Here are some videos that explain some of the current problems with evolution from a more scientific approach. Another interesting article on the subject. For more on the subject: ***Make sure and watch THIS! I am sure there will be comments both pro and con for this video. That's OK. Just understand it is not my intent to offend anyone but I am often asked this question, so this is my answer. I won't get involved in endless debates in the comments of this video. I spent A LOT of hours writing, filming, and producing this video and I still only scratched the surface of the concept of evolution and creation. There is no way to do either subject justice in a short video much less in the comments of this video, so I won't attempt to. This video is a direct response to many of you who wanted to know what I believe and why...this is a small part of that answer. I hope you have a great week! See you next Friday morning with more training videos from MCrider! Kevin In the meantime, here is something to spin your brain on... One piece of the puzzle of whether God exists is the likelihood that a living, functioning cell could come into existence solely by virtue of the unthinking laws of nature. The first question smart gamblers ask is, “What are the odds?” There’s good reason for it; playing the odds gives them the best chance at winning. However, the odds for many things we see in our universe coming into existence without any intelligent input or intentionality are so mind-numbingly improbable it requires an irrational dose of blind faith to even consider them. How mind-numbing you ask? Let’s look at just one brief example. Take living cells and the biological proteins that compose them. If we consider just one simple living cell consisting of only 250 short proteins, and those 250 proteins each consist of only 150 amino acids (they can consist of up to 30,000 amino acids), the odds that these 37,500 amino acids (250 proteins × 150 amino acids) could all arrange themselves into a sequence where the cell could actually function is only one chance in 10 to 41,000 (that’s a one followed by 41,000 zeros). To put into perspective how large a number 10 to 41,000 really is (that’s the number of random attempts 37,500 amino acids would need to produce just one living cell), consider that there are an estimated 10 to 80 atoms in our entire universe. Even if we allowed every atom in the universe one trillion (10 to 12 ) atomic interactions per second for 14 billion years (approximately 10 to 18 seconds), we’d have only 10 to 110 interactions (10 to 80 × 10 to 12 × 10 to 18 = 10 to 110 ). That’s a lethal problem for agnosticism. Even if the universe were 14 billion years old (the oldest estimate even the most ardent atheists give it), there hasn’t been nearly enough time for 10 to 41,000 attempts at anything. Not by a long shot! And that’s only one example out of countless others we could offer. Viewed objectively, the evidence indicates our universe is much more the product of an intentional idea than the result of an unintentional cosmic accident.👍
Kevin. It was well worth the time and energy to create such a film and write a very moving and intelligent dialogue. Excellent piece of work. Brian UK.
Fantastic response, and either way you have a choice to believe what in what you like and post this, you haven’t forced anyone into believing what you believe so all good. May God continue to bless all your efforts and keep you well favoured
Kevin, I really enjoyed this video. It was truly inspiring. I am about to turn 66 and buying my first new motorcycle since the 80’s. I went with my son to buy his first motorcycle last year and that put the big back in me. Since I’m planning my way back to riding I’ve been using UA-cam to learn what’s new in the 30+ years since I’ve ridden. I have found and subscribed to a lot of great resources, you being one of those. As my son inspired me to ride again this video, you helped inspire and strengthen my faith. God bless and thank you!
Brother this is your calling! A ministry on two wheels. Thank you for your faithfulness and sharing the greatest news man has ever heard! May God richly bless you!
i've been watching you Sir for quite sometime now and i guess this one is something special, i really appreciate it, may the Lord bless you and keep you.
I've buried 3 children and a wife. My life has been very difficult from the start. Nothing that has happened to me has diminished my faith in God. I have 2 boys that are still living. I've told them many times that there's nothing they can do to make me unlove them. Nothing they can do I can't forgive. Never be afraid to come to me and tell me the whole truth. That's how God views me. It breaks my heart when they are hurting. Once when my one year-old was crying and upset because (out of necessity) I was trying to transition him from my bed to his crib. I stood there all night rubbing his back and singing to him in the din light. I wanted him to know I was there, I still loved him so much, and this was not punishment. My heart aches so much. I wanted him to understand, but I couldn't do anything more than I was doing to comfort him and make him understand I hadn't abandoned him. That's when I realized this was just the position God was in with me. My life was a train wreck. I was so upset about a lot of things. It truly changed my perspective and brought me peace. My children taught me so much about God!!
Kevin, I just retired last year after a 32 year career as a law enforcement officer. As you can probably imagine, I have seen countless episodes of suffering, unhappiness, violence and depravity. I have been only able to help bring a few criminals to answer for their crimes while being helpless to stop children from being violated or neglected, or addicts from reducing their lives to a pitiful drive to for the next high. As a younger man, I believed in God strongly only to see my faith eroded and hacked down to a point where I had come to think this life is nothing more than a man made hell and the only relief was the inevitable end to an otherwise painful existence. My only sources of happiness have been my grandson, and my motorcycle. Your presentations have always been as cathartic as educational, regardless of the topic you're giving. I can't tell you how much I needed to hear this today. I don't know if I can get my faith back or not. But you have inspired me to try. Thank you again.
You can! Just release it all and place it in Jesus hands and let it go! Have faith in Him. Faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains. Start with a little faith.
Hi Kevin, first of all let me say thank you. Many people do not understand the life of a Cop and what you and your fellow officers see. No one calls a Cop when things are going well, you get to see the worst of society and then some complain that you are over paid or don’t show up with a smile on your face. So, thank you for doing a job that many people do not appreciate. We indeed live in a fallen world. It seems it gets worse every day but I pray that the ruler of this world does not steal your joy. In spite of all you have seen, there is a God who loves you and cares about you. Start by reading If you seek God you will find him and the joy that this world can never fill. Sorry if there are typos. I am at lunch on my cellphone but I wanted to respond to you right away. Send me a message to, I will set you up with a free membership and we can chat out of the public view if you prefer. Peace and love to you brother, Kevin
I just went to a service for my friend and a priest said I asked Ted as a police officer of over 30 years,how do go to calls with out fear Ted replied with pointing up god is watching over me is why I can do what I do. He was a man of ethics, morals, and humanity and faith,a life I would model my life after . R.I.P.. Ted
Don't lose heart Kevin. Be strong. I hope you reach out through any means possible to find what peace you need. God bless you, and thank you for the job you do.
Faith in a creator and evolution are not mutually exclusive. The theory of evolution has been studied and confirmed via biological, anatomical, archeological, genetic, and many other fields of study over 160 years now. At this point your belief system has to be able to incorporate evolution or it is simply wrong. It's like being a Catholic in the middle ages and trying to hold on to a geocentric model (earth is the center of the universe) when all evidence points against it. We now know that earth is a planet in the solar system which is in the outer edges of the milky way galaxy, of which there are billions in the visible universe. Other religions like Buddhism for example are able to do so. Even Catholicism is not against evolution. It's really just the Evangelicals who have an issue with science it seems and who take the Bible to be the literal word of God and who have elevated Jesus to God status. As a former Catholic I find that laughable given the extremely jealous and vengeful God of the old testament who doles out death sentences for minor infractions while also wanting to be loved like some abusive spouse. Take what you will from the Bible if it helps you. At the same time know that the creator has given us a brain that can be used to apply the scientific method of rational inquiry to understand nature. The study of consciousness offers possibilities of gaining knowledge at the intersection of spirituality and elementary physics. Important to keep an open mind and not close it by relying solely on ancient texts written for various purposes. Entropy does not prevent stars from forming out of gas nebula, it does not prevent moons forming out of debris orbiting planets, because it only refers to heat loss in a closed system. It is entirely insufficient to explain or debunk evolution or for that matter creationism or "intelligent design." There is too much we don't know yet about the universe (of which 96% does not consist of matter) to pretend to know the answers. The field of children remembering their past lives, the field of near-death experiences, the field of psychedelic experiences all point to the fact that we still know very little about the nature of the universe. Believe what you want to believe in, but I think trying to argue science using religion is quite foolish.
Maybe this will help explain it better than I was able to. Here are some videos that explain some of the current problems with evolution from a more scientific approach.
Funny, that would be my same response to those who have no faith in God. In the end, we will all die and face judgment and be held accountable...then the truth will be known.
Actually, most Creationists understand evolution better than those who have full faith in it. Look at this issue like a soap bubble. It has form and it’s pretty to look at but the moment you try to seriously examine it…it pops. We’ve all grown up being taught about evolution, but for some of us a deeper understanding of what real, empirical science has discovered was necessary. Most of the Founding Fathers of modern science were anti-Darwinists though being right in their discoveries, were shouted down by the majority who, throughout history have always been wrong!
The god described in the first pages of the bible created the universe and all life, in 6 solar days, 77 generations before the time of Jesus (about 5600 years ago according to the Hebrew calendar). We know the universe is not 5600 years old, therefore the story is not true. The event never happened as told, therefor the god it describes is not real. The rest of the stories about that god are irrelevant. Which part of this is difficult to understand? The only way you can pretend to believe the story actually is true, is to say the words written in the story do not mean what they actually say - and then you've got nothing but anyone's interpretation about what it might mean, to fight and kill each other over.
Thanks Kevin! Love your channel and your boldness to share what's most important....I hope and pray this leads others to explore the book and find a relationship with Jesus
Kevin, your faith in a creator is not mutually exclusive of the science that proves evolution. On entropy, death isn’t the end but the beginning of new life, just look at a forest a year after it has burned or a building taken over by the forest. We can see with own own eyes the evolution of creatures to adapt to their environments. I’m an atheist but you can have both observable science and the idea that it wasn’t just an accident.
You haven’t persuaded me either, but you have presented your views calmly and respectfully which is all anyone can ask. From my perspective … things change with time. I consider this a fact. The only question is how? There is good evidence for natural selection. For example we now have antibiotic resistant bacteria as the result of exposing bacteria to antibiotics for less than 100 years. The alternative view, that God made them, is puzzling to me. I shall never understand why a loving God would do that? We breed animals and plants for characteristics that we want by selecting those features over many generations. If we can do this artificially, why is it so hard to accept the environment can do this selection naturally?
Why a loving God would allow certain things to happen is puzzling. I believe the simplest yet not so simple answer is that God did indeed create a perfect world without sin. Sin entered the world when Adam and Eve disobeyed God. With sin came all of the bad things we blame God for. God sent his son Jesus to die for the sin we inherited so that we may be saved from it. Does this make any sense? Maybe... but I think it's easier to believe than that things evolved from nothing on their own without a creator.
Yes Julian, why did God make all this bad stuff in the world. Cancer, bacteria ect. If you read Genesis story of creation you see it didn't take long before creation, (man) disobed God's clear simple instructions which caused God to curse the perfect creation and made life much more difficult and dangerous to live in. It was the creation (man) that caused it through SIN. The Bible continues to tell the story of a God of second chances and forgivness over & over through ages. Then God chose to redeem man from that penalty of sin with His own life on the cross. That my friend is LOVE " There is no greater love than for someone to lay their life down for another." Take Kevin's suggestion and read about it in the Bilbe. Pray and ask for clearity of understanding and direction. God will reveal himself to you. May God Bless.
@@charleetho Right, and who created your creator? I see no difference between choosing a random God as your starting point and saying it "just happened". Although, to be exact, science doesn't claim things "just happened", it can explain a lot of it to a certain point and then it simply says "we don't know... yet." It's beautifully humble, as opposed to religion which makes claims with no proof.
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now am found, was blind but now I see. 7 years ago on May 29th, I cried out to God from a jail cell, a broken man suffering from addiction. God answered me with this, "Are you willing to trust me or do you want to die this way". I responded with "I willing to trust you". I spent 3 months in jail, 5 months in halfway house and back to jail for three more months. God removed the drug/drink obsession instantly. I have heard and seen God. I see him everyday. In my families eyes, in the sunrise, in my job and when I'm out on the bike. My purpose today is to carry his message of faith, hope and love. God Bless You All.... And by the way, I've been back inside that jail and several others including the State Penitentiary as a free man, trying to carry God's message to the sick and suffering.✌️🙏
There is a designer and creator. It's us. We've made design changes and new revisions over millions of years in order to adapt to our environment. This is evolution.
@@MCrider There are scientific differences between adaptation and evolution, but the differences between adaptation and evolution blur once enough adaptations occur. Thinking about it in terms of motorcycles, how many parts do we have to adapt/modify before it starts to become a different motorcycle? Opinions on that will differ, but eventually, after enough changes, everyone will agree that it's a different motorcycle.
@Dabbing Hitler's Memes A lot can happen in billions of years. We'll never truly know the first life form that was on this planet, we can only scientifically theorize. But we have observed adaptation, even in humans (Palmaris Longus tendon, ear muscles, etc.). Work backwards from there and evolution is not only possible, but likely.
@Dabbing Hitler's Memes "...(And that first living thing is the biggest problem with evolution -- it cannot evolve without something to evolve from, and even the simplest life is so stupendously complex. ..." that first living thing - what is more complex and harder to explain, a single living cell with DNA or an all powerful creator/god that can wish the universe into existence if you cant explain the existence of the first living thing, then you cannot explain the existence of the bible god either both are left as question marks, there is no reason to choose the magical god over the simple single cells that STILL EXIST and can be seen with your own eyes.
A lot of this is simply not true. There's a lot of examples of entropy like you explained it isn't true in nature, especially in chemistry. For example the way water forms crystals in cold temperatures ❄️, the way atoms attract to form molecules ⚛️ and the way carbon form diamonds 💎 under high pressure. Abiogenesis is quite easy to understand conceptually. All you need is a chemical replicator to assemble itself by accident, and then entropy will take care of the rest (aka random mutations). I don't think it's unreasonable for that to happen in millions of years, is it, given the examples above? Many things in the human body (and in other species) suggest evolution rather than creation. The best example I can think of is the recurrent laryngeal nerve, which suggest we evolved from fish. Everything can be explained and predicted by the "selfish" gene, like social constructs, language, hive colonies, fear, death, procreation, compassion and cruelty. I suggest everybody read Richard Dawkins book on the subject. If you believe in God and this theory of creator, creation and entropy, you still have to explain who created God, and why he isn't dead yet? It doesn't fit with the theory, does it?
Faith is believing in something with no proof; It is the worst thing a person can do. Evolution has more hard proof than gravity does. You say there must be a 'god' because you can not comprehend the actual answers. What you call god is the attempt to explain gaps in your knowledge. Just because you wish it so means nothing, the world proves you wrong.
@@MCrider To be perfectly clear, we know the extremely simple mechanisms behind evolution and can explain them so a grade school student can understand. On the other hand, we can not explain how gravity actually works, we know it does work but not the actual mechanism of what is going on. We know mass creates/has gravity, we do not know why that is.
If humanity started over from day 1 tomorrow 1,000 different religions would pop up all over again in different parts of the world, all of them thinking that they were the 1 true religion, but humanity would discover the laws of physics to be exactly the same. As far as god goes, which one? There are over a thousand to choose from, why is yours the right one?
that actually happened in the early years of the United States in the late 1700s and early 1800s, with the protection of 'freedom of religion' new beliefs and sects and con men sprang up like weeds, all across the US and some of those are still with us today, the entire state of Utah for one....
Entertaining vid. So I’m a Christian, and the author of a 400-page physics book that has nothing to do with “beliefs” or “metaphysics”. I don’t see why one cannot both be a Christian and accept evolution. We all may embrace and express our faith differently, but real science (including the science of evolution) doesn’t care what our faith is, science is just science whether we believe or have faith in it or not.
Maybe this will help explain it better than I was able to. Here are some videos that explain some of the current problems with evolution from a more scientific approach.
@@MCrider I think that the key issue is understanding what sience is and what is not. I had problem with that from elementary school when I participated in physics competisions - I always felt that there is something else what I didnt understand, knowing everything in physics and having very good outcomes. I undestood much later that when started to have contact with philosophy: that sience does not EXPLAIN anyhing, sience just DESCRIBE and try to mathematisise observed regularities. It is big differnece.
I don't agree with you, but no matter... you are a great guy. I'm an atheist, but my wife and boys are Christians... I tell my boys, I don't care if they are believers or non believers, just be a good person and a leader to your family.
I was with you and followed your reasoning until you went from the general idea of a “Designer” or “Creator” to a specific “God” that has revealed himself through ancient writings. Your misunderstanding of science and evolutionary biology led you to believe in a creator, but the dogma and religious beliefs all come from somewhere else. Out of all the religions in the world, how do you know that yours is the correct one?
"Out of all the religions in the world, how do you know that yours is the correct one?" Hey Tim, is this a request for another video? ;) If another video on this topic makes you mad, blame Tim...just kidding...have a great weekend.
@@MCrider No video needed…just a brief explanation why you think this Creator is a personal God dishing out mercy and/or punishment or more generally manipulates his creation for his own edification. One college-level course in comparative vertebrate anatomy might open your eyes and change your mind a little bit about your “designer” argument. I know it did mine.
Well Mr. Wilson of the current 4,300ish religions on this beautiful blue ball, ONLY Christians know Gods sacrifice to redeem us. ALL other religions require it's adherents to DO something. Besides... where did matter and energy come from? 🤔 Jmtc
Generally geography is the best answer to this question. If he was born in the middle east, he would likely be a muslim. If he was born in India, he would likely subscribe to Hinduism. If he was born in Scandinavia, he would perhaps even be an atheist.
Hi McRider. I am not commenting to attack your faith. I often see individuals who have developed an expertise in one area in life assume that they then can transfer that expertise to other areas of life that have little to do with their legitimate area of expertise. Case in point. Many people believed that Dr. Ben Carson must be a very smart person because he was a renowned brain surgeon. Many people thought he should automatically have the knowledge and ability to be the President of the U.S.A or supervise a government agency. He was an inept manager. In this video you spoke about some of the laws of science, evolution, the Big Bang, thermodynamics, and entropy. Friend, do you have any expertise in those areas as you do about riding a motorcycle? It would take too long of a comment to point out the errors and misunderstanding that you have about the laws of nature that you mentioned. Please understand this. You may be absolutely correct that Jesus is a god. The only point that I am making here is that your understanding of the laws of nature is very flawed. What you say may sound very rational and rational to others similarly ignorant about the laws of nature and science. The problem with all of us is that we don't know the things that we don't know. We should be humble when talking about subjects that we have no expertise in. But that is the problem. We think we have expertise in areas that we don't actually have any expertise. And so in those cases we are really shooting from the hip. Just to give one example of your misunderstanding of the science. The Big Bang was not an explosion and it was not the origin of the universe. The universe already existed before the Big Bang. As you said, an explosion destroys things. An explosion has a center and in the explosion particles travel outward away from the center of the explosion. That is not what the Big Bang describes. As I said the Big Bang was not an explosion. The universe has no center. You can stop reading here if you wish but if you want to know a little bit more about the Big Bang, read on. I am not a cosmologist, but I do not simply take a few things that I hear cosmologists saying to justify my beliefs. And I have taken a course in astronomy. The Big Bang is a theory about the expansion of the universe. The current version of Big Bang theory used most by modern cosmologists is called the Lambda-CDM model. It postulates that our universe began to expand at a specific instant, expanded to be flat (i.e. has zero curvature) and is made up of 5% baryons (i.e. the matter that makes up everything we see, galaxies, stars, planets, people, 27% cold dark matter and 68% dark energy. The Lambda-CDM model further describes that the universe is expanding at a rate referred to as Lambda and is governed by the principles of Einstein’s General Relativity. The Lambda-CDM model has been very successful at explaining what we observe in the universe. It makes predictions repeatedly confirmed by observation. But it is not without problems; as with all scientific theories, the Lambda-CDM model continues to evolve. McRider, you make some very common mistakes that nonscientists make when talking about the Big Bang. It was not an explosion and it was not the origin of the universe. Does this mean that Jesus is not god? No. I am only pointing out that your understanding of the science that you speak about in this video is very flawed and deficient. You make similar errors in talking about the laws of thermodynamics and entropy. Peace.
I appreciate your rational response but if no one can talk without a full understanding then NO ONE can talk. Science changes all the time. New things are discovered that refute old theories. Everyone is constantly learning and discovering new concepts except the one who made it all. Look up some videos from Stephen C Meyer, interesting stuff in the field of microbiology. 👍🏻
@@MCrider Hi. I don't think that is quite right to say that no one can talk about matters outside of their expertise. However, we should be careful and attempt to understand the subject matter so that we do not misrepresent ideas. I am sure you would agree with that. Scientific ideas are some of the more complex ideas to understand. It is like another language. And if we are using scientific ideas outside of our expertise to bolster our personal beliefs, we should make sure that we are not misrepresenting those scientific ideas. To do so would be misleading. Another thing to do would be to admit up front and after that we are not experts on those ideas and so we may have gotten things wrong. Do you remember the big hoopla when Lebron James made some social statement, and Laura Ingraham on Fox News told him to "shut up and dribble"? That is not what I am saying at all to you. However, if Lebron James is commenting on political and social situations that he has not studied in any detail or that he obviously doesn't understand, then he should definitely "shut up and study". So, no, my friend, I am not saying that no one should speak about things that they have no expertise in, but if you are to do so, one should have a good understanding of the things one says so that ideas are not misrepresented. One of the biggest misunderstanding among nonscientists is that the Big Bang was an explosion. In regards to science changing "all the time", that is really an exaggeration. The laws of thermodynamics or entropy have never changed for example. If that was the case then basing your argument on those laws would be risky because if what you think is correct then tomorrow the laws of thermodynamics may change. And what would the argument that you made in your video have to stand on? I must disagree with you again. The theories of science that change are usually those on the cutting edge of science. It is in the areas where there is active inquiry and many unexplained phenomena. Theories about black holes and the age of the universe may change because we are learning more about the universe everyday. However, when a scientific theory becomes a law, it usually doesn't change. The COVID-19 virus and the illness it caused is a good example. It was a new virus and a new disease. Scientist were learning new things everyday and so the recommendations were changing constantly. So when we are faced with new scientific phenomena, the science will be seen changing. However, my friend it is not the science that is changing. What is changing is OUR understanding of the science. Science is not a thing but a method of studying nature. The method does not change. It is what we are learning over time using the scientific method that changes. As we develop better tools we learn more. There was a time, only 100 years ago, that scientists thought that the universe was just our solar system with its 8 planets. When we developed better telescopes we realized that our solar system was just a tiny part of a galaxy. However we thought then that the universe was just our our galaxy alone. Still when better telescopes were invented, scientists realized that there were billions of other galaxies. This example shows that it is not "science" that changes but OUR understanding of the science. It is one of the "blessings" of science that old incorrect theories can be discovered to be incorrect and then be thrown out. Would you want to continue to believe that the earth is flat? There was a time when blood letting was a cure all for many diseases. Later when better cures and more scientific medicines developed we realized that blood letting was not a cure all for all diseases. Would you have preferred that we continue blood letting? I don't think you would. Liken this to motorcycle technology. Would you prefer an old original style carburetor developed in the 1950s to one developed today, or fuel injection? You may have nostalgia for the old style carburetor but if you want the best scientific fuel delivery system, you would go with the one developed from the new science. Sorry, for the long reply. You do a great job with your videos educating us on safe riding. I also think it is your right to broadcast your religious faith on your channel if you wish to do so. The only point of my comment was that you were misrepresenting the science. If you are going to use science to bolster your religious beliefs, please first understand the science. That was my only point. Cheers.
This episode was just wow! Amazed me in many ways. I guess you are not just a motorcycle safety instructor, you are a life coach as well. Thank you sir ❤
In the wardrooms of U.S. Navy ships (where the officers eat their meals, hold meetings, and sometimes relax), there are three topics that are off limits; sex, religion, and politics. I wish that was true here on Kevin’s site as well, but life is full of disappointments. Life is also full of pleasant surprises, one of which is all the motorcycle knowledge I get from Kevin. I will take the good with the bad.
God starts your salvation with a possible felony, possession of stolen property., abandoning the scene of a accident, yet bless you that determination, a reason to find Jesus
Beautiful video Kevin. Thank you. Every time I get on my motorcycle I say a prayer for safety and protection, this centres me and reminds me of my human frailty and the beauty God has given us all.
Maybe this will help explain it better than I was able to. Here are some videos that explain some of the current problems with evolution from a more scientific approach.
Everything observable has a creator ? Really? A creator needs to be demonstrated not simply asserted . A Motorcycle creator can be demonstrated. A god can’t or at least hasn’t so far .
@@MCrider Sure.. As a Buddhist I would be happy to have the conversation offline too. We can talk the merits of your creationist thinking against other well thought out counter views too. Regardless, faith is incredibly important and equally important to a spiritual life, regardless of what you believe. In fact, “spiritual” comes from “spiritus” meaning “to give breath.” If your Christian life gives you a reason to keep breathing then it is important. So long as it doesn’t strangle someone else’s breath.
Glad to have found this channel. I was a new rider wanting to improve my riding technique and have been enjoying various videos from you. Now, this one popped on my feed, and am glad to learn that you are a Christian as well. What an encouragement it is for me. This message was something that I needed in the current time of hardships. Helped me rethink and reorganize my faith and walk w God. Thank you!
Just a dumb analogy. A bike is a product of intelligent design that we are already aware of its process. In reality we don’t have difficulties in finding the predisposed function of any bike parts because they are designed by human minds. Life is not.
Great video, thanks for making it. Never be ashamed of what Christ has done for you, or reluctant to share it. The gospel is salvation to those that are perishing. Faith comes by hearing the word of God.
I loved the Honda analogy. Great video! As a pastor I love it when a man of faith takes a big leap like you did here. Keep up the good work for Christ.
I really loved your video, how your passion for motorcycles is transformed into a witnessing tool. Love your channel, keep up the faith and God Bless You.
This video was forwarded to me last night by my brother and we had a simple discussion yesterday about hell being place and not just a word that some see as a cuss word. What a start to my day so awesome. The creator you are speaking of has been molding (sanctification) me into what I hope those around see is working out of the fruit of the spirit. I am in tears watching this video because of Jesus Christ and what has been doing in my life. Your Brother in CHRIST Marty Wilburn
I love your videos, but to quote Christopher Hitchens, it does seem to me that you haven’t either read or understood the arguments against your position. If you postulate intelligent design, ie there must have been a God to create everything, then who created God? Ah, you will say, it’s not for us to know. That is NOT an answer. Evolution is not chance, it’s the effect of environmental factors on naturally varying genetic heredity. Exactly how Man created all the breeds of dogs we see today, following his domestication of the wolf and his selective breeding of the offspring. Finally, Science and the scientific method of enquiry and deduction gave us our modern world, including the computer on which you are reading this, the camera you use to make your videos and yes, the motorcycles you love to ride. You are clearly happy to accept these scientific achievements. But when Science gives us the beautifully reasoned and logical principle of Evolution, suddenly you don’t want to accept it any more. Not logical. I suggest you look at anything on UA-cam from Richard Dawkins or Christopher Hitchens, but do so with an open mind. And please do keep sending out the great motorcycling presentations!
I have seen a lot of Richard Dawkins and I am not opposed to science...I am very much in favor of it...I just don't accept all of it blindly. Maybe these will explain the problems with evolution better than I did for you. Thanks for watching, Kevin
Thank you for responding! I’m not suggesting for a moment that you accept science "blindly". I just don’t understand why, if we have an unsolved question like the origin of the universe, it should be necessary to invent, in the absence of any evidence, a mythical "Creator"
@@MCrider to imply that anyone accepts science blindly is to woefully misunderstand science. The greatest achievement any scientist (or science-minded layperson) can hope to achieve is to effectively refute the status quo. For that reason science is "self-correcting", whereas religion is "self-protecting".
I was too dense and screwed up to come to a reasoned faith in God and Jesus. He came to me personally in a profound and remarkable manner, which removed any and all doubt of His reality, and simultaneously I learned just how incredibly tender, gentle, and loving He is. That may seem a bit over the top to some, but it happened...No...I couldn't see Him, it was an overpowering "awareness" is the best I could describe it. BTW Kevin, your faith is evident in your manner and presence.
That...was...Awesome. Wow. I remember as a child learning a great inconvenient truth. "Science doesn't lie...but "scientists" do." Statistics don't lie..."statisticians do." I long gave myself over to a blind and simple faith that science was the beginning and the end of everything. The more study I did on my own, the more questions became unanswerable. I learned the Truth...and it set me free completely. And the truth stands up to authentic scientific theory. Thank you for this video. God bless and be well.
This was so powerful, thank you for sharing Kevin. About 2 years ago I was a member, but discontinued because I had so much trouble accessing the field guide. I want to come back!
Personally I don't believe in god. There's proof and evidence on both sides. Lots of misinformation on both sides as well. I respect other people's beliefs as long and mine are respected as well. We might not agree on our religious beliefs but i think everyone can agree that the Honda trail is great bike.
Here I am looking for a helmet and stumble over a Hoonda fictional story that transcends the fun and entertainment we share with this hobby and takes us to a profound question each of us must answer. I am an engineer/designer of 42 years that must obey true laws of science and have have tried to grow in my faith as a christian for 53 years. My hope is that someone will take the time to ponder and then question the line they have been fed and then come to realize there is something much more important in life, something more believable than evolution, something more fulfilling than even an early morning ride…Well done man!
My whole life I have heard people tell me the Bible is full of contradictions. One day I took the last of my money and with a friend went to the Christian book store and bought a bible. My friend, who was my roommate, and I then went to a restaurant and had lunch. I looked at him and said, now we live by faith because we have no money. I spent the next three years not reading but studying that Bible. I started at the beginning and went to the end. I never did find that contradiction they were talking about.
you mean self contradictions? like the author of Luke saying in chapter 1 that he is writing first hand eye witness accounts of the words and teachings of Jesus, from reliable sources, and then in chapter 3 Luke gives a detailed account of Jesus going into the desert for 40 days and nights ALONE to fast and is tempted by the devil? how do you explain that?! if jesus was alone and being transported to different places by the devil, then WHO WAS THE EYEWITNESS that conveyed the story to the author of Luke, about 50 years later?! either you have never actually read the bible cover to cover (and you are lying) or you cant hold a simple thought in your head from one page to the next because there are hundreds of cases like this in the bible, where it obviously contradicts itself
Well, since you labeled it up front, I have only myself to blame for actually watching it. It’s your channel to use as you wish, but this subscriber watches you for your motorcycle related presentations, nothing else. Nonsense presented in a calm , superficially reasoned manner, is still nonsense. That tired old argument from design has been debunked for centuries. The second law of thermodynamics, which apologists love so much, applies only to closed systems, which the earth is not. Faith is by definition irrational. There’s no way to verify the claim that the Christian bible is the word of a supernatural being. It is a work of art. A collection of folklore, fantasy, and forgery. We don’t even know who wrote the canonical gospels, and only about half the books attributed to Paul likely came from his active imagination.
Arguments from design and arguments from first cause have been debunked or refuted thoroughly and endlessly. This was a disappointment for anyone who has looked a bit further than the thinly emotional appeal made here. You'll get lots and lots of people calling you brother and thanking you, but none of this is logically convincing to anyone with a truly scientific mindset. I'd prefer you stick to motorcycling on this channel. The internet is rife with Christian riders already. I can hardly find a community that isn't dripping with piety. Those that steer clear are true gems.
Maybe this will help explain it better than I was able to. Here are some videos that explain some of the current problems with evolution from a more scientific approach.
I decided to come in today and have a look at what you posted and see what I thought. Unfortunately, comments have been disabled on the first video. I tend to categorically disregard videos that don't invite critical discussion. Usually that means that they're a load of bollocks that's easily refuted.
Hi Kev my wife was very impressed by your talk she unlike me is a very committed Christian unfortunately through my life I’ve seen so many injustices that have never been resolved I find it hard to understand that a loving God would let these things happen. When at university she was raped by a visiting German English tutor. Well one of our conversations about this was her comment if she ever met him again she hoped he would say sorry for what he did, I replied if ever I found him he would be very sorry indeed. Bless her she prays for my safety especially when I’m riding my motorcycle. Hey maybe it works I’m still here at seventy six years old
Many people have a hard time with evil in the world. However, God did not create robots, he created men and women with a free will. We live in a fallen world and evil prevails for the time being because God allows us to have a free will. This will not always be the case. I have seen in my own life how God can take the broken pieces and create beautiful art in spite of the pain the pieces caused.
Kev that is true I’ve got an amazing story that came from a horrific occurrence but I think it’s too personal to air on this semi open forum, but maybe one day if my wife’s God leads me to open up.
@@john-wq8kf Jesus came to us as a human man with the soul reason to be put to death on the cross as payment for our sins. The Athlete doesn't spare their body from the pain that comes from training. Why because it is through that pain and suffering that the athlete can make himself stronger. God let his son suffer a unimaginable painful death. Do you think GOD did that if there was nothing good to come from it? Suffering is not a measure of GODs disregard for mankind. But more like the making of fine high quality steel. It has to go through fires that look like it is being destroyed. The end is strong steel of high value and fit to make the best products.
I find it a fascinating coincidence that there’s an I in the middle of the word SIN. It’s the I that’s responsible for most of the evil we experience. I want therefore…I don’t want therefore. God’s not to blame for free will gone wrong. I love your wife’s heart, but even as a believer I couldn’t be sure I wouldn’t follow you on the professor issue.
@Randy Marsh Then why did you watch it? So quick to criticize a man that is willing to express his faith in public. Maybe you also missed it when he said at the beginning of the video that he was answering viewers questions as to why he still believes in God. I would suggest that your comments are a blunder at best because you didn't listen clearly to his purpose for making the video. It is also his platform to say what he believes. If you would like to start a channel and talk about science then please do. It won't be up to me or anyone else to tell you what you should speak about.
I wasn’t disrespectful or offensive. I watch this channel because of great knowledge and experience shown. As a new motorcyclist I learned a lot from this videos. And that is the only reason why I’m watching it. I didn’t ask for lectures in science, religion or politics. For those things I have alcohol. Have same effect on my brain. I respect every religion, every opinion about debatable subjects and I don’t engage in online debate about it. That is the only reason why I made comment on this post. I won’t apologize for “offending “ because there is nothing in my comment that is offensive. Keep rolling and disregard my “words “
Personally I didn’t take offense..but I have far more education in Theology than I do motorcycles. So back to your original post, I was correcting your misunderstanding there. 👍🏻
Hallo Kevin. I subscribed to your channel about a year ago. I have a desire in my heart to do my motorcycle license, but my wife wouldn't let me... (I'm still praying and hoping that her hart will change). I am also a born again christian. I studied theology. Got saved after being a minister for 9 years... God the Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit became more real to me than the chair I'm sitting on. Thank you SO much for not being ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and your faith in Him!! Thanks for your weekly video's.... Hope I will soon be able to practice what I learn from you... May God bless you and your family! Petrus (South Africa)
Thank you for this, your well-thought and beautifully articulated video. I have been watching your channel for a few years now and I apply everything I see from you to my life as a rider- this video being no exception. You’ve inspired and moved me to revisit my faith as a Christian. Thank you.
Kevin was wrong about “Slow, Look, Press and Roll”, the most basic of motorcycle control skills… cornering. What else might he be wrong about? Evolution? The most fundamental biological process on earth… a theory that has withstood all attempts to disprove?
Hi Alexa, thanks for your response, I just saw your comment. There will be a lot of people who will tell you how to live your life and put doubts in your head. But this I do know to be true...we will all die. No one is getting out of here alive. The Bible says it is our appointment to die and then judgment. My prayer for you is that you will be prepared to meet God in judgment. Christ prepared the way for that by dying on the cross for our sins, our response is repentance and faith. Only that puts us in the right relationship with God. Even John Walter who commented earlier will face God in judgment...all men and women will. My prayer is that you both will be ready. Kevin
@@TD1ification how can it be called a Theory when it can’t be tested? BTW, it’s being disproved constantly. The problem is your not exposed to that research because of the stranglehold on the dissemination of information. Just try to discuss anti-evolution findings in a public school. The crap storm from organizations like the ACLU will be legendary 🤣😂 Read Evolution’s Achille’s Heels if you truly want to know how sound faith in “natural processes” really is.
Great video Kevin. As you stated......there is nothing more important than finding the right answer to those three questions. The truth is of ultimate importance. I enjoy your bike videos too. Thank you.
Maybe this will help explain it better than I was able to. Here are some videos that explain some of the current problems with evolution from a more scientific approach.
Stupid me, I thought MC Rider's Mission is to "deliver motorcycle training to riders." Instead increasingly, you want to talk about your faith and now 17 minutes of anti evolutionary bias stuffed into "motorcycle training to riders." Please just do what you do best - train us motorcycle riders. You always wanted to be a preacher so just go start another channel for motorcycle riding with god and Jesus and continue your stated mission for MC Rider. This ain't it.
Kevin, thank you for having the courage to boldly and publicaly profess your faith! Our bodies are subject to the scientific concept of entropy but our souls live forever. We all have a choice to make regarding our final destination after leaving this life and, hopefully, your story will encourage non-believers to step out in faith and accept the gift of salvation and eternal life in heaven. If the parable of the Hoonda provides the impetus for just one person to seek a relationship with Jesus, then mission accomplished!
This was great👍🫶🛵🏍✝️ Please consider doing, “How to ride the CT125 off-road & on road” Series… I have one and have looking for videos on riding a auto clutch, small bore motorcycle.
I used to come here for motorcycle safety information. Unsubscribed. Edit: This is so out of place in a motorcycle safety forum. What follows Kevin? Your views on a woman's right to self determination of her health care? Same sex marriage? Transgender rights? A piece on Smith and Wesooon? What you have offered here is a bait and switch from motorcycling to religion. And it is no more sophisticated than your knowledge of chemistry, evolutionary genetics, archeology and the fossil record, DNA, carbon dating, or the scientific method. And then, there's your embarrassing explanation of the big bang as a simple destructive explosion...pfffffft. I have no issue with those of you of faith believing as you choose. I find it offensive when you proselytize by trying to discredit scientific facts through the use of simplistic misinformation and then ask why those who are knowledgeable about science don't believe in the supernatural. BTW, science does not rely on faith Kevin, it relies on empirical evidence and grueling peer review. But, if, as you said, you had "read the bible and read science and knew both sides of the "argument", you would have known that, wouldn't you. You are not qualified to present yourself as a referee between religion and science Kevin. This is a fraud.
Kevin, your argument about entropy made me think of something I'd learned watching a science TV show not long ago. If I recall correctly, a leading scientific theory of the origin of life is that nature "creates" order because low entropy converts more energy and is therefore conducive to the progression towards a high entropy (disordered) state. In other words, a local increase in order (e.g. life) is only possible at the expense of an entropy increase in the surroundings. I'd never try to change your beliefs but I thought this was an interesting point for anybody who likes to keep an open mind and learn new things. FYI I'm not religious but I'm not an atheist either 😉. I'm sure everybody here's got a great deal in common regardless!
Well said Kevin. I’m a biker of 48 years and had the same revelation some years into that, having been a life long atheist. God can change even the hardest atheist heart 😊
Good word. It boils down to loving your Creator and accepting His plan to save you, or, declaring that you are your own God. As you were encouraged, read the Gospel of John and determine for yourself who Jesus is. The choices are limited, He is either a liar, a lunatic or The Lord. This is our only time to choose, choose wisely.
I appreciate you taking the time to put your position into a video, however I would recommend an honest, in-depth investigation of evolution (and entropy) . What you have presented is a (likely unintentional) strawman representation of it. It doesn't take faith to accept evolution, it is a scientific fact that simply needs to be understood. The amount of evidence supporting the theory of evolution is overwhelming, including direct observation of speciation numerous times. Your analogy of creator - creation - entropy is only valid with artificial objects. It's not true of the result of natural processes such as snowflakes, stars, planets, crystals, etc. all of which show order with no designer. Additionally your explanation of entropy (and the second law of thermodynamics) is flawed, as entropy has nothing to do with order and disorder, and is only applicable to a closed system. I can tell you by your explanation of these scientific principles that your investigation has been conducted primarily with Christian apologetic resources, and I would urge you and anyone with genuine curiosity to evaluate the actual body of scientific knowledge. You are doing yourself a disservice by not gaining a deeper understanding of this marvelous cosmos we inhabit.
I have love and respect for your faith as well as any other faith. HOWEVER, are we here for this or motorcycling. I have had to comment similarly when M/C Vloggers go into politics. Please, do not go either place. You go in, I go out. Thanks. Ps. I'll be interested to see if you leave my comment up.
Well, evolution is a fact, not something you "believe" in. You can still believe in a deity if that gives purpose to your life though, I have no issue with that. I just don't like when people try to force their religious beliefs on others. As for this video, sorry to say but it's full of logical fallacies, pseudo-scientific arguments, and just plain scientific ignorance in regards to evolution. All of the points made here have been thoroughly debunked before and are in no way, shape, or form a "danger" to the scientific fact of evolution.
Irreducible complexity isn’t pseudo-science. You have a terribly skewed view of science, evolution/ origin of life, apologetics, and truth. I question your reasoning skills, and am curious how you arrived at your current world view?
This made me think about God. It made me think about my life, seems so meaningless and empty. I think i'll read the bible and see for myself what's up with John.
The thing is you didn’t exist for billions of years, now if you’re lucky you’ll exist for say 90 years, then you’ll die and cease to exist forever!, so try to enjoy the present, it really won’t last long, think of something you enjoy and do it more, go see a doctor and tell them your not feeling happy, there’s a way out of the way you’re feeling, it may be religion or it my be something else, but the main thing is you have a very limited time to enjoy yourself, so why not push yourself into grasping whatever happiness you can? Good luck, and remember there’s always someone worse off than yourself 👍
Generally I'm a "live and let live" kind of guy. You're free to believe whatever you want. But this video raises a serious issue for me. You demonstrated so many thought errors, so much psedudo-wisdome, and so much pride in willful ignorance, that it has me questioning whether I can trust you when it comes to motorcycles. It's ironic how many times I've heard you trash motorcycle myths, and I placed my hope and faith in your wisdom to help me keep myself safe on two wheels. But if this is how you think and reason about what matters most, and with a pattern of thought errors (like when you trashed Wikipedia the other day), how can I trust your judgment? (1) Your "Honda" metaphor that based most of this video on requires us to think "God" is just like man. You look at the creations of man and see the same thing in the creations of God. You have made God and man equal in your comparison. (2) You keep beating that entropy horse saying there is no evidence of self-organizing systems, yet you are surrounded by them. The chaos of the movement of physical matter is self-organizing, but if you say that the solar system was organized by "God", you have made your God=chaos. (3) LIFE is self-replicating, self-perpatuating systems. When you see ANYTHING alive, you are litterally seeing a system that self-perpetuates, that violates your "law of entropy" (a law that you don't undersand, probably because you learned about it from other Christians that share a complete misunderstanding of how entropy works in order to rationalize their irraional beliefs). Those are just a few of your several thought errors in this video. With all the times I've seen you proudly mock bad motorcycle advice, I wonder if you can handle the idea that your life/religion advice is as bad as the "common sense" motorcycle advice that frustrates you. Now I'm going to have to check and double check all the advice I've received from you because I know you're not a critical thinker, that you choose to be swayed by peer pressure and tradition, over doing what's right.
I am sorry sir, but you clearly do not understand the parameters of the laws of thermodynamics. And if complex things were "designed" it must surely be done by something more complex again so exactly who designed the creator (the problem of infinite regression)? The same scientific methods of inquiry that brought us our understanding of the universe and our place in it also allowed us to design and build motorcycles but you selectively reject those aspects that are counter to your "faith". But enough of this theological discussion. I am interested in watching channels about motorcycles, not sky fairies. Time to move on to other content. Unsubscribe.
Wow! Praise God for this, and praise God for you my brother. It is so simple that anyone who wishes to know the truth should. Unfortunately, John 3:19 is still true - “And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil”
Most excellent! Love the channel and appreciate your help. I'm a new rider this year and your channel has been encouraging and educational but this one is my favorite ! All praise to the Creator!!!
I didn't come to this channel to listen to anything about God or Religion ... That is totally off base... This is a UA-cam channel about safe Motorcycle riding... not a church... You have taught me a lot about riding but I am not a Christian and never will be... and I resent being preached to...
I’m probably gonna get much backlash, but: • There are three laws of thermodynamics (plus another two if you want to get into the minutiae). Focusing on just the second law is slightly disingenuous. • Your body depends on entropy to grow (your stomach dissolves large things into smaller things to feed your body (cells) which allow your cells to grow and multiply) thus making you grow bigger (the opposite of entropy). And also: read numbers 31 - it explicitly describes Moses plundering and pillaging the Midianites - killing everyone except the virgin women (to be “taken” by the victors), then burning everything. That sounds awful - and it’s in the Bible, specifically directed by the Lord. I just don’t get it? Anyone want to help me understand?
Thank You for sharing Your Faith may the Lord Richly Bless You The more I ride my bike, the more I get closer to the Lord because I gotta have Him to ride my bike
I’ve loved the MCrider videos, but this one is so depressing. Not just for its content, but even more so for the number of like-minded, no doubt well-meaning, but ultimately self-deluded people commenting favourably on it. I really thought that in the 21st century mankind would have grown out of the myth that is religion. Oh well.
Awesome way of putting things into perspective. The hope alone that we have far exceeds any "theories " that have ever been or ever will be told. GOD bless you in all your endeavors brother .This is not only safe rider instruction, but also life instruction.
I completely understand and agree with your point, but don’t forget to do it in a way that reflects a Christian conduct. With deep respect . 1Peter 3:15
I won't lie, when it ended I couldn't help but thinking "this video is SO American". Jokes aside, there are _so many_ things painfully wrong in your argument, but I guess everyone has his or her own area of expertise! This isn't mine either, but it had been taught well to me. I've had good and passioned teachers at uni in history of evolutional theory (and they were Catholic!), better than Jesus at least on these matters! I respect your opinion, but the way we evolved from hominids is not really an opinion in the scientific community.. so I don't share it at all. I'll keep on watching your great content regarding motorcycling techniques!
Teachers have two teach evolution bee cause day wheel bee fired if day don't. Scientist inn schools are own a pay roll,So day have two teach de agenda of de pea pole pay yin dim. It does ant matter what day bee leave,day have two dew their job. If some one pays a scientist two find evidence four evolution,but bring dim evidence four create Shawn,day wheel bee fired. Pea pole bee leave scientist dew what day won't and bring truth two de pea pole,but that's Knott true. Own Lee scientist off de pay roll are loud two dew that,but most of dim are own some ones pay roll. Mini thinks wrong width hisses are grew mints? Eye no were you'll go wing width diss. Motorcycles don't have bay bees, but that are grew mint makes it worse four evolutionist. Self replication is a Hong dread times Moore complicated than a motorcycle. That's like bee leave van a factory that makes motorcycles randomly made it's self. A motorcycle roll Lin down a hill has a better chance of turning two a different motorcycle than nature random Lee create ting a factory that makes motorcycles. Diss man is write a bot entropy. Entropy is de cause of de varieties inn any moles,Knott evolution. Example- isle dog breeds de send from wolves,but witch dog breed has buy de parts ore features wolves don't have? De an sir is none bee cause de changes inn any moles comes from entropy. You ken breed a group of wolves inn two Chihuahuas buy losing features/entropy,but you Kent breed a group of Chihuahuas back two wolves bee cause that genetic information is gone four ever. Entropy diss prove evolution.
Kevin, I have a lot of respect for you and I have learned a ton from your videos. But I do not tune into your channel to be preached to. Not everybody believes the same way you do. Stick to motorcycles.
Here are some videos that explain some of the current problems with evolution from a more scientific approach.
Another interesting article on the subject.
For more on the subject:
***Make sure and watch THIS!
I am sure there will be comments both pro and con for this video. That's OK.
Just understand it is not my intent to offend anyone but I am often asked this question, so this is my answer.
I won't get involved in endless debates in the comments of this video. I spent A LOT of hours writing, filming, and producing this video and I still only scratched the surface of the concept of evolution and creation. There is no way to do either subject justice in a short video much less in the comments of this video, so I won't attempt to.
This video is a direct response to many of you who wanted to know what I believe and why...this is a small part of that answer.
I hope you have a great week!
See you next Friday morning with more training videos from MCrider!
In the meantime, here is something to spin your brain on...
One piece of the puzzle of whether God exists is the likelihood that a living, functioning cell could come into existence solely by virtue of the unthinking laws of nature.
The first question smart gamblers ask is, “What are the odds?” There’s good reason for it; playing the odds gives them the best chance at winning. However, the odds for many things we see in our universe coming into existence without any intelligent input or intentionality are so mind-numbingly improbable it requires an irrational dose of blind faith to even consider them. How mind-numbing you ask? Let’s look at just one brief example.
Take living cells and the biological proteins that compose them. If we consider just one simple living cell consisting of only 250 short proteins, and those 250 proteins each consist of only 150 amino acids (they can consist of up to 30,000 amino acids), the odds that these 37,500 amino acids (250 proteins × 150 amino acids) could all arrange themselves into a sequence where the cell could actually function is only one chance in 10 to 41,000 (that’s a one followed by 41,000 zeros).
To put into perspective how large a number 10 to 41,000 really is (that’s the number of random attempts 37,500 amino acids would need to produce just one living cell), consider that there are an estimated 10 to 80 atoms in our entire universe. Even if we allowed every atom in the universe one trillion (10 to 12 ) atomic interactions per second for 14 billion years (approximately 10 to 18 seconds), we’d have only 10 to 110 interactions (10 to 80 × 10 to 12 × 10 to 18 = 10 to 110 ).
That’s a lethal problem for agnosticism. Even if the universe were 14 billion years old (the oldest estimate even the most ardent atheists give it), there hasn’t been nearly enough time for 10 to 41,000 attempts at anything. Not by a long shot! And that’s only one example out of countless others we could offer.
Viewed objectively, the evidence indicates our universe is much more the product of an intentional idea than the result of an unintentional cosmic accident.👍
Amen brother Amen 🙏
Kevin well said. Have a great day. Also great videos.
Kevin, thank you.
This is a very well thought out and produced video. Thank you for sharing your heart.
Kevin. It was well worth the time and energy to create such a film and write a very moving and intelligent dialogue. Excellent piece of work. Brian UK.
Fantastic response, and either way you have a choice to believe what in what you like and post this, you haven’t forced anyone into believing what you believe so all good. May God continue to bless all your efforts and keep you well favoured
God bless you Kevin. I am so glad I found your channel. Finding Christian brothers on youtube is not easy. Thank you for sharing your faith in God.
I really enjoyed this video. It was truly inspiring. I am about to turn 66 and buying my first new motorcycle since the 80’s. I went with my son to buy his first motorcycle last year and that put the big back in me. Since I’m planning my way back to riding I’ve been using UA-cam to learn what’s new in the 30+ years since I’ve ridden. I have found and subscribed to a lot of great resources, you being one of those. As my son inspired me to ride again this video, you helped inspire and strengthen my faith.
God bless and thank you!
Brother this is your calling! A ministry on two wheels. Thank you for your faithfulness and sharing the greatest news man has ever heard! May God richly bless you!
i've been watching you Sir for quite sometime now and i guess this one is something special, i really appreciate it, may the Lord bless you and keep you.
Thank you kindly
I've buried 3 children and a wife. My life has been very difficult from the start. Nothing that has happened to me has diminished my faith in God. I have 2 boys that are still living. I've told them many times that there's nothing they can do to make me unlove them. Nothing they can do I can't forgive. Never be afraid to come to me and tell me the whole truth. That's how God views me. It breaks my heart when they are hurting. Once when my one year-old was crying and upset because (out of necessity) I was trying to transition him from my bed to his crib. I stood there all night rubbing his back and singing to him in the din light. I wanted him to know I was there, I still loved him so much, and this was not punishment. My heart aches so much. I wanted him to understand, but I couldn't do anything more than I was doing to comfort him and make him understand I hadn't abandoned him. That's when I realized this was just the position God was in with me. My life was a train wreck. I was so upset about a lot of things. It truly changed my perspective and brought me peace. My children taught me so much about God!!
Kevin, I just retired last year after a 32 year career as a law enforcement officer. As you can probably imagine, I have seen countless episodes of suffering, unhappiness, violence and depravity. I have been only able to help bring a few criminals to answer for their crimes while being helpless to stop children from being violated or neglected, or addicts from reducing their lives to a pitiful drive to for the next high. As a younger man, I believed in God strongly only to see my faith eroded and hacked down to a point where I had come to think this life is nothing more than a man made hell and the only relief was the inevitable end to an otherwise painful existence. My only sources of happiness have been my grandson, and my motorcycle. Your presentations have always been as cathartic as educational, regardless of the topic you're giving. I can't tell you how much I needed to hear this today. I don't know if I can get my faith back or not. But you have inspired me to try. Thank you again.
You can! Just release it all and place it in Jesus hands and let it go! Have faith in Him. Faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains. Start with a little faith.
Hi Kevin, first of all let me say thank you. Many people do not understand the life of a Cop and what you and your fellow officers see. No one calls a Cop when things are going well, you get to see the worst of society and then some complain that you are over paid or don’t show up with a smile on your face.
So, thank you for doing a job that many people do not appreciate.
We indeed live in a fallen world. It seems it gets worse every day but I pray that the ruler of this world does not steal your joy.
In spite of all you have seen, there is a God who loves you and cares about you. Start by reading
If you seek God you will find him and the joy that this world can never fill.
Sorry if there are typos. I am at lunch on my cellphone but I wanted to respond to you right away. Send me a message to, I will set you up with a free membership and we can chat out of the public view if you prefer.
Peace and love to you brother,
I just went to a service for my friend and a priest said I asked Ted as a police officer of over 30 years,how do go to calls with out fear Ted replied with pointing up god is watching over me is why I can do what I do. He was a man of ethics, morals, and humanity and faith,a life I would model my life after . R.I.P.. Ted
Kevin, never give up, I did not after 15 years, and now i have real joy
Don't lose heart Kevin. Be strong. I hope you reach out through any means possible to find what peace you need. God bless you, and thank you for the job you do.
Faith in a creator and evolution are not mutually exclusive. The theory of evolution has been studied and confirmed via biological, anatomical, archeological, genetic, and many other fields of study over 160 years now. At this point your belief system has to be able to incorporate evolution or it is simply wrong.
It's like being a Catholic in the middle ages and trying to hold on to a geocentric model (earth is the center of the universe) when all evidence points against it. We now know that earth is a planet in the solar system which is in the outer edges of the milky way galaxy, of which there are billions in the visible universe.
Other religions like Buddhism for example are able to do so. Even Catholicism is not against evolution. It's really just the Evangelicals who have an issue with science it seems and who take the Bible to be the literal word of God and who have elevated Jesus to God status. As a former Catholic I find that laughable given the extremely jealous and vengeful God of the old testament who doles out death sentences for minor infractions while also wanting to be loved like some abusive spouse.
Take what you will from the Bible if it helps you. At the same time know that the creator has given us a brain that can be used to apply the scientific method of rational inquiry to understand nature. The study of consciousness offers possibilities of gaining knowledge at the intersection of spirituality and elementary physics. Important to keep an open mind and not close it by relying solely on ancient texts written for various purposes.
Entropy does not prevent stars from forming out of gas nebula, it does not prevent moons forming out of debris orbiting planets, because it only refers to heat loss in a closed system. It is entirely insufficient to explain or debunk evolution or for that matter creationism or "intelligent design."
There is too much we don't know yet about the universe (of which 96% does not consist of matter) to pretend to know the answers.
The field of children remembering their past lives, the field of near-death experiences, the field of psychedelic experiences all point to the fact that we still know very little about the nature of the universe.
Believe what you want to believe in, but I think trying to argue science using religion is quite foolish.
Maybe this will help explain it better than I was able to.
Here are some videos that explain some of the current problems with evolution from a more scientific approach.
Just because you don't understand something, doesn't mean it's not true
Funny, that would be my same response to those who have no faith in God. In the end, we will all die and face judgment and be held accountable...then the truth will be known.
Actually, most Creationists understand evolution better than those who have full faith in it. Look at this issue like a soap bubble. It has form and it’s pretty to look at but the moment you try to seriously examine it…it pops. We’ve all grown up being taught about evolution, but for some of us a deeper understanding of what real, empirical science has discovered was necessary. Most of the Founding Fathers of modern science were anti-Darwinists though being right in their discoveries, were shouted down by the majority who, throughout history have always been wrong!
The god described in the first pages of the bible created the universe and all life, in 6 solar days, 77 generations before the time of Jesus (about 5600 years ago according to the Hebrew calendar). We know the universe is not 5600 years old, therefore the story is not true. The event never happened as told, therefor the god it describes is not real. The rest of the stories about that god are irrelevant.
Which part of this is difficult to understand?
The only way you can pretend to believe the story actually is true, is to say the words written in the story do not mean what they actually say - and then you've got nothing but anyone's interpretation about what it might mean, to fight and kill each other over.
@@kenwittlief255 I mean... The Bible says a dude basically died and then udied. You really don't need to try this hard, if you want to disprove it.
@@Dontwantahandle111The theory of evolution wasn’t even postulated during the time of the founding fathers.
Thanks Kevin! Love your channel and your boldness to share what's most important....I hope and pray this leads others to explore the book and find a relationship with Jesus
Kevin, your faith in a creator is not mutually exclusive of the science that proves evolution. On entropy, death isn’t the end but the beginning of new life, just look at a forest a year after it has burned or a building taken over by the forest. We can see with own own eyes the evolution of creatures to adapt to their environments. I’m an atheist but you can have both observable science and the idea that it wasn’t just an accident.
You haven’t persuaded me either, but you have presented your views calmly and respectfully which is all anyone can ask. From my perspective … things change with time. I consider this a fact. The only question is how? There is good evidence for natural selection. For example we now have antibiotic resistant bacteria as the result of exposing bacteria to antibiotics for less than 100 years. The alternative view, that God made them, is puzzling to me. I shall never understand why a loving God would do that? We breed animals and plants for characteristics that we want by selecting those features over many generations. If we can do this artificially, why is it so hard to accept the environment can do this selection naturally?
Julian, it takes a lot more faith to believe our world, as complex as it is, just happened vs faith in a creator. I will go with the Creator theory.
Why a loving God would allow certain things to happen is puzzling. I believe the simplest yet not so simple answer is that God did indeed create a perfect world without sin. Sin entered the world when Adam and Eve disobeyed God. With sin came all of the bad things we blame God for. God sent his son Jesus to die for the sin we inherited so that we may be saved from it. Does this make any sense? Maybe... but I think it's easier to believe than that things evolved from nothing on their own without a creator.
Yes Julian, why did God make all this bad stuff in the world. Cancer, bacteria ect. If you read Genesis story of creation you see it didn't take long before creation, (man) disobed God's clear simple instructions which caused God to curse the perfect creation and made life much more difficult and dangerous to live in.
It was the creation (man) that caused it through SIN. The Bible continues to tell the story of a God of second chances and forgivness over & over through ages. Then God chose to redeem man from that penalty of sin with His own life on the cross. That my friend is LOVE
" There is no greater love than for someone to lay their life down for another."
Take Kevin's suggestion and read about it in the Bilbe. Pray and ask for clearity of understanding and direction. God will reveal himself to you.
May God Bless.
Thinking of you today
Romans 9:2
@@charleetho Right, and who created your creator? I see no difference between choosing a random God as your starting point and saying it "just happened". Although, to be exact, science doesn't claim things "just happened", it can explain a lot of it to a certain point and then it simply says "we don't know... yet." It's beautifully humble, as opposed to religion which makes claims with no proof.
Very well done Kevin. A great sermon in 17 minutes
Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost, but now am found, was blind but now I see.
7 years ago on May 29th, I cried out to God from a jail cell, a broken man suffering from addiction. God answered me with this, "Are you willing to trust me or do you want to die this way".
I responded with "I willing to trust you".
I spent 3 months in jail, 5 months in halfway house and back to jail for three more months. God removed the drug/drink obsession instantly. I have heard and seen God. I see him everyday. In my families eyes, in the sunrise, in my job and when I'm out on the bike.
My purpose today is to carry his message of faith, hope and love.
God Bless You All....
And by the way, I've been back inside that jail and several others including the State Penitentiary as a free man, trying to carry God's message to the sick and suffering.✌️🙏
Amen JESUS 🙏
There is a designer and creator. It's us. We've made design changes and new revisions over millions of years in order to adapt to our environment. This is evolution.
There is a big difference between adaptation and evolution. I very much believe in is written in our DNA.
@@MCrider There are scientific differences between adaptation and evolution, but the differences between adaptation and evolution blur once enough adaptations occur. Thinking about it in terms of motorcycles, how many parts do we have to adapt/modify before it starts to become a different motorcycle? Opinions on that will differ, but eventually, after enough changes, everyone will agree that it's a different motorcycle.
@Dabbing Hitler's Memes A lot can happen in billions of years. We'll never truly know the first life form that was on this planet, we can only scientifically theorize. But we have observed adaptation, even in humans (Palmaris Longus tendon, ear muscles, etc.). Work backwards from there and evolution is not only possible, but likely.
@Dabbing Hitler's Memes Let's just agree to disagree. Take it easy.
@Dabbing Hitler's Memes "...(And that first living thing is the biggest problem with evolution -- it cannot evolve without something to evolve from, and even the simplest life is so stupendously complex. ..."
that first living thing - what is more complex and harder to explain, a single living cell with DNA
or an all powerful creator/god that can wish the universe into existence
if you cant explain the existence of the first living thing, then you cannot explain the existence of the bible god either
both are left as question marks, there is no reason to choose the magical god over the simple single cells that STILL EXIST and can be seen with your own eyes.
The Lord is my Shepherd….Roman’s 10:13 Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved AMEN. You are a good man Kevin 💪🏼🤜🏼🤛🏼🙏🏼
A lot of this is simply not true. There's a lot of examples of entropy like you explained it isn't true in nature, especially in chemistry. For example the way water forms crystals in cold temperatures ❄️, the way atoms attract to form molecules ⚛️ and the way carbon form diamonds 💎 under high pressure.
Abiogenesis is quite easy to understand conceptually. All you need is a chemical replicator to assemble itself by accident, and then entropy will take care of the rest (aka random mutations). I don't think it's unreasonable for that to happen in millions of years, is it, given the examples above?
Many things in the human body (and in other species) suggest evolution rather than creation. The best example I can think of is the recurrent laryngeal nerve, which suggest we evolved from fish. Everything can be explained and predicted by the "selfish" gene, like social constructs, language, hive colonies, fear, death, procreation, compassion and cruelty. I suggest everybody read Richard Dawkins book on the subject.
If you believe in God and this theory of creator, creation and entropy, you still have to explain who created God, and why he isn't dead yet? It doesn't fit with the theory, does it?
Faith is believing in something with no proof; It is the worst thing a person can do. Evolution has more hard proof than gravity does. You say there must be a 'god' because you can not comprehend the actual answers. What you call god is the attempt to explain gaps in your knowledge. Just because you wish it so means nothing, the world proves you wrong.
That’s fine I don’t believe in gravity either.
Just kidding if you didn’t figure that out. Jesus people like to laugh too. 👍🏻
@@MCrider To be perfectly clear, we know the extremely simple mechanisms behind evolution and can explain them so a grade school student can understand. On the other hand, we can not explain how gravity actually works, we know it does work but not the actual mechanism of what is going on. We know mass creates/has gravity, we do not know why that is.
If humanity started over from day 1 tomorrow 1,000 different religions would pop up all over again in different parts of the world, all of them thinking that they were the 1 true religion, but humanity would discover the laws of physics to be exactly the same. As far as god goes, which one? There are over a thousand to choose from, why is yours the right one?
that actually happened in the early years of the United States
in the late 1700s and early 1800s, with the protection of 'freedom of religion' new beliefs and sects and con men sprang up like weeds, all across the US
and some of those are still with us today, the entire state of Utah for one....
Entertaining vid. So I’m a Christian, and the author of a 400-page physics book that has nothing to do with “beliefs” or “metaphysics”. I don’t see why one cannot both be a Christian and accept evolution. We all may embrace and express our faith differently, but real science (including the science of evolution) doesn’t care what our faith is, science is just science whether we believe or have faith in it or not.
Maybe this will help explain it better than I was able to.
Here are some videos that explain some of the current problems with evolution from a more scientific approach.
@@MCrider I think that the key issue is understanding what sience is and what is not. I had problem with that from elementary school when I participated in physics competisions - I always felt that there is something else what I didnt understand, knowing everything in physics and having very good outcomes. I undestood much later that when started to have contact with philosophy: that sience does not EXPLAIN anyhing, sience just DESCRIBE and try to mathematisise observed regularities. It is big differnece.
I don't agree with you, but no matter... you are a great guy.
I'm an atheist, but my wife and boys are Christians... I tell my boys, I don't care if they are believers or non believers, just be a good person and a leader to your family.
I was with you and followed your reasoning until you went from the general idea of a “Designer” or “Creator” to a specific “God” that has revealed himself through ancient writings. Your misunderstanding of science and evolutionary biology led you to believe in a creator, but the dogma and religious beliefs all come from somewhere else. Out of all the religions in the world, how do you know that yours is the correct one?
"Out of all the religions in the world, how do you know that yours is the correct one?"
Hey Tim, is this a request for another video? ;)
If another video on this topic makes you mad, blame Tim...just kidding...have a great weekend.
I call it faith!
@@MCrider No video needed…just a brief explanation why you think this Creator is a personal God dishing out mercy and/or punishment or more generally manipulates his creation for his own edification.
One college-level course in comparative vertebrate anatomy might open your eyes and change your mind a little bit about your “designer” argument. I know it did mine.
Well Mr. Wilson of the current 4,300ish religions on this beautiful blue ball, ONLY Christians know Gods sacrifice to redeem us. ALL other religions require it's adherents to DO something. Besides... where did matter and energy come from? 🤔
Generally geography is the best answer to this question. If he was born in the middle east, he would likely be a muslim. If he was born in India, he would likely subscribe to Hinduism. If he was born in Scandinavia, he would perhaps even be an atheist.
My strength and courage, come from his word! I especially enjoy Psalms 23, have a blessed day today MC
I admire you for using this platform to share your faith. I learn a lot from your videos. Thx
Me too, thx brother. Imagine "motorcycles" in Heaven...
Thank you Kevin. May GOD bless you 🙏
Hi McRider. I am not commenting to attack your faith. I often see individuals who have developed an expertise in one area in life assume that they then can transfer that expertise to other areas of life that have little to do with their legitimate area of expertise. Case in point. Many people believed that Dr. Ben Carson must be a very smart person because he was a renowned brain surgeon. Many people thought he should automatically have the knowledge and ability to be the President of the U.S.A or supervise a government agency. He was an inept manager.
In this video you spoke about some of the laws of science, evolution, the Big Bang, thermodynamics, and entropy. Friend, do you have any expertise in those areas as you do about riding a motorcycle? It would take too long of a comment to point out the errors and misunderstanding that you have about the laws of nature that you mentioned. Please understand this. You may be absolutely correct that Jesus is a god. The only point that I am making here is that your understanding of the laws of nature is very flawed. What you say may sound very rational and rational to others similarly ignorant about the laws of nature and science. The problem with all of us is that we don't know the things that we don't know. We should be humble when talking about subjects that we have no expertise in. But that is the problem. We think we have expertise in areas that we don't actually have any expertise. And so in those cases we are really shooting from the hip.
Just to give one example of your misunderstanding of the science. The Big Bang was not an explosion and it was not the origin of the universe. The universe already existed before the Big Bang. As you said, an explosion destroys things. An explosion has a center and in the explosion particles travel outward away from the center of the explosion. That is not what the Big Bang describes. As I said the Big Bang was not an explosion. The universe has no center. You can stop reading here if you wish but if you want to know a little bit more about the Big Bang, read on. I am not a cosmologist, but I do not simply take a few things that I hear cosmologists saying to justify my beliefs. And I have taken a course in astronomy.
The Big Bang is a theory about the expansion of the universe. The current version of Big Bang theory used most by modern cosmologists is called the Lambda-CDM model. It postulates that our universe began to expand at a specific instant, expanded to be flat (i.e. has zero curvature) and is made up of 5% baryons (i.e. the matter that makes up everything we see, galaxies, stars, planets, people, 27% cold dark matter and 68% dark energy. The Lambda-CDM model further describes that the universe is expanding at a rate referred to as Lambda and is governed by the principles of Einstein’s General Relativity. The Lambda-CDM model has been very successful at explaining what we observe in the universe. It makes predictions repeatedly confirmed by observation. But it is not without problems; as with all scientific theories, the Lambda-CDM model continues to evolve.
McRider, you make some very common mistakes that nonscientists make when talking about the Big Bang. It was not an explosion and it was not the origin of the universe. Does this mean that Jesus is not god? No. I am only pointing out that your understanding of the science that you speak about in this video is very flawed and deficient. You make similar errors in talking about the laws of thermodynamics and entropy. Peace.
I appreciate your rational response but if no one can talk without a full understanding then NO ONE can talk. Science changes all the time. New things are discovered that refute old theories. Everyone is constantly learning and discovering new concepts except the one who made it all. Look up some videos from Stephen C Meyer, interesting stuff in the field of microbiology. 👍🏻
@@MCrider Hi. I don't think that is quite right to say that no one can talk about matters outside of their expertise. However, we should be careful and attempt to understand the subject matter so that we do not misrepresent ideas. I am sure you would agree with that. Scientific ideas are some of the more complex ideas to understand. It is like another language. And if we are using scientific ideas outside of our expertise to bolster our personal beliefs, we should make sure that we are not misrepresenting those scientific ideas. To do so would be misleading. Another thing to do would be to admit up front and after that we are not experts on those ideas and so we may have gotten things wrong.
Do you remember the big hoopla when Lebron James made some social statement, and Laura Ingraham on Fox News told him to "shut up and dribble"? That is not what I am saying at all to you. However, if Lebron James is commenting on political and social situations that he has not studied in any detail or that he obviously doesn't understand, then he should definitely "shut up and study".
So, no, my friend, I am not saying that no one should speak about things that they have no expertise in, but if you are to do so, one should have a good understanding of the things one says so that ideas are not misrepresented. One of the biggest misunderstanding among nonscientists is that the Big Bang was an explosion.
In regards to science changing "all the time", that is really an exaggeration. The laws of thermodynamics or entropy have never changed for example. If that was the case then basing your argument on those laws would be risky because if what you think is correct then tomorrow the laws of thermodynamics may change. And what would the argument that you made in your video have to stand on? I must disagree with you again. The theories of science that change are usually those on the cutting edge of science. It is in the areas where there is active inquiry and many unexplained phenomena. Theories about black holes and the age of the universe may change because we are learning more about the universe everyday. However, when a scientific theory becomes a law, it usually doesn't change.
The COVID-19 virus and the illness it caused is a good example. It was a new virus and a new disease. Scientist were learning new things everyday and so the recommendations were changing constantly. So when we are faced with new scientific phenomena, the science will be seen changing. However, my friend it is not the science that is changing. What is changing is OUR understanding of the science. Science is not a thing but a method of studying nature. The method does not change. It is what we are learning over time using the scientific method that changes. As we develop better tools we learn more.
There was a time, only 100 years ago, that scientists thought that the universe was just our solar system with its 8 planets. When we developed better telescopes we realized that our solar system was just a tiny part of a galaxy. However we thought then that the universe was just our our galaxy alone. Still when better telescopes were invented, scientists realized that there were billions of other galaxies. This example shows that it is not "science" that changes but OUR understanding of the science.
It is one of the "blessings" of science that old incorrect theories can be discovered to be incorrect and then be thrown out. Would you want to continue to believe that the earth is flat? There was a time when blood letting was a cure all for many diseases. Later when better cures and more scientific medicines developed we realized that blood letting was not a cure all for all diseases. Would you have preferred that we continue blood letting? I don't think you would.
Liken this to motorcycle technology. Would you prefer an old original style carburetor developed in the 1950s to one developed today, or fuel injection? You may have nostalgia for the old style carburetor but if you want the best scientific fuel delivery system, you would go with the one developed from the new science.
Sorry, for the long reply. You do a great job with your videos educating us on safe riding. I also think it is your right to broadcast your religious faith on your channel if you wish to do so. The only point of my comment was that you were misrepresenting the science. If you are going to use science to bolster your religious beliefs, please first understand the science. That was my only point. Cheers.
@@mylord9340 well presented argument, m8
Evolution isn't about you? It doesn't care if you have faith in it. It's bonkers you'd put the two together at all.
Adding a creator just adds steps and ignorance.
This episode was just wow! Amazed me in many ways. I guess you are not just a motorcycle safety instructor, you are a life coach as well. Thank you sir ❤
The real God who created all of this, has nothing to do with any silly religion.
Amen brother. Thanks!
In the wardrooms of U.S. Navy ships (where the officers eat their meals, hold meetings, and sometimes relax), there are three topics that are off limits; sex, religion, and politics. I wish that was true here on Kevin’s site as well, but life is full of disappointments.
Life is also full of pleasant surprises, one of which is all the motorcycle knowledge I get from Kevin. I will take the good with the bad.
God starts your salvation with a possible felony, possession of stolen property., abandoning the scene of a accident, yet bless you that determination, a reason to find Jesus
Beautiful video Kevin. Thank you. Every time I get on my motorcycle I say a prayer for safety and protection, this centres me and reminds me of my human frailty and the beauty God has given us all.
Amen JESUS forever
Amen, brother. God bless.
You only know the arguments from one side. It looks a lot different if you know the arguments from both sides.
Maybe this will help explain it better than I was able to.
Here are some videos that explain some of the current problems with evolution from a more scientific approach.
Everything observable has a creator ? Really? A creator needs to be demonstrated not simply asserted . A Motorcycle creator can be demonstrated. A god can’t or at least hasn’t so far .
I will ask a relevant question- if we accept there is a God- what is the argument that it is the Christian god?
Is this a request for another video. ;)
@@MCrider Sure.. As a Buddhist I would be happy to have the conversation offline too. We can talk the merits of your creationist thinking against other well thought out counter views too. Regardless, faith is incredibly important and equally important to a spiritual life, regardless of what you believe. In fact, “spiritual” comes from “spiritus” meaning “to give breath.” If your Christian life gives you a reason to keep breathing then it is important. So long as it doesn’t strangle someone else’s breath.
Glad to have found this channel. I was a new rider wanting to improve my riding technique and have been enjoying various videos from you. Now, this one popped on my feed, and am glad to learn that you are a Christian as well. What an encouragement it is for me. This message was something that I needed in the current time of hardships. Helped me rethink and reorganize my faith and walk w God. Thank you!
What an encouragement, thanks for the kind words.
Just a dumb analogy. A bike is a product of intelligent design that we are already aware of its process. In reality we don’t have difficulties in finding the predisposed function of any bike parts because they are designed by human minds. Life is not.
Analogies are best for showing a comparison. They generally break down at some point. They definitely should not be seen as evidence.
Great video, thanks for making it. Never be ashamed of what Christ has done for you, or reluctant to share it. The gospel is salvation to those that are perishing. Faith comes by hearing the word of God.
I loved the Honda analogy. Great video! As a pastor I love it when a man of faith takes a big leap like you did here. Keep up the good work for Christ.
I really loved your video, how your passion for motorcycles is transformed into a witnessing tool. Love your channel, keep up the faith and God Bless You.
This video was forwarded to me last night by my brother and we had a simple discussion yesterday about hell being place and not just a word that some see as a cuss word. What a start to my day so awesome. The creator you are speaking of has been molding (sanctification)
me into what I hope those around see is working out of the fruit of the spirit. I am in tears watching this video because of Jesus Christ and what has been doing in my life. Your Brother in CHRIST Marty Wilburn
Thanks! For sharing your faith.
Thank you Gene!
I love your videos, but to quote Christopher Hitchens, it does seem to me that you haven’t either read or understood the arguments against your position.
If you postulate intelligent design, ie there must have been a God to create everything, then who created God? Ah, you will say, it’s not for us to know. That is NOT an answer.
Evolution is not chance, it’s the effect of environmental factors on naturally varying genetic heredity. Exactly how Man created all the breeds of dogs we see today, following his domestication of the wolf and his selective breeding of the offspring.
Finally, Science and the scientific method of enquiry and deduction gave us our modern world, including the computer on which you are reading this, the camera you use to make your videos and yes, the motorcycles you love to ride. You are clearly happy to accept these scientific achievements. But when Science gives us the beautifully reasoned and logical principle of Evolution, suddenly you don’t want to accept it any more. Not logical.
I suggest you look at anything on UA-cam from Richard Dawkins or Christopher Hitchens, but do so with an open mind. And please do keep sending out the great motorcycling presentations!
I have seen a lot of Richard Dawkins and I am not opposed to science...I am very much in favor of it...I just don't accept all of it blindly.
Maybe these will explain the problems with evolution better than I did for you.
Thanks for watching,
Thank you for responding! I’m not suggesting for a moment that you accept science "blindly". I just don’t understand why, if we have an unsolved question like the origin of the universe, it should be necessary to invent, in the absence of any evidence, a mythical "Creator"
@@MCrider to imply that anyone accepts science blindly is to woefully misunderstand science. The greatest achievement any scientist (or science-minded layperson) can hope to achieve is to effectively refute the status quo. For that reason science is "self-correcting", whereas religion is "self-protecting".
I was too dense and screwed up to come to a reasoned faith in God and Jesus. He came to me personally in a profound and remarkable manner, which removed any and all doubt of His reality, and simultaneously I learned just how incredibly tender, gentle, and loving He is. That may seem a bit over the top to some, but it happened...No...I couldn't see Him, it was an overpowering "awareness" is the best I could describe it. BTW Kevin, your faith is evident in your manner and presence.
Even though my beliefs are different, I respect yours and we can still be friends. You’re a good man Kevin
Thanks Brian, always refreshing to hear from someone who is not afraid of a different perspective on life. I appreciate that.
That...was...Awesome. Wow. I remember as a child learning a great inconvenient truth. "Science doesn't lie...but "scientists" do." Statistics don't lie..."statisticians do." I long gave myself over to a blind and simple faith that science was the beginning and the end of everything. The more study I did on my own, the more questions became unanswerable. I learned the Truth...and it set me free completely. And the truth stands up to authentic scientific theory. Thank you for this video. God bless and be well.
Please in the next video talk to us about how the world is really flat.. or how vaccines have 5G chips.
,,,, and how a dying woman in texas cannot get the medical help she needs now to save her life...... because 'jesus'
This was so powerful, thank you for sharing Kevin. About 2 years ago I was a member, but discontinued because I had so much trouble accessing the field guide. I want to come back!
Let me know if you have problems getting to the field guide, I would be happy to help. support @
Personally I don't believe in god. There's proof and evidence on both sides. Lots of misinformation on both sides as well. I respect other people's beliefs as long and mine are respected as well. We might not agree on our religious beliefs but i think everyone can agree that the Honda trail is great bike.
Here I am looking for a helmet and stumble over a Hoonda fictional story that transcends the fun and entertainment we share with this hobby and takes us to a profound question each of us must answer. I am an engineer/designer of 42 years that must obey true laws of science and have have tried to grow in my faith as a christian for 53 years. My hope is that someone will take the time to ponder and then question the line they have been fed and then come to realize there is something much more important in life, something more believable than evolution, something more fulfilling than even an early morning ride…Well done man!
My whole life I have heard people tell me the Bible is full of contradictions. One day I took the last of my money and with a friend went to the Christian book store and bought a bible. My friend, who was my roommate, and I then went to a restaurant and had lunch. I looked at him and said, now we live by faith because we have no money. I spent the next three years not reading but studying that Bible. I started at the beginning and went to the end. I never did find that contradiction they were talking about.
you mean self contradictions?
like the author of Luke saying in chapter 1 that he is writing first hand eye witness accounts of the words and teachings of Jesus, from reliable sources,
and then in chapter 3 Luke gives a detailed account of Jesus going into the desert for 40 days and nights ALONE to fast and is tempted by the devil?
how do you explain that?! if jesus was alone and being transported to different places by the devil, then WHO WAS THE EYEWITNESS that conveyed the story to the author of Luke, about 50 years later?!
either you have never actually read the bible cover to cover (and you are lying)
or you cant hold a simple thought in your head from one page to the next
because there are hundreds of cases like this in the bible, where it obviously contradicts itself
Well, since you labeled it up front, I have only myself to blame for actually watching it. It’s your channel to use as you wish, but this subscriber watches you for your motorcycle related presentations, nothing else.
Nonsense presented in a calm , superficially reasoned manner, is still nonsense. That tired old argument from design has been debunked for centuries. The second law of thermodynamics, which apologists love so much, applies only to closed systems, which the earth is not.
Faith is by definition irrational. There’s no way to verify the claim that the Christian bible is the word of a supernatural being. It is a work of art. A collection of folklore, fantasy, and forgery. We don’t even know who wrote the canonical gospels, and only about half the books attributed to Paul likely came from his active imagination.
love your channel Kevin but after this one, please stick to motorcycling
Arguments from design and arguments from first cause have been debunked or refuted thoroughly and endlessly. This was a disappointment for anyone who has looked a bit further than the thinly emotional appeal made here.
You'll get lots and lots of people calling you brother and thanking you, but none of this is logically convincing to anyone with a truly scientific mindset. I'd prefer you stick to motorcycling on this channel. The internet is rife with Christian riders already. I can hardly find a community that isn't dripping with piety. Those that steer clear are true gems.
Maybe this will help explain it better than I was able to.
Here are some videos that explain some of the current problems with evolution from a more scientific approach.
I decided to come in today and have a look at what you posted and see what I thought. Unfortunately, comments have been disabled on the first video. I tend to categorically disregard videos that don't invite critical discussion. Usually that means that they're a load of bollocks that's easily refuted.
Hi Kev my wife was very impressed by your talk she unlike me is a very committed Christian unfortunately through my life I’ve seen so many injustices that have never been resolved I find it hard to understand that a loving God would let these things happen. When at university she was raped by a visiting German English tutor. Well one of our conversations about this was her comment if she ever met him again she hoped he would say sorry for what he did, I replied if ever I found him he would be very sorry indeed. Bless her she prays for my safety especially when I’m riding my motorcycle. Hey maybe it works I’m still here at seventy six years old
Many people have a hard time with evil in the world. However, God did not create robots, he created men and women with a free will. We live in a fallen world and evil prevails for the time being because God allows us to have a free will. This will not always be the case. I have seen in my own life how God can take the broken pieces and create beautiful art in spite of the pain the pieces caused.
Kev that is true I’ve got an amazing story that came from a horrific occurrence but I think it’s too personal to air on this semi open forum, but maybe one day if my wife’s God leads me to open up.
@@john-wq8kf Jesus came to us as a human man with the soul reason to be put to death on the cross as payment for our sins. The Athlete doesn't spare their body from the pain that comes from training. Why because it is through that pain and suffering that the athlete can make himself stronger. God let his son suffer a unimaginable painful death. Do you think GOD did that if there was nothing good to come from it? Suffering is not a measure of GODs disregard for mankind. But more like the making of fine high quality steel. It has to go through fires that look like it is being destroyed. The end is strong steel of high value and fit to make the best products.
I find it a fascinating coincidence that there’s an I in the middle of the word SIN. It’s the I that’s responsible for most of the evil we experience. I want therefore…I don’t want therefore. God’s not to blame for free will gone wrong. I love your wife’s heart, but even as a believer I couldn’t be sure I wouldn’t follow you on the professor issue.
Keep your content in motorcycle area. That is definitely your field of great expertise and knowledge.
When I spent 8 years in academia studying theology?
@Randy Marsh Then why did you watch it? So quick to criticize a man that is willing to express his faith in public. Maybe you also missed it when he said at the beginning of the video that he was answering viewers questions as to why he still believes in God. I would suggest that your comments are a blunder at best because you didn't listen clearly to his purpose for making the video. It is also his platform to say what he believes. If you would like to start a channel and talk about science then please do. It won't be up to me or anyone else to tell you what you should speak about.
I disagree with his stance on evolution but I think he should be free to talk about any issue he chooses.
I wasn’t disrespectful or offensive.
I watch this channel because of great knowledge and experience shown. As a new motorcyclist I learned a lot from this videos.
And that is the only reason why I’m watching it.
I didn’t ask for lectures in science, religion or politics.
For those things I have alcohol. Have same effect on my brain.
I respect every religion, every opinion about debatable subjects and I don’t engage in online debate about it.
That is the only reason why I made comment on this post.
I won’t apologize for “offending “ because there is nothing in my comment that is offensive.
Keep rolling and disregard my “words “
Personally I didn’t take offense..but I have far more education in Theology than I do motorcycles. So back to your original post, I was correcting your misunderstanding there. 👍🏻
Thanks MC Rider for your encouragement. I am a rider too. And also a Pastor. I use my motorcycle for my ministry. I ride a Yamaha Bolt 950 R-Spec.
Hallo Kevin. I subscribed to your channel about a year ago. I have a desire in my heart to do my motorcycle license, but my wife wouldn't let me... (I'm still praying and hoping that her hart will change). I am also a born again christian. I studied theology. Got saved after being a minister for 9 years... God the Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit became more real to me than the chair I'm sitting on. Thank you SO much for not being ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and your faith in Him!! Thanks for your weekly video's.... Hope I will soon be able to practice what I learn from you... May God bless you and your family! Petrus (South Africa)
God bless you Kevin. Keepin riders safe and showing Safety for a man's soul, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank you for this, your well-thought and beautifully articulated video. I have been watching your channel for a few years now and I apply everything I see from you to my life as a rider- this video being no exception. You’ve inspired and moved me to revisit my faith as a Christian. Thank you.
Kevin was wrong about “Slow, Look, Press and Roll”, the most basic of motorcycle control skills… cornering. What else might he be wrong about? Evolution? The most fundamental biological process on earth… a theory that has withstood all attempts to disprove?
Hi Alexa, thanks for your response, I just saw your comment.
There will be a lot of people who will tell you how to live your life and put doubts in your head. But this I do know to be true...we will all die. No one is getting out of here alive. The Bible says it is our appointment to die and then judgment. My prayer for you is that you will be prepared to meet God in judgment. Christ prepared the way for that by dying on the cross for our sins, our response is repentance and faith. Only that puts us in the right relationship with God.
Even John Walter who commented earlier will face God in judgment...all men and women will. My prayer is that you both will be ready.
@@TD1ification how can it be called a Theory when it can’t be tested? BTW, it’s being disproved constantly. The problem is your not exposed to that research because of the stranglehold on the dissemination of information. Just try to discuss anti-evolution findings in a public school. The crap storm from organizations like the ACLU will be legendary 🤣😂
Read Evolution’s Achille’s Heels if you truly want to know how sound faith in “natural processes” really is.
Great video Kevin. As you stated......there is nothing more important than finding the right answer to those three questions. The truth is of ultimate importance. I enjoy your bike videos too. Thank you.
If don’t understand science, hard to trust your take on technical points of riding. All the best.
Maybe this will help explain it better than I was able to.
Here are some videos that explain some of the current problems with evolution from a more scientific approach.
Actually, Darwinian evolution has been disproven scientifically.
Excellent video brother! Enjoy all your videos, this is the best yet. To God be the glory!
Stupid me, I thought MC Rider's Mission is to "deliver motorcycle training to riders." Instead increasingly, you want to talk about your faith and now 17 minutes of anti evolutionary bias stuffed into "motorcycle training to riders." Please just do what you do best - train us motorcycle riders. You always wanted to be a preacher so just go start another channel for motorcycle riding with god and Jesus and continue your stated mission for MC Rider. This ain't it.
Why couldn’t you believe in both God an evolution?
Who else was thinking the little Hoonda should have evolved into the Gold Wing?…. 😂. Ride safe everyone.
I had a Harley joke I thought about using in the video as the missing link but I figured the video would offend enough people all on its own. LOL
@@MCrider Thank you for that…a laugh I didn’t know I needed 👍🏼
@@maxwellmark me too! I don't belive in evolution, but me too!
@@barbaraolver4722 Me either… that’s why it’s funny 👍🏼
Once you have a rocket, Nothing else matters. (Owner of a 2010 Rocket III Touring). :)
Love the video!!! God bless You!! Greetings from Croatia!!!
Kevin, thank you for having the courage to boldly and publicaly profess your faith! Our bodies are subject to the scientific concept of entropy but our souls live forever. We all have a choice to make regarding our final destination after leaving this life and, hopefully, your story will encourage non-believers to step out in faith and accept the gift of salvation and eternal life in heaven. If the parable of the Hoonda provides the impetus for just one person to seek a relationship with Jesus, then mission accomplished!
What is a soul?
This was great👍🫶🛵🏍✝️ Please consider doing, “How to ride the CT125 off-road & on road” Series… I have one and have looking for videos on riding a auto clutch, small bore motorcycle.
I used to come here for motorcycle safety information. Unsubscribed.
Edit: This is so out of place in a motorcycle safety forum. What follows Kevin? Your views on a woman's right to self determination of her health care? Same sex marriage? Transgender rights? A piece on Smith and Wesooon? What you have offered here is a bait and switch from motorcycling to religion. And it is no more sophisticated than your knowledge of chemistry, evolutionary genetics, archeology and the fossil record, DNA, carbon dating, or the scientific method. And then, there's your embarrassing explanation of the big bang as a simple destructive explosion...pfffffft. I have no issue with those of you of faith believing as you choose. I find it offensive when you proselytize by trying to discredit scientific facts through the use of simplistic misinformation and then ask why those who are knowledgeable about science don't believe in the supernatural. BTW, science does not rely on faith Kevin, it relies on empirical evidence and grueling peer review. But, if, as you said, you had "read the bible and read science and knew both sides of the "argument", you would have known that, wouldn't you. You are not qualified to present yourself as a referee between religion and science Kevin. This is a fraud.
God bless you Kevin , Amen brother I’m also a believer in God and creation , what a awesome life knowing Jesus the Christ
Kevin, I appreciate you sharing this and one of the reasons I love the channel. We serve an amazing God!
GOD is good all the time. And all the time GOD is good.
Kevin, your argument about entropy made me think of something I'd learned watching a science TV show not long ago. If I recall correctly, a leading scientific theory of the origin of life is that nature "creates" order because low entropy converts more energy and is therefore conducive to the progression towards a high entropy (disordered) state. In other words, a local increase in order (e.g. life) is only possible at the expense of an entropy increase in the surroundings. I'd never try to change your beliefs but I thought this was an interesting point for anybody who likes to keep an open mind and learn new things. FYI I'm not religious but I'm not an atheist either 😉. I'm sure everybody here's got a great deal in common regardless!
Well said Kevin. I’m a biker of 48 years and had the same revelation some years into that, having been a life long atheist. God can change even the hardest atheist heart 😊
Good word. It boils down to loving your Creator and accepting His plan to save you, or, declaring that you are your own God. As you were encouraged, read the Gospel of John and determine for yourself who Jesus is. The choices are limited, He is either a liar, a lunatic or The Lord. This is our only time to choose, choose wisely.
I appreciate you taking the time to put your position into a video, however I would recommend an honest, in-depth investigation of evolution (and entropy) . What you have presented is a (likely unintentional) strawman representation of it. It doesn't take faith to accept evolution, it is a scientific fact that simply needs to be understood. The amount of evidence supporting the theory of evolution is overwhelming, including direct observation of speciation numerous times.
Your analogy of creator - creation - entropy is only valid with artificial objects. It's not true of the result of natural processes such as snowflakes, stars, planets, crystals, etc. all of which show order with no designer. Additionally your explanation of entropy (and the second law of thermodynamics) is flawed, as entropy has nothing to do with order and disorder, and is only applicable to a closed system.
I can tell you by your explanation of these scientific principles that your investigation has been conducted primarily with Christian apologetic resources, and I would urge you and anyone with genuine curiosity to evaluate the actual body of scientific knowledge. You are doing yourself a disservice by not gaining a deeper understanding of this marvelous cosmos we inhabit.
I have love and respect for your faith as well as any other faith. HOWEVER, are we here for this or motorcycling. I have had to comment similarly when M/C Vloggers go into politics. Please, do not go either place. You go in, I go out. Thanks. Ps. I'll be interested to see if you leave my comment up.
Why would I delete your comment?
Well, evolution is a fact, not something you "believe" in. You can still believe in a deity if that gives purpose to your life though, I have no issue with that. I just don't like when people try to force their religious beliefs on others.
As for this video, sorry to say but it's full of logical fallacies, pseudo-scientific arguments, and just plain scientific ignorance in regards to evolution. All of the points made here have been thoroughly debunked before and are in no way, shape, or form a "danger" to the scientific fact of evolution.
Irreducible complexity isn’t pseudo-science. You have a terribly skewed view of science, evolution/ origin of life, apologetics, and truth. I question your reasoning skills, and am curious how you arrived at your current world view?
This made me think about God. It made me think about my life, seems so meaningless and empty. I think i'll read the bible and see for myself what's up with John.
TJ You are loved more than you know. Accepted in the beloved (Christ)
The thing is you didn’t exist for billions of years, now if you’re lucky you’ll exist for say 90 years, then you’ll die and cease to exist forever!, so try to enjoy the present, it really won’t last long, think of something you enjoy and do it more, go see a doctor and tell them your not feeling happy, there’s a way out of the way you’re feeling, it may be religion or it my be something else, but the main thing is you have a very limited time to enjoy yourself, so why not push yourself into grasping whatever happiness you can? Good luck, and remember there’s always someone worse off than yourself 👍
Your life IS meaningful- you are worthy of happiness/love, hang in there, and best wishes as you read the bible (and John).
Generally I'm a "live and let live" kind of guy. You're free to believe whatever you want. But this video raises a serious issue for me. You demonstrated so many thought errors, so much psedudo-wisdome, and so much pride in willful ignorance, that it has me questioning whether I can trust you when it comes to motorcycles. It's ironic how many times I've heard you trash motorcycle myths, and I placed my hope and faith in your wisdom to help me keep myself safe on two wheels. But if this is how you think and reason about what matters most, and with a pattern of thought errors (like when you trashed Wikipedia the other day), how can I trust your judgment?
(1) Your "Honda" metaphor that based most of this video on requires us to think "God" is just like man. You look at the creations of man and see the same thing in the creations of God. You have made God and man equal in your comparison.
(2) You keep beating that entropy horse saying there is no evidence of self-organizing systems, yet you are surrounded by them. The chaos of the movement of physical matter is self-organizing, but if you say that the solar system was organized by "God", you have made your God=chaos.
(3) LIFE is self-replicating, self-perpatuating systems. When you see ANYTHING alive, you are litterally seeing a system that self-perpetuates, that violates your "law of entropy" (a law that you don't undersand, probably because you learned about it from other Christians that share a complete misunderstanding of how entropy works in order to rationalize their irraional beliefs).
Those are just a few of your several thought errors in this video. With all the times I've seen you proudly mock bad motorcycle advice, I wonder if you can handle the idea that your life/religion advice is as bad as the "common sense" motorcycle advice that frustrates you.
Now I'm going to have to check and double check all the advice I've received from you because I know you're not a critical thinker, that you choose to be swayed by peer pressure and tradition, over doing what's right.
I will pray for you.
@@MCrider I'm okay.
I am sorry sir, but you clearly do not understand the parameters of the laws of thermodynamics. And if complex things were "designed" it must surely be done by something more complex again so exactly who designed the creator (the problem of infinite regression)? The same scientific methods of inquiry that brought us our understanding of the universe and our place in it also allowed us to design and build motorcycles but you selectively reject those aspects that are counter to your "faith". But enough of this theological discussion. I am interested in watching channels about motorcycles, not sky fairies. Time to move on to other content. Unsubscribe.
Wow! Praise God for this, and praise God for you my brother. It is so simple that anyone who wishes to know the truth should. Unfortunately, John 3:19 is still true - “And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil”
Most excellent! Love the channel and appreciate your help. I'm a new rider this year and your channel has been encouraging and educational but this one is my favorite ! All praise to the Creator!!!
To all of you believers, I have only one question to ask: where is God when our children die?
I didn't come to this channel to listen to anything about God or Religion ... That is totally off base... This is a UA-cam channel about safe Motorcycle riding... not a church... You have taught me a lot about riding but I am not a Christian and never will be... and I resent being preached to...
Thank you for such a simple explanation. Enjoy your videos, but this one is definitely one of my favorites.
I’m probably gonna get much backlash, but:
• There are three laws of thermodynamics (plus another two if you want to get into the minutiae). Focusing on just the second law is slightly disingenuous.
• Your body depends on entropy to grow (your stomach dissolves large things into smaller things to feed your body (cells) which allow your cells to grow and multiply) thus making you grow bigger (the opposite of entropy).
And also: read numbers 31 - it explicitly describes Moses plundering and pillaging the Midianites - killing everyone except the virgin women (to be “taken” by the victors), then burning everything. That sounds awful - and it’s in the Bible, specifically directed by the Lord. I just don’t get it? Anyone want to help me understand?
No thanks, don’t care
Thank You for sharing Your Faith may the Lord Richly Bless You
The more I ride my bike, the more I get closer to the Lord because I gotta have Him to ride my bike
I’ve loved the MCrider videos, but this one is so depressing. Not just for its content, but even more so for the number of like-minded, no doubt well-meaning, but ultimately self-deluded people commenting favourably on it. I really thought that in the 21st century mankind would have grown out of the myth that is religion. Oh well.
Awesome way of putting things into perspective. The hope alone that we have far exceeds any "theories " that have ever been or ever will be told. GOD bless you in all your endeavors brother .This is not only safe rider instruction, but also life instruction.
I completely understand and agree with your point, but don’t forget to do it in a way that reflects a Christian conduct. With deep respect . 1Peter 3:15
This garbage made me unsubscribe. Good bye.
As much as I like your channel, I can't agree on this topic. God is a human invention
Hi Pawel, you might find this video interesting.
Thanks for watching,
I won't lie, when it ended I couldn't help but thinking "this video is SO American".
Jokes aside, there are _so many_ things painfully wrong in your argument, but I guess everyone has his or her own area of expertise! This isn't mine either, but it had been taught well to me. I've had good and passioned teachers at uni in history of evolutional theory (and they were Catholic!), better than Jesus at least on these matters! I respect your opinion, but the way we evolved from hominids is not really an opinion in the scientific community.. so I don't share it at all. I'll keep on watching your great content regarding motorcycling techniques!
Teachers have two teach evolution bee cause day wheel bee fired if day don't. Scientist inn schools are own a pay roll,So day have two teach de agenda of de pea pole pay yin dim. It does ant matter what day bee leave,day have two dew their job. If some one pays a scientist two find evidence four evolution,but bring dim evidence four create Shawn,day wheel bee fired.
Pea pole bee leave scientist dew what day won't and bring truth two de pea pole,but that's Knott true. Own Lee scientist off de pay roll are loud two dew that,but most of dim are own some ones pay roll.
Mini thinks wrong width hisses are grew mints? Eye no were you'll go wing width diss.
Motorcycles don't have bay bees, but that are grew mint makes it worse four evolutionist. Self replication is a Hong dread times Moore complicated than a motorcycle. That's like bee leave van a factory that makes motorcycles randomly made it's self. A motorcycle roll Lin down a hill has a better chance of turning two a different motorcycle than nature random Lee create ting a factory that makes motorcycles.
Diss man is write a bot entropy.
Entropy is de cause of de varieties inn any moles,Knott evolution.
Example- isle dog breeds de send from wolves,but witch dog breed has buy de parts ore features wolves don't have? De an sir is none bee cause de changes inn any moles comes from entropy.
You ken breed a group of wolves inn two Chihuahuas buy losing features/entropy,but you Kent breed a group of Chihuahuas back two wolves bee cause that genetic information is gone four ever. Entropy diss prove evolution.
What a great story. It wouldn't have been complete without mentioning the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Thank you for not leaving that out.
Kevin, I have a lot of respect for you and I have learned a ton from your videos. But I do not tune into your channel to be preached to. Not everybody believes the same way you do. Stick to motorcycles.
I saw 2 motorcycles in that video. :)