SC90 fair enough. He is pretty good. Haha guess it’s subjective. He could definitely do some serious documentaries for the discovery channel or science channel. Usually that’s Mike Rowe
I think space likely curves in on itself. If you left the Milky Way in a spaceship heading perfectly perpendicular to the galactic plane you would eventually return to the other side. A journey in which you better pack plenty of provisions.
@@kenhiett5266 Space is just that: space. It cannot curve because it is not a thing, it is the place where things happen. All the disappearing and re-appearing particles, etc, are not a feature of space, they are things happening IN space.
@@Bluejean123Dive Dear brothers, Hahahaha that's the best thing I've ever read on UA-cam. And the best thing is, this idiots think that a certain "" Todd made them to his image. and that they are all alone between trillions and trillions of star systems. what a Mongol, that homosapiens
@@saulsavelis575 Dear brothers, Hahahaha that's the best thing I've ever read on UA-cam. And the best thing is, this idiots think that a certain "" Todd made them to his image. and that they are all alone between trillions and trillions of star systems. what a Mongol, that homosapiens
Isaiah Tufor but even if you could get to the speed of light it still wouldn’t get you that far if the grand scheme of things. To truly explore the universe we would have to find a way to break past the speed of light, something that may very well be impossible.
I have no idea if it is infinite or not.. Obviously none of us do! But I find myself thinking about this constantly. Sometimes I hope that when we die, our "soul" is free to explore the whole Universe! Traveling at ANY speed, with anybody you want.. Those you loved in this life will traverse and experience it with you... Omg I want this. Marilyn.. Explore all of this with me. The expanse of the Universe still can hardly fit the amount of love I have for you ❤😌
@@kara33574😥 My stomach is getting nuts, we split up Not too long after I wrote this period I still have yet to move on or go out with anybody else.. it will probably persist that way for quite some time.. I miss you Marilyn so frigging much I hope I dont have to live without you forever. I pray everyday for you.
@@rickystephenson518 I really want to try that! But I have no clue where to even begin to look for it. But you are not the first person to suggest it for a deep understanding of reality.
The short answer is YES! Space is an infinite sphere with movement that has always existed & always will... How could it not be? Maybe there's semantics about the universe vs all of space, but it is definitely infinite. As soon as someone says that there is a end point, the question "what is beyond that point?" is asked, and the only answer is that it keeps going on past that point forever, just like dividing a cm in half and continuing that division forever, there is no end. A 'point' is infinitely small and is the dividing point. Space has always existed and always will. Something can't just randomly exist out of nothing in terms of all of space, existence & movement. That something that always existed and always will is known as the 'Unmoved mover'. Everything else is a 'moved mover'. Aristotle also referred to it as the Prime mover. I could be wrong & maybe someday someone will find a way to divide 0 by infinity, or even better find meaning in dividing a number by 0!
@@thenotoriousjoey9956 And so goes the endless battle between light and dark, the struggles known as... STAR WARS! Help me Obi Wan Kenobi! You're our only hope!
Terrifying. The growing probability's around you are real. If you play the lottery every day, and you live long enough, you will win it, and so you will be struck by lightning, hit by a car, eat poisoned food etc. Maybe in 4-5 thousand years you will live closed in a little room with nothing, with minimal activity, waiting for the little meteorite to hit your room.
@@snackerboofly eternity leaves infinite amount of possibilities.. which means we could theoretically discover infinite amounts of activities to take part in. infinite cures to infinite diseases. infinite time to discover how to avoid death entirely.(invincibility) with that being said there is an infinite amount of chance that we would never have to experience hardship ever again. imagine that.
I try to imagine what it must have been like back when Hubble discovered that the Milky Way wasn't the entire universe, but only one/one-hundred-billionth of the visible universe. One moment we are an insignificant star system of a huge "universe" that has around 200 billion stars(Milky Way), and the next we are a WAY, WAY more insignificant star system in the actual universe of at least 100 billion galaxies. It really boggles the mind...
Where ever you are getting your information about what mankind knows about the universe, you need to stop reading it - NOW. The fact that you actually believe that we have already observed all the planets in all the galaxies in the visible universe and determined that we are the only planet with life is ALMOST as mind-boggling as the universe itself. Our entire galaxy is as significant as a speck of dust on a fly's fresh turd when compared to the entire universe.
What we know about the universe? Almost everything, except in the Planck Epoch where currently understood laws of physics breaks down. We already know all the fundamental particles (except the dark matter) and the dark energy. But what do we know about the origin of life? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. We only know its chemistry, but we don't even know how life has emerged. Even single cell bacteria, capable of reproduction is far too complex to have popped into existence in a single step. So many events must have occured at the right time in right order at the right place in order to happen what we see now. Darwin's theory of evolution and any lab experiments that pointed out how the origin of life might look likes, are working only with already complex life forms and what kind of elements is nesessary to produce life. The thing is that if life is emerged purely from a chance, it wouldn;t be able to sustain! Therefore, if there is life on some planet, they must be abundant! The Earth is not the center of the Universe, but there is nothing wrong to assume that Earth is the only living planet in the entire observable universe. Life is inevitable not because God created us, but because God had created the INFINITY!
Is the Universe infinite? Yes. In dealing with a question of volume, once you establish a limitation something has to provide support to the limitation. That support suggests another beginning, thus it has to repeat over and over for infinite. You cannot have a ball within a ball within a ball for ever. Space just goes on without restrictions, light just exposes the infinite volume.
You'r right. There is human hubris(we are the center of the World etc), plain lack of capacity/imagination, religions((no beginning i.e.(for ex..) no original creator)). World is infinite in time, space and possibly in materia also, though the last one can not ever be proven, as one can not observe infinity. Also, there might be infinite amount of different infinities inside this one universe meaning for ex. infinite set of rules that governs and for ex. infinite set of hierarchies(how materia is organised for ex.), or for ex. infinite set of forms of intelligence and so on.
@@iamBlackGambit Such as the space in between atoms. Or Space. Here is why I say that. After the big bang, we had an ionized soup. That soup had extra energy bonding them into hydrogen. Heavier elements could then be created. They will eventually decay back into the ions. But that's irrelevant. The ions that make the atom, are finite. Tangible, they exist. The space in between is technically non existant, or infinite. Your choice. Just really focus non existence = infinite. Maybe, smoke a joint and it will hit you in the face
OF COURSE THE UNIVERSE IS INFINITE!!! This is so easy to understand... What could possibly be an "end" to the universe... Even if there was a stopping point (a wall of some sort) then you have to stop and think and ask yourself "what's on the other side of this wall?"... and so on and so forth...
5 років тому+6
Question: If the universe ends....whats on the other side? Can anyone answer this question?
If, as theorized, the universe is infinate, it would continue with no limits or boundaries. We have never found or established any limits. The further we can observe, with more sophisticated equipment, there are billoons of more galaxies to be discovered. As old star systems die, for whatever reason, new star systems are constantly being created. Once again, I believe that creation has been going on for eternity and will continue. There was no big bang that effected the beginning of our universe. That is also just a theory. In overall creation I feel there are no limitations which would fit better with both the infinate universe and Creator. Mankind has always tried to put limits and parameters on everything because of the fact of our own limited physical state of being. I feel that's a big mistake.
@ Everything in existence came from Electromagnet Energy. This is what we know about EM ENERGY: it is spiritual, by the nature of it's existance; We don't know the nature of it's power and the source has no natural limits to it's power; It is everywhere and exists in everything; Nothing could exist without it; it is Infinate. This is the same description and nature given for The Creator. Surprised? This is why, although it is spiritual in nature and therefore I consider EM ENERGY to be the actual "God Partical " that the physicists have been searching for. It's first stage in creation of all matter is it's production of nutrinos which eminates from stars and converts from pure energy to create the Infinate tiny Particals that create and support the infinate numbers and variations of molecular structures throughout the universe. This is the mechanics of creation. From here, all matter created, in time, will recycle back into pure electromagnet energy to keep repeating the process. Some forms of matter (Stars as an example) may take trillions of years to recycle. Much of this is beyond logic.
I told this story before, but this brings memories. When I was a kid, I was in my dad's apt. One day, he places his hands on the coffee table and declares; "the molecules in this table are moving." I got to wondering. I sat on the couch, and I thought to myself; 'if so, then how far from the table will my finger be, the very INSTANT BEFORE it contacts the edge of it.' Same type of age-old questions.
Though I have no formal training in astrophysics, I've speculated that at least in part the expanding/accelerating universe is due to supernovae explosions. Just as you see bubbles increase in size at the surface of a boiling pot of water so too space expands related to the number of supernovae explosions. And at vast distances the accumulated localized space expansions lead to the speed of distant objects approaching and even passing the speed of light. (Some observations have already proven that very distant objects are traveling away from us at near the speed of light. So why isn't it possible that there are infinite objects moving away from us at speeds greater than light? We'll never be able to detect these objects for their emitted electromagnetic energy would stay with the object never to arrive on Earth). This would make the universe truly infinite even starting from one point at the Big Bang.
The Gunman we haven’t even explored 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% of the universe
Space might be (must be) infinite. but how can universe be infinite? Bigger than our imagination doesn't mean infinity. At this particular moment, there should be a definite number for everything in our universe. Next moment It may change. So the finite universe would be a big zero comparing to the infinite space. By space I mean nothingness.
Lijo Jose How could it have a boundary or why would it have a boundary? If space is infinite then the matter in it would have infinite time to spread to infinite space. I don’t believe that we have the capacity to understand it yet.
If this universe is truly infinite then you, my friend are at its precise centre. Oh and you and you and you and you and you and you and you ..........
If the Universe were infinite, it would not be expanding. Think of it like living in a bubble that is expanding faster than the speed of light. It is infinite in the sense that we will never be able to travel faster than the rate in which it is expanding.
Universe is infinite,here universe means not about stars, galaxies, external space without stars , galaxies ,matter , that's why space is expanding , for example ,in a closed room a bubble is universe ,it expands only upto room size , because of wall ,but it's not true, universe is infinite ,in that empty space , galaxies are going far and expanding , understand multiverse theory ,our universe is just a bubble in the infinite empty space
expanding my asszz ....we're in a closed rectangle defined by 6 ULTRA energetic "Black Wall's" ...dark energy , dark matter & our last big bang all originate from the "black walls" also perfectly explains the dark/black we all see in the night sky 🙂
Well we are made from matter in this universe that has become conscious and can look at the universe. We are as much the universe as everything else in it
I have three questions about huge black holes In the center of galaxies Have these huge holes been formed before galaxies were formed? second question Have you been created by these huge explosions of massive stars or from clouds of gas and dust? The third question Is there scientific evidence to show how massive holes appear in the center of galaxies? We hope you notice how primitive galaxies are formed in the near and far places on the edges of the universe Please communicate my three questions to the Space Research Team .
I'm convinced in one of those trillions of galaxies theres at least one star with a planet that has an earth like atmosphere with earth like wildlife and human civilization similar to ours.
Have you thought that the universe might be finite existing within an infinity. That leaves room for other universes, maybe infinite universes? How can an expanding universe be infinite? It is either expanding or it is infinite; it cannot be both because that would create a paradox. You cannot increase or decrease infinity to accommodate an expanding or contracting universe. You can't have it both ways.
Everything was came from something called the large boop. It was created by future beings that evolved from humans. We are here now. They are there then. Boom. Science.
Será que dá para vocês mandar os contatos de aula para o FBI para os promotores que eles estão mentindo sobre a minha vida será que o Dali seria possível de vocês fazerem seus contatos de prova e levar para o FBI que eles estão mentindo as provas Concretas ou Tem ou tem que reagir com o exército destruindo tudo se vocês não me ajudaram verdadeiramente com as provas concretas em juízo vou ter que responder pesado com exército
what if, like they say, the universe is a sphere, or a torus, because of the gravity of everything inside? You never reach a end, but it has a finite value of matter, particles, space. Is it in this case finite, infinite, something between? Has a finite value, but you can never reach the end...and also for who is inside, outside does not exist...makes no meaning I think
Empty space blows my mind. Close your eyes plug your ears. Erase gravity. That's empty space. Just nothing. It only becomes something when you or something enters it. So nothing is forever. Like let that sink in. It's either something or it's nothing. The nothing is nothing. Forever... Why is there a nothing. Because it isn't something. Is nothing something in itself? FUCK.
Love it! i think about that nothingness to clear my head sometimes. like meditation i close my eyes and imagine myself going backwards leaving earth, then the solar system, then the galaxy , then leaving our known universe into the nothing and think about where that nothing goes. After awhile i have to stop because it startles me and before you know it i have forgot of all my worries here on earth, lol. But it really is an eye opener when i see earth as just a spec and wounder how people can have such huge egos about them selves on such a small dust particle.
This video feels infinite. It takes a simple answer and stretches it over 25 minutes.Which is actually a metaphor for the size of our universe. Our universe began as a singularity, an infinitely dense point containing all the mass of our universe. Spacetime is so intensely warped by such infinitely dense mass that space and time for all intents and purposes do not exist. Only with the explosion of the singularity do space and time come into being...the 'big bang.' This is the beginning of our universe. Since then, the radius of our universe has been expanding at the speed of light. So the radius of our universe is the speed of light multiplied by the age of our universe. (Distance=Velocity x Time ) The volume of our universe is 4/3 x pi x (radius x radius x radius).
but the rate at which our universe grows is not the speed of light, it seems to be speeding up, faster than the speed of light. It's not the stars that are moving per se, just the empty space between stars, like blowing up a balloon with dots on the balloon as stars. And who knows if our big bang was the only one? Many questions still unanswered.
Please explain the origin of what you call a “singularity.” No matter how dense you want to say that matter was or how long ago, it has to have had a “first cause.”
Excellent question. I'd say the most likely theory is the singularity was the center of a supermassive blackhole in another dimension, and it's collision with a higher dimension caused the "big bang" and the creation of a new dimension. It's believed that singularities "tunnel" through their dimensions because of the warp spacetime so intensely that the fabric of their dimension "tears." How a black hole singularity was first created in another dimension is the hard question.
With this presentation, one statement about the number of grains of sand on Earth is equal to the number of visible stars (with telescopes) appears to have proved another story from the Bible. God reassured Abraham that if he could count all the stars or all the grains of sand; so too would be the number of his descendants. (Interesting how this presentation came up with the same number for both).🤔
Infinite = all-inclusive, interrelated Whole/Absolute that is ever greater than the sum of it's constituents = Continuum of Being = Reality = That which is. The Universe is the omnipresence of the Absolute.
If we were on the outer portion of the universe liking back toward the center wouldn’t the inner stars appear to be moving toward us rather than away from us?
The name is Max Planck, German physicist. We're not buying 2x4s at Home Depot here. Of course, if that's what you have in mind, lengths of 8 to 16 feet are common.
@@tedl7538 Sorry I don't quite follow? Ok so Max Planck whatever, my point still stands. The smallest all be it theoretical divisible point is known. Thus the universe as we can explain it is in fact pixilated. What's the problem with that?
Our Universe likes cooking up roundish objects. To me, that seems like a good possible shape of our Universe. The possibilities are seemingly infinite. An unending Universe is really difficult to grasp compared to most other plausible theories. We have a lot to learn and no conceivable way to even study past the speed of light limitations. Never dismiss any possibility or theory until it is proven impossible. Embrace this incredible journey and live this gift to the fullest! Above all else, love yourself and make sure your loved ones know they are loved.
Like our bubble of a universe is equivalent to the size of a gran sand on earth while there is another universe the size of a gran of sand 100 billion light years away from here, your saying that doesn't even scratch the surface??
This man is hands down the best space narrator there is.
SC90 better than Morgan Freeman?!
SC90 better than Mike Rowe?!
@@jellymop better than anyone else.
SC90 fair enough. He is pretty good. Haha guess it’s subjective. He could definitely do some serious documentaries for the discovery channel or science channel. Usually that’s Mike Rowe
At first I thought it was Tony Darnell from Deep Astronomy -
It’s easier for me to imagine an infinite universe than to wonder where it ends, and what’s on the other side of that 😂
Most people that believe the universe is finite will say that the universe must loop back on itself
LinktheDragonslayer the universe is a sphere 0-0
@@brewckle. Yes
It is... Mate.. Etam... Booom.. Infinite. Or finite..
If it's not infinite than it's a closed system meaning there may be something beyond it....... Freaky
infinite means no start no end ...
I think the universe is infinite in both time and space, and "big bang" events are local refresher cycles.
Agree cycles of creation
I think you’re wrong.
i have a video its says the story of the Universe,,can i watch from the beginning if the Universe is infite?
I think space likely curves in on itself. If you left the Milky Way in a spaceship heading perfectly perpendicular to the galactic plane you would eventually return to the other side. A journey in which you better pack plenty of provisions.
@@kenhiett5266 Space is just that: space. It cannot curve because it is not a thing, it is the place where things happen. All the disappearing and re-appearing particles, etc, are not a feature of space, they are things happening IN space.
Spoiler alert:
- Is the Universe infinite?
- We don't know
of cause we know...some idiots some-why said that it is finite
There are infinite idiots here.....
@@Bluejean123Dive fyi 99.9% of population are plain idiots
@@Bluejean123Dive Dear brothers, Hahahaha that's the best thing I've ever read on UA-cam. And the best thing is, this idiots think that
a certain "" Todd made them to his image. and that they are all alone between trillions and trillions of star systems. what a
Mongol, that homosapiens
@@saulsavelis575 Dear brothers, Hahahaha that's the best thing I've ever read on UA-cam. And the best thing is, this idiots think that
a certain "" Todd made them to his image. and that they are all alone between trillions and trillions of star systems. what a
Mongol, that homosapiens
Might as well be infinite, we're not ever leaving our local system without cheating that 'speed of light' thing.
You'll never leave with that attitude. I have lunch in a different solar system every day. Never give up, amigo.
just cuz u cant reach a place doesn't mean it's not important
@Isaiah Tufor and then there is the whole issue of slowing down from SOL
Isaiah Tufor but even if you could get to the speed of light it still wouldn’t get you that far if the grand scheme of things. To truly explore the universe we would have to find a way to break past the speed of light, something that may very well be impossible.
Well here’s the thing, R.A Williams, not everything is about you.
I have no idea if it is infinite or not.. Obviously none of us do! But I find myself thinking about this constantly. Sometimes I hope that when we die, our "soul" is free to explore the whole Universe! Traveling at ANY speed, with anybody you want.. Those you loved in this life will traverse and experience it with you... Omg I want this. Marilyn.. Explore all of this with me. The expanse of the Universe still can hardly fit the amount of love I have for you ❤😌
This is the sweetest comment ever
@@kara33574😥 My stomach is getting nuts, we split up Not too long after I wrote this period I still have yet to move on or go out with anybody else.. it will probably persist that way for quite some time.. I miss you Marilyn so frigging much I hope I dont have to live without you forever. I pray everyday for you.
Now this is a classic SpaceRip video. Well done I am going to enjoy this soooooooo much? Really missed this.
Damn... within the first minute... we get the best narrator, with Zerg music to highlight amazing visuals. LOVE this channel...
To sum up the video
"is the universe infinite?"
I don't know
good summary dud
@ I hope you're joking. This is a wonderful mini documentary.
@Lord Tippington the Wise - Atheist Knight of Le Reddit Gentlesirs
I've just seen so many like it over the years.
@ Touche.
There is no end so this can;t be proved only accepted.
This is a remake of a 6 years ago doc from yourselves with added some electric guitar (totally out of place) 🤗
2012, 8 years soon.
Electric guitars are never out of place!
Well played electric guitar is never out of place.
I stand corrected.
I liked the "edgy" touch (electric guitar.) 😎🎸👍
Infinity is a long time.......especially toward the end......
If Infinity runs out of room? Just add a +1 to it.
Woody Allen
@@Bix12 Yup.
There is no infinity....the last number stops infinity
i have a video its says the story of the Universe,,can i watch from the beginning and the end if the Universe is infite?
I think that money will type random letters and numbers an infinity amount of times before you would get Shakespeare.
You included a great amount of history and knowledge in it!
this will sooo compliment my joint right now:D
Join the club
Durban poison comes to mind.
I've got some fresh raspberry snow bomb in the grinder...
@@YG-hn7hh got some wedding cake
Puff puff pass man.
Oh boy. A Space Rip documentary. There goes my sleep. Haha sending love from India!
Agreed good luck with your sleep. Greetings from South Africa. I know I can google but what time is it now on your side if you don't mind me asking
@@nathanielnats4373 homie it's 2:30Am
@@rahulgosavi7682 o ok cool so it is way sleeping time. It is now 23:22 or 11:22pm local time. Sleep soft my man
@@nathanielnats4373 yessire and you aswell
I had to pause this long enough to get higher than a lab rat!
I'm about 30 minutes from doing that same thing pard
I was fine at the start but 20mins into it have to chop again
@@eatingsfun bust me out a few lines m8
Here's to life!
Try DMT it helps to grasp what infinite really is
@@rickystephenson518 I really want to try that! But I have no clue where to even begin to look for it. But you are not the first person to suggest it for a deep understanding of reality.
The short answer is YES! Space is an infinite sphere with movement that has always existed & always will...
How could it not be? Maybe there's semantics about the universe vs all of space, but it is definitely infinite. As soon as someone says that there is a end point, the question "what is beyond that point?" is asked, and the only answer is that it keeps going on past that point forever, just like dividing a cm in half and continuing that division forever, there is no end. A 'point' is infinitely small and is the dividing point. Space has always existed and always will. Something can't just randomly exist out of nothing in terms of all of space, existence & movement. That something that always existed and always will is known as the 'Unmoved mover'. Everything else is a 'moved mover'. Aristotle also referred to it as the Prime mover.
I could be wrong & maybe someday someone will find a way to divide 0 by infinity, or even better find meaning in dividing a number by 0!
Darryl Lowe what if space is inside another space what if this space is the dark one and there’s a light one you never know
@@thenotoriousjoey9956 And so goes the endless battle between light and dark, the struggles known as... STAR WARS! Help me Obi Wan Kenobi! You're our only hope!
Now, imagine how it would feel like to live for eternity. Would you be bored to death? Joyful? Or, be neutral (a mix of both)?
Terrifying. The growing probability's around you are real. If you play the lottery every day, and you live long enough, you will win it, and so you will be struck by lightning, hit by a car, eat poisoned food etc. Maybe in 4-5 thousand years you will live closed in a little room with nothing, with minimal activity, waiting for the little meteorite to hit your room.
@Gatlin Mark Stop drinking Mark.
obviously all of those an infinite number of times
How sad to keep losing those you learn to love, it would be unbearable and you would have no way to end it.
@@snackerboofly eternity leaves infinite amount of possibilities.. which means we could theoretically discover infinite amounts of activities to take part in. infinite cures to infinite diseases. infinite time to discover how to avoid death entirely.(invincibility) with that being said there is an infinite amount of chance that we would never have to experience hardship ever again. imagine that.
Honestly, all this universe stuff. you don’t see an end to it!
The universe feels like time; you can never truly catch it and it will always be out of reach
Universe is time
@@JefRdam Yes since space and time are the same thing
I try to imagine what it must have been like back when Hubble discovered that the Milky Way wasn't the entire universe, but only one/one-hundred-billionth of the visible universe. One moment we are an insignificant star system of a huge "universe" that has around 200 billion stars(Milky Way), and the next we are a WAY, WAY more insignificant star system in the actual universe of at least 100 billion galaxies. It really boggles the mind...
There might be life out there and maybe we will never know.
Where ever you are getting your information about what mankind knows about the universe, you need to stop reading it - NOW. The fact that you actually believe that we have already observed all the planets in all the galaxies in the visible universe and determined that we are the only planet with life is ALMOST as mind-boggling as the universe itself.
Our entire galaxy is as significant as a speck of dust on a fly's fresh turd when compared to the entire universe.
@@v3le this is no place for fairy tales
What we know about the universe? Almost everything, except in the Planck Epoch where currently understood laws of physics breaks down. We already know all the fundamental particles (except the dark matter) and the dark energy. But what do we know about the origin of life? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. We only know its chemistry, but we don't even know how life has emerged. Even single cell bacteria, capable of reproduction is far too complex to have popped into existence in a single step. So many events must have occured at the right time in right order at the right place in order to happen what we see now. Darwin's theory of evolution and any lab experiments that pointed out how the origin of life might look likes, are working only with already complex life forms and what kind of elements is nesessary to produce life. The thing is that if life is emerged purely from a chance, it wouldn;t be able to sustain! Therefore, if there is life on some planet, they must be abundant! The Earth is not the center of the Universe, but there is nothing wrong to assume that Earth is the only living planet in the entire observable universe. Life is inevitable not because God created us, but because God had created the INFINITY!
Well there goes us ruling the universe. It kind of kills the human superiority idea, dead. Sorry, only one galaxy per intelligent species.
Oldie but a goldie. I do miss these documentaries that you guys used to upload.
I don't understand anything past 1:04
No worries here, take this Bible, it's more to your level.
@@nagazaki2596 You are the dumbest
I love the music. It definitely enhances that "oh shit" feeling you get when they are talking about huge distances and lengths of time.
Is the Universe infinite? Yes. In dealing with a question of volume, once you establish a limitation something has to provide support to the limitation. That support suggests another beginning, thus it has to repeat over and over for infinite. You cannot have a ball within a ball within a ball for ever. Space just goes on without restrictions, light just exposes the infinite volume.
How could it not be infinite? I don't mean our little big bang section. I personally can't imagine a ''universe'' that has a border.
You'r right. There is human hubris(we are the center of the World etc), plain lack of capacity/imagination, religions((no beginning i.e.(for ex..) no original creator)). World is infinite in time, space and possibly in materia also, though the last one can not ever be proven, as one can not observe infinity. Also, there might be infinite amount of different infinities inside this one universe meaning for ex. infinite set of rules that governs and for ex. infinite set of hierarchies(how materia is organised for ex.), or for ex. infinite set of forms of intelligence and so on.
Duh these numbers wont come close to infinity!! Its like time vs eternity!!🤦♂️ we are finite we will never comprehend infinity
You can get a taste of it under certain conditions though
@@bone8352 such as?
@@iamBlackGambit dmt
@@iamBlackGambit Such as the space in between atoms. Or Space. Here is why I say that. After the big bang, we had an ionized soup. That soup had extra energy bonding them into hydrogen. Heavier elements could then be created. They will eventually decay back into the ions. But that's irrelevant. The ions that make the atom, are finite. Tangible, they exist. The space in between is technically non existant, or infinite. Your choice. Just really focus non existence = infinite. Maybe, smoke a joint and it will hit you in the face
@@BetterIntegra i have a video its says the story of the Universe,,can i watch from the beginning and the end if the Universe is infinite?
OF COURSE THE UNIVERSE IS INFINITE!!! This is so easy to understand... What could possibly be an "end" to the universe... Even if there was a stopping point (a wall of some sort) then you have to stop and think and ask yourself "what's on the other side of this wall?"... and so on and so forth...
Question: If the universe ends....whats on the other side? Can anyone answer this question?
The answer is easy, Nothing and Everything. Understanding the answer is another thing.
Current cosmological theory spends a lot of time pointing out that multiverses are not unlikely. This is portrayed in the documentary here.
It starts all over again.
If, as theorized, the universe is infinate, it would continue with no limits or boundaries. We have never found or established any limits. The further we can observe,
with more sophisticated equipment, there are billoons of more galaxies to be discovered.
As old star systems die, for whatever reason, new star systems are constantly being created. Once again, I believe that creation has been going on for eternity and will continue. There was no big bang that effected the beginning of our universe. That is also just a theory. In overall creation I feel there are no limitations which would fit better with both the infinate universe and Creator. Mankind has always tried to put limits and parameters on everything because of the fact of our own limited physical state of being. I feel that's a big mistake.
Everything in existence came from Electromagnet Energy. This is what we know about EM ENERGY:
it is spiritual, by the nature of it's existance; We don't know the nature of it's power and the source has no natural limits to it's power;
It is everywhere and exists in everything; Nothing could exist without it; it is Infinate. This is the same description and nature given for The Creator. Surprised?
This is why, although it is spiritual in nature and therefore I consider EM ENERGY to be the actual "God Partical " that the physicists have been searching for. It's first stage in creation of all matter is it's production of nutrinos which eminates from stars and converts from pure energy to create the Infinate tiny Particals that create and support the infinate numbers and variations of molecular structures throughout the universe.
This is the mechanics of creation.
From here, all matter created, in time, will recycle back into pure electromagnet energy to keep repeating the process. Some forms of matter (Stars as an example) may take trillions of years to recycle. Much of this is beyond logic.
I told this story before, but this brings memories.
When I was a kid, I was in my dad's apt. One day, he places his hands on the coffee table and declares; "the molecules in this table are moving." I got to wondering. I sat on the couch, and I thought to myself; 'if so,
then how far from the table will my finger be, the very INSTANT BEFORE it contacts the edge of it.'
Same type of age-old questions.
Though I have no formal training in astrophysics, I've speculated that at least in part the expanding/accelerating universe is due to supernovae explosions. Just as you see bubbles increase in size at the surface of a boiling pot of water so too space expands related to the number of supernovae explosions. And at vast distances the accumulated localized space expansions lead to the speed of distant objects approaching and even passing the speed of light. (Some observations have already proven that very distant objects are traveling away from us at near the speed of light. So why isn't it possible that there are infinite objects moving away from us at speeds greater than light? We'll never be able to detect these objects for their emitted electromagnetic energy would stay with the object never to arrive on Earth). This would make the universe truly infinite even starting from one point at the Big Bang.
Google Dark matter. The gravitational behavior of galaxies do not react to super nova.
Vamos carajo! Nuevo documental de SpaceRip!
how silly of me to expect an answer to this question in a 25min youtube video
The answer is yes! Satisfied?
Great video!!!...🤙😎🤘
It is most definitely infinite.
It is for all intents and purposes
The Gunman we haven’t even explored 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% of the universe
Space is as infinite as ot needs to be its expanding and stretching faster then causality. We can never possibly find out.
Space might be (must be) infinite. but how can universe be infinite? Bigger than our imagination doesn't mean infinity. At this particular moment, there should be a definite number for everything in our universe. Next moment It may change. So the finite universe would be a big zero comparing to the infinite space. By space I mean nothingness.
Lijo Jose How could it have a boundary or why would it have a boundary? If space is infinite then the matter in it would have infinite time to spread to infinite space. I don’t believe that we have the capacity to understand it yet.
These uploads are always a welcome surprise. Dick's voice is great for this.
Same, I love getting some good Dick in my ear after a long day!
Respect dick
I've always loved this commentator and I've always loved Space Rip.
Dick does a good job
Infinity is an endlessly fascinating topic.
If this universe is truly infinite then you, my friend are at its precise centre. Oh and you and you and you and you and you and you and you ..........
Everything which has a start always have an end❤
Video begins at 1:21
And we couldn't even get Pluto right
10:05 Copernicus neither was polish nor lived in poland nor spoke polish, so correct it to Prussian scientist where he was born
If the Universe were infinite, it would not be expanding. Think of it like living in a bubble that is expanding faster than the speed of light. It is infinite in the sense that we will never be able to travel faster than the rate in which it is expanding.
Universe is infinite,here universe means not about stars, galaxies, external space without stars , galaxies ,matter , that's why space is expanding , for example ,in a closed room a bubble is universe ,it expands only upto room size , because of wall ,but it's not true, universe is infinite ,in that empty space , galaxies are going far and expanding , understand multiverse theory ,our universe is just a bubble in the infinite empty space
expanding my asszz ....we're in a closed rectangle defined by 6 ULTRA energetic "Black Wall's" ...dark energy , dark matter & our last big bang all originate from the "black walls" also perfectly explains the dark/black we all see in the night sky 🙂
Let me save you 25 minutes: "we don't know"
thanks alot
My dog knows
My cat told me the end of the universe while I was feeding him some treats...
Beautiful! And, although some may disagree with me, I do admire the guitar riffs... they make this documentary great! Thanks for this great post!
i think that entire existence. humanity and life are connected to the universe
Well we are made from matter in this universe that has become conscious and can look at the universe. We are as much the universe as everything else in it
watching SpaceRip high as a Kite is amazing 😏
that was so cool man nice work team would love to see more .. subed
Absolutely it is infinite!
Mr smarty pants lol
I have three questions about huge black holes
In the center of galaxies
Have these huge holes been formed before galaxies were formed?
second question
Have you been created by these huge explosions of massive stars or from clouds of gas and dust?
The third question
Is there scientific evidence to show how massive holes appear in the center of galaxies?
We hope you notice how primitive galaxies are formed in the near and far places on the edges of the universe
Please communicate my three questions to the Space Research Team
It could be but there's no way we could prove it with current technology.
it just has to be looking at it logicaly
this video is the first astronomy video with a hip sound track.
make science 😎 cool again!
Is the Universe Infinite?
how else it can be?
at the beginning of the video soundtrack how can i find it
@@agceh thanks
I'm convinced in one of those trillions of galaxies theres at least one star with a planet that has an earth like atmosphere with earth like wildlife and human civilization similar to ours.
Is the universe infinite?
(The background music): JUGGA JUG JUG-JUG!
Of course it is infinite! Is somebody suggesting that there is some colossal wall out there? Think, people. The god concepts are asinine.
Have you thought that the universe might be finite existing within an infinity. That leaves room for other universes, maybe infinite universes? How can an expanding universe be infinite? It is either expanding or it is infinite; it cannot be both because that would create a paradox. You cannot increase or decrease infinity to accommodate an expanding or contracting universe. You can't have it both ways.
You seem to have a very finite understanding of infinity…
So was your video title a rhetorical question?
The real question is where the hell everything come from? What created everything? Where are we? 🥴
Maybe all the stars and planets are cells of larger living entity, and humans/animals are viruses?
In the beginning there was a little black box with a big red button which said "Please do not press"
The real mystery is who pressed that button?
Everything was came from something called the large boop. It was created by future beings that evolved from humans. We are here now. They are there then. Boom. Science.
Allah created everything.
God created the universe. God created energy. God created math. God created time, God created a little thing called infinity
NEW SPACERIP VIDEO?! Hell yeeaaaaaahhhhhh
If we claim to see 4% of the universe its obviously not infinite
Será que dá para vocês mandar os contatos de aula para o FBI para os promotores que eles estão mentindo sobre a minha vida será que o Dali seria possível de vocês fazerem seus contatos de prova e levar para o FBI que eles estão mentindo as provas Concretas ou Tem ou tem que reagir com o exército destruindo tudo se vocês não me ajudaram verdadeiramente com as provas concretas em juízo vou ter que responder pesado com exército
Raimundo Silva. É impossível perceber o que você pretende. Certamente Português nāo é a sua lingua nativa. Consegue explicar-se melhor?
infamous4141 James Webb!!
what if, like they say, the universe is a sphere, or a torus, because of the gravity of everything inside? You never reach a end, but it has a finite value of matter, particles, space. Is it in this case finite, infinite, something between? Has a finite value, but you can never reach the end...and also for who is inside, outside does not exist...makes no meaning I think
Empty space blows my mind. Close your eyes plug your ears. Erase gravity. That's empty space. Just nothing. It only becomes something when you or something enters it. So nothing is forever. Like let that sink in. It's either something or it's nothing. The nothing is nothing. Forever... Why is there a nothing. Because it isn't something. Is nothing something in itself? FUCK.
Love it! i think about that nothingness to clear my head sometimes. like meditation i close my eyes and imagine myself going backwards leaving earth, then the solar system, then the galaxy , then leaving our known universe into the nothing and think about where that nothing goes. After awhile i have to stop because it startles me and before you know it i have forgot of all my worries here on earth, lol. But it really is an eye opener when i see earth as just a spec and wounder how people can have such huge egos about them selves on such a small dust particle.
space is so cool :p lol
Oh my god what is this music at the start it's amazing
This video feels infinite. It takes a simple answer and stretches it over 25 minutes.Which is actually a metaphor for the size of our universe. Our universe began as a singularity, an infinitely dense point containing all the mass of our universe. Spacetime is so intensely warped by such infinitely dense mass that space and time for all intents and purposes do not exist. Only with the explosion of the singularity do space and time come into being...the 'big bang.' This is the beginning of our universe. Since then, the radius of our universe has been expanding at the speed of light. So the radius of our universe is the speed of light multiplied by the age of our universe. (Distance=Velocity x Time ) The volume of our universe is 4/3 x pi x (radius x radius x radius).
but the rate at which our universe grows is not the speed of light, it seems to be speeding up, faster than the speed of light. It's not the stars that are moving per se, just the empty space between stars, like blowing up a balloon with dots on the balloon as stars. And who knows if our big bang was the only one? Many questions still unanswered.
Please explain the origin of what you call a “singularity.” No matter how dense you want to say that matter was or how long ago, it has to have had a “first cause.”
Excellent question. I'd say the most likely theory is the singularity was the center of a supermassive blackhole in another dimension, and it's collision with a higher dimension caused the "big bang" and the creation of a new dimension. It's believed that singularities "tunnel" through their dimensions because of the warp spacetime so intensely that the fabric of their dimension "tears." How a black hole singularity was first created in another dimension is the hard question.
You say this as though it is fact, and it isn't.
Mabey infinity small is equal to infinity large and each plank volume is a copie of the entire universe within it.
this incredibly fast computer they mention coming “soon”... is that the quantum computer google (I think it was google) just claimed?
I think so.
Claire Conover yes, but google is nowhere close to actually making one.
Probably the most suitable space narrator on the Universe ✨🪐💫🌏☄️⭐️🌙🌘 superrrrrrr 👌🏽
Universe is MYSTERY
It will be mystery
No one can trace it
Good presentation, great graphics.
Science for stoners and those who wish they had a blunt.
Some of us want to make use of our brain cells, not kill them.
Universe is a illusion. Never ending illusion. Technical it's infinite.
How is it an illusion?
With this presentation, one statement about the number of grains of sand on Earth is equal to the number of visible stars (with telescopes) appears to have proved another story from the Bible. God reassured Abraham that if he could count all the stars or all the grains of sand; so too would be the number of his descendants. (Interesting how this presentation came up with the same number for both).🤔
If infinite then there is parallel worlds!
is this a remake from a couple years ago?
Infinite = all-inclusive, interrelated Whole/Absolute that is ever greater than the sum of it's constituents = Continuum of Being = Reality = That which is.
The Universe is the omnipresence of the Absolute.
9:20 that “technique developed thousands of years” after Archimedes would be Calculus
No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walr the path. Thank NASA - buddha
Note to space travelers; be careful near the perimeter, you may hit a wall or even fall off the edge into even more infinity!
What's that song with the power chords in the beginning?
Of course the universe is infinite. How could it not be?
The universe is a quantum wave of endless possibilities
If we were on the outer portion of the universe liking back toward the center wouldn’t the inner stars appear to be moving toward us rather than away from us?
anyone know the song in the background?
Its GOTHIC, zero project.
Fantastic!!!! thank you very much!
The most outstanding difference between infinity and finite is the limitation of the observer's point of observation.
My bills go on forever
Thanks for the education
what is the name of the soundtrack in the beginning ?
I think the universe has an infinite space.
Technically finite because universe have a volume but keep expanding and it never stop so it's infinite.
7:50 but how about the smallest devisable partition? The plank length. Surely infinity can be quantified on the plank length?
The name is Max Planck, German physicist. We're not buying 2x4s at Home Depot here. Of course, if that's what you have in mind, lengths of 8 to 16 feet are common.
@@tedl7538 Sorry I don't quite follow? Ok so Max Planck whatever, my point still stands. The smallest all be it theoretical divisible point is known. Thus the universe as we can explain it is in fact pixilated. What's the problem with that?
Minidbending science..loved it 👍
Is the universe infinite?
No the infinite is universe.
Our Universe likes cooking up roundish objects. To me, that seems like a good possible shape of our Universe. The possibilities are seemingly infinite. An unending Universe is really difficult to grasp compared to most other plausible theories. We have a lot to learn and no conceivable way to even study past the speed of light limitations. Never dismiss any possibility or theory until it is proven impossible.
Embrace this incredible journey and live this gift to the fullest! Above all else, love yourself and make sure your loved ones know they are loved.
Round objects are due to gravity
you would have to travel for infinity to prove infinity, there lies the paradox
What is up with the Killer Instinct Music haha. Was waiting for Spinal to show up in the intro.
By the time we found out the answer, we're probably be dead
Whats the name of the narrator? He has a very nice voice to listen to. Thanks for sharing his name!
The Universe is as large as we can imagine it to be.
Like our bubble of a universe is equivalent to the size of a gran sand on earth while there is another universe the size of a gran of sand 100 billion light years away from here, your saying that doesn't even scratch the surface??
Oh look, a human thinking it's all about them again...