Woooooooow Memhir Fantahun, I admired and view of your understanding and conscious of your comments you are one of the few people I follow, may God bless you and pray for you to live longer to teach the generations to come. You are super. Keep it up. Thanks
Woooooooow Memhir Fantahun, I admired and view of your understanding and conscious of your comments you are one of the few people I follow, may God bless you and pray for you to live longer to teach the generations to come. You are super. Keep it up. Thanks
ሁሌም እናንተ መስማት ያስደስተኛል
enamesegnalen memhr fantahun ena wendmachn yosef.
የአውናን ጉዳይ ገርሞኛል። ለወንድሙ ዘር ሊያቆምለት መሆኑን እያወቀ ዘሩን ውጭ አውጥቶ ማባከኑ ለዛውም በዛች ቅፅበት መሆኑ የገርማል ምቀኝነት ነው ወይስ selfishness?
ምቀኝነት ከራስወዳድነትና የእግዚአብሔርን ፈቃድ ከመቃወም የሚመጣ ድንቁርና ሳይሆን ይቀራል? ስለ ነፍሱ የሚገደው ሰው ምቀኛም ሆነ ራስ ወዳድ (ጊዜአዊ የሥጋ ፈቃድ መሙላት) መሆን አይችልም።