Tip 13: If you see a group of enemies chilling near a fire source, use a poison or sleep dirt on the fire. It will create a huge gas cloud of sleep or poison gas, affecting multiple altogether.
If there is no fireplace or brazier nearby and you still would like to put multiple enemies to sleep in a certain location, pull out a torch, drop it there, and shoot a sleep dart at the torch on the ground ;)
Cagy Cylinder yep and it would’ve been 3 if they had stuck to their yearly release plan. If that had happened we probably would’ve gotten another broken game like Unity
OVERLOAD24 yeah ur right...Also I didn't know that the game director of origins is the same guy who worked on black flag...No wonder the sailing sequences were so nostalgic ...
👍🏽 Beginner Tip to add: Play it slow so you can take in the open world aspects. Don’t spam run around everywhere or play Bayek like he’s not human. Walk around and explore a bit and you will begin to see things organically happen that shows how life might have been in those times.
YES. THIS. Ranged combat is straight up broken in this game. P.S. Get the predator bow upgrade. I wish someone had told me this is how you're supposed to one shot people
BuT hEs TwO LeVeLs HiGhEr ThAn You. just like in real life if you're 2 levels higher than someone they can shoot you in the head, stab them 28 TIMES and set them on fire and they'll just shrug it off and proceed to beat your ass
Pro Tip, once you have a high enough level, hunt boats for resources as they are insanely easier to obtain (compared to horseback resources) since no reinforcements can come so the amount of people you have to deal with is 3 or less. Another thing about boats is that you can easily stealth kill everyone on the boat if you just hang off of the side of the boat, and you can escape fights by jumping in the water. By hunting boats, I was able to get my hidden blade to kill normal level 28s while I was at level 25/24, I kinda forgot which level I was at.
Very easy to hunt horseback resources - use bersek (sleeping or poison darts) approaching from back. If using sleep darts, just use assassination, if poison just wait for them to die or get weaker
Boat took more time to approach, while horseback you can just assassinate them from back to front without alerting them, they should in move when you doing it
early game make certain to dismantle loot that you don't want instead of selling.. This gives you valuable materials to craft your gear to greater heights
Hey based on your comment it sounds like you'll know the answer. In the video #8 said to wait to loot the legendary items so they will be at a higher level (matching yours I assume), does she say this just to save resources or are legendary items locked at a relative level to when you acquire them?
legendaries are matched at the level on when you acquire them. So if you are level thirty then so is the legendary. As you get higher in levels the legendary gets more and more powerful.(more abilities, stats, modifiers, etc..) So waiting before collecting loot is more beneficial for people who plan on exploring all that the game has to offer, and not breezing through the main quest.
Yup. Masters of the clearly obvious. Still, what to expect from social media posts that have the cliche phrase 'Top Things...' in the title. It's like the world is addicted to things in list form. Snap out of it you credulous cretins :) I guess it could have been worse. Like so many click-baity UA-cam crap published these days, the video thumbnail could have featured an image that doesn't appear anywhere in the associated video, like a scantily-clad female for instance. Finally, 'My Two Cents' = This is one of the better installments in the AC series. In your face 'haters'.
Here’s some great advice for you guys: master your counter. After you counter the enemy, the next attack you do will be a critical hit. Use a charge attack for big damage. Use an adrenaline attack for massive damage. This takes a huge chunk out of bosses health and kills most of the lower enemies in one hit. Hope that helps!
It’s so hard to get used to this parrying after playing valhalla, I had 80 hours in valhalla before playing this and I’m not use to having to hold my shield then parrying. I’m not used to having a shield at all actually 😂
Gage Birchett Most of these differences aren't just changes though, they're improvements. Replacing a boring combat system for a more engaging one is an improvement. I can easily compare them.
protip call out ur torch and throw it to the ground to use it to light your own arrows on fire, very useful if you arent going to get a 1 shot kill the flaming part can burn the remaining hp away for you ez pz :)
omg this game keeps getting better and better, awesome tip, thanks! Makes me wanna start it up and play immediately! Bought it just a few days ago. No regrets!
Tbh the papyrus scrolls leading to equipment was obvious but the item level being on par with ur current level was kinda new to me. That tip actually helped me before finding the first papyrus quest item in Menehet's temple
I found out by myself also. The only thing I don't like is to get out of your way to avenge an assassin stupid enough to let himself get killed. Depends on how much xp you get from each one you avenge I say is the worthiness of these quests.
Just discovered this game in 2021 and i freaking love it!! Graphics are still insane even today!! I cannot imagine what the newer versions look like i will tho after i beat this one
Because haters will hate. It's just like those complaining about there being microtransaction in the game. I'm 6 hours in and upgrading gear and farming feels so rewarding. It's a single player game, you are meant to grind.
Jack Leonard Junior I agree if everything was just given to you from the start it would feel less rewarding and underwhelming. I just want to point out the team behind black flag made this game so honestly they should make every future assassin's Creed they have a good streak going on lol.
Because we have seen the playthroughs, and the ending was leaked a few days before release. Just an absolutely shitty story. The game itself is fun, dry at the same time, but fun.
Haven't even started yet and I'm overwhelmed. 😭 Going out for surgery so I bought this as my first AC to keep me busy. Wish me luck ✌🏻 feels good to be apart of the family now. 💪🏻
i suggest trying out the older games especially the ezio trilogy so you would get a feel how ac was like before because from my experience from origins onwards it feels like a different game but same storytelling
One thing not mentioned in the video: If you hit A (or X on PS) right before hitting the ground you'll roll and avoid the damage you normally take from longer jumps/falls. This was in previous games I believe but it's never really been explained, so many might not even think about it.
I use poison Darts the most because after one guard or bandit is died then the others are curious and die as well. I also use Senu to distract a moving target so I can get a better head shot. I am more of a stealth and bow using player while only going into combat when I have no other choice
That kind of game play was always at the heart of This game. I think over time as more people came into the series the combat was expanded to be more "fun" for more people. I play as you do, combat is a last measure. TIP: you can stealth combat instead of stealth kill. I get tired of putting guys to sleep holding their tummy (or random knife to the neck). Sneak up behind someone and start combat you will see they stagger and can be killed before ever raising their weapon letting you be able to pick up and carry which is different from knocking them out.
👍🏽 Beginner Tip to add: When in enemy forts or buildings be sure to scout for all soldiers or bandits. Notice moving pattens some overwhelmed camps are way easier then they might appear if you went in Leroy Jenkins style. If a Fire Brazier is around then set the trap first! This will both give you an advantage and if you do become overwhelmed then you don’t have to worry about extras soldiers attacking.
Thank you for getting to the tips right away. I hate videos that spend 1 to 4 minutes explaining the game and it's history, or some other useless banter, for too long before getting to the point of the video.
True, my dad hated assassins creed, but when he played black flag he stole my X-Box and for the first time in a year, bought video games, all were assassins creed
TheAwakenning Pleum Woah woah, hold on there. I liked AC3 to a certain degree but it does have some pretty shit writing. Connor stays a naive boy for the entire duration of the game. He has no character progression. The only bit of dialogue that showed any character development was removed from the game. While my memory is a bit hazy when it comes to AC3, I do remember a few mind-numbingly stupid moments. The one I remember most vividly is when Connor's childhood friend betrays him. After everything Connor has done to protect their village, he arbitrarily decides to believe the words of the man he knows to be Connor's greatest enemy. The other stupid decision was only moments before, when Connor decides to cut his ties with Haytham, after he's told that Washington was actually partly responsible for his mother's death. Haytham literally did nothing wrong by telling Connor that. I'm a bit more lenient when it comes to Connor's decisions than most people because Connor clearly has a bit of a PTSD problem, after witnessing his mother's death. Having it myself, I understand PTSD. I understand what it's like to be ruled by your emotions and impulses, rather than common sense and logic. So even though he makes some pretty dumb decisions, he gets a pass from me. In terms of gameplay, the mission design was pretty boring most of the time and the little side missions that the demo promised just weren't there. Instead, we got meaningless mail delivery missions, with no context given, and assassination missions for nameless enemies, that had the same generic character model every time. It was supposed to be this big next gen AC game and it ended up feeling unfinished.
I think it's better to find the papyrus puzzles at lower levels. You can always upgrade at a blacksmith so I think it's better to be able to have those rare and legendary weapon traits at lower levels to help you out and just upgrade as you go.
*more quick tips:* - you can quickly move from cover to cover by pressing square while crouching, it also makes it easier for you as well to get out of sight if you're getting on their radar. - you can also drop body more quickly by pressing square while you're carrying them. - and aside from blocking wait for the enemy to lift their sword arm and dodge to their blindside for easy combos. square, square, squares oh that wonderful square button.
2 things I wish I knew: Don't fight close range on nightmare difficulty unless you face only one opponent or have a way higher level and don't attack Nikiou Fort. That one captain has killed me about twenty times before I finally got him.
Guys, dont save the papyrus-riddle weapons till the end. You wont need them when the game is already over. Get them as soon as possible and keep upgrading them for your level to keep them better then the blue trash you find.
First thing to do is to travel around the whole map and get to the synch points. Dont worry about the Deserts to the South West and South per se they will be either too hard level 40 for a couple of areas or there will be nothing there. Besides when you are 500 metres from an Synch point it will come up on your compass hub. Get these Synch points first before anything, picking up items along the way by using stealth in camps for the chests etc and you will find the rest of the game will flow cleanly as you can jump around the map without issue. This is something that you had to do in Odyssey as there was an even greater gap between points on the map
Things I wish I knew: - Carbon crystals are at every enemy camp with 2-3 spears - Just buy resources if you get free store coins - Don’t grind to level up any more than you need to - Do side quests - Use dodge and shield when fighting - Use your overpower attack - Don’t just always do the heavy attack - Use senu to find and mark resources you need - Use your tool - Use your bow - Upgrade all your gear, not just damage and health, otherwise your bow and tools will be underpowered - Try to do stealth, it can be easier and more fun
Tips : 1. Don't be in a hurry to sell your equipment. Yes they make for good and well needed cash, but you may need abilities later, especially the health on hit ability with the big mummy bosses. 2. Don't neglect the side quests, I received a legendary sword that was cursed but easily caused twice the damage of any other sword. 3. When facing many enemies be sure to hold your shield up to salvage arrows shot at you while charging your attack behind your back and engaging in a gorilla warfare as in hit and run.
Another tip for when you're first starting the the game is to not sell the medjay shield that you have at the beginning of the game. You won't be able to get it again whether as loot, store, or reward. SO DON'T SELL IT!!!
Best advice I can give. Remember to block. Long time players might go for the X/Square button when they get spotted. DON'T. DO. THAT. Lock on and block right away.
I disagree. I prefer to not lock on and dodge when fighting multiple people. When you lock on it's hard to see who's attacking you from the side or behind because no matter where you move you're always looking at who you're locked on too.
@@_JiminyCricket_ the rolls may be wide but useful when evading enemies with long reach weapons. What I do is i just wait last second when they attack to direct my dodge roll diagonal to the enemy then attack and have a medium ranged weapon in hand. Charge shield is the best start in an aggressive attack for me
Tip: if you like the game, (works for all rpg's) just do everything. You get a quests for you level? Do it. Always. You get strong, you learn more. Always do everything.
A few other things I noticed: 1. if you're swimming in a sea/lake/river and an npc in a boat is nearby, you can whistle so the npc will stop for you 2. you can change Bayek's hair and beard when pressing L2/R2 and Triangle in the inventory screen (PS4
To get resorces on horseback easily: Very easy to hunt horseback resources - use bersek (sleeping or poison darts) approaching from back. If using sleep darts, just use assassination, if poison just wait for them to die or get weaker
I've played every ac game including a lot of online multiplayer. This is so far one of the most enjoyable ac games yet. Graphics are superb. If they include a multiplayer to the dlc it would be a classic.
Am really loving the side quests, and main quests. Infiltrating is pretty fun, but just going in there as a beast is cool too. the assassination missions so far are not quite as amazing as I would like. Really enjoy Alexandria and a complete open world. Seeing the mixture of Greek and Egyptian culture intermingling is very cool. Bayek is cool, he feels unique serious when he needs to be, playful and charming. Not quite Ezio he isn't a playboy, but he isn't a rock.
Most long running series get worse or just stay similar until its boring, it makes me so happy to see everyone happy again when a pearl releases. I love the game!
JJ The jetplane dude he was beyond op I've never had a problem fighting anyone in this game until I fought him. I ended up just using sleep dart + Charged heavy until he died
Sadistic Kai I had the same idea at first, when they sent the Phylakes after me. I tried fighting the Lvl. 20 bounty hunter when I was only level 14...I got killed in one hit XD
Roman Vega I tried fighting the level 20 one at level 18 thinking I could take him. I was not prepared for what followed, my issue with the levelling came after I hit level 19 when I beat my first phylake without much issue, but at 18 the fucker basically killed me in 2 hits.
Still and 2nd. Thanks to MSi when i baaught my pc. Idk they have free assasin creed promotion on internet. I just found out 2weeks already after I buy pc from them. Lucky me. Lol. And im in 2nd part now still loving it. Not rushing the msq. Enjoying slashing and touring around the maps.
I've played every Assassin's Creed except for the Syndicate DLC's and Liberations. This is at least a top tier Assassin's Creed game and we're probably going to see people say this is better than 2 (exactly like some people started to say 4 is better than 2)
And fangs arent good on sand. Buy thunder (blue) or blazing glory (purple but accelerates faster. I recommend blazing glory) you can get to where you need to pretty quickly.
tip that helped me after the prolouge you get given 200 helix points get the small crafting pack helps upgrade your things up a bit b4 you start the only other things you c aan buy are not as worth it
Another tip, if you want to shoot a flamming arrow but don't have a fire source nearby, throw your torch onto the ground, crouch, prime and point your arrow towards the burning torch, wait a couple of seconds and voilà, flamming arrow.
The game is actually surprisingly good. Combat is a little weird but it reminds me of how much fun I had when I played AC2. Almost 20 hours in and still tons to do.
Spinox Technically yes, it does. After arriving in Siwa village with Hepzefa, the soldiers come to the home trying to ambush. This prompts a tutorial which triggers how to use whistling, crouching in high grass and assassinate sneak attacks.
I just finished odyssey . I don’t like how story just cut off, when cult was still out there and war was still going on. I’m restarting this one since I barely finished prologue when it came out. I hope it is better story wise. I had no problem with gp mechanics in odyssey
The problem with the combat is that it's too loose and open. For example, if you swing your sword in Witcher 3, you will automatically swing in the direction of the nearest enemy. This mechanic is not present in Origins making it extremely difficult to hit an enemy without locking on. This mandatory lock onto a single enemy makes large groups of enemies extremely difficult and when facing a large group you can really see the combat system just falls apart. Hopefully they learn from their mistakes since this one simple correction would make the combat system so much more fluid.
I've just started this game and love it. I find for higher enemies like bounty hunters if you get them on a thatched roof with the firebomb it's very effective
Yes, don’t be afraid to hold on to any favorite weapons the can be leveled. I recommend doing this every 5 to 10 levels as to not waste currency loot as often being their is not much of a difference to level every single time.
I didn't knew about crafting and upgrading your bracer,hidden blade,etc till i was level 26 so i just sold all the material i got, even CARBON CRYSTALS and about 2k worth of bronze,iron,wood and 1k pelt,etc.
Childish lemonz so you’re telling me to find the scrolls but forget till later for higher level gear? One issue with is when IS a good return point? Too late and it’s useless anyway as you’ll have loads of legendary items with the same or similar perks. Too early and it’s replaced too fast to be of use..
I'm a little confused doesn't this game have an upgrade to own level option at the blacksmith??. Save legendaries for upgrading as they have a lot of perks
It's very simple: You pick up any weapon at level 1, and the weapon will be level 1 as well. Pick up the same weapon when you're level 40, and it will be a level 40 weapon. As for upgrading, sure, you can upgrade every weapon to your current level. But you're going to have to pay a SHIT-LOAD of gold to do it. So you're faced with a choice: Either you pick up legendary weapons and keep upgrading them throughout the game, or you collect them towards the end of the game when you don't care about leveling up anymore.
The real question is, is it a good game? Worth the 60$? I see a lot of ppl complaining about it but at the same time people now and days nit pick on everything “the sun doesn’t shine bright enough on the face of the characters in the morning, shit graphics engine”...smh
100%bioavailable Hmm its a good game thus far(few hours in), I think the Lock On system needs work, but the combat is defintely a breath of fresh air. I like how Bayek can't just fight off 100 guys in broad daylight, like Ezio or Connor was able to do..The map is also huge with alot to do. The year break did them some good.
Loving this game so far. I haven't completed a *huge* amount of the story yet as I am enjoying the exploration too much. The combat takes a bit of getting used to but it's so much better than than borderline turn-based combat (one enemy attacking at a time) of previous AC games. Also probably the best looking open world game I've played & better water than real life.
We paid $150 (AUD) for the gold edition, and do not regret it one bit! Amazing game! Had a few little in game glitches here and there but that’s just natural for such a huge open world game.
SIDE MISSIONS WILL KEEP YOU BUSY AND IT'S A GOOD THING! I've never wanted to play side quests, but due to me wanting to level up to meet the Main quests level cap, I played side quests. And they are very fun!
I waited 2 years, picked up Origins for £10 and it's one of the best games IV ever played tbh. Visually stunning as well and sweet combat. Great stuff.
I am 10 years old and I finished all the assassins creed games but didn’t finish the first one. I have a question is assassins creed origins better than assassins creed black flag?
How about helpful stuff like the following. Focusing on side missions at the beginning will provide enough money to upgrading your weapons. So don't sell unwanted gear at first and just dismantle them to get harder to find parts like cinder wood and metals to allow you to upgrade your base skills faster early on.
Tip 13: If you see a group of enemies chilling near a fire source, use a poison or sleep dirt on the fire. It will create a huge gas cloud of sleep or poison gas, affecting multiple altogether.
You sir gave an actual precious tip, which is far better than any of the 12 tips mentioned in the video
Thank you this tip is actually cool
If there is no fireplace or brazier nearby and you still would like to put multiple enemies to sleep in a certain location, pull out a torch, drop it there, and shoot a sleep dart at the torch on the ground ;)
I have 200 hours played on this game and this is my first time hearing of this, great tip!
@@Markel_A This was a mechanic from ac syndicate learnt it there
Gotta say, I hope Ubisoft learned their lesson: quality over quantity. The extra year was needed and worth it
OVERLOAD24 It's definitely quality, and it's also most definitely quantity! Lol, great game! Just don't like the RPG aspect.
OVERLOAD24 this game was 4 years in the making ...
Cagy Cylinder yep and it would’ve been 3 if they had stuck to their yearly release plan. If that had happened we probably would’ve gotten another broken game like Unity
OVERLOAD24 yeah ur right...Also I didn't know that the game director of origins is the same guy who worked on black flag...No wonder the sailing sequences were so nostalgic ...
Cagy Cylinder huh I didn’t know that either. But now that you mention it I can see a lot of things carried over from Black Flag
👍🏽 Beginner Tip to add: Play it slow so you can take in the open world aspects. Don’t spam run around everywhere or play Bayek like he’s not human. Walk around and explore a bit and you will begin to see things organically happen that shows how life might have been in those times.
The fact that you can shoot someone in the head with an arrow and they can live makes me mad.
YES. THIS. Ranged combat is straight up broken in this game.
P.S. Get the predator bow upgrade. I wish someone had told me this is how you're supposed to one shot people
Ben Hinman is that so? Thanks for sharing!
BuT hEs TwO LeVeLs HiGhEr ThAn You. just like in real life if you're 2 levels higher than someone they can shoot you in the head, stab them 28 TIMES and set them on fire and they'll just shrug it off and proceed to beat your ass
It's just logic, if you are level one and encounter a level 40, you would be like God, just shooting to the head.
Or stabbing them in the neck with your hidden blade
Pro Tip, once you have a high enough level, hunt boats for resources as they are insanely easier to obtain (compared to horseback resources) since no reinforcements can come so the amount of people you have to deal with is 3 or less. Another thing about boats is that you can easily stealth kill everyone on the boat if you just hang off of the side of the boat, and you can escape fights by jumping in the water. By hunting boats, I was able to get my hidden blade to kill normal level 28s while I was at level 25/24, I kinda forgot which level I was at.
Very easy to hunt horseback resources - use bersek (sleeping or poison darts) approaching from back. If using sleep darts, just use assassination, if poison just wait for them to die or get weaker
I use my bow to to kill horseback’s, but I compete in combat by slaying anyone on boats. My hidden blade is half upgraded cause of it.
Invaluable information here, still helping people 5 years later. Thank you.😊
Nah man, just walk up to the guy in the horse with the loot and assassinate them loot then you can run off or kill the last 2 😊
Boat took more time to approach, while horseback you can just assassinate them from back to front without alerting them, they should in move when you doing it
early game make certain to dismantle loot that you don't want instead of selling.. This gives you valuable materials to craft your gear to greater heights
Yes that is an excellent tip.
Materials are easier to come by than gold so I prefer to sell my items.
Hey based on your comment it sounds like you'll know the answer. In the video #8 said to wait to loot the legendary items so they will be at a higher level (matching yours I assume), does she say this just to save resources or are legendary items locked at a relative level to when you acquire them?
legendaries are matched at the level on when you acquire them. So if you are level thirty then so is the legendary. As you get higher in levels the legendary gets more and more powerful.(more abilities, stats, modifiers, etc..) So waiting before collecting loot is more beneficial for people who plan on exploring all that the game has to offer, and not breezing through the main quest.
Can the legendary item be upgraded at the blacksmith to level 40 once you're there?
She literally listed everything the game had already told you in the first mission -_-
Angel george exactly what I was thinking.... you learn most of this in the first 5 mins of the game...
Yup. Masters of the clearly obvious. Still, what to expect from social media posts that have the cliche phrase 'Top Things...' in the title. It's like the world is addicted to things in list form. Snap out of it you credulous cretins :)
I guess it could have been worse. Like so many click-baity UA-cam crap published these days, the video thumbnail could have featured an image that doesn't appear anywhere in the associated video, like a scantily-clad female for instance.
Finally, 'My Two Cents' = This is one of the better installments in the AC series. In your face 'haters'.
Angel george clickbait
This is called clickbait. Somehow I knew it would be some bullshit like this.
Angel george exactly
Here’s some great advice for you guys: master your counter. After you counter the enemy, the next attack you do will be a critical hit. Use a charge attack for big damage. Use an adrenaline attack for massive damage. This takes a huge chunk out of bosses health and kills most of the lower enemies in one hit. Hope that helps!
Or just buy helix credits and get really OP weapons 💀
It’s so hard to get used to this parrying after playing valhalla, I had 80 hours in valhalla before playing this and I’m not use to having to hold my shield then parrying. I’m not used to having a shield at all actually 😂
@@qsaethic8927 haha! I know what ya mean.. I'm used to dual wielding weapons in Valhalla.. Kinda wish I played Origins first but ah well..
Can you charge a heavy attack while parrying??
This is easy the best Assassin's creed game by far. The details in this game is insane and it looks so good.
Amazing game, but not comparable to any other assassins creed
Shrenko Nothing will ever beat Black Flag.
Gage Birchett
Not comparable in what way?
Kristjan Kangro ever aspect is different from the other assassins creed, it's like a completely different game, I still love it though
Gage Birchett
Most of these differences aren't just changes though, they're improvements. Replacing a boring combat system for a more engaging one is an improvement. I can easily compare them.
protip call out ur torch and throw it to the ground to use it to light your own arrows on fire, very useful if you arent going to get a 1 shot kill the flaming part can burn the remaining hp away for you ez pz :)
Ryan Saunders also use sleep darts too ( throw a dart at the torch, to affect a large area)
sik tip didnt know that 1 thx
The torch on the ground trick to light arrows on fire is better than all these obvious tips in this video
omg this game keeps getting better and better, awesome tip, thanks! Makes me wanna start it up and play immediately! Bought it just a few days ago. No regrets!
If you drop it on a brazier or smth it'll light it up
Is it me or am I the only one who knew of these since the first hour of the game?
Tbh the papyrus scrolls leading to equipment was obvious but the item level being on par with ur current level was kinda new to me. That tip actually helped me before finding the first papyrus quest item in Menehet's temple
Literally they show you how to do all of this in the prologue lmao
I found out by myself also. The only thing I don't like is to get out of your way to avenge an assassin stupid enough to let himself get killed. Depends on how much xp you get from each one you avenge I say is the worthiness of these quests.
Giant Tofu same this is sutch a BS list they should pay more attenction ween they play
Giant Tofu not just you, these tips sound like they're for people who never even touched a game before
Instructions weren’t clearly on the hiddenblade lost my ring finger
Lol nice one
Only the who played will get it😂😂
Was a bad ass piece of story /fan service when that happened
or who read the books.
TacticalBacon 59 this is the fucking greatest comment ever lol
Just discovered this game in 2021 and i freaking love it!! Graphics are still insane even today!! I cannot imagine what the newer versions look like i will tho after i beat this one
it is my favorite recent game in the series and I like it better than Valhalla and Syndicate. Bought on Steam sale for dirt cheap.
I just bought the gold edition too replay the game it is truly amazing!
Graphics r questionable
save your money
Why is everyone hating on this game have you guys actually played it? It's hella fun
Because haters will hate. It's just like those complaining about there being microtransaction in the game. I'm 6 hours in and upgrading gear and farming feels so rewarding. It's a single player game, you are meant to grind.
Jack Leonard Junior I agree if everything was just given to you from the start it would feel less rewarding and underwhelming. I just want to point out the team behind black flag made this game so honestly they should make every future assassin's Creed they have a good streak going on lol.
Because we have seen the playthroughs, and the ending was leaked a few days before release. Just an absolutely shitty story. The game itself is fun, dry at the same time, but fun.
ArthaxtaDaVince777 I think the story is in the middle just like black flag not to great but not to bad.
Evil Dead this game is good
"Stay away from high level enemies" yet the footage shows a level 19 player struggling with level 17 enemies
Haven't even started yet and I'm overwhelmed. 😭 Going out for surgery so I bought this as my first AC to keep me busy. Wish me luck ✌🏻 feels good to be apart of the family now. 💪🏻
i suggest trying out the older games especially the ezio trilogy so you would get a feel how ac was like before because from my experience from origins onwards it feels like a different game but same storytelling
@AGa ILi black flag revelations brotherhood all suck. Origins is the way to go
@@therealestMSG true
One thing not mentioned in the video: If you hit A (or X on PS) right before hitting the ground you'll roll and avoid the damage you normally take from longer jumps/falls.
This was in previous games I believe but it's never really been explained, so many might not even think about it.
Thanks cause Bayek always jumps to the least convenient spot so that helped
For me it's square on ps
JC Thank you!
It’s mentioned in the ‘hints’ of the loading screen.
that is 13th thing I wish I knew... cheers for that!
I use poison Darts the most because after one guard or bandit is died then the others are curious and die as well. I also use Senu to distract a moving target so I can get a better head shot. I am more of a stealth and bow using player while only going into combat when I have no other choice
That kind of game play was always at the heart of This game. I think over time as more people came into the series the combat was expanded to be more "fun" for more people. I play as you do, combat is a last measure. TIP: you can stealth combat instead of stealth kill. I get tired of putting guys to sleep holding their tummy (or random knife to the neck). Sneak up behind someone and start combat you will see they stagger and can be killed before ever raising their weapon letting you be able to pick up and carry which is different from knocking them out.
Roger Joseph ?? At the beginning I just knocked them out then killed them to move them... Noob.
👍🏽 Beginner Tip to add: When in enemy forts or buildings be sure to scout for all soldiers or bandits. Notice moving pattens some overwhelmed camps are way easier then they might appear if you went in Leroy Jenkins style. If a Fire Brazier is around then set the trap first! This will both give you an advantage and if you do become overwhelmed then you don’t have to worry about extras soldiers attacking.
What’s the Leroy Jenkins style?
look I'm pretty sure everyone does this
@@worstgamer1162 search the name on UA-cam and you will know.
Thank you for getting to the tips right away. I hate videos that spend 1 to 4 minutes explaining the game and it's history, or some other useless banter, for too long before getting to the point of the video.
Spawn Cap every one needs some cash
Spawn Cap or explaining for 1 minute what they are going to do in the video you're about to watch.
This game is fucking incredible.
Harris Rea yes it is
Harris Rea I used to think so too, but then I took a lvl40 fire arrow to the knee...
Cyber Codex classic
LT+Y and RT+Y while in the gear screen to get Bayeks hair and beard back.
Or just go next to his suit it shows 🙄
i must say AC really reinvented itself
DraKulis Cinematic Gaming yeah it did, this game revived the series
its the same shit bro cmon what are you talking about the game suck big time
You suck big time.
then odessesy malaked every thing origin built
nah, odyssey good wym
Haters will be haters I guess. This game is amazing
IronJaj you’ll have to wait 3-5 years for them to say this game is amazing. Look at AC3( I love that game from the beginning though)
True, my dad hated assassins creed, but when he played black flag he stole my X-Box and for the first time in a year, bought video games, all were assassins creed
D347H R34P3R N4710N that’s kind of cool!
Hey Seuss By fan who can't interprete complicated story and characters.
TheAwakenning Pleum
Woah woah, hold on there. I liked AC3 to a certain degree but it does have some pretty shit writing. Connor stays a naive boy for the entire duration of the game. He has no character progression. The only bit of dialogue that showed any character development was removed from the game.
While my memory is a bit hazy when it comes to AC3, I do remember a few mind-numbingly stupid moments. The one I remember most vividly is when Connor's childhood friend betrays him. After everything Connor has done to protect their village, he arbitrarily decides to believe the words of the man he knows to be Connor's greatest enemy. The other stupid decision was only moments before, when Connor decides to cut his ties with Haytham, after he's told that Washington was actually partly responsible for his mother's death. Haytham literally did nothing wrong by telling Connor that. I'm a bit more lenient when it comes to Connor's decisions than most people because Connor clearly has a bit of a PTSD problem, after witnessing his mother's death. Having it myself, I understand PTSD. I understand what it's like to be ruled by your emotions and impulses, rather than common sense and logic. So even though he makes some pretty dumb decisions, he gets a pass from me.
In terms of gameplay, the mission design was pretty boring most of the time and the little side missions that the demo promised just weren't there. Instead, we got meaningless mail delivery missions, with no context given, and assassination missions for nameless enemies, that had the same generic character model every time. It was supposed to be this big next gen AC game and it ended up feeling unfinished.
I think it's better to find the papyrus puzzles at lower levels. You can always upgrade at a blacksmith so I think it's better to be able to have those rare and legendary weapon traits at lower levels to help you out and just upgrade as you go.
Sooooooo gold expensive
@@mikeyj990ify use the hyena exploit and nothing will ever be expensive anymore. Especially on low levels. 🙂
The actual best farming method is break your weapons down instead of selling them
*more quick tips:*
- you can quickly move from cover to cover by pressing square while crouching, it also makes it easier for you as well to get out of sight if you're getting on their radar.
- you can also drop body more quickly by pressing square while you're carrying them.
- and aside from blocking wait for the enemy to lift their sword arm and dodge to their blindside for easy combos.
square, square, squares oh that wonderful square button.
So: hit square as fast as u can and remember to block and you’ll beat it in 35 hours
Is square dodge?
Ur a noob at it
This are just basics things that everyone knows
2 things I wish I knew: Don't fight close range on nightmare difficulty unless you face only one opponent or have a way higher level and don't attack Nikiou Fort. That one captain has killed me about twenty times before I finally got him.
Guys, dont save the papyrus-riddle weapons till the end. You wont need them when the game is already over. Get them as soon as possible and keep upgrading them for your level to keep them better then the blue trash you find.
Toddy Test ikr!? That's exactly what I was thinking too!! Why would you save them to the end when you won't need them?
Keep upgrading them is a loss of money
Any papyrus equipment better than the stuff from the FFXV crossover??
Lewis Clarke no.
What else are you gonna do with your money?
First thing to do is to travel around the whole map and get to the synch points. Dont worry about the Deserts to the South West and South per se they will be either too hard level 40 for a couple of areas or there will be nothing there. Besides when you are 500 metres from an Synch point it will come up on your compass hub. Get these Synch points first before anything, picking up items along the way by using stealth in camps for the chests etc and you will find the rest of the game will flow cleanly as you can jump around the map without issue. This is something that you had to do in Odyssey as there was an even greater gap between points on the map
Things I wish I knew:
- Carbon crystals are at every enemy camp with 2-3 spears
- Just buy resources if you get free store coins
- Don’t grind to level up any more than you need to
- Do side quests
- Use dodge and shield when fighting
- Use your overpower attack
- Don’t just always do the heavy attack
- Use senu to find and mark resources you need
- Use your tool
- Use your bow
- Upgrade all your gear, not just damage and health, otherwise your bow and tools will be underpowered
- Try to do stealth, it can be easier and more fun
Tips :
1. Don't be in a hurry to sell your equipment. Yes they make for good and well needed cash, but you may need abilities later, especially the health on hit ability with the big mummy bosses.
2. Don't neglect the side quests, I received a legendary sword that was cursed but easily caused twice the damage of any other sword.
3. When facing many enemies be sure to hold your shield up to salvage arrows shot at you while charging your attack behind your back and engaging in a gorilla warfare as in hit and run.
“As he sees it’s not berries in the bush”
I don’t know why, but that had me dying.
Another tip for when you're first starting the the game is to not sell the medjay shield that you have at the beginning of the game. You won't be able to get it again whether as loot, store, or reward. SO DON'T SELL IT!!!
You can literally mark every single guard in a fort. So you know where everyone is at all times. Pretty amazing.
Is there a way to do this without senu doing it individually
Yes Irish mommy give me more tips.
Jared Morrell Well then tell Scott his mommy has a sexy accent.
Mike Hunt for me she doesnt
Mike Hunt this voice gives boners i see
That's a Scottish accent
Pentaghast “Irish” xD
Best advice I can give. Remember to block. Long time players might go for the X/Square button when they get spotted. DON'T. DO. THAT. Lock on and block right away.
RavagePrime 117 especially in combat while against archers at the same time
I disagree. I prefer to not lock on and dodge when fighting multiple people. When you lock on it's hard to see who's attacking you from the side or behind because no matter where you move you're always looking at who you're locked on too.
@@_JiminyCricket_ the rolls may be wide but useful when evading enemies with long reach weapons. What I do is i just wait last second when they attack to direct my dodge roll diagonal to the enemy then attack and have a medium ranged weapon in hand. Charge shield is the best start in an aggressive attack for me
How do you block on ps4?
I wish I had solved the tombs earlier in the game too. They extra ability points are most useful early.
Tip: if you like the game, (works for all rpg's) just do everything. You get a quests for you level? Do it. Always. You get strong, you learn more. Always do everything.
A few other things I noticed:
1. if you're swimming in a sea/lake/river and an npc in a boat is nearby, you can whistle so the npc will stop for you
2. you can change Bayek's hair and beard when pressing L2/R2 and Triangle in the inventory screen (PS4
To get resorces on horseback easily: Very easy to hunt horseback resources - use bersek (sleeping or poison darts) approaching from back. If using sleep darts, just use assassination, if poison just wait for them to die or get weaker
This game honestly feels very Zelda BOTW-ish to me, and every input and movement is swift and smooth, I’m really loving this game!
Soul of the Lost Riecher I'd rather just play zelda
Jack Sparrow
Then go play Zelda. Simple.
From what I can see they took quite a bit from the Witcher III Wild Hunt, which isn't that bad, since that's an excellent game.
So I'm not the only one that was getting some breath of the wild flashbacks good
you can also climb anything like Zelda
I've played every ac game including a lot of online multiplayer. This is so far one of the most enjoyable ac games yet. Graphics are superb. If they include a multiplayer to the dlc it would be a classic.
I played this game and it’s sooooo good. I’m hooked. It one of the best games of 2017
I’m about to play this in 2024 on my pS5😊.
3:02 wrong when dealing with high level enemys KEEP TRYING YOU'LL EVENTUALLY FINISH THEM OFF
Been playing this game for hours it’s amazing. It’s definitely up there on my favorite assassin’s creed games
This Game is still amazing and i have put in 30 hours so far and many more to go. Love all the content.
Am really loving the side quests, and main quests. Infiltrating is pretty fun, but just going in there as a beast is cool too. the assassination missions so far are not quite as amazing as I would like. Really enjoy Alexandria and a complete open world. Seeing the mixture of Greek and Egyptian culture intermingling is very cool. Bayek is cool, he feels unique serious when he needs to be, playful and charming. Not quite Ezio he isn't a playboy, but he isn't a rock.
Like eivor?
@@mikeyj990ify ezio is one of the assassins you play as in the older assassin creed games
By far the best and most immersive Assassin's Creed I've played.
Most long running series get worse or just stay similar until its boring, it makes me so happy to see everyone happy again when a pearl releases. I love the game!
3:16 I hated that guy. Notice how she's level 19 as well, he's a level 17 Captain.
JJ The jetplane dude he was beyond op I've never had a problem fighting anyone in this game until I fought him. I ended up just using sleep dart + Charged heavy until he died
Alex Flynn where is that guy?
Took me 10 tries to kill him and my God it was satisfied to kill him
the trick I like best is shooting a poisoned dart in a fire near some ennemies, you don't need to strike them very hard after that...
Just sneak up on him, get him to berserk mode and let his friends kill him
Love how they made it harder in the last game i could just go into any area that says youre gear level is too low and still fuck everyone up
Sadistic Kai I had the same idea at first, when they sent the Phylakes after me. I tried fighting the Lvl. 20 bounty hunter when I was only level 14...I got killed in one hit XD
Roman Vega Same. I thought I could take them on, I hit them once, saw I did no damage, and got my shit rocked
Roman Vega I tried fighting the level 20 one at level 18 thinking I could take him. I was not prepared for what followed, my issue with the levelling came after I hit level 19 when I beat my first phylake without much issue, but at 18 the fucker basically killed me in 2 hits.
Zach I beat him at level 18, he was challenging, but I find that is more fun.
Zach me too, but god did the phylake is coming noise freak me out.
Truly the best game in the series, and I’m not even done with the 3rd sequence
Jesus Christ i know how you feel I'm still in the 2nd
Jesus approves! Hallelujah true Christians have no choice but to play Origins now!
Still and 2nd. Thanks to MSi when i baaught my pc. Idk they have free assasin creed promotion on internet. I just found out 2weeks already after I buy pc from them. Lucky me. Lol. And im in 2nd part now still loving it. Not rushing the msq. Enjoying slashing and touring around the maps.
Jesus Christ u obviously haven’t played black flag
J00SEY my dude I’ve played all of them.
So im guessing this is a vid for someone whon never played assassins creed
Dennis McClellan No, it’s a video for someone who never played the first mission.
And for someone who never played
Ikr, like wasn't the Whistle in everyone?
Same thing i was thinking.
Dennis McClellan more like a vid for noobs who have never played ac b4 . A pointless vid
3:19 lol that man is on nikocado avocado size levels right there
This game is amazing, started playing the moment it came out, I’m level 20 and untill now is the best assassin game I ever played
william Werner have you only played origins and unity?
Same I got it at 9am this morning and played it for an hour, adored the graphics and general storyline. Playing it this evening as well.
I've played every Assassin's Creed except for the Syndicate DLC's and Liberations. This is at least a top tier Assassin's Creed game and we're probably going to see people say this is better than 2 (exactly like some people started to say 4 is better than 2)
BMXfan9797 nah let's not go crazy here
Fill me up Then eat my ass no I played all
13: Horses are faster than camels
14: you can grow your beard/hair back via the character screen (xbox controller = hold RT + Y or LT + Y)
And fangs arent good on sand. Buy thunder (blue) or blazing glory (purple but accelerates faster. I recommend blazing glory) you can get to where you need to pretty quickly.
Best assassins creed by far, so much content and attention to detail its unreal
tip that helped me after the prolouge you get given 200 helix points get the small crafting pack helps upgrade your things up a bit b4 you start the only other things you c aan buy are not as worth it
Just downloading the game right now 😂 wish me luck
Another tip, if you want to shoot a flamming arrow but don't have a fire source nearby, throw your torch onto the ground, crouch, prime and point your arrow towards the burning torch, wait a couple of seconds and voilà, flamming arrow.
more like ''12 things you cant miss after playing for 5 mins''
thknzzz 4 your explaning,, i gonna try it this evening. Got the game today.
The game is actually surprisingly good. Combat is a little weird but it reminds me of how much fun I had when I played AC2. Almost 20 hours in and still tons to do.
Just finished Valhalla and decided to try origins. Origins feels smoother in gameplay than Valhalla.
First two tips... the game tells you to do both these things.
Krondelo The game doesn't tell you about whistleling.
Spinox It told me about whistling 🤔
+Spinox yes it does
Cooking Sauce no it doesn’t
Spinox Technically yes, it does. After arriving in Siwa village with Hepzefa, the soldiers come to the home trying to ambush. This prompts a tutorial which triggers how to use whistling, crouching in high grass and assassinate sneak attacks.
Very helpful. Thanks 👍
Have you ever played a fricking assassins creed game they have had the whistle feature forever
Smasha Gaming No. I think 3 or 4 introduced that. They didn't have it forever.
Spinox ezio and Altair had it too
I just finished odyssey
. I don’t like how story just cut off, when cult was still out there and war was still going on. I’m restarting this one since I barely finished prologue when it came out. I hope it is better story wise. I had no problem with gp mechanics in odyssey
you have to kill all the cultists for the true ending
The problem with the combat is that it's too loose and open. For example, if you swing your sword in Witcher 3, you will automatically swing in the direction of the nearest enemy. This mechanic is not present in Origins making it extremely difficult to hit an enemy without locking on. This mandatory lock onto a single enemy makes large groups of enemies extremely difficult and when facing a large group you can really see the combat system just falls apart. Hopefully they learn from their mistakes since this one simple correction would make the combat system so much more fluid.
I'm Hank Hill and I sell propane and propane accessories
Just got this on game pass not a bad little game. Happy I've found these tips now
don't forget to redeem the free deluxe pack
Finished in 13 days, incredibly addictive, nonetheless a great game, now to wait another 2 years.
I've just started this game and love it. I find for higher enemies like bounty hunters if you get them on a thatched roof with the firebomb it's very effective
Beat it... Wish there was more to the ending but very cool game nice fighting mechanics.
For the papyrus treasure, if i got a low level legendary from it, can i level that up at a vendor down the road?
Yes, don’t be afraid to hold on to any favorite weapons the can be leveled. I recommend doing this every 5 to 10 levels as to not waste currency loot as often being their is not much of a difference to level every single time.
"This might be obvious." Literally every one of these tips.
I didn't knew about crafting and upgrading your bracer,hidden blade,etc till i was level 26 so i just sold all the material i got, even CARBON CRYSTALS and about 2k worth of bronze,iron,wood and 1k pelt,etc.
You really should have mentioned how useful the pulse is when exploring tombs or trying to find the objects in investigation segments.
Looking forward to start of, thanks for the tips.
LOVE the accent.
This game is a lot of fun
sharjawee scottish
The 45 boost with the dlc is amazing
Why wait to pick up the Papyrus loot? Does it scale to your level when you get it?
Childish lemonz so you’re telling me to find the scrolls but forget till later for higher level gear? One issue with is when IS a good return point? Too late and it’s useless anyway as you’ll have loads of legendary items with the same or similar perks. Too early and it’s replaced too fast to be of use..
Josiah Wilkinson I can agree with you on this one.
No. Pick it up whenever. When you solve the puzzels then the loot will scale to your level
I'm a little confused doesn't this game have an upgrade to own level option at the blacksmith??. Save legendaries for upgrading as they have a lot of perks
It's very simple: You pick up any weapon at level 1, and the weapon will be level 1 as well.
Pick up the same weapon when you're level 40, and it will be a level 40 weapon.
As for upgrading, sure, you can upgrade every weapon to your current level.
But you're going to have to pay a SHIT-LOAD of gold to do it.
So you're faced with a choice: Either you pick up legendary weapons and keep upgrading them throughout
the game, or you collect them towards the end of the game when you don't care about leveling up anymore.
Although I'm barely trying this game out, and i haven't played an AC game in a while, this game is amazing so far!
Why don’t you ever dodge attacks? Maybe you wouldn’t be a 20 level player getting whooped by a 17 level enemy?
I'm confused.... you "wish" you knew things that some of which, without exaggeration, are explained within the first 15:minutes of the game?
you learn all these as you play the game
Thanks for this. Great video
The real question is, is it a good game? Worth the 60$? I see a lot of ppl complaining about it but at the same time people now and days nit pick on everything “the sun doesn’t shine bright enough on the face of the characters in the morning, shit graphics engine”...smh
100%bioavailable Hmm its a good game thus far(few hours in), I think the Lock On system needs work, but the combat is defintely a breath of fresh air. I like how Bayek can't just fight off 100 guys in broad daylight, like Ezio or Connor was able to do..The map is also huge with alot to do. The year break did them some good.
If you really like the previous games then yes it's an improvement. If not then wait for a sale.
Loving this game so far. I haven't completed a *huge* amount of the story yet as I am enjoying the exploration too much. The combat takes a bit of getting used to but it's so much better than than borderline turn-based combat (one enemy attacking at a time) of previous AC games. Also probably the best looking open world game I've played & better water than real life.
We paid $150 (AUD) for the gold edition, and do not regret it one bit!
Amazing game! Had a few little in game glitches here and there but that’s just natural for such a huge open world game.
I've never wanted to play side quests, but due to me wanting to level up to meet the Main quests level cap, I played side quests. And they are very fun!
Just about to start this for the first time on PS5. Was waiting for the upgrade which has finally came out. Looking forward to it b
This should be titled
"12 things any true gamer would already know"
You can hit enemies from really long range with sleep/poison darts if you raise the dot up til it turns orange. Hope this helps.
Great game
You know a game is good when I'd rather travel across all of Egypt on my horse to reach a destination than use fast travel
12 things the game literally tells you
Jedden haha i know right 😂
This game is just amazing, the first edition that really got me interested for Assassin's Creed. Next will be Odyssey!!
If you couldn't figure this stuff out within the first hour or few missions, then you're pretty hopeless as a gamer lol
Brent Daniel I didn't know the whistle thing, but got 7 plat trophy's. Pretty hopeless, right?
Tip #1. Wait six months for the bugs to be fixed then buy pre owned at a discount.
Tip #2. See tip #1.
I waited 2 years, picked up Origins for £10 and it's one of the best games IV ever played tbh. Visually stunning as well and sweet combat. Great stuff.
I am 10 years old and I finished all the assassins creed games but didn’t finish the first one. I have a question is assassins creed origins better than assassins creed black flag?
Skeleton Spooker your passion for games is great and all but don't be that kid who shares his age trying to be cool
Btw it's origins
We don’t care how old you are or what games you’ve played. Origins shits on Black Flag.
Origins, unless your obsessed with pirates and boats..
Skeleton Spooker kid you shouldn't even be looking and rated M games
worst mistake of your life is telling people your age in the youtube comments
You haven finished AC 1 and your asking wither Black Flag or Origins is better? I dont see the correlation
How about helpful stuff like the following.
Focusing on side missions at the beginning will provide enough money to upgrading your weapons. So don't sell unwanted gear at first and just dismantle them to get harder to find parts like cinder wood and metals to allow you to upgrade your base skills faster early on.