TNO Custom Super Event - SERB GREAT TRIAL

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
  • Considering that the last TNO Custom super Event went amazingly well, I decided to make a new scenario. Here we have a young Radovan Karadžić, who has experienced the Ustashe terror personally as he lost much of his family during and after WW2.
    What remained of his family fled to Serbia. Obviously this led to his radicalization from the very early years. Radovan founded the Serb Reclamation League, an ultranationalist and irredentist movement that quickly spread from Serbia into Montenegro and parts of Bosnia after Germany fell into chaos.
    Being born in Montenegro, where the cult of vendetta was and still is extremely strong, Karadžić modeled his ideology on this one sole thing - revenge. Now it is time for Radovan to lead the Serbs into the Great Trial against the Ustashe.
    Arise Serbia, one last time!
    Patreon: / athelasproject
    Facebook: / theathelasproject14
    Twitter: / athelas_2_0


  • @TheAthelasProject
    @TheAthelasProject  3 роки тому +120

    Considering that the last TNO Custom super Event went amazingly well, I decided to make a new scenario. Here we have a young Radovan Karadžić, who has experienced the Ustashe terror personally as he lost much of his family during and after WW2. This event is set in the late 1960s, early 1970s of the TNO universe. Of course, this is all non-cannon and pure meme magic.
    What remained of his family fled to Serbia. Obviously this led to his radicalization from the very early years. Radovan founded the Serb Reclamation League, an ultranationalist and irredentist movement that quickly spread from Serbia into Montenegro and parts of Bosnia after Germany fell into chaos.
    Being born in Montenegro, where the cult of vendetta was and still is extremely strong, Karadžić modeled his ideology on this one sole thing - revenge. Now it is time for Radovan to lead the Serbs into the Great Trial against the Ustashe.
    Arise Serbia, one last time!
    Song lyrics:
    *Disdainful race*
    You never knew to die
    Next to a broken sword
    on the native fields of yours,
    defending them with honor.
    With flowers you've decorated
    every conqueror of yours,
    singing them their anthems,
    Shamelessly and loudly.

    You endlessly waited for freedom,
    you disdainful race,
    to be brought by the foreign bayonets.
    You've pastured foreign herds on
    your own mountains,
    Because dying for freedom decently to you is unknown.

    Show me the knights of your kin, one by one,
    who broke the chains on your wrists
    with the hilts of their swords.
    Where is Karađorđe of your People,
    Show me your
    Termophylae gorges.

    You'be crawled in a mud
    with a foreign dirk
    with the bloodlust of the beast, a
    filthy hyena,
    To cowardly strike your brother in the back
    and murder an unborn child
    in a woman's womb.

    You still haven't scythed
    countless graveyards,
    Yet you're hiding a bloodstained dirk close to your chest.
    On the old gallows the New rope hangs,
    In the twilight of your mind
    you dream about new master.
    Show me the knights of your kin, one by one,
    who broke the chains on your wrists
    with the hilts of their swords.
    Where is Karađorđe of your People,
    Show me your
    Termophylae gorges.
    You have defended your country from our infants,
    drinking the blood from the cradles of innocent children.
    Under the omen of shame
    To the name of Ustashe,
    you pinned Christ, freedom and saints.

    You insanely seek
    the one who will forge
    New dirks for you,
    Sharper and more dire.
    Whose rifle will hang from your shoulder now,
    Who's the one who can command you the best?
    Show me the knights of your kin, one by one,
    who broke the chains on your wrists
    with the hilts of their swords.
    Where is Karađorđe of your People,
    Show me your
    Termophylae gorges.
    *Јован Дучић - Закржљала расо! Песма о Хрватима (Сину тисућљетне културе)*

    Ти не знаде 'мрети крај сломљеног мача
    На пољима родним, бранећи их часно
    Китио си цвећем сваког освајача
    Певајућ' му химне, бестидно и гласно.

    Слободу си вечно, закржљала расо
    Чек'о да донесу туђи бајонети
    По горама својим туђа стада пас'о
    Јер достојно не знаш за Слободу 'мрети.

    Покажи ми редом Витезе твог рода
    Што балчаком с руку сломише ти ланце
    Где је Карађорђе твојега народа
    Покажи ми твоје термопилске кланце.

    С туђинском си камом пузио по блату
    С крволоштвом звера, погане хијене
    Да би мучки удар с леђа дао Брату
    И убио пород у утроби жене.

    Још безбројна гробља затравио ниси
    А крваву каму у недрима скриваш
    Са вешала старих нови коноп виси
    У сумраку ума новог газду сниваш.

    Бранио си земљу од нејачи наше
    Из колевке пио крв невине деце
    Под знамење срама уз име усташе
    Ставио си Христа, Слободу и Свеце.

    У безумљу гледаш ко ће нове каме
    Оштрије и љуће опет да ти скује
    Чију ли ћеш пушку обесит' о раме
    Ко најбоље уме да ти командује.

    • @Gigagato_
      @Gigagato_ 3 роки тому +12

      Wasn't Ustasha forced underground by the Italians in the Early 1960s in TNO?

    • @anestisparastatidis3714
      @anestisparastatidis3714 3 роки тому +4

      Athelas i have a question. In this scenario would be be a 'Karbyshevite' where he only wants to kill the Ustasche or he is a 'Yazovite' who wants to make Croatia's population go to 0?

    • @mojewjewjew4420
      @mojewjewjew4420 3 роки тому +10

      The song is deep bruh

    • @Smrtnik-
      @Smrtnik- 3 роки тому +6

      @@mojewjewjew4420 Jeez you think?

    • @mojewjewjew4420
      @mojewjewjew4420 3 роки тому +2

      @@Smrtnik- What do you mean?

  • @yazovgaming
    @yazovgaming 2 роки тому +144

    *Looks like our Little Brothers are following OUR EXAMPLE*

  • @rodzaevskyy
    @rodzaevskyy 3 роки тому +13


  • @KapetanOfBloodyNjiva
    @KapetanOfBloodyNjiva 3 роки тому +157

    I would add Herzegovina too since there is the center of Ustashas and there are hardcore ustashas still to this day. Its sad that we bombed our old and beautiful city of Dubrovnik in 90s instead of scorching whole West Herzegovina and destroying Ustashas nest.

    • @ercoleborgiano
      @ercoleborgiano 3 роки тому +9

      Based pfp and name

    • @KapetanOfBloodyNjiva
      @KapetanOfBloodyNjiva 3 роки тому +6

      @@ercoleborgiano Thanks your pfp is based too.

    • @ercoleborgiano
      @ercoleborgiano 3 роки тому +2

      @@KapetanOfBloodyNjiva Thanks, King 🤚🏻🦅

    • @KapetanOfBloodyNjiva
      @KapetanOfBloodyNjiva 3 роки тому +30

      @@srijemanin7924 Slavonia is literally a half desert since you expelled Serbs. Herzegovinians are fresh converted to catholicism and Croatian nation so they have bigger identity crisis than ex-Serbs from Slavonia. You could not entered Banja Luka because war was staged by all sides and foreign powers since '93. You tried to cross Sava and Una and failed after 2-3 days. Also calling Serbs turks by croats from zagorje(real Croats) who are nomadic, hunic and most likely turkic originated is funny. Even some turkish historians call Croats turks unlike Serbians. Big mouth from someone who have 2 jews in fathers of their nation and I will not speak about ustashas who were half jewish and other half is divided by real croats and Serbian traitors. Also Ustasha is Serbian word dating in Herzegovinian uprising against Turks and Croats were not present as usual to their affection for bootlicking every tyrannt and conqueror.

    • @Todor_Rakic
      @Todor_Rakic 3 роки тому +30

      @@srijemanin7924 Hungarian and german horses need care dont waste your time here ex-serb

  • @lazar06
    @lazar06 3 роки тому +89

    Живео српски народ! 🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸

  • @milanpavlovic2456
    @milanpavlovic2456 3 роки тому +127

    *Now this is perfection*

    @SIDHAKTHEGUYY 3 роки тому +40

    I love Srbija from India! 🇮🇳🇷🇸
    Reclaim your land once and for all

  • @secretbunnie2206
    @secretbunnie2206 2 роки тому +18

    Великий суд над врагами славян.

  • @kremicm9775
    @kremicm9775 3 роки тому +87

    Serbia will look like this some day for now we only need Montenegro and Republic of Srpska later we will take back all our lands

    • @Mare172
      @Mare172 3 роки тому +13

      Bigger not as this. Love the simbol on your pfp brother.

    • @nikolasimonovic7486
      @nikolasimonovic7486 3 роки тому +15

      Glory to serbia

    • @kremicm9775
      @kremicm9775 3 роки тому +9

      @@Mare172 Thanks brother i love yours too 😎

    • @Alexios1389
      @Alexios1389 3 роки тому +4

      I kosovo

    • @kremicm9775
      @kremicm9775 3 роки тому +7

      @@Alexios1389 Ono vec jeste nase jedino da se vrate institucije ali polako nase vreme dolazi

  • @darkangel289
    @darkangel289 3 роки тому +47

    Edit: MrAthelas, there was a recent update in kaiserreich (+-10 hours ago), main countries of the update were Serbia, Bulgaria and Haiti. Can we expect some sort of let's-play on it?)

  • @EllinikiDimokratia
    @EllinikiDimokratia 2 роки тому +18

    We would be on Serbia's side till death!

  • @mojewjewjew4420
    @mojewjewjew4420 3 роки тому +23

    Isnt it ironic that his Serbia is part of OFN? Since thats alternative NATO, that got him in prison.

    • @ЙованДобройевичь
      @ЙованДобройевичь 3 роки тому

      What's ofn?

    • @mojewjewjew4420
      @mojewjewjew4420 3 роки тому +6

      @@ЙованДобройевичь OFN is TNO's NATO, if you look in the video Serbia is part of OFN.

    • @ЙованДобройевичь
      @ЙованДобройевичь 3 роки тому +3

      @@mojewjewjew4420 makes sense
      Although in this world, i do believe NATO wouldn't have balls to arrest him

    • @mojewjewjew4420
      @mojewjewjew4420 3 роки тому +3

      @@ЙованДобройевичь OFN couldn't arrest him because the same situation wouldn't happen. Yugoslavia doesnt exist in TNO and Karadzic probably wouldn;t be involved in politics,hell serbs would be deported from Bosnia.
      Secondly would be that OFN is very weak and has very little acces to Europe,they couldn't attack Serbia,maybe Germany would arrest him but its a big IF.

    • @skueazzy3917
      @skueazzy3917 3 роки тому

      OFN in mod fought against the Germans, it makes perfect sense for Serbia to be in it

  • @nikolasimonovic7486
    @nikolasimonovic7486 3 роки тому +21

    Zivela Srbija zauvek i uvek.🇷🇸✌

  • @thegreatpretenderorale9965
    @thegreatpretenderorale9965 3 роки тому +23


    • @vachagan2007
      @vachagan2007 3 роки тому +7

      Rightful Serbian lands that saw ethnic cleansing twice in our world

  • @kaiseryakkovonwarner8783
    @kaiseryakkovonwarner8783 3 роки тому +13

    The Hague can only delay, not prevent the vengeance of the Serbs.

  • @mariasirona1622
    @mariasirona1622 2 роки тому +10

    Would this thing be an ally to the RNRG? (Omsk great trial gang led by Yazov)

  • @uros3701
    @uros3701 3 роки тому +17

    The Great Trial against Ustashe and Bulgarians.

    • @ЙованДобройевичь
      @ЙованДобройевичь 3 роки тому +1

      No need for Bulgarians

    • @mojewjewjew4420
      @mojewjewjew4420 3 роки тому +1

      @@ЙованДобройевичь Bulgarians deserve a great trial too.

    • @ЙованДобройевичь
      @ЙованДобройевичь 3 роки тому

      @@mojewjewjew4420 for what?

    • @uros3701
      @uros3701 3 роки тому +3

      @@ЙованДобройевичь Are you blind?Do you not see that in TNO some southern parts of Serbia and Macedonia are under Bulgarian occupation.Serbia does great trial against Bulgarians fro Macedonia.

    • @uros3701
      @uros3701 3 роки тому

      @@ЙованДобройевичь For Pirot and Macedonia

  • @spazinmonkey
    @spazinmonkey 3 роки тому +19

    Really amazing! Have you considered partnering with someone to produce a submod for TNO or something. You've really nailed the aesthetic and I'm sure you could write interesting and historically (at least as far as TNO goes) accurate events.

  • @draganpantilovic1188
    @draganpantilovic1188 3 роки тому +14


  • @humanmaximum548
    @humanmaximum548 3 роки тому +19


  • @OstojaSRB
    @OstojaSRB 2 роки тому +7

    Brothers, no need to worry our lands will be taken back once more, the Serbs never surender history has proven that. The Ustaše and Imperialst will fall

  • @napoleon_bonaparte_the_great
    @napoleon_bonaparte_the_great 3 роки тому +7

    Now one for monarchist war of liberation

  • @KinoTechUSA69
    @KinoTechUSA69 Рік тому +2

    If Serbs had nukes, the world would be glass.

  • @vachagan2007
    @vachagan2007 3 роки тому +6

    This no cap blessed

  • @Loterrach
    @Loterrach 3 роки тому +9

    Најежим се кад ово гледам, хвала ти Ателасе

  • @Hm1345.m
    @Hm1345.m 3 роки тому +14

    Izašao je novi update za Srbiju u Kaissereichu, pa ako možeš da napraviš video

    • @Mare172
      @Mare172 3 роки тому +2

      Izasao je i za Haite trebao bi to da proba

    • @uros3701
      @uros3701 3 роки тому +2

      @@Mare172 lol

    • @nonameacc
      @nonameacc 3 роки тому +1

      Samo vi igrajte igrice djeco dok vam drzavu siluju svakakva stoka

  • @matejaobrenovic3338
    @matejaobrenovic3338 3 роки тому +5

    I hope someone turns your tno videos into a sub mod for TNO

  • @alteumaen4820
    @alteumaen4820 2 роки тому +3

    ngl I was expecting a different song for Karadžić

  • @thegreatpretenderorale9965
    @thegreatpretenderorale9965 3 роки тому +3

    DODIK'S TIMELINE! Something like you did with Woucic.

  • @HawkThunder907
    @HawkThunder907 Рік тому +2

    One thing that we need to use:
    Its allies this time. Every time we were so close to greatness, but then we couldnt hold it, face the reality we lost battles, but we are not defeated. They think they will shut us down by carwing us up, but revenge is the main fuel we had and need to get our greatness. By God and fatherland we will beginn the great trial of the west and the enemies who attacked us!

  • @yuty0428
    @yuty0428 2 роки тому +5

    This guy irl declared that communism is bad, but nationalism is worse tho

    • @saptashwapal4400
      @saptashwapal4400 2 роки тому +8

      Nationalism is not worse. However nationalism should only be used as a defensive measure. Not offensive.

    • @SpaceMarine500
      @SpaceMarine500 2 роки тому +2

      Nationalism is a base template kind of ideology. By its nature, it's different for each country or nation and there has been extreme variety in its effects and principles over the course of history.

  • @eddy_malouempereur_du_cong6536
    @eddy_malouempereur_du_cong6536 2 роки тому +3

    The final war to restaure Yougoslavia

  • @loodiloodi8237
    @loodiloodi8237 3 роки тому +4

    Daj Bože da se Srbi slože.

    • @nonameacc
      @nonameacc 3 роки тому +2

      Sve dok je boomera i eksera nema nam sloge, ukopase nas u zemlju svojim komformizmom i konzumerizmom. Nama ne samo da je potrebna socijalna revolucija nego i nacionalna.

  • @sgp7931
    @sgp7931 3 роки тому +4


  • @chrismne92
    @chrismne92 3 роки тому +4


  • @aetu35
    @aetu35 3 роки тому +3


  • @scarletking8935
    @scarletking8935 3 роки тому +3

    You shuld do more of these

  • @TankMasterGo
    @TankMasterGo 8 місяців тому


  • @ihateslovakians
    @ihateslovakians 3 роки тому +3

    someone needs to make a submod about this

  • @charliesheen4253
    @charliesheen4253 3 роки тому +3

    Ja bih dao zivot za ovo.

  • @nenadinf
    @nenadinf 3 роки тому +2

    Kaiserrich 0.19 when ?

  • @StoicNatsoc
    @StoicNatsoc 3 роки тому +1

    Thats it mayne, thats just the shit i need right there. i cant get enough of it. now where is my ULTRAVISIONARY SERBIAN SOCIALISM where we fucking take the grosserbien to the stars!

  • @c_srb704
    @c_srb704 2 роки тому +1

    we do a little bit trolling

  • @user-ge3gq2rx9p
    @user-ge3gq2rx9p 2 роки тому +1

    Where is Skadar?

  • @foxboiii96
    @foxboiii96 3 роки тому +1

    create europe strategy game pls

  • @ahhlewis
    @ahhlewis 3 роки тому


  • @salothsar1806
    @salothsar1806 2 роки тому

    Athelas I always want to ask you what do you think of Aleksandar Rankovic

  • @Kret-o
    @Kret-o Рік тому

    We NEED this in TNO

  • @milanjuric814
    @milanjuric814 3 роки тому

    Brate imal ista od ovog moda

  • @tunderbird7
    @tunderbird7 3 роки тому

    Коначно,ЦЕЛА СРПСТВО

  • @Lens15
    @Lens15 2 роки тому

    How to die ??
    Za Dom

  • @mira6038
    @mira6038 3 роки тому +2

    What’s the song of this? It’s pretty amazing!

  • @daniloungeinc.5102
    @daniloungeinc.5102 Рік тому

    Gde je original video sa svim verzijama Srbije?

  • @qatcook252
    @qatcook252 3 роки тому

    Yo bro I’m wondering if there will be another part for the modern warfare lore

  • @husri_17
    @husri_17 Рік тому

    Wait.... OFN?

    • @skueazzy3917
      @skueazzy3917 Рік тому +2

      yeah, like NATO but cool. Serbia in this universe would align with devil if needed to purge nazis

  • @VelikiDim
    @VelikiDim 2 роки тому +1


    • @sal6695
      @sal6695 2 роки тому +4

      My man you don't even know what the word means

  • @eew_862
    @eew_862 2 роки тому +2

    Karadžič are commie no nationalist

    • @itatili3973
      @itatili3973 2 роки тому +4

      Que mal informado estás,karadzic era un ultranacionalista,el quería crear la gran Serbia junto con slobodan Milosevic,su ideas eran más apegadas al fascismo que al comunismo en si,ya que el creía en la superioridad y hegemonía Serbia

  • @slavusmaximus4583
    @slavusmaximus4583 3 роки тому +5

    srbi su jako smjesni ljudi dosli u tenkovima u Hrvatsku i izgubili njih 639

    • @slavusmaximus4583
      @slavusmaximus4583 3 роки тому +3

      @orthodoxfascist zasto mu je onda kuća u Hrvatskoj

    • @gibu3296
      @gibu3296 3 роки тому +17

      @@slavusmaximus4583 Činjenica da ne znaš nikakvu razliku između etničkog porekla i mesto rođenja pokazuje kako mentalno zaostali intelekt imaš, po tvojoj logici Rimski imperatori koji su se rodili na prostoru Srbije su Srbi, a kada je Tesla bio Rođen tada nije postojala Hrvatska već Austro-Ugarska, što ga po tvojoj mentalnoj logici čini Austro-Ugarinom. Jeste vi tenkove uništili ali one iz drugog svetskog rata koja su bila isključivo kao mamac, jer ih je tada Jugoslavija imala baš puno i nije ni blizu uništeni h tenkova koliko si ti naveo.

    • @thegreatpretenderorale9965
      @thegreatpretenderorale9965 3 роки тому +3

      @@slavusmaximus4583 zato sto ste mu zapalili i kucu i spomenik i cel selo, a 99% clanova porodice Tesle pobili u Jasenovcu, imas googlu pgoledaj sam

    • @Du_Co
      @Du_Co 2 роки тому +12

      @@slavusmaximus4583 znas neki Rimski imperatori su rodjeni u Srbiji jel ih to cini srbima ziveli su u srbiji jel to znaci da su srbi naravno da ne a Tesla je bio srbin iz Austrije jer hrvatska nije postojala u to vreme njegov otac je bio pravosavni svesetnik a deda se hvalio sto zna mnogo pesama srpske epike

    • @bone6495
      @bone6495 Рік тому

      Ko je unisttio te tenkove? Ne vi.

  • @Lady_Evelyn
    @Lady_Evelyn 3 роки тому +1

    Yugoslav reunification

  • @grayfox1771
    @grayfox1771 Рік тому

    Serbia will rise again.