Damy rosyjskie mówią o Dywizji Kościuszkowskiej, o wspólnej przyjaźni i pomnikach, ale żadna z nich, tak jak i wszyscy razem wzięci Rosjanie nie znają przyczyny, nie znają powodów, skąd to się wzięli w Rosji sowieckiej ci Polacy? A wytłumaczenie jest nader proste, ta wiecznie pokojowa, wiecznie przyjaźnie nastawiona Rosja bolszewicka do Polski i Polaków napadła swoją zdziczałą bolszewicką, sołdacką nawałą 17 września 1939 roku na II Rzeczpospolitą, wywożąc z polskich Kresów ponad milion Polaków na Sybir i Kamczatkę!.., a pojmanych Polskich Oficerów w liczbie ponad 22 tysięcy morduje bez pardonu "metodą katyńską".(strzałem w tył głowy). Choć wcześniej, bo 1 września 1939 roku napadła na Polskę podobna wataha, o podobnym potencjale zdziczenia i barbarzyństwa, czyli armia Wehrmachtu "cywilizowanych" Niemców!... Ps.. A miarą ich koślawej mentalności, wykoślawionej moralności, zakłamania i dwulicowości jest to, że do dnia dzisiejszego Polska i Polacy nie otrzymali ani od Rosji, ani tym bardziej od Niemców reperacji wojennych!... Reperacje, które Niemcy mają Nam zapłacić oceniono delikatnie na 6 bilionów 220 miliardów złotych, co w przeliczeniu na $, daje sumę 1,5 biliona $, a sama zbrodnia, ludobójstwo katyńskie to 20 mld.$.... stanisław sass sadlik....
Od pokoleń jesteśmy manipulowani z każdej strony! Wykonujemy ślepo rozkazy i wierzymy, w to , co każą nam wierzyć . Ja Wam mówię , że jesteśmy braćmi i nie pozwolimy, żeby brat przeciwko bratu wystąpił ! Wstyd mi za ludzi, którzy jak zahipnotyzowani ślepo idą za manipulacją . Wybaczcie im proszę !
@@CatherinetheGreat-d7j , Rosjanom wybaczyć? Nigdy. Won do siebie i tam się defekować w sławojkach. Najpierw wielka, wielopokoleniowa praca rosyjskich elit, a może o tym pogadamy. Sprawdź poglądy zabitego w Rosji opozycjonisty, którym zachód się zachwycał, Nawalnego. Przecież on był zwolennikiem Rosji silnej i imperialnej, przed 2022 rokiem był zwolennikiem odzyskania Krymu. Tego nie zmienisz, to można tylko rozmazać.
The woman mentions that even they have a monument to Polish-Russian friendship. Well, these are monuments that were created in the years 1945-1989, when we were in fact a satellite country under the dictation of Russia - that's what this friendship looked like. The woman remembers Jaruzelski fondly - a man who sent the army against the nation. There is no point in deceiving yourself with these seemingly nice words, because their meaning is completely different than you think. PS: I would wonder when this video was recorded, because I doubt it was after February 2022.
Or if it is after February 2022, it may be just a scripted earlier propaganda, showing how "good and peace loving" are Russians. While these all "good" of theirs is no obstacle for going and doing everything Putin wants, committing genocide and other horrible atrocities, and supporting all he does. It was always like this.
I guess it's not about all Russians, there are people who had close relationships with Polish people and know them so they won't take the propaganda as granted. The problem starts with people who never knew the history and weren't able to educate themselves with something more then propaganda. We shouldn't mix nations with politicians and governments, because the government turned Russians into what they are right now.
@@WoTBlitzAddict the problem is that long time propaganda has a huge impact on people, even if , in theory, they should have broader perspective. There are people who have family in Poland, Ukraine, and many other countries, up to recently remaining in contact with them. When the official Russian narration started clashing with what the family was saying, they just cut the ties with their relatives, deeming them "western agents".
It is very interesting that the Russians, do not understand the change in attitude of Poles towards them. This change took place in Poland after the fall of communism, in the 1990s, when it was free to start talking about the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact, the Soviet role in the Warsaw Uprising, and the Soviet post-war occupation. Russians are not taught this in schools. Their collective memory of the World War II period and the post-war world order is quite different from that of Poles today.
Many people during communism had a very negative attitude towards Russia-heck, that's where the whole anti-communist movement and references to the Bolsheviks came from. But the propaganda that obscured events like Katyn was working too. My grandfather always kept saying that it was the Soviets, not the Germans, who committed the Katyn massacre. Some people looked at him like he was crazy, while others told him to be quiet because, of course, it was dangerous to say such things. The generations of my parents, growing up in the 70s and 80s, wouldn't have known anything about it if it weren't for the constant ramblings of older people, those close to the anti-communist conspiracy and military. If the Iron Curtain hadn't fallen, today we might have been just as brainwashed as Russian society. It's crazy how persistent propaganda can warp the mind.
They are not taught more things, like they still believe that in 1968, they came to Czechoslovakia to help against west who wanted to make some anti-communist revolution here. In 90s, it looked good for a short time, they even said sorry for some things, but after Putin took power, everything returned to soviet ways, we still don't surely know if they murdered our minister Jan Masaryk in 1948 before commies took power here, we missed oppurtinuty to open russian archives in 90s before Putin closed them again permanently. I am pretty sure there are pretty shocking things locked there, if they didn't burn it yet. After we remove statue of Koniev in Prague, they said that they won't bee keeping graves of Czechoslovak legionares in siberia who died there around 1918, that's terrible, how can they compare some stupid statue with actual graves or real people?
Pozytywny stosunek Polaków do Rosji przed 1989 rokiem? Ale gdzie? Kto? Kim Pani jest? Ja w tamtym czasie miałem żonę, dwoje dzieci i zatrudniałem pracowników we własnym przedsiębiorstwie. Pani była wtedy na świecie? Mieszka Pani w Polsce?
@@marekrondo9701 mieszkam w Polsce, i proszę mi wierzyć, że byłam wtedy na świecie. Proszę wybaczyć, ale Pana ton i forma, nie zachęca mnie do nawiązania bliższej znajomości i odpowiadania na pytanie, kim jestem. Zachęcam do czytania ze zrozumieniem. Pisząc o zmianie stosunku Polaków do Rosjan, nigdzie nie wspominałam, że był pozytywny. Relacje międzyludzkie były i są różne - w zależności od osobistych doświadczeń, natomiast pamięć historyczna jako element pamięci zbiorowej w odniesieniu do Rosjan zmieniła się w Polsce wraz z upadkiem komunizmu i odzyskaniem przez Polskę niepodległości. Życzę miłego dnia
@@krzysztofsobociński-d2y Do okopów Mykoła, a nie tutaj swoje bajki pociskasz 😆 A w sumie zapodaj jakąś zmyśloną historyjkę, posmiejemy sie wszyscy 😂Mogą być te typu, babcia co słoikami drony strąca, bo wy tylko takie potraficie. I nie używaj polskich imion i nazwisk, od was z daleka jedzie ban derowcem, of ermo losu
@@arturjj8761 przynajmniej potrafią stanąć w prawdzie a co do Buczy to jest zastanawiające dlaczego nie ma jeszcze międzynarodowego śledztwa że o Przewodowie nie wspomnę
The frendship monuments in Poland were plenty, all build "at gun point". Russians belive the lies about friendship and prosperity becouse their history books ar "written by the winners". Rusian logic: "We kiled you to help you, but it was not us, thank us for that, we were friends when our army ruled you throu terror, we are slavic, so join us or we invade you brother". Stil, there are some Rusians who understand that...
@@WoTBlitzAddict Show me the proof, that IT was illegal? I mean real proof, not the mainstream media news. People wanted out of Ukraine, just like people in Donbas.
@@WoTBlitzAddictExactly. Under communist system in Poland we also had so-called "elections", and "people's democracy" - and we all know how much such so-called "elections" had to with any democracy (in fact, totally nothing). So in this case, it's very similar. The above commenting person sounds exactly like some kind of Russian troll, selling Russian propaganda (it can be seen also at the other channels, and there are even warnings from the EU and NATO states against functioning of whole farms of various Russian trolls, trying to influence people's views by Russian propaganda).
@@MayaTheDecemberGirl I know that 😊 I never faced this guy but I faced many others who seems to stop responding when faced with facts. As it goes to comparison between Poland and Crimea it's totally different actually, Russians deported most Ukrainians, imported many Russians and then decided to make a referendum which is just pathetic, but to be honest even if they didn't, they would distort the results anyway as they always do. Cheer's 🥂
Not gonna lie, when they said that 600k Russian soldiers freed Poland from the Germans ... I literally laughed out loud. Its actually quite sad that people believe this, and aren't aware of the atrocities of their country.
Hi, I will write in this comment about sad but true things. We Poles have never had and I hope never will have a common way with the Russians. It is said that Russians are Slavs just like us, but Slavs were divided into Western, Eastern and Southern (Balkan). We Poles belong to a completely different world in terms of civilisation, morality and culture. That is why Russians hate us so much, they have a certain complex. It is like having a jealous neighbour who is an unemployed alcoholic and wants to burn down your house because you have made a career and have a happy family. My family was destroyed by Russia for generations for being educated and loving their country. My great-grandfather was imprisoned by the Russians for reading and distributing books about Poland, my grandmother's manor house was looted by the Soviet Army and then taken away by the communist authorities. My great-grandmother was going to be raped by the Russians but was rescued by a Ukrainian who worked in the manor house. My other great-grandfather fought in France with the English and Americans and could not return for 6 years because he was considered a traitor, he did not see his children grow up. Finally, my grandfather during communism was locked up in the 80s in prison for teaching true history. The Germans were monsters during the occupation, but they had a culture. The Russians were not monsters but wild animals who raped, burned and stole
In Russia there are so many normal people, who act as, as a friends and vice versa. Problem is that the most part of them are redicalized by the tv, internet propaganda, and so on, and so on...
Problem polega na tym, że sporo osób nawet tego filmu nie obejrzało a tam różnie ludzie mówią. Jedni są pozytywnie nastawieni, inni obojętnie, jeszcze inni niechętnie. Ogólnie jak wszędzie, różni ludzie. Nihil novi sub sole.
Interesting, but you touched very sensitive subject However, I believe that you will get similar responses everywhere from everybody, just neighbours Everyone is beautiful, just need to be respected Regards from London, jjx
W"przyjaźni", to lekka przesada! Ale stosunki dyplomatyczne i pokojowe, tak!!! Bo trudno zapomnieć niekorzystny fakt zależności od Związku Radzieckiego! 😢
Let me remind you of the context - the interviews were conducted in Crimea, which was under Russian occupation at that time, among the mainly Russian-speaking population living there. 10 years of occupation means 10 years of Russification, forced displacement of all residents with anti-Russian views (Ukrainians, Tatars). Crimea was never exclusively Russian, and the claims from the Soviet era are claims of a colonial and imperial nature. The aversion to Poland is based on a lack of knowledge about Poland and propaganda materials from Russian state television (there are no longer any independent media in Russia). Many Russians never learned about the Soviet attack on Poland in September 1939 - in agreement with Nazi Germany and Soviet crimes against the Polish nation (the Katyn Massacre of 1940). There was no liberation of Poland, only its conquest and enslavement after 1945. The communist times are treated by almost all Poles as Soviet occupation, which is something that an ordinary Russian does not understand at all. If Russians stayed in Poland for a while, they would probably never want to return to Russia.
From the video it looks like everything is cool, people like us poles. these older gents talk a lot of sense, however the video seems to be old before Russian Ukrainian war (2022), hence the relaxed style of dialogues. I don't think Polish people hate Russians either. A lot of things comes down to politicians, propaganda, and Putins narrative that NATO is sneaking in to his Russian land. If we think for a moment NATO's country US of A is just maybe a 100 miles from Russia (check the distance between Alaska and Russia, but no one really cares what happens there it's like a far away land and even Putin does not talk about that). So creating all the tension between Russia and NATO in central part of Europe (I would imagine, economic reasons maybe behind that too) is I would believe more useful to scaremonger own people (Russians). I am not a historian, but there was a lot of tensions between Russian and Ukrainians, Polish, Tatars, Mongols centuries ago. Also I would like to add something like Union between England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland (one may find some interconnected similar things happening in the past between these countries). I would repeat that, all this is happening right now is really down to Politicians (Israel, Palestine atrocities). Anyway, great video, thumbs up!!
Eh, no need to be so absolutist. Look at the Russians who are against what Russia represents. It's good to appreciate when someone has the courage to broaden their perspective, even if it's painful for them.
@@leno_o17, Nigdy. To zachód fascynuje się rosyjską opozycją. Dla nas to wszystko jeden młyn. Nawalnym zachód był podniecony, a facet przed 2014 rokiem był zwolennikiem zajęcia Krymu przez Rosję i zawsze pozytywnie patrzył na przyszły, rosyjski imperializm. Jak dla kogoś istnieją dobrzy Rosjanie, to niech sobie zamieszka w, Rosji, w Estonii, Gruzji, Białorusi, Kazachstanie, Ukrainie... oby jak najdalej od Polski i niech się uczy organoleptycznie.
@@leno_o17 Nawalny był za silną, imperialistyczną Rosją, a przed 2022 rokiem za odzyskaniem Krymu. To są ci najlepsi z najlepszych, nawet zdaniem zachodu, który nadal nic nie rozumie.
Because of Russia and communism did after the war in 40s,50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s (OMG) and even now (sic!) I have no respect to this country, sorry. My parents told me what life was like back then - so bad!! Their childhood was destroyed by this system. And now the war… No History lesson, no change… And that is why we can’t like each other. But I hope this will change some day. I really would Love to.
Jak w kazdym kraju - politycy ustawiają historie pod swoje potrzeby i tego uczą się dzieci. Większość z nas ,zna tylko propagandę historyczna. Ludzie i Politycy to dwa odmienne stany społeczne - nie ma co oceniać kraju przez pryzmat jednego Polityka. Patrząc na filmiki z Rosji ...Rosja po za Moskwa zatrzymała się w latach 80-90tych - gdyby nie korupcja Rosja mogla by wyglądać dziś jak Dubaj.
You are missing the point that his interviews were done in Crimea. Ukrainian land taken by Russia in 2014. I'm not sure how it really is and I know a lot or maybe most Ukrainians were relocated but I would surely expect to hear different opinions there than in Moscow. I don't think it fully represent opinions of average Russian. I know at least one of those ladies doing the interviews is from Crimea and technically Russian but identifies herself as Ukrainian so I don't think there is an agenda there but still it is a territory taken by force from Ukraine not long time ago.
We are Slavs... Despite of what happened in history, politicians and politics are to blame... Not the normal citizens... Russian Brothers and Sisters, remember that!!! Greetings to You all !!!
@@marekrondo9701 Oj biedny TY , ja niewiele młodszy, też wychowany w PRL, a jednak rozróżniam decyzje polityków od zwykłej ludzkiej życzliwości względem naszych Braci Słowian.
Mert, napiszę po Polsku. My Polacy nie chcemy wojny, Rosjanie nie są naszymi wrogami, chcemy spokoju i zaprzestania finansowania konfliktu na wschodzie. To nie nasza wojna, to wojna polityków. Dzięki za twój zachwyt nad naszym krajem. Pozdrawiam serdecznie i pokoju życzę wszystkim ludziom dobrej woli
@Przemo9050 daj spokój, wrogiem jest rusofobia,nie Rosjanie. Policzmy zatem ile wojen wszczęła Rosja po drugiej światowej a ile mocarstwo zza oceanu. Niedługo tacy jak ty będą mogli się wykazać na nie naszej wojnie. Wojna to biznes, każda!
@@moniabroton1897 oczywiście, że nie chcemy wojny. Dlatego właśnie musimy reagować na agresję. Wojen po 45 w większości nie byłoby, gdyby nie macki ZSSR ingerujące w różnych krajach. Czasy związku sowieckiego nie były czasami pokoju. Każda z wojen, w których brał udział "zachód", była reakcją na działania reżimów komunistycznych. Od upadku bloku sowieckiego, Rosja zainicjowała już agresję w Czeczeni, Gruzji i Ukrainie.
It is interesting to note that these two ladies specifically approach pensioners over 50. Obviously a propaganda video with the goal of presenting Russia as evil and backward. It seems that someone is really getting mad if they try to film something like this.
Depending on when it was filmed, they might be russians (I may be mistaken) as Ukrainians were deported from the major cities and replaced with russian colonisers
@ What I meant, was, Russians who lived in Crimea before the war, and there was a great number of those, were nit subjected to Russian propaganda to the same extend as those who lived in “mainland Russia”. They got sort of “ukrainaized”.
@@arochester6404 note that Crimea has been occupied since 2014, that's plenty of time to 2021 for propaganda (oryginal video upload date) but also as far as I know russians prior to this date were overly positive towards us Poles, in video from "Geography Now" they summarised it nicely: "(...) it's more of a people vs government, people on human level get along but it's mostly the governments that often clashes (...)", and from my experience it's quite true, I have a few Russian friends; now in mainland Russia probably less positive but yeah
Remember that all people want live in peace but Evil ignites conflict. We use to say "if you do not know what is a matter it is all about money". We know that war is money. Who gained on this ( war, racism, discrimination, slavery) and where it was? Who is rich because of that? Who lives in welfare? Point these countries and you will find who is Evil.
anticapitalist conspiracy theories. it was Russia who attacked the Ukraine. And Islam movements like the Taliban discriminate everyone also not for money (without their ideology, everyone was more wealthy). same is true for all anticapitalist/leftwing/socialist countries (all are also antizionist/antisemitic, the real racist nazis). what is the reason why they economically fail all the time? too much anticapitalism (= anti money = esoteric pseudo economic knowledge instead of economic science). 'ideologies' are the real problem on the planet - and btw, also for individual relations. true liberal ones (the real progressive) have never problems with other liberals. all the antiliberals have problems with each other. its basically a simple iq test.
I, as a Pole, respect Russians very much and this will not change! We are from the tribe of Slavs and despite the fact that someone cares a lot to divide us , it will never succeed!
Dobry Rosjanin, to taki, który nie oddała się od sławojki na więcej, niż kilometr i umiera średnio w wieku 58 lat, czyli tak, jak pomiędzy 2009, a 2013 rokiem. Obecnie, dobry Rosjanin, to martwy Moskal.
If anyone has a conflict with each other it is Russia and Ukraine . Poland and real Poles are impartial. We , Poles , I repeat it with full responsibility , we do not take part in the conflict that does not concern us ! We want peace !
a potem oglądam wideo Szkotów i innych Brytyjczyków, gdzie nazywają Polaków sowietami, sowieckie budynki, stare tramwaje, więc z "zachodem" nam równie nie po drodze
Damy rosyjskie mówią o Dywizji Kościuszkowskiej, o wspólnej przyjaźni i pomnikach, ale żadna z nich, tak jak i wszyscy razem wzięci Rosjanie nie znają przyczyny, nie znają powodów, skąd to się wzięli w Rosji sowieckiej ci Polacy? A wytłumaczenie jest nader proste, ta wiecznie pokojowa, wiecznie przyjaźnie nastawiona Rosja bolszewicka do Polski i Polaków napadła swoją zdziczałą bolszewicką, sołdacką nawałą 17 września 1939 roku na II Rzeczpospolitą, wywożąc z polskich Kresów ponad milion Polaków na Sybir i Kamczatkę!.., a pojmanych Polskich Oficerów w liczbie ponad 22 tysięcy morduje bez pardonu "metodą katyńską".(strzałem w tył głowy). Choć wcześniej, bo 1 września 1939 roku napadła na Polskę podobna wataha, o podobnym potencjale zdziczenia i barbarzyństwa, czyli armia Wehrmachtu "cywilizowanych" Niemców!... Ps.. A miarą ich koślawej mentalności, wykoślawionej moralności, zakłamania i dwulicowości jest to, że do dnia dzisiejszego Polska i Polacy nie otrzymali ani od Rosji, ani tym bardziej od Niemców reperacji wojennych!... Reperacje, które Niemcy mają Nam zapłacić oceniono delikatnie na 6 bilionów 220 miliardów złotych, co w przeliczeniu na $, daje sumę 1,5 biliona $, a sama zbrodnia, ludobójstwo katyńskie to 20 mld.$.... stanisław sass sadlik....
Od pokoleń jesteśmy manipulowani z każdej strony! Wykonujemy ślepo rozkazy i wierzymy, w to , co każą nam wierzyć . Ja Wam mówię , że jesteśmy braćmi i nie pozwolimy, żeby brat przeciwko bratu wystąpił ! Wstyd mi za ludzi, którzy jak zahipnotyzowani ślepo idą za manipulacją . Wybaczcie im proszę !
@@CatherinetheGreat-d7j ,
Rosjanom wybaczyć? Nigdy. Won do siebie i tam się defekować w sławojkach. Najpierw wielka, wielopokoleniowa praca rosyjskich elit, a może o tym pogadamy. Sprawdź poglądy zabitego w Rosji opozycjonisty, którym zachód się zachwycał, Nawalnego. Przecież on był zwolennikiem Rosji silnej i imperialnej, przed 2022 rokiem był zwolennikiem odzyskania Krymu. Tego nie zmienisz, to można tylko rozmazać.
@@CatherinetheGreat-d7jGłęboko gdzieś mam takich braci, to już wolę obcych.
Ja mam równie głęboko , jeśli nie głębiej twoją opinię . Pozdrawiam!
@@CatherinetheGreat-d7j Привет Иван, какая погода в Москве? Пожалуйста, погуглите "What did Catherine the Great do to Poland".
The woman mentions that even they have a monument to Polish-Russian friendship. Well, these are monuments that were created in the years 1945-1989, when we were in fact a satellite country under the dictation of Russia - that's what this friendship looked like. The woman remembers Jaruzelski fondly - a man who sent the army against the nation.
There is no point in deceiving yourself with these seemingly nice words, because their meaning is completely different than you think.
PS: I would wonder when this video was recorded, because I doubt it was after February 2022.
Or if it is after February 2022, it may be just a scripted earlier propaganda, showing how "good and peace loving" are Russians. While these all "good" of theirs is no obstacle for going and doing everything Putin wants, committing genocide and other horrible atrocities, and supporting all he does. It was always like this.
I guess it's not about all Russians, there are people who had close relationships with Polish people and know them so they won't take the propaganda as granted. The problem starts with people who never knew the history and weren't able to educate themselves with something more then propaganda. We shouldn't mix nations with politicians and governments, because the government turned Russians into what they are right now.
well said
@@WoTBlitzAddict the problem is that long time propaganda has a huge impact on people, even if , in theory, they should have broader perspective. There are people who have family in Poland, Ukraine, and many other countries, up to recently remaining in contact with them. When the official Russian narration started clashing with what the family was saying, they just cut the ties with their relatives, deeming them "western agents".
@@leno_o17 Yup, that's sad, they act somewhat like zombies without any thoughts, scary if you ask me.
It is very interesting that the Russians, do not understand the change in attitude of Poles towards them. This change took place in Poland after the fall of communism, in the 1990s, when it was free to start talking about the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact, the Soviet role in the Warsaw Uprising, and the Soviet post-war occupation. Russians are not taught this in schools. Their collective memory of the World War II period and the post-war world order is quite different from that of Poles today.
Many people during communism had a very negative attitude towards Russia-heck, that's where the whole anti-communist movement and references to the Bolsheviks came from. But the propaganda that obscured events like Katyn was working too. My grandfather always kept saying that it was the Soviets, not the Germans, who committed the Katyn massacre. Some people looked at him like he was crazy, while others told him to be quiet because, of course, it was dangerous to say such things. The generations of my parents, growing up in the 70s and 80s, wouldn't have known anything about it if it weren't for the constant ramblings of older people, those close to the anti-communist conspiracy and military. If the Iron Curtain hadn't fallen, today we might have been just as brainwashed as Russian society. It's crazy how persistent propaganda can warp the mind.
It all began in 18th century, not only communism..
They are not taught more things, like they still believe that in 1968, they came to Czechoslovakia to help against west who wanted to make some anti-communist revolution here. In 90s, it looked good for a short time, they even said sorry for some things, but after Putin took power, everything returned to soviet ways, we still don't surely know if they murdered our minister Jan Masaryk in 1948 before commies took power here, we missed oppurtinuty to open russian archives in 90s before Putin closed them again permanently. I am pretty sure there are pretty shocking things locked there, if they didn't burn it yet.
After we remove statue of Koniev in Prague, they said that they won't bee keeping graves of Czechoslovak legionares in siberia who died there around 1918, that's terrible, how can they compare some stupid statue with actual graves or real people?
Pozytywny stosunek Polaków do Rosji przed 1989 rokiem?
Ale gdzie? Kto?
Kim Pani jest? Ja w tamtym czasie miałem żonę, dwoje dzieci i zatrudniałem pracowników we własnym przedsiębiorstwie.
Pani była wtedy na świecie? Mieszka Pani w Polsce?
@@marekrondo9701 mieszkam w Polsce, i proszę mi wierzyć, że byłam wtedy na świecie. Proszę wybaczyć, ale Pana ton i forma, nie zachęca mnie do nawiązania bliższej znajomości i odpowiadania na pytanie, kim jestem. Zachęcam do czytania ze zrozumieniem. Pisząc o zmianie stosunku Polaków do Rosjan, nigdzie nie wspominałam, że był pozytywny. Relacje międzyludzkie były i są różne - w zależności od osobistych doświadczeń, natomiast pamięć historyczna jako element pamięci zbiorowej w odniesieniu do Rosjan zmieniła się w Polsce wraz z upadkiem komunizmu i odzyskaniem przez Polskę niepodległości. Życzę miłego dnia
wiekszosc z nich nie zna histori...albo raczej znaja historie ktora im propaganda wbijala przez lata
Tak samo jak Tobie. Ty tez znasz tylko naszą wersję historii, albo w ogóle za bardzo nic nie kojarzysz
@@zenra1417 mysle.ze kojarze wiecej niz przecietny czlowiek.nie bron ruskich bo tu polegniesz.
@@krzysztofsobociński-d2y Z czym polegnę? Nie rozśmieszaj mnie
@@zenra1417 towarzyszu zamelduj wladkowi wykonanie zadanie.
@@krzysztofsobociński-d2y Do okopów Mykoła, a nie tutaj swoje bajki pociskasz 😆 A w sumie zapodaj jakąś zmyśloną historyjkę, posmiejemy sie wszyscy 😂Mogą być te typu, babcia co słoikami drony strąca, bo wy tylko takie potraficie. I nie używaj polskich imion i nazwisk, od was z daleka jedzie ban derowcem, of ermo losu
This must be some old movie from before the war between Russia and Ukraine. Today the situation is much worse.
Ja Rosjan uwielbiam,wszystkich których poznałam to ciężko pracujący szczerzy ludzie
@@zofiatoja1841 Daj im tylko warunki, a zamienią się w tych z Katynia lub Buczy...
@@arturjj8761 przynajmniej potrafią stanąć w prawdzie a co do Buczy to jest zastanawiające dlaczego nie ma jeszcze międzynarodowego śledztwa że o Przewodowie nie wspomnę
@@zofiatoja1841 bo to ukraińska propagandowa robota.
@@zofiatoja1841odejdź ruski trollu
The frendship monuments in Poland were plenty, all build "at gun point". Russians belive the lies about friendship and prosperity becouse their history books ar "written by the winners". Rusian logic: "We kiled you to help you, but it was not us, thank us for that, we were friends when our army ruled you throu terror, we are slavic, so join us or we invade you brother". Stil, there are some Rusians who understand that...
it ffunny that it is recorder in krym so the occupy part of ukraine that orginally belonged to tatarians
Don't forget, that people of Crimea decided to join Russian Federation in a legal referendum. And they seem to be quite happy in this film.
@@CorleoneDiscoStarthis referendum was as legal as Kaliningrad belongs to Czech Republic 😂😂😂
@@WoTBlitzAddict Show me the proof, that IT was illegal? I mean real proof, not the mainstream media news. People wanted out of Ukraine, just like people in Donbas.
@@WoTBlitzAddictExactly. Under communist system in Poland we also had so-called "elections", and "people's democracy" - and we all know how much such so-called "elections" had to with any democracy (in fact, totally nothing). So in this case, it's very similar. The above commenting person sounds exactly like some kind of Russian troll, selling Russian propaganda (it can be seen also at the other channels, and there are even warnings from the EU and NATO states against functioning of whole farms of various Russian trolls, trying to influence people's views by Russian propaganda).
@@MayaTheDecemberGirl I know that 😊 I never faced this guy but I faced many others who seems to stop responding when faced with facts. As it goes to comparison between Poland and Crimea it's totally different actually, Russians deported most Ukrainians, imported many Russians and then decided to make a referendum which is just pathetic, but to be honest even if they didn't, they would distort the results anyway as they always do. Cheer's 🥂
Not gonna lie, when they said that 600k Russian soldiers freed Poland from the Germans ... I literally laughed out loud. Its actually quite sad that people believe this, and aren't aware of the atrocities of their country.
This video was over 3years ago.
Hi, I will write in this comment about sad but true things.
We Poles have never had and I hope never will have a common way with the Russians. It is said that Russians are Slavs just like us, but Slavs were divided into Western, Eastern and Southern (Balkan). We Poles belong to a completely different world in terms of civilisation, morality and culture. That is why Russians hate us so much, they have a certain complex. It is like having a jealous neighbour who is an unemployed alcoholic and wants to burn down your house because you have made a career and have a happy family.
My family was destroyed by Russia for generations for being educated and loving their country. My great-grandfather was imprisoned by the Russians for reading and distributing books about Poland, my grandmother's manor house was looted by the Soviet Army and then taken away by the communist authorities. My great-grandmother was going to be raped by the Russians but was rescued by a Ukrainian who worked in the manor house. My other great-grandfather fought in France with the English and Americans and could not return for 6 years because he was considered a traitor, he did not see his children grow up. Finally, my grandfather during communism was locked up in the 80s in prison for teaching true history.
The Germans were monsters during the occupation, but they had a culture. The Russians were not monsters but wild animals who raped, burned and stole
In Russia there are so many normal people, who act as, as a friends and vice versa. Problem is that the most part of them are redicalized by the tv, internet propaganda, and so on, and so on...
Problem polega na tym, że sporo osób nawet tego filmu nie obejrzało a tam różnie ludzie mówią. Jedni są pozytywnie nastawieni, inni obojętnie, jeszcze inni niechętnie. Ogólnie jak wszędzie, różni ludzie. Nihil novi sub sole.
Dziewczyny Piękny Wywiad Nagrały Z Rosjanami Trzy Lata Temu
Interesting, but you touched very sensitive subject
However, I believe that you will get similar responses everywhere from everybody, just neighbours
Everyone is beautiful, just need to be respected
Regards from London, jjx
It was filmed in Crimea.
2:47 Warsaw very beautiful City in the times of the ZSRR xD before or after they destroyed it?🤣
Poznaję Katiuszę i Irinę. 👏👏👏👍🇵🇱🇪🇺
Pozdrawiam z POLSKI
Zgoda - Buduje
Niezgoda -.Rujnuje
Żyjmy w zgodzie i przyjaźni 🫂
Racja. Jak tylko Rosja przestanie nasyłać wojsko na inne kraje, będziemy mogli wreszcie żyć w pokoju.
Oczywiście, ale po śmierci ostatniego Rosjanina.
W"przyjaźni", to lekka przesada! Ale stosunki dyplomatyczne i pokojowe, tak!!! Bo trudno zapomnieć niekorzystny fakt zależności od Związku Radzieckiego! 😢
Let me remind you of the context - the interviews were conducted in Crimea, which was under Russian occupation at that time, among the mainly Russian-speaking population living there. 10 years of occupation means 10 years of Russification, forced displacement of all residents with anti-Russian views (Ukrainians, Tatars). Crimea was never exclusively Russian, and the claims from the Soviet era are claims of a colonial and imperial nature. The aversion to Poland is based on a lack of knowledge about Poland and propaganda materials from Russian state television (there are no longer any independent media in Russia). Many Russians never learned about the Soviet attack on Poland in September 1939 - in agreement with Nazi Germany and Soviet crimes against the Polish nation (the Katyn Massacre of 1940). There was no liberation of Poland, only its conquest and enslavement after 1945. The communist times are treated by almost all Poles as Soviet occupation, which is something that an ordinary Russian does not understand at all. If Russians stayed in Poland for a while, they would probably never want to return to Russia.
From the video it looks like everything is cool, people like us poles. these older gents talk a lot of sense, however the video seems to be old before Russian Ukrainian war (2022), hence the relaxed style of dialogues. I don't think Polish people hate Russians either. A lot of things comes down to politicians, propaganda, and Putins narrative that NATO is sneaking in to his Russian land. If we think for a moment NATO's country US of A is just maybe a 100 miles from Russia (check the distance between Alaska and Russia, but no one really cares what happens there it's like a far away land and even Putin does not talk about that). So creating all the tension between Russia and NATO in central part of Europe (I would imagine, economic reasons maybe behind that too) is I would believe more useful to scaremonger own people (Russians). I am not a historian, but there was a lot of tensions between Russian and Ukrainians, Polish, Tatars, Mongols centuries ago. Also I would like to add something like Union between England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland (one may find some interconnected similar things happening in the past between these countries). I would repeat that, all this is happening right now is really down to Politicians (Israel, Palestine atrocities). Anyway, great video, thumbs up!!
Chuj z nimi nikogo ich zdanie nie interesuje😮💨
Tak jak i Twoje :P
Co napiszesz po polsku w tym swoim Petersburgu, to kulą w płot. Zmień oficera prowadzącego POP'ie.
Neigbouring countries are seldom friends. E.g. the UK-Ireland-France, Portugal-Spain-France.
5:50 I just wanted to say that xD
Białe róże... też fajny utwór 🎉. Muzyka ❤❤
No russian will be a brother to a Pole.
Eh, no need to be so absolutist. Look at the Russians who are against what Russia represents. It's good to appreciate when someone has the courage to broaden their perspective, even if it's painful for them.
Mam kilku Rosjan przyjaciół za to nienawidzę upadliny
To zachód fascynuje się rosyjską opozycją. Dla nas to wszystko jeden młyn. Nawalnym zachód był podniecony, a facet przed 2014 rokiem był zwolennikiem zajęcia Krymu przez Rosję i zawsze pozytywnie patrzył na przyszły, rosyjski imperializm.
Jak dla kogoś istnieją dobrzy Rosjanie, to niech sobie zamieszka w, Rosji, w Estonii, Gruzji, Białorusi, Kazachstanie, Ukrainie... oby jak najdalej od Polski i niech się uczy organoleptycznie.
Ani Ukraińca
Nawalny był za silną, imperialistyczną Rosją, a przed 2022 rokiem za odzyskaniem Krymu.
To są ci najlepsi z najlepszych, nawet zdaniem zachodu, który nadal nic nie rozumie.
This reportage was made on Crimea i 2023.
Because of Russia and communism did after the war in 40s,50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s (OMG) and even now (sic!) I have no respect to this country, sorry. My parents told me what life was like back then - so bad!! Their childhood was destroyed by this system. And now the war… No History lesson, no change… And that is why we can’t like each other. But I hope this will change some day. I really would Love to.
a jaki to problem dla nas Polakow co o nas mysla ruscy , niech mowia o sobie jesli juz musza o kims mowic
Поляки, давайте жить дружно😼
Jak w kazdym kraju - politycy ustawiają historie pod swoje potrzeby i tego uczą się dzieci. Większość z nas ,zna tylko propagandę historyczna. Ludzie i Politycy to dwa odmienne stany społeczne - nie ma co oceniać kraju przez pryzmat jednego Polityka. Patrząc na filmiki z Rosji ...Rosja po za Moskwa zatrzymała się w latach 80-90tych - gdyby nie korupcja Rosja mogla by wyglądać dziś jak Dubaj.
You are missing the point that his interviews were done in Crimea. Ukrainian land taken by Russia in 2014. I'm not sure how it really is and I know a lot or maybe most Ukrainians were relocated but I would surely expect to hear different opinions there than in Moscow. I don't think it fully represent opinions of average Russian. I know at least one of those ladies doing the interviews is from Crimea and technically Russian but identifies herself as Ukrainian so I don't think there is an agenda there but still it is a territory taken by force from Ukraine not long time ago.
We are Slavs... Despite of what happened in history, politicians and politics are to blame... Not the normal citizens... Russian Brothers and Sisters, remember that!!! Greetings to You all !!!
Twój mózg przeszedł proces finlandyzacji.
@@marekrondo9701 A Twój procesowi dehumanizacji :) Pozdrawiam.
@@CorleoneDiscoStar ,
Mam 61 lat i uczynili to Rosjanie.
@@marekrondo9701 Oj biedny TY , ja niewiele młodszy, też wychowany w PRL, a jednak rozróżniam decyzje polityków od zwykłej ludzkiej życzliwości względem naszych Braci Słowian.
A w życiu, nienawidzę ich.
Mert, napiszę po Polsku. My Polacy nie chcemy wojny, Rosjanie nie są naszymi wrogami, chcemy spokoju i zaprzestania finansowania konfliktu na wschodzie. To nie nasza wojna, to wojna polityków. Dzięki za twój zachwyt nad naszym krajem. Pozdrawiam serdecznie i pokoju życzę wszystkim ludziom dobrej woli
Bzdury. RuSSka propaganda.
Mylisz się. Rosjanie to nasi wrogowie.
@Przemo9050 daj spokój, wrogiem jest rusofobia,nie Rosjanie. Policzmy zatem ile wojen wszczęła Rosja po drugiej światowej a ile mocarstwo zza oceanu. Niedługo tacy jak ty będą mogli się wykazać na nie naszej wojnie. Wojna to biznes, każda!
@@moniabroton1897 oczywiście, że nie chcemy wojny. Dlatego właśnie musimy reagować na agresję. Wojen po 45 w większości nie byłoby, gdyby nie macki ZSSR ingerujące w różnych krajach. Czasy związku sowieckiego nie były czasami pokoju. Każda z wojen, w których brał udział "zachód", była reakcją na działania reżimów komunistycznych. Od upadku bloku sowieckiego, Rosja zainicjowała już agresję w Czeczeni, Gruzji i Ukrainie.
@@leno_o17 z szacunku dla Merta i tego kanału zaprzestanę tej dyskusji. Każdy podrzegacz wojenny na front. Tam brakuje mięsa do przemielenia.
It is interesting to note that these two ladies specifically approach pensioners over 50. Obviously a propaganda video with the goal of presenting Russia as evil and backward. It seems that someone is really getting mad if they try to film something like this.
Russia ?! No thank you!
Thats Crimea, not Russia!
This is why.
Depending on when it was filmed, they might be russians (I may be mistaken) as Ukrainians were deported from the major cities and replaced with russian colonisers
@ What I meant, was, Russians who lived in Crimea before the war, and there was a great number of those, were nit subjected to Russian propaganda to the same extend as those who lived in “mainland Russia”.
They got sort of “ukrainaized”.
@@arochester6404 note that Crimea has been occupied since 2014, that's plenty of time to 2021 for propaganda (oryginal video upload date) but also as far as I know russians prior to this date were overly positive towards us Poles, in video from "Geography Now" they summarised it nicely: "(...) it's more of a people vs government, people on human level get along but it's mostly the governments that often clashes (...)", and from my experience it's quite true, I have a few Russian friends; now in mainland Russia probably less positive but yeah
Remember that all people want live in peace but Evil ignites conflict. We use to say "if you do not know what is a matter it is all about money".
We know that war is money. Who gained on this ( war, racism, discrimination, slavery) and where it was? Who is rich because of that? Who lives in welfare? Point these countries and you will find who is Evil.
anticapitalist conspiracy theories. it was Russia who attacked the Ukraine. And Islam movements like the Taliban discriminate everyone also not for money (without their ideology, everyone was more wealthy). same is true for all anticapitalist/leftwing/socialist countries (all are also antizionist/antisemitic, the real racist nazis). what is the reason why they economically fail all the time? too much anticapitalism (= anti money = esoteric pseudo economic knowledge instead of economic science). 'ideologies' are the real problem on the planet - and btw, also for individual relations. true liberal ones (the real progressive) have never problems with other liberals. all the antiliberals have problems with each other. its basically a simple iq test.
Pozdrowienia dla Rosjan!To idiotyzm, ze dajemy sie szczuc, jedni na drugich.
I, as a Pole, respect Russians very much and this will not change! We are from the tribe of Slavs and despite the fact that someone cares a lot to divide us , it will never succeed!
Ja również !!
Dobry Rosjanin, to taki, który nie oddała się od sławojki na więcej, niż kilometr i umiera średnio w wieku 58 lat, czyli tak, jak pomiędzy 2009, a 2013 rokiem.
Obecnie, dobry Rosjanin, to martwy Moskal.
- nickname "Catherine the Great"
- spouts russian "Slavic" demagogy
- "I, as a Pole"...
Sorry Ivan, good try but only half a potato for this attempt.
@@rrolf71 It's weak on your part, but I appreciate you making the effort 😂
If anyone has a conflict with each other it is Russia and Ukraine . Poland and real Poles are impartial. We , Poles , I repeat it with full responsibility , we do not take part in the conflict that does not concern us ! We want peace !
a potem oglądam wideo Szkotów i innych Brytyjczyków, gdzie nazywają Polaków sowietami, sowieckie budynki, stare tramwaje, więc z "zachodem" nam równie nie po drodze
Katia jak mis Krymu..zawsze piękna
PASZYNKA też fajna 🎉❤❤❤
Great material... now Poland is under German's (UE) jurisdiction... no independence anymore... Sick..