Bro I play Classic Logbait myself and let me give a tip do NOT play aggressive. Don't spam at the bridge never do that you want to have a solid defense and bait there mini speed on defense so you can passive attack with your goblin barrel and get damage. But never go in for a push you just don't have the cards for that
Bro I play Classic Logbait myself and let me give a tip do NOT play aggressive. Don't spam at the bridge never do that you want to have a solid defense and bait there mini speed on defense so you can passive attack with your goblin barrel and get damage. But never go in for a push you just don't have the cards for that
Hey SupaStocks
Supastocks please help me get in your clan
i’m pretty sure tyler was a bot
100 percent
@@SuperStocksBoy please just help me get in your clan
Great video, I had a good laugh xd
good video!!
Supastocks I would join your clan but I'm in a good one how good are you guys at getting a chest in clan battles and donating
where trash at clan wars since we only got 10 people and were alr at donating
@@SuperStocksBoyI'm going to join your clan just please help Mr get in
@@SuperStocksBoyplease help
Aka rocket cycle… its as toxic as MK Pekka bridge spam
i would disagree.
Imagine crying because you can't stop a mid ladder deck
And I'm first
Bro you are not good 😂
thanks man