Man. I never thought I could get so pissed at a game. I haven’t played a madden in over 10 years. I buy this one…and I’ve broken 2 controllers, a dresser and a lamp. And I never rage at a game like that. But the way these animations happen to cheat you out of games….oh man. Drafted a QB that went 99…SA,MA,DA, On the run, pressure, all 99. He threw like a sophomore HS QB. Carry was 90, fumbled 3 times in 2nd half. Speed 94, couldn’t get away from DTs, yet alone end rushers. Trash LBs catching interceptions over Justin Jefferson. I’ve worked countless hours on a team to make them dominant(94 overall), just to get my ass kicked by 82 rated team. A 68 rated QB has went off on me. (All-Pro). Worst game ever to me.
Also what about your rb running into everyone during a screen and somehow the icon fades away so that is thrown out as an option to throw to and they act like they can’t move out of the way…, especially being an AI.
I haven't bought it since Calvin Johnson was on the cover (forget which year). But I stopped buying it for all the reasons this guy has ever mentioned in his videos. I was just fed up with EA's burning desire to ruin this game.
This game being so bad has ABSOLUTELY affected my relationship with the NFL. They always preach about "protecting the shield" in its reputation and image. All other issues with the league aside, if they can willingly sign off on this title for so long, knowing it's bad and hearing the gripes from its fan base about the video game year after year, then I ask myself "what else have they signed off knowing it's terrible, but makes a $$?" This is a surface view symptom of the league itself. They are cheapening the product and maximizing getting YOUR TIME AND MONEY. Stop buying this game, then look further.
They are not trustworthy generally. Regardless of how you felt about the Ray Rice situation, the NFL's handling of that was a disgrace. He told them what happened, corroborated by another witness who was there for him telling the story. He got a 2 game suspension, then the video comes out consistent with the story he told. Suddenly it's a massive upgrade in suspension and the NFL lies about what he told them in private. This is how they operate, and their disregard for the quality of Madden and EA committing fraud (selling MUT cards while making false statements about what the cards do) unfortunately fits with their other conduct. "Protecting the shield" means "protecting the revenue steam", at best.
Ryan, the bigger question I think needs to be answered… Is why the NFL is OK with allowing their product to be marketed and seen like this. Either they don’t really care because they get the money regardless or they don’t pay attention enough to care.
Bingo. They don’t care, people buy it, and they make millions upon millions. I feel at this point you would need like a nephew of the commission to talk some serious crap about the game in order to see change.
Question for everyone….has EA made the defensive so good that they NEVER drop an interception? Do they ever just make a good play and bat the ball away; Isn’t it true that defensive players don’t have good hands?
Madden has become very repetitive and boring….it’s SO much stuff that happens during any football game (breaking the huddle; challenging calls; 1st down measurement; choice on coin toss; various penalties; substitutions from the sidelines; referee spotting the ball; fan reactions; various sideline activity; an actual hurry-up offense; etc
Exclusivity has killed this game. Until this right here changes, we won't have a quality NFL video game. *Electronic Arts gross profit for the quarter ending December 31, 2023 was $1.416B, a 7.84% increase year-over-year. Electronic Arts gross profit for the twelve months ending December 31, 2023 was $5.856B, a 4.31% increase year-over-year.*
This is why competition is good. 2K vs EA. When it’s just one company making the same game over and over again, the quality falls harder than Chris Farley falling down that hill in Black Sheep.
Over the last 3 days i won 16 out of 20 games played on madden 24. Today i cannot move the ball, get a first down or score any points and getting blown out by lower ranked players. I'm basically returning those 16 wins until maybe I'm on a 10 or 15 game losing streak. This has happened before and I'm considering to just stop playing this filth for good. EA will blatantly lie to our faces and make us believe we are progressing in madden only to have them give us the finger and treat us like trash when they force us to lose multiple games in a row. This is what DDA is and it is destroying the game completely!!
it’s dumb because there’s always a set of 3 or 4 plays that are unguardable and broken that you physically can’t cover and then there’s the blitzes that you can’t physically block
Bro mad at your skills you’re clearly not versatile. This is football any given Sunday the biggest baddest team can lose to the bottom feeders. That real. My best friend is over 400 wins and around 100 losses. He’s actually very good
@@eastonsiwek9166 High level meta revolves around this every year, though the specific plays differ between versions. It's why I stopped playing, ultimately. There are no defensive audibles to stop some things, so you have to user. Both your offense and theirs ultimately revolves around using these plays and trying to get unblocked pressure fast enough vs opponent that you get a sack before the coverage glitch manifests somewhere your user defender isn't. There is strategy and skill in it, but it's a) not football strategy and b) very reductive compared to football strategy. What should be a chess match is instead checkers with really dexterous/fast moving players lol. Some people enjoy that grind of finding new glitched interactions and trying to surprise opponent with combination of user + making hot assigned defenders do something unexpected. I did for a time as well, but got tired of it. At high levels, everyone users well, so it amounts to a knowledge check.
Happens in online and franchise on a week by week basis. With franchise if you quit and restart after a few bad plays, I find it turns off whatever forces your team to lose. I believe there's an unseen momentum feature because it changes every game
I think EA is a sign of the times (albeit a highly inconsequential one in the grand scheme of things). Some behemoth corporation has carved out a virtual monopoly and begins setting a lower standard for the product or service they alone provide year after year. They’ve created a playing field where delivering the best product at a competitive price isn’t the object of the game anymore. The object of the game is to eliminate all competition through whatever means are the expedient, then have your way with the masses. Look around. It’s everywhere.
I think I’ve officially played my last Madden game. I’m so tired of spending time and money (no matter how much or little) for some dude with to much time on his hands and Ebooks galore to abuse and exploit the broken parts of this game. Same formations, same animations, same abilities, same all around Madden cheese disguised as skill.
I can never understand how a corner back or line backer can jump 50 feet in the air to make an interception like where does that happen? This game is a piece of work
I played it for a week or so doing franchise and watching the games. The UI is unbelievably bad. Scouting is completely ridiculous. The AI is very bad at seeing open lanes or even an entire side of the field lol. I've seen the RB AVOID open field because he NEEDS to trigger into a defender to tackle him lol. The stupid "Scenarios" thing is about as football/player simulation as a glass of water. Franchise sux and I'm sure the rest does too lol. Animation-based arcade game at best.
Madden has to be tuned to the riffraffery of today's NFL game of scripted bs, missed tackles, blown coverages, etc. It pretty much matches whats going on in present day NFL. Scripted 🗑
The scary part is college football 25. We'll have draft classes transfer to Madden 25.. Which means we're probably doomed with college football 25. 😔 This is the reason why they aren't showing us any college football 25 Gameplay
College Football 25 will go down as the most overhyped trash to ever come out. If EA is making it, there's no chance it can be good. Tell me one good to great EA game over the last 10 years. You can't. It's not starting with junior madden.
I feel like every year I’ve played madden I almost never experience glitches and super annoying things like this. This year is probably the year I’ve had the most of it. I could make a genuine catch, and it’ll say I complete because the ball got popped out. My feet were already down and I had possession. The game just already scripted an incompletion so it just did it. Gets harder to play this game casually every year.
The tackle got broken because of a hit stick. I’ve hypothesized that hit stick actually creates better outcomes for the offense than it does defense. When you hit stick a pass catcher he catches the ball better, when you hit stick a running back he gets more yards and when you hit stick a qb he holds the ball better. Tie this in with the fact that enforcer is on… oh wait 1 maybe 2 players in the whole game.
It’s really sad how modders do a better job (sabo’s gameplay mod) at making the game play WAY better. wile EA sports are lazy at their job but still take our yearly $70.
Im tired of Madden Franchise is all jacked up the OC and DC Coaches you go to hire them and they take on the record of the head coach that you Previously had, also if you rename a player in custom drafts they no longer say the last name
This why players run nothing but man coverage most the time. Zero logic in zone coverage and man isn’t that much better. AI is terrible in Madden and has been for years
It is just really sad when we were back in the PS2 days, having a blast with Madden and then saying, "Man, when the next consoles come out, think about what they could do!" Then the PS3 era happened and there were a few decent titles, then the PS4 era happened.... How does the game have LESS in it, suck so bad, and in comparison to other games, it looks pretty poor graphically? They've completely killed this game.
End of fatigue is just terrible like what were you trying to fix in the first place for it to happen like this. Then also seems like when you're playing against other teams their defense is incredibly responsive to everything while you're struggling just to get your man out the way
Thanks for bringing light to this, Ryan.. Got 24 for free on Gpass cause I refuse to pay money on this, and the defense is nonexistent.. anybody can score on me at any time cause this Ai logic is the worst I've seen and literally uninstalled yesterday. This game is no fun and literally the worst madden I've played ever.
To Make Stuff Worse. On the xbox one & ps4 versions of madden 24. The uniforms are incorrect. For example. They say the eagles "throwback socks" are their current socks. When in reality its not. Another example. They say the buccaneers "throwback helmet" is their current one when its not.
This is why more dumbasses need to stop buying the game. No MTX, no buying when new- NOTHING! Yeah, sure it hurts the devs that care (and I hate to see that) but this is an instant where we NEED to boycott so even the Shield is hurting. Once they start hurting, they'll realize they need to take away exclusivity for a while and see that we do want a good sports game for a change. They will do it because it'll get them money. That or they sink like the other football leagues they've squashed in the 70+ years the NFL has existed.
All I say is this when College Football 25 comes out; the entirety of the Madden can respectfully GO TO SHIT. I’ll never give those idiots my money again for an updated roster with the same error and technical issues
4:21 never mind, the offensive line and their lack of awareness of the play taking place. The right tackle gets stuck and has no instinct that the play is moving to the right when the player he’s blocking starts running towards the sideline. The rest of the offense of lineman act, like the quarterback is still in the pocket.
1:37 this is my biggest gripe with this bullshit ass game. The DBs are horrible. Your safety starts 20+ yards off the ball and probably drops another 20 yards. Slants will kill you all game because there’s nothing that can stop it. Corner routes are a RIP. But when you’re on defense, you cannot press to save your life because everyone gets beat every single time. It’s so hard to want to play on all madden but not have all the bullshit that’s on all madden.
So what do we do collectively as potential NFL gamers who want to influence The NFL to not sign another exclusivity agreement with the cesspool that is EA Sports?
Its most definitely the worst Madden created. I dont even know why i still play that crap. Maybe its because playing with the bros is the reason. But i hate this game. Ive been playing Madden since Madden 98 on sega genesis. This game has to be deleted and made again from scratch. Im so tired of the laziness of EA, this may be the year that i finally stand up for the culture and NOT BUY MADDEN this year!!!!!
Why worry about disrespecting them? They disrespect the players (both the NFL players they are "simulating" and the customers playing Madden) with this crap.
The fact they said this was a “make or break year” and this is the garbage they put out clearly says it’s time to let another company try. Game is a disaster once again
Long read but it explains why Madden sucks!!! Taken in the fifth round of the 2007 NFL draft, Oldenburg spent time with several teams over the next four years. Then his brother showed him an advertisement for a 16-week internship with EA Sports’ NCAA Football video game, so he applied and was selected. Ten weeks into the internship, the company offered him a position as associate designer for its Madden NFL game. In that role, Oldenburg used his knowledge of offensive line play to help engineers and animators make the Madden game more real and exciting. He began by analyzing how he was coached to be a great offensive lineman, from the stance to use and first two steps he should take to various blocking schemes. He then had to develop a design that would enable the engineers and animators to add this blocking detail to the video game. To make this design as effective as possible, he first learned the language of artificial intelligence, so he could adapt his explanations to how the technical staff thought. Then, he drew upon his communication skills to make the design both clear and persuasive. The acclaim given to that year’s title, Madden NFL 25, demonstrated his success.
So true about gaming being connected with other passions... It has also killed my excitement for football. I am PRAYING Maximum Football is at least decent starting out. Someone needs to save us!
Madden NFL 24 expectation: Franchise Mode will get some BIG changes and game will be LESS buggy. Reality: STILL THE SAME THIN FRANCHISE MODE AND BROKEN MADDEN GAME SINCE 18!
The AI for the other 10 players you're not controlling is atrociously dumb on one end, yet there are plenty of instances I've experienced of defensive backs having an almost precognitive ability to jump routes and get INTs, beyond any reasonably realistic edge given for instinct and preparation. The interceptions on this game are so unbelievably ridiculous when the game seems to change the trajectory of your pass ever so slightly when an opposing player controlling the DB in coverage is actively playing for the ball. Not to mention the fact that, yet again, EA Sports figured out a way to completely F up the passing mechanics on this game. I almost exclusively play online over the last few years, and it's truly baffling how so many of these dudes who clearly have ZERO football IQ seem to get away with the worst strategies known to man, calling the same play over and over while the utter lack of intelligence with your personnel's AI becomes even more evident. It's almost like EA Sports was trying to broaden the market by making the game more Arcade in nature, as to appeal to gamers who know absolutely zilch about sports. They seem to be completely oblivious as to the overwhelming amount of negative reviews from consumers, but they still rake in a ton of profits off this series every year.... We really need to boycott this garbage for them to truly get the message. I went from being ranked inside the Top-30 online out of the 100k people who were actually ranked with Madden '22, being someone who has played EA Sports football games for well over 20 years now, to being completely unranked currently with '24 and having a record under .500 too. It's terrible that I still get drawn into playing it so often, but I'm finally reaching the point of being DONE with Madden altogether. I'm holding out some slight hope for the reemergence of NCAA football this year, and hopefully they've addressed some of the many critiques, but as a realist I'm only cautiously optimistic. If they manage to F up the college football game, after seven or eight years of being off the shelves, I don't think I'll ever forgive them. Enough is enough, my brothers and sisters -- the only way they'll ever realize their err is if it hurts them on the bottom line $$$ -- therefore not enabling their BS by buying their product may be the most effective solution moving forward for the Madden series.
It literally is. I bought this shit today just to play superstar mode and I have to do an actual combine where the challenges are hard as hell? No thanks. This shouldn’t have been added to this game at ALL
When I was in my teens I was able to play madden from the time I woke up till it was time to go to bed. It's so bad now that I can only tolerate this game for maybe 15 or 20 minutes MAX then I won't play it for a couple weeks. Same cycle the last 2 years
You are absolutely right!! I'm sill play NCAA 14 and the run animations are ten times better than this Madden game. When you look at the runner in Madden 24 they look like they running with tiny squats so disjoined and robotic. Is is ridiculous. That is why I haven't bought Madden in the last for years. I guess I woke from the fake promises that ESPN has been feeding us. Things just like this. I hope to God that they don't ruin College Football 25 like this. Please keep the videos coming. People are nuts to not agree with you.
So I’m messing around with Madden 07 on my 360 it just occurred to me lol The crap they added last year for madden, 23 player interest job security money was in madden 07 Haha unbelievable
What you mean? Drafted players from edited draft lists all wearing the same number (usually 11 or 22) on the field and the backs of the necks of said players constantly glitching out to look like Resident Evil monsters is the next step of the evolution of Madden graphical excellence! 😂
What happened to hit everything, I thought blocking was supposed to be fixed, they dont touch draft champs no more, can play career mode with friends no more, the yard is broken, superstar ko barely work, the tackling system is bad, play now barely work, dbs dont kno how to play zones, this shit so crazy they really just added a few stuff to franchise & called it one
I have perfect coverage Witherspoon on Kittle on a post, Spoon is doing a falling backwards underneath catch to pick the ball on a terrible throw, ball hits him in the hands perfectly, DROPs it, The ball bounces off his stomach when he hits the ground, then the ball AUTO catches into Kittles left hand while he is behind Spoon, He catches and runs for a TD. This game is fucking shit. Worst game ever.
AND the blue passing is ATROCIOUS. If you have perfect timing,, even if the receiver obviously doesn’t complete the catch, it’s ruled a catch! Who puts that im a “sim” football game? Only EA…
I don't get why there's so much random squatting and stopping to squat that players do in Madden. It feels like it happens on every single play. At least one guy squats and stops to allow an animation to occur to get the dice roll outcome. Sometimes you're on running back will just stop running straight forward and just start squatting. It's so bad
Worst NFL game ever? Bold claim, considering the 10 previous Madden games. I can pull up screenshots from over 5 years ago with safeties doing nothing + WR getting a "spectral catch" through a defender on one play. If defenders played like this in reality, I could get open at the pro level. Madden is a disgrace, but this is nothing new!
The title 😂. I, being the idiot that I am, bought Madden back in the fall and stomached it for about 2 weeks and couldn’t take any more and haven’t touched it for the last 4+ months. The last 3 days (I’m writing this Feb 2024), I REALLY felt like playing a football game. I actually sat there and thought about starting up Madden, at one point, even started it up, saw the opening credits, and turned it off. Just couldn’t do it! Even when I’m really in the mood for football, I’d rather not play football than play Madden 24.
Just bought 25 ONLY because it was half off and I still want my money back. Ea to me is officially trash. Glad I'm not the only 1 who feels this way. They will never get my money again
It really is, I just played a game of superstar mode/face of the franchise. I’m a qb for the Vikings. We were up 24-0 on the lions with like 2 mins in third quarter. Long story short they went on a run where they tied the game up. We had a 3 and out. We had a first and didn’t covert after and they scored on the last possession of the third quarter. So it’s all tied up with like 5 mins left. I get the ball and drive it all the way down the feild to their 26 yard line. We had one timeout left that I wanted to call but madden did the simulation thing where it took me out of the game and would have the cpu sim. Well guess what??? Madden decides to sim the rest of the quarter without calling the timeout and having our kicker attempt the easy game winner. You know where this goes. Lions get the ball and first possession scores a touchdown. I’m not mad about them coming back. Heck I’m not mad about losing. I’m mad that this billon dollar company doesn’t have the logic programmed in their game to know when to call a timeout. Something so simple. Heck why have those dumb animations where I’m taken out the game anyway. That lil simulation happens so often, sometimes the cpu goes for it on 4th down without me playing the down. I have no faith in the new college football game being good if these guys are making the game ngl
That mode where you have a created character and its like a 3v3 is insultingly terrible. My player model and jersey can get swapped constantly with other people's in games after like every td. It was like this on launch and it still persists. Along with the constant crashes. They really don't fix anything. When you play superstar 1/3 plays an o lineman goes down with a wrist injury animation. Then they are out for 6 weeks with a concussion or some shit. This has been an issue since week 1. Madden 25 is gonna patch out some of this stuff and then getting a different injury animation is going to be a marketed "new feature" I have bought a madden in years up until 24 and its crazy how awful it is and how overpowered some plays are. You have any physical (wins man press) or fast reciever without a safety over the top on a go route and it's a guaranteed touchdown. The corner will crap their pants 80% of the time. Realistic football
The ai in this is insane so inconsistent, just had a option route, instead of taking any of the 3 routes he just stops behind the db giving the db the easiest pic
I just started playing Madden 24 after not playing Madden since Madden 20. I thought Franchise would be better since that’s the only reason I played the game. Turns out the gameplay and mechanics are worse than ever. Defense is terrible and offense is ok at best. I will go back to not buying any more Madden games until actual good changes are made.
Get your own Glance now;
Madden NFL 18 to 24 undoubtedly are WORST MADDENs ever.
Man. I never thought I could get so pissed at a game. I haven’t played a madden in over 10 years. I buy this one…and I’ve broken 2 controllers, a dresser and a lamp. And I never rage at a game like that. But the way these animations happen to cheat you out of games….oh man. Drafted a QB that went 99…SA,MA,DA, On the run, pressure, all 99. He threw like a sophomore HS QB. Carry was 90, fumbled 3 times in 2nd half. Speed 94, couldn’t get away from DTs, yet alone end rushers. Trash LBs catching interceptions over Justin Jefferson. I’ve worked countless hours on a team to make them dominant(94 overall), just to get my ass kicked by 82 rated team. A 68 rated QB has went off on me. (All-Pro). Worst game ever to me.
Don’t forget when your rb tries to run a route and just mindlessly runs into a linemen
Thats a massive buggy effect that still in full effect.😅
@@purwantiallan5089 be careful running that screen😂
Also what about your rb running into everyone during a screen and somehow the icon fades away so that is thrown out as an option to throw to and they act like they can’t move out of the way…, especially being an AI.
@@crypt_yt9328 yup lol
Remember when they told us all last year that Madden 24 was a make or break year for the game? Yeah they were right the game is more broken than ever.
Make AND break year. Lol
Actually, I would argue this is the best Madden in a while but it is still broken.
Made ten years ago and still broken
I will still buy it for $20 next year after the superbowl
@@ClashxClipzzthat’s NOT saying much at all. It could be the “best” and it’d still be the best of the trash.
Madden is so bad and its mind boggling how some people think this game is good
It’s disappointing how many people defend it.. I got in on game pass this last year was my first year not buying it since 2011
I haven't bought it since Calvin Johnson was on the cover (forget which year). But I stopped buying it for all the reasons this guy has ever mentioned in his videos.
I was just fed up with EA's burning desire to ruin this game.
The people who defend it are using the same play "glitch" defense and offense
It’s called Stockholm syndrome
@@USMARINE38 Thats Madden 13, also its considered the start of the downfall of Madden.
This game being so bad has ABSOLUTELY affected my relationship with the NFL. They always preach about "protecting the shield" in its reputation and image. All other issues with the league aside, if they can willingly sign off on this title for so long, knowing it's bad and hearing the gripes from its fan base about the video game year after year, then I ask myself "what else have they signed off knowing it's terrible, but makes a $$?" This is a surface view symptom of the league itself. They are cheapening the product and maximizing getting YOUR TIME AND MONEY. Stop buying this game, then look further.
They are not trustworthy generally. Regardless of how you felt about the Ray Rice situation, the NFL's handling of that was a disgrace. He told them what happened, corroborated by another witness who was there for him telling the story. He got a 2 game suspension, then the video comes out consistent with the story he told. Suddenly it's a massive upgrade in suspension and the NFL lies about what he told them in private. This is how they operate, and their disregard for the quality of Madden and EA committing fraud (selling MUT cards while making false statements about what the cards do) unfortunately fits with their other conduct. "Protecting the shield" means "protecting the revenue steam", at best.
@@TheMelnTeamNFL seemingly never care about handling those cases.
Madden has been so bad for so long it's utterly unsettling how many people have faith in NCAA CFB...
Keep fighting the good fight, Ryan.
It will be Madden reskinned. People that think it will be from the ground up are delusional.
@@dhLord64that’s what I’m trying to tell my friends and family.. EA selling hope like religious dudes selling pies and newspapers
I stopped playing Madden like 10+ yrs ago. NFL 2K5 is the standard and if you have a PC, they updated the game graphics and rosters.
@@dhLord64Madden 24 is basically reskinned 13 with just minor player updates.
@@purwantiallan5089 correct. The last major update was the new physics engine for 13. Barely any progress in a decade.
Ryan, the bigger question I think needs to be answered… Is why the NFL is OK with allowing their product to be marketed and seen like this. Either they don’t really care because they get the money regardless or they don’t pay attention enough to care.
Bingo. They don’t care, people buy it, and they make millions upon millions. I feel at this point you would need like a nephew of the commission to talk some serious crap about the game in order to see change.
The NFL doesn’t care. I thought it was obvious
@@Fsojack they care about that contract and those millions
You answered your own question. Its both. They really don't care as long as it turns a profit.
For all you've done Madden ain't got/going to get any better at this point you're just getting money for the same chit you talked about 5/6yrs ago
Question for everyone….has EA made the defensive so good that they NEVER drop an interception? Do they ever just make a good play and bat the ball away; Isn’t it true that defensive players don’t have good hands?
Madden has become very repetitive and boring….it’s SO much stuff that happens during any football game (breaking the huddle; challenging calls; 1st down measurement; choice on coin toss; various penalties; substitutions from the sidelines; referee spotting the ball; fan reactions; various sideline activity; an actual hurry-up offense; etc
Best comment
Wish they brought back all of them from PS1 maddens.
And that why madden 2k5 will still be the greatest madden ever created
Exclusivity has killed this game. Until this right here changes, we won't have a quality NFL video game. *Electronic Arts gross profit for the quarter ending December 31, 2023 was $1.416B, a 7.84% increase year-over-year. Electronic Arts gross profit for the twelve months ending December 31, 2023 was $5.856B, a 4.31% increase year-over-year.*
EA never gonna removed the exclusivity even after 2026.
Funny, every year when Madden comes out, everybody says "it's the worst one ever!" But for some reason, you keep buying it.
This channel is crazy lol if it's that bad why are you continuing to play it? When I play a shitty game I'm done with it after the first hour.
Because it’s the only game available to purchase. Real question is why ea block 2k from making a football game.
Because ppl are hoping they finally get back to the basics of football and get it right
This is why competition is good.
2K vs EA.
When it’s just one company making the same game over and over again, the quality falls harder than Chris Farley falling down that hill in Black Sheep.
dont for get 989. i played gameday 2004 on ps2 way more than madden
2K would squash ea !
the only game EA is better at than 2k these days is golf.
@@eddierivera6896 maybe but NBA2K has been just as bad as EAs' Madden for almost a decade now.
@@claytonhuett212 PS2 the last great video game era
I’m scared for college football 25. I joined madden community during madden 20 and I am already getting tired of the broken game.
Over the last 3 days i won 16 out of 20 games played on madden 24. Today i cannot move the ball, get a first down or score any points and getting blown out by lower ranked players. I'm basically returning those 16 wins until maybe I'm on a 10 or 15 game losing streak. This has happened before and I'm considering to just stop playing this filth for good. EA will blatantly lie to our faces and make us believe we are progressing in madden only to have them give us the finger and treat us like trash when they force us to lose multiple games in a row. This is what DDA is and it is destroying the game completely!!
it’s dumb because there’s always a set of 3 or 4 plays that are unguardable and broken that you physically can’t cover and then there’s the blitzes that you can’t physically block
Bro mad at your skills you’re clearly not versatile. This is football any given Sunday the biggest baddest team can lose to the bottom feeders. That real. My best friend is over 400 wins and around 100 losses. He’s actually very good
@@eastonsiwek9166 High level meta revolves around this every year, though the specific plays differ between versions. It's why I stopped playing, ultimately. There are no defensive audibles to stop some things, so you have to user. Both your offense and theirs ultimately revolves around using these plays and trying to get unblocked pressure fast enough vs opponent that you get a sack before the coverage glitch manifests somewhere your user defender isn't. There is strategy and skill in it, but it's a) not football strategy and b) very reductive compared to football strategy. What should be a chess match is instead checkers with really dexterous/fast moving players lol.
Some people enjoy that grind of finding new glitched interactions and trying to surprise opponent with combination of user + making hot assigned defenders do something unexpected. I did for a time as well, but got tired of it. At high levels, everyone users well, so it amounts to a knowledge check.
Same dude I was on a 21 win streak but last few days the same defense I was running can’t stop shit zone is dead rn
Happens in online and franchise on a week by week basis. With franchise if you quit and restart after a few bad plays, I find it turns off whatever forces your team to lose. I believe there's an unseen momentum feature because it changes every game
Just got this game and the fact I can't even play career as a safety is wild. Good thing i got it 70% off. Now i know why
I think EA is a sign of the times (albeit a highly inconsequential one in the grand scheme of things).
Some behemoth corporation has carved out a virtual monopoly and begins setting a lower standard for the product or service they alone provide year after year.
They’ve created a playing field where delivering the best product at a competitive price isn’t the object of the game anymore. The object of the game is to eliminate all competition through whatever means are the expedient, then have your way with the masses.
Look around. It’s everywhere.
I want to make a worse game than Madden. Maybe EA would buy it from me and release it as Madden 25.
I think I’ve officially played my last Madden game. I’m so tired of spending time and money (no matter how much or little) for some dude with to much time on his hands and Ebooks galore to abuse and exploit the broken parts of this game. Same formations, same animations, same abilities, same all around Madden cheese disguised as skill.
I can never understand how a corner back or line backer can jump 50 feet in the air to make an interception like where does that happen? This game is a piece of work
I played it for a week or so doing franchise and watching the games.
The UI is unbelievably bad.
Scouting is completely ridiculous.
The AI is very bad at seeing open lanes or even an entire side of the field lol.
I've seen the RB AVOID open field because he NEEDS to trigger into a defender to tackle him lol.
The stupid "Scenarios" thing is about as football/player simulation as a glass of water.
Franchise sux and I'm sure the rest does too lol.
Animation-based arcade game at best.
Linemen stamina is broken at least in franchise
Madden has to be tuned to the riffraffery of today's NFL game of scripted bs, missed tackles, blown coverages, etc. It pretty much matches whats going on in present day NFL. Scripted 🗑
The scary part is college football 25.
We'll have draft classes transfer to Madden 25..
Which means we're probably doomed with college football 25. 😔
This is the reason why they aren't showing us any college football 25 Gameplay
College Football 25 will go down as the most overhyped trash to ever come out. If EA is making it, there's no chance it can be good. Tell me one good to great EA game over the last 10 years.
You can't. It's not starting with junior madden.
How come he shits on Madden every day, but sucks off MLB The Show? Same laziness displayed by EA is displayed by San Diego Studios
I feel like every year I’ve played madden I almost never experience glitches and super annoying things like this. This year is probably the year I’ve had the most of it. I could make a genuine catch, and it’ll say I complete because the ball got popped out. My feet were already down and I had possession. The game just already scripted an incompletion so it just did it. Gets harder to play this game casually every year.
The tackle got broken because of a hit stick. I’ve hypothesized that hit stick actually creates better outcomes for the offense than it does defense. When you hit stick a pass catcher he catches the ball better, when you hit stick a running back he gets more yards and when you hit stick a qb he holds the ball better. Tie this in with the fact that enforcer is on… oh wait 1 maybe 2 players in the whole game.
I used to play Madden 24. It was such a broken mess. Glad I'm playing my racing sims again.
For me it’s Iracing and ncaa 14
I want ncaa 14
No slider adjustments can fix this game either.
It’s really sad how modders do a better job (sabo’s gameplay mod) at making the game play WAY better. wile EA sports are lazy at their job but still take our yearly $70.
I suggest that EA should hire these modders full-time.
Coverage is awful in Madden. Plain and simple
This game is absolute dog shit.
I’ve been subjected to rebuilding the Steelers franchise every night cus of how bad the most of the game has gotten
Im tired of Madden Franchise is all jacked up the OC and DC Coaches you go to hire them and they take on the record of the head coach that you Previously had, also if you rename a player in custom drafts they no longer say the last name
That's why I wait until the game is $20 or less to buy
This why players run nothing but man coverage most the time. Zero logic in zone coverage and man isn’t that much better. AI is terrible in Madden and has been for years
It is just really sad when we were back in the PS2 days, having a blast with Madden and then saying, "Man, when the next consoles come out, think about what they could do!" Then the PS3 era happened and there were a few decent titles, then the PS4 era happened....
How does the game have LESS in it, suck so bad, and in comparison to other games, it looks pretty poor graphically? They've completely killed this game.
Every year Everybody says Madden and NBA2k is trash and still turn right around and buy them!😂😂😂😂
He pops a squat😂killed me
End of fatigue is just terrible like what were you trying to fix in the first place for it to happen like this. Then also seems like when you're playing against other teams their defense is incredibly responsive to everything while you're struggling just to get your man out the way
This game is so bad how come I throw a good pass (which it says) and the ball be over thrown.
Thanks for bringing light to this, Ryan.. Got 24 for free on Gpass cause I refuse to pay money on this, and the defense is nonexistent.. anybody can score on me at any time cause this Ai logic is the worst I've seen and literally uninstalled yesterday. This game is no fun and literally the worst madden I've played ever.
I gave up on having a good football game in this gen of consoles. Axis plays like ass and madden plays like hot ass.
Defense on Madden 17 would have never let receivers get that open
had to uninstall the game a few days ago after a dude kept running quarters defense and somehow I couldnt run AT ALL
Exactly. Madden is boiled down how can I play this game the gayest way possible ?
@@frankystrings 😂 deadass
At this point, the video should be titled "Yeah, NO SH*T!"
I often wonder how this game can be played on a competitive level for real money
How much the game impacts you is what the NFL needs to hear more of
To Make Stuff Worse. On the xbox one & ps4 versions of madden 24. The uniforms are incorrect. For example. They say the eagles "throwback socks" are their current socks. When in reality its not. Another example. They say the buccaneers "throwback helmet" is their current one when its not.
This is why more dumbasses need to stop buying the game. No MTX, no buying when new- NOTHING! Yeah, sure it hurts the devs that care (and I hate to see that) but this is an instant where we NEED to boycott so even the Shield is hurting. Once they start hurting, they'll realize they need to take away exclusivity for a while and see that we do want a good sports game for a change. They will do it because it'll get them money. That or they sink like the other football leagues they've squashed in the 70+ years the NFL has existed.
Ultimate team should be a separate game on madden and fifa.
Congratulations on that 100k. It is so good to still be hearing your voice. That was a real scream my brother.
All I say is this when College Football 25 comes out; the entirety of the Madden can respectfully GO TO SHIT. I’ll never give those idiots my money again for an updated roster with the same error and technical issues
4:21 never mind, the offensive line and their lack of awareness of the play taking place. The right tackle gets stuck and has no instinct that the play is moving to the right when the player he’s blocking starts running towards the sideline. The rest of the offense of lineman act, like the quarterback is still in the pocket.
1:37 this is my biggest gripe with this bullshit ass game. The DBs are horrible. Your safety starts 20+ yards off the ball and probably drops another 20 yards. Slants will kill you all game because there’s nothing that can stop it. Corner routes are a RIP. But when you’re on defense, you cannot press to save your life because everyone gets beat every single time. It’s so hard to want to play on all madden but not have all the bullshit that’s on all madden.
So what do we do collectively as potential NFL gamers who want to influence The NFL to not sign another exclusivity agreement with the cesspool that is EA Sports?
Keep your voices loud, only thing you can do
Its most definitely the worst Madden created. I dont even know why i still play that crap. Maybe its because playing with the bros is the reason. But i hate this game. Ive been playing Madden since Madden 98 on sega genesis. This game has to be deleted and made again from scratch. Im so tired of the laziness of EA, this may be the year that i finally stand up for the culture and NOT BUY MADDEN this year!!!!!
College Football 25 won't be any better. It might be even worse to be honest!
Why worry about disrespecting them? They disrespect the players (both the NFL players they are "simulating" and the customers playing Madden) with this crap.
The fact they said this was a “make or break year” and this is the garbage they put out clearly says it’s time to let another company try. Game is a disaster once again
Long read but it explains why Madden sucks!!!
Taken in the fifth round of the 2007 NFL draft, Oldenburg spent time with several teams over the next four years. Then his brother showed him an advertisement for a 16-week internship with EA Sports’ NCAA Football video game, so he applied and was selected. Ten weeks into the internship, the company offered him a position as associate designer for its Madden NFL game.
In that role, Oldenburg used his knowledge of offensive line play to help engineers and animators make the Madden game more real and exciting. He began by analyzing how he was coached to be a great offensive lineman, from the stance to use and first two steps he should take to various blocking schemes. He then had to develop a design that would enable the engineers and animators to add this blocking detail to the video game. To make this design as effective as possible, he first learned the language of artificial intelligence, so he could adapt his explanations to how the technical staff thought. Then, he drew upon his communication skills to make the design both clear and persuasive. The acclaim given to that year’s title, Madden NFL 25, demonstrated his success.
So true about gaming being connected with other passions... It has also killed my excitement for football. I am PRAYING Maximum Football is at least decent starting out. Someone needs to save us!
So true. MLB the show makes liking and following the league more fun because the game is actually good
Madden NFL 24 expectation: Franchise Mode will get some BIG changes and game will be LESS buggy.
The defense plays like Madden 22
man i am afraid ncaa football will be the same.
The AI for the other 10 players you're not controlling is atrociously dumb on one end, yet there are plenty of instances I've experienced of defensive backs having an almost precognitive ability to jump routes and get INTs, beyond any reasonably realistic edge given for instinct and preparation. The interceptions on this game are so unbelievably ridiculous when the game seems to change the trajectory of your pass ever so slightly when an opposing player controlling the DB in coverage is actively playing for the ball. Not to mention the fact that, yet again, EA Sports figured out a way to completely F up the passing mechanics on this game. I almost exclusively play online over the last few years, and it's truly baffling how so many of these dudes who clearly have ZERO football IQ seem to get away with the worst strategies known to man, calling the same play over and over while the utter lack of intelligence with your personnel's AI becomes even more evident.
It's almost like EA Sports was trying to broaden the market by making the game more Arcade in nature, as to appeal to gamers who know absolutely zilch about sports. They seem to be completely oblivious as to the overwhelming amount of negative reviews from consumers, but they still rake in a ton of profits off this series every year.... We really need to boycott this garbage for them to truly get the message. I went from being ranked inside the Top-30 online out of the 100k people who were actually ranked with Madden '22, being someone who has played EA Sports football games for well over 20 years now, to being completely unranked currently with '24 and having a record under .500 too. It's terrible that I still get drawn into playing it so often, but I'm finally reaching the point of being DONE with Madden altogether. I'm holding out some slight hope for the reemergence of NCAA football this year, and hopefully they've addressed some of the many critiques, but as a realist I'm only cautiously optimistic. If they manage to F up the college football game, after seven or eight years of being off the shelves, I don't think I'll ever forgive them. Enough is enough, my brothers and sisters -- the only way they'll ever realize their err is if it hurts them on the bottom line $$$ -- therefore not enabling their BS by buying their product may be the most effective solution moving forward for the Madden series.
Can u make a video on the psychic Db's and the terrible pass trajectory in this piece of crap so called football game.
It literally is. I bought this shit today just to play superstar mode and I have to do an actual combine where the challenges are hard as hell? No thanks. This shouldn’t have been added to this game at ALL
Madden 25: "challenge accepted"
When I was in my teens I was able to play madden from the time I woke up till it was time to go to bed. It's so bad now that I can only tolerate this game for maybe 15 or 20 minutes MAX then I won't play it for a couple weeks. Same cycle the last 2 years
You are absolutely right!! I'm sill play NCAA 14 and the run animations are ten times better than this Madden game. When you look at the runner in Madden 24 they look like they running with tiny squats so disjoined and robotic. Is is ridiculous. That is why I haven't bought Madden in the last for years. I guess I woke from the fake promises that ESPN has been feeding us. Things just like this. I hope to God that they don't ruin College Football 25 like this. Please keep the videos coming. People are nuts to not agree with you.
Remember in all your anger and disappointment, that Roger Goddell made this all possible.
So I’m messing around with Madden 07 on my 360 it just occurred to me lol
The crap they added last year for madden, 23 player interest job security money was in madden 07 Haha unbelievable
Pass coverage Ai is terrible..
What you mean? Drafted players from edited draft lists all wearing the same number (usually 11 or 22) on the field and the backs of the necks of said players constantly glitching out to look like Resident Evil monsters is the next step of the evolution of Madden graphical excellence! 😂
What happened to hit everything, I thought blocking was supposed to be fixed, they dont touch draft champs no more, can play career mode with friends no more, the yard is broken, superstar ko barely work, the tackling system is bad, play now barely work, dbs dont kno how to play zones, this shit so crazy they really just added a few stuff to franchise & called it one
Don't worry, when Madden 25 comes out it won't have that title anymore.
I have perfect coverage Witherspoon on Kittle on a post, Spoon is doing a falling backwards underneath catch to pick the ball on a terrible throw, ball hits him in the hands perfectly, DROPs it, The ball bounces off his stomach when he hits the ground, then the ball AUTO catches into Kittles left hand while he is behind Spoon, He catches and runs for a TD. This game is fucking shit. Worst game ever.
AND the blue passing is ATROCIOUS. If you have perfect timing,, even if the receiver obviously doesn’t complete the catch, it’s ruled a catch!
Who puts that im a “sim” football game?
Only EA…
At this point the football universe is waiting on NCAA 25 🤷🏾♂️
I don't get why there's so much random squatting and stopping to squat that players do in Madden. It feels like it happens on every single play. At least one guy squats and stops to allow an animation to occur to get the dice roll outcome.
Sometimes you're on running back will just stop running straight forward and just start squatting. It's so bad
No wonder the defensive players were named Clint, they’re clearly all practice squad eligible
Every slant play the DB does that. That’s the glitch in the game. I hate this game
They have never played football, let alone watch it. The dev don't know any better
Worst NFL game ever? Bold claim, considering the 10 previous Madden games. I can pull up screenshots from over 5 years ago with safeties doing nothing + WR getting a "spectral catch" through a defender on one play.
If defenders played like this in reality, I could get open at the pro level. Madden is a disgrace, but this is nothing new!
I haven’t bought Madden since like 19. I refuse to allow myself to b disrespected anymore.
The title 😂.
I, being the idiot that I am, bought Madden back in the fall and stomached it for about 2 weeks and couldn’t take any more and haven’t touched it for the last 4+ months.
The last 3 days (I’m writing this Feb 2024), I REALLY felt like playing a football game. I actually sat there and thought about starting up Madden, at one point, even started it up, saw the opening credits, and turned it off. Just couldn’t do it!
Even when I’m really in the mood for football, I’d rather not play football than play Madden 24.
Get an older one partner. I feel the further back you go the better they get
Just bought 25 ONLY because it was half off and I still want my money back. Ea to me is officially trash. Glad I'm not the only 1 who feels this way. They will never get my money again
Literally the worst game I’ve ever put my hands on
Relax folks. I’m sure we’ll have a Taylor Swift special edition next year to make us forget all about the game itself.
It really is, I just played a game of superstar mode/face of the franchise. I’m a qb for the Vikings. We were up 24-0 on the lions with like 2 mins in third quarter. Long story short they went on a run where they tied the game up. We had a 3 and out. We had a first and didn’t covert after and they scored on the last possession of the third quarter. So it’s all tied up with like 5 mins left. I get the ball and drive it all the way down the feild to their 26 yard line. We had one timeout left that I wanted to call but madden did the simulation thing where it took me out of the game and would have the cpu sim. Well guess what??? Madden decides to sim the rest of the quarter without calling the timeout and having our kicker attempt the easy game winner. You know where this goes. Lions get the ball and first possession scores a touchdown. I’m not mad about them coming back. Heck I’m not mad about losing. I’m mad that this billon dollar company doesn’t have the logic programmed in their game to know when to call a timeout. Something so simple. Heck why have those dumb animations where I’m taken out the game anyway. That lil simulation happens so often, sometimes the cpu goes for it on 4th down without me playing the down. I have no faith in the new college football game being good if these guys are making the game ngl
That mode where you have a created character and its like a 3v3 is insultingly terrible. My player model and jersey can get swapped constantly with other people's in games after like every td.
It was like this on launch and it still persists. Along with the constant crashes. They really don't fix anything. When you play superstar 1/3 plays an o lineman goes down with a wrist injury animation. Then they are out for 6 weeks with a concussion or some shit. This has been an issue since week 1.
Madden 25 is gonna patch out some of this stuff and then getting a different injury animation is going to be a marketed "new feature"
I have bought a madden in years up until 24 and its crazy how awful it is and how overpowered some plays are. You have any physical (wins man press) or fast reciever without a safety over the top on a go route and it's a guaranteed touchdown. The corner will crap their pants 80% of the time. Realistic football
I’m from Cleveland. That’s how the Browns really tackle and play defense though
The ai in this is insane so inconsistent, just had a option route, instead of taking any of the 3 routes he just stops behind the db giving the db the easiest pic
Have you made a video about the hurry up offense? Bc it’s no way that it should take 15-20 secs just to get on the ball
I never simulate MLB the show. I play all 162 games and each game is more fun than the last.
Look at the way #37 gets up. Omg I despise EA so much right now. This game is hot garbage!
First year since 1998 that I haven’t bought or played madden one time. Just out of principle. Still sort of makes me sad.
People realizing the user score for these games have zero bearing on anything
I just started playing Madden 24 after not playing Madden since Madden 20. I thought Franchise would be better since that’s the only reason I played the game. Turns out the gameplay and mechanics are worse than ever. Defense is terrible and offense is ok at best. I will go back to not buying any more Madden games until actual good changes are made.