Business Law: Obligations and Contracts (Episode 2)

  • Опубліковано 3 лют 2025


  • @kennethjohnborja6842
    @kennethjohnborja6842 3 роки тому

    After I watch this video. I learned the new information the legal course in the business and law. It gonna help me a lot and to my knowledge. .

  • @peizerdalida2157
    @peizerdalida2157 3 роки тому

    What I learned and what is the new information that I knew in this legal course is that there is a relationship between business and law. It helps me to identify the issues and legal responsibilities and make me more comfortable in the legal environment. It also taught me that every state has different law and I should always keep that in mind.

  • @jollyjanearnol2343
    @jollyjanearnol2343 3 роки тому

    It is an interesting topic because all of has experience about obligation amd contract...thank you for sa pagpataas sa among kaalam about this subject..The purpose of a contract is to establish the agreement that the parties have made and to fix their rights and duties in accordance with that agreement.

  • @nanah4540
    @nanah4540 3 роки тому

    Thank you for the continuous topic sharing the importance of Business Law Contracts and Obligation Sir.. I have learned from this episode about the nature and effects of obligation in which help me to understand our obligation in accordance to the law. It is truely indeed that "ignorance of the law excuses no one" but, knowing the importance and our rights of the law and articles can save our daily lives to avoid the consequences of our actions. Knowing the differences between the creditor and debtor, obligor and obligee helps us realized and better understand our responsibility as a law abiding citizen in the Philippines, that contributes a big impact to our community and society as a business graduates in the near future. As you go farther on your discussion it also gives us deeper and broader understanding on how to be a responsible on our obligations. Thank you so much Sir for this episode.

  • @shainapacubas8189
    @shainapacubas8189 3 роки тому

    Thank you for this lecture sir , in this video I've learned what important to know our obligation as a debtors and a creditor , especially when we are having a agreement or contracts to the person.

  • @marvinordonez4653
    @marvinordonez4653 3 роки тому

    Marvin N. Ordonez: thanks for this very informative discussion sir.magamit judt namo ni nga mga learnings in terms sa mga obligations and contracts.A contract's terms and conditions are an essential aspect of the legal agreement that should not be disregarded. Contracts should not only state what is being transferred, but also where and how it is being exchanged. Each party has a responsibility to complete the sale specified in the contract.An obligation is a legal or moral course of conduct that someone is obligated to follow. Obligations are restrictions that limit one's freedom. People who are bound by obligations have the option of acting freely.

  • @junuelmarinay859
    @junuelmarinay859 3 роки тому

    Thank you sir , as I watched this video I've learned what importance knowing our obligation as a debtors or creditor .

  • @almamaesarad4249
    @almamaesarad4249 3 роки тому

    Contracts and obligation Is so interesting topic. We all know that knowing law is very important because ignorance of the law excuses no one. And this topic reminds us most specially In this Philippine Republic Act 386 of Civil Code Art. 1163 that every person obliged to give something is also obliged to take care of it with the proper diligence of a good father of a family.

  • @dearlizaabellanosa6587
    @dearlizaabellanosa6587 3 роки тому

    In this episode I have learned that we need to take good care of our obligations to avoid chaos and shame.

  • @sharalamanilao5206
    @sharalamanilao5206 3 роки тому

    BSBA 3BN
    I learned this video according to your discussion sir is all about the law of obligation. Everyone of us have a obligation to do good, to not make any arguments to everyone. As a student and owner of sari-sari store I will apply this discussion in myself to be good payer such as a I will pay my bills in my electricity. As a owner of sari-sari store the people who credits or borrowed the money they should pay their obligations to pay me on time.
    The other one I've learned this topic is when we borrowed the things to our neighbor or relatives my obligation is to take care the things that we borrowed so that the owner will not say some bad words to us or any arguments.

  • @shengtv5851
    @shengtv5851 3 роки тому

    After watching this video I have learn and also experience some of consequences for violating my obligation. And that consequence can affect me. After I listening this vedio I realize that we really need to oblige or obligation for a good relationship to others and to avoid misunderstanding and break into verbal agreements. Learning a law is very important to us and to everybody because ignorance of the law no one can excuse. When you are educated person you will never commit any problems.

  • @junamariejulianedelapena3842
    @junamariejulianedelapena3842 3 роки тому

    Juna Marie J. Delapeña

  • @vercylvanrabino7916
    @vercylvanrabino7916 3 роки тому

    Thank u so much sir for the efficiency of our learnin in our subject. Obligation is a big rule as an obligee . the article must be follow accordingly to avoid against law. In our society as a citizen we are the obligee, its our obligation to follow the government rules to keep our safetyness and health maintenance. So government as the obligor has the authority to punished us if we against the law and rules.
    - Vercylvan C Rabino BSBA 3A

  • @sheilacasuga8510
    @sheilacasuga8510 3 роки тому

    Sheila J. Casuga. BSOA3A
    I am very thankful in this lecture sir because through this lecture it gave us more knowledge about the law and also it gave awareness on us. I've learned also the important of knowing our rights and obligations. If we have obligations we should be responsible enough to the things or persons that we are obliged. We should put in our mind that in every action that we made there is a consequences and we should not forget that ignorance in the law excuses no one.

  • @anelynmanciaignacio7895
    @anelynmanciaignacio7895 3 роки тому

    hi sir, im anelyn Ignacio BSOA-3
    as i listen your discussion ive learned that the obligation & contract it refers to the legal duty of contracting parties to fulfill the promises specified in there contract, & not fufilling a contract w/c is also know as a breach can result in serious consequences, including a lawsuit. so to avoid in these all to happen we should mind our each manner to comply & fulffill our each obligation & promises we made lets be honest & responsible. thank u sir Godbless us all

  • @lycathereseareola7809
    @lycathereseareola7809 3 роки тому

    The knowledge tha l have learned in this lesson is that the fallout of the agreement between the two parties and the obligation that must be put in inthe contract. I have also learned that we must be accountable to the things we obtain so that we preclude any offense to someone. We must be aware of our responsibility as a borrower. As a saying goes " Ignorance of the Law excuses no One. Harsh maybe the Law but it is the Law

  • @devonjoycenabas9822
    @devonjoycenabas9822 3 роки тому

    Thank Sir for the lesson that you shown to us that we can add to our learning about what are the obligation of the debtor and creators and what are the rights and legal term that should we know.

  • @k-vienzchannel1723
    @k-vienzchannel1723 3 роки тому

    Vivien V. Maitom Ive learned that obligation is very important,if we have an obligation we must comply or respond it correctly to avoid mis understanding or to break the contracts or for a verbal agreement.We have to be diligence if we borrowed something.

  • @rowenacastueras3179
    @rowenacastueras3179 3 роки тому

    Rowena E.Castueras BSOA 3
    Thank you Sir for this video,on this discussion I learned that it is very important to know and to be educated about the business law,in here we will be aware about our rights and obligation example if ever we are borrowing something we are obliged to return the specific same is important too to have a contract and we know all the things we do and not to do because there will be a consequence to face in the end.we must have to pay all the credit to avoid interest or damages and legal actions.

  • @MultiLoover
    @MultiLoover 3 роки тому

    Loover Veloso BSBA 3B
    This lesson helps us to improve personal knowledge about obligation as a normal citizen.
    Having the knowledge like this is important to prevent any circumtances between both party but, it also useful when it comes to personal issues by day to day lifestyle. As a business student we should be better equipt with knowlegde to do better in the future.

  • @genevievtomanhon6837
    @genevievtomanhon6837 3 роки тому

    I've learned about the video discussion is everyone have a right and obligation. Because base on the discussion if you have a debt you have a obligation to pay for it.

  • @sarlenesperagoza7461
    @sarlenesperagoza7461 3 роки тому

    Thank you Sir for this lesson.
    I have learned in this episode that we should give the proper dilegence of what we borrowed to that person. We have the obligation to return it in what the two parties agreed either in determinate/specific things or indeterminate/generic things. In a business, we should do our part or obligation to give of what the creditor/obligor demands. If the two parties agreed to that contracts the debtor/obligee obliged to finish and deliver it according to the contract stated. If we break the contract with guilty of fraud negligence or delay it with no proper reasons you are obliged to pay a violations or you are liable of that damages.
    Name:Sarlen A. Esperagoza
    Section:BSBA -3AN

  • @cyrelrosecamonias6197
    @cyrelrosecamonias6197 3 роки тому

    Cyrel Rose Camonias BSBA3-B
    I just learned from this topic about the importance of being educated about business law. As what it mentioned it's less argument if we are educated. " Bayad jud" there's no point if we argue every moment we should know and do our obligations. We are obliged to return what we borrowed or what we get. Especially if it's a definite thing. Promises are really not mend to be broken in business law 😁 know your obligations.

  • @ivybunahos7858
    @ivybunahos7858 3 роки тому

    Thank you sir for this lesson you've discussed to us i have learned to this lesson is the kinds of laws this are a lot of laws we need to have follow the rules just like if we have a gun or something that not have license you will be going to jail if some tell the higher person that you have something that don't have license . also the creditor and detor and obligor and oblige.
    Ivy M Bunahos BSOA-3A

  • @gemerclowecalino1445
    @gemerclowecalino1445 3 роки тому

    ".. bayad, bayad jud."
    I've learn about how to act and what others should act towards rights and obligations.
    Thank you for the lecture sir.

  • @elymarhallasgo1588
    @elymarhallasgo1588 3 роки тому

    After watching the video lecture I have learned that obligation and contracts refers to the legal duty of contracting parties to fulfill the promises specified in their contracts. If the obligations of a contract are in question, a person's reasonable capacity to perform or refrain from performing the required task will be taken into consideration. In a contract, the parties involved offer something valuable to one another, which can be anything ranging from a product or service to money. They are legally required to fulfill their obligations in order to complete the exchange.

  • @ajkonnoellecaliwan5864
    @ajkonnoellecaliwan5864 3 роки тому

    Ajkon Noelle Magsipoc- Caliwan
    BSOA 3A
    I appreciate watching this presentation. It gave an impact that obligations and contracts have to be better understood and kept in good faith if business has to be successful between the involved parties. Episode 2 continued to discuss the civil code, particularly Articles 1163-1170 delving on the nature and effect of obligations clearly, sir talked on article 1163, that one party is obliged to give something, to take care of the good like a father of the family_with diligence. Accordingly Article 1164- he explained another kind of obligation. Article 1165 was quite fast-paced. Article 1166- he differentiated between the obligor and the obligee. The obligor is the one who pays for a kind of service offered and the obligee has an obligation to render service. The debtor- owes something while the creditor is the who nagpautang. Sir further explained about a determinate thing and the indeterminate thing. He also included discussing contravention or failure to keep an obligation as specified under Article 1167. So we should be careful in not breaching obligations or contracts or else we are liable to pay the interests or damages if we don't follow what we agreed upon. Article 1168- describes when you cannot do or follow the contract or the obligation. Sir also explained that there are three conditions talked about in Article 1169 that may not enable the one party to keep contracts or obligations for example on extrajudicial, fortuitous , beyond his power to perform. In Article 1170 sir closed his presentation by saying fraud may be a caused of breaching an obligations or contract. The presentation is very relevant for us as BSOA 3rdyr students. It has given us an important background of Business Law and may serve as a foundation to be better as a person especially during these times.

  • @yannaerojo4854
    @yannaerojo4854 3 роки тому

    JASMIN M. EROJO BSBA 3B.I learned that obligation is all about to give,to do and not to do.It is about agreement.When we do an agreement word of honor is very important like if we want to be respected be respectful also to others. Knowing all the do's and dont's in obligation and contracts helps us to avoid unnecessary or irresponsible actions.Trouble also can be avoided because we know where to stand.In this topic also I learned whose the creditor and debtor,the obligee and obligor and there obligation.As a human with kind heart there are also consideration that we must practice also.thank you sir I learned a lot from you and your amazing.

  • @alvinnamuag6519
    @alvinnamuag6519 3 роки тому

    Obligation of contracts is the responsibility that parties to contracts are required to bear upon entering into legally-binding agreements. A contractual obligation can come in different forms, including the completion of certain tasks, avoidance of certain acts, delivery of products or services, and the payment of consideration. Parties that fail to fulfill their obligations may face legal consequences. In certain situations, contractual obligations may be transferred to a third party.

  • @verwinahalfanta365
    @verwinahalfanta365 3 роки тому

    Verwinah B. Alfanta
    Thank you for the informative video sir. I've learned a lot about the obligation and contracts. Obligation is legal duty that requires an individual to preform as well as the potential penalties for the failure to perform. When you have an obligation you should consider the contract this is very important. I also understand the Determinate thing and indeterminate thing. Each person had an obligation like me. As a student I have an obligation to turn in my activity posted in Google classroom. We need to do, to pay our obligation.

  • @prinzjaetv2007
    @prinzjaetv2007 3 роки тому

    Jemuel Panganduyon BSOA 3 A
    Thank you sir for this video
    I've learned this lessons is about obligation and responsibilities to the person to obligid their agreement or contract

  • @shanesialana2526
    @shanesialana2526 3 роки тому

    Thankyou sir for this lesson about an obligation and contracts is a juridical necessity to give, to do or not to do. Discussion of the Law An obligation is a legal duty, however created, the violation of which may become the basis of an action of law. And I have learned in this episode that we should give the proper law articles specifically on obligations & contracts. This video really point the importance of knowing your obligation as a debtor or a creditor and on how to approach in every situations especially when you are having agreement to other persons. And the Law on Obligations and Contracts is defined as a kind of positive law which deals with the nature and sources of obligations as well as the rights and duties arising from agreements in contracts. Failure to observe the above principle makes a person civilly liable.
    BSBA 3B

  • @mailynaranzado2600
    @mailynaranzado2600 3 роки тому

    Aranzado, Mailyn
    BSBA-3 AN
    I've learned that the legal requirements of each of the parties participating in a contractual arrangement are referred to as business law obligation and contracts. Individuals who enter into legal agreement are required by law to keep their half of the bargain. If one party breaches the agreement in a business contract or other sort of contract,the other party has the right to take legal action against the other.

  • @dleop96
    @dleop96 3 роки тому

    I learned between obligation and responsibility.
    Obligation - an act or course of action that is morally or legally binding.
    Responsibility - State or fact of having a duty to deal with or control over something.
    There is no significant difference between obligation and responsibility. In fact, the y can be used reciprocally in most circumstances. However, when the obligation is used, it is usually used to describe a scenario in which a person owes a debt and has to pay it. Responsibility is usually used to describe a scenario in which a person is responsible for something.
    Thank you so much sir it help me a lot because i totally understand the discussion.😊😊

  • @romneckmaglangit4892
    @romneckmaglangit4892 3 роки тому

    Romneck G. Maglangit BSOA 3A
    The very important is you know your own obligation like for example you want to borrow money then you are obliged to return for your depth. If you borrow things you need to take good care of it then you are the one responsible for it, so that the people owns the things you borrowed will trust you if you want to lend again.
    You need to be honest in your obligations in life so that other people will trust you that you will never fail there expectations and people in your community will have a good say in you. It must be the very important that we are to be trusted even in small things.

  • @bernardcalapuan9106
    @bernardcalapuan9106 3 роки тому

    Bernard C Calapuan
    In this lecture I've learned the wider explaination of obligation, on to give, to do and not to do and the nature and effects of obligation under the law. Like when you get something you are entitled to take care of it and not just simple care but it takes dilegence to perform your obligation. Some also are entitled of something for doing an obligation including its fruits, and the difference between determinate and indeterminate thing, determinate things are specific while indeterminate are common. The right to demand a specific things you want the obligor to give if its a determinate thing, and also the specific meaning of debtor, creditor, obligee and obligor And the bridging of contract that violate an obligation as a contractor and its consequences and an obligation that had been compromised or failed are liable for paying damages if the complainant demands it, it's very important to know this basic law coming from obligation and Contract because it's very common instances, that happens in our daily life that we don't know has legal actions under the law.

  • @maricarobsid75
    @maricarobsid75 3 роки тому

    Obsid, Maricar / BSBA 3-A
    The Nature and Effects of Obligations starts from Article 1163 until Article 1170 of the new civil code of the Philippines in the discussion. This tackles about duties of the debtor and the remedies of the creditor in real and personal obligation. Many things encompass obligation such as to provide the basic needs to the children, perform agreements and deliver goods and services and if these are not fulfilled, the burden will be on the individual who made a promise..

  • @raymeflorquipanes6733
    @raymeflorquipanes6733 3 роки тому

    Rayme Flor E Quipanes
    My reflection of this video about the law of obligation is that you've face the consequences as an individual. As what you've give an example sir that if you barrowed a thing you should take care of it, you should keep that thing coz it is your obligation to take good care of that thing you've barrowed, unless you and the owner have and agreement about that thing in this law it give us awareness to avoid conflict to someone specially when borrowing things and to know our obligation in terms of law.

  • @melvinellema3111
    @melvinellema3111 3 роки тому

    Article 1163. Every person obliged to give something is also obliged to take care of it with the proper diligence of a good father of a family, unless the law or the stipulation of the parties requires another standard of care.

  • @emilyncadelina8217
    @emilyncadelina8217 3 роки тому

    Emilyn B. Cadeliña
    Thank you sir. I've learned how important to have knowledge about our rights and obligations so that we cannot violate the law and to know what we are going to do if we encounter that kind of situation.

  • @annalynbascones2889
    @annalynbascones2889 3 роки тому

    In this video about the nature and effect of obligation, it's another informative video because it's taught us on how to became an educated in the law on how to apply it in our everyday lives . If you have an obligation to someone just be responsible to take good care if it to avoid any arguments and any legal cases. As a student, I can apply it in my life because we currently have an obligation to pay to our creditor for the money that we loan from them and at the same time I'm obliged also to pay for the carpenter in the house for his services rendered.Learn to pay for the right amount to avoid additional interest. Thank you so much for the lecture sir.

  • @rickygeronimojr.6314
    @rickygeronimojr.6314 3 роки тому

    Ricky A. Geronimo Jr.
    BSOA 3A
    Business law obligation and contract requires parties involved in a legal and contractual agreement to to uphold their end of the contract. Business law obligation and contract refers to what is legally required of each of the parties involved in a contractual agreement. The law requires individuals who enter into legal agreements to uphold their end of the contract. In business contracts and other types of contracts, one party has the right to pursue legal action against the other if he or she breaches the agreement. When contractors enter into a legal agreement, they must fulfill the promises they make in the agreement. Anyone unable to perform the duties required of them in a contract should not sign or enter into an agreement. One party must first offer something to another. Then, the other party has to accept that offer. The consideration of contract refers to what is exchanged, and this is where obligation comes into play. Contract capacity is the ability of either side of the contract to understand the seriousness of the agreement and to carry out his or her obligations.

  • @twennienoses-lumbrino5580
    @twennienoses-lumbrino5580 3 роки тому

    Twennie N. Lumbrino BSBA-3A
    My understanding about this topic is means that a person has to comply with the directives stated or given due to the agreement, promise that is in place between the individuals involved and an individual or a thing has a something or perform or act because the duty has unconditional terms to it and binding which requires and involved to fo something or pay for something under legal terms according to the law.

  • @kennethestrebor5697
    @kennethestrebor5697 3 роки тому

    KENNETH G Estrebor BSBA-3A
    I've learned that Obligation is very important, we should take care of the things we borrow to avoid misunderstanding. Because if you borrow again he/she allow you. Because he/she knows that you are good of taking good care of the things you borrowed.

  • @preciousmaecaparida4058
    @preciousmaecaparida4058 3 роки тому

    Precious Mae R. Caparida
    Thank you always sir for sharing us about the importance of obligation and contracts and the nature and effect of obligation. In this article speaks of an obligation to care of a determinate thing , it is about the proper diligence of a good father of a family , that means an ordinary care. Just like my father , it is a care that an average person would do in taking care of his property. ❤️

  • @lonea_29
    @lonea_29 3 роки тому

    Rhea Mae M. Non
    Studying business law will develop excellent writing, problem-solving, and analytical skills, alongside strong communication, negotiation and presentations skills. As a business law student you'll have the opportunity to practice these key skills in real-life scenarios, further improving your future employability.

  • @leahmaximinovlogs3053
    @leahmaximinovlogs3053 3 роки тому

    Behaya, Liamie A BSBA3AN
    You need to know your obligation if you install an item and you need to pay for it .and you should know the law of the company .

  • @marilyntanieza8348
    @marilyntanieza8348 3 роки тому

    YEAR&SECTION: 3rd year/BSBA-3AN
    I learn in this discussion from You Tube upload by Mr.Violon, is about what the meaning of the following law like to give to do or not to do, it is mean that the presentation to give is a real obligation. The prestation not to do is a negative personal obligation. It refers to the duty to abstain from doing an act and includes the obligation not to give. An object ( subject matter) is a thing, service, or right that constitutes the prestation of an obligation in a contract.
    Another thing that I learned on last topic that will discuss by Mr. Violin is about Business law: Obligation and Contracts(Episode 2)
    Nature and effect of obligation Art 1163 code-Every person obliged to give something is also obligated to take care of it with the proper diligence of a good father of a family, unless the law or the stipulation of the parties requires another standards of care (1094a).
    Art 1164-The creditor has a right to the fruits of the thing from the time the obligation to deliver it arises. However, he shall acquire no real right over it until the same has been delivered to him (1095).
    Art 1170- When what is to be delivered is a determinate thing, the credits in addition to the right granted him by article 1170, may completely the debtor to make the delivery.
    Determinate thing when we speak of determine thing we are talking about the specific of material or specific thing, Indeterminate thing, In contrast, indeterminate or generic thing is the opposite of determinate or specific thing: that is generic or indeterminate is not particularly designated or physically segregated from all others of the same class, it means that a thing cannot be specially determined from things of the same class. While the determine thing a thing is determinate when it is particularly designated or physically segregated from all others of the same class.
    Obligor - a person who is bound to another by contract or other legal procedure.
    Obligee- a person to who another is bound by contract or another legal procedure.
    Debtor- is an entity or person that owes money to another party. Thus, there is a creditor and a debtor in every arrangement.
    Art 1165- If the thing ,is indeterminate or generic, he may ask that the obligation he completed with at the expense of the debtor.
    If the obligor delays , or has promised to deliver, the same thing to two or more person’s who do not have the same interest, he shall be responsible for any for tuitos event until he has been shall be affected the delivery.
    A creditor is an entire or person that lends money or extends (1096)credit to another party.
    Art 1166- The obligation to give a determinate thing includes that of delivering all it’s accession and accessories, even though they may not have been mentioned (1097a)the difference between accessories and accession is a coming to, the act of accident and becoming joined, as a thing accession to a confederacy.
    Art1167- if a person obliged to do something fails to do it, the same shall be executed at his cost.
    The same rule shall be observed if he does it in contravention means- and action that violated a law , treat or other rolling, example young person who committed offense bear responsibility for their contraventions. Contravention of the tenor of the obligations. Furthermore , it may be defended that what has been poorly done be undone (1098).
    includes not only any illicit act which impairs the strict and faitful fulfillment of the obligations, but also every kind of defective performance, unless excused in proper issues for fortuitous event.
    Obligation of the debtor to do, In the absence of any agreement as to the place of payment, it is the duty of the debtor to take reasonable steps to seek out the creditor and to pay the money owed. A debtor is not, without agreement, entitled to any notice or demand from a creditor.
    Art 1168- When the obligation consist is not doing, and the obligor does what has been forbidden him, if shall also be undone at his expense (1099a).
    Art 1169- Those obliged to deliver or to do something included in delay from the time the obliged judicially or extra judicially demands from them the fulfilment of their obligation.
    However, the demand by the creditor shall not be necessary in order that delay exist:
    1.)When the obligation or the law express so declare; or
    2.)When from the nature and the circumstances of the time when the thing is to be delivered or the service is to be rendered was a controlling motive for the establishment of the contract; or
    3.)When demands would be useless, as when the obligor has rendered it beyond his power to perform.
    In reciprocal obligations, neither party inches on delay if the other does not comply or is not ready to completely in a proper manner with what is ineumbent upon him.
    From the moment once of the parties fulfills his obligation, delay by the performance of their obligation, delay by the other begins (1100a).
    Art 1170- Those who in the performance of their obligations are guilty of found, negligence, or delay and those who in any manner contravene the tenor of, are liable for damage (1101)
    And those are some of article and law about Business law.
    Submitted by: Marilyn S. Tanieza
    Submitted to: Mr. Violon

  • @leerezongubat1278
    @leerezongubat1278 3 роки тому

    Lee Rezon Bautista Gubat BSBA 3A
    I've learn this lecture sir is how's important obligation to know right and wrong because one time sir my aunt told me to buy foods for breakfast and she give me a money for the food and i go to market to foods but when i was there the money was lost in the case my obligation is to refund the money so that i refund the money. So that obligation is very important

  • @reynanteguanzon4335
    @reynanteguanzon4335 3 роки тому

    Name: Reynante T. Guanzon
    Course/Section: BSBA3 AN
    This video tell and give me a knowledge how and what is my right and wrong. Know I understand clearly of what is obligation in a contract with the agreement of a certain business or in a certain contract. This vedio also tell how important learning of the law and understand your rights in every setiation of a certain things or business, being a educated person by this vedio you cal gain important knowledge and apply it to your delay lives.

  • @archerelleamto6140
    @archerelleamto6140 3 роки тому

    In this episode: Nature and Effects of Obligations, it is important to know what your obligations are and what your rights under obligations. In every aspect of life, we have our own obligations to give, to do, and not to do. In my case, we have a contract loan from one of our province's cooperatives, Sta. Catalina, and I am required to pay our interest every month.It is my obligation as a debtor to fulfill or comply with my commitment to the said cooperative.Because in this time of crisis, we have our obligations to feed our families, to find food for our families, and we tend to borrow money from our friends and families to survive, and after all, we have our obligation to pay for the said food. Because there is a fee on every debt. This topic helps me to become a better person and a better professional in the future.

  • @rechilyncaminade5150
    @rechilyncaminade5150 3 роки тому

    Thank you, sir, for the lecture. The video taught us how to be educated about the business law.
    When we borrow things, we must face the consequences. As barrowers, we have the obligation to take care of the things we borrow. For example, my phone is out of battery and I need to pass the activity on my Gclassroom. I borrowed my sister's cellphone, and I have the obligation to take care of it. If there is damage when I return the phone, I have the obligation to pay for it or face the consequences.

  • @romnicksamillon9542
    @romnicksamillon9542 3 роки тому

    In this vedio we all know that when you making an appointment with agreement to the person or creditor.Your obligation is to follow the agreement cause if you do not follow that agreement you have sanction to the creditor wethier file a case againts to ditor.

  • @jessamadelainebellebautist9600
    @jessamadelainebellebautist9600 3 роки тому

    Obligations, according to sociologists, cause people to behave in ways that society accepts. The terms and conditions of a contract are an important component of the legal agreement that should not be overlooked. I understood that we had to accept responsibility for the acts of others. People who understand the law are aware of their obligations, which is crucial for us. Thank you sir for the lecture!
    Name: Jessa Madelaine Belle M. Bautista
    Section: BSBA 3B

  • @sorviag.danaoto8020
    @sorviag.danaoto8020 3 роки тому

    Thank you for sharing this video sir.
    I have learned the importance of knowing every law articles more specifically on obligation and contracts. The video really emphasized the importance of knowing your obligation as a debtor or a creditor and on how to act in every situations especially when you are having agreement/contracts to other person. I have also learned the difference of obligor and obligee and a debtor and creditor.
    BSBA 3BN

  • @haydang3458
    @haydang3458 3 роки тому

    Haidee Claire Inso
    BSOA 3A
    Thank you for this lecture sir. I've learned that obligations are very important because even in small things that you are contracted with somebody, you must give your full effort and the obligations and rights to a person or else you will not want to have to do any consequences of your actions.

  • @marilyntanieza8348
    @marilyntanieza8348 3 роки тому

    YEAR&SECTION: 3rd year/BSBA-3AN
    I learn in this discussion from You Tube upload by Mr.Violon, is about what the meaning of the following law like to give to do or not to do, it is mean that the presentation to give is a real obligation. The prestation not to do is a negative personal obligation. It refers to the duty to abstain from doing an act and includes the obligation not to give. An object ( subject matter) is a thing, service, or right that constitutes the prestation of an obligation in a contract.
    Another thing that I learned on last topic that will discuss by Mr.
    Violin is about Business law: Obligation and Contracts(Episode 2)
    Nature and effect of obligation Art 1163 code-Every person obliged to give something is also obligated to take care of it with the proper diligence of a good father of a family, unless the law or the stipulation of the parties requires another standards of care
    Art 1164-The creditor has a right to the fruits of the thing from the time the obligation to deliver it arises. However, he shall acquire no real right over it until the same has been delivered to him (1095).
    Art 1170- When what is to be delivered is a determinate thing, the credits in addition to the right granted him by article 1170, may completely the debtor to make the delivery.
    Determinate thing when we speak of determine thing we are talking about the specific of material or specific thing,
    Indeterminate thing, In contrast, indeterminate or generic thing is the opposite of determinate or specific thing: that is generic or indeterminate is not particularly designated or physically segregated from all others of the same class, it means that a thing cannot be specially determined from things of the same class. While the determine thing a thing is determinate when it is particularly designated or physically segregated from all others of the same
    Obligor - a person who is bound to another by contract or other legal procedure.
    Obligee- a person to who another is bound by contract or another legal procedure.
    Debtor- is an entity or person that owes money to another party.
    Thus, there is a creditor and a debtor in every arrangement.
    Art 1165- If the thing ,is indeterminate or generic, he may ask that the obligation he completed with at the expense of the debtor.
    If the obligor delays , or has promised to deliver, the same thing to two or more person’s who do not have the same interest, he shall be responsible for any for tuitos event until he has been shall be affected the delivery.
    A creditor is an entire or person that lends money or extends
    (1096)credit to another party.
    Art 1166- The obligation to give a determinate thing includes that of delivering all it’s accession and accessories, even though they may not have been mentioned (1097a)the difference between accessories and accession is a coming to, the act of accident and becoming joined, as a thing accession to a confederacy.
    Art1167- if a person obliged to do something fails to do it, the same shall be executed at his cost.
    The same rule shall be observed if he does it in contravention means- and action that violated a law , treat or other rolling, example young person who committed offense bear responsibility for their contraventions. Contravention of the tenor of the obligations. Furthermore , it may be defended that what has been poorly done be undone (1098).
    includes not only any illicit act which impairs the strict and faitful fulfillment of the obligations, but also every kind of defective performance, unless excused in proper issues for fortuitous event.
    Obligation of the debtor to do, In the absence of any agreement as to the place of payment, it is the duty of the debtor to take reasonable steps to seek out the creditor and to pay the money owed. A debtor is not, without agreement, entitled to any notice or demand from a creditor.
    Art 1168- When the obligation consist is not doing, and the obligor does what has been forbidden him, if shall also be undone at his expense (1099a).
    Art 1169- Those obliged to deliver or to do something included in delay from the time the obliged judicially or extra judicially demands from them the fulfilment of their obligation.
    However, the demand by the creditor shall not be necessary in order that delay exist:
    1.)When the obligation or the law express so declare; or
    2.)When from the nature and the circumstances of the time when the thing is to be delivered or the service is to be rendered was a controlling motive for the establishment of the contract; or
    3.)When demands would be useless, as when the obligor has rendered it beyond his power to perform.
    In reciprocal obligations, neither party inches on delay if the other does not comply or is not ready to completely in a proper manner with what is ineumbent upon him.
    From the moment once of the parties fulfills his obligation, delay by the performance of their obligation, delay by the other begins (1100a).
    Art 1170- Those who in the performance of their obligations are guilty of found, negligence, or delay and those who in any manner contravene the tenor of, are liable for damage (1101)
    And those are some of article and law about Business law.

    Submitted by: Marilyn S. Tanieza
    Submitted to: Mr. Violon