I found this interview very interesting and excellent conversations on both sides as a public journalist and businessman. 👏 good job. I don't know this, Dr. But I expect very useful tangible community services from him as his conversations.
Dr Fisseha is a very optimistic person, which I think makes him naive at times. Like he said, people should take full responsibility for their decision to invest in his vision as long as he didn’t break the law. You can’t sue him for selling you a dream.
He has big vision most not support him . Please give time and help for him to succeeded. Dr also don't open several investment at the same time stick on few be successful then jump to other level .
Dr Fiseha is Great person who think for Ethiopians that can improve their life. So Please don't disturb him and he become successful. If any one who is not comfortable with Purpose Black Ethiopia project he/she can leave the project. One thing that we have to consider is Dr Fiseha and his colleagues can be successful because he is risk taker entrepreneur.
ጎበዝ ጋዜጠኛ! ዶክተሩ "አበዳሪንና" (if his building is given as a collatoral then the "investor" is a "lienholder/mortgagee" NOT an "investor.") "ኢንቨስተርን" መለየት አይችልም። He seems to be playing a ponzi scheme with the "real estate" business.
Precisely. He knows too well that people are desperate so he is simply telling them what they want to hear. People are expected to have an apartment unit at the price of 1.5 million Birr which is not gonna happen. He is a Con Artist.
If the tower costs 60 billion to build and you are selling 1.5 million, that means the tower needs to have 40,000 units just to break even. There is no way you can build 40,000 units in the tower. This never made sense. Numbers don’t lie. It turned out to be a big scam as suspected,
His dream won't come true. This is very difficult to manage. Expanded , uncontrolled project will fail. Wait 5 years. I wish him all the best. But the reality is that do only what it can be managed. Take for example CCD housing project in legetafo. Investors haven't received their houses for more than 10 years, very difficult to deal with the Comany. Sweet deals , too good to be true, shall be seen seriously.
Do not fooled by this guy? See his track records. He took all the money from the diaspora. No where's to be found. What about the money he collected for real estate.
Scammers are budding in Ethiopia....Dave you are a great investigative journalist!! If anyone hear this interview attentively he dare not invest!!! The greatest ponzi scheme is unfolding in our country -The farmer's life won't change -the investors won't get their money -The so called home owners won't get their keys Only the founders will redeem the money!!!
On point! Sad thing is, not all people can comprehend the dream is more of a nightmare. Relying on hopes that won’t materialize for all the farmers and the investors getting scammed in a broad daylight while the people raising the capital including the CEO flying off with the money. Need to wake up
Boy, he quickly turned defensive and made the business environment in the country as an excuse. Should he have not studied that before??? Was every potential risk disclosed, as a prospectus (he is a phd and a businessman and should know), to the potential investor before taking money from the public??? Btw, a business plan (if he ever had one to start with) should be changed as little as possible. This is going to age as bad as a glass of milk sitting outside!
Try to understand the business model it's market place model works all over the world but new for us so every business have its own challenge but the vision is Grand all over Africa and Black people everywhere
In my opinion the problem is,Vast majority of our people specially the farmers are not capable of analyzing the buiness trend and potential risk on any kind of investment .on Top of that, there is no strong controlling mechanism regarding stock market in Ethiopia. Using this two advantage,Dr Fesha is saleing his dream. He also uses all kind of loopholes in advance to defend himself in case he fail to deliver his dream. Yes it is true that investors need to know what they are buying ,the point is ,do we have real,sting and transparent government agency who can back up the people ? For example there is big agency called Security and Exchange Commotion (SEC) in the USA, it’s responsibility is to secure the public interest on stock market .
Please do not attempt to deceive people. Professional dishonesty is the worst kind of abuse. With deceptive advertising, you can't succeed in business. You may succeed in fooling some initially, but you loose trust in the majority when everyone finds out that you were attempting to deceive. After that, no matter what you do, people won't trust you. If there is no trust, nobody is going to do business with you. What is the guarantee that you don't advertise inferior quality product as being superior, again? For example what is the guarantee that you don't dilute milk with water, if your mantra is making money no matter which way?
@Happy-xm3qb, Are you a shareholder? If not, then mind your own business! You have no right to comment, besides you are not representing anyone but you. Therefore, use a singular pronoun “ I” . Don’t generalize! The last statement you made is shows how filthy your mind is . I am a shareholder, if you don’t trust the company then go somewhere else! Clean up your mind!
He is a lier. How come he rented v8 car 8kbirr per day using public money? He signed for 10 years from his company. He is fake and the truth will come soon.
ግን ጋዜጠኛው በርታ አንደኛ ነህ ለኔ አንተ ጥሩ ሰው ነህ በርታ ለእውነት ይኑርህ በርታ
I wish purpose black success. I know their dream is big but nothing is impossible in business. Also big respect for the journalist.
i know a lot of challenges in Ethiopia but be strong and achieve your vision keep up the good work!
I found this interview very interesting and excellent conversations on both sides as a public journalist and businessman. 👏 good job. I don't know this, Dr. But I expect very useful tangible community services from him as his conversations.
He is the founder of Unity University
Let's support the grand vision for all Black people,my best wish for all purpose black
board of directors and CEO D.r Fesseha Eshetu.
ok aftr ĺ9999999lĺĺĺll
He is the best gay God bless him he has a big vision for Ethiopia we need to support him
Correction: not "gay " the right word is "guy"
እረ በምታውቂው ቋንቋ ተጠቀሚ ውይ አስተካክይው
gay??? OMG😂😂😂
gay means
እኔ የምለው ለምንድን ነው አስር ፕሮጀክት ከመጀመር እና ግራ ከመጋባት ቀስ በቀስ ሂደት ታይቶ ሌሎችን ማስጀመር ይሻላል ባይ ነኝ ነገር ግን የደሀውን ብር ሰብስቦ ከዛ በኃላ ግራ ማጋባት ልክ አይመስለኝም
😂 ሌቦች ናቸው
ምርጥ ከሚገርም የቢዝነስ ብቃትና አስተውሎት ጋር የተግባር ሰው በዛ
ላይ መልካም አስተሳሰብ ብሩህ አእምሮህ የቀና ልብ ባለቤት። ይሳካለታል ምናለበሉኝ!!!
ዶክተር ፍሰሀን በተቻለን ሁሉመመርዳትና ሀሳቡን ከግብ እንዲያደርስ ከጎኑ መቆም አለብን
ፐርፐዝ ብላክ የሚቀይሳቸው መንገዶች ሁሉ ትክክለኛ ናቸው
Dr Fisseha is a very optimistic person, which I think makes him naive at times. Like he said, people should take full responsibility for their decision to invest in his vision as long as he didn’t break the law. You can’t sue him for selling you a dream.
ትክክል ነው ዶክተር እየሰራህ ያለኸው ነገር ጥሩ ነው በርታ ::
ደስ የሚል ቃለምልልስ ነው ። ለድርጅቱ መልካም ነገር ሁሉ እንዲሆንላቸው እመኛለሁ ።
He has big vision most not support him . Please give time and help for him to succeeded. Dr also don't open several investment at the same time stick on few be successful then jump to other level .
Verry great project
He is wonderful manager
ኢትዮጲያ ውስጥ ያለው ኋላ ቀር ቢሮክራሲ የንግድና ኢንቨስትመንት ዋና ማነቆ ነው።የለም፣አይቻልም፣እምቢ፣አልፈርምም የመሳሰሉት ስራ ገዳይ ተውሳኮች ከባለስልጣናትና ሀላፊዎች ምቀኝነትና የብቃት ማነስ የሚመነጩ ዋና የንግድ እንቅፋቶች ናቸው
ሰወች አክሲዮን ከመግዛታቸው በፊት አዋጭነቱን አመዛዝነው መወሰን አለባቸው:: ከገዙ በሁአላ ተታለልኩ አይሰራም::
አንዲት ነገር መስራት የማይችል እንኩቶ ማህበረሰብ..... በሚሰሩ ሰዎች ላይ perfection መጠበቁ ይገርመኛል!! They don’t even know the future is full of uncertainty!! በፈረሰች አገር ውስጥ... እነ ዶ/ር ፍስሃ እንደዚህ ambitious የሆነ business ውስጥ መግባታቸው... ያሳዝኑኛል!! ጋዜጠኛ ተብዬዎቹ ... ግን Scandinavian countries ውስጥ የሚኖሩ ነው የሚመስለው!!
ያልሸዉ ጥሩ ነበር ዶክተሩ ታማኝ ቢሆን ነበር ያልሸዉ ጥሩ ነበር ግን እሱ ሰራዉ ገንዘብ መሰብሰብ ብቻ ነዉ ሌላ ሰራ የለዉም 3000 ሰዉ ቀጥሮ አክሲዬን መሸጥ ነዉ ሰራዉ
ግን እራሰሸን ጠየቂ ሰዉዬዉ ሁለት ቢሊዬን ብር ሰብሰቢየለሁ ብሎዋል ታድያ በዝያ ገንዘብ ሰራ ሰርቶ ማሳየት አቅቶት ነዉ
ዶክተር በጣም ትልቅ ሠው ነህ ,ኢትዮጵያ ሠላም እንኳን ብትሆን የነዛ ዶንቆሮ ባለሥልጣንት ቢሮክራሢ ማለፍ ራሡ ትልቅ ሥኬት ነው።
እኔ ፍራንቻይዝድ ከገዛት ውስጥ ነኝ በየ ሶስት ወር እንከፍላለን ግን በአመት አንዴ ብቻ ነው የምንከፍለው ብለውኛል ካስፈለገ ስም መስጠት እችላለሁ :: ዶ/ር ፍስሃ ምናልባት ኤጀንቶችን በፊት ሹ።
Tirfama sihone new engi arata abedari mesloh new ende gebgaba
This guy must be arrested asap. He had bad track records with unity university
Rather than trash talking on individuals. Give us 1234 reasons to support your argument. Unity university is a success story not a bad track record.
@@demessiedea9227give 1234 reason why unity university is success, rather than saying tututut…
እር እኔ ፍራሁ ምክንያቱም እክሲዬን ገዘቻለሁ የተባለው ከአንድ አመት ነበር ይተባለው አር ጉበዝ
በጣም የማከብረውና የምወደው ሰው. የቋንቋ መምህሬ ዶ/ር ፍሰሃ እሸቱ ዛሬ በሰው አገር እንደልቤ ሃሳቤን ለመግለፅ መሰረት የሆንከኝ አመሰግናለሁ።
ፒያሳ ቋንቋ ትምህርት ቤት ?
አዎ ፒያሳ ልክ ነህ። ክረምት ላይ ት/ቤት ሲዘጋ ካለሁበት ከተማ ለዕረፍት አዲስ አበባ ስመጣ እማር ነበር።
Excellent plan!
Why do I see Ermias Amelga of access realestate in this man?
ma men!
Strong Journalist actually. Let the others too have such like habits.
Men ainet ye hesan sera new .
Aksion seshetu yaserdut lala
.Ahunes kezet becha hone.
Dr Fiseha is Great person who think for Ethiopians that can improve their life. So Please don't disturb him and he become successful. If any one who is not comfortable with Purpose Black Ethiopia project he/she can leave the project. One thing that we have to consider is Dr Fiseha and his colleagues can be successful because he is risk taker entrepreneur.
ዶክተር ምንም ችግር ቢመጣ ተሥፋ አትቁረጥ ,ሀሣብ በጣም የምራል።
I love this journalist ❤❤❤❤
Iconic ❤✅
I love his journalist it you are a talking tarot
ይህ ሰውዬ ቀለም እይለዋወጠ ሰዉን ይዘርፈዋል 😢
እውነትን ይዞ የሚሰራ እስከመጨረሻው ያሽንፋል ዶክተር ፍሰሀ በጣም አከብሮታለሁ
አቤት የኛ ሃገር ጋዜጠኝነት ጨቅጫቃ! ጥሩ ሃሳብ ነው ይሳካላችሁ የምንለው መቸ ነው? የግድ መሟገት አለብን እንዴ?
as expected -- he ran away with public money?
ኧረ እኔም ሼር መግዛት እፈልጋለው የት ነው ቢሮው?
ዋና መስሪያ ቤታችን የሚገኘዉ ሜክሲኮ ከህብረት ባንክ ዋና መስሪያ ቤት አጠገብ ያለዉ ህንፃ ላይ ነን ለተጨማሪ መረጃ በ ዜሮ ዘጠኝ ሰባአምስት ሰባሰባት ሰባስምንት ሰባ ዘጠኝ ይደዉሉ
ኢዮብ (የ ፐርፐዝ ብላክ አክሲዮን አማካሪ)
Stop laying people.
Yesu office serategnch nachew begideta eyegebu comment yemiyadergut.
Please use Amharic words when asking and answering otherwise, change the interview in English.
Thanks for your understanding.
With respect,
አቶ ቶሾመ እሰቲ Ponzi scheme በአማርኛ ይተርጎሙልኝ ቁጭ በሉ ልበለዉ ሾሾ ልበለዉ አረ ምን ልበለዉ ማጭበርበር ልበለዉ እሰቲ ጀባ በለኝ የአማርኛን ትርጉሙን ለዚህ መልሰ ካልሰጠህ የምታወራዉን አታቅም ማለት ነዉ
ዶ/ር ፍስሃ ሐበሻ ሲሚንቶን ሰላም ይበሉልኝ!በአክሲዮን ስም በተለያየ ምክኒያት የተጎዳን ህዝብ ጥቂት ሃብታሞች ተሰባስባችሁ ትዘርፉታላችሁ።በቀጣይ ኦህዴድ ከፈቀደልህ ሐበሻ ሲሚንቶን በህግም ጭምር ጠይቅልን።።
ጎበዝ ጋዜጠኛ! ዶክተሩ "አበዳሪንና" (if his building is given as a collatoral then the "investor" is a "lienholder/mortgagee" NOT an "investor.") "ኢንቨስተርን" መለየት አይችልም። He seems to be playing a ponzi scheme with the "real estate" business.
Precisely. He knows too well that people are desperate so he is simply telling them what they want to hear. People are expected to have an apartment unit at the price of 1.5 million Birr which is not gonna happen. He is a Con Artist.
ዶ/ር ፍሰሀ ኤርሚያስ አማልጋን ሰላም በሉልኝ 🤣
go forward Purpose Black
የመሬት ጨረታ አሸንፋለን ብለዋል በሌላ በኩል ደሞ ስለ ቦታ ለዝ ክፍያ ሲጠየቁ ከግለሰብ የገዛነው ቦታ ነው ብለዋል። ይህ ትንሽ ብዥታ ይፈጥራል። ጋዜጠኛውን ማድነቅ እፈልጋለሁ ይችን ጉዳይ ግን ባለማስተዋል ሳይጠራ የታለፈ ይመስለኛል።
ጋዜጠኛውን ሳላደንቅ አላልፍም እንደ አንዷ ሼር ሆልደር በጥያቄዎቹ እና በዶክተር ፍስሀ መልስ እረክቻለሁ ነገር ግን አንድ ጋዜጠኛው ሚስ ያረጋት ጥያቄ ዶር ፍስሀ እንዲመልሱት የምፈልገው " ምናልባት የታሰበው 60 ቢልዬን ብር ባሰቡት መንገድ ባይሰበሰብ ምንድን ነው ፕላን B ያዘጋጁት ህንፃውን ለመገንባት" የሚለውን የዚህን ጥያቄ ምላሽ በጣም መስማት እፈልጋለሁ።
የወያኔ መንግሰት አሜሪካ ላይ የአባይን ቦንድ ሲሸጥ የግብፅ ተቀጣሪዎች አሳብቀዉበት ኢትዬጵያ 5 ሚሊዬን ደላር ተቀጥተዋል
ወንድሜ ማንም ተነሰቶ ገንዘብ መሰብሰብ አይችልም መመዝገብ አለበት Securities underwriting investment bank አክሲዬኑ ካልተሸጠ ባንኩ ይገዛና በኃላ ቀሰ እያለ ለሕዝብ ይሸጣል ወይ ደግሞ 90% አክሲዬን ቢሸጥ እንኳን ሙሉ በመሉ ሰላልተሸጠ ገንዘቡ ተመላሸ ይሆናል፠ ገብቶሻል ፕርፕዝ ብላክ አይደለም አክሲዬኑን የሚሸጠዉ ገንዘቡ ካልሞላ ተመላሸ ያረጋል ባንኩ በዚህ ሰምምነት እንግዲህ ፕርፕዝ ብላክ 10 ቢሊዬን እሰበሰባለሁ ብሎ90% አይደለም 10% ነዉ የሰበሰበዉ ሰለዚህ ገንዠቡ መመለሰ ነበረበት ገንዘቡ ባንክ ጋ ቢኖር ባንኩ ደንታ አይሰጠዉም ይመልሰ ነበር
አሁንም ይህ ሰዉዬ በነፃ መሬት ማግኘት አለበት ወይ ባልተጋነነ ዋጋ መሬቱን መግዛት አለበት ሲቀጥል መሬቱን በግልፅ መጠቆም አለበት ሲቆፈር መሰረት ሲያወጣ የተወሰነ አክሲዬን ደረጃ በደረጃ ቢሸጥ አሰር ሚሊዬን አክሲዬን ባንዴ እንዳይሸጥ ገንዘብ በሚያሰፈልገዉ ደረጃ ብቻ ቢዋጣ ጥሩ ነበር
ሌላዉ እንዴት አርጎነዉ የ30 ሚሊዬን ቤት በሁለት ሚሊዬን መሸጥ የሚችለዉ 87.9% የቤት ዕቃዎች ከዉጭ ነዉ የሚመጡት የባኞ ቤት ዕቃዎች በቀላሉ ሀገር ዉሰጥ ይሰራል ብዙ ወጪ ቀናሸ ተጠቅሞ ዋጋዉን ሊያረክሰ ይችላል ግን አነገረንም ሰለዚህ ጠንቀቅ ነዉ
If the tower costs 60 billion to build and you are selling 1.5 million, that means the tower needs to have 40,000 units just to break even. There is no way you can build 40,000 units in the tower. This never made sense. Numbers don’t lie. It turned out to be a big scam as suspected,
ዶ/ር በጣም ጥሩ እየሰራህ ነው በርታልን ወንድማችን ሰው ከመተቸት ወደ ኋላ አይልም
የቢዝነሰ ሰዎች እንደፓሰተሮች ተሰፋ የሚሸጡት እንዴ አረወየው😢
በሀገራችን ስለአክሲዮን ገበያ በቂ ግንዛቤ ሊኖር ይገባል።መሰረታዊ የሆነው የማትረፍና የመክሰር የንግድ ባሕሪ የአክሲዮን ገበያንም ይመለከተዋል።አክስዮን ስንገዛ መቶ ፐርሰንት እናተርፋለን የሚል ሕልም ካለን ስህተቱ የኛ ነው።ማትረፍ እንዳለ ሁሉ መክሰርም ሊኖር ይችላል።
ትልቅ ቪዥን
ትንሽ ፋይናንስ
ሳክስ የበዛበት ሀሳብ ነው
መቼም ይሄን ምስክን ህዝብ አረሱት😬
His dream won't come true. This is very difficult to manage. Expanded , uncontrolled project will fail. Wait 5 years. I wish him all the best. But the reality is that do only what it can be managed. Take for example CCD housing project in legetafo. Investors haven't received their houses for more than 10 years, very difficult to deal with the Comany. Sweet deals , too good to be true, shall be seen seriously.
Pre Audit is against the principle of auditing (Independence).
Alahamdulilla balememezgebe sisema des bilogn nebere gin be 1.5 million birr ayitasebim
ጎበዝ ጋዜጠኛ !!!🎉🎉🎉
Yamalalachawma Eqdh Nawa Ene Erasu Akseyonun Gazchalahu
Do not fooled by this guy? See his track records. He took all the money from the diaspora. No where's to be found. What about the money he collected for real estate.
አንድ ሰዉ ከአንድ አ.ማ አክሲዮን ሲገዛ : እንደ ነገሩ ሁኔታ የአ.ማሩን ትርፍ/ኪሳራ ይጋራል ማለት ነዉ። ሰዉየዉ በንግድ ድርጅትና በቤት ስራ ማህበር መካከል ያለውን ልዩነት ቀላቅሎ እያወናበደበት ነው።
The interviewer is very rude!
Share holder do have a lot of business perspective
ኮንዶሚኒየም ግዙ እያለ ግን በህግ እንዳይጠየቅ intentionally የድርጁቱን አክሲዮን እያስፈረመ ለህዝብ የሚሸጥ ህሊና የሌለው ምሁር😅😮 የደሀ ገንዘብ ዘርፎ ጠፋ ። አይቅናህ።
እድሜ ለፖለቲከኞቻችን trust issue ተጠቂ ከሆንን ቆይተናል እንኳን የመንግስት ባለስልጣን አይደለም ማንም ቢመጣ ለማመን ይከብደኛል
የሚሰራ ሰው ትልቅ ሀሳብ
Scammers are budding in Ethiopia....Dave you are a great investigative journalist!!
If anyone hear this interview attentively he dare not invest!!!
The greatest ponzi scheme is unfolding in our country
-The farmer's life won't change
-the investors won't get their money
-The so called home owners won't get their keys
Only the founders will redeem the money!!!
On point! Sad thing is, not all people can comprehend the dream is more of a nightmare. Relying on hopes that won’t materialize for all the farmers and the investors getting scammed in a broad daylight while the people raising the capital including the CEO flying off with the money. Need to wake up
የኢትዮጵያ ህዝብ በቀላሉ በአፈቀላጤዎች እየቀለጠ እስከመቼ ያለቅሳል።
እጁን ተጠምዞ አልገባም አለቀ!
Gobez neh gazeteyaw Enem aksiwen segeza endeza neber yaloug be 3 wer terf mekefafel endemigemer ena be amet lelochachu endateshewedeu
Boy, he quickly turned defensive and made the business environment in the country as an excuse. Should he have not studied that before??? Was every potential risk disclosed, as a prospectus (he is a phd and a businessman and should know), to the potential investor before taking money from the public??? Btw, a business plan (if he ever had one to start with) should be changed as little as possible. This is going to age as bad as a glass of milk sitting outside!
Try to understand the business model it's market place model works all over the world but new for us so every business have its own challenge but the vision is Grand all over Africa and Black people everywhere
In my opinion the problem is,Vast majority of our people specially the farmers are not capable of analyzing the buiness trend and potential risk on any kind of investment .on Top of that, there is no strong controlling mechanism regarding stock market in Ethiopia. Using this two advantage,Dr Fesha is saleing his dream. He also uses all kind of loopholes in advance to defend himself in case he fail to deliver his dream. Yes it is true that investors need to know what they are buying ,the point is ,do we have real,sting and transparent government agency who can back up the people ? For example there is big agency called Security and Exchange Commotion (SEC) in the USA, it’s responsibility is to secure the public interest on stock market .
Once a conman anyways one
OMG leba new::
ይድረስ ለብአዴን ዳግማዊ ሂትለር አብይ አህመድ አሊ በአማራ እስረኞች ላይ አፋቸውን ከፍተው ሽንት እንዲሽናባቸው አደረገ ጥፋራቸውን አስነቀለ ሴት እህቶቻችን በድብደባ ብዛት ፅንሳቸው እንዲጨናገፍ ተደረገ የ 60 አመት እናት ልብሳቸውን አውልቀው እንዲገረፍ ተደረገ አማራ ላይ የተደረገ ግፍ ቃላት እንኳን የማይገልፁት ደረጃ ላይ ደረስ ይኽንኑ ወንጀል የፈፀሙት የዳግማዊ ሂትለር አብይ አህመድ አሊ አራዊት ሰራዊት አማራ ክልል ገብቷል
እየፈሩ ነው አፋቸውን እንዲሸኑ የሚፈቅዱላቸው?
@@girmaabdi182 ይኸን የፃፍኩት ለገዳይ ለአስገዳይ ወይም ለደጋፊዎቻቸው አይደለም እናንተማ ስራችሁ ነው ታውቁታላችሁ ለማያውቁት ከሰው ጋር እየኖሩ ለሚመስላቸው ሰዎች ነው ምክንያቱም እንደዚህ አይነት ወንጀሎች ሰው በሆኑ ፍጡራን አይሰራም
@@Abebebelow እውነተኛ ትመስላለህ።
Please do not attempt to deceive people. Professional dishonesty is the worst kind of abuse. With deceptive advertising, you can't succeed in business. You may succeed in fooling some initially, but you loose trust in the majority when everyone finds out that you were attempting to deceive. After that, no matter what you do, people won't trust you. If there is no trust, nobody is going to do business with you. What is the guarantee that you don't advertise inferior quality product as being superior, again? For example what is the guarantee that you don't dilute milk with water, if your mantra is making money no matter which way?
Are you a shareholder? If not, then mind your own business! You have no right to comment, besides you are not representing anyone but you. Therefore, use a singular pronoun “ I” . Don’t generalize!
The last statement you made is shows how filthy your mind is .
I am a shareholder, if you don’t trust the company then go somewhere else! Clean up your mind!
ለገዳዩ ለዳግማዊ ሂትለር አብይ አህመድ አሊ ስልጣን ብላቸሁ የአማራ ህዝብ ላይ ጦር የምታዘምቱ የአማራ ባለስልጣናት ደጋግማችሁ ብታስቡ መልካም ነው ዳግማዊ ሂትለር አብይ አህመድ አሊ የማይሆን ትዕዛዝ ሰጥቶ እናንተን ከወንድሞቻችሁ ጋር የሚያዋጋችሁ የእናንተን ህይወት ከጉዳይ ስለማይቆጥር ነው ስለዚህ ለህይወታችሁ ዋጋ ሰጡ ይኸው በእናንተ ሞት ኦነጐችን ስብስቦ እነዚህን ነፍጠኞች አጫ ረስኳቸው እያለ እንደሚያላግጥ ቦታው የነበሩ ስማቸው እማልጠቅሳቸው ሰው መስክረዋል
አትፍራ ግፋ ካለ እጅህን መሰጠት ነዉ አትቧቅበቅ ገና ጦሩ ሳይመጣ
Let me advise to the share holder ,get your money back now before too late
አይ ጭንቄ ዶክተር አቦ ይመችህ።
😂😂😂ከመቼ ወዲ ነው ሜካናይዝድ ህርሻና የታወር ሪል ስቴት ሀብረው የሚሄደው??😂😁😁😁😂😂ሰውዬው ወደ 300 ቢሊዬን ካፒታል ህንሰበስባለን ሀለን ለመሆኑ ስንት የውጪ ምንዛሪ ያስፈልገናል ብለው ተምነዋል??😁😁😁አይመስለኝም😁😁😁😂
ስልሳ ሁለት ሚሊዮን ብር ኪሳራ፣ በቀን ስምንመቶ ሺ የቅንጡ መኪና ኪራይ፣ አንድ መቶ ሺህ ብር ለገዛ ባለ አክሲዮን የአንድ ሚሊዮን ሰርተፍኬት መስጠት፣ ይሄ ሁሉ ወጪ ካክሲዮን ሽያጭ መሆኑ ተዘነጋና አሁንም እድገት ላይ ነን ብሎ መዋሸት ምን አመጣው?
ባለ 3 መኝታ ቤት 7 ሚሊዮን ብር ማግኘት ይቻላል
Messy..so confused, sounds like a car crash waiting to happen or underway..
Why do you give interview do what you think silently.
ገንዘቡን ቀርጥፍ አርጎ ሲበላዉ ለምን ድርጅትህ ከሰረ ሲባል ተረባረቡብኝ ሚድያዎቹ መሰራት አልቻልኩም ሰለዚህ ወደቅሁ ይልሻል እከሳለሁኝ የወሩበኝ ገንዘብ አዋጡ ይለናል
ያቀዱትን 10,000,000,000 ብር አክስዮን ገና ሳይሰበስቡ 100,000,000,000 ብር አክስዮን እንሰበስባለን የሚል ቅዤት ነው የሚያወራው።
This guy is scams those poor farmers and know he came up with real state?
stay away from scammers
tiff company
የተበላ እቅብ 😢
Ehe Gazexagna Semach Abo Ymachh Enkanm Afaxaxkaw
😂😂😂😏ህንዴት ነው የመንግስት ሚኒስቴሮችና ባንኮች በበላይ ተቆጣጠሪ የሚሆኑት የአክስዬን ማእበርን😂😂😂😂😂😂የመንግስት ሚኒስትሪዎችማ በየበኩላችው የሚያደርጉት የመቆጣጠር ያደርጋሉ።
Shebaw achbarbari yimaslal
በኦሮሙማ ዘመን አማራ ሆኖ ኢትዬጲያ ውስጥ ኢንቨስት የሚያደርግ ሰው በፍጹም አይገባኝም
እኔም አገባኝም ያንተ ጀላጅልነት ታድያ ጎንደር ላይ ኢንቨሰት ታረጋለህ ወይሰ እንደኢሐፓ ትምህርት ከድል በኃላ ብለህ ሳትማር ትቀራለህ
በጣም ጎበዝ ጋዜጠኛ ነህ ሳላመሰግንህ አላልፍም በርታ ሌሎችንም ጉዳዮች ለማቅረብ ሞክር።
leba hula
Hasbu saygeban dabo bekededew afe mawrat aykebdem
This guy always exaggerate everything
ሌቦችን እንዲህ ወጥሩልን ። ደግሞ እኮ ድርቀቱ
Be dehoch genzeb lai sak becha.
ኤርሚያስ አመልጋ
😁😁😁😁የ60 ቢሊዬን ታወር😁😂😂😂😂በደደቦቾ የምትመራ አገር ሆነች ኢትዬ😂😂😂በጣም የውጭ ምንዛሪ ህጥረት ሀስፈላጊ ህቃዎችን ለማስመጣት ለሀንድ ታወር ስራ ላይ ማውጣት ደደብነት ድንቁርና ነው😁😁😂😂😂😂
አይ ፍስሃ ዝም ብለህ አታምታ
He is a lier. How come he rented v8 car 8kbirr per day using public money? He signed for 10 years from his company. He is fake and the truth will come soon.
Be alubalta yemetmera denbara sew satatara zem belh tikededalh
ምንም እንኳን የፕርፕዝ ብላክ አጋፋሪ ብትሆንም ያልከዉ ትክክል ነዉ መሰሪያ ቤቱ ለCEO መኪና ካልገዛ ለማን ሊገዛ ነዉ ወይሰ በአቶቢሰ ይሂድ? አልከባኝም መኪና በቀን ይከራያል ከተባለ ማሰረጃ መቅረብ አለበት አለበለዚያ ሐሜት ነዉ
ይሄ ቂጡላይ አሮ የደረቀበት ጠያቂ የምታወራውን አያቀውም ዝም ብሎ ነው ፍጥጥ ብሎ የሚያይህ
ሌባ ነው።