Daito Ryu Aiki-Jujutsu: Weapons Retention/Counter-Seizing art of the palace, court, guards. A combative weapon based art for countering unarmed attempts to seize, hold and disarm an armed indoor palace/court guard. Followed by drawing one's blade to kill the attacker after having attained a superior position using empty hand counters. AiKiDo: Physical, Emotional, Fitness Excercise program, according to the words of the founder Morehei Ueshiba. Not a combative art.
There are useful body mechanics, evasive footwork as well as the principle of non-resistance taught in Ai ki do philosophy. The problem is when Aikidoka try to make Ai Ki Do an art of hand to hand combat which the founder O'sensei Morehei Ueshiba himself said is not an art for fighting but that all physical movement in Aikido is for excercise only. We have the creator of Aikido in his own words preach his art isn't designed for fighting but for excercise only and to bring people together in peaceful cooperation through training. By submitting to each other one overcomes ego and hate. But students quickly twist the teachings to try representing Aikido as a combat art, like Judo, Daito Ryu Aiki Jujutsu, Jiujitsu, etc. Then when Aikidoka accept a fight against trained fighters like competitive boxers or wrestlers, get humiliated, we then admit Aikido isn't for fighting or we say the Aikidoka wasn't highly skilled despite being a shodan. Aikikai Aikido is good fitness training. The ukemi can save one's life during an accidental fall! But Aikidoka whom teach or practice Aikido for unarmed combat should re-read the written teachings of Morehei Ueshiba. Then go train Daito Ryu, the combative art from which Ueshiba sensei modified movements to create his excercise/fitness program he named Aikido, or study Kano Jiujitsu aka Judo, Catch Wrestling, Western Boxing, Gracie Jiujitsu, Muay Thai, Ashihara karate, Danzan Ryu Jujitsu or Filipino Kali/Arnis/Escrima to learn combative arts. Peace be w/you.
He studied Daito Ryu with Okamoto sensei and knows aiki no jutsu, he actually understand what aiki really is and has developed it. His Aikido is actually much more advanced that your average Aikido shihan. The court guards you are talking about knew Aiki and that was developed to submit people without violence, it doesn't matter if they were stronger or bigger. .
Nice amd thanks
Daito Ryu Aiki-Jujutsu: Weapons Retention/Counter-Seizing art of the palace, court, guards. A combative weapon based art for countering unarmed attempts to seize, hold and disarm an armed indoor palace/court guard. Followed by drawing one's blade to kill the attacker after having attained a superior position using empty hand counters.
AiKiDo: Physical, Emotional, Fitness Excercise program, according to the words of the founder Morehei Ueshiba. Not a combative art.
There are useful body mechanics, evasive footwork as well as the principle of non-resistance taught in Ai ki do philosophy. The problem is when Aikidoka try to make Ai Ki Do an art of hand to hand combat which the founder O'sensei Morehei Ueshiba himself said is not an art for fighting but that all physical movement in Aikido is for excercise only. We have the creator of Aikido in his own words preach his art isn't designed for fighting but for excercise only and to bring people together in peaceful cooperation through training. By submitting to each other one overcomes ego and hate. But students quickly twist the teachings to try representing Aikido as a combat art, like Judo, Daito Ryu Aiki Jujutsu, Jiujitsu, etc. Then when Aikidoka accept a fight against trained fighters like competitive boxers or wrestlers, get humiliated, we then admit Aikido isn't for fighting or we say the Aikidoka wasn't highly skilled despite being a shodan. Aikikai Aikido is good fitness training. The ukemi can save one's life during an accidental fall! But Aikidoka whom teach or practice Aikido for unarmed combat should re-read the written teachings of Morehei Ueshiba. Then go train Daito Ryu, the combative art from which Ueshiba sensei modified movements to create his excercise/fitness program he named Aikido, or study Kano Jiujitsu aka Judo, Catch Wrestling, Western Boxing, Gracie Jiujitsu, Muay Thai, Ashihara karate, Danzan Ryu Jujitsu or Filipino Kali/Arnis/Escrima to learn combative arts. Peace be w/you.
He studied Daito Ryu with Okamoto sensei and knows aiki no jutsu, he actually understand what aiki really is and has developed it. His Aikido is actually much more advanced that your average Aikido shihan. The court guards you are talking about knew Aiki and that was developed to submit people without violence, it doesn't matter if they were stronger or bigger.