Borovets Skiing 05-11.02.2024. part 1 - Markudjik & Yastrebets

  • Опубліковано 28 гру 2024


  • @kanamovanachannel
    @kanamovanachannel  10 місяців тому +1

    ..nastavak teksta iz opisa videa..
    Ono što mislim da se desilo je da im je trebalo više opreme da je ponovo iznajme, sutradan je bila nedelja, i bila je velika gužva, pa su verovatno hteli da vrate nešto od opreme.. to je moje mišljenje, možda nisam u pravu.. Nije hteo da uvaži datum koji je ispisan na skijama, nije se izvinio.. ponizio nas je..Nismo htele više da se svađamo sa njim, posebno zato što je novac koji je izgubila mali (oko 15 eur za taj jedan dan iznajmljivanja) pa smo se okrenule i izašle. Ali ovaj incident je bacio senku na naš odmor, bile smo ljute i pod stresom do kraja dana, a i sutra, i posle toga kad god se toga setimo.. Šteta, jer su svi ostali ljudi bili zaista fini i druželjubivi , sve je bilo super, pa je šteta što je ovo donekle pokvarilo savršenu sliku prelepog Boroveca. Dakle, ne preporučujem da iznajmljujete u Boro-u, ali ako to ipak želite, slikajte sve, slikajte karticu! jer će vam to uzeti, da biste imali dokaz, slikajte i bar kod na skijama ispred njih, da vas ne bi optuživali da ste zalepili drugi bar kod..

  • @kanamovanachannel
    @kanamovanachannel  10 місяців тому

    ..continuation from the text in description..
    What I think happened is that they needed more equipment to rent it again, next day was Sunday, and it was very crowded, so they probably wanted to bring back some of the equipment.. that is my opinion, maybe I am not right.. He didn't want to acknowledge the date that was written on the skies, he didn't apologize.. he humiliated us.. We didn't want to quarrel with him anymore, specially because the amount of money that she lost is small (about 15 eur for that one day of renting) so we turned and went out. But this incident cast a shadow on our vacation, we were angry and stressed for the rest of the day, and also tomorrow, and after that whenever we remember it.. And it is very pity, because all other people were really nice and friendly, everything was great, so it is shame that this ruined to some extent the perfect picture of the beautiful Borovets. So, I don't recommend you to rent at Boro, but if you still want to do that, take pictures of everything, take picture of the ticket! because they will take it from you, so that you will have the proof, also take picture of the bar code on skis in front of them, so that they won't accuse you that you stuck another bar code..