Oblicze Komunistycznych Zbrodni (mp.5)

  • Опубліковано 21 січ 2025


  • @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344
    @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344  8 років тому

    był Narodowym -socjalista i twórcą tej polityki ale bez jakiś chorych psychopatycznych fobii rasowych itd...tak czy tak to został zamordowany-truty dość spory czas prawdopodobnie przez lekarza osobistego lub lekarzy...za miłość do ojczyzny i chęć zmian i ?...stworzenia Nowej Wielkiej Polski ,choć w sumie to i tak była za jego panowania...

  • @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344
    @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344  9 років тому

    In Poland patriots pay for love of country a big price ...
    Józef Piłsudski nie był socjalistą bo jego kierunki i działania polityczne nigdy nie miały na celu wprowadzenia socjalizmu a wręcz przeciwnie :był zagorzałym wrogiem socjalizmu=komunizmu=bolszewizmu.
    Był prawdziwym patriotą-nacjonalistą a także można go nazwać Narodowym-Socjalistą , twórcą polityki niepodległościowej dla Polski. Człowiekiem który poświecił życie dla obrony i honoru i nie podległości Polski.
    Według mojej teorii i faktów historycznych był truty co w efekcie dało śmierć własnie wróg socjalistów,ze względu na bliskie kontakty z Niemcami a później okrzyknięty socjalistą żeby odwrócić uwagę od czerwonych morderców(socjalistów-komunistów).

    • @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344
      @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344  8 років тому

      Narodowym socjalista ale bez jakiś chorych psychopatycznych fobii rasowych itd...tak czy tak to został zamordowany-truty dość spory czas prawdopodobnie przez lekarza osobistego lub lekarzy...za miłość do ojczyzny i chęć zmian i...stworzenia Nowej Wielkiej Polski ,choć w sumie to i tak była za jego panowania...

  • @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344
    @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344  9 років тому

    i tak samo bylo w innych krajach np. w Włoszech ,Włoch który uratował najwięcej Włochów został brutalnie zabity przez komunistów(czerwonych) i głupi zmanipulowany tłum za to ze uratował kraj przed katastrofą ekonomiczną-głodem itd. a był to Benito Mussolini,przykładów jest naprawdę mnóstwo,nie wygodnych ludzi ktorzy z milosci do walsanego kraju chca uchronic przed nadchodzaca katastrofą niszczy sie,robi wariata-chorego psychicznie lub zabija jak J.Piusudskiego.W Polsce taka ofiara byl ostatnio A.Leper którego usunięto bo był nie wygodny dla komuchów i złodzieji z wiejskiej no i chcial podnies gospodarke-rolnictwo Polski...

  • @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344
    @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344  8 років тому

    a teraz czerwone komunistyczne świnie uczepiły się mnie i tróją mnie i dewastują moje zdrowie ,ciało i mozg(bo go posiadam) w całej europie mam jakieś problemy ,ze stała pracą i wiele innych a o Polsce to już nie wspomnę wystarczy poczytać na moim g+

  • @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344
    @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344  9 років тому

    dedykowane moim wspaniałym dziadkom ...

  • @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344
    @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344  4 роки тому

    Frenche(vichy),germans now mixing Americans cars...half one and half others

  • @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344
    @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344  9 років тому

    wiem odgapilem....

  • @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344
    @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344  5 років тому


  • @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344
    @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344  4 роки тому


  • @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344
    @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344  4 роки тому

    and next police,rusians/ukrainians red,orange anal viagra or geys boyjis sabotage be when i want go to Polish army ...i bee in test for army seat ther 6 houres make some test LOGICAL and manuals...i pass this is be more than sure ...but day before be big part and im be tiread life...headover... this is be sabotage best friends und shes family and when time of recrutment come in no be rectrutment this time...haha mayby...good for me becouse i want go to pancer company so you know drive tanks after germans🤮discousting...ther stinks germans,rats und soxs und best foods😂🤮...after coruptions police want close me in prison after confidets speculations but not can found for me notthings so want closed me in hospital psyhiatrics and next i want go to Deblin aircrafts company but next be sabotage becouse rusians,germans spikes scare becouse know what happend...after evrybody be pilots just like before be evrybody pancer company...this is normal in Poland whu want get kick comunist if not jail make crazy...just like Antoni Macierewicz whet tell about theory that small three destroy airfract in smolensk with all politics from Poland...that be in 2010 years

  • @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344
    @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344  4 роки тому

    now is in US deasame sytuations just like in
    Poland ... red,orange traitors und rusians,germans and colaborants incudig occupatns from Poland,arabs,islamists and ther spikes scare...becouse scare what hapend mayby be ther...better death than red,orange or dishonour...

  • @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344
    @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344  4 роки тому

    Czarnobyl ???

  • @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344
    @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344  4 роки тому

    and buy from germany usead🤮 EQUIPMENT army in wiretapping...just like tanks 😇🤔🤣😂😭 becouse in Poland we not heva factory's...and germans and rusians is the best ...🤣😂😭just like cars...if you want buy Americans if not becouse rusians not want mayby Izraels...becouse in Poland still and now muche more spikes rusians und germans...🤮

  • @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344
    @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344  4 роки тому

    and still Polish soldiers,fighters for inpedence Poland still destroyed ,lies and changes history...i think so learn about true history and heros whu lost life for Poland...becouse last time i found Polish book,this is not first whiche is so manny lieas about Polish heros soldiers fighting with comunists rusians and germans tikes after second war ...

  • @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344
    @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344  4 роки тому

    obama with arabs, islamist, all germans others comunists just like trump businessmen for self make good business but not for US economic in word wide...just like tusk in Poland with red,orange polittcs in top szybko hard workers...🖕😇🖕not I...show yous and Poland way for fhuther and US army...u are witout honour any rules and heart...🖕😇🖕destoyed my life und u think is righte...if I know one 11years ago if I not choice US way for fighte US fhuter I heva now good,riche ,quaiet life with my own home,family-CHILDRENS(not one but more than 2)...u are without honour any rules and heart-filings becouse my life is complitly destroyed and yous thinks u are rights with Polishs, europens,borats...sure wit frenche confidets,shephard germans heva wallet against heart ,rules and vaulores..

  • @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344
    @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344  4 роки тому

    and europens norm...traditions of makes Polish food...best in europa... rusians🤮und germans🤮hahahaha sure hehe just like taks and autos😇🤔😂🤣😭

  • @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344
    @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344  4 роки тому

    you eat Wedel sweets...next red rusians ,germans sabotages...destroyed...stolen receipts and make...without honour und any rules...next smart move governments red pigs,destroyed complitly economic of Poland and sold evrthings...traitors

  • @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344
    @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344  4 роки тому

    Destroyed whu really is Polishs... and delated some song I know this band is mayby not holy but delayed rasists song not song about history comunists whu destroyed all world and peace...start in Poland finish in Americas...I heva deasame not nice jumper(my camuflage for comunists,nazis and I not heva problems just like now) but I hate comunism never I be any resist even now becouse I know ...what is...becouse Is to me becouse I'm anty comunists,nazis...germans and rusians,confidets...Song is Honor na szubienice...za histories pelna krwi🖕😇🖕

  • @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344
    @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344  4 роки тому

    and one theory is germans und rusians cooporations(just like now) but before second world wwide and kill J.Piulsudski becouse defense Poland for a 2 whores country...nobady know what hapend in rusia...and in Jałta 1945...🖕😇🖕

  • @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344
    @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344  4 роки тому

    best joke is from my family make rusians...hahaha occupats of poland,red,orange anal viagra boyjis confidets...hehe whu is rusian thi is is...my grandparents born neary Lwow when be Polishs...my grandfather faith ageins rusians after against germans...walk all front with machines guns in arm and bread in pockets...after movie all Polishs rusians to west to Brochocin really neary Chojnow-now confidets orange red boyjis anal,viagra city...after heva manny problems with nkwd,up other comunists instytutions...grand mother say when rusians walk stole evrthing and fuck evrthings and somtiems kill,from childrens to grandmothrs...but not my...ma with cousins they buried underground when walk rusians or germans...after grandmothers say born in rusians in czarnobly becouse scare more problems...grandfather say never that becouse be pride Polish soldiers...and this is dishonour...still heva some problems but not muche...and my family heva conections family with...my Grandparets (really my parents) always talk me about J.Piusudski ,Poland for this time,Ułans company.Not evry body be traitors or in party comunists just like you family or legitimations of comunist party und comunists friends.red,orange confidets traitors bobers boyjis...back my my business plan confidets- sports brange 4F-is in the my business plans...

  • @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344
    @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344  4 роки тому

    still tikes,red,orange confidets Islamists boyjis delayed my comments,story becouse scare true and justice ...just like kilers of pastors T.Popieuszko...police kill him becouse pastor give hope and talk about freedom and support solidarnosc party against comunist in Poland so police kill him just like animals and not be in jail more than 5 years...
    scare still red,orange stinki confidets boyjis and dealted my coments... sabotage best friends(virgin/gey boy) stinkers traitors and she family rusians/ukrainians/germans und coruptions polishs polices...be that so... i be in test to Polish army ...i be 6 -7hours in test LOGICAL and manual and this is more than sure i pass...is ok. but day before be party manny botels...so i heva really big heandover...and i be tired of life...hehe after when comen time of recrutment no be really recrutments really only this time what i be ready to join in Polishs army...ok. mayby but i think so...igood for me becouse i want go to pancer company and you know after germans stinkers drive tanks🤮is just like kiss cold ugly lesbians ...this tanks stinks shite,rats,soxs discasting 🤮and this tanks for a secret listening-in and then start really my big problems with confidets und coruptiets red courts und polices pigs...incuding my publicated in facebook about politics in poland ,europa and world wide(europens front works + world wide)and coruptiet red ,orange police pigs looking somthink for me after confidets, comunists traitors speculatios becouse want closed me in jail but not can found anting’s start make from me crazy and want closed in hospital psyhiatrics...but you know i pass very good but i can more better but party,life ,headover test to Polish army....after i send documents to studies army to Deblin to aircraft company but just like say i send wrong form aplications and i not heva chance for changes be about one week to end qualifications ...any way no and other funnys is no retur monays...hehe rusians/germans spikes is so poor stinkers...true is this traitors,confidets,coruptiet occupats of poland scare what can really hapend with all traitors,comunists,spikes... when i join to Polish army...just like Antoni Macierewicz ministry of defence of Poland when tell ,show true evrybody about terrorist attacks rusians army in Smolensk for aircraft with Polish politics whiche want mayby changes and defence Poland...red traitors,spikes und occupats Poland start make from him crazy and sick psyhicks...sure small tree destroy big machine...

  • @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344
    @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344  4 роки тому

    and one movie is delated becouse show too muche true about Polish politics whu really destroyed all time Poland...most economics und army...becouse still in goverment seat deasame old now comunists pigs(spikes rusians) really after second world wide...Ojczyzna Orlich Gniazd this is name of movie is dealted becouse too muche true show about Poland and really europa ,other countrys wher is deasame sytuation becouse ther in parlaments seat deasame comunists pigs...ye this no good becouse tell me Tusk destroy economics Poland and get in parlaments higher posytion...why fly for meeting comunists in africa?

  • @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344
    @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344  5 років тому

    Red comunists pigs delate my other clip OJCZYZNA ORLICH GNIAZD becouse show too much true and tell em too much true and why i heva long time problems...really destroyed my life with polices and confidets for 17 years hard work in heva industrial.... better death than red comunists pigs...or germans prostytuction...and remember my artykuls about Lot , Forests-puszcza ,polish economic ,govermant-hehehe ,about hawk in tshirt in crap representation,about workers law ...and manny more...just like economic of ...becouse red pigs very long time destroyed...wher a be 10 years ago... but my life its still deaseams only more destroyed and more breken heart...nobady help me never even instytution what must and can...HONOUR , PRIDE,GREATFULLS, JP...

  • @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344
    @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344  9 років тому


  • @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344
    @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344  4 роки тому

    und confidets rusians confidets spikes from legnica, anal wroclaw,poznan,gdask ,szczecin and some stinkers from gdynia und lublin,krosno you are really smasheds ,traitors,occupant of poland...fantasticks,fantasy storys boyjis with orange anal viagra boyjis... boyjis without honour ideas for life und self dreams ...tikes never be MC...

  • @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344
    @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344  4 роки тому

    so why me and my life is destroyed by rusians,germans,Africans,islamists and others comunists,confidets tikes,anal orange viagra boyjis and other shite countrys...better death that red,orange or dishonour...

  • @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344
    @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344  4 роки тому


  • @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344
    @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344  4 роки тому

    and red,orange europens pigs inviligation my chanel,iPad,gmail really all programs...sometimes dealted or edit just like Lot whu I'm publicated manny news about denouement polish fly line by Tusk...traditions of Polish fly line cyvils with tradytion...sombady buy but... is ok stil Polish name Lot...and some my publicated about sick kilers of pastor Popieuszko...police kill him just like animal becouse fight with comunists this kilers not be in jail 5 years...and manny more hurt true publicated comunists in world wide....

  • @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344
    @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344  4 роки тому

    red,orange cwels stinki gey europens islamists shite boyjis delated all time my coments true...confidets und traitors incuding occupats Poland...scare true and true really justice...

  • @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344
    @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344  4 роки тому

    obama with arabs, islamist, all germans others comunists just like trump businessmen for self make good business but not for US economic in word wide...just like tusk in Poland with red,orange polittcs in top szybko hard workers...🖕😇🖕not I...show yous and Poland way for fhuther and US army...u are witout honour any rules and heart...🖕😇🖕destoyed my life und u think is righte...if I know one 11years ago if I not choice US way for fighte US fhuter I heva now good,riche ,quaiet life with my own home,family-CHILDRENS(not one but more than 2)...u are without honour any rules and heart-filings becouse my life is complitly destroyed and yous thinks u are rights with Polishs, europens,borats...sure wit frenche confidets,shephard germans heva wallet against heart ,rules and vaulores.

  • @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344
    @przemyslawbudakiewicz1344  9 років тому
