It is a Ferrari Wine Bottle Tree with the Sanitizer Injector for red bottle tree. You can get it from more or other wine supply websites.
I bought it from my local home wine making store but you can order it from Ferrari Wine Bottle Tree with the Sanitizer Injector for red bottle tree
Yess I agree
What is that rack called and where do I order it?
It is a Ferrari Wine Bottle Tree with the Sanitizer Injector for red bottle tree. You can get it from more or other wine supply websites.
Where can I get that auto syphon
I bought it from my local home wine making store but you can order it from Ferrari Wine Bottle Tree with the Sanitizer Injector for red bottle tree
What's the injector the auto-siphon is hooked into?
Nothing, it sites in the collection bowl and the sulfite solution is recycled. The injector is easily lifted out if desired.