Isaiah ch 5 and 6- The Process of being Fruitful (Obedience, Gratitude, and Righteousness)

  • Опубліковано 6 вер 2024
  • A Look at Isaiah ch 5 and 6:
    5: God’s judgments upon various sins. Ch 3 was about the punishments, but this is about the process of coming to the conclusions that He has on the sins of Israel.
    Beloved here =Israel fruitful vineyard=obedient Israel
    Empty vine/wild grapes=Israel disobedience
    5:5 fortells that Israel will be torn down; verse 6: they went their separate way from God so they are no longer covered i.e. like insurance; you don’t pay your bill/respects, you’re not covered. Verse 8 The wealthy people buying up houses, land etc. but they are lonely at the end of the day. They don’t have God and separate themselves from other people. The verses continue to tell of the judgments and woes to come for the various groups/sins (wealthy, party/revelers, high ranking, common folk, arrogant, etc.)
    Additional note: According to Scripture Israel, much like the United States, had favor and was/will be brought down. Roman Catholicism and the US play a major role in the Final Days and will be finally destroyed with the rest of the world.
    6: Isaiah saw another vision, this time of Most High sitting upon His throne with the seraphims (each with 6 wings covering face and feet and the final 2 wings they fly with). Isaiah wondered how to go out and share the Word being also a sinner and so the seraphim cleansed his mouth with a coal and was instructed by God to share until everything was totally destroyed. Takeaway: have hope and share the Word until the very end!
    Additional note: Isaiah 6. The handling of the righteous at the end could be likened to the situation seraphim cleansing the mouth of Isaiah and a remnant is kept. That could be the twinkling of an eye where the chosen are cleansed and transformed into spirits. Out of the mouth comes good and bad. The mouth only speaks what the heart considers/ponders on. Our mouths share our deepest, truest self.