This is quite possibly the best build I have seen yet. Relatively easy to make, incredibly versatile, and it looks like a lot of fun. I'm definitely making this my primary build.
@@buddydudeguy618 How exactly is the PC version better? Besides better fps (If you wanna spend a ton of money on a good pc) then there really isnt much
BTW: That is the best legendary warrior build you commented on, if you look for the best legendary assassin build then check out this video:
My top build was a dagger heavy axe combo with perks that boost crit damage and chance and both weapons damage respectively also engraving fire on axe and poison on daggers mastery points were added into each of the category listed before while maxing out warrior, Hunter and assassin damage . This build effectively made the nightmare difficulty pretty easy while not making it where I one shot strong enemies and bosses . I always had max bounty to up the combat frequency to where it would take 25 mins to hours at a time to settle fights definitely. My build never made it feel boring or overwhelming while fighting and made the game much more enjoyable thank any other difficulty.
i been using this build for about a week now and even tho it's not 100% matching this build it is still melting Tier S4 Mercs, i can't believe i owned this armor set and never realized it's godly potential.
The video you watched is an extremely old build that is very weak compared to the new ones. You can easily deal 3 times that much damage. Check out this build: Its free, and it wipes the floor with the one you just made.
you are killing it. or should i say, you already killed it. Have no idea what you are talking about i am just lvl 14 now :) Loving your vids already, such a huge game
I'm using this build right now and getting 725% crit damage. It can easily go upto 775% if I want it to but I used 15% all resistance engraving on torso.
Thanks for all your videos, I just got lion set in sale and did your madness of Aries build, I had a good build already and was reluctant to use the lion build , but it's a beast and a amazing build even at lvl 75 cheers.
@@tpkloki564 The Legendary Hunter build that is 2x better than the Master of Artemis set, also uses the nemean lion set: The nemean lion set is the best you can get from all the helix items, if you were ever going to buy anything, then this.
Hi awesome content thanks.. Iam lvl 72 on first play through and iam currently on chapter 2 of atlantis dlc. Should I finish this or start a new game +. Thanks
Using all the same items of this set in a build will always be a good build, even at lower levels. But the performance shines most the higher the crit chance will get, until you reach 100% crit chance, where every hit will be a critical hit. So you should focus on this the most, if your are not close to level 99. There is a tutorial how to get 100% Crit chance at level 50 very early. The essence of it is, you should engrave crit chance manually instead of picking items with it, because your own engravings can be higher than the level of the items would normally allow.:
I just wanted to suggest a build for you to try... A bare knuckle build. I saw a video someone posted of a Kratos build from God of War and it was pretty legit and thought it would be an interesting challenge for you. I'm sure you can come up with a beast.
@@zivio2629 Fr? You mean a french channel? I do not speak french, and it is actually not worth the effort to translate the content into any other language.
The blade of yumminess sucks, here is why: The build you are watching is the best build from 3 years ago, you should watch the 2022 legendary build: The nemean lion set is a helix store set, if you ant to make a free build, which is even better, check out this one:
Hi, thanks for showing us your build and setup.. i'm on the PC 2 questions 1: it looks like you have 2 swords chosen in your build? 2: i'm lvl 37 can i even upscale my bonus's you add to weapons? i cant see any option screen like you have [or is this only in nightmare mode?] thanks again 0range.
The percentages are bound to the level of the item. Dual weapons are mandatory to have the maximum damage with damage for that weapon type on every possible item.
If you need your enemies to burn and they are not dead when you hit them, then you do something wrong. Fire damage is added to your impact damage. Any increase to burnrates or duration or buildup are rubbish, you should dismantle all these items.
@@jonm2522 Any epic build is far better than the legendary builds, dude. The legendary builds are only for those who dont wan to grind for epic items. Here is explained why:
@@T7PDM thx great content i know a little off topic but where do I find the Armor Penetrion been looking in Ellis for the Sculpture for days doing mission after mission thx
@@sailrockpaperscissors8261 You need to complete the Phidias Questline, its the final reward for this questline:,_the_Stick,_and_the_Artist It may be locked until certain story progress. Definitely requires you to complete Chapter 3 of the main story, since that is the point where you send Phidias to Elis. You should b able to meet him during Chapter 7 when you are in Elis for other activities.
@@T7PDM thx for the info , i think i have missed something as now on teh Heir of memories and closed Atlantis Phidias was in the scene, whats your discord group ?
But since this Hybrid warrior build can one hit overrun assassinate enemies, and one shot enemies with a single arrow with all hunter abilities. Can this build dominate conquest battles too?
I know Im a bite late but im doing this build and i didn't buy the legacy of the first blade dlc, so i didn't have the sword of kings, so i used heitor's sword, which has warrior damage, crit damage and swords damage, then i engraved it with more fire damage. My question is: is the fire damage the best option here? Or do you recommend any other engravings?
You should use the engravings as shown in the video for Heitors Harpe. The epic swords are much better than the legendary ones, I showed the engravings for them aswell. Here is an updated version of the build btw:
Nice legendary build👍 and good quality content in your video. Will you be making a legendary hunter build too? Btw I have for some time now been using your latest epic hunter build, and yesterday I achieved 12+ million headshot damage! The only changes made from your original are always fire on the bow, falx and extra bow charging speed on the torso.
I have the exact same the place of two swords i have harvester of time engraved with flaming attacks and spartan javelin with meele resistance and i engraved it with armor penetration. How to make this build a bit more tanky.....i mean to stay alive in long boss fights.
Hey man great build! I am currently lvl 35 and been going on an assassin build but I found myself lacking when dealing with bigger groups and sometimes even 1v1. Was thinking of going with this build, do you think I can pull off some decent damage even thought I'm only lvl 35 and some items/engravings are lacking? Keep up the good work
The first civilization set items are awarded from completing the Elysium missions, the other colored items are unlocked by random loot, you might have to progress to the third episode for them.
hi everyone . thank you for video . could you say me please where can ı get that legendary set ? . only buy or we can get that set from quest or something ? .
Nemean Lion is a helix store set, as you found out, there is no other way to obtain the complete set than to buy it. You might get 1, 2 or even 3 pieces from Sargon if you wait for 6 months, but you will likely never complete it in a reasonable amount of time. If you want the best build, you should use epic items from the blacksmtih and the bighorn bow. This build is outdated. Check this one for the best build possible: Or this video if you want to stick with the nemean lion:
Thanks so much for this video, it was a great help! The Nemean Lion set is my first crit strong build and I'm having fun with my new hard hitting character in this game. I'm hoping to do something like your "god warrior" build next with extreme defense stats.
If you want a warrior build, then definitely better than Ezio.There are no better legendary warrior sets, this is the best equipment with the best engravings you can use, still today. I could not make a better one, there was no other content released, that is better.
The damage per engraving is shown in the video. But it is individual per build depending on the actual values of the build. The calculation is also included and explained..The best engravings are usually damage with your weapon type an critical damage at full health.
@@T7PDM by the way u know any way to get the fire engraving? I'm level 35, and they say i have to kill a mercenary, u know any way to find him? Or how much more levels i need to reach?
That is nice, you should use it instead of the legendary swords. If you use the bklacksmith reload you can find much better epic gear:
This build was meant to be made only with legendary items. If you want you can use the Oaken bow of course, if you have it. The Hades bow has warrior damage on it.
Hey T7, quick questions. What exactly do you mean by the weapon factor only applies to the left side? How did you figure that only the weapon in the left slot is affected? What if i have a spear with % damage with spear in the right spot, is it not boosted? Also I noticed that when I have nothing equipped, the left slot is still higher damage wise. Why is that?
The weapon factor affects the left side of the calculation shown in the video, with the warrior damage only, the weapon factor does not affect the elemental side, which makes 40% elemental weaker than 20% warrior in a warrior build. I never meant the weapon, dude. Switch your brain on. Warrior base damage varies for both hands, like one of it is naturally a bit stronger.
Here is the best most recent spear build: If you want a specific legendary spear build, you can join the channel for a month as a premium member or Patreon and contact me in discord.
How did you get the 20 percent crit chance while full health? None of the tablet riddles let you that. I can only find +10 percent while full health online. Are you supposed to upgrade them after 10 percent at the workshop?
T7 PDM So I just unlocked the first 2 percent and went to the workshop and there’s no upgrade option. Do I have to either hit 10 percent or solve all of the related riddles before that?
You can use an epic with similar engravings. Atleast Warrior and damage with swords. Having two epic swords with Warrior dmg, Damage with swords and critical dmg would be much better anyway.
I have a question regarding the engravings. Im lvl 60 atm and ive used some of my CRIT chance engravings ( they where not lvl 10 at that time) on the gear i no longer need / use. Is there a way to re-use those engravings on new - better gear ? I would like to upgrade them to lvl 10 in Hephaistos Workshop and apply on to better gear. If i dismantle the gear where i used them , should i get them back ? Or do i need to start New Game + and find them all over again ? Would appreciate an answer on this subject :) Thank u very much in advance :)
@@T7PDM But how can i upgrade for example CRIT chance to lvl 10 and use it on "X" gear if i already used it as lvl 7 on "Y" gear ? Hope that makes sense :/
@@UweEatsWorld Like something you carve in stone will not become better when your carving skills get better, does it? What you engrave will not change unless you change it. If your skills get better re-engrave it with a higher tier. What makes you think that engravings carved on two different items affect each other? Thats not logical.
@@T7PDM i dont think that and i didnt said that. U definitely missunderstod me ;) let me try one more time. Maybe its just my bad english. I watched one of ur videos and made an epic build with high CRIT chance ( using engravings ). Since i didnt have enough drachmae ive used some CRIT chance engravings without leveling them completely to lvl 10. In the meantime... I stopped playing with that build and made another one ( also from ur tutorial). Now i need to engrave CRIT chance onto new build however when i go to Hephaistos workshop i dont have the option to level up CRIT chance engravings - they are not on the list anymore. So my question was , how can i engrave CRIT chance onto new gear / build if i already used those engravings for previous build ?
You are thinking in a so fundamentally wrong direction, dude. You keep the ability to engrave anything you want on any item. And you can change, engrave, or upgrade what you engrave at any time on any item. And you dont have to throw items away you can change engravings, which you placed yourself. Just try it out.
This is outdated, you can already make a better build with only base game items: But I strongly recommend you to go for epic builds, with more and better engravings, like this one:
@T7 PDM The Nemean set, in my game, only shows to add 5% Crit Chance and 25% Crit Damage while Full Health perk. Was this changed in an update after the video was uploaded or is it just a visual glitch?
I’ve done all legacy of the first blade plus normal campaign and now doing Atlantis and I’m still confused about builds don’t know what to use for better builds
I have a question how did you get the engraving for 40% fire damage mine only has 20% is there a way I can upgrade the engraving or do i have to new game+ and get it again for 40% fire damage?
T7 PDM i commented on your other video you must not of seen it Assassins Creed Odyssey 331 Million World Record Warrior Build, Highest damage poison dagger build im still wondering at 3:37 what head are you using whats it called? i like how the eyes flame glow with black shroud i'd appreciate the reply thanks..
The armor set used was the Nemean Lion set, you can get it from the Helix store. So it is easy to make. But in general epic items are better than legendary items in this game. Here is why:
I’m afraid i can’t find the kings sword in my inventory, although I’ve already killed all the cultist.. and I did finished the quest.. what do you think of the sword of damokles in this particular set??
The Sword of kings is from Legacy of the first blade. Sword of Damokles is really useless, it has two total rubbish engravings. It is a really bad sword. I would never use it any build.
You dont need all masteries, check this video it only needs 200 points and it deals more than double the damage: For a mid level build, you can use the level 55 hyper warrior build:
Switch on your speakers and actually listen to the video. Its an option because its more convenient and does not alert enemies. Activating fire does alert nearby enemies. The build is a bit outdated and you should use this one instead:
Löse deine Ostrakas und Gravuren Challenges, Junge und upgrade dann in Hephaistos Workshop bis zu Tier 10. Klick doch einfach mal auf den Gravur-Button in deinem Inventar, dann siehst du deinen Challenge Fortschritt.
Its not useless, it runs out pretty quick, it makes a sound that alerts enemies nearby and you can not activate it when riding a horse. But yes, you can exchange it with 30% damage with swords. I believe, I even said that. For the convenience of most players it is actually better to use permanent fire and it also does not block an ability spot. The the point is, when I make a legendary build, which is inferior to any epic builds, why should I not make it even more convenient. I removed the falx to make it full health and even added permenent fire for the casual players. So when you are looking to make this build, you are a casual player anyway. If you want to get the best, then you are watching the wrong video. Then go for the epic builds like the 26 million warrior build instead.
@@T7PDM I did look at some of them but I'm still leveling I'm only level 81 like right now I'm using the promotional Viking set with the chest switched out for the demigod so I can continue using my swords and I was just looking around to see if there's anything better I could really be doing with legendary gear still
@@justinhague7254 Check this: One of the best builds if you have the DLC, also check the invincibility glitch: And the Zeus build:
I feel like this deserves more views and likes
Way more. I see CC’s with half a mil subs who aren’t a patch on this guy.
Yeah. Almost every other builds I find involves using epic gear instead of legendary gear.
This is quite possibly the best build I have seen yet. Relatively easy to make, incredibly versatile, and it looks like a lot of fun. I'm definitely making this my primary build.
Honestly I changed one of the engravings to “melee attack damage applies to nearby enemies “ and its powerful. Love this build
That is a fate of Atlantis engraving
witch one did you replaced ?
Dude, I am just getting back into this game because I missed it.
This build and what you can build off of it is fantastic. Very much appreciated.
i just tryed this out in a conquest battle awsome nearly cleared the entire field liked and subbed
I prefer this build over the 18 million damage epic warrior build. Mostly because I can't get the stats I need on the epic gear lol.
The epic swords are way better, regarding your deleted statement on the newer build. It all depends on their engravings not on the DPS.
Thank you for your contributions to the AC Odyssey community. You REALLY help me enjoy this game! I am totally a subscriber to your channel! 👍
I'm going to make this build tomorrow, I'm only level 47 but this video has given me great insight to a build I've wanted to do. Great video
Yo im level 47 but i dont understamd the vid could u explain it better
You forgot to mention that you have the armor from the DLC. Kind of a big omission
Buddydude Guy can you get it for free on pc?
Buddydude Guy what did you mean by “lol console”?
@@Male_Gaze Hide the money yall....there's poor people around....
@@ShadyMike lack of an actual want for a pc doesn't make someone poor. You're dumb asf lol
@@buddydudeguy618 How exactly is the PC version better? Besides better fps (If you wanna spend a ton of money on a good pc) then there really isnt much
I like how this is not completely unbalanced like most assassin builds. But it’s still powerful and has lots of fun moves.
BTW: That is the best legendary warrior build you commented on, if you look for the best legendary assassin build then check out this video:
My top build was a dagger heavy axe combo with perks that boost crit damage and chance and both weapons damage respectively also engraving fire on axe and poison on daggers mastery points were added into each of the category listed before while maxing out warrior, Hunter and assassin damage . This build effectively made the nightmare difficulty pretty easy while not making it where I one shot strong enemies and bosses . I always had max bounty to up the combat frequency to where it would take 25 mins to hours at a time to settle fights definitely. My build never made it feel boring or overwhelming while fighting and made the game much more enjoyable thank any other difficulty.
Only lvl 70 atm and don't have all the gear/engravings but followed it as closely as I could - it murders. Well done.
First I needa grind to level 99
Nah dude I'm running this build at lvl 44 the now and still doing really well
@@davidh6652 how is that possible
@@lawrencewong100 I'm just using the same build with the highest possible crit chance and damage I can at my level :)
@@davidh6652 but level is low at start, how to go and hunt all these equipment? and where to get them..
@@lawrencewong100 this equipment can be purchased in the online store, the engravings can be gained from the ancient tablet puzzles
When you lvl 29😁and see this video
Made the game for me. I don't know what I was doing before . . . !
When you are a level 19 and watching this video 🙂
I'm level 12 watching this video XD
NotSoGoodGamer 31 F
I'm level 79....
This guy goes the extra mile for these builds. Great job
i been using this build for about a week now and even tho it's not 100% matching this build it is still melting Tier S4 Mercs, i can't believe i owned this armor set and never realized it's godly potential.
The video you watched is an extremely old build that is very weak compared to the new ones. You can easily deal 3 times that much damage.
Check out this build:
Its free, and it wipes the floor with the one you just made.
Love how he’s casually like yeah you can three shot the Minotaur
Sorry, was a bad fight, should have been one shot.
you are killing it. or should i say, you already killed it. Have no idea what you are talking about i am just lvl 14 now :) Loving your vids already, such a huge game
Incredible that its all Legendary gear
Who knew legendary gear could be useful 😀nice vid! Keep up the good work 👍
You deserve a lot more than 20k subs
Another awesome build.👍
Luv the vids. I agree with the other subscriber, best ship/lieutenant build would be great. Keep them coming!
I'm using this build right now and getting 725% crit damage. It can easily go upto 775% if I want it to but I used 15% all resistance engraving on torso.
Glad i found this. Just what i was looking for.
Thanks for all your videos, I just got lion set in sale and did your madness of Aries build, I had a good build already and was reluctant to use the lion build , but it's a beast and a amazing build even at lvl 75 cheers.
Overpowered EGG
This is very useful for people like me who are too lazy to look for epic gear!
Great guide and amazing build. I've matched this build exactly but instead of swords, I've used staffs and the difference is minimal
Engrave damage with staffs on the boots then and use the damage with staffs mastery.
@@T7PDM ooooo, I'll give that a go, thanks
@@MrScorpio696 You also need to have perfect staffs with damage with staffs and critical damage at best.
Amazing matey keep it up 👍🏻
I know your using this legendary outfit are there anymore like it I struggle with epic thing lol thanks again matey
For different legendary builds I mean sorry. Ps got some helix credits left and don’t wanna waste em lol
@@tpkloki564 The Legendary Hunter build that is 2x better than the Master of Artemis set, also uses the nemean lion set:
The nemean lion set is the best you can get from all the helix items, if you were ever going to buy anything, then this.
Thanks for the reply bud I’ll grab that then 🍻
Hi awesome content thanks.. Iam lvl 72 on first play through and iam currently on chapter 2 of atlantis dlc. Should I finish this or start a new game +. Thanks
Always finish Atlantis for all the ability points.
I'm curious if built as similarly as possible with available engravings, does this build still perform well at level lower than 99? 60, 70, 80, etc.?
Using all the same items of this set in a build will always be a good build, even at lower levels. But the performance shines most the higher the crit chance will get, until you reach 100% crit chance, where every hit will be a critical hit. So you should focus on this the most, if your are not close to level 99. There is a tutorial how to get 100% Crit chance at level 50 very early. The essence of it is, you should engrave crit chance manually instead of picking items with it, because your own engravings can be higher than the level of the items would normally allow.:
@@T7PDM Appreciate the reply.
I just wanted to suggest a build for you to try... A bare knuckle build. I saw a video someone posted of a Kratos build from God of War and it was pretty legit and thought it would be an interesting challenge for you. I'm sure you can come up with a beast.
Zigen does great builds, it will be hard to improve. But a fist build is not so interesting for most people.
@@T7PDM while that may be true, it's something different. I'll check out
I just started playing and I’m only like level 17😭 so lost me at 0:01 🤣 Good video doe!
You can basically wear that gear for your entire game experience and improve upon it.
T7 PDM Fr? Thanks I look forward to it!
@@zivio2629 Fr? You mean a french channel? I do not speak french, and it is actually not worth the effort to translate the content into any other language.
T7 PDM no I don’t speak French only english🤣 sorry for the confusion
Question Can you use Big horn bow in this build instead?. I want the no hassle legendary build but I have big horn bow maybe it will inc. my damage?.
Use this build:
When you’re level 99 and DLC armor You’re going to be OP
Great movie and very good explained. You rock man ;).
awesome videos, best info
How do you get the lion set and the sword of kings. I have everything else mostly and also how do you get the blade of yumminess
The blade of yumminess sucks, here is why:
The build you are watching is the best build from 3 years ago, you should watch the 2022 legendary build:
The nemean lion set is a helix store set, if you ant to make a free build, which is even better, check out this one:
Ok thx your a real one
Hi, thanks for showing us your build and setup.. i'm on the PC 2 questions
1: it looks like you have 2 swords chosen in your build?
2: i'm lvl 37 can i even upscale my bonus's you add to weapons? i cant see any option screen like you have
[or is this only in nightmare mode?] thanks again 0range.
The percentages are bound to the level of the item. Dual weapons are mandatory to have the maximum damage with damage for that weapon type on every possible item.
When I use the overpower ability the animation is not cancelled and I have done exactly as you said. Where did I go wrong?
Useful video. Just have a couple of questions please: is it worth boosting the burn rate? how about using Mallet of Everlasting Flame with the Sika?
If you need your enemies to burn and they are not dead when you hit them, then you do something wrong. Fire damage is added to your impact damage. Any increase to burnrates or duration or buildup are rubbish, you should dismantle all these items.
Awesome video, I just love ur builds thank u for helping us
Ty for all videos very good
Out to get Nemeam Lion set ?
Why doesn’t this guy have more subscribers?
T7 what do you use to put together builds? Is there a build calculator out there that you are using?
I use the approved formula, which I explain in this video. Any website or calculater you will find in the internet is incorrect.
Danke für das Video hat mir echt geholfen
Hi is this better than you latest EPIC built 3 weeks ago or should I do the EPIC built, Cheers.
Epic gear is better than legendary gear in this game.
@@T7PDM Even better than your Legendary built weapons.
@@jonm2522 Any epic build is far better than the legendary builds, dude. The legendary builds are only for those who dont wan to grind for epic items. Here is explained why:
great video as always learning so much about this game from you , where do i find this build ?
The build was shown in the video, and its a very old one, please check the new:
@@T7PDM thx great content i know a little off topic but where do I find the Armor Penetrion been looking in Ellis for the Sculpture for days doing mission after mission thx
@@sailrockpaperscissors8261 You need to complete the Phidias Questline, its the final reward for this questline:,_the_Stick,_and_the_Artist
It may be locked until certain story progress. Definitely requires you to complete Chapter 3 of the main story, since that is the point where you send Phidias to Elis. You should b able to meet him during Chapter 7 when you are in Elis for other activities.
@@T7PDM thx for the info , i think i have missed something as now on teh Heir of memories and closed Atlantis Phidias was in the scene, whats your discord group ?
I did this build with perfect epic swords and bow and convert 50% warrior dmg to all dmg and its a pretty good legendary hybrid build
I never understood why people use the fire damage weapon engraving when the fire buff has no cooldown and lasts longer than most fights anyway.
To get the civilazation gear go visit the blacksmith in Atlantis he has several of the pieces. I had to visit him several times
But since this Hybrid warrior build can one hit overrun assassinate enemies, and one shot enemies with a single arrow with all hunter abilities. Can this build dominate conquest battles too?
It will easily do that. But if you want even better builds then check out the epic builds.
@@T7PDM I think I'm all good with this hybrid warrior build so far, but I wouldn't need epic gear in this build. Thank you
This is amazing stuff!!!!
Amazing build just this thanks for the video good job
I know Im a bite late but im doing this build and i didn't buy the legacy of the first blade dlc, so i didn't have the sword of kings, so i used heitor's sword, which has warrior damage, crit damage and swords damage, then i engraved it with more fire damage. My question is: is the fire damage the best option here? Or do you recommend any other engravings?
You should use the engravings as shown in the video for Heitors Harpe. The epic swords are much better than the legendary ones, I showed the engravings for them aswell. Here is an updated version of the build btw:
Please make a warrior damage build for everyone who haven't bought the Fate of Atlantis and Legacy of the First Blade. 🙏😆
Nice legendary build👍 and good quality content in your video. Will you be making a legendary hunter build too? Btw I have for some time now been using your latest epic hunter build, and yesterday I achieved 12+ million headshot damage! The only changes made from your original are always fire on the bow, falx and extra bow charging speed on the torso.
You should try the new overpower bow strike, which is now able to crit.
I have the exact same the place of two swords i have harvester of time engraved with flaming attacks and spartan javelin with meele resistance and i engraved it with armor penetration.
How to make this build a bit more tanky.....i mean to stay alive in long boss fights.
Hey man great build! I am currently lvl 35 and been going on an assassin build but I found myself lacking when dealing with bigger groups and sometimes even 1v1. Was thinking of going with this build, do you think I can pull off some decent damage even thought I'm only lvl 35 and some items/engravings are lacking? Keep up the good work
I will upload a level 55 build with 3 million damage soon, which is using similar gear.
@@T7PDM Awesome bro! Looking forward for that! Stay safe :)
thanks bro game back to finish the game bc I ditched it in like January last year and I was looking for a build and didn’t want to bring out epics
Lol you don't need builds in assassin creed it's assassin creed how bad are you
When you have every legendary weapon + gear and level 3 abilities but no store gear 😭
Make epic builds they are much better than using legendary items.
When can you get first civilization armor? I am in the Fields of Elysium now and I get Isu armor coming out of my ears.
The first civilization set items are awarded from completing the Elysium missions, the other colored items are unlocked by random loot, you might have to progress to the third episode for them.
hi everyone . thank you for video . could you say me please where can ı get that legendary set ? . only buy or we can get that set from quest or something ? .
Nemean Lion is a helix store set, as you found out, there is no other way to obtain the complete set than to buy it. You might get 1, 2 or even 3 pieces from Sargon if you wait for 6 months, but you will likely never complete it in a reasonable amount of time. If you want the best build, you should use epic items from the blacksmtih and the bighorn bow. This build is outdated.
Check this one for the best build possible:
Or this video if you want to stick with the nemean lion:
Thanks so much for this video, it was a great help! The Nemean Lion set is my first crit strong build and I'm having fun with my new hard hitting character in this game. I'm hoping to do something like your "god warrior" build next with extreme defense stats.
Does this still work? And is it better than the Ezio set? Can you please do a new video with a better up to date build pls nice vid by the way
If you want a warrior build, then definitely better than Ezio.There are no better legendary warrior sets, this is the best equipment with the best engravings you can use, still today. I could not make a better one, there was no other content released, that is better.
What's better crit dmg or warrior dmg? Cuz in my build smh with warrior dmg i get more dmg on the stats but i'm not sure that's real
The damage per engraving is shown in the video. But it is individual per build depending on the actual values of the build. The calculation is also included and explained..The best engravings are usually damage with your weapon type an critical damage at full health.
@@T7PDM by the way u know any way to get the fire engraving? I'm level 35, and they say i have to kill a mercenary, u know any way to find him? Or how much more levels i need to reach?
I found an Epic Six senses sword in Elysium with -warrior damage, damage with swords and Crit damage
That is nice, you should use it instead of the legendary swords. If you use the bklacksmith reload you can find much better epic gear:
my prometheus's sika only has 11% wd and 12% fd is this because my sword is a lower level?
Bruh I died laughing at how you were killing them😂😂😂but awesome video nonetheless.
How'd you get so many dang materials? And I hate the microtransaction gear. I want it, but I'm poor.
From dismantling thousands of max level weapons.
My 2nd comment but, would the oaken bow of chambers be a viable bow for this build or does the fire perks on hades bow out do the crit damage?
This build was meant to be made only with legendary items. If you want you can use the Oaken bow of course, if you have it. The Hades bow has warrior damage on it.
You have armor penetration on the sword and the bow, does it stack or was that a mistake ?
No, dude there is no double. You can not use it twice.
@@T7PDM no when you switch to the epics you have armor penetration on the bow and one of the swords
Hey T7, quick questions. What exactly do you mean by the weapon factor only applies to the left side? How did you figure that only the weapon in the left slot is affected? What if i have a spear with % damage with spear in the right spot, is it not boosted? Also I noticed that when I have nothing equipped, the left slot is still higher damage wise. Why is that?
The weapon factor affects the left side of the calculation shown in the video, with the warrior damage only, the weapon factor does not affect the elemental side, which makes 40% elemental weaker than 20% warrior in a warrior build. I never meant the weapon, dude. Switch your brain on.
Warrior base damage varies for both hands, like one of it is naturally a bit stronger.
I've not following AC franchise for so long, but curious we have beasts in the franchise now?
Mythical Greek Creatures: Minotaurus, Medusa, etc...
Is it possible to do this with spears and if so, what spears would you use?
Here is the best most recent spear build:
If you want a specific legendary spear build, you can join the channel for a month as a premium member or Patreon and contact me in discord.
Swap that bow for the big horn bow and engrave crit chance on it and you will do twice the damage..the big horn bow is glitched
Was the nemean set nerfed? I got the armor and only started odyssey last week and the Nemean set only has 2 stats, Warrior damage and crit damage.
That is the same for every armor item (Except the northern travelers set) and you have to engrave the last engraving by yourself.
how to change only the appearance of the clothes, without changing the build?
There is a button in the menu for it, if you have a recent version installed.
@@t0q14s9 thanks
How did you get the 20 percent crit chance while full health? None of the tablet riddles let you that. I can only find +10 percent while full health online. Are you supposed to upgrade them after 10 percent at the workshop?
Of course upgrade them all at the workshop.
T7 PDM So I just unlocked the first 2 percent and went to the workshop and there’s no upgrade option. Do I have to either hit 10 percent or solve all of the related riddles before that?
im squishing my opponents like they are bugs
Maybe check out the updated legendary warrior build variant aswell:
Hey there if I am early in the game what would you recommend for something other than the kings of kings sword ?
You can use an epic with similar engravings. Atleast Warrior and damage with swords. Having two epic swords with Warrior dmg, Damage with swords and critical dmg would be much better anyway.
Why would i need flaming attack if i already have a flaming sword?
because it unlocks the ability for 40% more damage
@@T7PDM thank you
I have a question regarding the engravings. Im lvl 60 atm and ive used some of my CRIT chance engravings ( they where not lvl 10 at that time) on the gear i no longer need / use. Is there a way to re-use those engravings on new - better gear ? I would like to upgrade them to lvl 10 in Hephaistos Workshop and apply on to better gear. If i dismantle the gear where i used them , should i get them back ? Or do i need to start New Game + and find them all over again ? Would appreciate an answer on this subject :) Thank u very much in advance :)
You keep them unlocked.
@@T7PDM But how can i upgrade for example CRIT chance to lvl 10 and use it on "X" gear if i already used it as lvl 7 on "Y" gear ? Hope that makes sense :/
@@UweEatsWorld Like something you carve in stone will not become better when your carving skills get better, does it? What you engrave will not change unless you change it. If your skills get better re-engrave it with a higher tier. What makes you think that engravings carved on two different items affect each other? Thats not logical.
@@T7PDM i dont think that and i didnt said that. U definitely missunderstod me ;) let me try one more time. Maybe its just my bad english. I watched one of ur videos and made an epic build with high CRIT chance ( using engravings ). Since i didnt have enough drachmae ive used some CRIT chance engravings without leveling them completely to lvl 10. In the meantime... I stopped playing with that build and made another one ( also from ur tutorial). Now i need to engrave CRIT chance onto new build however when i go to Hephaistos workshop i dont have the option to level up CRIT chance engravings - they are not on the list anymore. So my question was , how can i engrave CRIT chance onto new gear / build if i already used those engravings for previous build ?
You are thinking in a so fundamentally wrong direction, dude. You keep the ability to engrave anything you want on any item. And you can change, engrave, or upgrade what you engrave at any time on any item. And you dont have to throw items away you can change engravings, which you placed yourself. Just try it out.
finally an xbox player
Filthy gaybox
Can you make or find this build or do you have to buy it
This is outdated, you can already make a better build with only base game items:
But I strongly recommend you to go for epic builds, with more and better engravings, like this one:
@@T7PDM thanks love the content
@T7 PDM The Nemean set, in my game, only shows to add 5% Crit Chance and 25% Crit Damage while Full Health perk.
Was this changed in an update after the video was uploaded or is it just a visual glitch?
That is the engraving, which you can engrave on other gear. The setbonus is 10% and 50%, when you use the original set.
My health is 236219- Hunter 24885- Warrior 70441-70309 Assassin 234016 Armor 35148
I’ve done all legacy of the first blade plus normal campaign and now doing Atlantis and I’m still confused about builds don’t know what to use for better builds
There's so much. It's very confusing. You're not alone
I have a question how did you get the engraving for 40% fire damage mine only has 20% is there a way I can upgrade the engraving or do i have to new game+ and get it again for 40% fire damage?
Visit Hephaistos Workshop in Malis and Upgrade.
T7 PDM okay appreciate it man I just picked this game up since it was on sale and have no lifeing since thank you. You earned a subscriber and a like.
Hey I did the engraving right and it still not like it in the video. With the detail stats?
Then you simply did it wrong, dude. Peroid. Check your abilities and masteries aswell.
T7 PDM i commented on your other video you must not of seen it Assassins Creed Odyssey 331 Million World Record Warrior Build, Highest damage poison dagger build im still wondering at 3:37 what head are you using whats it called? i like how the eyes flame glow with black shroud i'd appreciate the reply thanks..
The glowing eyes come from the Celestial Torso, combined with the normal Shroud headgear.
@@T7PDM okay thanks for your reply and help
I am new to the game. Can you buy this gear and if so what are the packs?
The armor set used was the Nemean Lion set, you can get it from the Helix store. So it is easy to make. But in general epic items are better than legendary items in this game. Here is why:
@@T7PDM Thank you. Your videos are very helpful.
I’m afraid i can’t find the kings sword in my inventory, although I’ve already killed all the cultist.. and I did finished the quest.. what do you think of the sword of damokles in this particular set??
The Sword of kings is from Legacy of the first blade. Sword of Damokles is really useless, it has two total rubbish engravings. It is a really bad sword. I would never use it any build.
T7 PDM thank you for your answer. I’m using the ceremonial sword for the time I find something better :)
@@girl522 The names like "Ceremonial sword" are random, not related to anything, but I hope it has good engravings.
Can you put the bighorn bow in there
Of course.
para esto tendrias que tener todas las maestrias a full , y ser 99 lv , asi que no se si este video es para jugadores de altisimo nivel
You dont need all masteries, check this video it only needs 200 points and it deals more than double the damage:
For a mid level build, you can use the level 55 hyper warrior build:
I don't understand why i should engrave the sika with permanent fire damage instead of having damage with sword on it. Don't i lose 30%?
Switch on your speakers and actually listen to the video. Its an option because its more convenient and does not alert enemies. Activating fire does alert nearby enemies.
The build is a bit outdated and you should use this one instead:
Von welchen Items hast du die zusätzlichen Gravuren der Schuhe und der Kapuze? +100% crit chance mit full health ??? WIE
Löse deine Ostrakas und Gravuren Challenges, Junge und upgrade dann in Hephaistos Workshop bis zu Tier 10. Klick doch einfach mal auf den Gravur-Button in deinem Inventar, dann siehst du deinen Challenge Fortschritt.
@@T7PDM Ok danke! 😅
but the weapon damage becomes fire damage is useless if you have the rank 3 flaming attacks so its better to engrave the +30% damage with swords
Its not useless, it runs out pretty quick, it makes a sound that alerts enemies nearby and you can not activate it when riding a horse. But yes, you can exchange it with 30% damage with swords. I believe, I even said that.
For the convenience of most players it is actually better to use permanent fire and it also does not block an ability spot. The the point is, when I make a legendary build, which is inferior to any epic builds, why should I not make it even more convenient. I removed the falx to make it full health and even added permenent fire for the casual players. So when you are looking to make this build, you are a casual player anyway.
If you want to get the best, then you are watching the wrong video. Then go for the epic builds like the 26 million warrior build instead.
@@T7PDM okay thank you one more question the sword of kings is free or you need to buy the dlc to get it?
@@Krimzard Its from legacy of the first blade, if I remember correctly.
@@T7PDM is it free now or i need to pay?
@@Krimzard Its on sale in some countries.
Make a video on how to get this build
Do you have a build that's from drops and not payed with the credits?
Just check the epic builds dude, epic items have more engravings and are way better.
@@T7PDM I did look at some of them but I'm still leveling I'm only level 81 like right now I'm using the promotional Viking set with the chest switched out for the demigod so I can continue using my swords and I was just looking around to see if there's anything better I could really be doing with legendary gear still
@@justinhague7254 Check this:
One of the best builds if you have the DLC, also check the invincibility glitch:
And the Zeus build: