10 Movie Industry Secrets You Didn't Know

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024


  • @gakabler
    @gakabler 4 роки тому +163

    The entire CAST of Les Miserables wore earpieces to hear the piano score to sing live to. The orchestral score was overdubbed later.

    • @suicidebylifestyle9267
      @suicidebylifestyle9267 4 роки тому +16

      I don't get why this is being portrayed as a dirty secret or something, it makes perfect sense to me.

    • @zaasfromparis
      @zaasfromparis 4 роки тому +9

      Yeah and I thought Johnny was a good actor but knowing now he didn’t even rehearsed his scenes and read them is incredible !! I mean its close to improv !!

    • @dillanconrad
      @dillanconrad 4 роки тому +3

      Well, that sure didnt help make that movie good.

    • @zaasfromparis
      @zaasfromparis 4 роки тому +1

      Endo33 what if you think acting with month of rehearsal is more difficult than improv then you know nothing about acting !

    • @KDP_Beaver
      @KDP_Beaver 3 роки тому

      @ Conviction. Anyone can just say the words, but the talent is in making you believe it.

  • @jonnytolley1
    @jonnytolley1 4 роки тому +166

    In the 1940s and 50s, actors were given shots of Methamphetamine when their energy was low. They were told it was Vitamin b-12.

    • @chrissyhill7890
      @chrissyhill7890 4 роки тому +5

      I've heard that

    • @chrissyhill7890
      @chrissyhill7890 4 роки тому +14

      I believe also because they where so methed up some actors during that time work for over 24 hours straight

    • @adamgray1753
      @adamgray1753 4 роки тому +13

      "Meth... Makes a Hollywood production chaotically hilarious!", @@chrissyhill7890. lol

    • @chrissyhill7890
      @chrissyhill7890 4 роки тому +11

      @Kathleen Henson yeah I believe they gave her diet pills so she could fit into Dorothy's costume. Then she became addicted

    • @theshevirgo
      @theshevirgo 4 роки тому +13

      Chrissy Hill it actually started with her mom, pep pills to keep her awake, pills for her weight then a downer to go to sleep.

  • @jasonsimmons7479
    @jasonsimmons7479 4 роки тому +250

    Actually it makes perfect sense that scores would be done at the end. How else could they match the pace and tension of the movie?

    • @andreasmeelie1889
      @andreasmeelie1889 4 роки тому +11

      Yeah, I actually was thinking the same exact thing.

    • @kylievanaltena7977
      @kylievanaltena7977 4 роки тому +8

      There are cases - all be it rare ones - where the music is done first for some scenes because it is such an important part of the film

    • @andreasmeelie1889
      @andreasmeelie1889 4 роки тому +1

      Kylie Van Altena I think I heard something like that somewhere too.

    • @kylievanaltena7977
      @kylievanaltena7977 4 роки тому +4

      @@andreasmeelie1889 yeah I'm pretty sure it happened for the dance scene of Joker. Could be wrong though

    • @andreasmeelie1889
      @andreasmeelie1889 4 роки тому +1

      Kylie Van Altena I should look that up it sounds cool.😍

  • @thebookwasbetter3650
    @thebookwasbetter3650 4 роки тому +11

    6:00 CPA here. I've done the Hollywood accounting before. I'll try to explain it. Basically it's how much overhead you assign to a movie project. Star Wars for example. The cost of the light saber, the locations in Spain and the crew are obviously direct costs to the project. But what about the Disney headquarters, the accountants, lawyers, IT, the CEO's salary. The project technically benefits from some of that so a proportion should be allocated. What if new cameras are bought for the Star Wars movie that can be used on other subsequent Disney films? Do you allocate the cost evenly or maybe accelerate the amount for Star Wars since the value of the camera depreciates fastest in the first year? All sorts of overhead items you can allocate and justify. And if you had 10 objective accountants prepare the project P&L you'd have ten different amounts of profit.
    Understand this is completely separate from GAAP and financial disclosures to the SEC and shareholders. It's perfectly legal and quite common in all industries and I definitely would not label it as 'cooking the books'. And yes if you have a goal in mind then your objective mind tends to flop on that side of the fence.
    My personal experience- I worked for an IT staffing company and our biggest client was IBM. They really slapped us around as a small vendor and had some outrageous things written into their contract. One of them was benchmark reporting. This meant that we had to report our profits we made on them. You bet we loaded the report with as many overhead costs as we could justify. If we simply showed our revenues and direct costs it looked like we were making money off them and they would use that during the next negotiation of contract. So was part of the CEO's pay used for the IBM contract? What portion of the corp hq building was used to support that client? Umbrella insurance, my cost of putting the report together, cleaning lady, ect. Yes we loaded all of those into our IBM P&L.
    A good fix that protects people like Tom Cruise and Keanue Reeves from Hollywood accounting is to have your contract based on gross revenues, not profits. Those are a lot harder to manipulate and hide.

  • @dannycarrington1601
    @dannycarrington1601 4 роки тому +5

    Film composers are rarely given much time to complete their scores. The preview screening of "Gone With The Wind" used Alfred Newman's score for "The Prisoner of Zenda" because Max Steiner had not yet competed the score for GWTW. Trailers rarely use music from a film's score because the trailer is often made while the score is still being composed.

  • @irkmcspamtroll2556
    @irkmcspamtroll2556 4 роки тому +86

    I've saved a lot of money knowing how dumb some movies are from the trailers that show everything.

  • @Bassquake76
    @Bassquake76 4 роки тому +91

    Horner did such a good job for Aliens. Music can really enhance a movie but is often overlooked.

    • @brianartillery
      @brianartillery 4 роки тому

      Interestingly, large parts of Horner's score for 'Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan' (1982), are identical for his score for 'Battle Beyond The Stars' (1980).

    • @rickc2102
      @rickc2102 4 роки тому +4

      I can't count how many times I've heard bits of the Aliens score used to enhance other movies' trailers.

    • @RazorFoxDV
      @RazorFoxDV 4 роки тому +2

      A truly good movie score should go unnoticed. If done right, it becomes an integral part of the experience. A bad score is one that jumps out at you and takes your focus away from the story.

    • @adamvialpando106
      @adamvialpando106 4 роки тому +1

      Sound design in general is such an underrated part of movies. The sounds, or in some cases the lack thereof, can really impact the feel of a movie.
      Like in Haywire with Gina Carano. Although not the best film I did enjoy the action and how there wasn't much extra sound added to the fight. Not saying it's better since sounds can aid a fight but I did enjoy the difference.

    • @dixonbutts800
      @dixonbutts800 4 роки тому

      @@RazorFoxDV 💯

  • @Joker_JAK
    @Joker_JAK 4 роки тому +45

    Hmmm... I've seen many interviews with actors saying that the sex scene(s) was the first thing filmed. They talk about how awkward it is to meet the person and then immediately have to shoot an intimate scene.

    • @Island-Girl
      @Island-Girl 4 роки тому +6

      I was going to say the same thing.

    • @selderane
      @selderane 4 роки тому +5

      I suppose the intent is to do it as late as possible, but then things happen...

    • @jennyj8575
      @jennyj8575 4 роки тому +9

      At the very beginning of shooting Call Me By Your Name the director asked Timothee Chalamet & Armie Hammer to make out passionately in the grass. After they started kissing, he left without a word and they didn’t realize it for like 10 minutes 😂

    • @michaeldougan4515
      @michaeldougan4515 4 роки тому +4

      See my post as to WHY Sex Scenes are nearly always shot FIRST. In short - it is insurance against an actor changing their mind and extorting the film company.

    • @DenverStarkey
      @DenverStarkey 4 роки тому

      were they porn actors ?

  • @DarthArachnious
    @DarthArachnious 4 роки тому +26

    While filming, Telly Savalas used to put his lines on the glass in his window on Kojack. That's why Kojack is always looking out the window, but never opened the blinds.

  • @Starmadien2019
    @Starmadien2019 4 роки тому +47

    #6 I feel like it should be higher on this list. I mean hell lying to get away with not paying your crew and actors/ress that's cold.

    • @rissarinde8922
      @rissarinde8922 4 роки тому +4

      Remember the adds that said Pirate movies were taking money away from the crew?... yeah.... never bought the idea that multimillion dollar projects needed my $7.

    • @ablemagawitch
      @ablemagawitch 4 роки тому +6

      Titanic has never made profit despite being one of the most profitable box office returns on initial costs. The director even forgoes his pay rate to produce the film the way he wanted and made it back on the back end with a percentage of box office .
      People think entertainment industry unions are bad but they have to literally spell out smallest details, like that deli meat and cheese slices must fit a slice of bread and what a "normal" sandwich slice of bread is or your meal during working 20 hour days without real meal breaks, get crap like literally one finger sandwich per person . What wrong, they provided a "sandwich per person" which is a "meal" per contract..... . Look up "concert riders" and you'll see what seem like diva terms, like some artists demand all furniture most be white, that so they can't use dark furniture to hide the filth and body fluid stains from furniture that sits backstage and is covered in disease and filth. Never cleaned and not replaced until made to. Often in locker rooms that smell of sweat and urine...... A lot of the asinine stuff was written into future contracts because they dealt with Promoters and Producers who were more crooked the slimiest lawyers....
      Hollywood book keeping is something else and they do percentages on the returns so that all of it goes somewhere, so very few films every turn a profit. At least on the official books shown to the tax man & public..... No politician would dare goes up against the media empire if they have visions of running a reelection....

  • @dmutant2635
    @dmutant2635 4 роки тому +19

    Back in the 60's Mad Magazine had subtle background scene in one there movie-spoof cartoons, that included a sprinkler truck in a city at night, identified as belonging to a company called: Making it Look Like it Just Rained Co. A guy next to it is hosing down the street.
    Good stuff.

    • @Teebiscuit12345
      @Teebiscuit12345 4 роки тому +1

      Mad is great. I wish I could find the older magazines cheap.

  • @mydogdeli
    @mydogdeli 4 роки тому +27

    "Filmmakers use CGI to produce 'convincing' younger versions of actors." Hahahahahahahahahahaha

  • @MarilynMonday
    @MarilynMonday 4 роки тому +10

    The de-aging is incredible on This Is Us, and that's small screen stuff. So impressive what people can make technology do!

  • @walterwillis5351
    @walterwillis5351 4 роки тому +103

    Music being the last thing makes sense - pacing, tone, theme, etc. You would almost need to have a completed film in front of you to get that correct.

    • @MarilynMonday
      @MarilynMonday 4 роки тому +2

      Yeah, unless it's a musical or Danny Elfman is helping write the thing lol

    • @Butter-Milk
      @Butter-Milk 4 роки тому

      I read that with Citizen Kane, they actually wrote the score while filming, and the music actually influenced the scenes..

  • @UnclePhil73
    @UnclePhil73 4 роки тому +47

    The one I found interesting is that the Army will let studios use their equipment for practically nothing but the Pentagon has a division that specifically approves scripts and the movie has to change anything they say without question in return. So no villains can be shown in an official Army uniform

    • @MacClay8
      @MacClay8 4 роки тому +10

      They also get really upset if you even mention Area 51.
      Though it might be a fake 'upset' to further the mystique around it, depending on which conspiracy guy you are listening to at the time.

    • @selderane
      @selderane 4 роки тому +7

      That's why the military works with Michael Bay so much.

    • @adamgray1753
      @adamgray1753 4 роки тому +1

      Even the Military can not deny they love Big Booms, @@selderane. Hah!

    • @bobbyfeet2240
      @bobbyfeet2240 4 роки тому +2

      Not quite. You can shoot whatever you want about the US military, but if you want their *help*, you have to play by their rules. They'll also refuse to show the movie on military bases if you don't do it their way, it's reported. But not everyone does go that route. I think Crimson Tide refused (not hard to believe) and I know I've heard of a few others over the years.
      (There are also stories, I'm not sure of the veracity, that the Pentagon has actually financially backed movies to make them look good. Which is pretty sketchy.)

    • @smileypsyykotic3706
      @smileypsyykotic3706 4 роки тому +4

      @@bobbyfeet2240 Governments back films all the time, and have done so for decades. It's just another piece of advertising (at best) or propaganda (at worst). Apparently the Air Force actually set up recruiting booths at screenings of "Top Gun", and enlistment spiked. I would think any film that shows the military in a positive light, and made with assistance from the military, pretty much subsidizes the film with cheap equipment usage and inside information.

  • @anthonyhett
    @anthonyhett 4 роки тому +181

    I’m going to be looking for wet roads every time I see a night scene in a film now.

    • @malachihormel7994
      @malachihormel7994 4 роки тому +9

      They're everywhere. Most of the time the camera can't even see asphalt at night if it's dry.

    • @ImaDogTrainer
      @ImaDogTrainer 4 роки тому +4

      Cars commercials are often on wet pavement and at night a lot too.

    • @RazorFoxDV
      @RazorFoxDV 4 роки тому +8

      My favorite instance of this is in "Back to the Future." In 1955, Doc Brown expresses doubt over whether there's going to be a storm even though all the pavement around him is visibly wet as if though it had just rained.

    • @AndrewPRoberts
      @AndrewPRoberts 4 роки тому +3

      Sometimes we even use this for day scenes too, like if the pavement is white and it's overexposing, g&e has water on standby to darken the pavement

    • @mayorb3366
      @mayorb3366 4 роки тому +1

      I've noticed this since the 70's, and wondered why the streets are always wet at night scenes. At some point since then, I read that the streets are watered for night scenes because the camera doesn't capture the color of the pavement realistically when the street is dry. It comes out as all the same flat color. (A similar caveat occurs when taking a photo of an ice cube. All the ones you've seen in ads are fake.)
      I'm sure these days camera technology can easily overcome that, and now water is mainly used for the effects described in this video.

  • @pvthitch
    @pvthitch 4 роки тому +49

    Another reason for wet streets is to eliminate dust blowing around.

    • @Tpklmale
      @Tpklmale 4 роки тому

      And to help cars fishtail easier in chase scenes for dramatic effect

  • @RolandDeschain1
    @RolandDeschain1 4 роки тому +6

    RE: Budgets.
    I worked with some guys who worked on SUPERMAN RETURNS and they told me that movie ended up costing $350 million. A long way from the $270 million the studio put forward as the official budget.
    You certainly don't see it up on the screen. They also told me some very interesting Bryan Singer and Kevin Spacey stories, but it may be best to keep those to myself.

    • @alisterfolson
      @alisterfolson 4 роки тому +1

      Some things are better left unsaid

  • @snazzyquizzes2336
    @snazzyquizzes2336 4 роки тому +21

    That water reflecting the light fact was interesting.

  • @kurtkriz412
    @kurtkriz412 4 роки тому +33

    The Problem with the Trailers spoilering is - YES they may fill the seats, but the general audience response is more and more "MEH - seen it..."

    • @aurahoneydew9607
      @aurahoneydew9607 4 роки тому +3

      Problem is they still pay it.

    • @kingfishercomputing9497
      @kingfishercomputing9497 4 роки тому +2

      Also, showing scenes which then get cut - eg. Rogue One

    • @FullMoonOctober
      @FullMoonOctober 4 роки тому

      @@kingfishercomputing9497 Now if that isn't false advertising, I don't know what it!

  • @aresef
    @aresef 4 роки тому +15

    4:50 Olivia Wilde found that the “closed set” idea was pretty much nonsense. There were way too many people around for these scenes who didn’t need to be there and feeds were going to monitors outside the room. So when she directed the bathroom scene in Booksmart, she shut off those monitors and only had the bare minimum number of people on set.

    • @selderane
      @selderane 4 роки тому +4

      Me Too has changed much of that. So it's a relatively recent thing.

  • @jahmd8377
    @jahmd8377 4 роки тому +103

    Market research: trailers spoil movies because audiences want to know EXACTLY what they are getting
    Industry: movies must have a twist ending and a surprise cameo.
    Audience: just wants a good movie

    • @AaronGnaga
      @AaronGnaga 4 роки тому +3

      The problem is most people don't.

    • @Dragonblaster1
      @Dragonblaster1 4 роки тому +7

      Trailers spoil the most impressive sequences from films because they're the only bits worth watching.

    • @samuelgreen7274
      @samuelgreen7274 4 роки тому +1

      Yeah, that sounds about right!

  • @acoupleofschoes
    @acoupleofschoes 4 роки тому +17

    Another reason they put so much in the trailers is because the production companies that make them are rewarded for it. There are awards for trailer production just like there are for movie and television production. They're basically making short films and use the best scenes they can for them.

  • @adamfrazer5150
    @adamfrazer5150 4 роки тому +5

    Fun fact: there is a track on the Aliens soundtrack, close to the end, that wasn't used in the film.
    It DID get used a couple of years later for Die Hard - the scene right at the finale where the long-haired, Steyr Aug-wielding terrorist who McLane previously hanged, rushes out of the building to gun him down, only to be blasted by Reginald Veljohnson 😎 (it's a really awesome track, and since both films were released by Fox, I imagine Micheal Kamen was cleared to use it).

  • @carriesnider3209
    @carriesnider3209 4 роки тому +74

    I f everybody knows the menu at Mcdonalds then why am I always behind somebody staring at the menu for ten minutes so they can order an entire combo al-la-carte?

    • @rickc2102
      @rickc2102 4 роки тому +1


    • @ewjish
      @ewjish 4 роки тому +4

      Because they are not wearing an earwig or they are texting on their iPhone.

    • @TheDarkSatirist
      @TheDarkSatirist 4 роки тому +2

      probably past sins

    • @Minotaur1975
      @Minotaur1975 4 роки тому +3

      It's not that they know the menu, it's that if you order 6 Big Macs from 6 different McDonalds stores, they'll all be made the same way

    • @djbred18
      @djbred18 4 роки тому +3

      Because people are morons

  • @vinceb8216
    @vinceb8216 4 роки тому +12

    The most amazing de-aging to aging movie for its time, 1995, was Mr. Holland's Opus. It was so believable.

    • @Mohamadtheman
      @Mohamadtheman 3 роки тому

      So the de-aging technology was from the 90s ?

  • @NekoWinters
    @NekoWinters 4 роки тому +77

    "Villains cant use iPhones" sounds just like something villains would want us to believe to continue to by security flawed phones and keep their villainous friend that owns a cell phone company rich enough to keep putting on "hunts" every year

    • @MacClay8
      @MacClay8 4 роки тому +13

      Makes you wonder if they let Steve Jobs hold one in any of the movies about him.

  • @thehutch7728
    @thehutch7728 4 роки тому +23

    “Intimacy coordinator.” How does one get that job?

    • @IvailoStoianoff
      @IvailoStoianoff 4 роки тому +5

      I am down for being an Assistant Intimacy Coordinator, if you get the job.

    • @extremeconcepts1
      @extremeconcepts1 4 роки тому

      See the movie Ken Park and wonder how they got away with a lot of what they did...crazy

    • @atroposz
      @atroposz 3 роки тому +1

      More importantly, _what_ is it? Is it like a therapist who has you talking out what you're going to do so it's not as surprising? A person who stages body parts and angles for maximum hotness with minimal contact? Someone like the CIA trainer who taught Jim Carrey how to deal with the torture of his Grinch makeup and costume? Inquiring minds!

  • @TheCoffeeFiend
    @TheCoffeeFiend 4 роки тому +48

    Apple not allowing iPhones in the Hands of fictional villains seems quite ironic, since real life "villains" use the all the time, just like or even more so than everyone else.

  • @typograf62
    @typograf62 4 роки тому +54

    I've learned one thing from lock-down: I do not miss Hollywood movies.

    • @AnyoneCanSee
      @AnyoneCanSee 4 роки тому +1

      Really? You haven't watched movies at home? What about TV coming out of Hollywood? You watch that?

    • @Teebiscuit12345
      @Teebiscuit12345 4 роки тому

      I'm really glad the Gal Gadot video got so much hate.

    • @RoyaltyReynold
      @RoyaltyReynold 4 роки тому

      I thought lock down meant bored so "miss" means watching everything you have available.

  • @wowview2
    @wowview2 4 роки тому +13

    That does explain why Dexter always covers the Apple logo on his iPhone

  • @markieman64
    @markieman64 4 роки тому +23

    Jerry Goldsmith's experiences scoring Air Force One are similar. He set a minimum time limit following that.

  • @forgotn42
    @forgotn42 4 роки тому +44

    If the FBI or US Military are shown in the film, the agency/branch depicted almost always has to approve the scenes before they can be used.

    • @flytyme
      @flytyme 4 роки тому +6

      Only if they participated in the production. Most military and law enforcement can always tell if the movie production had assistance from the agency or if they decided to make it without. If you make a movie with the DoD's help, they probably have some input to the final product.

    • @BullScrapPracEff
      @BullScrapPracEff 4 роки тому

      Lmao. Do you believe everything that can be turned into a conspiracy theory?

    • @DavidJones-tp7td
      @DavidJones-tp7td 4 роки тому +1

      Military uniforms must have some alterations from the current to be allowed. Like switching which side the name is on.

  • @c.r.blankenship9040
    @c.r.blankenship9040 4 роки тому +4

    These days, according to Hans Zimmer, it's usually the VFX that happens last. He at least puts his twelve weeks of prep at the beginning of production.
    It's actually not so unreasonable to record the whole score in very little time these days. Zimmer's approach is to make a mockup of the score digitally, and nothing is recorded with an orchestra and real musicians until he and the director agree 100% on the music itself.

  • @russellkelly2079
    @russellkelly2079 4 роки тому +2

    No examples of CGI used for deceased people, though they showed Carrie Fisher's cameo on Rogue One - which was released before Carrie died - Carrie didn't just give her permission for the producers to use her image, she was actively involved and enjoyed working on it.

  • @dinomonzon7493
    @dinomonzon7493 4 роки тому +3

    Steven Spielberg's own take on trailers in Starlog Magazine #300 (circa Minority Report) was that trailers give the visual eye candy, but the movie gives the intellectual candy to audiences.

  • @juggaloscumdog
    @juggaloscumdog 4 роки тому +27

    The music one is talked about on almost every making of feature I've seen on a DVD or Blu Ray.

    • @CapHowdy
      @CapHowdy 4 роки тому +6

      The thing is, the only way a composer can really do a score is if they can see the scene and write accordingly for it. Writing a score before the scene is completed could end up with a score that does not fit the scene because the composer missenterpreted it or the scene was changed heavily from the original script while filming.

    • @antonydandrea
      @antonydandrea 4 роки тому

      And multiple UA-cam channels that have compared and spoken about it

    • @cazia9
      @cazia9 4 роки тому

      This also accounts for why trader trailers recycle previous films’ scores or even edited versions of classical music (et using a movement from Saint-Saaens’ Carnival of the Animals for the Lemon Snicket teaser)

    • @mitchc.2660
      @mitchc.2660 4 роки тому

      People... people watch those?

  • @christopherbardier770
    @christopherbardier770 4 роки тому +4

    Taking issue with number 6. Aside from the production cost of making a movie, studios/production companies have to pay 50% of the box office take to the theatre’s. Additionally marketing budgets (depending on the release) can exceed the production budget (See the last TMNT movie or Transformers franchise). Production/Studios have to pay their employees, applicable taxes, office cost, studio costs, rent and utilities. My point is I think people are naive when it comes down it. A lot of movies don’t technically makes profit but rather go to cover part of the Studio/production overhead costs. It’s also a long standing trend that movies typically don’t start making profit until the 4+ weeks of release.

  • @normdeplume4082
    @normdeplume4082 4 роки тому +27

    "Even the simplest" spoken over clips of the most complicated films ever...

  • @EltasCitizen
    @EltasCitizen 4 роки тому +48

    In Marvel the villains do use iPhones, specifically in Ant-man... Though I don't know if you see him with it in his hand. His Siri is activated in his brief case during the final fight

    • @thebuddercweeper
      @thebuddercweeper 4 роки тому +10

      Good point, but I think it’s more that Apple doesn’t want the devices in the villains’ hand, because it can give the general public, specifically young children, negative connotations of the product. Children want to be like the characters they like, and to not be like the characters they dislike, if mummy wants to buy he 5 year old an iPhone, but the kid just saw big scary bad guy number 4 using one, they could associate the two and want something without an apple on the back. It may seem like a small concern, but it’s a surprisingly common phenomenon, and when you’re talking on such big scales then it starts to make sense.

    • @AfroGaz71
      @AfroGaz71 4 роки тому +11

      @@thebuddercweeper Gotta keep up that fake image I guess!

    • @thebuddercweeper
      @thebuddercweeper 4 роки тому

      @@AfroGaz71 I have no idea what this is supposed to mean.

    • @jessiehogue.
      @jessiehogue. 4 роки тому +6

      @@thebuddercweeper It's a bit dumb IMO. Villains are often just as cool, if not cooler, than the heroes battling them. If people truly are so easily manipulated, then they might make even more people interested in their wonderful little gadgets if cool villains use them, too.

    • @thebuddercweeper
      @thebuddercweeper 4 роки тому +1

      @@jessiehogue. We can (and people do) debate all day about human psychology, I’m just trying to explain the reasoning behind the decision.
      Some people might think some villains are cool, but they are, by definition, the bad guy (duh). For anyone easily enough swayed for this to matter (namely young children) the bad guy isn’t going to be someone to look up to in the vast majority of cases.

  • @sitrepproductionsatlanta8538
    @sitrepproductionsatlanta8538 4 роки тому +1

    When Horner was given his insane deadline for Aliens, Kennedy and Cameron made the empty threat that if he couldn’t do it, they’d find someone else.
    Horner told them, “If you can, I’d love to meet them because I could learn something,” essentially calling their bluff.

  • @toothpastehombre
    @toothpastehombre 4 роки тому +9

    Hey, this was a good one. I was intrigued and entertained- thanks WC

  • @raghavendraravi6866
    @raghavendraravi6866 4 роки тому +5

    No Country for Old Men forgot to add a score xD

  • @legofan6559
    @legofan6559 4 роки тому +1

    On the topic of music I once got to go behind the scenes on Disney and play a few pieces with my hand and the instructor said that they usually only have one shot to play the music right in Disney films before they go in the film so if you ever want to be a musician at Disney good luck

  • @jasminescott4258
    @jasminescott4258 4 роки тому +11

    So is there a list for actor/actresses being NOT scared of their co-stars? Cause I remember on Once Upon a Time panel (I think that’s what it’s called?). The actress Ginnifer Goodwin ( who played Snow White). Had a hell of a time pretending to be afraid of actor Robert Carlyle’s character Rumpelstiltskin. Just thought it would be funny to know who had a hard time being scared.
    Sorry if this is off topic but I saw the actors/actresses scared of their co-stars video, and wouldn’t leave while watching this amusing video.
    Thank you for the enjoyable videos!!!😋

  • @robertdegraauw7180
    @robertdegraauw7180 4 роки тому +3

    Re: #9, why is there no mention of the very impressive de-aging of Robert Redford in 1992's Sneakers?

  • @montecristo1845
    @montecristo1845 4 роки тому +1

    I remember back in 1998 reading a film industry magazine which had a two-page spread showing Kate and Leo on the bow with the font below them: Congratulations, TITANIC, $1,000,000,000 box office record (or something to that effect.) And I thought, good luck coming up with excuses not to pay your people NOW!

  • @portland-182
    @portland-182 4 роки тому +5

    "Portable camera" - what use is a non portable camera to regular people, and which company makes it?

  • @El_Gallo_De_Oro
    @El_Gallo_De_Oro 4 роки тому +28

    Whatculture: can’t come up with new and original lists
    Also whatculture: can’t go without making a new channel every month

    • @BennyLlama39
      @BennyLlama39 4 роки тому +2

      Assfaced trolls: We can't go five minutes without complaining about Whatculture, and don't have enough talent to start our own channel. 😈

  • @mayorb3366
    @mayorb3366 4 роки тому +1

    One early example of product placement was by Marlboro cigarettes. The logo was very conspicuously placed on the entire side of trailer during the Times Square street fight scene in the original Superman (1978).
    Much of this scene was deleted (or blurred out) in TV showings due to cigarette advertising being illegal on TV since the spot was paid for.
    A side note, Phillip Morris also paid to have Lois Lane chain smoke throughout the movie.

  • @astaridjatmiko8187
    @astaridjatmiko8187 4 роки тому +2

    Next time i watch a mistery movie, i'll look for the phone to guess who's the villain.

  • @Tpklmale
    @Tpklmale 4 роки тому +1

    To give the illusion of highers speed in car chase scenes, they have all other cars in traffic around them go 20-25 mph. Makes cars doing 50-60 appear like they're going much faster

  • @dyscea
    @dyscea 4 роки тому +1

    Yeah, I never felt spoiled by trailers. It was a very strange idea the first time someone said it. I never recall what I’ve seen from a trailer while watching its movie and start comparing. I start watching and go for the ride. Guess I’m a casual viewer. 🤗

  • @jackmackakaheavyguyhaiku545
    @jackmackakaheavyguyhaiku545 4 роки тому +1

    1) music done at end of production? Makes sense since it's usually a character in the film itself, if otherwise uncredited as such.
    2) PEDs? Did you forget the time that Stallone got caught with them for one of The Expendables movies?

  • @abcde_fz
    @abcde_fz 3 роки тому

    ~ 7:20
    Another reason they use water on streets in scenes, where truly old-school cinematographers started out in advertising, is because it hides oil spots, skid marks from tires, and other discolorations on asphalt and concrete. Way back in the day, any advertisement of a business such as a gas station, or a large department store, (or anything else that may feature, intentionally or not, a parking lot in the foreground of the shot), would have to go through an air-brush session in the production of photos for the ad. To get rid of all the discolorations on the surface. Then someone discovered that wetting the parking lot will hide a LOT of the same things for FAR less money. Air-brushing is an expensive and time consuming process. Wetting the ground is far easier and much cheaper.

  • @RDJ134
    @RDJ134 4 роки тому +5

    Nothing about the 'cocain budget' like there was voor John Belusi on the set of Blues Brothers.

  • @nikkofranchi
    @nikkofranchi 4 роки тому +70

    Villin's don't use iPhones because they have standards

    • @JayFight
      @JayFight 4 роки тому +7

      I was gonna say villains don't use iphones because they're smarter than the easily duped public

    • @newthrash1221
      @newthrash1221 4 роки тому +1

      Nikko Franchi
      Omg you rebels are so edgy with your androids.

    • @nikkofranchi
      @nikkofranchi 4 роки тому +7

      @@newthrash1221 edgy enough to be able to fix my phone without a "genius" lol

    • @EmeraldMara85
      @EmeraldMara85 4 роки тому +3

      Nah, I don't believe that because most of the rich likes to brag about their iPhones. Basically, a status symbol without actually understanding what's inside.

  • @darkashtar
    @darkashtar 4 роки тому +1

    The fixing a receding hairline in a movie thing was supposedly done by Bruce Willis in Hudson Hawk. Let's just say that effects budget for Hudson Hawk is the same as another movie that was released that year, and that movie is Terminator 2 which used tons of special effects and had huge action sequences... Fact Fiend did an interesting episode on it.

  • @medafan53
    @medafan53 4 роки тому +1

    I wouldn't say it's a surprise that music is one of the last parts of production, as you yourself said the ideal score for a film needs to be tailored to the action in order to best fit a scene, so it is to be expected that they would wait until at least some scenes are completely finished to start composing the score.

    • @JamesGilbert_
      @JamesGilbert_ 4 роки тому

      It should be obvious to anyone that the score comes close to the end.

  • @ahel4523
    @ahel4523 4 роки тому +26

    So epic means to Streisanding your movie. Make sure the Villain uses an IPhone and wait to be sued. That way you get free advertising and a reference for a future job with Trey Parker or Seth Green.

  • @maudtrenite856
    @maudtrenite856 4 роки тому +6

    8:05 i love rianne johnson!

    • @spacezombie4069
      @spacezombie4069 4 роки тому +1

      Ya beat me to it. :D

    • @maudtrenite856
      @maudtrenite856 4 роки тому +1

      spacezombie haha! It’s weird that they mispronounce names so often considering they’re a movie channel

    • @countluke2334
      @countluke2334 4 роки тому

      @@maudtrenite856 Aren't they just British? Besides, I very much prefer the perpetrator of The Last Jedi to be unmentioned.

    • @maudtrenite856
      @maudtrenite856 4 роки тому

      @@countluke2334 I don't think being British means they pronounce a name like Rian differently but who knows. Also yes but knives out was really great, and ozymandias was arguably one of the best episodes of breaking bad so there's that!

  • @soundmind5318
    @soundmind5318 4 роки тому

    Idea for a video. 10 Video game industry secrets you didn't know. great video. love it

  • @Guagex
    @Guagex 4 роки тому +3

    I really hate trailers nowadays. I miss when teaser trailers were a thing.

  • @stocktonjoans
    @stocktonjoans 4 роки тому +3

    "convincing" younger versions of actors? that's debatable

  • @pirobot668beta
    @pirobot668beta 4 роки тому

    Music and movies!
    While filming the movie "Brazil", the song by the same name was played quietly on set between takes.
    The director wanted to create a surreal atmosphere for the cast and crew by making down-time on set feel like a shopping mall or elevator.

  • @daffidavit
    @daffidavit 4 роки тому

    Water in movies. About 50 years ago when I was a very young man I worked at the same airport from where JFK, Jr. departed before his fateful demise. The main ramp (it's not called a tarmac in aviation parlance) was being used to film the movie staring Dustin Hoffman "Who is Harry Kellerman et cet." The entire ramp ( or apron) was painted with a reflective black and shiny tar like substance to make it look like like it had just rained. I never realized why they did that because the movie was filmed during the day and it wasn't raining during the filming. Now I know why.

  • @Dianimations_
    @Dianimations_ 4 роки тому +1

    I was somewhat familiar with all of these except the water tip, it's pretty cool!!!

  • @zvimur
    @zvimur 4 роки тому +1

    10:40, Original RoboCop movie used Terminator score in a teaser. Same reason?

  • @StevenRice
    @StevenRice 4 роки тому +3

    Little known fact:
    The main reason we don't see hand-drawn/painted pieces of ART for most modern mainstream films, is that film executives think that the American audiences are complete idiots and if a PHOTO isn't used the audiences will think the movie is Animated. They literally think audiences couldn't realize the difference...
    I wish I was making this up and didn't know it as a personal fact as a struggling film poster artist, but I refuse to just Photoshop something together with promo photography and call it a day.

  • @gordonhotchkiss6426
    @gordonhotchkiss6426 2 роки тому

    Here is one for you. Studios can make most of their money back on a huge blockbuster before a ticket is even sold. We all see companies do tie in advertisements with big blockbuster film. Even though it is advertisement for the films the companies still pay the studio for the rights. For example you remember Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice. Warner brothers reportedly spent $250 million on the films budget alone. There was so much hype about it that companies were lining up to do tie in deals with it. Companies wanted to do deals so much Warner Brothers reportedly made $175 million in tie in deals alone.

  • @SpareSomeChange8080
    @SpareSomeChange8080 4 роки тому

    I think the earpiece is a good idea to be honest. If it gets a better performance (with the ambient sounds), and fewer takes (with fed lines) then that's all the better since time on set is expensive.

  • @bitchfromthecrypt8484
    @bitchfromthecrypt8484 4 роки тому +3

    I noticed that footage from Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales was used while talking about digital de-aging and I just gotta say that Johnny Depp wasn't de-aged to play his younger self, Anthony de la Torre was hired to play younger Jack Sparrow. I don't know if y'all just didn't fact check and just assumed it was de-aging or what, but maybe double check before making videos....

  • @TheRealBrotherGrimmy
    @TheRealBrotherGrimmy 4 роки тому

    The scoring last actually makes sense to me. Its far easier to compose relative music when you have visual exposure. Watch what you can of the filming/movie, and then be able to convey the right type of emotion for what is being seen. I mean that might not be the reason... but it would make sense

  • @GameHammerCG
    @GameHammerCG 4 роки тому +1

    Is anyone actually surprised that music, which is timed to what you see on screen, is last to be done? That seems logical to me.

  • @ryantorres4516
    @ryantorres4516 4 роки тому +3

    Intimacy coordinators? That's a thing?

  • @gaaraluva3579
    @gaaraluva3579 4 роки тому +1

    Knives Out was so good

  • @chewbaccabooberry
    @chewbaccabooberry 4 роки тому +1

    Best musical score: No Country For Old Men

  • @glbernini0
    @glbernini0 4 роки тому +2

    Return Of The Jedi didn't make a profit?? Lucas must be the biggest dbag in movie history!

  • @ghostchrishawk1101
    @ghostchrishawk1101 4 роки тому +5

    I do get that superhero films are a recent major staple of cinema, but does that mean 95% of the clips shown here have to be from just such films?

  • @nicolasgalantini6458
    @nicolasgalantini6458 4 роки тому

    You said you don't want to spoil who the villain in knives out is, yet the image that promotes this video show us who it is.

  • @lucygirl4926
    @lucygirl4926 4 роки тому

    I've always noticed that streets are seemingly wet for no reason but never knew the reason. Thanks WhatCulture

  • @darththomarius6751
    @darththomarius6751 4 роки тому

    That iPhone thing was the only eye-opener for myself. Now that I think back on that one movie referenced, the real villain never used an iPhone! wow

  • @AndrewPRoberts
    @AndrewPRoberts 4 роки тому

    10:15 I kid you not, one time I literally had 4 hours to create the score for an entire short film

  • @iyamwhatiyam2748
    @iyamwhatiyam2748 4 роки тому +1

    Based on the link for this video, I guess I don’t need to watch that movie anymore, I’ll just go take it off my watch list.

  • @DavidDeFino
    @DavidDeFino 4 роки тому

    There are dozens of movies where villains use phones. Maybe Apple won't pay advertising to them, but they don't stop villains from using iphones

  • @MsKeylas
    @MsKeylas 4 роки тому

    Number 1 is actually kind of obvious. Think about it. score is created FOR the scene, so for composer it is much easier to create fitting score after watching scene themselves instead of getting scene described to them. Plus that way they can rewatch scene several times while figuring out best musical arrangement for that particular scene

  • @arcamean785
    @arcamean785 4 роки тому +1

    Nothing kills my desire to spend 20+ on a movie experience than a spoiled trailer... U571 did this and I fucking DESPISED it. Literally every cool shot I'd already seen! It's to the point where I just assume since it's in the trailer I've seen the coolest parts already.

    • @Mohamadtheman
      @Mohamadtheman 3 роки тому

      That’s why I never watch trailers anymore so I can get the best experience possible

  • @lurkerrekrul
    @lurkerrekrul 4 роки тому +1

    7:56 - What's the movie with the two women on motorcycles in front of the soft drink logos? I know it's probably something ridiculously obvious, but I've never seen it.

    • @Telekinetic01
      @Telekinetic01 4 роки тому

      I think it’s Torque

    • @lurkerrekrul
      @lurkerrekrul 4 роки тому

      @@Telekinetic01 I believe you are correct. Thank you. :)

  • @thepyroghoul
    @thepyroghoul 4 роки тому

    5:16 spicy books are often written the same way. It lets the audience develop an equal feel for the relationship between two characters, even if the steamy scenes are flashbacks.

  • @fdantasn
    @fdantasn 4 роки тому

    I will never forget this water tip! tnx

  • @no_one01-5
    @no_one01-5 4 роки тому +2

    One thing you forgot. Studios bribe reviewers.

  • @Madhamz
    @Madhamz 4 роки тому +1

    Ree ahn johnson? Oh..you mean rian johnson.

  • @FeatheredWingz
    @FeatheredWingz 4 роки тому

    ALL of the hand drawn Disney animated films from the "Renaissance" of the '90s included CGI effects. Often in important/iconic scenes or characters. I'm not just talking about drawing with a digital tablet (everyone but The Little Mermaid was drawn digitally), I mean full-on CGI programs were used. The hand-drawn vs CGI debate is kind of frustrating to me 'cuz those that favour hand-drawn really mean "hand-drawn but supplemented with digital CGI" since many also kinda admit that pre-Renaissance animation doesn't have the same punch for them (that could also be a shift in story trends and values though, too, admittedly.)
    CGI in Disney Renaissance films (that I'm personally aware of):
    The Little Mermaid: The staircase Ariel runs down when she hears Eric is getting married is CGI
    The Rescuers Down Under: Very noticeable in the flying scenes. Disney's first digitally-drawn movie
    Beauty and the Beast: The ballroom scene. Belle & Beast are hand drawn, the actual ballroom is a CGI render. This is considered quite an animated feat as the animator who drew Belle & Beast dancing had to match the drawings' perspective to the CG camera angle & make it believable
    Aladdin: The flying carpet is a completely CGI character
    The Lion King: The stampede is cell-shaded CGI. Took over 2 years to fully program & animate from scratch!!!!
    And from there on, the rest of the hand-drawn renaissance films and early 2000's films right up to The Princess and the Frog used increasingly more CGI effects. Particularly of note are the Hydra in Hercules and the stampede program being utilized again for the Hun army charging down the mountain in Mulan.

  • @KIRAMH1023
    @KIRAMH1023 4 роки тому +1

    Not dissing RDJ, bc I ❤️ him, but guarantee he needs his lines fed bc he can’t memorize well anymore. Doing drugs kills a lot of brain cells, and short-term recall is the first to go. (I know from personal experience.)

  • @andreasb.stasiak2238
    @andreasb.stasiak2238 4 роки тому +1

    The amount of light used in recording a scene is one other, for me atleast. I do not know where such a video exist where the difference between "normal" light and scene light. Also, that they even have big lights on the outside of the buildings flooding the scene with light.

    • @extraordinary_ordinary
      @extraordinary_ordinary 4 роки тому

      Andreas B. Stasiak we have lights that are used to light outdoor night time scenes from over a kilometre away. They make the T12/10k lights they use on exterior windows look tiny.

  • @sigridvanosch1990
    @sigridvanosch1990 4 роки тому +1

    The order of names on a filmposter say a lot about the actors themselves. Best payed first. Least payed last. From left to right...

    • @alisterfolson
      @alisterfolson 4 роки тому +1

      Or, "who's the most famous at the time"

  • @floxy20
    @floxy20 4 роки тому +1

    In period pieces all the cars show no dirt on them. Plus, there are no old clunkers to be seen.

    • @alisterfolson
      @alisterfolson 4 роки тому +1

      Ikr? I almost checked out of I, Legend when he drove through New York in that mud free new car

  • @MrRonald327
    @MrRonald327 4 роки тому +2

    Great business tips.

  • @TheDastard
    @TheDastard 4 роки тому +9

    That iPhone one is pretty ironic, considering that many people who are famous for being arrogant assholes love to flash their iPhones. Some of the worst people I've encountered in my life are iPhone users.

    • @Alverant
      @Alverant 4 роки тому

      Perception vs reality.

    • @thedarkestzenitheon3340
      @thedarkestzenitheon3340 4 роки тому

      Apple screwed me out of thousands when they permanently disabled my account. I know use android and am much happier

  • @jikae10
    @jikae10 4 роки тому

    The biggest example of Hollywood accounting is Titanic. 2.19 BILLION against a 200 MILLION budget; still apparently lost money.