Please keep in mind, if you’re running a webcam and a screen and usb hub, powering it thru 5V pin from the printer board, may be too much current for the printer mainboards regulator.
This board almost perfect. Except you can't buy one. Almost all of international shipping online stores - either have it out of stock, or pricing it at $40+ instead of $15.
my "Local" pi shop has 784 in stock (according to their website). They are selling it at a higher price (18 euros) though. I don't know where you live but you may be able to check if there are any official local pi resellers
@@nickyotto349 very well. I have no complaints at all. Watching three of my prints in the other room right now. I have 14 printers, and all have Pi 4s or Pi Zero 2s attached. Some running Octoprint for my Marlin printers, and some running Klipper and Mainsail.
@@nickyotto349 honestly, I feel that Mainsail is much lighter weight than Octoprint, but Octoprint has those great plug-ins, especially Octolapse. That's the only thing I miss. But Klipper allows making changes to the printer settings on the fly without having to recompile, and i really like that. Plus, I do notice increased print quality. But that comes at the cost of complexity. All said, I think everyone should try it out for themselves. You can always go back to Marlin if it doesn't benefit you. But I have most of my farm migrated to Klipper, and it's running flawlessly so far. As I lose money if it has a hiccup, reliability and dependability mean a lot to me.
I bought two for 32 Euros on launch day here in Portugal with physical store pickup (Mauser). One is running Klipper+Mainsail, the other Marlin+Octoprint. They run great, not much of a difference to my single Pi3B+, to be honest. Only my Pi4's are noticeably faster, as expected.
if I am using the pi zero w 2 powered by the gpio pins from one of your videos. I am having a issue with it connecting to the printer. I am thinking it has to do with the MCU and serial usb connection thing. being how now I am using gpio so no usb address. or am I not looking at this corectly. I had this running with a pi4 but I can't get it to connect with the zero2.
We have at least 1 report of fragging of BTT SKR MINI E3 V2 using this method (issue 665 on BTT github site, search on "dead" or "kilpper" (sic)). Do we know what current you can draw on the "serial" pins? Is the RPI Zero 2 W just the wrong too power hungry?
My neck of the woods a Pi 3b + is close to 120 USD so even when factoring all the extra stuff you need to run a Pi 0 2 W it does not even come close to the more expensive option.
So I can take a flash card with the installed system with the raspberry pi zero, put in the raspberry pi zero 2 and will it work from the box? Or need reinstall firmware?
I just bought on for a used Monoprice Mini V3 that i got for cheap, and im going to install it with a picam and another board in it. Then i will klipperize it and see how fast it can go. Thanks for that great review. That helped with the buying decision.
Would the zero or a 2b pi work well as a secondary MCU to control accessories? Such as input shaping, LED lights, temp probes, and in the future heated enclosure control.
I´m a little stuck regarding the PWR connection of the Pi. Many use a Buck converter, but I would like to directly connect it to the SKR mini E3 V2.0 board i have. There are at least two 5V pins. One is from the actual Display (which may not be used anymore) and the other one on SPI, but nowhere on the web I can find an answer to weather i can use these pins to power a RPi Zero or 3 A+ or not. I need 2.4A output.. But not even BTT specifies that information. Can anyone help?
Thanks for the testing and for answering all these questions most of would ask before buying. Update: It's already out of stock everywhere here in Sweden :(
Its not something ive really dived into before (as its not really that big a deal with klipper) but it converts all those short straight movements slices spit out to generate curves into true arc gcode movements
Did you have any issues installing clipper onto it? I got up to the point when I have to install the USB USB and when i SSH into the pi it says that there is no such directory..
Fantastic content. Have you seen the video about running Octoprint off an old android phone? That covers screen and camera in a neat package. Yes it's not low powered or discreet but it is a good camera (depending on the phone used). Great video. Keep up the good work.
Yes I have, its great to use old hardware, but as you said, bit more power draw and the phone itself would need to be mounted in a position to use it as a webcam which wont always be possible/practical
You can run klipper + fluid - klipperScreen on your old phone (rooted), so rpi not needed. Not really flexible but it's fun and 'cheap' way to re-purpose an old phone.
Thanks for another great video. You say it runs all these no problem. What happens if you throw an hdmi display and a camera on mainsail? Could it handle it or is there a display type that works on Klipper screen that’s less taxing?
You do great videos. Super informative and right on the point. Keep it up. Thank you for your support for the community. I'm thinking of using Klipper on my ender 3 v2. Before I try it I have couple questions. 1. After I flash Klipper on my Ender, if I don't like it can I flash back to Marlin? 2. I'm planning on adding a dual z stepper motors. Does Klipper support Z align function? If it does what mainboard do you recommend I should buy with at least 5 stepper drivers for the ender 3 v2? I'm a little net to tinkering 3D printers. If you could help I would greatly appreciate it.
If the Pi is getting power from the printer board, doesn't it possibly corrupt the sd card when the printer is turned off without shutting the Pi down properly?
Always a possibility, but you can shutdown the RPI through the web interface first to be safe. And while a hard shutdown does lead to possible corruption of the SD card, ive yet to have that happen in that past 3 years with mulitple printers YMMV
I can find desktop PC's here in romania that are cheaper than raspberry pi zero 2. The scalpers or whatever, done a great job at boosting the price of a RPI zero 2 at more than 100 euros....
For a beginner would you recommend octoprint or klipper? Does klipper require a log in like octoprint? My primary goal is just wireless capability, I have far too many accounts as is and I find it extremely unfortunate that octoprint will not operate with out a login even on a local network. I understand the cases where you want to access your printer at work or on vacation, however I am just looking to get away from usb and sd for a cleaner more streamlined experience. Is klipper the solution I am looking for? Thanks in advance!
Itd be cool for someone to make a hat with extra usb ports and screen ribbon cable port. It'd keep the footprint small. Have ribbon on the hat for the hdmi port make that work for the screen ribbon port and a ribbon mini USB to make it compact
Thanks Nero! What mainboard board did you test powering the pi from 5V? I'm going to try powering it from 5V on a MKS Robin Nano V2 board. I see the pi's max current draw under load is 500mA. My quick review of the 5V step down chip in the MKS shows it can handle 3A. But I have no idea if any other components in the step down circuitry need to be spec'd to handle higher current.
@@CanuckCreator thanks for the reply! I got it last night. Had to increase SWAP and then it took right away. Pi Zero 2 running Fluidd. Need to finalize my connections yet but should be good! Your guide was wonderful!
Actually I already used the original Pi Zero on my Prusa mk3s+ - without cam of course. The mk3 had an internal port for the Pi zero sice it was released. So the Pi Zero 2 is a great upgrade, as you now can just swap out the Pi Z, insert Pi Z 2, connect a Pi camera and can install Klipper (with Input shaper). So it is a great upgrade for a very low price. On the other hand, with spring steel management, filament autoload and optional MMU2 support on the mk3s+ I am still not totaly sure how to keep this features with Klipper, so I might only try it on one of my 4 Prusas now. I would realy like a video how to do this features (esp. Filament Autoload and MMU2) on Klipper. But I am quite sure someone will do an ready to use Image for the mk3s soon anyway. It is a very common printer and mostly used stock (or with Bondtech upgrade, or as Bear or Zarribo), so not to many variations ot there. The zero 2 might make Klipper beginner friendly for users not wanting to tinker with their Prusa but simply use them to print, as a Klipper upgrade can be plug and play on theese maschines.
I'm using a Pi zero w also on my Ender 3 Pro with a Camera and USB hat. Works like a boss. No extra garbage on the plug in front ,USB cam is working. I got some vids on my channel of it . ;-p
The thing is, why modified something that work great (prusa), give yourself a new challenge and build a printer, it is a lot of fun and you will learn so much
Yup, i use the UART connection on most boards (5v gnd, tx rx) for power and communication I have a video on my channel for this setup
I've really had great success with the PiZero2 running octoprint. But keep in mind that the pi will struggle to stream 1080p video (tested with Picam V1.3, 2.0 and Camera Model B rev 2.0), even if you overclock the GPU to 600Mhz, while my Pi4 has no problem doing so. I don't think this is a large downside since the picams have the larges Fov at around 720p, but you need to consider this so you wont be disappointed.
“Make sure you like that smash button”. Man, I gotta use that one. :)
Hahaha 8 was laughing too... Only came to read the comments because of that LOL
Hey I like your vids. You should do a clean install of the pi zero 2 into a voxelab Aquila.
@@rp479 Thanks! I've had one up for a couple weeks. :)
My Pi Zero 2 is running Klipper + fluidd connected to an Ender 3 V2. Doesn't get much better IMO. Great setup.
Do you use USB Web cam ? I can't use USB Web cam, the pi Zero 2 often freezes.
@@Nuttavoot Not using any camera, so don't have experience. Sorry
Glad I managed to grab one before my local supplier was out.
Please keep in mind, if you’re running a webcam and a screen and usb hub, powering it thru 5V pin from the printer board, may be too much current for the printer mainboards regulator.
laughs in 5V8A regulator on the octopus
Great update
Good points
And a great little RPI :-)
Thanks for sharing your experiences with all of us :-)
Just ordered one to convert one of my printers to Klipper. Thanks Nero.
Just used one to convert my Ender 3 to Klipper, and will definitely use one on the legacy I'm building!!
Do you use the USB or UART connection?
@@Spelter I use USB, couldn't get the UART connection to work and had an adapter at hand
What board are you running? I have a pro with a 4.2.2. Would love to get klipper running on that.
@@joewozniak2231 I have an SKR mini E3 V2.0 (that I just bricked by shorting the thermistor...)
I installed klipper on my pi zero 2 literally yesterday, still tuning it lol
This board almost perfect. Except you can't buy one. Almost all of international shipping online stores - either have it out of stock, or pricing it at $40+ instead of $15.
my "Local" pi shop has 784 in stock (according to their website). They are selling it at a higher price (18 euros) though. I don't know where you live but you may be able to check if there are any official local pi resellers
I lucked out and found 2 yesterday. I'm going to use one for Klipper on my heavily modified Ender 3 V2.
How did it work out? im trying to push mine to it's limits
@@nickyotto349 very well. I have no complaints at all. Watching three of my prints in the other room right now. I have 14 printers, and all have Pi 4s or Pi Zero 2s attached. Some running Octoprint for my Marlin printers, and some running Klipper and Mainsail.
@@MakerMeraki Sounds good, do you think klipper is worth it on an ender 3v2, or is it more for the high speed printers?
@@nickyotto349 honestly, I feel that Mainsail is much lighter weight than Octoprint, but Octoprint has those great plug-ins, especially Octolapse. That's the only thing I miss. But Klipper allows making changes to the printer settings on the fly without having to recompile, and i really like that. Plus, I do notice increased print quality. But that comes at the cost of complexity.
All said, I think everyone should try it out for themselves. You can always go back to Marlin if it doesn't benefit you. But I have most of my farm migrated to Klipper, and it's running flawlessly so far. As I lose money if it has a hiccup, reliability and dependability mean a lot to me.
@@MakerMeraki thanl you for taking time to respond, i'll definetly try klipper once i can get an pi for an resonable price
I bought one for my future V0 build. Can not wait to try it! It will be quite the upgrade from my old JGAURORA A3 I guess 😁
I literally just finished putting mainsail and klipper on the rasp pi zero 2 through uart last night
I love the sketchy ERCF filament feeder patch behind you.
It's the NNFF (Nero's Nest Filament Feeder) 😉
If it works, it works
Nice:) I'll be sticking with my Pi4.
With octoprint have problem with precompilation config file , serial number always error
Just looking for a cheaper alternative to run klipper. THANKS
I bought two for 32 Euros on launch day here in Portugal with physical store pickup (Mauser). One is running Klipper+Mainsail, the other Marlin+Octoprint. They run great, not much of a difference to my single Pi3B+, to be honest.
Only my Pi4's are noticeably faster, as expected.
i'm probably gonna try it with an ender 3 s1 lol
the stock firmware is ok but has some quirks, like doing filament changes for multicolored prints
Good info. Great tech application analysis. Always a fan. May need to get a few of these.
if I am using the pi zero w 2 powered by the gpio pins from one of your videos. I am having a issue with it connecting to the printer. I am thinking it has to do with the MCU and serial usb connection thing. being how now I am using gpio so no usb address. or am I not looking at this corectly. I had this running with a pi4 but I can't get it to connect with the zero2.
Does anyone has experience with klipperscreen on a zero 2 w? Can it run flawless?
Using a raspberry Pi cam as a webcam, then use an endoscope cam on the free USB micro port
Hey. Someone connected rpi zero 2w with skr mini e3 v3.0 via uart? No communication between mainsail and kipper.
We have at least 1 report of fragging of BTT SKR MINI E3 V2 using this method (issue 665 on BTT github site, search on "dead" or "kilpper" (sic)). Do we know what current you can draw on the "serial" pins? Is the RPI Zero 2 W just the wrong too power hungry?
My neck of the woods a Pi 3b + is close to 120 USD so even when factoring all the extra stuff you need to run a Pi 0 2 W it does not even come close to the more expensive option.
I'm seeing them on ebay for 50ish dollars, still pretty expensive considering what it should cost.
@@creamofbotulismsoup9900 I refuse to purchase them at above MSRP. It's just not worth it and eventually you'll find one at the right price.
So I can take a flash card with the installed system with the raspberry pi zero, put in the raspberry pi zero 2 and will it work from the box? Or need reinstall firmware?
Is it possible to connect an MKS Gen L v1 trhough UART mode to the raspberry?
I like it and have one that I plan on using it with a Hyperpixel 4 with klipperscreen soon. I just need to design the case for it now
Defo be dope for a bonsai build!
I just bought on for a used Monoprice Mini V3 that i got for cheap, and im going to install it with a picam and another board in it. Then i will klipperize it and see how fast it can go. Thanks for that great review. That helped with the buying decision.
Would the zero or a 2b pi work well as a secondary MCU to control accessories? Such as input shaping, LED lights, temp probes, and in the future heated enclosure control.
I will be getting one to use on a DIY prusa mini that i wanted to klipperize anyways :)
I´m a little stuck regarding the PWR connection of the Pi.
Many use a Buck converter, but I would like to directly connect it to the SKR mini E3 V2.0 board i have.
There are at least two 5V pins. One is from the actual Display (which may not be used anymore) and the other one on SPI, but nowhere on the web I can find an answer to weather i can use these pins to power a RPi Zero or 3 A+ or not. I need 2.4A output.. But not even BTT specifies that information.
Can anyone help?
Thanks for the testing and for answering all these questions most of would ask before buying.
Update: It's already out of stock everywhere here in Sweden :(
I have an 8 year-old full size RPI 2 model B, laying around. Do you think that will still work with the setup?
Cool stuff. Your arms are all over the place.
is there a good video explaining arc welder?
Its not something ive really dived into before (as its not really that big a deal with klipper) but it converts all those short straight movements slices spit out to generate curves into true arc gcode movements
I will use it for my V0 build. You power up and get your serial connetion over the pin header? Is there some dokumentation how to do this?
i have a video on my channel for using a vzero over uart, process is the same with pi zero 2
Can someone explain what the "input shaper" is or link to it please?
Did you have any issues installing clipper onto it? I got up to the point when I have to install the USB USB and when i SSH into the pi it says that there is no such directory..
Fantastic content. Have you seen the video about running Octoprint off an old android phone? That covers screen and camera in a neat package. Yes it's not low powered or discreet but it is a good camera (depending on the phone used).
Great video. Keep up the good work.
Yes I have, its great to use old hardware, but as you said, bit more power draw and the phone itself would need to be mounted in a position to use it as a webcam which wont always be possible/practical
You can run klipper + fluid - klipperScreen on your old phone (rooted), so rpi not needed. Not really flexible but it's fun and 'cheap' way to re-purpose an old phone.
Thanks for another great video. You say it runs all these no problem. What happens if you throw an hdmi display and a camera on mainsail? Could it handle it or is there a display type that works on Klipper screen that’s less taxing?
Snagged 2 from digikey nov 10 hope to try out on my v0.1 build
You do great videos. Super informative and right on the point. Keep it up. Thank you for your support for the community.
I'm thinking of using Klipper on my ender 3 v2. Before I try it I have couple questions.
1. After I flash Klipper on my Ender, if I don't like it can I flash back to Marlin?
2. I'm planning on adding a dual z stepper motors. Does Klipper support Z align function? If it does what mainboard do you recommend I should buy with at least 5 stepper drivers for the ender 3 v2?
I'm a little net to tinkering 3D printers. If you could help I would greatly appreciate it.
Can you use an ice tower with this It might help with the cores getting taxed?
Does it have enough capacity for a 7 "touch and printer with a clipper and a cam?
If the Pi is getting power from the printer board, doesn't it possibly corrupt the sd card when the printer is turned off without shutting the Pi down properly?
Always a possibility, but you can shutdown the RPI through the web interface first to be safe.
And while a hard shutdown does lead to possible corruption of the SD card, ive yet to have that happen in that past 3 years with mulitple printers
$60 here in Australia. I paid $90 for my pi4.
I can find desktop PC's here in romania that are cheaper than raspberry pi zero 2. The scalpers or whatever, done a great job at boosting the price of a RPI zero 2 at more than 100 euros....
For a beginner would you recommend octoprint or klipper? Does klipper require a log in like octoprint? My primary goal is just wireless capability, I have far too many accounts as is and I find it extremely unfortunate that octoprint will not operate with out a login even on a local network. I understand the cases where you want to access your printer at work or on vacation, however I am just looking to get away from usb and sd for a cleaner more streamlined experience. Is klipper the solution I am looking for? Thanks in advance!
Itd be cool for someone to make a hat with extra usb ports and screen ribbon cable port. It'd keep the footprint small. Have ribbon on the hat for the hdmi port make that work for the screen ribbon port and a ribbon mini USB to make it compact
Psychic Nero!
Thanks Nero! What mainboard board did you test powering the pi from 5V?
I'm going to try powering it from 5V on a MKS Robin Nano V2 board. I see the pi's max current draw under load is 500mA. My quick review of the 5V step down chip in the MKS shows it can handle 3A. But I have no idea if any other components in the step down circuitry need to be spec'd to handle higher current.
im using an SKR mini e3 in the video. Most boards should be able to handle the draw just fine.
@@CanuckCreator Great. I had a look at the schematic for the SKR Mini E3 V2. It uses the same step-down chip as the MKS (MP1584EN). SWEET!
Did you have any issues getting Numpy installed on your Pi Zero 2?
The recent release of mainsail OS has it already installed as well so its even easier
@@CanuckCreator thanks for the reply! I got it last night. Had to increase SWAP and then it took right away. Pi Zero 2 running Fluidd. Need to finalize my connections yet but should be good! Your guide was wonderful!
Would you power a Pi Zero 2 off of an SKR 1.3?
No, but you can power it with a buck converter off the 24v supply, that's what I did
Im powering mine just fine off the 5v pin on the UART pinout on an SKR mini just fine
Actually I already used the original Pi Zero on my Prusa mk3s+ - without cam of course. The mk3 had an internal port for the Pi zero sice it was released. So the Pi Zero 2 is a great upgrade, as you now can just swap out the Pi Z, insert Pi Z 2, connect a Pi camera and can install Klipper (with Input shaper). So it is a great upgrade for a very low price. On the other hand, with spring steel management, filament autoload and optional MMU2 support on the mk3s+ I am still not totaly sure how to keep this features with Klipper, so I might only try it on one of my 4 Prusas now. I would realy like a video how to do this features (esp. Filament Autoload and MMU2) on Klipper. But I am quite sure someone will do an ready to use Image for the mk3s soon anyway. It is a very common printer and mostly used stock (or with Bondtech upgrade, or as Bear or Zarribo), so not to many variations ot there. The zero 2 might make Klipper beginner friendly for users not wanting to tinker with their Prusa but simply use them to print, as a Klipper upgrade can be plug and play on theese maschines.
I'm using a Pi zero w also on my Ender 3 Pro with a Camera and USB hat. Works like a boss. No extra garbage on the plug in front ,USB cam is working. I got some vids on my channel of it . ;-p
The thing is, why modified something that work great (prusa), give yourself a new challenge and build a printer, it is a lot of fun and you will learn so much
lol i bought 2 of em while watching this video!
where can we buy this tho?
Nice vid. Thanks. 2 questions: 1. Would this be better for the V0.1? And 2. "To like that smash button"? Hehe
if they werent being resold for $90 i would get one
current price on amazon is 120$ 😞
What do you mean by "unfortunately, I live in Canada", eh?
His mustache looks like a pair of angel wings
Can the pi zero 2 be powered through gpio?
Yup, i use the UART connection on most boards (5v gnd, tx rx) for power and communication
I have a video on my channel for this setup
Got one shipped for 24€, I'll use it to remove my 4 from the printer and use it for something else
Wish it had 1GB. Micro SD cards fail after so many read/writes. More ram means more caching and less IO and will go easier on the SD card.
apparently this is supposed to be a $15 board, right? It is $77 on amazon ;-;
Welcome to the Chip shortage
Pi Zero 2W... built in wifi... what is not to love!
usb gpio hat + waveshare hat gpio screen - and you got screen and many usb's.
ive tested along side the other rpis the w2 sucks; get an rpi4 or 400
Raspberry Pi shipping costs are absurd in today's free, fast shipping climate.
I've really had great success with the PiZero2 running octoprint. But keep in mind that the pi will struggle to stream 1080p video (tested with Picam V1.3, 2.0 and Camera Model B rev 2.0), even if you overclock the GPU to 600Mhz, while my Pi4 has no problem doing so.
I don't think this is a large downside since the picams have the larges Fov at around 720p, but you need to consider this so you wont be disappointed.
What’s a smash button and how does one “like it”? Sounds kinky
Problem is buying a Raspberry Pi these days.
Rip. Last Pi's have been purchased
$60 here in Australia. I paid $90 for my pi4.