Man she is the coldest thus far I have ever seen, why bc she not only have the best technique but she takes care of the edges as well. Hands touched by God for real...
That was so cool. I was amazed at how natural it looked when you were finished. You see my hair. I have always had super fine baby hair and that is why I keep it so short. I used to wear wigs when I was a teenager but that was back in the late 60's and early 70's and they were so itchy. I don't think that I even have enough hair now to braid so that I could sew a wig like that to my hair. It sure would be cool though to have long hair. I always wanted long hair. I take my frustrations out now at 63 by painting it hot pink and other colors lol Anyway your video was really great and I enjoyed watching it. You are a beautiful talented woman.
A woman's relationship with her hair is a personal one. One cannot assume to know 'why' a woman chooses to wear her hair one particular way or another. Every woman is different, every experience is different, no woman sees the world or herself in exactly the same way as another and no one know a woman better than herself. How a woman chooses to wear her hair is her business - it is a personal act of self-expression and in my personal opinion, a personal choice about how she wears her hair is simply not enough for someone to deduce whether someone is struggling with internalized issues of self-hatred or if they are making a bold statement from a place of self-love. I know for me personally I have had styled my hair in many ways. There's have been times in my life, live everyone woman where I struggled with issues of poor self-esteem and perhaps made choices to wear my hair one way or another because i thought I would look 'prettier', however, now I am a coach - A SELF-LOVE COACH... And I'll tell you something... I don't let anyone define me, nor do I let anyone tell me how I feel. And I encourage other women to stand up and do the same for themselves. I've relaxed my hair, I've braided my hair, I had dread locks for nearly a decade and now I have natural hair and I'm enjoying weaves, twists, my own hair blowed out. I do what pleases me. Just because you rock natural hair or locks doesn't mean on the inside you love yourself more than someone who is relaxing and weaving their hair. In fact I was my most unhealthy on the inside and out when I was 'natural'... My point is it's not about the hair... Though we sometimes make it about the hair. Anyway now I'm happy, filled with self-love (I do what I want with my hair from a place of healthy self-love. It's playful... It's like art to me. I'm not a slave to other people's opinions or all of the 'good hair' 'bad hair crap', I don't feel ugly or less than if my hair is not one way or another, and I never feel the need to presume to judge others or assume I know how people feel about themselves because of how they choose to style their hair. I think more people need to focus on loving themselves and doing what pleases them instead of trying to focus their attention on trying to tell other people how they ought to feel or forcing other people to subscribe to their personal definition of how a confident black woman who loves herself styles her hair. Confidence comes in all different shapes and sizes, different races, different weights, different backgrounds, different styles of dress and yes DIFFERENT STYLES OF HAIR. Let's stop putting our own personal baggage on to each other and start focusing on simply loving people as they are, just the way that they are, however they choose to be or wear their hair. I love the conversation sisters. Much love to all of you. I'm not hating on anyone here... Just some food for thought. Thanks for the video my darling and for all of you sisters for posting comments for me to read. Y'all are awesome!!
You said it!! I hate that we as black people want to attack each other for every little thing. Its so disgusting! natural vs. relaxed, dark vs light, fat vs skinny! who cares??? no one is better than the other just because they are one or the other. At the end of the day all that matters is how you feel about you!!!
I think I respect myself as a Black women and respect other Black women by honoring our right to do whatever the hell we want with the hair that grows out of our heads. That's both self respect and freedom. This conversation is old. Unless folks are going to come to my house to comb out my hair or pay for the upkeep required regardless of my choices then they should mind their business and keep opinions to themselves.
I don't like my curly hair, I am white as paper lol but I totally agree that everyone should do themselves and mind their own business. Wth is wrong with some people hating on other people for wanting to change up their look sometimes, don't we all do it??🙄😒 It's 2018 we can do whatever we want as long as we don't hurt anyone by it imo. You go girls, nevermind the haters!! 👊😊👏
I'v been on the hunt for a more detailed install. Here's great video in lieu of Tiarra's. My girl is on her grind right now but this video is fantastic watch?v=YvQ7eRBtpTo
I love your videos. I have learned so much from watching you do all of your amazing styles. U r the best! Continue to bless us with your videos and keep inspiring many!!!
Absolutely Fabulous Bi-och! Well executed. I am a fellow hairstylist and I take my hat off to you, not for mere fact that you did this weave on yourself, but for the level of functionalbility of how well you acheived it. I give you a 10 around the board on presentation, creativity, execution, for clarity of the video and cnveying the concept. You get a nine on the enthusium as it come across the scene. There you are lack luster in the sheer maner that you seemingly could do this service with your eyes wide shut. However you are beautiful woman and when your are that easy on the eyes who can fought you. You look pretty even with just the network of cornrows reaching out across your scalp like some intricate freeway or crop circle. So Kudos Bi-oth. I like there level of professionalism in that you were informative and could easier do platform work, such as trade shows, classes, ect. Nice articulation, I could undesrtand you and the cinematographic was such that what you were doing was visible. I think in additional to just showing the installation of the sewn in wig and unit you should make suggestion on how long this can last. Also make suggestion on the how to's on maintenance and care. Insrtuction for washing and sleeping would be nice. Also there could be a little more focus and demostration on the tacking down in the back portion at least in the occipital region or nape area. I hope some of my suggestion will be considered and utilized, but more importantly taken as constructive critism intended only to give you the perspective on an onlooker. Keep up the good work Doll. One of the Caucasion or Asian owned companies may approach and work with you of your ideas for creating new and custom units, and pieces. Again thank you. Zoe Jones.
This is by far the Best lace closure application I've seen. Not only does it look very natural but its flawless. I need my hair done by you, hand down you are skilled.
Young lady, You got mad hair skills !! I am blown away with your various techniques. I was just scrolling through YouTude and there you were. I hope more women learn from you. I can't turn away from you because you pull me in with the fact, " You are doing your own hair!! " So, I can just imagine the greatness of your skills on your client's hair. Job well done.
When will people realize that just because you wear weaves it doesn't mean you hate your natural hair. People wear weaves for lots of reasons. It's a protective hairstyle and it's low maintenance. Some women don't have all the time that is needed to maintain natural hair. Black hair is beautiful and so are all of the many different things we can do to our hair. Braids. Twists. Wraps. Buns. Curls. AND weaves. We are like no other. Embrace it ALL.
I have to tell you I watched this video about 50 times because I can't get over how easy u make it look, I normally just wear wigs but sometimes I really want to sew it on, so guess what I will be trying? Yup this, thx again ur the bomb
I must Say I'm 48 yrs. old and I just stared wearing wigs and weave because my hair is thinning due to medial reason, so I'm trying to learn and I have watch a lot of these video, This was one of the Best, Great Job.!!! Give me more.
I absolutely love your braid pattern. I did my best to duplicate it on my hair and I must confess my hair has never felt so flat. YOU are correct when you say no lumps no bumps. Thank you for the inspiration.
I'm natural but now.. I want a weave after seeing you install one! You have talented skills. I watch this video three times already and still have no idea where to start. LOL!!!! I'm on my way to make a hair appointment instead!
Am I the only one still waiting on the more detailed closure video?!!!!.... I really love this method and would love to see the more detailed video. PLEASE post!....
Grrrl you DID that. I went natural a few months ago but, I do wear wigs from time to time just to switch up my look. I have a hard time with straight wigs because I don't like to have any leave out. You can only do so much with the concealer. You are giving me so much life with this. Can't wait to try it and protect my natural hair!
OMG! Are you some sort of wizard, witch or magician???/? Your skill level is AMAZING!!!!! These types of hair-styles are not for me, however, if I tried even ONE of these steps on myself, I'd end up in the emergency room. I bow down to your excellent talent.
I'm natural and I love and adore my hair. Kinky hair fricken rocks! With all that being said...Girl you are the super bombbbb! lol! I need you in my life to do this for me! You could make a 4 hour video and I still couldn't do it!!! lol! You killed this!
i would like to say that as an african american.. heat in my hair is detrimental, i have fried so much hair trying to be natural but look presentable in the work place, church, etc. PUBLIC PERIOD. NOT EVERY BLACK PERSON has a face or features for dreads, braids, kinks etc. No, I love my hair and it has grown from being barely passed my ears to sitting two maybe three inches pasted my shoulders. I take care of both my install and natural because thats common sense. personally ive left weave in for 6 months washed and co washed and grew inches in such a short time. straight, curly, wavy, hair is hair stop trying to add color or race to the equation because maybe you didnt know but white people have this death sentence called fried hair... and its texture is the equivalent in a since when our hair becomes nappy soon after a wrap, press or curl.. viva la weave.
Maybe I should have started out like this because we seem to be contorting the responses meaning......,"Even tho i'm a natural I still watch weave videos every now and then I find it fascinating considering I've never had one" Natural meaning she wears her own hair right.. Well.... If you like watching maybe give something new a try and stop buying into the whole "I can only wear my hair" BS. Every Black person does not look presentable in the kinky, afro puff, dread locked, take me back to the mother land look. Ive seen horrible weave too.. It depends on the female herself.. But if she has a weave and it looks nice, hmmm... And for those who wear their hair and its kinked, afro, dreaded.. and looks nice, hmmm.. What Im saying is go for something new and maybe JUST MAYBE youll look presentable both ways... Now lets call God about that... good luck
Chelsea Mae I'm not against wearing weaves, wigs, extensions nor have I ever said that wearing weave isn't something for me, I've just never worn one. Wearing weaves can be a great protective style for naturals or people with relaxed hair. I've worn extensions for a great chunk of my life wearing braids and twist and I probably will wear twist again in the near future. I'm not against wigs, weaves or extensions or any kind. And the whole ignorant statement about the black hair that grows naturally out of our scalps not being presentable or flattering for all of us, is complete bullshit. But I REFUSE to sit here and argue about that statement and instead suggest that you sit and ponder on that statement for a good while and realize what you are actually saying
I know I am dumb late but this has got to be the best unit install EVER! It looks natural and best of all SECURE! I just came back to wearing weaves after being in box braids and faux locs off and on for over 3 years now. I wanted a change. I've been on youtube for at least a month trying to find a video to show my stylist for how to install my new bundles and this is the only one I've found that makes me feel comfortable! All the others look "wiggy" or like the wind would blow their installs right off their heads! Lol You've always been so talented girl! #Salute
I wish people would stop complaining about what women of colour do with their hair. White girls will get curly hair extensions/weaves to dying their hair every colour of the rainbow and NO ONE says a thing but when a girl of colour does it she must hate herself. In the 70-90's when white people were trying to get afro looking hair, we people saying they hated themselves?? If a black girl wants to try straight hair, let her. If an Asian girl wants to try blonde hair, let her. Theres nothing wrong with us trying another look. Personally im just tired of white people wanting to touch my fucking hair, its actually really annoying and some dont even ask!
That is because it is the norm for sisters to wear weaves, wigs and relaxers. And it seems like an abnormality to see that many sisters wearing their own natural textured, natural length hair. As for White and Asian girls who perm and color their hair, they do not have the same baggage as we do, regarding hair and appearance.
shyphyre It isnt and who's still using relaxers? its still no ones right to tell a girl what to do with her look. They dont really make afro hair extensions etc. I see girls with natural hair all the time. Anyone who doesnt fit the white european look has the same issue. White girls colour themselves orange and wear clip ins, thats ok. When black girls wants to change their hair, people start crying about being "natural". Its double standards. In fact i remember people did that with black girls and cosmetics.
Love your method because my edges are trying to grow back and I don't want to stress them again. It's hard trying to grow edges back after micros, quick weaves, and ponytails. ♡♡♡♡
The Egyptians used to shave their hair then make it into wigs because shaving was hygienic and stopped them from getting mites but basically women have been wearing weaves for centuries there were no Caucasian influences in the ancient times so why would it matter now ?
Omg thank you so much for this video! I just did the big chop to natural from permed hair in March. My hair was at 11 inches of growth in September because it grows fast. But due to stress from work, school, my music career & raising my 1 yr old. This month I've already lost 3 inches of hair causing me to chop off half of the length that I had. Now I can do an easy protective style with this lace closure method!!! I'm very excited thank you so much God bless!
Chileee You aint no joke. I dont wear any type of weaves or wigs and I am watching these videos like I want to be Great job of attracting people to want to simply watch pure talent.
You did an amazing job! My only problem now is finding a stylist who wouldn't be insulted if i showed them YOUR tutorial as a guide for how i want my hair😍😍😍 where is your shop located??? I may need to cut out the middle man LOL 😂😂😂
Every time I watch and re-watch your amazing skill set Lady - you take my breath away. You are one truly talented and super-naturally gifted young Lady - and I am sure that I speak for ALL of your loyal subscribers: we are so blessed that you take the time and have such generosity of spirit to share all that you have with us! Question - if I may?: WHAT DO WE NEED TO BRIBE YOU WITH FOR THAT IN-DEPTH TUTORIAL??? - name it Lady: and its yours!!!! The suspense is truly killing us...
I don't wear wigs, but I am obsessed with wig videos. I really couldn't say why, but this is SO interesting to me. Your video is the best I've seen. If I did wear hair pieces, I would do it this way. Simply gorgeous!
been following you for years and I must say you are the one the best DIY stylist out here.....just amazing on how you have that hair to look so good bravo young lady
…Are you serious? She doesn't do this because she doesn't like her hair, HER HAIR IS NATURAL. She does it as a protective style. I am natural and I live in wisconsin, we get winters like canada and since my hair is afro textured it doesn't do well with harsh winters. So I braid it up put a wig on to protect it. Its not about not liking your hair, its about maintaining the length of your hair so you don't go walking around with no edges and bald spots because you decided not to properly protect it. People do what they want to their hair because they like the way it looks, why is it when a black woman does the same its seen as her not being proud?! Get over yourself ;/
I need a stylist like you in my area! I am natural and seriously thinking about wearing u-part wigs as my protective style. But finding a great stylist is hard work at times. Your method was awesome and your results were beautiful!
Thank you so much for this tutorial!!!!! my edges are very thin & I'm always hesitant about styles that applies tension to them. With this method I can use it for any sew-in. I'm going to practice, practice & practice some more, lol!!! I l just love this style & ur technique. Keep up the good work beautiful
Love this video! And OMG really ppl? Self hate? ??? How is that even crossing anyone's mind!!! Im clearly very white in color but my hair takes after the Puerto Rican side. I use to dye cut and bleach my hair wear extentions etc but now I wear U part wigs is that self hate too? Or are you judgemental ppl only seeing color with this statement?? Either way fucked up.!!!!
Gwyneth quintavollie with black and Puerto Rican women it's like we cant do anything to our hair without it being called self hate. We wanna switch up and have fun too lol we def deserve it!
Wow beautiful job..I love this look. Your a beautiful woman so I'm sure how ever you wear your hair looks good on you.. Its sad and unfortunate how woman of color hate on each other instead of celebrating one another....However one wants to do with their hair What's it to us.....I love this our uniqueness as woman of color. Let's celebrate!!!!!! Love your work. I celebrate You!!!!!!
Hi Tiarra, Your style of work is exactly what I love! Very detailed and meticulous. Thank you, your video has given me everything that I needed! Great Work!
I AM CURIOUS TO KNOW WHAT BRINGS NATURAL HAIR SAINTS TO A VIDEO FULLY AIMED AT WEAVE WEARERS.people who love to spread hate won't just stop until they find an avenue.Sad world we live in.
Also (lol) what about all of the makeup that people wear? With weave and without, with relaxers and without? So they can be natural because of their hair but not their skin? What about piercings and tattoos? Get my point? Someone somewhere said something to make you natural hair chics think that being black and wearing your hair natural makes you strong, powerful and proud, but I have news for you: It is going to take much more than your hair
this is amazing thank you..i never do weaves because i worry about how it might ruin my natural hair because i do not add any chemical to my hair ....this is the best iv'e seen on the internet thus far...please do a more detailed video!!
Baffled by the people watching a video about applying weaves and closures complaining that women should wear their natural hair. Why are you watching? This video is not for you.
Jacqueline- -Jacquí Just practice until get it.. Thats what I did.. I had to when I found out I was having a girl.. Almost four years later and Im steph curry with the braids even doing my own sew ins lol
Very pretty , and natural! Thanks for the simple easy to follow video without all the unnecessary talk and stuttering that some do! You went straight to the point.
I've been contemplating on using a closure for a long time now, this video has convinced me to do so. I'm trying to grow my perm out and find a way to stop putting so much heat on my leave out but it just wouldn't blend. I AM DEFINITELY ORDERING A CLOSURE. THANK YOU :)
Right mspinkytee like why does it matter. Maybe its for self esteem but most likely its because its a freakin hair style...somethin just to switch up the mundane routine hair do's
By far the best tutorial I've seen thus far. Please do a detailed yt vid of the sew down of the closure! You just made my first install of my closure and upart stress free. Thank you so much!
Please please please post the detailed closure method ASAP or post link to one as flawless as yours. Im getting my hair done tomorrow and I have been checking back to your channel daily for it. Your a phenomenal stylist. I look forward to more videos.
I watch this video like 100 times!!! Please do a detail tutorial of this NO-HAIR OUT METHOD. I'm trying to go natural and this will be a great way to braid down my hair as it grows and still wear my u-part wigs with closures. Thanks yu so much Tiarra for showing us all your neat tricks.
I am no hair professional but I feel I gotta give you the DJ Kalid shout out...Girl YOU DA BESSSSSST! Wow that seriously looks so natural. I have sent your video link to all my hair diva's. AND you care for your natural hair. Hands down you got it!
Great job! I remember I sewed my daughters hair once to keep it on place in a gorgeous hairstyle at the end of school year. I made kind of fairy style hair and it kept everything in place the whole day.
I'm going to be trying this very soon. I'm transitioning to natural hair and I do not want to deal with flatirons on my curly hair or deal with two textures right now. Thanks for the tutorial!
Thank you Ms. Monet. This is a godsend. You really show how to get one's hair to look like it is no-wig. Thank you. I may try this method in the coming weeks. Thank you.
I would definitely like to see a detailed tutorial on the closure application. I would also like to take the time to thank you for the time and dedication you put toward your UA-cam videos. Like many young women, you have helped me do things I NEVER thought were possible! I'm able to do so much with my hair & others as well & its all possible because of the instruction you give us divas at home. I know you're gonna go far and I hope that I'm able to be graced by your styling one day! God Bless!
Super skillful!!! Looks so real and beautiful!! Questions: How long does it stay on your head, does it cause itchness or discomfort? and how do you take it out?
You hair looks amazing ! I just wish I can find someone to do this exact thing for me. Boy is it ever hard for me to find someone to do this for me where I live. This is the second time having to do a full headed weave with a closure. And I am still not satisfied because it does not look natural. So frustrating. Hopefully by showing this video to the next person that will do my hair, they'll be able to achieve this natural look for me.
I followed your tutorial - thank you, it is so sweet of you to share your secrets with us- and even though it took me all night, I think I did an okay job for my first try. The best part about it, saving my edges. I have super soft hair and the winter was hard on me, so I wanted to secure all my hair. I'm not sure I want to share pictures because some of these people are awful and I can't take their nonsense, but just wanted to let you know it was a great tutorial and very helpful. :-)
Thank you so much! I just had a horrible experience with a full weave and closure from a salon and NOW I know what to ask for and how to protect my edges. My hairline is just like yours and the stylist wanted to glue the front down! NO NO NO! I have a thyroid disease and my hair falls out in the weakest areas of my head so I can't put any added stress there. Would you please advise how to put the band around edges and any other pattern if you want a side part. My head is too long for center parts. Btw, you are beautiful and talented. Thanks for sharing your talent!
Omg this is soooo cute & such a neat idea. I thought you always have to leave ur hair out for a natural look & I didn't think you could do so much w/ a wig vs extensions. Girl u have opened up my eyes to a new world lol.. Thanku!
Oh thank you so much for this tutorial. This is by far the best way to apply a u-part wig! You are a blessing! I am eternally grateful for this AWESOME method. I will look forward to the detailed tutorial! God Bless You!
love this video!!!! can you make another one of you installing the closure ... i really couldn't see and i plan on using this method with my u part wig
This video was soooooo helpful. I just had my first closure installed and definitely needed ideas on making it look more natural. Thanks for sharing!!!!!
Like so many other I'm waiting for the closure tutorial as well I've always been discourage to wear a full sew in but your video makes me want to do it ASAP lol I attempted it and failed please do a video soon so I know where I went wrong and with your help go right. Thank you
This application looks way too natural! You are giving me life rite now! Lmao....but seriously when you have time please show the detailed tutorial for applying the lace closure. If you have already can you post which video it is? Pretty please?! Love videos!
Man she is the coldest thus far I have ever seen, why bc she not only have the best technique but she takes care of the edges as well. Hands touched by God for real...
Just wanted to publicly thank the Lord for bringing me here after my long search of how to slay a closure 😭🙏🏾 and you for showing us!!
That was so cool. I was amazed at how natural it looked when you were finished. You see my hair. I have always had super fine baby hair and that is why I keep it so short. I used to wear wigs when I was a teenager but that was back in the late 60's and early 70's and they were so itchy. I don't think that I even have enough hair now to braid so that I could sew a wig like that to my hair. It sure would be cool though to have long hair. I always wanted long hair. I take my frustrations out now at 63 by painting it hot pink and other colors lol Anyway your video was really great and I enjoyed watching it. You are a beautiful talented woman.
A woman's relationship with her hair is a personal one. One cannot assume to know 'why' a woman chooses to wear her hair one particular way or another. Every woman is different, every experience is different, no woman sees the world or herself in exactly the same way as another and no one know a woman better than herself. How a woman chooses to wear her hair is her business - it is a personal act of self-expression and in my personal opinion, a personal choice about how she wears her hair is simply not enough for someone to deduce whether someone is struggling with internalized issues of self-hatred or if they are making a bold statement from a place of self-love. I know for me personally I have had styled my hair in many ways. There's have been times in my life, live everyone woman where I struggled with issues of poor self-esteem and perhaps made choices to wear my hair one way or another because i thought I would look 'prettier', however, now I am a coach - A SELF-LOVE COACH... And I'll tell you something... I don't let anyone define me, nor do I let anyone tell me how I feel. And I encourage other women to stand up and do the same for themselves. I've relaxed my hair, I've braided my hair, I had dread locks for nearly a decade and now I have natural hair and I'm enjoying weaves, twists, my own hair blowed out. I do what pleases me. Just because you rock natural hair or locks doesn't mean on the inside you love yourself more than someone who is relaxing and weaving their hair. In fact I was my most unhealthy on the inside and out when I was 'natural'... My point is it's not about the hair... Though we sometimes make it about the hair. Anyway now I'm happy, filled with self-love (I do what I want with my hair from a place of healthy self-love. It's playful... It's like art to me. I'm not a slave to other people's opinions or all of the 'good hair' 'bad hair crap', I don't feel ugly or less than if my hair is not one way or another, and I never feel the need to presume to judge others or assume I know how people feel about themselves because of how they choose to style their hair. I think more people need to focus on loving themselves and doing what pleases them instead of trying to focus their attention on trying to tell other people how they ought to feel or forcing other people to subscribe to their personal definition of how a confident black woman who loves herself styles her hair. Confidence comes in all different shapes and sizes, different races, different weights, different backgrounds, different styles of dress and yes DIFFERENT STYLES OF HAIR. Let's stop putting our own personal baggage on to each other and start focusing on simply loving people as they are, just the way that they are, however they choose to be or wear their hair. I love the conversation sisters. Much love to all of you. I'm not hating on anyone here... Just some food for thought. Thanks for the video my darling and for all of you sisters for posting comments for me to read. Y'all are awesome!!
You said it!! I hate that we as black people want to attack each other for every little thing. Its so disgusting! natural vs. relaxed, dark vs light, fat vs skinny! who cares??? no one is better than the other just because they are one or the other. At the end of the day all that matters is how you feel about you!!!
I think I respect myself as a Black women and respect other Black women by honoring our right to do whatever the hell we want with the hair that grows out of our heads. That's both self respect and freedom. This conversation is old. Unless folks are going to come to my house to comb out my hair or pay for the upkeep required regardless of my choices then they should mind their business and keep opinions to themselves.
I think you have the best comment on this video . People need to respect other decisions to do whatever they want with their own hair
I don't like my curly hair, I am white as paper lol but I totally agree that everyone should do themselves and mind their own business. Wth is wrong with some people hating on other people for wanting to change up their look sometimes, don't we all do it??🙄😒 It's 2018 we can do whatever we want as long as we don't hurt anyone by it imo. You go girls, nevermind the haters!! 👊😊👏
Go girl you said it
PLEASE do the detailed tutorial!!!! This the best install I have seen. Protective style = NO LEAVE OUT. After seeing this I know it's possible.
I'v been on the hunt for a more detailed install. Here's great video in lieu of Tiarra's. My girl is on her grind right now but this video is fantastic
I love your videos. I have learned so much from watching you do all of your amazing styles. U r the best! Continue to bless us with your videos and keep inspiring many!!!
Absolutely Fabulous Bi-och! Well executed. I am a fellow hairstylist and I take my hat off to you, not for mere fact that you did this weave on yourself, but for the level of functionalbility of how well you acheived it. I give you a 10 around the board on presentation, creativity, execution, for clarity of the video and cnveying the concept. You get a nine on the enthusium as it come across the scene. There you are lack luster in the sheer maner that you seemingly could do this service with your eyes wide shut. However you are beautiful woman and when your are that easy on the eyes who can fought you. You look pretty even with just the network of cornrows reaching out across your scalp like some intricate freeway or crop circle. So Kudos Bi-oth. I like there level of professionalism in that you were informative and could easier do platform work, such as trade shows, classes, ect. Nice articulation, I could undesrtand you and the cinematographic was such that what you were doing was visible. I think in additional to just showing the installation of the sewn in wig and unit you should make suggestion on how long this can last. Also make suggestion on the how to's on maintenance and care.
Insrtuction for washing and sleeping would be nice.
Also there could be a little more focus and demostration on the tacking down in the back portion at least in the occipital region or nape area. I hope some of my suggestion will be considered and utilized, but more importantly taken as constructive critism intended only to give you the perspective on an onlooker. Keep up the good work Doll. One of the Caucasion or Asian owned companies may approach and work with you of your ideas for creating new and custom units, and pieces. Again thank you. Zoe Jones.
This is by far the Best lace closure application I've seen. Not only does it look very natural but its flawless. I need my hair done by you, hand down you are skilled.
Young lady, You got mad hair skills !! I am blown away with your various techniques. I was just scrolling through YouTude and there you were. I hope more women learn from you. I can't turn away from you because you pull me in with the fact, " You are doing your own hair!! " So, I can just imagine the greatness of your skills on your client's hair. Job well done.
When will people realize that just because you wear weaves it doesn't mean you hate your natural hair. People wear weaves for lots of reasons. It's a protective hairstyle and it's low maintenance. Some women don't have all the time that is needed to maintain natural hair. Black hair is beautiful and so are all of the many different things we can do to our hair. Braids. Twists. Wraps. Buns. Curls. AND weaves. We are like no other. Embrace it ALL.
I have to tell you I watched this video about 50 times because I can't get over how easy u make it look, I normally just wear wigs but sometimes I really want to sew it on, so guess what I will be trying? Yup this, thx again ur the bomb
this is talent I'm overwhelmed with the thought of even trying this.
You can do it! It takes patience thats it..
I must Say I'm 48 yrs. old and I just stared wearing wigs and weave because my hair is thinning due to medial reason, so I'm trying to learn and I have watch a lot of these video, This was one of the Best, Great Job.!!! Give me more.
I absolutely love your braid pattern. I did my best to duplicate it on my hair and I must confess my hair has never felt so flat. YOU are correct when you say no lumps no bumps. Thank you for the inspiration.
I'm natural but now.. I want a weave after seeing you install one! You have talented skills. I watch this video three times already and still have no idea where to start. LOL!!!! I'm on my way to make a hair appointment instead!
A detailed tutorial is definitely needed! This is by far the best and most natural lace closure I've seen.
Am I the only one still waiting on the more detailed closure video?!!!!.... I really love this method and would love to see the more detailed video. PLEASE post!....
Super Exuberance second that! "Earth to Tiarra"
im still waiting lol
April Whittington looool same
I was checking her whole youtube channel for it !!!
When is that video coming tiarra monet
April Whittington I literally was about to say something then I read this comments.....its been a year already (-_-)
I think this takes so much talent, patience, and time! This looks so natural! Well done, beautiful job!
Grrrl you DID that. I went natural a few months ago but, I do wear wigs from time to time just to switch up my look. I have a hard time with straight wigs because I don't like to have any leave out. You can only do so much with the concealer. You are giving me so much life with this. Can't wait to try it and protect my natural hair!
OMG! Are you some sort of wizard, witch or magician???/? Your skill level is AMAZING!!!!! These types of hair-styles are not for me, however, if I tried even ONE of these steps on myself, I'd end up in the emergency room. I bow down to your excellent talent.
I'm natural and I love and adore my hair. Kinky hair fricken rocks! With all that being said...Girl you are the super bombbbb! lol! I need you in my life to do this for me! You could make a 4 hour video and I still couldn't do it!!! lol! You killed this!
Even tho i'm a natural I still watch weave videos every now and then I find it fascinating considering I've never had one
i would like to say that as an african american.. heat in my hair is detrimental, i have fried so much hair trying to be natural but look presentable in the work place, church, etc. PUBLIC PERIOD. NOT EVERY BLACK PERSON has a face or features for dreads, braids, kinks etc. No, I love my hair and it has grown from being barely passed my ears to sitting two maybe three inches pasted my shoulders. I take care of both my install and natural because thats common sense. personally ive left weave in for 6 months washed and co washed and grew inches in such a short time. straight, curly, wavy, hair is hair stop trying to add color or race to the equation because maybe you didnt know but white people have this death sentence called fried hair... and its texture is the equivalent in a since when our hair becomes nappy soon after a wrap, press or curl.. viva la weave.
Wait what? I am soo confused!
***** Thank you!
Maybe I should have started out like this because we seem to be contorting the responses meaning......,"Even tho i'm a natural I still watch weave videos every now and then I find it fascinating considering I've never had one" Natural meaning she wears her own hair right.. Well.... If you like watching maybe give something new a try and stop buying into the whole "I can only wear my hair" BS. Every Black person does not look presentable in the kinky, afro puff, dread locked, take me back to the mother land look. Ive seen horrible weave too.. It depends on the female herself.. But if she has a weave and it looks nice, hmmm... And for those who wear their hair and its kinked, afro, dreaded.. and looks nice, hmmm.. What Im saying is go for something new and maybe JUST MAYBE youll look presentable both ways... Now lets call God about that... good luck
Chelsea Mae I'm not against wearing weaves, wigs, extensions nor have I ever said that wearing weave isn't something for me, I've just never worn one. Wearing weaves can be a great protective style for naturals or people with relaxed hair. I've worn extensions for a great chunk of my life wearing braids and twist and I probably will wear twist again in the near future. I'm not against wigs, weaves or extensions or any kind. And the whole ignorant statement about the black hair that grows naturally out of our scalps not being presentable or flattering for all of us, is complete bullshit. But I REFUSE to sit here and argue about that statement and instead suggest that you sit and ponder on that statement for a good while and realize what you are actually saying
I know I am dumb late but this has got to be the best unit install EVER! It looks natural and best of all SECURE! I just came back to wearing weaves after being in box braids and faux locs off and on for over 3 years now. I wanted a change. I've been on youtube for at least a month trying to find a video to show my stylist for how to install my new bundles and this is the only one I've found that makes me feel comfortable! All the others look "wiggy" or like the wind would blow their installs right off their heads! Lol You've always been so talented girl! #Salute
This is absolutely genius! I just learned so much in the course of 6 and half minutes. Thank you SO much for this video!!!!
I wish people would stop complaining about what women of colour do with their hair. White girls will get curly hair extensions/weaves to dying their hair every colour of the rainbow and NO ONE says a thing but when a girl of colour does it she must hate herself. In the 70-90's when white people were trying to get afro looking hair, we people saying they hated themselves??
If a black girl wants to try straight hair, let her. If an Asian girl wants to try blonde hair, let her. Theres nothing wrong with us trying another look. Personally im just tired of white people wanting to touch my fucking hair, its actually really annoying and some dont even ask!
Amen sista
That's right!! They need to stay off our pages. They copy EVERYTHING we do. Then TRY to HATE.
That is because it is the norm for sisters to wear weaves, wigs and relaxers. And it seems like an abnormality to see that many sisters wearing their own natural textured, natural length hair.
As for White and Asian girls who perm and color their hair, they do not have the same baggage as we do, regarding hair and appearance.
shyphyre It isnt and who's still using relaxers? its still no ones right to tell a girl what to do with her look. They dont really make afro hair extensions etc. I see girls with natural hair all the time. Anyone who doesnt fit the white european look has the same issue. White girls colour themselves orange and wear clip ins, thats ok. When black girls wants to change their hair, people start crying about being "natural". Its double standards. In fact i remember people did that with black girls and cosmetics.
say it again sista!
Tiarra Monet, I'm about to apply my closure to my sew in this way right now!!
How did it go??
Perfectly of course! I've since found full lace human hair wigs with silk tops though. Overall cheaper, easier and less time. I sew them down.
***** That's so awesome! Thanks so much for the update! If you can recommend any vendors I'm all ears.
The BEST I'ne seen...EVER! Feeling very inspired.
Love your method because my edges are trying to grow back and I don't want to stress them again. It's hard trying to grow edges back after micros, quick weaves, and ponytails. ♡♡♡♡
The best closure video I have ever seen and I've been watching them for two years now. The eyebrow pencil on the tip ever.
Would love to see the detailed closure method
hey what happened to the detailed closure application video?
The Egyptians used to shave their hair then make it into wigs because shaving was hygienic and stopped them from getting mites but basically women have been wearing weaves for centuries there were no Caucasian influences in the ancient times so why would it matter now ?
Omg thank you so much for this video! I just did the big chop to natural from permed hair in March. My hair was at 11 inches of growth in September because it grows fast. But due to stress from work, school, my music career & raising my 1 yr old. This month I've already lost 3 inches of hair causing me to chop off half of the length that I had. Now I can do an easy protective style with this lace closure method!!! I'm very excited thank you so much God bless!
Chileee You aint no joke. I dont wear any type of weaves or wigs and I am watching these videos like I want to be Great job of attracting people to want to simply watch pure talent.
You did an amazing job! My only problem now is finding a stylist who wouldn't be insulted if i showed them YOUR tutorial as a guide for how i want my hair😍😍😍 where is your shop located??? I may need to cut out the middle man LOL 😂😂😂
Did you ever post the detailed closure tutorial?
this is brilliant should be taught in a class or something. do u know any stylists in the Orlando area?
Every time I watch and re-watch your amazing skill set Lady - you take my breath away.
You are one truly talented and super-naturally gifted young Lady - and I am sure that I speak for ALL of your loyal subscribers: we are so blessed that you take the time and have such generosity of spirit to share all that you have with us!
Question - if I may?: WHAT DO WE NEED TO BRIBE YOU WITH FOR THAT IN-DEPTH TUTORIAL??? - name it Lady: and its yours!!!! The suspense is truly killing us...
I don't wear wigs, but I am obsessed with wig videos. I really couldn't say why, but this is SO interesting to me. Your video is the best I've seen. If I did wear hair pieces, I would do it this way. Simply gorgeous!
I need my hair done by u for real damn
yo. clap clap clap clap clap!!!!! you fkin did that girl!!! wow. never seen a wig/closure look so real!!!!! i gotta try this!!
TT! We never got the detailed closure tutorial :-(
been following you for years and I must say you are the one the best DIY stylist out here.....just amazing on how you have that hair to look so good bravo young lady
You slayyyyyyed , your one of the only ones that made your closure look natural !! Love itttt ❤️❤️❤️
I will never get a sew-in again.
Love love love this
…Are you serious? She doesn't do this because she doesn't like her hair, HER HAIR IS NATURAL. She does it as a protective style. I am natural and I live in wisconsin, we get winters like canada and since my hair is afro textured it doesn't do well with harsh winters. So I braid it up put a wig on to protect it. Its not about not liking your hair, its about maintaining the length of your hair so you don't go walking around with no edges and bald spots because you decided not to properly protect it. People do what they want to their hair because they like the way it looks, why is it when a black woman does the same its seen as her not being proud?! Get over yourself ;/
That was to BaxsanAdow
I need a stylist like you in my area! I am natural and seriously thinking about wearing u-part wigs as my protective style. But finding a great stylist is hard work at times. Your method was awesome and your results were beautiful!
Thank you so much for this tutorial!!!!! my edges are very thin & I'm always hesitant about styles that applies tension to them. With this method I can use it for any sew-in. I'm going to practice, practice & practice some more, lol!!! I l just love this style & ur technique. Keep up the good work beautiful
Love this video! And OMG really ppl? Self hate? ??? How is that even crossing anyone's mind!!! Im clearly very white in color but my hair takes after the Puerto Rican side. I use to dye cut and bleach my hair wear extentions etc but now I wear U part wigs is that self hate too? Or are you judgemental ppl only seeing color with this statement?? Either way fucked up.!!!!
👏👏👏Amen sister... Small minded people with their silly ideas... Take several seats silly people- pleaseeeee... Lol 💁
Gwyneth quintavollie ignore the haters Im white British and I still wear hairpieces, wig, extensions just because who doesnt want long luxurious hair?
Gwyneth quintavollie with black and Puerto Rican women it's like we cant do anything to our hair without it being called self hate. We wanna switch up and have fun too lol we def deserve it!
+Pure Noire Take several seats -hahaha. Love that. Never heard that expression before.
Wow beautiful job..I love this look. Your a beautiful woman so I'm sure how ever you wear your hair looks good on you.. Its sad and unfortunate how woman of color hate on each other instead of celebrating one another....However one wants to do with their hair What's it to us.....I love this our uniqueness as woman of color. Let's celebrate!!!!!! Love your work. I celebrate You!!!!!!
Thank you so much sister. And I take this time and oppertunity to celebrate you.
Does anyone know the easiest place I can find an elastic band? I live in the NYC area.
Hair store, Walmart, target, or dollar store. Make sure its black ☺️
Thanks love!
+Markesha Sanders was about to ask the same question thank you
+xoAmaryllisxo you can find them in fabric stores as well
Hi Tiarra,
Your style of work is exactly what I love! Very detailed and meticulous. Thank you, your video has given me everything that I needed!
Great Work!
I tried a sew in wig once before and hated it then I watched this vid and followed to a 'T' and made the best wig ever! Thank you soo much doll xxo
it looks so easy, but if i try i bet it will not come out like that :/
I AM CURIOUS TO KNOW WHAT BRINGS NATURAL HAIR SAINTS TO A VIDEO FULLY AIMED AT WEAVE WEARERS.people who love to spread hate won't just stop until they find an avenue.Sad world we live in.
Also (lol) what about all of the makeup that people wear? With weave and without, with relaxers and without? So they can be natural because of their hair but not their skin? What about piercings and tattoos? Get my point? Someone somewhere said something to make you natural hair chics think that being black and wearing your hair natural makes you strong, powerful and proud, but I have news for you: It is going to take much more than your hair
This is the BEST closure application I have ever seen. You are amazing!!! I wish you were in TX, I would pay you to do my hair lol.
this is amazing thank you..i never do weaves because i worry about how it might ruin my natural hair because i do not add any chemical to my hair ....this is the best iv'e seen on the internet thus far...please do a more detailed video!!
Baffled by the people watching a video about applying weaves and closures complaining that women should wear their natural hair. Why are you watching? This video is not for you.
I will go you
I will go you
Indyiana D. LAID HUNTY!!!!!!! yaass
Life would be so much easier for me "Hair Wise" if i knew how to braid.
Jacqueline- -Jacquí just have someone braid for you. thats what i do
Jacqueline- -Jacquí Just practice until get it.. Thats what I did.. I had to when I found out I was having a girl.. Almost four years later and Im steph curry with the braids even doing my own sew ins lol
Very pretty , and natural! Thanks for the simple easy to follow video without all the unnecessary talk and stuttering that some do! You went straight to the point.
+Deni Nichols you are so right on about the unnecessary talk and stuttering in the video. She brings professionalism to the delivery.
I've been contemplating on using a closure for a long time now, this video has convinced me to do so. I'm trying to grow my perm out and find a way to stop putting so much heat on my leave out but it just wouldn't blend. I AM DEFINITELY ORDERING A CLOSURE. THANK YOU :)
If she left some edges out I would be in love lol
This looks very tedious , why not just wear your hair natural . I think it would better on you .
You will never understand
Yes lots of fake mess. But they feel better with their self esteem with this long fake hair.
Right mspinkytee like why does it matter. Maybe its for self esteem but most likely its because its a freakin hair style...somethin just to switch up the mundane routine hair do's
Because it allows your hair a break from constant styling which causes breakage.
It's to change up the style, I wear both my real hair and occasionally fake hair when I'm in college and want something stress free
girl you are like gorgeous and genius with this method i dont want to leave any hair out and yes, this is perfecttttttt.
By far the best tutorial I've seen thus far. Please do a detailed yt vid of the sew down of the closure! You just made my first install of my closure and upart stress free. Thank you so much!
By far the most enjoyable video to watch. It was to the point, less than 10 minutes and you speak very well. Great job!
Please please please post the detailed closure method ASAP or post link to one as flawless as yours. Im getting my hair done tomorrow and I have been checking back to your channel daily for it. Your a phenomenal stylist. I look forward to more videos.
I watch this video like 100 times!!! Please do a detail tutorial of this NO-HAIR OUT METHOD. I'm trying to go natural and this will be a great way to braid down my hair as it grows and still wear my u-part wigs with closures. Thanks yu so much Tiarra for showing us all your neat tricks.
I am no hair professional but I feel I gotta give you the DJ Kalid shout out...Girl YOU DA BESSSSSST! Wow that seriously looks so natural. I have sent your video link to all my hair diva's. AND you care for your natural hair. Hands down you got it!
Hi Tiara, girl I've been following you for a few years now and I must say that I absolutely love ur hair and wig tutorials. Keep up the good work.
Great job! I remember I sewed my daughters hair once to keep it on place in a gorgeous hairstyle at the end of school year. I made kind of fairy style hair and it kept everything in place the whole day.
I'm going to be trying this very soon. I'm transitioning to natural hair and I do not want to deal with flatirons on my curly hair or deal with two textures right now.
Thanks for the tutorial!
Thank you Ms. Monet. This is a godsend. You really show how to get one's hair to look like it is no-wig. Thank you.
I may try this method in the coming weeks. Thank you.
I would definitely like to see a detailed tutorial on the closure application. I would also like to take the time to thank you for the time and dedication you put toward your UA-cam videos. Like many young women, you have helped me do things I NEVER thought were possible! I'm able to do so much with my hair & others as well & its all possible because of the instruction you give us divas at home. I know you're gonna go far and I hope that I'm able to be graced by your styling one day! God Bless!
Wowwwwwww, this is sooo amazing! You are a truly talented hair stylist!
Wow! 8 years later later and I feel like this is one of the best ways to sew down a closure. This looked soo natural 😍 and no damn glue!
Tiarra Monet you reached over a Million views. Congrats. I have been using your sew in closure method for about a year now. Thank you your great.
Super skillful!!! Looks so real and beautiful!! Questions: How long does it stay on your head, does it cause itchness or discomfort? and how do you take it out?
You are incredibly talented. The only tutorial I need to watch to ensure a natural look I hope. I love the moose trick!
you're wearing pink lipstick and honestly I think you're the only person I've seen this actually look good on 😍
You hair looks amazing ! I just wish I can find someone to do this exact thing for me. Boy is it ever hard for me to find someone to do this for me where I live. This is the second time having to do a full headed weave with a closure. And I am still not satisfied because it does not look natural. So frustrating. Hopefully by showing this video to the next person that will do my hair, they'll be able to achieve this natural look for me.
Ok that is fabulous! Just beautiful.. And let me add, if your boo can flat iron your hair, he is a keeper for real!
This has got to be the best!!!!!!! example of a lace closure application.... Flawless!!!!
I watch this video every time I get ready to install my closure. I wish there was a part two. You're awesome!!!!
I followed your tutorial - thank you, it is so sweet of you to share your secrets with us- and even though it took me all night, I think I did an okay job for my first try. The best part about it, saving my edges. I have super soft hair and the winter was hard on me, so I wanted to secure all my hair. I'm not sure I want to share pictures because some of these people are awful and I can't take their nonsense, but just wanted to let you know it was a great tutorial and very helpful. :-)
I don't even know you and I am so proud of you !!!!! So innovative!!!!!! do your thang mama!!! keep creating
Thank you so much! I just had a horrible experience with a full weave and closure from a salon and NOW I know what to ask for and how to protect my edges. My hairline is just like yours and the stylist wanted to glue the front down! NO NO NO! I have a thyroid disease and my hair falls out in the weakest areas of my head so I can't put any added stress there. Would you please advise how to put the band around edges and any other pattern if you want a side part. My head is too long for center parts. Btw, you are beautiful and talented. Thanks for sharing your talent!
Omg this is soooo cute & such a neat idea. I thought you always have to leave ur hair out for a natural look & I didn't think you could do so much w/ a wig vs extensions. Girl u have opened up my eyes to a new world lol.. Thanku!
Oh thank you so much for this tutorial. This is by far the best way to apply a u-part wig! You are a blessing! I am eternally grateful for this AWESOME method. I will look forward to the detailed tutorial! God Bless You!
Thank you so much. I will make sure my stylist sews the back of the nape just like that! so glad I found this 3 yr old video. Simply Brilliant!
love this video!!!! can you make another one of you installing the closure ... i really couldn't see and i plan on using this method with my u part wig
You slayed this look! I'm going to try this! It looks so naural and I really liked the fact that this was a no glue application.
Girl you give me life everytime I watch your videos!
This video was soooooo helpful. I just had my first closure installed and definitely needed ideas on making it look more natural. Thanks for sharing!!!!!
Like so many other I'm waiting for the closure tutorial as well I've always been discourage to wear a full sew in but your video makes me want to do it ASAP lol I attempted it and failed please do a video soon so I know where I went wrong and with your help go right. Thank you
This application looks way too natural! You are giving me life rite now! Lmao....but seriously when you have time please show the detailed tutorial for applying the lace closure. If you have already can you post which video it is? Pretty please?! Love videos!