Reject Sanity, Embrace Stupidity

  • Опубліковано 9 жов 2023
  • Or, in a different wording, how to have fun in FFXIV. My Lunarcon Panel for 2023. Which is of course, the coolest convention for Final Fantasy 14 in all existence.
    Thanks to the Lunarcon team for allowing me to do so much.
    I'll see you soon gamers. Thank you for watching.
  • Ігри


  • @nerdychocobo
    @nerdychocobo 8 місяців тому +56

    One of my favourite ffxiv memories is when I was doing main story and pulled out my fat chocobo to walk from one quest to the other, and someone nearby also had a fat chocobo. And then they followed me, just walked from one side of southern thanalan to the other behind me, just two fat chocobos. Except, when I got to the other side, they sent a chat message: "this is a robbery, give me your greens. my chocobo is hungry" so I replied like "oh god please don't hurt me" and traded half my gyshal greens to him, then he added me as a friend and left. It's the silly interactions that stick out so much

  • @sinom
    @sinom 8 місяців тому +68

    Ffs after you said "hello everybody" I ofc immediately said out loud "haro- eburinyan" only for you to say that immediately after

  • @talonatorman
    @talonatorman 7 місяців тому +12

    A month late to this video, but this has made me realize why one of my favorite things in this game, is one of my favorites. My FC has a player named Jannlyn. Jannlyn, at semi-random times in the week will say "Its that time again FC!" and immediately a large portion of the FC drops what they're doing because it's time for a "Jannlyn hunt" the most exciting game of Hide and seek I've ever played. we get to know what map to search, and how many million gil is the reward. and no matter how many times I do it, no matter if I win or lose, The Jannlyn hunts are one of my favorite things to do in the entire game.

  • @sidereon9793
    @sidereon9793 7 місяців тому +10

    I started out on Siren (since then I've moved to Famfrit) and I struggled with tanking as a baby marauder. In a self-conscious panic, I switched to lancer instead. Going through a dungeon, someone in the party noticed I was still struggling and asked if I was new. This guy then invited me to the Faerie server so he could access the market board. He then proceeded to make me a full set of gear. Looking back it stands out even more- I was barely over level 20, I outgrew that armor really quickly. But he made sure that it was all high-quality, explained as he was crafting that he does this all the time for sprouts. This helped me gain my confidence back and I eventually went back to tanking, but Dragoon is my melee main and I still have that armor set as a reminder.
    When I found these videos, I loved the concept. Nowadays I queue up for roulettes and go through these fights without a second thought, but here you are giving yourself a unique challenge and approaching these same fights like each one is a savage raid. It's like a puzzle! I love it!
    I think back on that nice crafter (whose character name I sadly don't remember) and I get the idea of making my Minimum-Height Catboy into the epitome of someone's dad at a backyard barbecue. Dress up in a brightly patterned shirt and fishing hat, wait outside big dungeons and trials, wait for sprouts to come up, give them a hearty meal and hype them up while they wait for the queue to pop. I think that'd be fun. I still need to level Culinarian for that, but in the meantime I like running around and forming all-tank runs for alliance raids.

  • @QuietMisdreavus
    @QuietMisdreavus 8 місяців тому +34

    I haven't played FFXIV in a few years, but i feel like there's something broadly applicable in here about filling your life with whimsy and delight and not just sticking to what's "normal". Really good panel!

  • @anaproject903
    @anaproject903 8 місяців тому +23

    Sometimes when I queued with my friend when we were leveling our jobs, they were MCH and I was WHM, we’d play a little game especially in VC where I tried to rescue them and they had to time their arm’s length to dodge it, It was never malicious but it was more so just like giving us a little game with points and it was really funny, especially when we actually got hit or even died to a mech because we were too busy doing something dumb.

  • @Whispervr
    @Whispervr 8 місяців тому +8

    Mt favourite parts of the game are player interactions, I've taken to sitting in Ul'dah and just playing with people there. Tapping them on the shoulder and running off, asking to pet their minions which I loving refer to all of them as "weird dog", and occasionally setting up little rp adventures with friends where we grab a random passerby and pull them (if theyre willing) along. Being "stupid" in this game is where I find so much joy c:

  • @Einswerz
    @Einswerz 8 місяців тому +17

    I can see that completely full inventory at the start and it's driving me insane. I'm 95% sure sure it was done on purpose.

    • @rathgames
      @rathgames  8 місяців тому +9

      Yeah it was filled with Iron Bills to hand out at the end :^) hehehe

  • @Naixatloz
    @Naixatloz 8 місяців тому +4

    In my teenage years, I played Gaia Online's MMO, zOMG!. This being Gaia Online, the experience was filled with trolls. Some were your garden-variety griefers who wanted to ruin people's day, but more often you saw trolling in its original definition, i.e. doing provocative but not necessarily harmful things to get a rise out of people. Like someone pretending to be just the worst, most gratingly clueless newbie, and leading would-be mentorly types on a merry chase through the starting zone to rescue them from stupid death after stupid death. Or someone making up a "Mew under the truck" type rumor, and other people playing along and adding more details to it. One time I made an alt to cosplay one of the enemy mobs, and recruited a bunch of people to do the same thing and hold a mob rights march in the main hub city.
    zOMG! wasn't a good game. The combat system was bare-bones and the progression was a painful grindfest. But I cherish the memories of those stupid little player interactions. A few months after I started playing XIV, I realized I really missed that feeling. So I made a new alt to cosplay an enemy mob. I made a sin eater. She didn't have a backstory at first, and I didn't make her special or standout in any way. Just a normal sin eater, behaving exactly the same way they do in MSQ. I'd RP walk through Lakeland and stalk my prey, whether that was hoptraps or other players. I'd find ominous spots in Shadowbringers areas to afk at. Mostly people ignored me, but every now and then I'd have someone play along and engage with me, and those are the ones that stuck with me.
    Eventually I started bringing my sin eater to RP venues, where I'd just barely adapt her behavior to not be a nuisance. She wouldn't attack people, and she was just barely smart enough to have basic things communicated to her, but otherwise I kept playing her as a monstrous creature interacting with the world from a creature's perspective, and people ate it up. Some of them started talking to me OOC, and we became friends. When I was reaching a point where I wasn't sure if I was enjoying myself in the game anymore, and I considered quitting, I decided to stay for the friends I'd made through my sin eater alt, and eventually I started having fun again.
    It's been almost three years now since I made Forgiven Vanity. I'm still friends with those people I met through her, and I've made more connections since then too. Vanity is still a stupid, dumb-as-a-box-of-rocks creature, and people still adore her. Just last night, a couple of sprouts who haven't even hit Shadowbringers met her and had the time of their lives, and it made me ecstatic to be able to bring that sense of joy to new players.

  • @nannelflannel1297
    @nannelflannel1297 8 місяців тому +5

    one of my favorite things to do in xiv is to just explore the maps, especially the lil forgotten areas like buildings in arr!! there's really so much detail around thats so easy to miss haha

  • @nenybuns
    @nenybuns 8 місяців тому +4

    Finding this video really seems godsent to me. This year I lost my best friend and I really cannot process this fact. We played FFXIV daily and had such deep, beautiful discussions, we talked at 3 am about just ANYthing, she was one of the most beautiful souls in the universe. Now that she is gone, the game feels like a rusty dagger. I wish to come back to it to enjoy both new and old content, but I cannot stop thinking about her and it hurts so much to play. Listening to you about how there are so many different fun ways of experiencing this game fills me with hope and joy! All your self imposed challenges are impressive, you open our eyes for the possibilities this game can offer. I am currently trying to play a completely new character and go through the whole story again, just very slowly and casually, trying to look at the game with fresh eyes. I'll definitely make sure to throw in a fun little challenge now and then you inspired us to do from now on, if I can keep this up. Maybe just become an omnicrafter or just RP or listen to strangers talk in the main cities and feel a little alive again. Thank you for this panel and for sharing your exploits, Rath!

  • @pinkskie5536
    @pinkskie5536 8 місяців тому +6

    I found you via your Fishing Only video. And honestly, Solo Only is a really amazing series to watch. Youve used systems Ivenever engaged with to find unique solutions to your roadblocks, and its genuinely entertaining to watch you force a path solo through a game not really designed for it at all.

  • @Cassapphic
    @Cassapphic 8 місяців тому +5

    This just reminded me of my friend who made a character who cannot use aether, like, at all, she plays monk on that character and must travel everywhere on foot or grounded mount, no teleporting, no flying outside of if it is mandatory for the plot where the midgardsormr mount is used to justify it.

  • @hinth4322
    @hinth4322 8 місяців тому +12

    In all seriousness though, I think the most fun way of engaging with the game is not focusing on playing it efficiently. Go do guildhests! Repeat dungeons you like! Explore the overworld, and pay attention to the smallest world building details! Slow walk around towns because you don't really need to be in a hurry!
    It's been over 2k hours and I still haven't gotten to EW, just following along with whatever pace I'm comfortable with, and visiting a certain grave in Coerthas pretty often along many other things I don't need to be doing. I'm still enjoying my time with this game!

    • @Zanador
      @Zanador 8 місяців тому +3

      Fellow player with ~1.2k hours and still in post-Stormblood here. I do tend to play pretty "efficiently" because that's fun for me, but I also think it's fun to try to do basically everything in a given expansion before moving to the next one. So I always do all the optional dungeons/trials/raids, all the Hildibrand quests, finish a Relic weapon, get every job to the expansion's cap, and do anything else associated with that expansion before moving to the next one. I'm also playing with my SO and we like reading through some of the quests out-loud while doing funny voices for all the characters, which is fun but of course slower than reading it silently. I also spend a lot of time in the Gold Saucer, Deep Dungeons, and working on random achievements.
      I'd like to catch up before Dawntrail comes out, but other than that I see no reason to rush to endgame. It's not like I'm going to be a Week 1 raider anyway, so everything will still be there when I get there. I always find it kind of funny when I talk to endgame bajillion-hour players who don't even have stuff like Eureka or Chocobo Racing unlocked, or who had never touched Hildibrand until the relics came out.

    • @hinth4322
      @hinth4322 8 місяців тому +4

      @@Zanador In the end of the day, the value of the game isn't measured in how fast you got to endgame content with your subscription time, but how much you enjoyed it, and so long as you're having a good time, you're playing it right!

  • @thatdragonperson
    @thatdragonperson 8 місяців тому +8

    Something I like to do with friends is we pick a dungeon and all let fate decide the job makeup for the dungeon. Most of us have all the jobs maxed out. It is really chaotic. And a lot of fun. That fits with the "reject sanity, embrace stupidity".

  • @treysir5546
    @treysir5546 8 місяців тому +5

    Hello. Just felt like sharing that I streamed playing through (some of) ARR in first person with no hud if you're interested. I haven't streamed in a long time but I figured it was relevant to the video.

    • @rathgames
      @rathgames  8 місяців тому +3

      Ill definitely check them out :0

  • @bendonatier
    @bendonatier 8 місяців тому +12

    We do these things not because they are easy, but because they are dumb.

  • @TheValiantBob
    @TheValiantBob 8 місяців тому +14

    I kept expecting that triple triad story to go very wrong. Like, wake up in a bathtub full of ice and missing kidneys, wrong. Glad it was a wholesome ending instead!

  • @dafire9634
    @dafire9634 8 місяців тому +4

    this topic has been covered when another mmo's "classic" version came out,
    where the prevalent argument was "optimising the fun out of the game"
    imo people should go at their own pace and sometimes try to break out of their own comfort bubble,
    some people get joy from "efficiency" but that shouldnt be enforced onto every player(as long as it isnt actually harmful to other players like someone playing lvl 90 dungeons with no job stone but they didnt get consent from the party etc)
    for christmas 2021, i just felt like going around and giving gifts to sprouts to celebrate christmas, fun things like that are definitely things that "stick out" in your memory

  • @MirinkaiserVODs
    @MirinkaiserVODs 8 місяців тому +7

    A long time ago, I wanted to do a no soulstone run (classes only; NO jobs), but then I figured it would be perceived as griefing in group content later down the line, so I've never done it. If I had a group of friends to do this with though? Oh that would be lovely, you have no idea! (Could always do it for solo Deep Dungeon runs, I suppose.)

    • @jedimasterpickle3
      @jedimasterpickle3 8 місяців тому +6

      If you set up a PF for it, I think you'd be safe. It's not griefing if everyone is doing it willingly.

  • @arthurpicket3505
    @arthurpicket3505 8 місяців тому +13

    Thanks for uploading the panel! As someone just starting to get into this game, I really appreciate your optimism and spirit compared to other jaded content creators. Hope all goes well.

  • @amaren849
    @amaren849 8 місяців тому +27

    Jokes aside, I loved this panel. You did such a great job and please have an easy recovery. Get all the rest you need to heal! ♥

  • @ShermTank7272
    @ShermTank7272 8 місяців тому +2

    It's surreal seeing my own FFXIV character in, well, _any_ video online. This was a fun panel to join in live!

  • @BearBear332
    @BearBear332 5 місяців тому +1

    This video really reminded me of what it means to play an MMO. The challenges you put yourself through look both hard, yet fun, and I've been missing that in my general experiences in MMO gaming as of recent. I mainly play WoW, but I'm looking to get back into FFXIV once Dawntrail comes out. I think trying to push and see how far I can go solo with my new character (excited for femhroths!) would be a fun experience, and it's something I wouldn't of thought of doing on my own without finding your channel and watching through your whole solo series :)

  • @Author_Gamer
    @Author_Gamer 8 місяців тому +6

    The little story about the earth potion had me dying of laughter!😂 not sure if I missed it but I don’t remember that being in the titan video.

  • @Local_custard
    @Local_custard 8 місяців тому +2

    I myself set a small challenge. I made an alt and on this alt I would play in a time capsule sort of style. I would complete blue mage stuff, get the tribal questline down, see to the sight seeing, unlock all the alliance raids and raids the expansion offered, etc. Each expansion tkes me at least a month at this pace. All of ARR and HW took me a long time to complete. honestly, I have never been more attached to a character than doing this. I also learned to appreciate ARR more.

  • @wavypavy4059
    @wavypavy4059 8 місяців тому +4

    My favourite alliance raid runs are the one role only ones, especially the couple of summoner only all animations and maximum summon size ones I've been part of. Healers only is also fun, the fights last for ever XD
    Silly alliance raid set ups are pretty much the only way I ever do a weekly reclear.

  • @successfulfailure1298
    @successfulfailure1298 3 місяці тому +2

    It’s my first time playing through ffxiv, and my highest level class is miner. I’ve worked hard for this, and I am immensely happy of my pointless achievement

  • @2175Nono
    @2175Nono 8 місяців тому +3

    such an inspirational panel :D there really is so so much to discover in this game and making your own fun from it is the most enjoyable part! once im caught up w msq and w nothing else to do i hope to try out things like this too

  • @NeoFulgur
    @NeoFulgur 8 місяців тому +3

    Glad I was able to be there for the panel, very much enjoyed!

  • @jedimasterpickle3
    @jedimasterpickle3 8 місяців тому +2

    Fantastic panel. I was busy during the weekend of Lunarcon, but happy to see this. The Earth-ward potion was an insane fact. Your Solo Only series has been really fun to watch for all the weird bits of content left in ARR. Like I didn't know poison potions were a thing. Why would I? I just queued up for everything, and played through MSQ.

  • @erinaah2812
    @erinaah2812 8 місяців тому +2

    Have a easy recovery, love your videos

  • @kajacx
    @kajacx 7 місяців тому +7

    I find people who say "there is no point in doing it" really sad. There is no point in playing a videogame, really. Other than have fun and enjoy it. If you enjoy something, don't let people people tell you that you shouldn't do it.
    I sometimes run to the next quest objective instead of teleporting or flying there just because I feel like it. Is it efficient? No. Is it an enjoyable experience? 100% yes.

  • @jamescrafar3921
    @jamescrafar3921 8 місяців тому +5

    get well soon gamer

  • @SventFulgur
    @SventFulgur 8 місяців тому +1

    I'm glad I was able to make it to the panel! It was such a delight 🥰

  • @WMFawn
    @WMFawn 8 місяців тому +3

    This was a great panel, it really showed a different side to the game that not many consider!
    I personally love making goofy glams and silly stories with my fem au ra and my friends, but I never considered doing something with sprout interactions... or maybe a challenge either.

  • @ultrakillyuri
    @ultrakillyuri 7 місяців тому +2

    tbh I feel like the cloud data center stress test has brought out the whimsy and stupidity in everyone. two brand new servers that only last for 1 week. people have cleared insanely hard content on this server that's going to be wiped next tuesday. people have named their new characters the most stupid things and committed to the bit. it's beautiful

    • @rathgames
      @rathgames  7 місяців тому

      It is amazing to see honestly. This is all I ever wanted

  • @froggybag308
    @froggybag308 8 місяців тому +9

    Hope all goes well gamer. Big love. Another banger
    banger by Solo Only

  • @dinguskahn4855
    @dinguskahn4855 8 місяців тому

    What a lovely panel and a sweet sentiment. I'm glad it was a success!

  • @IlRe720
    @IlRe720 8 місяців тому +5

    Man all I can focus on is Zoro sitting in the front

  • @marfur9
    @marfur9 8 місяців тому +6

    Solo only interacting with a bunch of people here. Hmmm.... Run invalid!

    • @marfur9
      @marfur9 8 місяців тому +8

      Ok, i literally wrote this comment 8 seconds before you said this wasnt the real solo only. touché replying on my comment directly IN the video

    • @rathgames
      @rathgames  8 місяців тому +3


  • @just_d3spairity
    @just_d3spairity 3 місяці тому +1

    While not my case of Doing Something Stupid, a friend of mine has done a No MSQ character. He did only what was necessary to get out of the instance and never continued once he could see other players. He has the most cursed leveling roulette because it's just Qarn, Cutter's Cry, Halitali, and Darkhold. He's got a level 50 arcanist, a level 60 rdm, and is working on getting gnb to 70. To get off limsa he had to use estate teleportation of all things. It's hilarious to see.

    • @rathgames
      @rathgames  3 місяці тому +1

      Its crazy you mention that as I was actually planning on doing that at some point lmao

    • @just_d3spairity
      @just_d3spairity 3 місяці тому +1

      @@rathgames he went arcanist if you were curious because it would be the least detrimental to have a perma-class only arcanist compared to every other option because how streamlined they made Summoner in 6.0. He shuddered over the thought of forcing people to bear with a conjurer in some of those dungeons over and over again.

    • @just_d3spairity
      @just_d3spairity 3 місяці тому

      Some small corrections:
      It's not Halitali, it was Aurum Vale and Wanderer's Palace. Halitali is locked behind Dressed to Decieve in the MSQ of all things, so it's not available.
      To get around at all he has to rely on Chocobo Porters, because mounts are locked behind Ifrit, so it's the only somewhat efficient way of moving around.
      No Inns either because he never did the msq to get access to them. No ferry back to Limsa, so the only chance to get back is the required attunement to the Limsa Aetheryte. They could do that, but it's already a bit of an exception to get off with the Estate Teleportation, so they've never returned.
      He started it in Shadowbringers originally, so Emerald Carby's no-requirement AoEs back in the day was the only thing they could get (no Topaz and Ifrit was Summoner locked)

  • @Haurchefant-sh7jo
    @Haurchefant-sh7jo 8 місяців тому +1

    I hope the “procedure” went well, farewell to your iconic voice!

  • @GrandGobboBarb
    @GrandGobboBarb 8 місяців тому +2

    one of my friends and I like to go through roulettes RPing as a bickering married couple. It's very fun.

  • @bowking135
    @bowking135 7 місяців тому +2

    devviated septum? its apperentlly super nice when you get all fixed up

  • @tenroy6
    @tenroy6 8 місяців тому +4

    I agree and I love this. Literally that is what a game is all about ffs.

  • @rdmages
    @rdmages 8 місяців тому +1

    Fantastic panel man :)

  • @iamthesky1878
    @iamthesky1878 8 місяців тому +2

    Now I'm sad I missed the panel

  • @jack9316
    @jack9316 8 місяців тому +1

    I am really curious do you plan to do a FFXIV ironman run? I find the concept extremely fun to watch and think based of your other content that it just seems like a great idea now seeing as you can do all the story with trusts.

    • @rathgames
      @rathgames  8 місяців тому

      Im doing one actually! I dont allow myself to use trusts either, its just fully solo

  • @hinth4322
    @hinth4322 8 місяців тому +1

    Finally, I can become silly...

  • @the_dark_soul_of_man
    @the_dark_soul_of_man 8 місяців тому +1

    You are insane, but we love you for it, and sane is overrated anyway.

  • @sir.mannington
    @sir.mannington 8 місяців тому +2

    I'm doing every side quest. Does this count as stupid?

  • @jamescrafar3921
    @jamescrafar3921 8 місяців тому +3

    oh is new video?

    • @dagoxy
      @dagoxy 8 місяців тому +3


  • @frogvie3624
    @frogvie3624 8 місяців тому +1


    • @Zanador
      @Zanador 8 місяців тому +4

      If you're on keyboard, press the "Home" key to enter first-person mode. Assuming you haven't re-bound anything else to that key instead, of course.
      While I'm here, you can also press "Scroll Lock" to hide the UI, you can press / on your numpad to RP walk (slow walk) which also lets you sneak past enemies in some extremely niche scenarios, and you can use your numpad as a mini-controller, with 8/4/6/2 acting as the D-pad and 0 acting as the confirm button.

    • @frogvie3624
      @frogvie3624 8 місяців тому

      @@Zanador wow, ty!

    • @Local_custard
      @Local_custard 8 місяців тому +2

      I go in first person all the time to talk to NPCs! When zoomed out, I find I miss out on small details like facial expressions and such. I also get to have a close look at the faces of random npcs. I also tend to try to talk to as many npcs I can in a location. Can be kinda fun

    • @frogvie3624
      @frogvie3624 8 місяців тому

      @@Local_custard im so trying this out later