BT14 Feature Tournament - Seraphimon vs WarGreymon



  • @WontonWhale
    @WontonWhale 7 місяців тому

    I feel like game 1 at about 7:50 it might have been better to use Emissary of Hope rather than Training to digivolve into the Seraphimon in raising. That way you would have picked up the Jamming and wouldn't have lost that stack.

    • @WontonWhale
      @WontonWhale 7 місяців тому

      Though thinking about it, I'm not sure if Emissary of Hope is considered to be removing a card from security. Would need to see a ruling on that.
      EDIT: Apparently it does count as removing from security, so you would have been able to gain Jamming in that case.