the houses along the foot of the mountain and return it to what it last was in the 1970,s
      Look like you’ve been told a practised lie by those prophets against any govt

  • @babujam4987
    @babujam4987 6 місяців тому

    Looks like there are more cars in this place than people.

  • @artyfhartie2269
    @artyfhartie2269 6 місяців тому +5

    Hope everyone is safe and sound. Next time, do not go out during a tropical cyclone. It's madness

    • @mzerochannel
      @mzerochannel 6 місяців тому +4

      For your information it's cause the meteorological station incompetence that this happened they didn't warn the people and let the cyclone remain a class 1 cyclone then when they saw the fuck up they instantly switch to 2 then 3 causing a panic among people
      A disaster that could have been avoided.

    • @artyfhartie2269
      @artyfhartie2269 6 місяців тому +2

      @@mzerochannel I see. But also you would think that people would use their brains and assess the situation by the strengths of the gusts of wind and the torrents of rain. Just my personal opinion.

    • @mzerochannel
      @mzerochannel 6 місяців тому +2

      @@artyfhartie2269 it wasn't as bad in the morning the meteorological station said they would probably remove the class 1
      The cyclone at this point didn't even pass near us, and everyone went to work, thinking it will get better
      Unfortunately those information the public received was bad and here is the result
      Even reunion said that it will affect us but our meteo station said otherwise hence the lack of precautions from the public

    • @artyfhartie2269
      @artyfhartie2269 6 місяців тому +2

      @@mzerochannel Thanks for clearing that up. Just demonstrates the extreme importance of good clear communication in all facets of life in the family, work, media, emergency services and government

  • @operationsssal7568
    @operationsssal7568 6 місяців тому +3

    Le directeur du meteo peut pas prendre cette decision par soi meme 3:35 il est obliger de consulter l'etat et les personne du national disaster risk etc pour emettre des communiquer concernant la meteo.

    • @verity4917
      @verity4917 6 місяців тому

      @operationsssal, Bla, Bla, Bla, Bla, Bla, Bla, Bla, Bla, Bla, Bla, Bla, Bla, Bla, Bla, Bla! usual! DO YOUR JOB FOR THE PEOPLE, INSTEAD OF ONLY CASHING YOUR HIGH MONTHLY SALARY, FROM THE TAXPAYERS! Bla, Bla, Bla!

  • @pranayamdev411
    @pranayamdev411 6 місяців тому

    ministry of interior affairs
    And who is responsible for said ministry?

  • @loverideswitzeland
    @loverideswitzeland 6 місяців тому +1

    C'est triste

  • @kirannunkoo8275
    @kirannunkoo8275 6 місяців тому +1

    Cot ban cash kin voter pou drain

  • @bibinasreenmallick1233
    @bibinasreenmallick1233 6 місяців тому

    God job none can say anything n none can say tmrow or in five minutes what will happen pray 🙏