This was my COVID song when I got stuck in Ho Chi Minh when everything was shut down. What an insanely crazy mad scary beautiful adventure that moment in time was. This song really connected to me then and still does. It has become a time capsule and beautiful memory.
Honestly I've seen this music video like 5 times over the last few years and I JUST NOW noticed that these buildings wouldn't look half bad if there wasnt all these AC units and satellite dishes outside every apartment lol
@@Phantogram2 I got me a new monitor and just now noticed it. The AC units give it away, at least for me. They are all a bit too clean and just look like copies of one another. And then the reflections look a bit off as well. Amazingly well done tho.
That black sign with white letters which reads "Γ.ΠΕΡΒΟΛΑΡΑΚΗΣ", belongs to an actual business in Athens, Greece. They have been making handmade lampshades for about 75 years now.
This would be one of the most memorable opening sequences for a movie ever. Imagine slowly zooming that camera onto the protagonist, staring right back at you.
try to get the people behind altered carbon to do ghost in the shell, I'm sure they can nail the flavor down. Doesn't even have to be the main characters just the overall theme of ghost in the shell
I worked for four years in Germany. I heard this song while i was there and it just struck me. It felt like it was describing my life there. Like the ost to the metaphor for my experiences; realizing how magnificent the vast and wonderful machine you're a part of is, that you're a functional piece of that machine, and yet small and insignificant, replaceable in a heartbeat.
@@goliathsteinbeisser3547 well, to you it isn't that. I use "wonderful" here because the idea of a big machine that uses people for its constituent parts juxtaposes the concept of something that is wonderful, and yet it often times is. It's a powerhouse of industry, innovation, and efficiency. As much as it might crush individuality, it also is a boon to those that ride with it. Its pieces click together. The track itself is melancholy and foreboding but also, to me, conveys a landscape and a sense of scale. Almost as though the ethereal nature of the tones sets a mood that could be set to something depressing or awe-inspiring. And that's what it was like; an awesome, depressing, magnificent machine all in one.
I remember listening to this a few months ago while sleeping at an airport in Brussels on my way back to nyc after a long adventure in Europe after experiencing some of the craziest moments of my life that will forever be a part of me. I remember feeling sleep deprived, hungry, and wanting nothing more than to go home but now every time i listen to this song it bring me a melancholic feeling of sentiment
Yeah, good luck finding it. I typed "youtube music video electronic music air conditioners kowloon" and seached for pictures in google to finally find it. Was searching for it for quite some time.
I love this building 二十五ヶ月前2022年クリスマスのレイプ事件あとの昼寝後に私の体調変化と脳内ストーカー達より伝達された情報どおり、1.5年前、2023/08/23に早産の未熟児子(死亡)を産んだ際にはパリの病院{Pitie/Anne}がHIV感染されている結果を出した。 I took an AIDS test about 10 times in Japan til 2021's spring, all of those were negative for the virus and I was healthy. As mentioned above, last year in Paris, all medical institutions tested positive for the virus for the first time, and Pijus continued to commit heinous crimes while I was sleeping. 私は、規格の合わない不適格で劣悪卑怯な人間達により監視されていました。私は致命傷の病気と引き続く継続殺人のせいで頭の規格が低知能化しました。私は日本に住んでいた頃、10回程HIV検査をしましたが、全て良好でヴィールスは検出されませんでした。日本で最終的に検査したのは2021年春です。フランスへ到着しても2022年の事件までは睡眠妨害や健康被害に辟易しながらも元気で何処へも出掛ける意欲があり、体重を支える筋力も持久力もあり水泳をしても悪寒が走ることも疲れやすくなることもなく健康でした。 Afin d'attirer l'attention du sexe opposé, les femmes frustrées prétendaient demander du sexe et si elles échouaient, elles se transformaient en mes transformateurs (= imitateurs) et apparaissaient dans mon environnement comme un mauvais cycle. Veuillez détruire cette routine 2022年クリスマス翌日(約2年前)のエイズ感染事件を起こされる前までの私の寝顔は世界一美しいと女性脳内ストーカーたちが妬ましそうに言っていたが、今や電子電流で変身した女達がわたしになりすまし2022年以降に私の体に加えた同様の有害活動を犯し続けている。一芸のように性行為と犯行をドッキングさせて悪意監視者にアピールしないで下さい。わたしが暗に他人から羨望される存在だった時期には全く好機をもたらさなかった妬み深い女達は、他人との比較で常に私の優位性を隠したがった。このような主張をすると素行改良した彼女達の一昔前の悪巧みを羨ましがる潜在的悪女達をピウス•バチェビシスのハレムとして活動的にし、怯んだ卑屈な男女がおだて役に転じている。彼女達は私の神経の物理的破壊を実現し続け、世界一言及したくない病感染まで犯し私は未だに回復していません。それでも尚、彼女達の蛮行は止まらず2023年以降は卵管を損傷したり、乳頭を短く奇妙な形状にしたり、脳を萎縮したり、2024年以降も胸を小さくしたり、指を非対称にしたり、女性性を損なわせた。2023年8月には最初で最後かもしれない早産未熟児が死亡したが、今後自身の子供ができなくされてしまった。暗い未来だ。犯人達は私の容姿頭脳が衰えてから有能な人間達に私の苦境を知らしめ始めた..。私の氏名は生まれながら松野可奈子、1984年4月13日東京都国立市産まれ、ふたば幼稚園卒園後、練馬区向山2丁目17番地2に移住、2011年以降宮崎市に独り暮らし後東京へ帰還、現在フランス パリで凶悪男性宅に住んでいる。現住の住居はFranceParis75005rue de quatrefarge14 facing street 8th floor room number[4]であるが、特にこの住居で受けた健康被害が2022年5月以降特に同年8月以降に900回以上の注射事件と、2000回にのぼるMRI照射事件と20回以上の胸を縮める傷害事件と、74回以上の子宮を傷つける傷害事件と、復讐心すらも被害者に跳ね返す人々によって、わたしは総計13000回以上のこれらと紫外線、放射線や磁気照射及び生物化学汚染物質による被害を重ねて受けました。致命傷として2022年12月25日-26日-27日に睡眠中のレイプ事件と急性HIV感染事件を連続で起こされましたが、エスカレートする犯行は止まりません、未だに筋力が弱く体質も衰えたままです、高免疫のわたしや家族の遺伝子産物(迷信的奇跡のHIV回復薬)はわたしに届かず悪人に消費されてばかりです。結婚歴無し、改名歴無し、権力者や有名人の知人は無し、私は高校低学年時にCTスキャンにより記憶力が著しく落ちた。宮崎県で2012年に無修正セクシャル自撮り個人写真が携帯無断利用のストーカー男に盗まれてインターネットに曝されることが無ければ誰に対しても気後れせずにすんだでしょう。2017年1月最終日に渋谷の通りに出掛けた後LUNASEAのSUGIZO(悪) とペアリングのチップで人格混合された上ストーキングされ始めたようだ。他者混合状態の容疑者の悪意の確認は困難です。生まれつき容姿は悪くなかったのだが2017年2月最終週に炭酸リチウムの摂取を促され11錠で主に鼻の外観が醜く劣悪化し知能もやや低下した、2017年9月に医療現場の職務違反犯行によりMRIで顔の大きさを肥大化させられた、日本で2020年、2021年に人格複製兵器の資源化を目的とし強制的に入院させられ不要薬物とナノチップ漬けになり知能を落とされた。TV業界人が脳内出力装置で一方的に私の人生を独占してきた後に、私生活を監査されたがるTV女優たちが不足した素養を私で補いながら監視者をつかせたようだ。私の人生でそいつらの素行が改善されたにも関わらず下劣で器量が悪く非道な人々と凶暴な本質的に性格の悪い女優達の好ましくない特徴ばかり私の側に押し付けられていたようだ。いつも金持ちの不快感を回避するために私が頭を忙しくされてきたのに、悪評の擦り付けばかりされて悪い状況が長期化していた。私の懸念を悪用して身体への負担で記憶の低下策を取られ続けた。モンマルトルの画家ポール宅で2022年3月に歯ブラシ生科学汚染事件が起き前歯の歯並びが出っ張り反っ歯にされた。
It’s the evocation of utter insignificance, and a type of loneliness characterized by the fact that you could be stuck in the cogs of this place, and no one would stop you. The block is a machine, and anyone can be destroyed by not following the rhythms of the place. A warren. And yet, you survive. And you are better and smarter than the Failsafes of the state whom you have no part in. And you survive. Carving your territory out. It’s not easy. It’s not usually fun. It’s high risk. But there is a satisfaction to that life. Good enough. Bittersweet when it’s over.
It kinda gives me Ghost in the Shell vibes and I am having chills. It could also play in a post modern hyper technological society such as NeoTokyo in Akira.
I want more dystopian, cold comforting feeling songs like this one, i keep coming back i love cycling at night through dark empty streets with music like this in case of u loving this too check out Sephiroth - The Call Of The Serpent or R'lyeh
The melody that comes out at 0:20 and doesn’t reappear until nearly the end of the song is really something else. It’s heavy, mechanical, piercing, and still progresses from point to point, beat to beat, gracefully. On one hand I wish it’d been more present in the track- on the other I’m glad for it’s sparsity, that really makes a moment worth so much more, doesn’t it? If you’d asked me I’d say we’ve heard an incomplete half, beckoning it’s own call as if comforting itself in the absence of a suitable respondent. How sad it is, that such a gorgeous call went unheard...
@@koshiinahole1003 I just think it's a neat environment in the sense that its a wild and undictated part of society, also, the grey mass and flat structure seem like an empty canvas to me, they spark my creativity and stuff
I love how much more movement and energy this new Forest Swords has! I've always liked the atmosphere of his music, but give it a pulse and I'm in love! It was great seeing him at Day for Night and I hope I get another chance to see him!
This looks like a dystopian future where people live in vr to escape reality and only a few people still accept reality. They are the ones that graffiti
I couldn't believe my eyes when I realized that the signs on the buildings are in Greek. Wait, there are no such tall buildings in Greece. That's when I understood it was fake, based on real buildings in Athens, Greece. Good work on the visual, well done.
I thought it was inspired by a Japanese or Chinese city but then I saw the greek letters and I was like "Hold up, I can read this" so definitely Athens/Thessaloniki!
A/Cs are not rusted and the windows are clean. You know unless Mr. Clean lives in the building too, it's apparent that this is fake but done really well of course...
really great art, both audio and visual. I didn't even realize it's computer generated until many times watching it and wondering where all the people were.
I didn't realise until a video about hong kongs monster building reminded me of this. My exact shot was "oh so thaaats where they shot that video". I was wrong.
I always find this video hauntingly beautiful...mesmerizing. And I imagine as the picture zooms in that Bjork will be standing on the balcony, smiling back.😀
Perhaps the most powerful tracking shot I have ever seen. I can't tell if it's CGI, a model, or real. I want to see a film set there, and I want to play a game set there. But I sure as hell don't want to visit or live there.
Its a good thing it was destroyed when it was, because they were all tremendously lucky to move on to somewhere with proper planning. Altho im sure many also became homeless.. Dont get me wrong kowloon is an amazing concept and im sure there are people who lived there that miss it dearly, we lost the culture as whole; but it was rife with drugs and gangs and not a quality place to live by most standards. Most importantly, it was perhaps the worst structural fire in history just waitng to happen. Theyre so damn lucky there wasnt an electrical fire that got out of hand during its uptime, since there was no proper planning or electric installation. It wouldve been one of the worst localised catastrophes probably in the history of mankind. It wouldve been a fucking nightmare Ive studied structural fires in modern history and got some understanding for where the regulations come from. Even now, we have fires in developed neighbourhoods like kensington, london with grenfell tower, which are tragedies containing suffering beyond our imagination. The victims are always warning beforehand, and are mostly the invisible population of addicts, immigrants, lower class and disabled/elderly, much like the occupants of kowloon. Kowloon would have been a thousand times worse if it was allowed to remain. Its worth the loss of cultural history and beauty for the security of the children that would have been born there
yet it's so strange that the focal point of the video is the weird, dumb and slanted looking wire fixtures. literally anything else could have been the centerpiece and would have worked yet the artists chose the least plausible and realistic element to direct the animation
For those wondering where this place is, the signs are in greek, so this must be in Athens or Thessaloniki (probably Athens). This must be shots from different locations in the city center (old buildings were small fabrics and other industy-like companies used to be), then puzzled up together and added some 3D effects on top.
For those of us who r AWARE of how Athens AND Thessaloniki AND how the ASIAN city Hong Kong look like we already know that this is also animated. I guess tomorrow it is time for u to learn 2+2? Also, except the funny thing that u mention only 2 Hellenic cities, Thessaloniki differs a bit from Athens, except that it is a more beautiful city.
Не знаю почему, но на это смотреть можно вечно, я раз 10 просмотрел подряд, какая-то магия, соответствие видеоряда и музыкального сопровождения, однозначно гениально...
i have been searching for this video clip five years now - soon after i watched it first time- it suddenly popped up in my feed again- wow - went crazy on the location - and music
I just discovered this band, I find their music quite interesting, it reminds me of that feeling when listening to a good soundtrack while watching a good movie
@ Don Jon damn right and nice said - I was watching a Movie called Gundala (Indonesia) and there is this setting for only one second, one frame and it reminds you at the same moment on those masterpiece here..
У меня этот трек ассоциируется с утром в городе. Весна-раннее лето, восход, прохлада, легкий ветерок, все просыпается, приходит в движение - новый день начался.
@@bomjour_crasovca Yes, that's it! But on the street does not sound so depressing music. Although... Sometimes in a neighboring house very loudly play music that was once popular. And the way it sounds from afar depress me. Very atmospheric. P.S. sorry for the mistakes, I don't know English very well
Hey, so, yeah, i'm not exactly sober right now, but... this song was how universe just spoke to me and explained me some very important things about myself. Thank you, Forest Swords.
I've watched this video 3 times, back to back, and I just keep coming away from this with more and more questions... Like, I'm not sure if these are shots of a set of objects, be it actual buildings or a set produced as a miniature, or just some sort of CGI rendering. The sky in the second shot looks pasted in, but I can't find any sort of indicator of time scale for any of these shots... Or how the shots were even taken. If you watch the reflections in the windows, you might see what I mean. Bravo to the director... The uncanny valley is far, far stronger here than I could ever have thought possible.
Urban Wolf 🛡Dear Judge Wolf! ⚖️ 🦾😎👊🏻💥 A situation is developing in Sub-Sector 20. We have a positive lD on three suspects wanted on multiple counts. Code 10-10. Please, attend! 🚨
Don't you love these days when your recommendations algorithm is doing the Lord's work and you end up spending several hours discovering all sorts of obscure but awesome music?
@@iamhomer3254 Sorry, it a minute to find that, you phrased it oddly. But based on yes, it however certainly is what the life-destroyer claims. The details (and lack thereof) in certain parts of the rendering create whatever the architectural equivalent of the uncanny valley and the visual artist for the video explains (there is a link in another comment on here), but if you look at the actual skyline of Athens, I think you can see why they 'mashed-up' the Yick Cheong Building and Athens like that when you do. Maybe you know this, but it's a cool aesthetic combination. Some giveaways here are: the depth errors and repetition of graffiti, how identical the AC units and satellite dishes are, and the placement of the AC units and dishes is nonsensical. There's an interesting video with Raku Kichizaemon somewhere, discussing perfection in human creation and the tension of that with human emotion.
How can a song sound so futuristic yet so nostalgic? How can a song be so deep and meaningful yet no words? How can a song just be so damn good and artistically emotional?
shaiq butt yes we will see more berserk, new chapter coming soon. And i suppose that his team is working on more, to finish the storyline. He briefed them for a case like this would happen.
@@fashioN1337 where you got that from? i dont think none of that is confirmed, and all he had was an assistant which never really got to know whats the history supposed to be
This song came in a shuffle somewhere of August of 2020. At 18, I was Depressed just about every summer before that. I depended on a school to make my self feel connected all my time before that. This time it felt like and endless summer with a black sun for good measure. 0:40 - 1:20 hits it right on the nerve. This feeling of continual habitual hopeful trial with the best intent only for it to seemingly fall back into almost patternistic failure each passing year. I wanted to hang myself in the woods behind my neighborhoods pool. Never did never will. I can say that for certain, but this song is sanctimonious to that time for me. Read jp's book. Got better. Wild what happens when you don't call it.
when you coming to that concious reckoning in this world, let this be your soundtrack, let this be your guide. let you find freedom and justice and equality and the golden rule on the other side of your crucible. and let your journey be righteous prosperous and just.
This was my COVID song when I got stuck in Ho Chi Minh when everything was shut down. What an insanely crazy mad scary beautiful adventure that moment in time was. This song really connected to me then and still does.
It has become a time capsule and beautiful memory.
I was in Hanoi just before everything shut down. Had scraped up *just* enough money to get a flight back home.
Nice to see you fellow traveller.
amazing dude....
I would probably never click on this video, if the buildings wouldn't caught my eye. And now I love the music also
me also :)
Wolf Jake me too!
I know sex pistols right?
I am so glad the recommendation algorithm has blessed me with this today.
It's not an algorithm. They are paying midgets to watch you and to put videos on your front page.
praised be the algorithm!
joaomlo2 same
Same :)
The one time a month it makes me happy instead of angry.
As an HVAC technician This Is The Stuff nightmares are made of.
Honestly I've seen this music video like 5 times over the last few years and I JUST NOW noticed that these buildings wouldn't look half bad if there wasnt all these AC units and satellite dishes outside every apartment lol
As someone who does video editing - I'm 100% certain these are renders and not real life
@@Phantogram2 I want to hope no such monstrosity exists
@@Phantogram2 I got me a new monitor and just now noticed it. The AC units give it away, at least for me. They are all a bit too clean and just look like copies of one another. And then the reflections look a bit off as well.
Amazingly well done tho.
@@upsydaysy3042 it used to do, good old Kowloon Walled City
That air-conditioner salesman must have been amazing.
and the installers had balls of sttel
those graffiti artists though lmao
they seem to be used as step stools for those graffiti artists 😂
this comment restored my faith Im not the only optimist in existance left. cheers
That black sign with white letters which reads "Γ.ΠΕΡΒΟΛΑΡΑΚΗΣ", belongs to an actual business in Athens, Greece. They have been making handmade lampshades for about 75 years now.
The whole Video was Filmed in athens
@@hansdaimler865 The whole video is CGI
Αποκλείεται αυτή η φαβέλα να είναι στην Αθήνα και γενικά στην Ελλάδα. Λογικά σε καμιά Κίνα θα είναι.
Damn, thats a lot of lampshades
@@hansdaimler865 Get your eyes checked.
That's the song they gonna play during credits when the world ends
So...a couple of weeks from now?
I agree with end credits, butt the world will not end, even if 0 people whould be alive
no one around to listen
@@Elisandro2cool ye man looking dat way
This song has a vibe that makes you want to go around aimlessly just living in the moment
True that
nah I feel like a killer listening to this
This would be one of the most memorable opening sequences for a movie ever. Imagine slowly zooming that camera onto the protagonist, staring right back at you.
hey person who recently commented
@@cavejohnson982 Hey!
@@KellInkston Good day
@@user-03-gsa3 And to you!
If this visual was the opening scene to a movie, it would be one of the best of all time
This can fit perfectly for a right adaptament of "ghost in the Shell"
i was thinking the exact same thing when I saw the buildings; it sure fits perfectly tohether with the music.
And Kowloon and other rotten places in the world...
Yup. This is the most cyberpunk neighborhood I've seen.
try to get the people behind altered carbon to do ghost in the shell, I'm sure they can nail the flavor down. Doesn't even have to be the main characters just the overall theme of ghost in the shell
I was looking for this conment, I knew somebody already thought same.
It's futuristic, dystopian and ritual. I love it so much. We need movie based on this tune.
Ghost in the Shell (the anime) is exactly like this
A new post apocalyptic neo Paleolithic crow tribe ritual!!!
@@gantilz865 Wtf je savais pas que ce genre de musiques étaient connues ici
It's awesome
@@caliche2000 was about to write that, too lol
I worked for four years in Germany. I heard this song while i was there and it just struck me. It felt like it was describing my life there. Like the ost to the metaphor for my experiences; realizing how magnificent the vast and wonderful machine you're a part of is, that you're a functional piece of that machine, and yet small and insignificant, replaceable in a heartbeat.
The word 'wonderful' is so odd in this context. Germany is... not that. To me this machine is a self-righteous, careless beast that eats the future.
@@goliathsteinbeisser3547 well, to you it isn't that. I use "wonderful" here because the idea of a big machine that uses people for its constituent parts juxtaposes the concept of something that is wonderful, and yet it often times is. It's a powerhouse of industry, innovation, and efficiency. As much as it might crush individuality, it also is a boon to those that ride with it. Its pieces click together. The track itself is melancholy and foreboding but also, to me, conveys a landscape and a sense of scale. Almost as though the ethereal nature of the tones sets a mood that could be set to something depressing or awe-inspiring. And that's what it was like; an awesome, depressing, magnificent machine all in one.
Thanks for sharing man
Looks like a scene from movie Dredd
CAnadIAn PreppEr in da building!!!!!🙌🙌🙌
gongkong real life..
Mega city! Mega districts!
is that movie good to watch?
I was thinking Fifth Element
I remember listening to this a few months ago while sleeping at an airport in Brussels on my way back to nyc after a long adventure in Europe after experiencing some of the craziest moments of my life that will forever be a part of me. I remember feeling sleep deprived, hungry, and wanting nothing more than to go home but now every time i listen to this song it bring me a melancholic feeling of sentiment
Tell us, what kind of crazy experiences did you have?
@@l_ChillZone_l well for starters I was there to join the French Foreign Legion (and failed)
@@l_ChillZone_l and i tried to go to Bosnia but got sent back to France by the border police cause I lost my covid test
@@Elmasdrakosinfenixov Thats crazy indeed.
I listen this the first time and think my u tube name is a good one. Fk Putin!
I’ve been searching for this song for 2 years and have finally found it. Something about it just never leaves me and I love it
Yeah, good luck finding it. I typed "youtube music video electronic music air conditioners kowloon" and seached for pictures in google to finally find it. Was searching for it for quite some time.
@@myname-mn9vk Where did you guys see this first? I guess i was lucky this got recommended to me 3 years ago lol.
Me too🎉
I had the chance to listen live this creation in Budapest. Suggested to everyone to enjoy the live experience.
I love this building 二十五ヶ月前2022年クリスマスのレイプ事件あとの昼寝後に私の体調変化と脳内ストーカー達より伝達された情報どおり、1.5年前、2023/08/23に早産の未熟児子(死亡)を産んだ際にはパリの病院{Pitie/Anne}がHIV感染されている結果を出した。
I took an AIDS test about 10 times in Japan til 2021's spring, all of those were negative for the virus and I was healthy. As mentioned above, last year in Paris, all medical institutions tested positive for the virus for the first time, and Pijus continued to commit heinous crimes while I was sleeping.
Afin d'attirer l'attention du sexe opposé, les femmes frustrées prétendaient demander du sexe et si elles échouaient, elles se transformaient en mes transformateurs (= imitateurs) et apparaissaient dans mon environnement comme un mauvais cycle. Veuillez détruire cette routine
2022年クリスマス翌日(約2年前)のエイズ感染事件を起こされる前までの私の寝顔は世界一美しいと女性脳内ストーカーたちが妬ましそうに言っていたが、今や電子電流で変身した女達がわたしになりすまし2022年以降に私の体に加えた同様の有害活動を犯し続けている。一芸のように性行為と犯行をドッキングさせて悪意監視者にアピールしないで下さい。わたしが暗に他人から羨望される存在だった時期には全く好機をもたらさなかった妬み深い女達は、他人との比較で常に私の優位性を隠したがった。このような主張をすると素行改良した彼女達の一昔前の悪巧みを羨ましがる潜在的悪女達をピウス•バチェビシスのハレムとして活動的にし、怯んだ卑屈な男女がおだて役に転じている。彼女達は私の神経の物理的破壊を実現し続け、世界一言及したくない病感染まで犯し私は未だに回復していません。それでも尚、彼女達の蛮行は止まらず2023年以降は卵管を損傷したり、乳頭を短く奇妙な形状にしたり、脳を萎縮したり、2024年以降も胸を小さくしたり、指を非対称にしたり、女性性を損なわせた。2023年8月には最初で最後かもしれない早産未熟児が死亡したが、今後自身の子供ができなくされてしまった。暗い未来だ。犯人達は私の容姿頭脳が衰えてから有能な人間達に私の苦境を知らしめ始めた..。私の氏名は生まれながら松野可奈子、1984年4月13日東京都国立市産まれ、ふたば幼稚園卒園後、練馬区向山2丁目17番地2に移住、2011年以降宮崎市に独り暮らし後東京へ帰還、現在フランス パリで凶悪男性宅に住んでいる。現住の住居はFranceParis75005rue de quatrefarge14 facing street 8th floor room number[4]であるが、特にこの住居で受けた健康被害が2022年5月以降特に同年8月以降に900回以上の注射事件と、2000回にのぼるMRI照射事件と20回以上の胸を縮める傷害事件と、74回以上の子宮を傷つける傷害事件と、復讐心すらも被害者に跳ね返す人々によって、わたしは総計13000回以上のこれらと紫外線、放射線や磁気照射及び生物化学汚染物質による被害を重ねて受けました。致命傷として2022年12月25日-26日-27日に睡眠中のレイプ事件と急性HIV感染事件を連続で起こされましたが、エスカレートする犯行は止まりません、未だに筋力が弱く体質も衰えたままです、高免疫のわたしや家族の遺伝子産物(迷信的奇跡のHIV回復薬)はわたしに届かず悪人に消費されてばかりです。結婚歴無し、改名歴無し、権力者や有名人の知人は無し、私は高校低学年時にCTスキャンにより記憶力が著しく落ちた。宮崎県で2012年に無修正セクシャル自撮り個人写真が携帯無断利用のストーカー男に盗まれてインターネットに曝されることが無ければ誰に対しても気後れせずにすんだでしょう。2017年1月最終日に渋谷の通りに出掛けた後LUNASEAのSUGIZO(悪) とペアリングのチップで人格混合された上ストーキングされ始めたようだ。他者混合状態の容疑者の悪意の確認は困難です。生まれつき容姿は悪くなかったのだが2017年2月最終週に炭酸リチウムの摂取を促され11錠で主に鼻の外観が醜く劣悪化し知能もやや低下した、2017年9月に医療現場の職務違反犯行によりMRIで顔の大きさを肥大化させられた、日本で2020年、2021年に人格複製兵器の資源化を目的とし強制的に入院させられ不要薬物とナノチップ漬けになり知能を落とされた。TV業界人が脳内出力装置で一方的に私の人生を独占してきた後に、私生活を監査されたがるTV女優たちが不足した素養を私で補いながら監視者をつかせたようだ。私の人生でそいつらの素行が改善されたにも関わらず下劣で器量が悪く非道な人々と凶暴な本質的に性格の悪い女優達の好ましくない特徴ばかり私の側に押し付けられていたようだ。いつも金持ちの不快感を回避するために私が頭を忙しくされてきたのに、悪評の擦り付けばかりされて悪い状況が長期化していた。私の懸念を悪用して身体への負担で記憶の低下策を取られ続けた。モンマルトルの画家ポール宅で2022年3月に歯ブラシ生科学汚染事件が起き前歯の歯並びが出っ張り反っ歯にされた。
a taste of isolation and existence, it's kind of
bittersweet .
It’s the evocation of utter insignificance, and a type of loneliness characterized by the fact that you could be stuck in the cogs of this place, and no one would stop you. The block is a machine, and anyone can be destroyed by not following the rhythms of the place. A warren. And yet, you survive. And you are better and smarter than the Failsafes of the state whom you have no part in. And you survive. Carving your territory out. It’s not easy. It’s not usually fun. It’s high risk. But there is a satisfaction to that life. Good enough. Bittersweet when it’s over.
It kinda gives me Ghost in the Shell vibes and I am having chills. It could also play in a post modern hyper technological society such as NeoTokyo in Akira.
LOL too much soy for you.
I haven't seen Ghost in the Shell (I know...the horror...but I will ) and this song "screams" of it !!
@leaves autumn I know it is...just haven't had the chance yet ^^'
This completely fits an ARIKA live action film
Brown Eyed Boy cyberpunk 2077
I want more dystopian, cold comforting feeling songs like this one, i keep coming back
i love cycling at night through dark empty streets with music like this
in case of u loving this too check out
Sephiroth - The Call Of The Serpent or R'lyeh
thank you for sharing, check this one too:
That’s interesting 🧐
Ull get a real dose of dystopia soon brother. No cycling for you tho unless it's in a simulator.
Lets make a Spotify Playlist! :)
Lorn is good too
This alters my brain state, my mind set, my reality as I normally see it.
We think it will last forever, yet it's rotting in front of our very eyes.
Stealing this for whatever I'll use it for.
You don't understand concrete do you. I have concrete nearly 100 years old around my house surviving FINE.
@@OffGridInvestor Your bones well outlast your life.
Eh, at least it'll rot forever.
Highly recommend listening to this while running through the woods at dusk on a dark rainy day
I hate woods, they look so... brown... And rain, it´s like.... so.... wetty.
Yes, I´m bored and drunk, just writing silly things on UA-cam.
cyberella17 will try !
i done did it @Yosun Prensi
Listen to this while drawing,you'll be amazed😐
@@MrTomcun the f you mean wetty? wet is already an adjective tf is
The melody that comes out at 0:20 and doesn’t reappear until nearly the end of the song is really something else. It’s heavy, mechanical, piercing, and still progresses from point to point, beat to beat, gracefully. On one hand I wish it’d been more present in the track- on the other I’m glad for it’s sparsity, that really makes a moment worth so much more, doesn’t it? If you’d asked me I’d say we’ve heard an incomplete half, beckoning it’s own call as if comforting itself in the absence of a suitable respondent. How sad it is, that such a gorgeous call went unheard...
@@sienamon9032 Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean Dasha McLean
Is it just me or did you just explain my entire life 😲
@daAnder71 Who cares lol
I doubt you've watched it, but it's very "resident evil afterlife" sounding.
@@jsplay7415 Yes i was thinking the same :D
Nothing lines up, no consistency, no color, no hope,, living you life in a blank wall box,,love the video
Plot twist: its the good part of the town.
those are really expensive apartments
this a regular part of Athens
It is not, but it is central Athens
and the ground is lava
@@sporehux8344 cement in the summer feels pretty much like lava tbh
I live in a small rural town in England, so living accommodation like this is both difficult for me to comprehend yet completely fascinating.
I live in a city in America and I think the same thing! Fascinating for sure
lucky you village life is so much better
Not to worry, in a few decades most of the world will look like this
and would be impossible to be comfortable in, and extremely detrimental to health
@@RoyLevan agenda 2030 can suck it. Sustainability is a decoy.
This has been hanging around my recommendations for weeks and I finally clicked on it.
Thanks UA-cam!
Thanks for being so consistent with this!
ACE Someone used it as a theme song and then I asked them what it was and that’s how I found it
Love instrumental music I don't need words
This gives me apocalyptic Kowloon walled city vibes.
i think this is what the middle of kowloon city must have looked like. Just a bit more slum-like
Compared to Kowloon walled city, this is alike open Savannah; imagine 50,000 souls packed in about 6.4 acres.
@@wandereule6433 kowloon city was a full blown hobo and drug gangs version of this. Footage exists but not much.
Same here. But like the clean organized rich people version.
So gray, monotone and lifeless, I love it
I love it too I miss Athens and that hood on this video
Lmao you'd love Russia
What a paradox, nice 😎
just like looking in the mirror of my soul
@@koshiinahole1003 I just think it's a neat environment in the sense that its a wild and undictated part of society, also, the grey mass and flat structure seem like an empty canvas to me, they spark my creativity and stuff
I’m in Hong Kong, so all I need to do is look out the window
Is it like this if you look out of the window?
I love HK.
Kowloon?...has not been torn down now?
Freedom for Hong Kong
Love this mesmerising marriage of music and video. It's a masterpiece of dystopian imagery and sound that once seen can never been forgotten
I love how much more movement and energy this new Forest Swords has! I've always liked the atmosphere of his music, but give it a pulse and I'm in love! It was great seeing him at Day for Night and I hope I get another chance to see him!
graham dale Not quite on topic, but you've got a beautiful name!
Has to be my favourite find on UA-cam. Just love this. Hauntingly Beautiful..... Love it share it and listen to it over and over again....
This is the greatest youtube recommendation I've ever had!
One of the best.
How can it be that this music makes me feel so many emotions even without lyrics or many instruments used. Amazing 👏
the melody is the emotions - don´t need lyrics
cause its a reminder of 2090
frequency is need to learn about you own existance if u are still asking why about things like this...
basically only one minute into this and it's already mind blowing
არ თქვაა 🔥
This looks like a dystopian future where people live in vr to escape reality and only a few people still accept reality. They are the ones that graffiti
"2 days ago" welp, we lost him boys
Btw,you're describing what's happening right now...
@@stlkngyomom exactly
sounds like the movie Ready Player One
It's Chung King Mansions
Oh man, I put this on while playing Cyberpunk, walking through the streets during a rainy night. Perfection.
Offenbar seit 4 Jahren höre ich mir diesen Song an. Ich bewundere die Klimanlagen und geniesse den sound
I couldn't believe my eyes when I realized that the signs on the buildings are in Greek. Wait, there are no such tall buildings in Greece. That's when I understood it was fake, based on real buildings in Athens, Greece. Good work on the visual, well done.
Nice observation. I have been perplexed by this as well, obviously a homage to Kowloon but the greek letters threw me off
Same here! I was so puzzled ! The signs are completely out of place...
I thought it was inspired by a Japanese or Chinese city but then I saw the greek letters and I was like "Hold up, I can read this" so definitely Athens/Thessaloniki!
A/Cs are not rusted and the windows are clean. You know unless Mr. Clean lives in the building too, it's apparent that this is fake but done really well of course...
really great art, both audio and visual. I didn't even realize it's computer generated until many times watching it and wondering where all the people were.
idk abt that cuz there are places like this in hong kong
I didn't realise until a video about hong kongs monster building reminded me of this. My exact shot was "oh so thaaats where they shot that video".
I was wrong.
I always find this video hauntingly beautiful...mesmerizing. And I imagine as the picture zooms in that Bjork will be standing on the balcony, smiling back.😀
I love the atmosphere of this! (also makes me think of 'Keep the streets empty for me - Fever Ray')
Yes, I agree
Perhaps the most powerful tracking shot I have ever seen. I can't tell if it's CGI, a model, or real. I want to see a film set there, and I want to play a game set there. But I sure as hell don't want to visit or live there.
I was thinking the same who in their right mind would pack people together like that Lol
It's excellent CGI. If you look very closely at the reflections in some of the windows, you can see the slightest lagging. Nearly perfect.
Probably CGI, look at 2:18 and you will see center-left an air conditioner is clipping through an upper covering.
CG artist here. This is CGI. Great work!
@@gtwrmw1978 I mean you can also just look at the crazy architecture and over abundance of air conditioners to know this is CGI
I'm getting some Kowloon Walled City vibes from the visuals.
Its a good thing it was destroyed when it was, because they were all tremendously lucky to move on to somewhere with proper planning. Altho im sure many also became homeless..
Dont get me wrong kowloon is an amazing concept and im sure there are people who lived there that miss it dearly, we lost the culture as whole; but it was rife with drugs and gangs and not a quality place to live by most standards.
Most importantly, it was perhaps the worst structural fire in history just waitng to happen. Theyre so damn lucky there wasnt an electrical fire that got out of hand during its uptime, since there was no proper planning or electric installation. It wouldve been one of the worst localised catastrophes probably in the history of mankind. It wouldve been a fucking nightmare
Ive studied structural fires in modern history and got some understanding for where the regulations come from. Even now, we have fires in developed neighbourhoods like kensington, london with grenfell tower, which are tragedies containing suffering beyond our imagination. The victims are always warning beforehand, and are mostly the invisible population of addicts, immigrants, lower class and disabled/elderly, much like the occupants of kowloon. Kowloon would have been a thousand times worse if it was allowed to remain.
Its worth the loss of cultural history and beauty for the security of the children that would have been born there
yet it's so strange that the focal point of the video is the weird, dumb and slanted looking wire fixtures. literally anything else could have been the centerpiece and would have worked yet the artists chose the least plausible and realistic element to direct the animation
For those wondering where this place is, the signs are in greek, so this must be in Athens or Thessaloniki (probably Athens). This must be shots from different locations in the city center (old buildings were small fabrics and other industy-like companies used to be), then puzzled up together and added some 3D effects on top.
For those of us who r AWARE of how Athens AND Thessaloniki AND how the ASIAN city Hong Kong look like we already know that this is also animated. I guess tomorrow it is time for u to learn 2+2? Also, except the funny thing that u mention only 2 Hellenic cities, Thessaloniki differs a bit from Athens, except that it is a more beautiful city.
I'm 99% sure it's CGI.
This has that distinctive Ghost in the Shell taste. Love it
"Every flight begins with a fall, the crow said"
The crow clearly never flew with a commercial airliner.
thus, the 1000 mile journey begins with just a step!, cheers!
Oh whoa I needed to hear this thank you man! 🙏
All aircraft stall to finish their flights. Falling is stalling.
and then aircraft flies off again.
dis is the magic circle of life
you need to listen to simba
Looks like scene from Ghost In The Shell. Love this kind of electronic ambient music so much!
Yeah that's what i thinking it remined me of ghost in the shell
@@laynestaley6512 Thanks Please tell some more movies like that..
@@alokranjan4902 Blade Runner and Blade Runner 2049.
@@alokranjan4902 cyberpunk 2077 is a video game trying to be like it. Kinda.
@@alokranjan4902 Akira
Не знаю почему, но на это смотреть можно вечно, я раз 10 просмотрел подряд, какая-то магия, соответствие видеоряда и музыкального сопровождения, однозначно гениально...
я только не понял, картинка это реальный трэш, или рисунок?
@@saltfox1 это обычная новостройка в махачкале, а что?
@@nawumchik расскажи, какое удовольствие тебе доставляет быть в ролях "вездесрущего"?
@@saltfox1 Это 3д
@@amokjok мне тоже показалось, что рисунок, но с другой стороны я видел реальную похожую картинку из Гонконга (если не измняет память).
i have been searching
for this video clip five years now - soon after
i watched it first time- it suddenly popped up in my feed again- wow - went crazy on the location - and music
The echoing sounds of this music really do make you feel like you're somewhat in those urban jungles, ready for action to break out
I just discovered this band, I find their music quite interesting, it reminds me of that feeling when listening to a good soundtrack while watching a good movie
0:20 insane and charismatic melody. Right now I feel immersed in a cyberpunk city.
Amei a batida
hello ☺️
if you like futuristic music
Please check out Cyberpunk by ATEEZ .
They're having a comeback on 16.6.23
please check them out ❤
Фантастически люблю это всё❤
The building is so cool in such an acopalyspe way.
I love that aesthetic
Dot some neon signs around the place and you’ve got one hell of a cyberpunk setting
@ Don Jon damn right and nice said - I was watching a Movie called Gundala (Indonesia) and there is this setting for only one second, one frame and it reminds you at the same moment on those masterpiece here..
I think it looks dystopian
great! work guys i really like the old retro Greek business signs .
Man, I can't get bored of this song even when i'm bored of this song.
Thats such a cool shoot and Beautiful view in the first half of the video. Would love to be there sometime.
I feel a sort of melancholy knowing this is likely what the future could look like.
Yup,sooner or later true overpopulation will be upon us and we either need to leave this planet or live on top of each other
This is current reality for some
@@peewwee7427 Ayo many people live on top of each other, it's called an apartment building, it's kinda efficient ngl
You won't be around for it, so just enjoy this mofo while you can, could be over at any moment.
@@reeko9781 You're not wrong.
The buildings make me feel nostalgic and depressed at the same time
Play the game Homesick
Damn UA-cam Algorithm, i love you right now.
Shot somwhere in Greece, my guess. Awesome place indeed!
Looks more like Hong Kong.
Am I tripping or what? This is not music anymore, its a message I believe.
Frank Olivas Crap now you’re freaking me out. I was dreading see a comment like that
Have a listen to Tripzville "Roundabouts "
I wished all my life for a song like this.
A song so Alien-made, so futuristic and rustic.
pitapeter check out memory tapes - seek magic
It's Megatropolis.
The ever-growing city of the future, which has abandoned architectural guidelines and safety protocols a long time ago.
No time to stop, have to keep going
As if they were actually in effect at some point in time
There would be way less space between blocks, I think.
У меня этот трек ассоциируется с утром в городе. Весна-раннее лето, восход, прохлада, легкий ветерок, все просыпается, приходит в движение - новый день начался.
This is the heartbeat of my soul.
It's so damn hard, especially when you watch it in bed in an apartment in a panel house in Russia at 3 a.m.
Dude, you don't even need to watch this, just look out of the window.
@@bomjour_crasovca LOL
@@bomjour_crasovca Crying. And I'm not even Russian
Same here in Greece friend, im 17 and i dont know what to do with my life or where i will end up....
@@bomjour_crasovca Yes, that's it! But on the street does not sound so depressing music.
Although... Sometimes in a neighboring house very loudly play music that was once popular. And the way it sounds from afar depress me. Very atmospheric.
P.S. sorry for the mistakes, I don't know English very well
Hey, so, yeah, i'm not exactly sober right now, but... this song was how universe just spoke to me and explained me some very important things about myself.
Thank you, Forest Swords.
I've watched this video 3 times, back to back, and I just keep coming away from this with more and more questions... Like, I'm not sure if these are shots of a set of objects, be it actual buildings or a set produced as a miniature, or just some sort of CGI rendering. The sky in the second shot looks pasted in, but I can't find any sort of indicator of time scale for any of these shots... Or how the shots were even taken. If you watch the reflections in the windows, you might see what I mean.
Bravo to the director... The uncanny valley is far, far stronger here than I could ever have thought possible.
It's CGI for a movie
I'm glad youtube gave me this today I needed it..
"An unbroken concrete landscape.
800 million people living in the ruin of the old world and the mega structures of the new one."
I am the Law !
Urban Wolf 🛡Dear Judge Wolf! ⚖️ 🦾😎👊🏻💥 A situation is developing in Sub-Sector 20. We have a positive lD on three suspects wanted on multiple counts. Code 10-10. Please, attend! 🚨
@@GioAtero...Responding |!
I'm so happy! I finally understood a reference!
Carry on I'd love to read the rest of that !
Don't you love these days when your recommendations algorithm is doing the Lord's work and you end up spending several hours discovering all sorts of obscure but awesome music?
this reaches me ..deeply...mesmerzing. simple. i need to dance. NOW
A perfect tune, a perfect theme, the best mood for our 2020. This music describes perfectly our age.
And this ,tripzville "Roundabouts "
Even more fitting in 2023
Спасибо мне очень понравились ваша музыка , она и загадка и печаль, но эта композиция супер
Words can't explain what i feel when i watch this
Interesting combination of unique music and unique video 👌 S recommends
Forest Swords is so unique. What a sound.
Also love other trip hop/electronica related acts like
Massive Attack, DJ Krush, Amon Tobin, Allflaws
Never heard of Allflaws, thanks for the new artist to scope out
reminds me of Yoko Kanno - Fish ~ Silent Cruise from Ghost in the Shell, specifically some percussion bits
cyberprick was gonna say the same thing
Oh yes, I loved that song. I felt the need to cry every time I heard it.
That CGI rendering is quite good
It’s actually based in a real place it’s called montane monster honk kong
@@iamhomer3254 all the letters on every sign are greek, so no its not in honk kong
@@iamhomer3254 Sorry, it a minute to find that, you phrased it oddly. But based on yes, it however certainly is what the life-destroyer claims. The details (and lack thereof) in certain parts of the rendering create whatever the architectural equivalent of the uncanny valley and the visual artist for the video explains (there is a link in another comment on here), but if you look at the actual skyline of Athens, I think you can see why they 'mashed-up' the Yick Cheong Building and Athens like that when you do. Maybe you know this, but it's a cool aesthetic combination.
Some giveaways here are: the depth errors and repetition of graffiti, how identical the AC units and satellite dishes are, and the placement of the AC units and dishes is nonsensical. There's an interesting video with Raku Kichizaemon somewhere, discussing perfection in human creation and the tension of that with human emotion.
There is something about this video that is so addictive.
How can a song sound so futuristic yet so nostalgic?
How can a song be so deep and meaningful yet no words?
How can a song just be so damn good and artistically emotional?
You from an ex commie country by any chance? That should solve it
Amazing! For three and a half minutes I was hypnotized by music and video.
thisa song and video makes me feel nostalgic to a place and time i've never visited
I feel the same
Banovic Strahinja hocu ja, kako da se orijentisem, blizu cega su oni?
Petronijevic Velimir i know right the feel well if you are in Balkans is near ;)
Same ❤️
Is that place mainland China?
released on my 21st birthday, awesome. Jamming every year for the third year running this year.
I always listen to this song, while reading Berserk. It gives the perfect vibe to it, almost like its an OST of the Manga.
Will we see more berserk? Berserk author died.
shaiq butt yes we will see more berserk, new chapter coming soon. And i suppose that his team is working on more, to finish the storyline. He briefed them for a case like this would happen.
@@fashioN1337 where you got that from? i dont think none of that is confirmed, and all he had was an assistant which never really got to know whats the history supposed to be
@@rennycepeda6576 true my brother, nothing is confirmed yet, except the new Chapters coming out in December.
Imagine what this scene would look like on a rainy night.
amazing and comfortable to me
Elite brought me here, this should’ve been the opening song for the first episode of season 3, awesome track!
lol a guy watching elite? shit is for little girls
@@j.a.3138 What Do U Mean?Guys Can't Watch It?
This song came in a shuffle somewhere of August of 2020. At 18, I was Depressed just about every summer before that. I depended on a school to make my self feel connected all my time before that. This time it felt like and endless summer with a black sun for good measure. 0:40 - 1:20 hits it right on the nerve. This feeling of continual habitual hopeful trial with the best intent only for it to seemingly fall back into almost patternistic failure each passing year.
I wanted to hang myself in the woods behind my neighborhoods pool. Never did never will. I can say that for certain, but this song is sanctimonious to that time for me.
Read jp's book. Got better. Wild what happens when you don't call it.
when you coming to that concious reckoning in this world, let this be your soundtrack, let this be your guide. let you find freedom and justice and equality and the golden rule on the other side of your crucible. and let your journey be righteous prosperous and just.
This record is amazing.
I'm a bit disappointed that nobody's posted the lyrics yet, it would be great to sing along
yeah the vocals are pretty epic
Ooh ooh ee ooh
Oo Oo ooh Oo ee oh
@@IDS78 you see, I always thought it was "ooh ooh we ooh". All this time I've been singing it wrong.
I feel like a right pillock now
taan tann taan taan tuun tuun ting
aaan aan paan paang
x69 times.
there u go
@@siliconterbulance 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
so good ! love how you apply distortion on your synth they are very vibrant
Feels like fun to look at this from the screen but to those living there if it does exist is absolute hell.
One of my personal favourite scenes in ELITE. not sure why but it had me more hyped than the whole of episode 1 did
@@sleepyak4985 The scene with Samu staring at Polo?
@@vladimirl3823 episode 2 :)
@@vladimirl3823 at the beginning of the episode 2
To jest po prostu niesamowity kawalek!
Uwielbiam taki klimat
You can hear the last gasps of a dying world in this... the struggling heartbeat as it suffocates under the concrete shell