she's who GOD made her. everything we face in life God already knew it was going to happened. no one's perfect, but we have to strive to be daily. she's still my girl regardless! we all fall short & being in the ministry is no exception...
Sometimes when I watch preachers like these, what staggers me is how patient God is. How merciful He is and how faithful He remains even when His children disobey Him. I glorify you Jesus Christ. I pray that these fallen preachers may return to their original calling and fullfil His will and stop misleading and fleecing the flock of God- by whom they will be held accountable.
When error is pointed out, why do people accuse you of judging. Do people really think we should sit silent and not call an ace an ace and a spade a spade. What this woman is saying is utter foolishness, and it needs to be called out for what it is. FOOLISHNESS!
100 on that, sis! Clothes and a strut did not make Christ who he was, and it's never defined me either. We are More than that, our value is far above anything this world could Ever offer. If that's what ms. Bynum was suggesting she need to watch her mouth talking bout my Daddy. Any old pimp with a hoe can provide some ascessories to attract the scum that are moved by the shallow and empty. Dirty gold is the easiest thing to get nowadays, but it leads to total mind control and demon infestation. No stank u. lol.
You are right - the great commission was given to all of us. As women, however, we need to stay in our "God-ordained" places as helpers. Eve caused Adam to fall & God said that husbands would rule over us. Apostle Paul clarified it & said for husbands to rule lovingly and sacrificially. Again, God has a special place for us in the home & in ministry. Submission is beautiful! As women, we don't have to pastor...what about taking it to the streets? Are PASTORS the only ones who preach?????
@4cornerz Correction...Juanita needs to get saved and filled with the TRUE holyghost..give back all the money she conned simple people out of and set in the back of the church with humility seeking Gods forgiveness...
Yes, I'm tired of men that need a mamma instead of a spouse or helpmeet!! Tired of men that take everything you have & jump on you instead being responsible!! Take Mr. Little & put him deep under, so I can enjoy a future with a Mr. Big!! Thank you Lord!!
"I don't look like i looked 10 years ago, 10 years ago when she burst on the scene she looked wholesome and was the personification of salvation. She let the world shame her into looking like it. I heard she went back and cried after her first time on tbn because someone talked about how she was dressed. Was she waiting for her chance to look like the world? The old Juanita seemed to be seeking with all her heart. Somehow the world has crept in. PRAY FOR JUANITA BYNUM.
She’s beautiful. Always has been and always will be. Sometimes people perfect onto others. If she did cry it’s ok, she just needed to really see herself and how stunning she really was.
i love it when people say the truth ... i have heard the full tape on one of the internet radios and it had nothing to do with her husband ... but its a shame most Christians spend time ..... domestic violence in all forms should not be condoned ...most times we do not look at stuff form this perspective maybe because we do not have relations that have gone through that and possibly died
i was in florida for this conferance was powerful.... i even used to attend her 5 am morning prayers in jamaica queens.. i still do now and then....her husband was in the audience thats y she was saying all this i look good crap......but little did we know they were having problems
She is under the influence of frustration therefore she passes the spirit on to women that are hurt and frustrated ! So they walk out saying im delivered as they go home with the spirit of division...
We all have sinned... Paul and David both sinned and we're reaping the benefits of their works. Gift and callings are without repentance... Juanita Bynum even says take the meat and eat the bones..... She's a powerful element in the body of Christ... Things will always come against her b/c of her "works".... Just continue to pray for in addition to the body of christ
amen!!! Thank GOD HE is not like man because most of us would be lost if HE threw us away like people do when someone falls. Even when we know the person's sin, we are suppose to help them, pray for them and move on. Sin is sin, if it be a liar and we know what the word says about a liar, a back bitter, thief, a murderer, etc. we that feel like we are stronger and have over come these things are suppose to help others. if we don't then who is praying or binding up the lost, etc.
turning pages??? But did she acually READ from it? and if so, Where??? I had this problem with one of the other sermons, i listened to it twice while cleaning my house and noticed no scriptual text was read. But she did have a Bible on the pulpit and was turning the pages also.
Amen, I am not against Juanita, I was blessed by her ministry. I was just reading the piece on Michael English, who recieved the dove award, and gave it back because he felt unworthy, because he had sinned. That is humility. I would like to see our leaders just humble under God's almighty hand. Let him breaks us, and put us back together again, better than new. It will happen for her.
The Lord have mercy on whoever was bold enough to attack a prophet. She is preaching everywhere! God has restored ALL of her stuff plus extra, and He did it a long time ago!! She is persecuted because she loves the Lord. Just as the prophets, disciples and Jesus were. So shall we be who loves Him says the BIBLE!!!
There's a lot of words you can put in her mouth and a lot of thoughts you can make it seem is coming out of her mind--when you have the power of editing out what is the truth!
why do the people in the churches always look like zombies, they clapped for everything the preacher said , she could curse them , they would clap they really love Jesus like they do their pastors?
issa jones .. Yep it's bad. The hat use to be me. Then God showed me who the free Masonic Society's, Illuminati Sodomite pedifile's Luciferian Satanist's pimping Prosperity church ...
we talk about it...(praying for her)...let's be about it! In love! yes we can be concerned about the state of her soul and the sheep she watches over, however, some ppl arent judging in love! love!
i need to send her some money today so i won't miss my blessing. the mega million is over a hundred million and i'll be claiming it in the name of bynum. did somebody say amen?
@kadene2 So very very true...Paul warned the church in Rom.16:17-18 "with vain(clever) words and fair speech they deceive the simple(innocent..ignorant..foolish)" verse 17 said "AVOID THEM" be blessed
I'm not a follower of Mr.Jennings,but am a follower of the Word of God.He does tell the Word in its truth.there is no other way to interperet this.Anyone that goes against the word,is not of the same spirit.People try to say that we live in a different culture today than back then.Dont you think God Knows this.We are to follow the teachings of the New Testament Church,which was and still is the one true teaching of scripture.Have an open mind and pray before you read.God Bless you.
+jamaar richardson well spoken. l can't speak for others but l can. l am Messiah's Seer. l live, walk and stand in the Presence of God Almighty El'elyon. you judge what I say. l speak of calling and election. (ll pet.1:10) to this l say, you nor she know what this mean. (u will die in ur sin if u don't repent) it is by the knowledge of God. Jesus said, (matt.11 : 27 - 30 ) " man knows the son but the Father, and no one knows the Father except the son, or whomsoever he shall reveal Him." The Lord went on to say, ( simplified) 'take my yoke (s -take hey are twofold ) upon you and learn of me '. By these sayings l am saying, ministers like Juanita are blind to the will of God on how to do these things that have been commanded of us by God. therefore she and others like her fulfill the words of the Lord when he said of the teachers and religious leaders of his day, how that they take away the key of knowledge (which in our day is by calling and election and the knowledge of God by the Lord's yoke) to prevent those who would enter in( to the Presence of God Almighty called Pawneem by the way, truth and life) and do not enter in themselves. this is why you don't know either. wait a minute though, do you know how to make calling and election sure, or how to take the Lord's YOKES? if u dont, u r as bad as they are, rite?
+meechie Bancos okay if you are called to preach and u know god our heavenly father then why do u feel the need to called her preaching pathetic I mean from my understanding when the man or woman of god go forth to preach isn't the sermons that they preach is giving by God the father... so why do some ppl have something negative to say about what they are preaching about I don't understand why do u preachers be in competition I just don't understand I mean correct me if I'm wrong and in saying this because I look up to the preachers because that's something I want to do one day that's all I see myself doing in my future is preaching the word of God and having a wife and kids,
+jamaar richardson how shall l say this? for one, why do you not address what l have said about taking the yoke of the Lord, and calling and election? that is your greatest error. second, l am not in competition w anyone. they cannot compet w me. least of all these hypocrites who call themselves ministers. l tell you do not strive to be among them. it is written, be ye all not ministers for theirs is a greater condemnation. w re to why l say her preaching is pathetic, remember this, preaching is for sinners, Christians need teaching. (l am not going to give you scriptures since u take no heed to them) The Heavenly Father whom they nor you know, has spoken about them also and said, if they stand in His Presence they would turn the people away from their sins. otherwise ( He says) what they say is out of their own sinful hearts. He says, He has not spoken to them. instead they teach their own precepts for the fear of the Lord which means out of their sinfulness to gain reward by mammon. The only reason I speak (becuz l can care less what anyone says or do. l am not their judge) is becuz l am sent to uproot, pull down and destroy, throw down, build and plant that the elect of God who are sleeping may hear my words and awake. my words are of the Father Whom they don't know, Whom the Lord revealed to me becuz l took his yoke. as far as you looking up to them - DON'T! cursed is the man that trust in man whose arm is flesh (leaning on his own understanding) and his heart is far from God. (that infers they approach - so they think) God but He says w lip service an their hearts are far from Him. take the yoke or you, like they, will die in your sins. so just so I am clear to you, no one hears the Father unless the Lord reveals Him. many say they hear Him but He says all men are liars who cannot prove they know Him by His presence. He says, prove the Spirit (Elohiym) by the Spirit (Ruach) Those who know God will speak of faith, righteousness and holiness through Christ being through way,truth and life. how can these know Him when they are still in their sins?
Its not conidered Judgment but reproachment of one's bretheren that may have strayed from their walk with Christ. But I will pray for her as well because she has souls in her hands and she will be held accountable for and she doesn't even realize it as the leader of a ministry.
you can tell she is speaking out of hurt and she seems to be suffering from low self esteem. you can tell she has felt it for awhile, and u can bet he didn't make her feel any better about herself. she went out and reinvented her self, and now she has that, "in your face" attitude. just pray for her, i know i have made many mistakes when i spoke or moved out of hurt.
This woman is crazy. She feels violent, like hitting somebody with a mike...but crazier still are the people who are hollering and screaming and cheering her on!
One thing for sure, before we point the finger and bask in the glory of someone else's deception, understand that Jezebel has deceived scores of believers and sinners alike. Learn about this principality. It will have you examining yourself first and then praying for Ms. Bynum.
Why isit that she doesn't speak about the Lord Jesus Christ more than anything else!!?? 1 John 4:1 Dear friends, do not believe everyone who claims to speak by the Spirit. You must test them to see if the spirit they have comes from God. For there are many false prophets in the world. Why isit all about how she looks good and for us not to hate on her?, I'm sure that's not Godly or biblical.2 Timothy 3:2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Please people read the word of God!!!!!Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.
Cici x listen to me I'm going too say this to you. My Mama is fixing to become a ordaine minister and let me tell you one thing you better go back and re-read your bible again, Cause it says ( touch not my anointed one and do my prophet no harm) so if you read this please shut up cause God will get you, for putting your mouth on his servant.
I am... I strongly agree..I don't know what's going but it is happen everywhere people in there fleshly desires.. Whatever happen to worship in the church...
John 8:7 When they persisted in questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, "Let the person among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her."
I don't blame her for leaving.But remember,if she does leave,let her remain single or else go back to him.She is bound by the law of God to stay married to him as long as he is alive.
You missed the whole message, she said her new man is name is BIG and GOD so the new man she told people to leave with is Big GOD!! People always try to distort stuff by taking a snippet to support their view point.. can we please stop that, we tear down men and women of God because they are world known. Jesus is world known is he a fake?
I pray that Juanita gets her life together. We all fall short of God's glory. People put Juanita up on a pedistal because she always put on a show for the people. Wake up people.
@sonofgod49 Thanks for your comment! I definitely understood the message, because for one we are not perfect an we sometimes as being christian often go through the process of hurting each other and expressing it to hundreds of people who obviously can related. Being that Ms. Juanita Bynum was IN FACT GOING THROUGH and she wasn't alone going through somethings with our mates at that time and you can believe she took everything about her situation to the Father.
Christians should stick together. This video and your screen name only shows YOUR DIVISION. I'm not a religious man but I fail to see your reasoning of this other than pure jealousy of this woman. He who is without sin cast the first stone. Sorry but a true prayer warrior wouldn't attack another christian for all to see. U are no different in GODS eyes than she is. Christians should respect one another period.
Research the history of Christianity and then you'll see there is no and will be no unity in Christianity. Loo at how many sub sects and denominations there are and not a single one of them can agree with one another. This right here is a joke. Ive witness first hand what goes on behind the scenes of a bynum operation and others like it. The things i heard and witnessed changed me.
What's a shame is people taking short clips randomly selected to make misleading statements. An even bigger shame is being acting all shallow over such shallowness. You should watch the tape of the entire conference, she wasnt talking about any human big or little. But oh well, you may not be interested in that. Just in bashing others' ministries. Hope you do better with as much.
1 Corinthians 6:2-4 2 Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matter? 3 Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life? 4 If then ye have judgments of things pertaining to this life, set them to judge who are least esteemed in the church.
Sadly, this type of persecution exists today.Especially in China and Africa.People are dying for teaching God's word.They are the true warriors for Christ. That same persecution will come upon America,then we shall see who the REAL warriors for Christ are.
I have never seen so many people so fast to bump their gums on topic's that really has nothing to do with them..sheeeeesh! i'm not sure why did u even feel the need to respond anyways, did u want me to comment on your hair too..Lord help your people..God Bless anywayz
When you are a spiritual warrior, you get angry in the spirit. As a spiritual warrior I know exactly that. You get angry at the devil's work that you want to hit all those devils if you can literally get a hold of him. or them (the demons).
Personal lives, God look beyond our faults and see our needs. When it comes to milking the elderly for enrichment it is our place to let the world know. With bits of knowledge of this case we can only post opinions but neither Juanita nor Weeks are doomed. God does forgive but he also can hold us responsible if we realize His precious children of age are being used. We never know when a situation is present to test our faith. I wish Juanita a strong and complete recovery. Now back to the word!
Also look at 1 corinthians ch.7 vs.10 and 11.If she does leave,let her remain single or else go back to him.Try not to twist scripture my fellow Christian.Its plainly stated.Christ does not want anyone to live in an abusive relationship.But she is, by Gods Word,not able to remarry.Search the Scriptures.God bless you .Its good to see people who love the word as yourself.
That verse you are referring to is when it tells women to be silent in the church. People take that out of context and think that it is saying women should not preach. People need to read it all for a clear understanding.
YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS. She's talking about thinking little. She's telling women to let go of little dreams and dream big. The model strut was an example of the level of self esteem we should omit as women of purpose - as women of God. Please don't judge something if you don't know the whole story.
God want people after his own heart, he want people who are going to go out into the world and minister to the lost.God needs some soldiers who not going to be afraid to go out into this troubled world and bring folks to him.Are we really doing something to build up the kingdom by getting on here and tearing down one of God's children! Don't worry about JB worry about you and pray for her if you think she has lost her way!
hey people i understand Bynum. Us women must fall in love with "Mr.Big" which is the Living King Jesus before anything else in our lives. thanks for the vid! =)
yeah i am saved. Been saved since I was 7. i wouldn't post something stupid like that. when youtube was talkin about somebody replied to my response on Juanita...whatever this video is called, I was like "huh, I don't remember watching that!" And if I did post that message why would I care to come back and say I didn't. U don't know me and have no right to try and judge me offa something I didn't even do.
I gave you a thumbs up.But if they had never been married before,she can leave,but she must remain single,or else go back to him,agree?I got Scripture to back it up.
Little become much in the Master's hand.. God only promises to supply our needs not our wants.....May you continue to received God's blessings and remember to acknowledge God's blessings everyday - be a satisfied Christian, not a whining greedy one that does appreciate what they do have..
SMh Why Do Ppl Feel The Need To Be Negative?? She Is A Women Of God Who Delievers The Truth Nice And Raw. If You Cant Handle It Than I Suggest You Keep Your Negative Comments To Yourself Because Woe To You Who Talks Badly Bout Gods Work. #TeamBynum!!
she's who GOD made her. everything we face in life God already knew it was going to happened. no one's perfect, but we have to strive to be daily. she's still my girl regardless! we all fall short & being in the ministry is no exception...
Amen ❤️Some DR.BYNUM
Sometimes when I watch preachers like these, what staggers me is how patient God is. How merciful He is and how faithful He remains even when His children disobey Him. I glorify you Jesus Christ. I pray that these fallen preachers may return to their original calling and fullfil His will and stop misleading and fleecing the flock of God- by whom they will be held accountable.
When error is pointed out, why do people accuse you of judging. Do people really think we should sit silent and not call an ace an ace and a spade a spade. What this woman is saying is utter foolishness, and it needs to be called out for what it is. FOOLISHNESS!
I don't care who says what...her hair was on point that day! (SMILE)
i agree, after hearing the message in my heart i said ' THEY interpreted that"
My man is JESUS... and ain't nothing little about HIM!
100 on that, sis! Clothes and a strut did not make Christ who he was, and it's never defined me either. We are More than that, our value is far above anything this world could Ever offer. If that's what ms. Bynum was suggesting she need to watch her mouth talking bout my Daddy. Any old pimp with a hoe can provide some ascessories to attract the scum that are moved by the shallow and empty. Dirty gold is the easiest thing to get nowadays, but it leads to total mind control and demon infestation. No stank u. lol.
peacheslovesjesus ..Thank God for eyes to see..
Jesus is not any woman's 'man', he is the Son of God ....juxtaposing him to a sexual relationship is blasphemy. IJS
@@Starr-yy2jn I'm so glad somebody said it!!!! 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽
Question: what exactly were they shoutin about? I'm slightly confused
Why are they just showing clips of the sermon to show us. Play the whole thing not clips to make her look bad
It doesn't take much to make her look bad, she does that all by herself.
She is bad I Don't mean that in a good way.
You are right - the great commission was given to all of us. As women, however, we need to stay in our "God-ordained" places as helpers. Eve caused Adam to fall & God said that husbands would rule over us. Apostle Paul clarified it & said for husbands to rule lovingly and sacrificially. Again, God has a special place for us in the home & in ministry. Submission is beautiful! As women, we don't have to pastor...what about taking it to the streets? Are PASTORS the only ones who preach?????
Oh, God help!! Juanita Bynum, is totally engulfed and deceived by the god of this world !! And leading many to a shipwrecked lives !!! PRAY FOR HER!!!
@4cornerz Correction...Juanita needs to get saved and filled with the TRUE holyghost..give back all the money she conned simple people out of and set in the back of the church with humility seeking Gods forgiveness...
Yes, I'm tired of men that need a mamma instead of a spouse or helpmeet!! Tired of men that take everything you have & jump on you instead being responsible!! Take Mr. Little & put him deep under, so I can enjoy a future with a Mr. Big!! Thank you Lord!!
So God told her to say "I'm tired of not havin money!" What an ungodly teaching.
"I don't look like i looked 10 years ago,
10 years ago when she burst on the scene she looked wholesome and was the personification of salvation. She let the world shame her into looking like it. I heard she went back and cried after her first time on tbn because someone talked about how she was dressed. Was she waiting for her chance to look like the world? The old Juanita seemed to be seeking with all her heart. Somehow the world has crept in. PRAY FOR JUANITA BYNUM.
She’s beautiful. Always has been and always will be. Sometimes people perfect onto others. If she did cry it’s ok, she just needed to really see herself and how stunning she really was.
She appeared very angry. Wow is this how humble, or meek Christians are to be? She's a scorned woman. I will pray for her...
This is so sad.... instead of judging we should weep
What in the wide world of sports is she screaming about?holy moly!
Kevin Lewis She's fake. Cashing that money. I ILLUMINATI Whore's...
i love it when people say the truth ... i have heard the full tape on one of the internet radios and it had nothing to do with her husband ... but its a shame most Christians spend time .....
domestic violence in all forms should not be condoned ...most times we do not look at stuff form this perspective maybe because we do not have relations that have gone through that and possibly died
i was in florida for this conferance was powerful.... i even used to attend her 5 am morning prayers in jamaica queens.. i still do now and then....her husband was in the audience thats y she was saying all this i look good crap......but little did we know they were having problems
She is good at screaming!
She is under the influence of frustration therefore she passes the spirit on to women that are hurt and frustrated ! So they walk out saying im delivered as they go home with the spirit of division...
Eric Murphy ..That was really good...
She's a world class ENTERTAINER who preys on the lunacy of others. Work, Juanita.
We all have sinned... Paul and David both sinned and we're reaping the benefits of their works. Gift and callings are without repentance... Juanita Bynum even says take the meat and eat the bones..... She's a powerful element in the body of Christ... Things will always come against her b/c of her "works".... Just continue to pray for in addition to the body of christ
She is REAL unlike 97% of leaders leading Gods flock!!!!!! #SPIRITANDTRUTH
she act like she crazy....😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Lydia Hernandez She is!! Satan's Preacher's..
Lydia Hernandez it ain’t an act.
amen!!! Thank GOD HE is not like man because most of us would be lost if HE threw us away like people do when someone falls. Even when we know the person's sin, we are suppose to help them, pray for them and move on. Sin is sin, if it be a liar and we know what the word says about a liar, a back bitter, thief, a murderer, etc. we that feel like we are stronger and have over come these things are suppose to help others. if we don't then who is praying or binding up the lost, etc.
thats funny she was like...yall gone have to excuse me tonight because i am angry and i feel like hitting somebody with a HILARIOUS
where can i watch the full conference vid
whats the name of this entire sermon?
Kayce J .God is little!! How evil is that??? We serve a big God. My God, CREATOR OF HEAVEN AND EARTH is not little...
@@e.theresebradley5966 you have a comprehension issue 😂😂😂😂
turning pages??? But did she acually READ from it? and if so, Where??? I had this problem with one of the other sermons, i listened to it twice while cleaning my house and noticed no scriptual text was read. But she did have a Bible on the pulpit and was turning the pages also.
Amen, I am not against Juanita, I was blessed by her ministry. I was just reading the piece on Michael English, who recieved the dove award, and gave it back because he felt unworthy, because he had sinned. That is humility. I would like to see our leaders just humble under God's almighty hand. Let him breaks us, and put us back together again, better than new. It will happen for her.
Really prideful, aren't you. Boastful about yourself
The Lord have mercy on whoever was bold enough to attack a prophet. She is preaching everywhere! God has restored ALL of her stuff plus extra, and He did it a long time ago!! She is persecuted because she loves the Lord. Just as the prophets, disciples and Jesus were. So shall we be who loves Him says the BIBLE!!!
There's a lot of words you can put in her mouth and a lot of thoughts you can make it seem is coming out of her mind--when you have the power of editing out what is the truth!
What Conference is this in DVD form?
why do the people in the churches always look like zombies, they clapped for everything the preacher said , she could curse them , they would clap they really love Jesus like they do their pastors?
issa jones .. Yep it's bad. The hat use to be me. Then God showed me who the free Masonic Society's, Illuminati Sodomite pedifile's Luciferian Satanist's pimping Prosperity church ...
Preach Issa Jones!
Unfortunately no
No matter who don’t like it Juanita Bynum is called and chosen by GOD. Keep your mouth off ppl especially when GOD hand is upon them
LUKE 16:19-31.
we talk about it...(praying for her)...let's be about it! In love! yes we can be concerned about the state of her soul and the sheep she watches over, however, some ppl arent judging in love! love!
I cant hear sound can you check it?
i need to send her some money today so i won't miss my blessing. the mega million is over a hundred million and i'll be claiming it in the name of bynum. did somebody say amen?
@truth1disciple Excellent observation. I agree and couldn't have said it better. Your words speak truth.
@kadene2 So very very true...Paul warned the church in Rom.16:17-18
"with vain(clever) words and fair speech they deceive the simple(innocent..ignorant..foolish)" verse 17 said "AVOID THEM"
be blessed
I'm not a follower of Mr.Jennings,but am a follower of the Word of God.He does tell the Word in its truth.there is no other way to interperet this.Anyone that goes against the word,is not of the same spirit.People try to say that we live in a different culture today than back then.Dont you think God Knows this.We are to follow the teachings of the New Testament Church,which was and still is the one true teaching of scripture.Have an open mind and pray before you read.God Bless you.
this is pathetic preaching. how will she escape damnatrion
can you do any better QUESTION ❓❓❓
+jamaar richardson well spoken. l can't speak for others but l can. l am Messiah's Seer. l live, walk and stand in the Presence of God Almighty El'elyon. you judge what I say. l speak of calling and election. (ll pet.1:10) to this l say, you nor she know what this mean. (u will die in ur sin if u don't repent) it is by the knowledge of God. Jesus said, (matt.11 : 27 - 30 ) " man knows the son but the Father, and no one knows the Father except the son, or whomsoever he shall reveal Him." The Lord went on to say, ( simplified) 'take my yoke (s -take hey are twofold ) upon you and learn of me '. By these sayings l am saying, ministers like Juanita are blind to the will of God on how to do these things that have been commanded of us by God. therefore she and others like her fulfill the words of the Lord when he said of the teachers and religious leaders of his day, how that they take away the key of knowledge (which in our day is by calling and election and the knowledge of God by the Lord's yoke) to prevent those who would enter in( to the Presence of God Almighty called Pawneem by the way, truth and life) and do not enter in themselves. this is why you don't know either. wait a minute though, do you know how to make calling and election sure, or how to take the Lord's YOKES? if u dont, u r as bad as they are, rite?
+meechie Bancos okay if you are called to preach and u know god our heavenly father then why do u feel the need to called her preaching pathetic I mean from my understanding when the man or woman of god go forth to preach isn't the sermons that they preach is giving by God the father... so why do some ppl have something negative to say about what they are preaching about I don't understand why do u preachers be in competition I just don't understand I mean correct me if I'm wrong and in saying this because I look up to the preachers because that's something I want to do one day that's all I see myself doing in my future is preaching the word of God and having a wife and kids,
+jamaar richardson how shall l say this? for one, why do you not address what l have said about taking the yoke of the Lord, and calling and election? that is your greatest error. second, l am not in competition w anyone. they cannot compet w me. least of all these hypocrites who call themselves ministers. l tell you do not strive to be among them. it is written, be ye all not ministers for theirs is a greater condemnation.
w re to why l say her preaching is pathetic, remember this, preaching is for sinners, Christians need teaching. (l am not going to give you scriptures since u take no heed to them) The Heavenly Father whom they nor you know, has spoken about them also and said, if they stand in His Presence they would turn the people away from their sins. otherwise ( He says) what they say is out of their own sinful hearts. He says, He has not spoken to them. instead they teach their own precepts for the fear of the Lord which means out of their sinfulness to gain reward by mammon.
The only reason I speak (becuz l can care less what anyone says or do. l am not their judge) is becuz l am sent to uproot, pull down and destroy, throw down, build and plant that the elect of God who are sleeping may hear my words and awake. my words are of the Father Whom they don't know, Whom the Lord revealed to me becuz l took his yoke.
as far as you looking up to them - DON'T! cursed is the man that trust in man whose arm is flesh (leaning on his own understanding) and his heart is far from God. (that infers they approach - so they think) God but He says w lip service an their hearts are far from Him. take the yoke or you, like they, will die in your sins.
so just so I am clear to you, no one hears the Father unless the Lord reveals Him. many say they hear Him but He says all men are liars who cannot prove they know Him by His presence. He says, prove the Spirit (Elohiym) by the Spirit (Ruach) Those who know God will speak of faith, righteousness and holiness through Christ being through way,truth and life. how can these know Him when they are still in their sins?
This is insane I feel like she’s talking bout a mans manhood. Crazy insane where are the true saints of God crazy!!!!
Its not conidered Judgment but reproachment of one's bretheren that may have strayed from their walk with Christ. But I will pray for her as well because she has souls in her hands and she will be held accountable for and she doesn't even realize it as the leader of a ministry.
i really appreciate this womans ministry .thankyou for the video.
you can tell she is speaking out of hurt and she seems to be suffering from low self esteem. you can tell she has felt it for awhile, and u can bet he didn't make her feel any better about herself. she went out and reinvented her self, and now she has that, "in your face" attitude. just pray for her, i know i have made many mistakes when i spoke or moved out of hurt.
god bless juanita real job! pray for her everyone
Trueprayerwarrior, thanks for posting this! To God be the glory.
i am a christian and i dont agree with what these people are doing they are more wanting the money then to speak the gospel of God
staceygal1984 . Thank you. This woman is evil N demonic..
staceygal1984 We r to exspose the schemes of the devil..
This woman is crazy. She feels violent, like hitting somebody with a mike...but crazier still are the people who are hollering and screaming and cheering her on!
One thing for sure, before we point the finger and bask in the glory of someone else's deception, understand that Jezebel has deceived scores of believers and sinners alike. Learn about this principality. It will have you examining yourself first and then praying for Ms. Bynum.
What is the purpose of this video?
Why isit that she doesn't speak about the Lord Jesus Christ more than anything else!!?? 1 John 4:1 Dear friends, do not believe everyone who claims to speak by the Spirit. You must test them to see if the spirit they have comes from God. For there are many false prophets in the world. Why isit all about how she looks good and for us not to hate on her?, I'm sure that's not Godly or biblical.2 Timothy 3:2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
Please people read the word of God!!!!!Hosea 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.
Cici x listen to me I'm going too say this to you. My Mama is fixing to become a ordaine minister and let me tell you one thing you better go back and re-read your bible again, Cause it says ( touch not my anointed one and do my prophet no harm) so if you read this please shut up cause God will get you, for putting your mouth on his servant.
Cici x . Yes teach thou woman of the Most High CREATOR Of HEAVEN AND EARTH...
I am... I strongly agree..I don't know what's going but it is happen everywhere people in there fleshly desires.. Whatever happen to worship in the church...
P.S. I think trueprayerwarrier is biship weeeks himself or someone who knows them very well and is trying to pick her apart.
John 8:7
When they persisted in questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, "Let the person among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her."
She is not of GOD
So what are you saying? You pieced and clipped this video until it's difficult to get the full context. Sorry, I don't see what you're getting at.
I don't blame her for leaving.But remember,if she does leave,let her remain single or else go back to him.She is bound by the law of God to stay married to him as long as he is alive.
I thought I heard her said in closing, "Big IN God".
I will consider what you said.God bless you!
You missed the whole message, she said her new man is name is BIG and GOD so the new man she told people to leave with is Big GOD!! People always try to distort stuff by taking a snippet to support their view point.. can we please stop that, we tear down men and women of God because they are world known. Jesus is world known is he a fake?
Is this how Jesus Christ want it?? I know my God Lord and Savior ain't like that.
It's up to you Lord Jesus.
Alexa Rini ..Yep, I agree .There so use to saying anything that now it doesn't Even make sense N the stupid congregation claps...
I pray that Juanita gets her life together. We all fall short of God's glory. People put Juanita up on a pedistal because she always put on a show for the people. Wake up people.
@sonofgod49 Thanks for your comment! I definitely understood the message, because for one we are not perfect an we sometimes as being christian often go through the process of hurting each other and expressing it to hundreds of people who obviously can related. Being that Ms. Juanita Bynum was IN FACT GOING THROUGH and she wasn't alone going through somethings with our mates at that time and you can believe she took everything about her situation to the Father.
Christians should stick together. This video and your screen name only shows YOUR DIVISION. I'm not a religious man but I fail to see your reasoning of this other than pure jealousy of this woman. He who is without sin cast the first stone. Sorry but a true prayer warrior wouldn't attack another christian for all to see. U are no different in GODS eyes than she is. Christians should respect one another period.
Research the history of Christianity and then you'll see there is no and will be no unity in Christianity. Loo at how many sub sects and denominations there are and not a single one of them can agree with one another. This right here is a joke. Ive witness first hand what goes on behind the scenes of a bynum operation and others like it. The things i heard and witnessed changed me.
It's true... A true warrior would be praying or interceding for her. Not gossiping.
JAY478 o
wonder how many tee shirts they sold?
And books, DVDs, etc..
this is sad...if this is what is going for ministry these days .
What's a shame is people taking short clips randomly selected to make misleading statements. An even bigger shame is being acting all shallow over such shallowness.
You should watch the tape of the entire conference, she wasnt talking about any human big or little.
But oh well, you may not be interested in that.
Just in bashing others' ministries.
Hope you do better with as much.
Where can I find this sermon???
where did that come from?
1 Corinthians 6:2-4
2 Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matter? 3 Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life? 4 If then ye have judgments of things pertaining to this life, set them to judge who are least esteemed in the church.
Sadly, this type of persecution exists today.Especially in China and Africa.People are dying for teaching God's word.They are the true warriors for Christ. That same persecution will come upon America,then we shall see who the REAL warriors for Christ are.
Little becomes much in the Master 's hands. Sometimes you got to LOVE the one you with...........
I have never seen so many people so fast to bump their gums on topic's that really has nothing to do with them..sheeeeesh! i'm not sure why did u even feel the need to respond anyways, did u want me to comment on your hair too..Lord help your people..God Bless anywayz
When you are a spiritual warrior, you get angry in the spirit. As a spiritual warrior I know exactly that. You get angry at the devil's work that you want to hit all those devils if you can literally get a hold of him. or them (the demons).
Personal lives, God look beyond our faults and see our needs. When it comes to milking the elderly for enrichment it is our place to let the world know. With bits of knowledge of this case we can only post opinions but neither Juanita nor Weeks are doomed. God does forgive but he also can hold us responsible if we realize His precious children of age are being used. We never know when a situation is present to test our faith.
I wish Juanita a strong and complete recovery.
Now back to the word!
Thats not the word of God? If am hearing rightly show me the scripture and reference please.
Also look at 1 corinthians ch.7 vs.10 and 11.If she does leave,let her remain single or else go back to him.Try not to twist scripture my fellow Christian.Its plainly stated.Christ does not want anyone to live in an abusive relationship.But she is, by Gods Word,not able to remarry.Search the Scriptures.God bless you .Its good to see people who love the word as yourself.
That verse you are referring to is when it tells women to be silent in the church. People take that out of context and think that it is saying women should not preach. People need to read it all for a clear understanding.
Narcissism 😒
He without sin let him cast the first stone. We ought not throw stones. Unless we ready for our own share.
YOU CANNOT BE SERIOUS. She's talking about thinking little. She's telling women to let go of little dreams and dream big. The model strut was an example of the level of self esteem we should omit as women of purpose - as women of God. Please don't judge something if you don't know the whole story.
God want people after his own heart, he want people who are going to go out into the world and minister to the lost.God needs some soldiers who not going to be afraid to go out into this troubled world and bring folks to him.Are we really doing something to build up the kingdom by getting on here and tearing down one of God's children! Don't worry about JB worry about you and pray for her if you think she has lost her way!
why are people standing on their feet egging this on???? I can't believe she said, "I'm going to take my model strut"!!!! WOW!
Is she completely okay? This video is kind of worryin for real.
..I LOVE Juanita!
What would jesus do ? Lord help us
Im on your side btw, but just to be sure, are u saying she is promoting fornication into the church? Please explain your statement for clarity.
hey people i understand Bynum. Us women must fall in love with "Mr.Big" which is the Living King Jesus before anything else in our lives. thanks for the vid! =)
I certainly agree with your comment.
yeah i am saved. Been saved since I was 7. i wouldn't post something stupid like that. when youtube was talkin about somebody replied to my response on Juanita...whatever this video is called, I was like "huh, I don't remember watching that!" And if I did post that message why would I care to come back and say I didn't. U don't know me and have no right to try and judge me offa something I didn't even do.
I gave you a thumbs up.But if they had never been married before,she can leave,but she must remain single,or else go back to him,agree?I got Scripture to back it up.
Little become much in the Master's hand.. God only promises to supply our needs not our wants.....May you continue to received God's blessings and remember to acknowledge God's blessings everyday - be a satisfied Christian, not a whining greedy one that does appreciate what they do have..
SMh Why Do Ppl Feel The Need To Be Negative??
She Is A Women Of God Who Delievers The Truth Nice And Raw.
If You Cant Handle It Than I Suggest You Keep Your Negative Comments To Yourself
Because Woe To You Who Talks Badly Bout Gods Work.