i forgot i posted this video.. BUT THIS VIDEO HAS BLOWN UP!! i can’t believe i have ads on this before the video starts.. thank u for watching this and blowing it up!! it means a lot fr💙
@@فاطمةالزهراء-ع4ح Have you ever lied, lusted sexually, disrespected parents, stolen, thought bad thoughts, hated someone, sinned sexually (fornication, Adultery …) etc All humans have sinned in thought, word or deed. Therefore, none of us are good and able to get into Heaven and will be justly judged and sent to eternity in Hell! But God out of His love sent his son Jesus (also God in Human flesh) to die on the cross for our sins and rise again from the dead (nobody can do that only God). Jesus said if you Repent of your sins and put your complete trust in Him for your salvation, you’ll have eternal life, given to you as a gift (this message is not to be ignored; seek God today). Your thoughts? John 14: 6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.
Have you ever lied, lusted sexually, disrespected parents, stolen, thought bad thoughts, hated someone, sinned sexually (fornication, Adultery …) etc All humans have sinned in thought, word or deed. Therefore, none of us are good and able to get into Heaven and will be justly judged and sent to eternity in Hell! But God out of His love sent his son Jesus (also God in Human flesh) to die on the cross for our sins and rise again from the dead (nobody can do that only God). Jesus said if you Repent of your sins and put your complete trust in Him for your salvation, you’ll have eternal life, given to you as a gift (this message is not to be ignored; seek God today). Your thoughts? John 14: 6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.
Nah just imagine him getting up after watching and then immediately dancing with everyone again even though they’re all super old and they’re still killing it.
@@thechrometrooper5454 The Bible can be summed up in 1 word. Jesus. Jesus means salvation. But you may say “what do I need to be saved from?” Sin and its consequence (which is Hell-the wrath of God). But you may say “I don’t Sin”. Jesus said all humans have sinned in thought, word, or deed, so either you are lying, or Jesus is lying. On the topic of sin have you ever lied, stolen anything, spoken abusively to or about someone, Swore, Blasphemed God’s Holy name, lusted after the opposite sex, had premarital sex, cheated, hated someone? Jesus died on the cross and experienced the wrath of God on Himself in order for you to be forgiven and reconciled with God. All you have to do is repent (change from your sinful ways) and Believe in Jesus. Romans 6: 23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
I assure you. Ten/twenty years from now everyone in this video is gonna look back at this and just be in tears. This is the definition of having the time of your life😭😂
Have you ever lied, lusted sexually, disrespected parents, stolen, thought bad thoughts, hated someone, sinned sexually (fornication, Adultery …) etc All humans have sinned in thought, word or deed. Therefore, none of us are good and able to get into Heaven and will be justly judged and sent to eternity in Hell! But God out of His love sent his son Jesus (also God in Human flesh) to die on the cross for our sins and rise again from the dead (nobody can do that only God). Jesus said if you Repent of your sins and put your complete trust in Him for your salvation, you’ll have eternal life, given to you as a gift (this message is not to be ignored; seek God today). Your thoughts? John 14: 6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.
Why should God let you into Heaven? Have you lied (even once in your entire life), looked with lust at the opposite sex, dishonoured parents, stolen anything, had hatred towards someone, had premarital sex, adultery etc If you answered yes to any one of the above then you are a sinner like the rest of us. So, I ask you again, why should God let a sinner into Heaven? Sinners don’t go to heaven they go to hell, But we are blessed to have Jesus (God incarnate) die on the Cross and rise from the dead. If you Repent (forsake your sinful, unholy ways and live righteous instead) & Believe in Jesus as God, you will be seen as a Saint and welcomed into Heaven. John 3:17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved
@@astroFermion6649 You are not reading this by random Here is why you need Jesus. You’re like a man about to jump off a plane without a parachute and his plan is to flap his arms to save himself and I'd say “don't do that use the parachute “(Jesus is the parachute).; you are already a slave to your sins- yet God came to set the captives free. (The truth shall set you free- Jesus said I am the way the Truth and the Life)
The Bible can be summed up in 1 word. Jesus. Jesus means salvation. But you may say “what do I need to be saved from?” Sin and its consequence (which is Hell-the wrath of God). But you may say “I don’t Sin”. Jesus said all humans have sinned in thought, word, or deed, so either you are lying, or Jesus is lying. On the topic of sin have you ever lied, stolen anything, spoken abusively to or about someone, Swore, Blasphemed God’s Holy name, lusted after the opposite sex, had premarital sex, cheated, hated someone? Jesus died on the cross and experienced the wrath of God on Himself in order for you to be forgiven and reconciled with God. All you have to do is repent (change from your sinful ways) and Believe in Jesus. Romans 6: 23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
The Bible can be summed up in 1 word. Jesus. Jesus means salvation. But you may say “what do I need to be saved from?” Sin and its consequence (which is Hell-the wrath of God). But you may say “I don’t Sin”. Jesus said all humans have sinned in thought, word, or deed, so either you are lying, or Jesus is lying. On the topic of sin have you ever lied, stolen anything, spoken abusively to or about someone, Swore, Blasphemed God’s Holy name, lusted after the opposite sex, had premarital sex, cheated, hated someone? Jesus died on the cross and experienced the wrath of God on Himself in order for you to be forgiven and reconciled with God. All you have to do is repent (change from your sinful ways) and Believe in Jesus. Romans 6: 23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
The Bible can be summed up in 1 word. Jesus. Jesus means salvation. But you may say “what do I need to be saved from?” Sin and its consequence (which is Hell-the wrath of God). But you may say “I don’t Sin”. Jesus said all humans have sinned in thought, word, or deed, so either you are lying, or Jesus is lying. On the topic of sin have you ever lied, stolen anything, spoken abusively to or about someone, Swore, Blasphemed God’s Holy name, lusted after the opposite sex, had premarital sex, cheated, hated someone? Jesus died on the cross and experienced the wrath of God on Himself in order for you to be forgiven and reconciled with God. All you have to do is repent (change from your sinful ways) and Believe in Jesus. Romans 6: 23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Why should God let you into Heaven? Have you lied (even once in your entire life), looked with lust at the opposite sex, dishonoured parents, stolen anything, had hatred towards someone, had premarital sex, adultery etc If you answered yes to any one of the above then you are a sinner like the rest of us. So, I ask you again, why should God let a sinner into Heaven? Sinners don’t go to heaven they go to hell, But we are blessed to have Jesus (God incarnate) die on the Cross and rise from the dead. If you Repent (forsake your sinful, unholy ways and live righteous instead) & Believe in Jesus as God, you will be seen as a Saint and welcomed into Heaven. John 3:17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved
@@Darnagom yes , God Hates sin MAKE SURE YOU ARE NOT IN THE LIST BELOW 1 Corinthians 6:9Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators (Sex before marriage), nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor [b]homosexuals, nor sodomites, 10nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. 11And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God. Revelation 21:8 But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.” If you are on the list please Repent & Believe in Jesus to be forgiven your sins.
Why should God let you into Heaven? Have you lied (even once in your entire life), looked with lust at the opposite sex, dishonoured parents, stolen anything, had hatred towards someone, had premarital sex, adultery etc If you answered yes to any one of the above then you are a sinner like the rest of us. So, I ask you again, why should God let a sinner into Heaven? Sinners don’t go to heaven they go to hell, But we are blessed to have Jesus (God incarnate) die on the Cross and rise from the dead. If you Repent (forsake your sinful, unholy ways and live righteous instead) & Believe in Jesus as God, you will be seen as a Saint and welcomed into Heaven. John 3:17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved
Why should God let you into Heaven? Have you lied (even once in your entire life), looked with lust at the opposite sex, dishonoured parents, stolen anything, had hatred towards someone, had premarital sex, adultery etc If you answered yes to any one of the above then you are a sinner like the rest of us. So, I ask you again, why should God let a sinner into Heaven? Sinners don’t go to heaven they go to hell, But we are blessed to have Jesus (God incarnate) die on the Cross and rise from the dead. If you Repent (forsake your sinful, unholy ways and live righteous instead) & Believe in Jesus as God, you will be seen as a Saint and welcomed into Heaven. John 3:17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved
The Bible can be summed up in 1 word. Jesus. Jesus means salvation. But you may say “what do I need to be saved from?” Sin and its consequence (which is Hell-the wrath of God). But you may say “I don’t Sin”. Jesus said all humans have sinned in thought, word, or deed, so either you are lying, or Jesus is lying. On the topic of sin have you ever lied, stolen anything, spoken abusively to or about someone, Swore, Blasphemed God’s Holy name, lusted after the opposite sex, had premarital sex, cheated, hated someone? Jesus died on the cross and experienced the wrath of God on Himself in order for you to be forgiven and reconciled with God. All you have to do is repent (change from your sinful ways) and Believe in Jesus. Romans 6: 23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
The Bible can be summed up in 1 word. Jesus. Jesus means salvation. But you may say “what do I need to be saved from?” Sin and its consequence (which is Hell-the wrath of God). But you may say “I don’t Sin”. Jesus said all humans have sinned in thought, word, or deed, so either you are lying, or Jesus is lying. On the topic of sin have you ever lied, stolen anything, spoken abusively to or about someone, Swore, Blasphemed God’s Holy name, lusted after the opposite sex, had premarital sex, cheated, hated someone? Jesus died on the cross and experienced the wrath of God on Himself in order for you to be forgiven and reconciled with God. All you have to do is repent (change from your sinful ways) and Believe in Jesus. Romans 6: 23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Why should God let you into Heaven? Have you lied (even once in your entire life), looked with lust at the opposite sex, dishonoured parents, stolen anything, had hatred towards someone, had premarital sex, adultery etc If you answered yes to any one of the above then you are a sinner like the rest of us. So, I ask you again, why should God let a sinner into Heaven? Sinners don’t go to heaven they go to hell, But we are blessed to have Jesus (God incarnate) die on the Cross and rise from the dead. If you Repent (forsake your sinful, unholy ways and live righteous instead) & Believe in Jesus as God, you will be seen as a Saint and welcomed into Heaven. John 3:17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved
The Bible can be summed up in 1 word. Jesus. Jesus means salvation. But you may say “what do I need to be saved from?” Sin and its consequence (which is Hell-the wrath of God). But you may say “I don’t Sin”. Jesus said all humans have sinned in thought, word, or deed, so either you are lying, or Jesus is lying. On the topic of sin have you ever lied, stolen anything, spoken abusively to or about someone, Swore, Blasphemed God’s Holy name, lusted after the opposite sex, had premarital sex, cheated, hated someone? Jesus died on the cross and experienced the wrath of God on Himself in order for you to be forgiven and reconciled with God. All you have to do is repent (change from your sinful ways) and Believe in Jesus. Romans 6: 23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
I suddenly remembered this video after such a long time. Imagine the people in video watching this after 15-20 years. This video is like a core memory unlock for them💜💜
I remember a handful of moments in high school where I honestly thought I must be a character in some teen movie. Things happen that feel so magical you just can't comprehend it. Looking back now it would have been nice to document more of it. I've heard some of the school stuff was on tape somewhere. Most of it is past the statute of limitations by now I'm sure.
I saw this video on instagram parted with another video of ash and serena ❤. This is so beautiful. Especially when he jumps with the line can't make up ur mind.😊
AHHHHHHHH. SO MUCH NOSTALGIA. KGSKDKJ. Their happiness is reminding me of times when my friends and I always hung out. Sorry to all those who are offended by this comment -if you don't have friends-
i forgot i posted this video.. BUT THIS VIDEO HAS BLOWN UP!! i can’t believe i have ads on this before the video starts.. thank u for watching this and blowing it up!! it means a lot fr💙
This video makes me so happy! Thank you for posting it. Its amazing.
Thnku so much for posting this ....i search this just to see this dance🤭🤭
there's something about this video that automatically brings a smile on your face.
Indeed 😂
I can't a gree more
Yes 😂
Yeahh I found it in Facebook it's so funny I think
I aint gonna lie this is the biggest vibe of all 2020
It is!!
At least we know what guys do in the locker room now
girl same hahaa
I'm jealous. At my school, every time the locker room got a little bit loud, this one girl would scream at everybody to shut up.
@@Ber-1972 LOL
I’m 24 years old and even I think this is an absolute bop, immaculate vibes in this video 😂
So you were like 14 when this song came out?
@@Ber-1972 yeah I would’ve been 14 when this came out haha
same lmao
Im 11 and this vid chill bruv
Ayo connor bwa?
That #7 dude is now making the world simping over him
Can’t be just me not simping for him
Rly, what is simp/simping mean i ard search in google translate and the answer is simping too
@@rickysusanto1983 search for the definition and not the translation??🤯🤯
@@rickysusanto1983 simp itu artinya idiot. Kalau di sini simping (slang) artinya “tergila-gila/jadi bego karena”.
@@rickysusanto1983 urban dictionary's there for a reason ._.)
Imagine being one of the boys and watching this after 50 years
Just thinking about it makes me sad 😭😭
Now I want to cry
@@فاطمةالزهراء-ع4ح Have you ever lied, lusted sexually, disrespected parents, stolen, thought bad thoughts, hated someone, sinned sexually (fornication, Adultery …) etc All humans have sinned in thought, word or deed. Therefore, none of us are good and able to get into Heaven and will be justly judged and sent to eternity in Hell! But God out of His love sent his son Jesus (also God in Human flesh) to die on the cross for our sins and rise again from the dead (nobody can do that only God).
Jesus said if you Repent of your sins and put your complete trust in Him for your salvation, you’ll have eternal life, given to you as a gift (this message is not to be ignored; seek God today). Your thoughts?
John 14: 6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.
Have you ever lied, lusted sexually, disrespected parents, stolen, thought bad thoughts, hated someone, sinned sexually (fornication, Adultery …) etc All humans have sinned in thought, word or deed. Therefore, none of us are good and able to get into Heaven and will be justly judged and sent to eternity in Hell! But God out of His love sent his son Jesus (also God in Human flesh) to die on the cross for our sins and rise again from the dead (nobody can do that only God).
Jesus said if you Repent of your sins and put your complete trust in Him for your salvation, you’ll have eternal life, given to you as a gift (this message is not to be ignored; seek God today). Your thoughts?
John 14: 6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.
Nah just imagine him getting up after watching and then immediately dancing with everyone again even though they’re all super old and they’re still killing it.
@@thechrometrooper5454 The Bible can be summed up in 1 word. Jesus. Jesus means salvation. But you may say “what do I need to be saved from?” Sin and its consequence (which is Hell-the wrath of God). But you may say “I don’t Sin”. Jesus said all humans have sinned in thought, word, or deed, so either you are lying, or Jesus is lying. On the topic of sin have you ever lied, stolen anything, spoken abusively to or about someone, Swore, Blasphemed God’s Holy name, lusted after the opposite sex, had premarital sex, cheated, hated someone?
Jesus died on the cross and experienced the wrath of God on Himself in order for you to be forgiven and reconciled with God. All you have to do is repent (change from your sinful ways) and Believe in Jesus. Romans 6: 23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
This is going to be remembered as one of the best rare moments of 2020
I assure you. Ten/twenty years from now everyone in this video is gonna look back at this and just be in tears. This is the definition of having the time of your life😭😂
Have you ever lied, lusted sexually, disrespected parents, stolen, thought bad thoughts, hated someone, sinned sexually (fornication, Adultery …) etc All humans have sinned in thought, word or deed. Therefore, none of us are good and able to get into Heaven and will be justly judged and sent to eternity in Hell! But God out of His love sent his son Jesus (also God in Human flesh) to die on the cross for our sins and rise again from the dead (nobody can do that only God).
Jesus said if you Repent of your sins and put your complete trust in Him for your salvation, you’ll have eternal life, given to you as a gift (this message is not to be ignored; seek God today). Your thoughts?
John 14: 6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.
why does this make me so happy for some odd reason
This is my friend called humanity
Because like you I graduated during covid i guess?
The happiest video on the internet
its july 2021, and i would say this is still the happiest video on internet.
Yeah Shawshank redemption fan!
@@63vinitpawar96 this vid came out during the most depressing time of my life. One of the few things that brought me joy
July 2022 still the happiest video on the internet
@@abnerrajesh7782 January 31st 2023 still the happiest video
July 2024
I don't even know why am I getting emotional with this lmaooo
Same 😂 I think we just want to be a part of THIS
Because you want to go back in time and have fun with your friends I guess
Its just so cute and they all look so happy
Fact:we all wish we had a moment like this with our friends.
Why should God let you into Heaven?
Have you lied (even once in your entire life), looked with lust at the opposite sex, dishonoured parents, stolen anything, had hatred towards someone, had premarital sex, adultery etc If you answered yes to any one of the above then you are a sinner like the rest of us.
So, I ask you again, why should God let a sinner into Heaven?
Sinners don’t go to heaven they go to hell, But we are blessed to have Jesus (God incarnate) die on the Cross and rise from the dead. If you Repent (forsake your sinful, unholy ways and live righteous instead) & Believe in Jesus as God, you will be seen as a Saint and welcomed into Heaven.
John 3:17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved
@@astroFermion6649 You are not reading this by random
Here is why you need Jesus. You’re like a man about to jump off a plane without a parachute and his plan is to flap his arms to save himself and I'd say “don't do that use the parachute “(Jesus is the parachute).; you are already a slave to your sins- yet God came to set the captives free. (The truth shall set you free- Jesus said I am the way the Truth and the Life)
They looked like they had so much fun
Girls locker room: me and number 7 broke up *cries*
Boys locker room:
lol! so true!
Hahaha true
So funny omg
Lol hahahaha
Everyone talking about #7 but pink headband boy is such a vibe tho
he’s so under appreciated
he looks like a russian
@@d.vldymyr3381 why did you thought there is a need to mention that?😂😂😂😂
@@amansaroj2605 i love russia im not russian
ikr i love him
Bet you watched it over 10 times on loop
Me, who repeated this for 4 hours Straight: "Umm.... Sure...."
@@Insert-Name-Here16 🤣
The Bible can be summed up in 1 word. Jesus. Jesus means salvation. But you may say “what do I need to be saved from?” Sin and its consequence (which is Hell-the wrath of God). But you may say “I don’t Sin”. Jesus said all humans have sinned in thought, word, or deed, so either you are lying, or Jesus is lying. On the topic of sin have you ever lied, stolen anything, spoken abusively to or about someone, Swore, Blasphemed God’s Holy name, lusted after the opposite sex, had premarital sex, cheated, hated someone?
Jesus died on the cross and experienced the wrath of God on Himself in order for you to be forgiven and reconciled with God. All you have to do is repent (change from your sinful ways) and Believe in Jesus. Romans 6: 23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
The guy with the pink bandana really having a good time
The Bible can be summed up in 1 word. Jesus. Jesus means salvation. But you may say “what do I need to be saved from?” Sin and its consequence (which is Hell-the wrath of God). But you may say “I don’t Sin”. Jesus said all humans have sinned in thought, word, or deed, so either you are lying, or Jesus is lying. On the topic of sin have you ever lied, stolen anything, spoken abusively to or about someone, Swore, Blasphemed God’s Holy name, lusted after the opposite sex, had premarital sex, cheated, hated someone?
Jesus died on the cross and experienced the wrath of God on Himself in order for you to be forgiven and reconciled with God. All you have to do is repent (change from your sinful ways) and Believe in Jesus. Romans 6: 23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
the way my heart said *give him EVERYthing* when i saw his smile... ughhhh chilee
Guys: we don't listen to Justin songs
Also guys: ennie minnie
So true 😂😂😂
Well his 2009-2014 era is an exception, that was the golden age of his career imo
They do it secretly because girls love Bieber haha!
@@koencagurangan3256 agreed
It's because of Sean Kingston 😆
Listening to this song when I was 5 in 2010 and seeing it come back 10 years later to be the biggest vibe of 2020 is heart warming
about how fast time passes but the traces we leave are always in the hearts and minds of many
You were 5 in 2005 ?? wtf grow up 😂
@@mananwashere 🤣🤣🤣
@@mananwashere this song came out in 2011 I think
@@mananwashere haha
My girlfriend : he’s probably cheating on me
Me with the boys:
The Bible can be summed up in 1 word. Jesus. Jesus means salvation. But you may say “what do I need to be saved from?” Sin and its consequence (which is Hell-the wrath of God). But you may say “I don’t Sin”. Jesus said all humans have sinned in thought, word, or deed, so either you are lying, or Jesus is lying. On the topic of sin have you ever lied, stolen anything, spoken abusively to or about someone, Swore, Blasphemed God’s Holy name, lusted after the opposite sex, had premarital sex, cheated, hated someone?
Jesus died on the cross and experienced the wrath of God on Himself in order for you to be forgiven and reconciled with God. All you have to do is repent (change from your sinful ways) and Believe in Jesus. Romans 6: 23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
The camera man is amazing
Camera women
Camera woman* deserves more appreciation lol
@@mariamakber7260 cameraman is gender neutral. Don't get your panties in a bunch.
@@mariamakber7260 lmao is this sarcastic?
The coach looking at them like “Is this how my players prepare for every game?”
Been searching for this comment lol
Maybe they won and singing that as their end party🤣
Imagine loosing the game to this team and then hearing this from the next locker room😩
That's such a mood ngl✨
Why should God let you into Heaven?
Have you lied (even once in your entire life), looked with lust at the opposite sex, dishonoured parents, stolen anything, had hatred towards someone, had premarital sex, adultery etc If you answered yes to any one of the above then you are a sinner like the rest of us.
So, I ask you again, why should God let a sinner into Heaven?
Sinners don’t go to heaven they go to hell, But we are blessed to have Jesus (God incarnate) die on the Cross and rise from the dead. If you Repent (forsake your sinful, unholy ways and live righteous instead) & Believe in Jesus as God, you will be seen as a Saint and welcomed into Heaven.
John 3:17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved
@@thereisnonegoodbutgodjohn363 I would like to point out u shouldn't look at the same sex with last either
I doubt these girls beat anyone
@@Darnagom yes , God Hates sin
1 Corinthians 6:9Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators (Sex before marriage), nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor [b]homosexuals, nor sodomites, 10nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. 11And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.
Revelation 21:8 But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”
If you are on the list please Repent & Believe in Jesus to be forgiven your sins.
1st guy expression always cheer up my mood....
automatically brings smile in my face.....
Why should God let you into Heaven?
Have you lied (even once in your entire life), looked with lust at the opposite sex, dishonoured parents, stolen anything, had hatred towards someone, had premarital sex, adultery etc If you answered yes to any one of the above then you are a sinner like the rest of us.
So, I ask you again, why should God let a sinner into Heaven?
Sinners don’t go to heaven they go to hell, But we are blessed to have Jesus (God incarnate) die on the Cross and rise from the dead. If you Repent (forsake your sinful, unholy ways and live righteous instead) & Believe in Jesus as God, you will be seen as a Saint and welcomed into Heaven.
John 3:17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved
Couldn’t find it on tiktok so came to UA-cam gang🤙
if u were a fruit ud be a fine-apple
@rawritz.Alex on tik tok
Every guy wants to vibe with his homies like this! Thats true friendship ❤️
this just radiates happiness. you can't not smile while watching this
Why should God let you into Heaven?
Have you lied (even once in your entire life), looked with lust at the opposite sex, dishonoured parents, stolen anything, had hatred towards someone, had premarital sex, adultery etc If you answered yes to any one of the above then you are a sinner like the rest of us.
So, I ask you again, why should God let a sinner into Heaven?
Sinners don’t go to heaven they go to hell, But we are blessed to have Jesus (God incarnate) die on the Cross and rise from the dead. If you Repent (forsake your sinful, unholy ways and live righteous instead) & Believe in Jesus as God, you will be seen as a Saint and welcomed into Heaven.
John 3:17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved
Okay but why is the main guy like the one singing like SOOOOOO cute. Not tying to to be a simp but like 😍😱💀
Ikr....? He's so cute😍😅
*Nervously laughs in Asexual*
@@kindamidlol6734 same lmaooooo
Not trying to be a simp, but being a simp. Not gay but lo key 🥵
His name is Caden Woodall
Bro i can't tell you how many times I've watched this and cried from how incredibly happy it makes me like oml
The Bible can be summed up in 1 word. Jesus. Jesus means salvation. But you may say “what do I need to be saved from?” Sin and its consequence (which is Hell-the wrath of God). But you may say “I don’t Sin”. Jesus said all humans have sinned in thought, word, or deed, so either you are lying, or Jesus is lying. On the topic of sin have you ever lied, stolen anything, spoken abusively to or about someone, Swore, Blasphemed God’s Holy name, lusted after the opposite sex, had premarital sex, cheated, hated someone?
Jesus died on the cross and experienced the wrath of God on Himself in order for you to be forgiven and reconciled with God. All you have to do is repent (change from your sinful ways) and Believe in Jesus. Romans 6: 23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Everyone: this is so hype
Karen’s: why aren’t they wearing their masks
i HATE karens
But they also hate wearing masks
@@nathanneo2868 actually believe it or not, I’ve ran into quite a bit of Karens who start shit with people in public who aren’t wearing masks lol
@@tylermitchell.420 Karens finally doin shit for once
@@tylermitchell.420 shouldn't that be a good thing
imma simp for #7... imma admit it 💀
Same 😭❤️
Ima simp for the cameraman
@@doryn212 wait like fr? u the real #7? lol
@@doryn212 I am straight like a laser beam, but man, you look f*cking good
@@ward7576 love this comment
Not me playing it on repeat
I’d literally do anything to join them or go back to these amazing old days.
The Bible can be summed up in 1 word. Jesus. Jesus means salvation. But you may say “what do I need to be saved from?” Sin and its consequence (which is Hell-the wrath of God). But you may say “I don’t Sin”. Jesus said all humans have sinned in thought, word, or deed, so either you are lying, or Jesus is lying. On the topic of sin have you ever lied, stolen anything, spoken abusively to or about someone, Swore, Blasphemed God’s Holy name, lusted after the opposite sex, had premarital sex, cheated, hated someone?
Jesus died on the cross and experienced the wrath of God on Himself in order for you to be forgiven and reconciled with God. All you have to do is repent (change from your sinful ways) and Believe in Jesus. Romans 6: 23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
They’re all so happy! Makes me smile :]
Added to my fav list😍
Aayush bhai kyaa haal
Mahhh homies when the DVD logo hits the corner
It's 2022 this video still sends me love and joy 😭❤️❤️❤️❤️
The vibe on this video is astronomical! 🔥✨
We all deserve a celebration like this atleast once in a life
Oml, whenever I hear them singing and jumping around together, brings the biggest smile to my face 😭❤️
Why should God let you into Heaven?
Have you lied (even once in your entire life), looked with lust at the opposite sex, dishonoured parents, stolen anything, had hatred towards someone, had premarital sex, adultery etc If you answered yes to any one of the above then you are a sinner like the rest of us.
So, I ask you again, why should God let a sinner into Heaven?
Sinners don’t go to heaven they go to hell, But we are blessed to have Jesus (God incarnate) die on the Cross and rise from the dead. If you Repent (forsake your sinful, unholy ways and live righteous instead) & Believe in Jesus as God, you will be seen as a Saint and welcomed into Heaven.
John 3:17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved
This what I thought my football experience would be like. Then I just got bullied the whole time lol
u good bro?
Oh, I'm sorry 😟
“That one thanos quote” - Thanos
This is where we all want to be
y e s
Did I miss something why is this so good
Viral on tiktok a few days ago
Me too... Is this from a show or something?
As someone who played sports through high school and college, hard to find a more infectious fun than boys jamming in the locker room
The Bible can be summed up in 1 word. Jesus. Jesus means salvation. But you may say “what do I need to be saved from?” Sin and its consequence (which is Hell-the wrath of God). But you may say “I don’t Sin”. Jesus said all humans have sinned in thought, word, or deed, so either you are lying, or Jesus is lying. On the topic of sin have you ever lied, stolen anything, spoken abusively to or about someone, Swore, Blasphemed God’s Holy name, lusted after the opposite sex, had premarital sex, cheated, hated someone?
Jesus died on the cross and experienced the wrath of God on Himself in order for you to be forgiven and reconciled with God. All you have to do is repent (change from your sinful ways) and Believe in Jesus. Romans 6: 23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Something about the how all these guys just vibed together puts a smile on my face
this audio makes me cry-
and im a introvert. and i still miss everyone
It's May 2022 and this vibe never gets old ... watching on loop again
Videos like this just don't fail to make me smile. It's truly what makes life seem more fun.
@@JesseWeNeedToCook69 omg thank you for correcting this mistake
This does put a smile on my face. Maybe they're precious as infinity stones.
1 year and this still makes me happy makes me smile 😁
Just watching how happy we can be by just having fun with eachother is just so heartwarming I am addicted to this 😩💕
This gives me second hand happiness.
Seeing them happy makes me happy .Lol🥺❤❤
Makes me so happy friends still do this stuff. Brought me back to the early 2000s, im 19 and missing the old days XD
#7 is Caden Woodall who graduated last year. He attends Harvard and is a running back
As a bieber fan it's so heartwarming what his music can do for others just like the happiness I see here ❤
This is the reality of what football players do before they go onto the field, this gets us all hype
give these guys a medal for creating one of the best moments of life! 😭
this is probably one of the best things to come out of 2020
Save this clip for whenever you're down, this clip is just radiating happiness
something about a crowd singing gives me nostalgia and serotonin
This is what guys do in the locker room 😂😂 I can’t believe this made me smile so much lmao
this incredibly wholesome nature of this video always makes me smile lol
This is the most wholesome video I've ever seen 🥺
Beautiful how sport can bring people together, form bonds of brotherhood like this
OMG look how they enjoying the song ,Justin is really incredible
I suddenly remembered this video after such a long time. Imagine the people in video watching this after 15-20 years. This video is like a core memory unlock for them💜💜
This had me reminiscing on the highschool days in 2010.
THIS. This video is what reminds me that life is worth dying for. The vibe, the energy, THE HAPPINESS. It's infectious
Why does this video make me so happy😂
pure vibes❤️
0:40 that was insane!!
Number 7 He's so cute!! Im smiling while repeating the 0:01 to 0:12
Always take care!
His name is Caden Woodall
I remember a handful of moments in high school where I honestly thought I must be a character in some teen movie. Things happen that feel so magical you just can't comprehend it. Looking back now it would have been nice to document more of it. I've heard some of the school stuff was on tape somewhere. Most of it is past the statute of limitations by now I'm sure.
This vibe is total wholesome✨
this just makes me chuckle and be happy
Anyone else think #7 looks like Shane from Buzzfeed unsolved?
I was about to comment about that 😂
he looks like my brother GAHAHAHAH
When I first saw the TikTok I was like “oh there’s that murder mystery guy from buzzfeed” LOL
Just me or the dude in the pink bandana sort of looks like Ryan?
#7 head movements is so smooth, it would automatically make you move 😍😍😍
Something about this video, whenever I watch it, it brings a smile to my face
Idk y but , for some reason this video brings a big smile on my face which i usually won't do ... But really tnq for posting this video ♥️
Its always fun to watch people have fun
When two anime characters finally declared each other and end up together, these vibes.
We live for these moments
This video is the definition of Happiness.
I saw this video on instagram parted with another video of ash and serena ❤. This is so beautiful. Especially when he jumps with the line can't make up ur mind.😊
I saw the exact same oke
Love this… Always Bring smile on my face. mood off, just have to see it. thank you😊
In this world full of distresses and uncertainty,
A short time of joy with your friends can make you forget things for a while.
I am watching this for 10 minutes.. I love that vibe
singing with your boys gotta be the best feeling ever
Girls locker room : (cries) Jamie broke up with me!
Jamie and the boys in the other locker room :
Lmao the fact that you left #7's tiktok in the description
Thank you good human ❤️
Best thing to come from 2020 was this vibe
This song is legendry with these with these boys
whenever I watch this video it just boosts up my mood no matter what is happening around me
This song is so old brings back memories
I need this to be a full official cover.
I remember this iconic video haha that was such a vibe in 2020
It looks like they got their first win in a 0-10 season LMAO Love it.
AHHHHHHHH. SO MUCH NOSTALGIA. KGSKDKJ. Their happiness is reminding me of times when my friends and I always hung out. Sorry to all those who are offended by this comment -if you don't have friends-