Just as long as it's the weird stuff you can find in thrift stores...I think it'd be kinda mean to snake something someone with a low income might actually need; just my opinion as someone with a low income.
This had me in stitches dear Lord, I'm sitting in the middle of my living room at 11 pm after 2 weeks of cutting weight just hysterically laughing at Fetty throwing the rug around. A bizarre form of joy.
I dont know how this came up in reccomended, i dont skateboard nor have i ever been interested in skateboarding but this is some entertaining stuff right here
Just wanted to give you some ideas..next time you guys are a Lowe’s or Home Depot get some metal pipe clamps or pvc holders. Their flat metal clamps that go around weird shaped object. You could have used them around the carpet to hold the wood on instead of tape and it might have even gone around the carpet and held the trucks on. Love these videos by the way.
This is probably the best Skate Everything Wars they've made. Idk how Carlos was able to pull off so many tricks on that thing . It'd be funny to see if they could return the carpet after all it's been through lol
Mount trucks on to a copy off your favorite book and have to land tricks while accurately quoting pages. Of course fetty is BOUND to use a Harry Potter book
I couldn't stop laughing throughout you boys did great I hope you are ok. At the end when Aaron kept skating like it was nothing while fetty unwrapped the rug. A very nice landing mr kyro
I miss Lance y'all. I didn't watch Braille videos for a while but I've been on a Braille kick recently and I found out that he left today. I'm always late to the party. I hope Lance and the guys in the Braille team are doing well!
You should find a bass pro shop to do a skate anything! I also think you should come to oceanside California and do a skate anything at sea hive marketplace! I think you guys would love that place plus you could skate the encinitas skate park off of santa fe ave behind the vons grocery store
What store should we go to next?
Bed bath and beyond
French store 👏
home depot
"cactuses smell great"
*Sniffs cactus flower*
"This is fake?"
ir rhhymes, u should use it for a rap
I’m not fake
Carlos rides a carpet better than I ride a skateboard
Thats Carlos
Thats Аladdin
I don’t understand that he almost won on a carpet
Lmao same here man
@@chilli-iceolive-abode2447 small children don't have carpets
25:35 "Did you hit your head?"
Fetty: "I don't know"
Yeah he probably did xD
"This isn't a book! This is a book"
"Cactus smells really good thi...this is fake"
Quality Fetty quotes.
One of the funniest videos you guys made
THE funniest
And damn impressive none the less
Its not
One of the best in awhile from them
Who else loves Carlos' voice?
Me and he looks mexican af
Carlos and Nigel have bomb voices
Alejandro Torres unique
5:29 so tatted he looks like a fancy grandma pillow
I think the way Fetty talks is so cute and funny! Anyone else? 😂😂😂
Allison and Fetty
Up a tree
Fist comes love
Then comes marriage
Then Kickflip tailslide the baby carriage!
He sounds like he has depression and he hasn't woke up properly lol
so did that 14 year old girl
He honestly seems like someone who's very easily bamboozled.
Lmao when Fetty was swinging the carpet I was thinking about the bowser and Mario fight on the n 64 😂
majora mask 😂
the carpet looks like the flying carpet level in Mario 64!
27:09 I’ve never laughed so hard watching one of your guys videos
no one:
Aaron: **just trying to skate**
One of the best videos I watched :D I can't believe that Carlos actually could do anything with that rug, it's almost his size!
How much weed did fetty smoke before this lmao😂
5:28 impossible to answer
not enough...
what about the joint in carloss ear lmao
@@nicholasurias466 thought I was the only one who seen that
Carlos && Fetty are the funniest dudes ever
20:12 😂
Carlos: I thought we were friends Fetty.
That book was in Swedish and it was called “big catcher”
Thanks ikea man
And his profile picture is ikea
just saying the way Fetty speaks is actually adorable i love it
Carlos: I never really did go to shop class
Proceeds to actually mark out the holes before drilling them, a technique never before seen on Braille
dfgfjkbvcxc yutreaASDTYUIOPLKJKHGDSAasdfghjkl;/
Dude Carlos is better at riding a carpet than I am riding an actual board
you copy comments
Autrious YT azazaza aaazazaaaaazaa aaa aa aaaaaa azazazazaaazazaaaaaaaaa azaazaazazaaazazaaa aaazazaaaaaaazaazaaazaazaazaaaaaaaaaaaaaa a aaazazaazaaaa azaaazazazaaaza aaazaazaaa aaaaazaaaa azazaaazaaaaaazaa aazaaaaaaaaaaaazaazaaazaa aazazaazaaa aazaa azaazaa aaaaaa aaaazaazaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazaazaaaaaaaaaaazaazaaaaaazazaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaa aa aaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaazaa aaaaazazaaaazaaza aazaaaazaaaaazazaaaaaa aaa aaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaazaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaa aaaa aazaaaa azaazaaaaaaaaaaa aa aaazaazaaaazaaazaaaaaaaaaazaaaaazaaazaazaazaaaaaaaazaaaazaaazaazaaaazazaaa aaa aaaaa aazaazaaaaza aaaazaazaazaaaa a aazaaaa aaaaa aaaaa aazaaazaaazaazaaa aaaaa azazaaaazaaaaaazaaaazazaaaaaa a aazazaazazaaaz aaaaa azaaaaaaaaa aa aaaaa aaaaza aaa aazaazaaa aa azazaaa aa a a a. Aaazazazazaaaaaaaaaazaaaaazaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaa azazaaaaaaaxazaaaaaaaazaaazaazaaaaaaazaaaaaaaaaa aazaaaaaazaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazaaaaazazaaaa aazaaaaaazaaaaazazaazazaaa aaaaza azaaaaaa aa aaa azaazaaazaaaaazazaaaaaaazaaazaazaazaaaa at aazaazaxaz aaa aaa aaa aa a a aa aaaazaaazaazaaaaaaaaaaaaa aa aaa aaza%aaaaaaaaaaaaazaa azazazaaazaaaazaaazaaaaazaaaaaaazaza%aaa a aaa axaaaaa azaaa aaaaz aaaazazaaazaazaaazazaa azaaaaaa% aaaazaazaaaz azazazaaaazazazaaaazaazaaa aaaaz aaz aaa a aaazazaa aa aaaazazaazazazaa zaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Aaaaazaazaaaaaaazaaaazaaaaza aazaaaaazaaaazazaaazaa aaaaaaaaaa azaza zaaaazaaaaa aaa. Aaaaazaazaazaaazaa aaza azazaaaaaaaxazaazaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaazaaaaazazaxazaaazazaazazazaaaaazazazaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazazaazaaaazaaaaaaaazazaazaa azaazaaazaaazaaa aaaaaaaaza aaaaaaa aaazaazazazaa azaazazaaazaaaaaaazaaazaaaaaaaaaaaaazaaaaaazaaaaazaaaaazaaazazaazaaaaazazazaaaaaazaazaazaaaaazazaaaaazaaaaazaaaaaaaazazazaaaazaaaaaaaaaaaaaaxaaxaaaaaaaaaaaaazaazazaaaa aazazazazaaxazaazazaazaaaaaaaaaaazaaaa aaazaaa aazaazaazaaazaaaaazaaa aaaaaa a aaaazazaaaazaazaazazaaaaaaaaazaazaaaaaaaaaazaaaaaaazaazazaaazaaaaazaaa aazazazaaaaazaaaaaazaaaazazazazazaaazaaaazazaaaazaazazazazazazzaaaazazazaaaazazaazaaazazaaaaaaaaaaaazazaazazazazazazzzazaaazazzzaaazaaazaazazazaaaaazazaaaaaaaaazazazaazazazaaaaaaaazazazaazazazaaazaaaaaaaaazaaaaaaaazaazazaa aazazazaazaaxazaxaazaxaazazazaazazazaa aaazaazazaaazazazaazazaazazaaaaazazaa aaaazazazazazazaazazazaazaazazazaaazaaazaazaxazaaazazazazazazaaaaaaaxaazaazazzzaazaaaazaaaazazazazazazaazazazaazazaaazaazazaazazaaazazaaaaaaaaaaaaazazazazaaaazazazazaaazaazzazaaaazaaaaaazaazaazazazazazazazaazaaazaaazazazazazaazazaaaaaazazazazazazazaaaaaaazazaaaaaazaazaaazazazazazaaaazzzaaaazazazaaazaazazaaazaazaazaazazaaaaaazaazaazazaaazazazazaaazaaaaazaaaaaaazaaaaazazazazazaaaazaazaazaaaazazaaaaaaazaaazazazaaaaazaazaaaaazaazaaaazazazaazazaaaazaaaaaazaaaaaazazaaazaaazazaazazaaaaazazazaaaaazaaaaaaaazaaaazazaazazazazazaazazazaazazaaaaaazaazazaazaazaaaazazaazaaaaazaaaazazazazazazazazazazazaazaaaaazazaazazazaaazazazazaaaaazazaaaaazazazazazaaaazaazaaaazazazaaaaaazazazaazazazazazaazaaaazaazaaaazaaazazaaaaazazazaaaaazaaaazaaazazaaaaaaazazazaaaaaaazaaazazazazazazaazaaazaaaaaazazazaaaaaaazazazazazazazaaaazazazaaaaaaazazaaazazazazazazazazaaaaazazazazazazazazaazazaaazaaaazaaaaazazaaazazazaaazazazaaaazazazazaaaazazazaaaaaaaazazaazazazazazazazazazaazazazazaazaazazazazazazaaaaaazazaaazazazazazaaaazaaaaazazaaazazazazaazazazazazazazazaaazazaaaazazazaazaaaaaazaaazaaazazazazaaaazazazazazaazazazaaazazazaazazaaaazaaazazazazaazaaaaaazazazaaaaaazazazazazaaazazazazaaazaazazazaazazazaazazaazazaazazaaaaazazaaazazazazazaazaaaaazazaaazaaazaaazaaazazazazazzaaaaaazazazaaaazazaazaaaaaazazazazaazazazaaaazaazaaaaaaazazaaaazaaaazazazazaazazaaaaaazazazazazazaaaaaaaazazazaaaazaaazazaaazazaaaaazaaaazazazazazazaazazaazaazaazazaazazaaaaaazazazazaaaaaazazazazaazaazazazaazazaazazzazazazazazaazazaza azazazazazazazazazazazazaaxaazaaazazazazazazazazaazaaazazazazazaaazaaazaaaazazaaazaaaza azazaza aa aa
Imagine being so dumb da da dumb da dumb that you copy a comment and only add 1 single word smh
Wow you copied someone else’s like bank
@Autrious imagine copying the top comment
Do skate everything wars thrift store edition.
p00k yes we need to do that! Goodwill or Salvation Army? 🤔
Might end up having to go to both since they can be so random. Or whichever one doesn't kick you out =)
Just as long as it's the weird stuff you can find in thrift stores...I think it'd be kinda mean to snake something someone with a low income might actually need; just my opinion as someone with a low income.
Salvation Army, since they are a charity unlike goodwill
This had me in stitches dear Lord, I'm sitting in the middle of my living room at 11 pm after 2 weeks of cutting weight just hysterically laughing at Fetty throwing the rug around. A bizarre form of joy.
Thrift shop would be cool
I dont know how this came up in reccomended, i dont skateboard nor have i ever been interested in skateboarding but this is some entertaining stuff right here
Mad whirlwind skills at the outro
"Cactuses smell great, you should.. that's fake" 😂
Home depot next
Cedric Josh that was actually the first one we ever did. Maybe we need a rematch there!
I’m glad nobody got seriously hurt because that was the funniest thing Ive seen in a while! 👏👏👏
Garage sale edition? Goodwill edition? Costco edition?
so much funner when they arn't just going for cheap shots. these guys are way better at skate everything wars than the original two guys
27:10 when your brother doesn't give you the remote.
You guys seriously have the best life. Just make random skateboarding videos. I give you a 100/10 on this one.
Take a hit whenever you see Carlos’ joint
Edit: it's a pen....
I genuinely thought it was a joint too
Carlos is honestly so adorable and that voice, damn
Mabey you guys can do a a garage sale skate?
shoutout carlos walking around with the doob in his ear lmaoooo
It's a pen
Owari YF it’s a pen
I love your videos braille thats why i started skating is because of you guys ♥
Eunice_Ventura 35 that’s awesome, we live for stories like this!
Omygosh i cant believe you replied ♥♥♥
This made my day ♥
For sure one of the best episodes in a long time
This looks like a ridiculous video game mod
Skate 4 pc
Holy shit this has been one of my favourite videos you guys have made in forever. I'm legit crying right now!
I have skated Ikeas parkinglots several times, but never the stuff from inside the store! xD Cool idea for a video! :-)
magnus soderbom who do you think made the better board?
The carpet board was the most creative one, but the cutting board was, without a doubt, the better skateboard! :-)
I like how Carlos wears headphones while skating, and Fetty doesn't. But then the roles change when they shop at IKEA
Dude i love Carlos's voice no homo
BEST Skate wars ever tbh.. i like the ideas tho.. the long jump from bank to bank fly out should come more often :D
so do you skate street?
Carlos: I skate carpets
Just wanted to give you some ideas..next time you guys are a Lowe’s or Home Depot get some metal pipe clamps or pvc holders. Their flat metal clamps that go around weird shaped object. You could have used them around the carpet to hold the wood on instead of tape and it might have even gone around the carpet and held the trucks on. Love these videos by the way.
Awesome carpet :)
Absolutely Loved Fetty in this video. Craziest I've seen ya guys! Do Skate Wars at Outdoor World or Cabela's?
0:43, "Aww man I haven't been here since 'nam"
This is the best video ever made by anyone or anything ever
Aladdin would make this if he skated
Aladdin cranked it up a notch. His rug was a hoverboard.
It’s the best ikea skate episode I’ve ever seen guys!!!!👍👍💪well done😂❤️
"Did you hit your head?"
"I don't know.."
I'm SO glad he stood by the decision to get the rug when everyone was slightly pushing him away from it. SO glad xD
Fetty you rock🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣,... I liked the last part when fetty was unwrapping 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I love this video! The comedy. The skating. Super sick!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
i lost my shit when Fetty said "I feel like frozone" and slid away,
There's one thing I am sure - this is the best and funniest " Skate Everything" ever made :-) :-D
*The video that decided to make the walls of the Braille House blue....*
Probably my favorite video that you guys have made!
20:33 "carpet to fakie" I'm deceased
As soon as i read this he said it lol
This is probably the best Skate Everything Wars they've made. Idk how Carlos was able to pull off so many tricks on that thing . It'd be funny to see if they could return the carpet after all it's been through lol
Mount trucks on to a copy off your favorite book and have to land tricks while accurately quoting pages. Of course fetty is BOUND to use a Harry Potter book
Braille would have to be pretty /spine/less to /shelf/ this recommendation.
Tracy H best part is fetty could use one of those new illustrated editions that are like a foot by 10 inches and would be pretty skate able
Tracy H Braille would have to be pretty _spine_ less to _shelf_ this recommendation
I think they've already covered skating a book.
What's wrong with comic books?
One of the best SEWs yet! Also, whoever's on camera these days is good.
i love how fetty is wearing a dragon ball shirt and got a board that mercenary tao would ride lol
I couldn't stop laughing throughout you boys did great I hope you are ok. At the end when Aaron kept skating like it was nothing while fetty unwrapped the rug. A very nice landing mr kyro
“oh, that is not a book!”
“It is a book...”
*We should paint the wall in the Braille House blue* Gabe's a man beyond time
I would have loved to see carlos' reaction to seeing his board lmao
Carlos really shredded. I'm impressed by both but that rug was huge.
When it comes down to Carlos and a challenge we all know he can be really petty 😂😂😂😂😂😂
This is for sure the funniest video in a long time 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂
Best ending ever!
0:41 "$50 pillow" 😂
The board Carlos made was really nice, you guys should play a whole park game of SKATE with it using regular shoes.
Carlos sounds like a cartoon 😂
Squirrel ASMR ikr !
That's what I'm saying 🤣😭
You should do the carpet one cut in half like an single bored, an do full park games of skate with them!?! I'd defrost watch that!
1:12. Should have skated the fire extinguisher on the wall
Martita Mirsberger we have been thinking about that. Kinda worried about it exploding when we attach the trucks
My name is jimmy idk why I’m under my moms account but probably a bad idea now that I think of it
the cutting board looks really skatable, i would love to see you guys do some tricks on it (with out slippery slippers)
In Germany Ikea has Skateboard pillows
And WE tryed to skate them that workt better than i ever expect
I think this one was so good we need a Round 2 of IKEA wars! :)
*picks up cheese grater*
“Free tattoo removal”
19:54 I thought I was a Nigel fanboy, but after Carlos stuck the landing on the... rug drop, there might be a new sheriff in town. :D
"cactuses smell great, you should smel- thats fake."
Best Braille video so far
Takes carpet boarding to a whole new level
carlos is definetley the send it skate. he is so good at skating
that joint carlos ;) @7:17
So I wasnt the only one that noticed it
I just thought about it but then I realized it was a pencil
That's a tiny pencil that they give you at IKEA to write down what you are looking for
I've been starting at it all vid
Best video in a very long time! I was laughing so hard. Carlos... your skills are legendary!
Pets mart could be pretty funny I think
This made me laugh hella times and hella hard. 😂😂😂 Bravo Braille, bravo. 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
Carlos out here like Aladdin with his magic carpet, i don't understand.
I gotta say the edit on this video is fantastic
Carlos' carpet is way harder to skate than fetty's cutting board.
I miss Lance y'all. I didn't watch Braille videos for a while but I've been on a Braille kick recently and I found out that he left today. I'm always late to the party. I hope Lance and the guys in the Braille team are doing well!
good ikea
14:57 Aaron free skating in the background killed me😂😂🤣
the book that Carlos takes at the begining is written in Sweidish
You should find a bass pro shop to do a skate anything! I also think you should come to oceanside California and do a skate anything at sea hive marketplace! I think you guys would love that place plus you could skate the encinitas skate park off of santa fe ave behind the vons grocery store
Wtf listen to that scream 1:18
This one is truly worth the description epic.