I tried it before, but you know what, there are a lot of densely placed pillars which greatly block the sight in both stations. Difficult to film in a macroscopic way. Not as great.
I have decided not to publish those videos as they are not good-looking 😂🙈. But there are still some chances that I might refilm them in the future. If theyre better then I will publish the new ones.
I love these races!, i always waiting for them.
1. 一號、四號月台嘅車要差唔多同時嚟。好多時佢哋咁啱 in antiphase,咁基本上就要等到佢哋 in phase 先至可以有機會影到。
2. 但係又唔可以 exactly 同時進站,否則就兩邊嘅乘客都唔會跑。
3. 要喺非繁忙時段 *轉緊* 繁忙時段嘅時候影。一嚟要有多少少人,但係又唔可以太多人;二嚟要啲車唔太密,咁啲人先至會選擇跑。
4. 至於二號/三號月台,就要就啱啲人喺另一條綫轉車轉過嚟,計埋行路嘅時間,啱啱喺二號/三號月台開門嘅時候成棚人搭電梯上嚟。
當然我影嘅時候有好好利用 next train app。
Why you don’t do Mong Kok, and Prince Edward both races
I tried it before, but you know what, there are a lot of densely placed pillars which greatly block the sight in both stations. Difficult to film in a macroscopic way. Not as great.
I see
Where is the video? Should I watch it?
I have decided not to publish those videos as they are not good-looking 😂🙈. But there are still some chances that I might refilm them in the future. If theyre better then I will publish the new ones.
I see 😂😂😂 okay! Sounds good 👌