@@frodeulf7078 that's not true lmao poison is not a bullet. It's needs to go into your body to actually take effect. The best throwing corrosive liquid at someone can do is melt the surface of their skin off, and they'll walk off freely. Thing is, poison doesn't do that. It's not corrosive.
She’s not lying. A Nth Korean actually was poisoned in Malaysia. They just paid a couple girls to rub his face with their hands. It was Jong-il eldest son, and it was in an airport.
I read her book about escaping from North Korea and it’s so amazing to see her be able to have a sense of humor and enjoy life after all the horrible things she went through, truly an amazing human
Asian thing. We are taught to stay strong during tough times. Even my grandparents and my parents generation that went through genocide era never went through any therapy, and they are perfectly fine.
@@dOVERanalyst She probably meant that when someone tries to break into her home she can literally drop kick the person on the chin with a yoga/gymnastics move.
“We look at Kim Il Sung. We look at Comrade the Marshall, Marshall Kim Il Sung of Korea as towering far and high above in his social practice as Mao Tse-Tung. If you can relate to that, cool. If you can’t relate to that, walk out with your as picked clean like the chickens do, you dig?” -Fred Hampton, It’s a Class Struggle Goddammit (1969)
English isn't even her first language but she's so well spoken and funny. And when you take into account how much she's gone through, I mean, I'm in awe.
@@JustMadiiex some languages that may be hard to learn for someone can be fairly easy to learn for others. Depends on what your first language is and if the language uses another alphabet. I have to say tho, i'm pretty sure that english is (one of) the easiest languages to learn (latin alphabet only!)
Nah 🇺🇲🇺🇲 u like ur freedom? U like commenting wtv whenever WHEREVER , I'ma go FULL AMERICAN 🥴🤣 but people like this aren't OUR PROBLEM believe it or not they are safe in America because WE ARE NOT EASY 🇺🇲❤️🤍💙
@andresweet Same way any other immigrant learns English? I became fluent in English after 3 years of just living in the UK, when people speak English around you and you try to say some words you get good at it.
She spoke at my high school in Wisconsin. She did a full in depth talk abt the way things were in north korea. One example that stood out was when she said dead bodies were like looking at trees, thats how normal it was. Another notable one was the hospital that she was at for medical attention used the same needle for every patient.
@@ariffurqan9862 no its dead ass Edit: everyone is so quick to jump to its cap or its for fame. Its not she was nearly having a mental breakdown in-front of a bunch of students plus she only like 80 lbs bc north korea is such a shit country and on avg north koreans r like 3 in shorter than south koreans bc of food deprivation and resources such as electricity being unavailable. Another thing they were also required by law to say American bastards instead of just americans
People refusing to believe this when this is nothing compared to other barbaric things happening in this world every day. There are countries where people are getting tortured every single day. Gangs, cartel, terrorism. There is so much evil in this world. If you can't believe something like the comment then you need to open your eyes because this world is extremely cruel.
I would get insomnia anxiety and panic attacks knowing that some people are after me but this woman is so chill and says “I do yoga” like ma’am you have my respect
@@dynasty111 She escaped North Korea. (a country where no one is allowed to join or leave. The politics are absolutely corrupt, you can be murdered for doing a lot of minuscule things.) Now she talks about the country publicly to reveal the horrors of it. Thats why North Korea is trying to harm her, to shut her up.
I love how she just dodged the fuck out of the gun question. She’s not stupid, she just doesn’t want anyone to know for sure so they’ll be less comfortable trying somehting
Americans don’t realise how desensitised to guns they are. It’s very normal for people from other countries not to own a gun, cos we’re not incredibly stupid
@@flonpdinglechalk7920 it doesn't change the fact that she is simply FUNNY. She knew what she was doing when she went on a comedic podcast. She went there to make jokes.
She's quite aware that any time she has on this planet would be a gift from the moment she decided to run away. Her life was horrible even after she was out of North Korea, but she knew she has a mission. She's absolutely aware that any moment can be her last one, but her job to tell the world what's going on there and try to help her people is the goal of her life. I try to say that her mission is more important than her life and he's ready for anything. I admire that small woman with huge courage.
she lies about everything, there are even pictures of her family in North Korea that they have a lot of money. And her parents themselves say that she is lying 
She is a silly little liar, there is tens of thousands of North Korean in Seoul alone, go and ask them whether they are being chased by assassins everyday. The more stupid and outlandish the claim is, the more view and attention one get, the less likely one is to be working without permit and starving to death in the south. A vicious cycle of misinformation, bigotry and suffering.
She's full of lies. I have seen other clips of her and she is full of bs. I'll explain myself. I researched a lot about NK and yeah it's truth that he's a Dictator and the life is hard over there but she's exaggerating, for example about this subject it is true that he have something like that what she's saying but to have thousands and thousands of those houses, well that's not the truth whatsoever. Maybe he have couple of them. So what she's saying it's just for the money, because she wrote a book and trying to sell, to make money of. So basically think about it, how she can know that he have thousands and thousands? Impossible. She cannot know, she can know only if she was the person who was organising all that. I know as a fact that people have split jobs so that no one can know everything, even people in the secret police don't know what's happening because he's protecting informations. If they don't know, how she can know? After you do a little bit of research you will understand what's going on.
I wanted so much to like her, nearly teared up listening to some of her stories. Then I noticed some inconsistencies and looked into it and she’s almost certainly lying about a significant amount of her stories. You should look into it.
@@instrumental106 well as I stated previously, I’m not positive. There’s a plethora of people that have done more research than I have. That being said, I’ve read many accounts of stories she’s told differently each time. She’s made claims about public executions that other defectors from her prefect who have also spoken out have claimed are not true. Other defectors have stated it’s very common for North Korean defectors to use others stories as their own. Her career exists because people are interested in her stories, if she ran out of them her career would end. Her book is apparently rife with inaccuracies that are disputed by other defectors. The more you listen to her speak the more you question how she knows so much about the inner workings of the North Korean elite if she was starving in the countryside etc. You’d have to do your research and confirm their sources but there’s so very many it’s quite overwhelming.
@@Nexusquo Yea, she actually makes a lot of money doing these speaking tours and telling stories for an organization (I forget the name). She definitely making a lot of stuff up, it’s how she makes a living now, (I really don’t blame her). That being said, obviously NKorea is a terrible place, but like everything in life, things are a little more nuanced and complicated than some of the things she says.
@@Nexusquo i wonder if she faced trauma from being in NK where lying to hide what actually happened helps her cope? or if she imagined this stuff from being in NK? idk i agree there are inconsistencies idk why she would lie tho unless she's getting paid/forced to make NK look scary and gruesome.
Top g shit??? Did you seriously just utter that re**** sex trafficking rapist Andrew tate shit about someone who was actually raped??? Your ignorance nay your pure idiocy astounds me.🤦🤦
I was conducting some fake business at the strip mall in Connecticut. I put a very aggressive offer in of 5.8 million $. I encourage fake business. All business until contracts are signed is fake business. If you're bored out there, start a fake business It'll change your life.
She had such a rough life. Kidnapped by coyotes, sold to a parlor in China, forced to be a slave maid, trecking across China to escape. I just wish her peace and happiness for her and her family.
I love that South Korea considers any North Korean escapees as their own citizens immediately. I just worry that assassins attempting to kill them in apartments or whatnot might def accidentally kill South Koreans as collateral damage. Just horrible.
I mean if they wouldn't consider them as citizens, the goverment would have to abandon their reunificatin goal. as a german, I would never respect a goverment which did that.
@@ANJIN-p4q their is, and what else do you want anarchy? Have fun with that. I like my job, my car and my house so I take the goverment all day everyday.
@@ANJIN-p4qand the DDR was on of the most corrupt regimes out there, so you could take my comment even as something against goverment corrupten. so i dont know what you are on about
This woman is probably one of the most beautiful people I've seen... what she's been through is horrific and still she sits peacefully and humorously to tell her story.... love this woman....
@@CALICO_KAT_ART I'm assuming it's because she likely left North korea which is punishable by death. Now that she's getting attention online, they probably want to silence her. Just an assumption though because I have no idea of who she is.
She is risking her life, to give us information, an insight to such an isolated, different way of living. So much love for this woman, and respect. Yeonmi is doing such a brave thing.
risking her life? 400 egyptians were killed a mass protested and no one bats a eye, some fucking girl who claims to be from North Korea which has not been on North Korean census, Chinese census, and the only registered census she is confirmed on is south Korean and us pops out of no where and begins making false accusations and slanderous remarks against the DPRK. lets be honest here, her lies fuel the military industrial complex and aggression against a sovereign state
She's not risking anything at all, she says nothing about the Kim regime that isn't already known to intelligence services. And I don't know why she claims she's 100 percent safe in America when you can find cartel members stateside. She talks so much shit.
Nah, she's a terrible human being who lies about her stories of escaping NK, she kept changing her story and is so obviously using her position for monetary gain considering she had books published about her "story". Also the DPRK are not sending assassins after her, that's the biggest load of propaganda crap I've ever heard. Truth is, they don't care.
@@nataliem715 I don’t think it just had to do with women. We be calling people Kings, Queens, and heroes just for doing their own laundry or shaking their ass in documentaries 😂
It's true. Kim Jong-Nam was the supposed to be next leader of NoKor but he was exiled not just because he went to Tokyo Disneyland with a fake passport (shows the desperation and curiosity of NoKor people to the outside world) which brought shame to his family but also because he was different. He wanted reform, he wanted to open their markets, he wanted to make his country better. After being kicked out of his home country, he worked with the CIA. He was assassinated on Kuala Lumpur airport in Malaysia. The mastermind of the assassination? His own brother and the current NoKor leader, Kim Jong-Un.
Funny how when regular n.koreans leave the country, 8 generations are sent to prison camps. In Kim Jong Nam's case, were 8 generations of his family sent to prison camps also? We see his brother became the new president so I guess it doesn't apply to them.
@@se7nn1120 Highly agree. They should have at least warned him of places he can safely and can't safely go. He should have been put into witness protection. He would have been a great leader I feel and the world missed out seeing NoKor become successful.
The horrible acts that your country does every day around the world ... is not compared to anyone ... im always astonished about why we all hate you :)
I love how she’s serious like, “I could actually die” but she talks like she’s already accepted that fact so why hide in fear? I don’t think people understand… There is the fact that people are after her and she is safe in a few countries. If she is safe in those countries why would she always be scared? I’m not telling her to go back to Korea and I never said she should you people are putting words in my mouth
are you literally suggesting that she should go to any of these countries and get KILLED just because "she's already accepted tgat fact"?... bro like💀 what the hell
She's been exposed. She's let a pretty privileged life for a north korean so much so that the south Korean TV show she was featured on called her the north Korean Paris Hilton. In the same TV interview her mom expressed that her daughter asked her wether She's really north Korean because her experience differed from other defectors so much. She's also very smart..she quickly understood the right wing male American psyche and now She's turned her grift into giving them what they want to hear..rambling about trans ppl and ppl of color as she sits there with her silicone boobs and botoxed face. Look at old footage of her..her stories changed drastically
“ do you know anything to protect yourself? Do you have a gun?” “I do yoga” This woman is wicked smart. She makes everyone laugh, and evades answering the question 😉
She breaks my heart but I’m so proud of her. To hear such a story of survival but hear it in her voice knowing that she barely escaped and has accepted that she’ll be wanted forever by the country. She’s incredibly brave.
@@I_Lee361 millions of people flee countries like mexico, south korean, philipines, syria, israeli settlers, war, famine, do their stories ever get heard? no they dont, this woman is a fake, if the north koreans wanted her really dead, she would be dead already
@@I_Lee361 Because the more North Korean defectors come forth they have nothing but bullshit to claim about miss Parks stories because none of them who escaped through the razor wire remember her being with them, none of them can confirm she was eating dragon flys by lighter flames. In fact most of them say park was in fact judging by the fact her family had 80gs to give to a people trafficker a fairly wealthy middle of the road lady who was kinda uncomfortable but well taken care Off. It's something she's made a fortune of telling, yet Where's the money, fame and acknowledgement being turned to help her people. You lived alongside your supposed countrymen eating rats and yet your first though when making money in another country is to get a face job, a boob job and an expensive dress which we both know helps sell any story to anyonel😊
That is one of the factors leading to people wanting to leave but you probably do more research because the government there is failing at stopping the collapse of their currency
In the nicest way possible, and with the intent to educate, “treat people better” is the understatement of the year. North Korea tortures its citizens and slowly starves them to death. They send them to labor camps where they are essentially expected to work to death. They not only do that to you, but your entire family across multiple generations. There’s so much more but I’m going to suggest that you should look into some of this stuff on your own. Hope this helped give you some new knowledge
She has like 1M opps literally coming for her. Trained assassins and literal GOVERNMENTS chasing her daily and rubbed their faces in the fact that she still do yoga after all that money they spent trying to take her out. She IS the moment. Edit: This comment was satire, I’m fascinated by everyone’s “creative” comments. I understand a lot of the truth in the world is hindered- but isn’t everything? I mean some people out here still believe privacy still exists but our info is probably somewhere on the internet rn. Scary but true 🤷🏾♀️live life and have fun y’all 😂
@@yourfriend8052 give me a break its not like the us is planning to install this idiot as a puppet ruler of north korea. Leader? Only thing she seems to lead are her dozens of stds
Treat her as royalty. Get this woman all the protection she needs Edit: some you all don't know how to think deeper than what you're told. In order to know that she is telling the truth, you need to think about the situation of the country. North Korea has been known to kill or take people who expose their poor treatment of their citizens and even foreigners. She left the country and is now exposing them and all of a sudden she's lying according to her "parents". If you watched the whole podcast, she often gets very emotional talking about her experience. You also have to remember that the North Korean government lies about everything. From who invented burgers to whe time began, they have been known to lie. If they lied about how they treat their citizens, what makes you think they won't lie about this. As she said, they have hired people to kill escapees and Kim Jung-Un's brother what makes yall think they won't hire people to make her look like she's lying?
The fact that she can still joke around even after knowing that she can’t leave the country because she has a big bounty on her head is crazy, this woman is a fighter for sure
@@Hsjsududswhsjdjxizzioaoits false don’t worry about them trolls. I questioned one of them on this and they couldn’t even provide sources, this girl escaped Korea and started talking about her experience. But I guess people have in their mind that someone like that should be skinny starving as a result or (according to them) “proof” of what she went through. But this is because she escaped when she was young and her whole family was killed. She’s been able to buy clothes and visit stylists to and when she does these interviews they think shes faking lying about them.
@@kaminityagi764the problem is that she continues to change her story, I don't think she really knows her story. On top of that, she lies about ahit she went through in the USA, she's lies for profit, or she's juat a pathological liar.
If anyone dosent know what happened here it is Yeonmi Park is a North Korean defector and activist whose family fled from North Korea to China in 2007 and settled in South Korea in 2009, before moving to the United States in 2014. Her family turned to black-market trading during the North Korean famine in the 1990s. Her father was sent to a labor camp for smuggling. They fled to China, where Park and her mother fell into the hands of human traffickers and she was sold into slavery before escaping to Mongolia :) Edit: OML 111 LIKES TYSMM ❤❤ 2nd Edit: I’m in shock! 847 likes?! ❤
Most North Koreans defectors don't. Just look at the North Koreans defectors who tried the Texas BBQ, you won't guess they escaped North Korea just by looking at them or hearing them speak.
As a Malaysian, that incident really put us in a tough spot though. Like other ASEAN country, Malaysia is filled with good citizens and nice people. Lots of foods and beautiful nature too. However, for the past 2 decades we have been in the news for many bad incident in which some we can control, and some aren't. We are a neutral country, most ASEAN countries are neutral country. That's why we have north Korea(not anymore), the US, Russia, UK, China and many more embassies in our country
i got a little bit offended, like- i thought she was said that Malaysia is unsafe. but a lot of traveler and even outsider that stay in here approving that Malaysia is very safe with nice people and even great food culture
@@ainadhamirah5602 I don’t think she meant it that way but it is unsafe for her, the country seems beautiful as a whole it’s just she can’t take risks!!! 😊
“I can do yoga”
had me dying on the floor
@sepzgamin3518 don't think so💀
It was a way for her to dodge the question
Answer it could have been dangerous for her
on the mat actually
Her too
"Oh sh¡t theres a hitman" *_does the splits_*
Flamingo pose
Guns are perfect for the times when the hitmen are monologuing or for shooting the poison out of their hands.
@@youtubewatcher4603 assassins are not videogame NPC's 💀You can't kill someone by splashing poison at them either 💀
@@You-vv1xv ...Yes, you absolutely can dust someone with poison and kill them almost immediately.
@@frodeulf7078 that's not true lmao poison is not a bullet. It's needs to go into your body to actually take effect. The best throwing corrosive liquid at someone can do is melt the surface of their skin off, and they'll walk off freely. Thing is, poison doesn't do that. It's not corrosive.
*intruder breaks in*
Her: 🧘♀️
Its Killer, not just intruder
I just remembered the BBC meme 💀
She said "I don't got a piece, I got peace🧘♀️☮️"
She's gonna rest in peace if she doesn't strap up.
Lol 😂
Underrated comment
Bro funniest comment ever fam
Her comedic timing in the middle of such a heavy conversation is flawless
Because she's a liar.
@@eirschu8973 Interesting. Why do you say this?
@@eirschu8973A NK spy apotted.
@@eirschu8973no she is not, most of everything she says happens and has happened in Cuba too
@@neilosbeverly7462 Ignore him. He’s a tankie.
Assassin: *Uses a gun*
Yeonmi : *Dodges using yoga*
😭 that's perfect
me: 👁️👄👁️
Naw bru she just evading the question she def strapped tf up. She prolly got more than one piece on her too😭
Her comedic timing is what we all need in our lives
@@Castiel335 username checks out
@@RegisteredLate123 dude are you judging someone by their username?
@@Castiel335 he has a psych major
@@avndd_s indeed i do
“Run they’re coming after us”
This is about peace of mind.. She knows it better, this is not joke..
I can understand what would have going on in her mind that time ❤
Dude she’s so witty and sarcastic. It’s really nice to see.
That's her coping system i guess , you are scared and you have to live with that .......humor, sarcasm can lighten the mood 😉
She made it all up ffs
@@dannymorrow6024 are you saying her story is fake? What makes you think that? Did you hear something we didn't 😂
She’s not lying. A Nth Korean actually was poisoned in Malaysia. They just paid a couple girls to rub his face with their hands.
It was Jong-il eldest son, and it was in an airport.
@@SpaceGhostPercc if you look up yeonmi park there’s videos that expose her for changing her stories up etc..
I read her book about escaping from North Korea and it’s so amazing to see her be able to have a sense of humor and enjoy life after all the horrible things she went through, truly an amazing human
Can I ask what's the name of her book?
@@talkeidar7367 in order to live
She's lying, she's literally paid by south korea
@@marysartr that’s just wrong lmao please send a source and your asshole doesn’t count cause I know you pulled it straight from there
Asian thing. We are taught to stay strong during tough times. Even my grandparents and my parents generation that went through genocide era never went through any therapy, and they are perfectly fine.
her sense of humor while being literally hunted after is so iconic 💀
She’s probably a trained killer 😭
That is what snitches get
Dark humor is a coping mechanism
She is precious 💖 oh my heart 🥺 her story and the way she is living through it till this day, inspiration. 💯👏🏾 protect her at all cost ❤️
how many times is COLOMBIA gonna be assaulted with the spelling lol
Gloria in modern family taught me the correct pronunciation and spelling ☺️
On god bruh literally what I was about to say. A lot of idiots need to educate themselves smh.
real 😞
Fr lmao like some people need to go back to school 💀😂
Be quiet already. She is from another continent and she pronounced it how she would in her native language.
She really said " I can't Nama-leave, I Namastay."
underrated and original comment, what a W
@@hansspiegel7577 i seen the same thing on tiktok 20 times
600 like and 2 cmts? Let’s me fix that
Absolute W, take my like
Her sense of humor is definitely her biggest asset
nah bruh i see something bigger
Riiightt ASS-ets.. 🤔
@@rememberyourfuture ayoooo
“I do yoga” negated the seriousness of assassination attempts 😂
Don't underestimate the power od yoga.
She'll use her flexibility to evade poison.
@@dOVERanalyst She probably meant that when someone tries to break into her home she can literally drop kick the person on the chin with a yoga/gymnastics move.
for a split second… I thought she’s a bout to mention a badass weapon, then there goes “Yoga” 😂
Her weapon is wrapped up in the sexy black lingerie she's wearing in this vid. 🐈⬛
“ do you have a gun “
“I do yoga “
Made me laugh so hard.
She means she doesn’t have a piece, but a peace.
Made me hard too
Same 😂
She gonna do a lil stretching for her assassins. Then her assassins will go home, happy men. 😂
@@7.ate.9stop stealing comments, UA-cam will arrest you
“You can kill a revolutionary, but you can never kill the revolution.”
- Fred Hampton
*France like that*
funny how it was america who sent mercenaries to kill fred hampton in his sleep
Fred Hampton was a communist and a supporter of Kim Il Sung lol.
“We look at Kim Il Sung. We look at Comrade the Marshall, Marshall Kim Il Sung of Korea as towering far and high above in his social practice as Mao Tse-Tung. If you can relate to that, cool. If you can’t relate to that, walk out with your as picked clean like the chickens do, you dig?”
-Fred Hampton, It’s a Class Struggle Goddammit (1969)
@@trapperzounta mercenaries? They were federal agents
English isn't even her first language but she's so well spoken and funny. And when you take into account how much she's gone through, I mean, I'm in awe.
She lives in US and speak english everyday..
English is one of the easiest languages to learn bro.. impressive nonetheless
You don't lose your personality speaking in other language..
@@JustMadiiex some languages that may be hard to learn for someone can be fairly easy to learn for others. Depends on what your first language is and if the language uses another alphabet.
I have to say tho, i'm pretty sure that english is (one of) the easiest languages to learn (latin alphabet only!)
She was rescued by missionaries when she was 13. She's 29 now. So I'm sure you'd develop decent english skills within those years.
Being in Podcasts talking about it is even better 👍
After suffering for so many years its feels so good to see her smile
Nah 🇺🇲🇺🇲 u like ur freedom? U like commenting wtv whenever WHEREVER , I'ma go FULL AMERICAN 🥴🤣 but people like this aren't OUR PROBLEM believe it or not they are safe in America because WE ARE NOT EASY 🇺🇲❤️🤍💙
Lmao I got some swampland in Florida to sell you while you're at it
@@B4ASHT1ON ??? Pardon me???
@andresweet Same way any other immigrant learns English?
I became fluent in English after 3 years of just living in the UK, when people speak English around you and you try to say some words you get good at it.
@@B4ASHT1ON pp0000p000ppppppp8999í0pppp
She spoke at my high school in Wisconsin. She did a full in depth talk abt the way things were in north korea. One example that stood out was when she said dead bodies were like looking at trees, thats how normal it was. Another notable one was the hospital that she was at for medical attention used the same needle for every patient.
Oh my god that's so sad 🥺😭
Do you actually believe it?, i think its cap
@@ariffurqan9862 no its dead ass
Edit: everyone is so quick to jump to its cap or its for fame. Its not she was nearly having a mental breakdown in-front of a bunch of students plus she only like 80 lbs bc north korea is such a shit country and on avg north koreans r like 3 in shorter than south koreans bc of food deprivation and resources such as electricity being unavailable. Another thing they were also required by law to say American bastards instead of just americans
@Gæze 89 you shut up an give thanks to god that you werent born in North korea
People refusing to believe this when this is nothing compared to other barbaric things happening in this world every day. There are countries where people are getting tortured every single day. Gangs, cartel, terrorism. There is so much evil in this world. If you can't believe something like the comment then you need to open your eyes because this world is extremely cruel.
Despite the hard life she experienced she still have good humor. Must be protected.
Lol the poison in her drink: 😈
Probably great humor because of the hardships. Let's you enjoy everything else more
Lol. Without therapy
She must be protected
why was this on my “stuff to buy” playlist💀
maybe u wanted the book
@@calicocrwtters WAIT UR RIGHT THANK YOU
I would get insomnia anxiety and panic attacks knowing that some people are after me but this woman is so chill and says “I do yoga” like ma’am you have my respect
They are not after her.. they will reach her if possible.
Basically, if they see that she’s reachable then yes they will end her. But they’re not outwardly going out of their way if she’s far away.
Cause ur weao
@@milwaukeebrewers6337 Meaning they're after her
shes been through shit her whole life this is just another phase of her life and she's so much happier living in a country where she is free.
I would pray for her safety from the bottom of my heart ❤️
why she endanger
She escaped North Korea. (a country where no one is allowed to join or leave. The politics are absolutely corrupt, you can be murdered for doing a lot of minuscule things.) Now she talks about the country publicly to reveal the horrors of it. Thats why North Korea is trying to harm her, to shut her up.
@@dynasty111 Why
More for the people actually living in North Korea
I love how she just dodged the fuck out of the gun question. She’s not stupid, she just doesn’t want anyone to know for sure so they’ll be less comfortable trying somehting
She probably doesn’t have one… sometimes things aren’t that deep .
Wouldn’t they be more uncomfortable knowing she had one????
She's still 80 pounds lmao who would be afraid of that guns or not lmao
@@briantalbot7929 acting like you can eat bullets
Americans don’t realise how desensitised to guns they are. It’s very normal for people from other countries not to own a gun, cos we’re not incredibly stupid
that’s absolutely petrifying 😰
She is naturally sooo funny ,optimistic yet so wise . Kudos to this amazing woman ❤🙏
You so naturally simp .
first reply
She woulda been dead or still in china if she wasnt maybe even still in north korea, her story is SAD
@@flonpdinglechalk7920 it doesn't change the fact that she is simply FUNNY. She knew what she was doing when she went on a comedic podcast. She went there to make jokes.
@@kontenerkingthey never said they weren't funny
"do you have a gun?🤨"
"i do yoga😀😊"
We all watched the video
@@Freddy-uj7ob Their js saying the part that they think is funny leave them alone
Is humor @@Freddy-uj7ob
Bitch yoga 😂😂😂😂 🎉🎉🎉
If they wanted yo ass ..yoga might help 😂😂😂
better than saying she had gun people will criticise her if that gun is have licence😂
“I do yoga”
Got me cracking-
It's that a FRIENDS Reference?
@@thelastpixel0219 do you don't know about yoga?
She's quite aware that any time she has on this planet would be a gift from the moment she decided to run away.
Her life was horrible even after she was out of North Korea, but she knew she has a mission.
She's absolutely aware that any moment can be her last one, but her job to tell the world what's going on there and try to help her people is the goal of her life. I try to say that her mission is more important than her life and he's ready for anything. I admire that small woman with huge courage.
she lies about everything, there are even pictures of her family in North Korea that they have a lot of money. And her parents themselves say that she is lying

She is a silly little liar, there is tens of thousands of North Korean in Seoul alone, go and ask them whether they are being chased by assassins everyday. The more stupid and outlandish the claim is, the more view and attention one get, the less likely one is to be working without permit and starving to death in the south. A vicious cycle of misinformation, bigotry and suffering.
@@thomasjanssens6975 what
She's full of lies. I have seen other clips of her and she is full of bs.
I'll explain myself.
I researched a lot about NK and yeah it's truth that he's a Dictator and the life is hard over there but she's exaggerating, for example about this subject it is true that he have something like that what she's saying but to have thousands and thousands of those houses, well that's not the truth whatsoever. Maybe he have couple of them. So what she's saying it's just for the money, because she wrote a book and trying to sell, to make money of.
So basically think about it, how she can know that he have thousands and thousands? Impossible. She cannot know, she can know only if she was the person who was organising all that. I know as a fact that people have split jobs so that no one can know everything, even people in the secret police don't know what's happening because he's protecting informations. If they don't know, how she can know?
After you do a little bit of research you will understand what's going on.
She was chased by death so much that death doesn't scare her anymore... She has transformed into a phenomenal human being ❤
I wanted so much to like her, nearly teared up listening to some of her stories. Then I noticed some inconsistencies and looked into it and she’s almost certainly lying about a significant amount of her stories. You should look into it.
@@Nexusquo how do u know?
@@instrumental106 well as I stated previously, I’m not positive. There’s a plethora of people that have done more research than I have. That being said, I’ve read many accounts of stories she’s told differently each time. She’s made claims about public executions that other defectors from her prefect who have also spoken out have claimed are not true. Other defectors have stated it’s very common for North Korean defectors to use others stories as their own. Her career exists because people are interested in her stories, if she ran out of them her career would end. Her book is apparently rife with inaccuracies that are disputed by other defectors. The more you listen to her speak the more you question how she knows so much about the inner workings of the North Korean elite if she was starving in the countryside etc. You’d have to do your research and confirm their sources but there’s so very many it’s quite overwhelming.
@@Nexusquo Yea, she actually makes a lot of money doing these speaking tours and telling stories for an organization (I forget the name). She definitely making a lot of stuff up, it’s how she makes a living now, (I really don’t blame her). That being said, obviously NKorea is a terrible place, but like everything in life, things are a little more nuanced and complicated than some of the things she says.
@@Nexusquo i wonder if she faced trauma from being in NK where lying to hide what actually happened helps her cope? or if she imagined this stuff from being in NK? idk i agree there are inconsistencies idk why she would lie tho unless she's getting paid/forced to make NK look scary and gruesome.
She has been through so much, so much sadness and yet she chose to make people laugh, That's some top G shit, i salute her for it.
I mean humor is a great coping mechanism
@@DAventador44 yep
Top g shit??? Did you seriously just utter that re**** sex trafficking rapist Andrew tate shit about someone who was actually raped??? Your ignorance nay your pure idiocy astounds me.🤦🤦
@@DAventador44 yep
She is the real top G, not the Bugatti -dude
“ahhh!! a hitman!!” *hits the lotus position*
“Do you have a gun”
“I do yoga” 💀
Yes we watched the video
@@jordanjones7398 but they didn't ask if u have or have not watched the video
Maybe it's her fighting style like Dhalsim. :D
@@jordanjones7398 it was a joke not a question, stop thinking that the world revolves around you
@@thinkingintrovert2350I asked
"I do yoga" 😂😂😂
One thousand likes and no replies 🤔
Lemme fix it 🤧
@@manasavaranasifan thank you ❤️
I was conducting some fake business at the strip mall in Connecticut. I put a very aggressive offer in of 5.8 million $. I encourage fake business. All business until contracts are signed is fake business.
If you're bored out there, start a fake business It'll change your life.
Come to india
As an Indian it is the best way to kerp mental peace I must say.
She needs to be protected. She's the voice of the north korean people.
South Korean I thought?
@@Therealmathias-3It's north.
(usa sponsored) voice of north korean people
@@Therealmathias-3 why South our South Korea is doing well it's North tho.
Hasn't she been accused by even US officials for fabricating/stretching the truth on a lot of her stories?
She had such a rough life. Kidnapped by coyotes, sold to a parlor in China, forced to be a slave maid, trecking across China to escape. I just wish her peace and happiness for her and her family.
Did this Fm j say kidnapped by fuckin coyotes????
@@sosa41604 coyotes= people trafficker
the coyotes kidnapping her is a joke right…..righhht?
@@sosa41604 not the animals lol, people
@@sosa41604 coyotes are a term used for people you pay to smuggle people across the border
I love that South Korea considers any North Korean escapees as their own citizens immediately. I just worry that assassins attempting to kill them in apartments or whatnot might def accidentally kill South Koreans as collateral damage. Just horrible.
I mean if they wouldn't consider them as citizens, the goverment would have to abandon their reunificatin goal. as a german, I would never respect a goverment which did that.
@@Niro314 you actually trust Gov't?. Poor guy. There's nothing more corrupt than Gov'ts.
@@ANJIN-p4q their is, and what else do you want anarchy? Have fun with that. I like my job, my car and my house so I take the goverment all day everyday.
@@ANJIN-p4qand the DDR was on of the most corrupt regimes out there, so you could take my comment even as something against goverment corrupten. so i dont know what you are on about
The United States needs to give her secret service agents
This woman is probably one of the most beautiful people I've seen... what she's been through is horrific and still she sits peacefully and humorously to tell her story.... love this woman....
How do you wake up every morning knowing full well ur an NPC
@@FLAMEalan huh? What are you taking about?
@@mayarichardson5491 Yeonmi keeps changing her story
She had plastic surgery
@@jacoblocklear6809 what's that got to do with anything?
Colombia will welcome you any time 😢😢😢
They tried to assasinate this lady more than caring what will happen to their own country, they be having skill issue trying to kill her 😭😭
fr fr bro, north koreans stupid af
they dont care about their people, they just dont want people to tell information about north korea
Wait why are they trying to kill her
@@CALICO_KAT_ART I'm assuming it's because she likely left North korea which is punishable by death. Now that she's getting attention online, they probably want to silence her. Just an assumption though because I have no idea of who she is.
“do you have a gun?”
“I do yoga”
you are being chased by a large ass group of assassins and hitmen-
Yeah and she still has a sense of humour crazy shit 💀😂
Just imagine you pointed your gun on someone's head and then they just stretch out doing yoga moves and be like: "Calm your inner self" "breath"
Sarcasm is like sex not everybody gets it
But don’t she live in United States so she be fine she need to stay low
@@DG-kv3qi Why are you comparing sex to sarcasm 😀
She is risking her life, to give us information, an insight to such an isolated, different way of living. So much love for this woman, and respect. Yeonmi is doing such a brave thing.
risking her life? 400 egyptians were killed a mass protested and no one bats a eye, some fucking girl who claims to be from North Korea which has not been on North Korean census, Chinese census, and the only registered census she is confirmed on is south Korean and us pops out of no where and begins making false accusations and slanderous remarks against the DPRK. lets be honest here, her lies fuel the military industrial complex and aggression against a sovereign state
She's not risking anything at all, she says nothing about the Kim regime that isn't already known to intelligence services. And I don't know why she claims she's 100 percent safe in America when you can find cartel members stateside. She talks so much shit.
Nah, she's a terrible human being who lies about her stories of escaping NK, she kept changing her story and is so obviously using her position for monetary gain considering she had books published about her "story". Also the DPRK are not sending assassins after her, that's the biggest load of propaganda crap I've ever heard. Truth is, they don't care.
stop falling for this bullshit
Or it's propagan-duh.
Bro reaĺy said i do yoga 😂😂😂😂
she's an incredible woman. we throw terms like that around way too much. this woman is actually incredible.
as a woman.. you cant or dont think any other women are incredible? lmfao, jfc.
@@nataliem715 I don’t think it just had to do with women. We be calling people Kings, Queens, and heroes just for doing their own laundry or shaking their ass in documentaries 😂
@@nataliem715 bro why yall always wanna twist shit hell yea theirs more but u are not one of them 😂
@@spazzyoffit539 EXACTLY 😂tf
@@nataliem715 as a woman myself, chill Tf out Daym- 😂
It's true. Kim Jong-Nam was the supposed to be next leader of NoKor but he was exiled not just because he went to Tokyo Disneyland with a fake passport (shows the desperation and curiosity of NoKor people to the outside world) which brought shame to his family but also because he was different. He wanted reform, he wanted to open their markets, he wanted to make his country better. After being kicked out of his home country, he worked with the CIA. He was assassinated on Kuala Lumpur airport in Malaysia. The mastermind of the assassination? His own brother and the current NoKor leader, Kim Jong-Un.
Funny how when regular n.koreans leave the country, 8 generations are sent to prison camps.
In Kim Jong Nam's case, were 8 generations of his family sent to prison camps also?
We see his brother became the new president so I guess it doesn't apply to them.
But the CIA really should have taken care of him better.
@@se7nn1120 Highly agree. They should have at least warned him of places he can safely and can't safely go. He should have been put into witness protection. He would have been a great leader I feel and the world missed out seeing NoKor become successful.
Your N korea abbreviation is unusual
Wow! Was there any article written about it because I would like to share that detail.
assasins : 'put ur hands up before i shoot you'
yeonmi : 'stfu im doing yoga'
Fun fact : Malaysia doesn't have any North Korean Embassy's anymore
She's so sweet. "I do yoga" when the scariest country is sending hitman after her lol protect this lady
Don't let their warmongering scare you. North Korea is a baby compared to the might of the US alone
The horrible acts that your country does every day around the world ... is not compared to anyone ... im always astonished about why we all hate you :)
@@gungeternal4119 your own president kennedy got blasted to death in the mighty USA so don't be too sure of what's possible.
@@johnoliver3056 not from the USA idiot
@@johnoliver3056 my point was quite simply that no nation on earth could hope to defeat the us in a conventional warfare
I love how she’s serious like, “I could actually die” but she talks like she’s already accepted that fact so why hide in fear?
I don’t think people understand… There is the fact that people are after her and she is safe in a few countries. If she is safe in those countries why would she always be scared? I’m not telling her to go back to Korea and I never said she should you people are putting words in my mouth
Because why take that risk?
are you literally suggesting that she should go to any of these countries and get KILLED just because "she's already accepted tgat fact"?... bro like💀 what the hell
Just because u accept the facts don’t mean u still put ur self in dat situation
@@nbayoungboy6523 so she should have stayed in North Korea? 💀 Bro North Korea is a terrible place to live why would you stay there
@@Pragon72L go sit in the corner and think about what you're saying
They wouldn’t want to kill her if she wasn’t so effective at what she does.
What does she do.
@@coolman7950 your mom
@@coolman7950 mostly lie 😂 she’s a professional activist
@@Beno443 lie about what
@@coolman7950 she speaks out against the atrocities against North Korea.
"they send poisons" him "woah"😂
"How do u have such a good humour?"
Yeonmim: my past 💀
Wat happen to her past wat bout it??
@@G4ourshe was in north Korea
Bad times make good stories
@@mommyissue and???
@@G4ourare you stupid
She needs to be protected at all cost 😭😭
Aye aye sir or mam
@@MrMilkthe3rd u shouldnt say that online just sayin…
@@birdiesanders1872 ok I will delete the comment
@@birdiesanders1872 What did he say 😂
She’s gone through so much and still has a sense of humor…. she’s so strong!!!
her stories never added up and she was outed for being a liar
or her imagination is strong
She is a conartist pay to feed Americans dream's
She's been exposed. She's let a pretty privileged life for a north korean so much so that the south Korean TV show she was featured on called her the north Korean Paris Hilton. In the same TV interview her mom expressed that her daughter asked her wether She's really north Korean because her experience differed from other defectors so much. She's also very smart..she quickly understood the right wing male American psyche and now She's turned her grift into giving them what they want to hear..rambling about trans ppl and ppl of color as she sits there with her silicone boobs and botoxed face. Look at old footage of her..her stories changed drastically
She is a f* liar
“ do you know anything to protect yourself? Do you have a gun?”
“I do yoga”
This woman is wicked smart. She makes everyone laugh, and evades answering the question 😉
Such a sweet soul.. doesn't deserve any of that bs.
Are u from srilanka!!?
@@kimkv967 pull up in the monster automobile gangsta wit a bad bitch that came from Shri lanka
lmao but she supports israel which is the biggest irony and hypocrisy ever so idk how she can be considered as sweet girl
she’s a liar 😭
shes a caper 🧢
She breaks my heart but I’m so proud of her. To hear such a story of survival but hear it in her voice knowing that she barely escaped and has accepted that she’ll be wanted forever by the country. She’s incredibly brave.
what u mean she breaks ur heart
Idk how true this is but apparently it came out that a lot of what she has said are lies? I’m not entirely sure if it is her though
@@Koshermail She’s an actual fraud lmao.
She from there you go live there see if she lieing
@@puntoni how is she a fraud?
Idk who she is but protect this girl at all costs.
read her book
She had to watch her mother get raped in front of her if I recall correctly, bad shit happened to her
she’s just a liar dude
Yea she’s a fraud
@@leebangoth what's her name
Believe you, me UK is not okay 500 too much I’m telling you😂😂😂😂😂
"Do you have a gun"
"I do yoga😂😂"
Yeonmi is honestly such an inspiration to anyone.
no, she really isn't
@@commander_expendable And why do you think that?
@@I_Lee361 millions of people flee countries like mexico, south korean, philipines, syria, israeli settlers, war, famine, do their stories ever get heard? no they dont, this woman is a fake, if the north koreans wanted her really dead, she would be dead already
@@I_Lee361 Because the more North Korean defectors come forth they have nothing but bullshit to claim about miss Parks stories because none of them who escaped through the razor wire remember her being with them, none of them can confirm she was eating dragon flys by lighter flames. In fact most of them say park was in fact judging by the fact her family had 80gs to give to a people trafficker a fairly wealthy middle of the road lady who was kinda uncomfortable but well taken care Off.
It's something she's made a fortune of telling, yet Where's the money, fame and acknowledgement being turned to help her people. You lived alongside your supposed countrymen eating rats and yet your first though when making money in another country is to get a face job, a boob job and an expensive dress which we both know helps sell any story to anyonel😊
@@I_Lee361 Because she's a liar and uses her fake story for monetary gain
She probably doesn’t even care if she dies, she’s just happy of not living there anymore
torture exist
She became a victim of human trafficking after leaving too. I’m sure she’s glad to be out of that shit too. 😢
@@theplotarmoredtitan5781 exactly
She is so pretty 🤩
Traumatized ppl are always so funny😭 love her
I get what you’re trying to say but that was horribly worded
@@sunhohwang4884 ya same. I was like HUH?! Poor choice of words.l
That's the worst wording I've heard
Ong why are we like this 😂
@@sunhohwang4884 why? They worded it perfectly
"I do pilates"
North Korea: here's a presidential pardon
how is ther no replies
This is funny asl
What if they see this video
@@euniceportimao3829 they cant do anything because us doesn't allow north korea
Please protect this woman at all costs! I love her so much.. "I do yoga" 🤣
The way this phrase is being used literally 😭
Nigga she can protect herself
@@zbxlt292 you need to go back to elementary school cause you missed the point 😂
@@pillsburydopeboy3962 👍
Bro I in Malaysia I am scared now
Are you north Korean 😂
This woman has to be protected at all cost.
She wrote a book. She is making money of that. That's her choice.
@@puja1482 Get off the internet you weirdo
@@RetroGamerAdy your comment has been deleted
North Korea needs to treat people better like actual humans not robots that’s why people want to leave
That is one of the factors leading to people wanting to leave but you probably do more research because the government there is failing at stopping the collapse of their currency
@@thesigma234-g9k ok
People don't leave because of a lack of freedom, they leave because of a lack of food. The people there have no concept of freedom.
lol north korea don’t care bout their ppl tf you mean treat them better
In the nicest way possible, and with the intent to educate, “treat people better” is the understatement of the year. North Korea tortures its citizens and slowly starves them to death. They send them to labor camps where they are essentially expected to work to death. They not only do that to you, but your entire family across multiple generations. There’s so much more but I’m going to suggest that you should look into some of this stuff on your own. Hope this helped give you some new knowledge
Bless you Lady ❤
"i do yoga."
*Fights the assassin/hitman with a yoga movements*
hey if it worked for Dhalsim, it can work for her 😆
🔥🔥🔥Yoga Fire🔥🔥🔥
Pull them wii fit trainer moves out
She has like 1M opps literally coming for her. Trained assassins and literal GOVERNMENTS chasing her daily and rubbed their faces in the fact that she still do yoga after all that money they spent trying to take her out. She IS the moment.
Edit: This comment was satire, I’m fascinated by everyone’s “creative” comments. I understand a lot of the truth in the world is hindered- but isn’t everything? I mean some people out here still believe privacy still exists but our info is probably somewhere on the internet rn. Scary but true 🤷🏾♀️live life and have fun y’all 😂
You think kim jong un really cares about this insignificant former serf?
@@ilayohana3150 yea
@@ilayohana3150 She’s the leading opposition voice, of course.
You are actually insane if you believe that
@@yourfriend8052 give me a break its not like the us is planning to install this idiot as a puppet ruler of north korea. Leader? Only thing she seems to lead are her dozens of stds
Treat her as royalty. Get this woman all the protection she needs
Edit: some you all don't know how to think deeper than what you're told. In order to know that she is telling the truth, you need to think about the situation of the country. North Korea has been known to kill or take people who expose their poor treatment of their citizens and even foreigners. She left the country and is now exposing them and all of a sudden she's lying according to her "parents". If you watched the whole podcast, she often gets very emotional talking about her experience. You also have to remember that the North Korean government lies about everything. From who invented burgers to whe time began, they have been known to lie. If they lied about how they treat their citizens, what makes you think they won't lie about this. As she said, they have hired people to kill escapees and Kim Jung-Un's brother what makes yall think they won't hire people to make her look like she's lying?
@@rz41361 shut up simp
@rz she is probably rich.
Protection!? Fuck that I’m going raw
Go on protect her
This has been debunk, her story is fake, her parents are still alive, she grow up in us
"Maybe ok is ok" 😂😂
I'm happy she can still laugh. Breaks my heart hearing her experiences.
That's because she's a liar
Like you know @@bkstandard882
@@bkstandard882doesnt matter north korea is the worst country anyways💀 she probably just wants revenge because of her hatred towards it
Lied about what?
@@zqtgan1565he is saying she lied about her stories but she only did exaggerated them so people will listen to her
As an assassin I can confirm that people who do yoga are unstoppable
"I do yoga" 😭😭plsss protect this woman at all cost😭
@killer queen where's kira at
@@majornelson932 hi
Now it's make sense 😢
“ I do yoga” GIRL LMFAOAO 😭
This is America. Get that woman 3 guns, a green card, and an American flag bikini. ONE OF US! ONE OF US! ONE OF US!
Amen to that brother fuck yeah guns and bud light and eagles
And football
As an English man I’ve gotta say I love this comment. All the best to you guys
🤣🤣🤣 USA ❤️
She's a US citizen, she just needs the 9 and some bbq
The fact that she can still joke around even after knowing that she can’t leave the country because she has a big bounty on her head is crazy, this woman is a fighter for sure
Actually turns out she was capping about everything
@@karriemramzy9256prove it
@@karriemramzy9256 Oh okay, I'm actually kind of surprised that she might have lied... can you cite your sources?
@@Hsjsududswhsjdjxizzioaoits false don’t worry about them trolls. I questioned one of them on this and they couldn’t even provide sources, this girl escaped Korea and started talking about her experience. But I guess people have in their mind that someone like that should be skinny starving as a result or (according to them) “proof” of what she went through. But this is because she escaped when she was young and her whole family was killed. She’s been able to buy clothes and visit stylists to and when she does these interviews they think shes faking lying about them.
@@karriemramzy9256any source or just following what other people say?
“ I do yoga” I’m dead 😂💀
Ye I mean she wasn’t gonna say on video what strategies to defend herself just incase North Korea was watching
Now she has OF
"I do yoga"
Really got mee 😭
an assassin in her house at 3am
her: *downward dog*
Cobra strech would be venomous. 😂
Love this woman - she’s so positive, happy and funny despite her tough life.
Positive? Is she in a quarantine? Where is her mask? Reee
@@PROVOCATEURSK what are u even talking about?
@@PROVOCATEURSK positive means optimistic...
While you seem pessimistic af
This woman ain’t what she seems to appear
@@mozu650 "positive" for COVID
she is so precious I couldn't imagine not being able to go back home for fear of being assassinated
That’s a man
@@lorenakomettermoreno4271Anything's a woman if u close your eyes, wait🤨, P A U S E
It’s Colombia not Columbia omfg
I can’t find the words to fully express how fantastic she is.
She's a liar
@@bkstandard882prove it
@@bkstandard882you saying she didn't escape north korea because she admitted about lying in her story so people will listen
@@kaminityagi764she escaped North Korea but became a propaganda piece for the us and lies through her teeth
@@kaminityagi764the problem is that she continues to change her story, I don't think she really knows her story. On top of that, she lies about ahit she went through in the USA, she's lies for profit, or she's juat a pathological liar.
*"I do yoga"*
So many likes and no replies.. Ima change that real quick
Why yoga? Honestly i dont understand 😭😂
@@wahilalts454they cut the part where they ask her if she knows any martial arts and she says she does yoga.
@@Sara-et4et ahhh i see 😂 thanks for explaining
Yeonmi is just spilling all the tea
???? I don’t know why I think this but I think she is a spy????😅😅😅
If anyone dosent know what happened here it is
Yeonmi Park is a North Korean defector and activist whose family fled from North Korea to China in 2007 and settled in South Korea in 2009, before moving to the United States in 2014. Her family turned to black-market trading during the North Korean famine in the 1990s. Her father was sent to a labor camp for smuggling. They fled to China, where Park and her mother fell into the hands of human traffickers and she was sold into slavery before escaping to Mongolia :)
2nd Edit:
I’m in shock! 847 likes?! ❤
The smiley face at the end is bad timing …
Why's she popping up again right now though?
@@TkyoJedi Or maybe...just maybe...you just heard of her now. She been telling her story for ages.
She’s funnier than like 90% of comedians today
You must try to live in north korea
Well let's not get that crazy
Its alright to have a flat head in china and ohio
I’m astonished at her apparent poise and normalcy after the life she’s been through. If she has psychological scars she doesn’t seem to display them.
It's because she isn't white. The rest of the world doesn't attach status to mental illness. Only us
That’s because she’s full of shit
what doesnt kill you makes you stronger...
She's an actor
Most North Koreans defectors don't. Just look at the North Koreans defectors who tried the Texas BBQ, you won't guess they escaped North Korea just by looking at them or hearing them speak.
" I do yoga " got me rolling
As a Malaysian, that incident really put us in a tough spot though. Like other ASEAN country, Malaysia is filled with good citizens and nice people. Lots of foods and beautiful nature too. However, for the past 2 decades we have been in the news for many bad incident in which some we can control, and some aren't. We are a neutral country, most ASEAN countries are neutral country. That's why we have north Korea(not anymore), the US, Russia, UK, China and many more embassies in our country
i got a little bit offended, like- i thought she was said that Malaysia is unsafe. but a lot of traveler and even outsider that stay in here approving that Malaysia is very safe with nice people and even great food culture
@@ainadhamirah5602 I don’t think she meant it that way but it is unsafe for her, the country seems beautiful as a whole it’s just she can’t take risks!!! 😊
Funny how you described my country Brazil at the same time
@@slowedvxbesaudios8378 she talking about Kim Jong un brother who killed by assassin in Malaysia 😊
@@nikahmadthoreqnikyaacob9551 after 15 years of my life, i dont expecting such a news 😭